• Published 2nd Feb 2017
  • 5,137 Views, 892 Comments

Prickle Berry Tries to Be Careful - David Silver

Prickle didn't ask to become so strong, but it just happened. Now, as a growing foal, she's mightier than many grown stallions. What's an earth-filly to do? She tries her best to move forward and not draw attention to her supernatural strength.

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44 - End Episode 11 - Cheering For You

Immovable rose higher and higher into the sky, doing slow circles to get a view of things. She might not have been an ideal pegasus, but a pegasus she remained. Getting a bird's eye view came naturally enough. Another pony came flying past her and Immovable waved a hoof frantically. Despite not being in their way, she managed to stop them. She still had it.

The faintly pink mare turned back to Immovable, green and cerise striped mane bobbing with the motions of her hovering. "Hey, uh... Who are you again?"

Immovable snorted softly. "Tiny Titan's sidekick, Immovable?"

"Oh yeah!" She smiled brightly. "Nice to meetcha." She extended a wing, the other apparently able to keep her aloft long enough for a shake. "I'm Blossomforth. What's up?"

"I'm looking for Rainbow Dash, have you seen her?" Immovable's head panned around. Blossomforth's hooves came in from either side and redirected Immovable's head to look towards a cloud. There were pegasi coming and going all around it.

She let go of Immovable's head and nodded. "Rogue cloud from the Everfree. Rainbow and the others are working on getting rid of it. If you're not helping, you should probably stay out of their way. I should get going though. Have a good one!"

As Blossomforth dashed away in a zip of wings, Immovable deflated a little. She would just be in the way of weather ponying...

She heard a voice echoing from her memory. It was soft laughter, Tiny Titan's. "But that's your talent."

Immovable drew a slow breath before giving a firm nod. "That is my talent." She flew towards the cloud. If anypony was going to be in the way, at least it'd be an expert!

Shouts echoed across the cloud as it rumbled ominously. A dark flash streaked across its interior as it darkened, looking more like a stormcloud by the moment instead of just another cloud. The weather ponies were set on the task of making sure it didn't get to damage Ponyville, working together as a harmonious team to defend their town as a well-oiled machine of meteorological power.

Then Immovable showed up, flapping about aimlessly in her search for Rainbow Dash. She lived up to her talent by being in the way of a dark grey pegasus with bright cyan mane. "Oops, sorry," she said as she turned to face him.

He looked confused at the interruption. "You're not on the weather team, right?"

"Well, no, but..."

Cloud Chaser thrust a wing downwards. "You should get out of here before you get hurt."

"But I have to find Rainbow Dash!" Immovable spread her forehooves wide. "Have you seen her?"

Cloud pointed upwards, but the hoof quickly moved to the side, then down, and back up again. "She's busy."

Immovable looked where he was pointed at the moment and saw a hint of rainbow tail, just streaking out of view. There she was! "Thanks!" She flew away from Cloud and after the snatch of vision she'd been gifted with.

She didn't get far before she felt somepony tapping her on the back. She twisted around to see Rainbow Dash right there, looking at her like something was wrong. She looked... annoyed. "Um... hi?"

"Yeah, hi. Look, we're kind of in an emergency here." She waved to the side dramatically. "We can talk once I'm off-duty, or at least there isn't a huge class seven baring down on the town."

Immovable looked at the angry cloud, moving towards Ponyville. "I just want to--"

"--No time. If we don't stop this thing and get it back where it came from, a lot of ponies are going to end up in trouble." Rainbow Dash thrust a hoof back towards town. "Go wait and we can chat later."

Immovable was downcrest a moment, but then it came on her, revealed in a slow smile that became wider by the moment. "You need the cloud to stop, right?"

"Yeah?" Rainbow blinked at Immovable. "What's cooking up there?" She reached out and bonked Immovable twice on the head.

"It's my talent," she replied, moving to fly between the cloud and Ponyville. "Nothing can get past me, even stupid big storm clouds!" She spread her wings wide. "You stop right there! I am Immovable, and unless your name is Tiny Titan, you don't have a chance!" The cloud was unimpressed by her declaration, and advanced towards her. She strained her wings out wider, trying to stay aloft and somehow catch all of the cloud. "Stop..."

The cloud was starting to pass through her, flowing around her without care. She wasn't stopping it. But she had to! "Stop!" She shrieked as she backed up enough to be in its way again. She drew in a powerful breath, curling her wings in before throwing them out. "Stop!" Her shout seemed to echo through the cloud, and it crashed into her once more... but did not pass. She could feel it pushing, all of it. The entire cloud was surprisingly heavy when it was focused on her front, but it wasn't as hard a shove as Tiny Titan could deliver.

Immovable laughed. It started softly, but became a joyous, almost hysteric cackling as she stood her 'ground'(air?) against the cloud and kept it from advancing. "Yeah that's right! You ain't going nowhere until I say so!" She shouted at the unfeeling weather pattern.

Rainbow shook her head slowly. "Well, alright then. She's going to make this easy for us." She pointed and directed the other weather ponies and they attacked the pinned cloud. They got a great net over it and with the entire flight of pegasi attached, began the drag it towards the Everfree it had come from, away from any ponies it might harm with its unplanned lightning and storming.

Once the cloud started to withdraw from her, Immovable sagged. A new sharp pain flared at the joints of her wings. She had never stopped something so huge before, and it took it out of her. She squeaked in surprised dismay. Pain was not a thing she experienced very often, and it scared her to encounter it. She flew straight for the ground, half-crashing into the earth so she could curl her throbbing wings into view and hug them as if in apology, but more to make the aching stop.

