• Published 26th Jan 2017
  • 25,743 Views, 1,964 Comments

Secret of Flying - Hiver

Flying is a lot like life. Keep beating your wings and hope not to hit something at terminal velocity. Being an Alicorn don’t make it any easier.

  • ...

Chapter 24

“Well? What do you think?” I asked Luna as I lounged on a cloud high over the now long lost town that surrounded what used to be the Castle of the Two Sisters, in what was now the Everfree Forest.

She lifted her head from my chest with a smile. “I think it’s a great idea, Page. Twilight will love it.”

“Hope so,” I agreed and sighed. “I do owe her a lot for teaching me how to fly… and for letting us stay at her place. Besides, I think she’ll like it.”

Luna smiled and relaxed again. “Mmm.”

I put my forelegs around her and sighed, closing my eyes. I just wish we weren’t in a dream right now. Better than nothing, but I really missed her in the real world.

I didn’t even get a chance to give her that gift.

“How’s things with the griffons?” I finally asked, causing Luna to sigh. “That bad?” I then added and opened my eyes to look at her.

She flicked her ears and shrugged her wings. “No… In all honesty not. If nothing else, they remind me of a simpler time, long ago,” she mused before she smiled at me. “I suspect you would enjoy this quite a lot, my Page.”


Luna nodded and shifted off me to tap her hoof against the cloud and I felt the dream shift as she poured her will and magic into it.

With more experience now, I could feel it. I could feel the effort she put into it and the magic flowing. She worked a lot harder to make changes than I needed to. Which made the fact that she could still overpower me anytime all the more impressive.

I glanced at her as I rolled onto my stomach with a smile. My Goddess.

The hole in the cloud spread to reveal a city below, centered around a grand pyramid with a number of terraces on it.

Honestly, it was all rather impressive.

“Nice,” I commented. “Is the scale wrong or is that larger than the Royal Palace?”

“It is,” Luna confirmed with a nod as she settled her wing over my back. “They worked for generations to build it. It’s the Palace, that’s where the new King will take residence.”

Nodding I frowned in thought. “Luna… I have not thought about it before, but why do I only see dreams of ponies? Not griffons or dragons?”

“Because ponies come naturally,” she answered and nipped at my ear tip with a smile. “The other races take work to reach. Once you are ready, I’ll teach you how.”

That made sense, I suppose.

“So how do they elect their ruler? You said it was some kind of Game?”

“The Great Game,” Luna agreed. “Made up of politics, economy, personal power, contacts, allies, alliances… tactics, strategy and even personal combat.”

I slowly nodded. “How does that work?”

Luna shifted her wings a bit. “Different challenges advance or make their piece fall back on the board, depending on their performance. It’s all rather complex. But the result is that in the end, there will only be one winner and he or she will rule.”

She was right, that sounded really complex. But if they got it to work, it might even be better than democracy in theory. In theory at least, it would let the best possible griffon become their new leader.

But only in theory. In theory a lot of systems sounded good, the real test was to have them work in practice. What do I know though, sounded like it works for them?

“Ah,” I said and looked down at the city before I eyed Luna. “So that’s the real reason.”

“What do you mean?” she asked with a frown.

I smirked. “Oh, the reason I was unable to come. The distance to the airship was just an excuse, wasn’t it?”

Luna tilted her head. “Page, what do you mean?”

“You were afraid I would join the game and become king of the griffons, weren’t you?” I asked with a grin. “King Page. I would then conquer Equestria! I would steal ALL the cakes and The Royal Sisters would be mine! MuhahahEEEP!”

“Silly Page,” Luna giggled and let go of my ear. “You would hate being King.”

“…Hmm, true. I suppose Equestira is safe,” I answered and flicked my ear with a smirk. “For now.”

“For now, hmm?” Luna asked with a smile as she eyed me. “You and what army? I would have you know I could defeat you on the field of battle.”

“I have a lot of fans. I’m sure rabid fanmares would be quite effective against the Royal Guard.”

Luna and I looked at each other for a long moment before breaking down laughing.

As we slowly calmed down, I grinned and leaned against her side with a grin, before I sighed and raised my head to nuzzle at her chin. “…Miss you.”

Luna smiled softly and sighed, nuzzling back before giving me a soft kiss. “I miss you too, my Page. I wish you were here.”

“Yeah. Me too.”

Holding me a bit tighter with her wing, I relaxed against her, looking down at the city below. “…Are you having fun at least?”

“Somewhat,” Luna admitted. “I have to admit that it’s nice to have a change from my normal duties for a while.”

I nodded. “Good. You deserve a break.”

Smiling, Luna kissed my cheek. “It’s nice. Getting to be morning though.”

“Yeah… I can feel it too,” I sighed and then got up to kiss her properly. “Good morning, my Sky.”

“Good morning, Page,” Luna murmured back before the world dissolved into nothing and I opened my eyes to see Celestia’s sun rise above the horizon.

Wonder if I can get Celestia to sleep in sometime? Bribes maybe?

Ugh. Too early.

Sighing, I rolled over and pulled the covers over my head. Stupid sun.