• Published 26th Jan 2017
  • 25,738 Views, 1,964 Comments

Secret of Flying - Hiver

Flying is a lot like life. Keep beating your wings and hope not to hit something at terminal velocity. Being an Alicorn don’t make it any easier.

  • ...

Chapter 6

I almost groaned as I walked back into the library. Why did I think that spending the day at a farm after yesterday was a good idea?

I liked Applejack, she turned out to be fun to talk to. But I couldn't just walk along and talk to her as she worked, it would make me feel like a giant lazy jerk. I blame a good upbringing.

So, I did my best to help out.

Alicorn or not, big fucking mistake. I thought I was in decent shape. I was just plain fucking wrong. Trying to keep up with a well-trained earth pony was a horribly bad idea. Especially with how I felt since yesterday.

My everything ached. I didn't even want to 'think' about how I would feel tomorrow. I have no idea where Amber went either, she just disappeared about an hour in, but I wasn't worried. Skitter used to do the same. I think it was a changeling thing.

Sunset Shimmer looked up from where she was lying on the couch next to Twilight, a book floating in front of them as she blinked at me, “What happened to you?”

“Apples,” I answered and shook a leaf out of my mane before clarifying at her raised eyebrow. “I met Applejack and somehow I ended up learning applebucking.”

Twilight grinned at that, “How was it?”

“... A lot harder than she made it look,” I admitted and sat down, dropping the illusion around my wings so I could stretch them with a groan. Oh, that felt good. One drawback to the illusion... I couldn't stretch, it only worked when my wings were against my sides.

Even worse, there was an...

“So where did you two end up?” I asked and turned my head, nosing along my wing. Where were you... you have been bothering me almost all day!

“We... ah... well, fell asleep out by the telescope on the hill,” Twilight answered after a second as I found the errant feather. “It... got sort of late.”

“Ah yeah,” I said and gripped it with my teeth, giving a slight pull to check. It easily plucked loose without any real resistance and I let go, grabbing it in my magic as I stretched my wings once before folding them again. “There. So much better,” I said as I looked up at the feather before burning it to ash. “So what did you see...” I started to ask as I turned back to the girls only to find them looking at me, Twilight's wings held high.

I glanced up at the ash in my magic field. “Ah. Sorry, I'll throw it away outside. I just don't like having parts of me lying around.”

“...It's fine,” Twilight answered quickly and jumped off the couch. “I'm going to go take a shower, then how about we find some dinner? Spike is over at Rarity's so I was thinking we can find some hayburgers?”

“Sure,” Sunset agreed and took over holding the book as Twilight left up the stairs. As soon as the other alicorn was out of sight, she smirked at me before returning to the book.

I just raised my eyebrow at her, “What?”

She just grinned.


Sunset snorted, “Oh nothing. We were just admiring the way you preened your feathers.”


“...Sunset? Did I do something.... You know...”

She grinned and shook her head, “No, not really. Maybe not something to do in public, but among friends it's perfectly fine. But you do know that you really should read up on that some more, monkey boy. Sooner or later you will screw up if you don't.”

“I'll make a note of it,” I grumbled and shrugged my wings before I frowned at her. “So what was all that about?”

“Well, you do have a rather nice looking wingspan,” she teased with a grin. “I'm a unicorn and even I appreciate it.”

I facehooved, “Sunset...”


Sighing I shook my head, walking over to jump onto the couch next to her, “So... fell asleep watching the stars, huh?”


I smirked at her, “Sounds almost romantic. Just you, Twilight, the stars... all night. A bit chilly, lying beneath her wing for warmth...”

The inside of her ears started to slowly turn red, “Nothing like that.”

“You wanted it to,” I teased. “You know... I think you may have a thing for alicorns.”

“I don't. Now shut it.”

I nodded. “Sure you don't. Of course, your pool is rather limited... There is basically Twilight and Celestia right now,” I said as I watched the glaring and steadily reddening Sunset with a smirk. “Luna is mine. Go find your own Princess.”

If looks could kill, the wall behind me would have a big hole in it. Sunset suddenly dropped her glare with a smirk, “Maybe I should tell her you said that.”

I just snorted, “You do that.”

Sunset shrugged one shoulder, her smirk deepening, “Of course, you should consider your own position.”

“What?” I asked with a frown.

“By my count, there are four alicorn females and one male. So, if they want a stallion that won't die on them... there are not that many choices around.”

I shook my head, “Not happening. I'm with Luna.”

“Now yes. But in a thousand years?” she asked and leaned closer with a grin. “I'll give it a hundred years, maybe two before you wake up with a different alicorn beneath your other wing. Maybe even Princess Celestia?” she whispered. “Or would Twilight be more your style?”

As if on cue, Twilight trotted down the stairs. “Much better. Ready to go?”

Damn it, Twilight! Now I can't even answer properly!

I stared at her for a moment before I shook my head, shooting Sunset a glare, “Need to shower too. I'm covered in dirt.”

“Well, hurry up. I'm hungry.”

I firmly ignored Sunset and her grin as I made my way up the stairs. Well, I'll get my revenge. Dueling training tomorrow. I'm thinking Sunset running laps would do wonders for morale.

My morale that is.