Rainbow came to a land a few feet from Immovable. "Hey, great stuff up there. You shaved a few hours and maybe some damage off of the whole thing." She walked up towards the curled pegasus. "Tired? Is it hard stopping things?" She perked an ear. "I can't say I 'get' how that stuff works, but it did, so, hey, thanks." It was then she noticed Immovable wasn't responding to her words. "You alright?"

"It hurts," squeaked out Immovable, holding her wings as best she could.

Rainbow tilted her head. "Did you get hit with a lightning bolt? I hate when that happens."

Immovable shook her head quickly, then extended her left wing, carefully, towards Rainbow. "Inside."

"I ain't a doctor, but lemme see." She put a hoof to Immovable's wings and started patting them down as she moved in behind Immovable. "I've managed to bust my own no few times, so don't think I have no idea what it's like..." She touched a part that made Immovable squeal. "Ah yeah, that ain't right. But I've seen it before. Do you trust me?"

Immovable gave the barest nod. She wouldn't be a coward in front of Rainbow Dash, of all ponies. "G-go ahead."

"This will hurt, a lot," warned Rainbow just before she slammed a hoof down. Immovable blinked.

The pain just... stopped. "Wow, can you do that with the other ones?"

Rainbow tilted her head with confusion. "Last time I had someone pop a joint back into place, even I had to give a shout. That didn't hurt?"

Immovable shook her head. "It just stopped hurting when you did that. It was great! Please fix the other ones."

Rainbow gave a soft shrug. "Well alright, here we go." She went to each place the wing wasn't quite put together right and popped it back into place, banishing each point of agony one by one, until Immovable let out a sigh of sublime relief, her wings back to feeling normal. "There you go. Feel alright now?"

"Like new." Immovable spread her wings and gave them a few flaps, raising a few inches from the ground. "Thank you!" She pounced on Rainbow and hugged her tightly.

Rainbow laughed, returning the hug before pushing Immovable back. "That's enough of that. What did you want to talk about so bad you were looking for me in the middle of a rogue storm for?"

Immovable's ears perked up as she remembered her mission. "Oh right! They're throwing me a parade later."

"I heard something about that... very nice for you... getting a parade." Rainbow was trying her best to not sound jealous. She was not overly successful.

Immovable poked Rainbow in the chest. "I want you with me. You deserve a parade at least as much as I do, and Tiny Titan doesn't want one anyway. Will you be my wingmare?"

Rainbow gave a slow blink at that. "Hey, uh, thanks, but they're going to want to see the 'saviors of ponyville', which I am not, despite saving it like a bajillion times." Her eyes rolled dramatically. "They'll probably think I'm just butting in, and who likes that?"

Immovable wagged her forehooves about. "No! I want you there, please! You're a part of the team, the team that helps protect Ponyville. You've worked with Tiny Titan before, right?"


"And we just worked together to save it from a nasty cloud." She pointed where the cloud had been. "Come on! You're part of the team, really!" She leveled a hoof at Rainbow Dash's snout. "I hereby officially welcome you to Opposing Forces!"

Rainbow gave a slow blink before laughter rolled free of her. "You're too nice, really, but doesn't Pr--Tiny Titan get a vote in this? She's half the team."

Immovable jumped from left to right, hooves dancing. "I don't care. She said you could have the parade, she doesn't want it. Please!"

"As awesome as the offer is... why?" She sat up tall. "I mean, sure, anypony would be happy to have the Dash at their side, but you seem really worked up about it. What's going on?"

Immovable's dancing become nervous fidgeting almost instantly. "It's just... I mean..."


Immovable took a slow breath, barrel expanding before she let it out explosively. "Alright. Rainbow Dash, tell me straight. Am I a good pegasus?"

Rainbow's head cocked to the side. "Huh?" She reached out with a wing but stopped before touching Immovable. "What kinda question is that? You've been fighting monsters and bad guys already, right? How are you not good?"

"Not that kinda good!" Squeaked out Immovable before she cleared her throat. "I meant, as a pegasus, am I a... good example of a pegasus?"

Rainbow pointed a hoof at herself. "Well if you're comparing yourself to me, stop it. There's only one Rainbow Dash, and I got that position filled." Her cocky smile became a softer one. "But, failing that, yeah, you're just fine. You can fly, you helped manage the weather just now, and all of that? Doesn't even matter."

Immovable blinked at the words. "Doesn't matter?"

"Nope, not even one bit, and do you know why?"

Immovable shrank a little. "Because I'm slow?"

"Pfft, no." Rainbow leaned forward. "You have the best parts of being a pegasus. You go where you want to go, say what you want to say, and tackle life straight on. One of my favorite Pegasi, Scootaloo, can't even fly at all, but she has that, the important part." She beat her chest with a hoof. "Pegasus spirit. You got that. When life tells you to take a hike, you kick it in its dumb face."

A smile began to emerge from within Immovable. "You mean it?"

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "I'd be a terrible example of 'saying what you want' if I was just spouting things I didn't actually mean. Yeah, kid, you're alright. Nice job with the cloud too. So... a parade." Her wings fluttered. "If I'm joining, we better tell Pinkie. I expect some nice big rainbow-themed decorations."

Immovable giggled with expectant joy. She had a lot to celebrate.

Author's Note:

Huh. It's only two chapters, but this actually feels like a good break for this episode. Thoughts? Break it or continue? Not the story, mind. It will roll on, new episode or not. Oh, we could zip over to how Prickle's handling this whole thing and maybe prod her a bit, though I imagine she just isn't going to handle it, this time. Growth is not instant.

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