• Published 2nd Feb 2017
  • 5,136 Views, 892 Comments

Prickle Berry Tries to Be Careful - David Silver

Prickle didn't ask to become so strong, but it just happened. Now, as a growing foal, she's mightier than many grown stallions. What's an earth-filly to do? She tries her best to move forward and not draw attention to her supernatural strength.

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8 - Briefing

"Lyra, send in our guest, alone. Close the door."

Lyra glared in the direction the order has come in. "Fine..." She waved ahead. "Go on in. Miss prissy pants wants to chat with you alone." She leaned in and put up a hoof to block the noise as she harshly whispered, "We'll meet later, okay?" She gave a comically dramatic wink to finish it off.

Prickle nodded at Lyra and gave a nervous smile. "Thank you, Miss Heartstrings." She trotted past into the kitchen.

"Close the door."

Prickle jumped and turned in place until she found the door and swung it closed. With a loud thunk, unseen tumblers fell into place.

"There, we have some privacy... Prickle Berry."

Prickle started and turned back to Bon Bon. "How--"

"I'm not as daft as some others." Bon Bon sat down and smiled knowingly. "But I'm on your side, Prickle. The bugbear, do you really intend to fight it?"

"Y-yes ma'am!" Prickle lashed out a hoof at the air. "I'll kick it until it goes away."

"Is that your entire plan?"

Prickle blinked slowly. "Yes?"

Bon Bon let out a deep sigh and covered her face with a fetlock. "You need more than that. One sting and you'll swell up like a balloon, and that's just the start. Don't let its stinger anywhere near you."

"Okay..." She made thrusts and jabs with her hooves as if pretending one were a stinger and the other was dodging away. "No stings."

"Not even one." Bon Bon nodded gravely. "It's a bear. It has powerful arms that can grab and squeeze. It has huge sharp teeth that can rend and tear."

Prickle was looking less and less confident by the moment.

Bon Bon slammed down a hoof beside Prickle's distracted head. "Now is the time to turn around and go home little filly."

Prickle squeaked in surprise and looked at the larger mare, quivering a little. "No."

Bon Bon raised a brow. "Scared of me? What're you going to do when the bugbear is here."

"Kick him."

"Yeah? Alright, show me."


"Kick me." Bon Bon turned and displayed her flank. "Go on, show me."

Prickle looked down at her right forehoof, then up at Bon Bon. "I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't, go on." She sounded so confident.

It annoyed Prickle. "Stop it! I don't want to kick you!"

"Prove you can fight at all." Bon Bon suddenly lashed out and tipped the confused Prickle over.

Prickle rolled with it though and came up to her hooves. She had had enough. She charged at Bon Bon with a mighty war cry. Bon Bon gave a smirk, hunkering down to receive the charge, but that smirk faded away to shock as the filly barreled into her with the force of a runaway train. Bon Bon slammed down her hind hooves and pivoted in place, directing that momentum even as she wheezed for air.

From Prickle's point of view, the room spun wildly a moment, then she was upside down on the floor, confused, but unharmed. "What happened?"

Bon Bon sat beside the filly, struggling to hide her recovering breath. Prickle was far stronger than Bon Bon had given credit for. "You've got the talent, but none of the skill, filly."

Prickle slowly rolled up to her haunches, blinking softly. "Can you show me how to do that?"

"Sure, in a few months." Her expression softened as she saw Prickle's shatter. "Look, it takes time to teach this, and to learn it... Prickle... go home."

"No!" Prickle stomped the floor, shattering the tile she struck. "Somepony has to defend Ponyville."

"Somepony... You're a foal." Bon Bon rose to her full height. "Leave this to the adults."

Prickle turned and began walking for the door. "If you won't help, then I'll just." Something struck the back of her head and she spun around with a glare, just for a sandwich to flop to the ground, falling from her. She blinked at it with confusion.

"I did say I'd make you some food," noted Bon Bon with a faint smile. "Look, if you..." She sighed loudly. "I'll tell your mom."

"She already knows." Prickle picked up the sandwich and gave it a sniff before chomping into it. "S'good..."

"Thank you, but she does?" She raised a brow. "You're not lying to me, are you?"

"Nuh uh." Prickle went quiet as she crammed the food down her gullet with glee. "Mmm. Can I have another?"

Bon Bon shook her head with some disbelief. "Are you sure you want it from a meanie like me?"

Prickle thrust a hoof at Bon Bon. "You're worried for me."

Bon Bon's eyes half closed, giving Prickle a deadpan glare. "You're a foal getting ready to take on a beast the whole of the Elements barely controlled."

"It will be hard," agreed Prickle. "But I have to. Who else is gonna do it?" Her eyes fixated on slices of bread and her expression brightened.

Bon Bon saw what she was looking at and rolled her eyes. "I'll make another," she sighed out, coming closer to get to doing that. "Your mother really knows?"

"Uh huh. She's a smart pony and figured it out fast."

"And you didn't think I was smart?" Bon Bon gave a little snort as she prepared then handed over a fresh snack to Prickle. "Look, I don't want you getting hurt."

Prickle took the second and was slower in devouring it, the hard edge of her hunger blunted. "But I have to try. Can you help me? If I can't protect my friends, what good is being a freak?"

"A freak?" Bon Bon's squint returned, but only for a moment. It melted into a concerned look as she reached for the foal and drew her closer. "You're not going to stop no matter how loud or often I say to, I get it. I was your age once too, you know." Prickle gave a doubting look. "I know, I know, I'm not that young anymore." She pat Prickle on the head. "But you are brave. Brave ponies can do great things, or die young." Prickle winced. "So let's avoid one of those, hmm. You done eating?"

Prickle reared up and washed her hooves under the water of the sink before she flopped back to the ground. "All done. Thank you very much, Miss Bon Bon."

"It's not time for thanks." Bon Bon cracked a little smile. "You're not fighting that monster." Prickle immediately puffed up for a fight. "--Alone," Bon Bon addended quickly. "It's probably here for me, and I won't hide this time, not while some filly's out risking herself... I couldn't sleep at night." She focused on Prickle intensely. "Are you ready to train?"

Prickle blinked owlishly. "Train what?"

"You know how I put you on the ground, despite how powerful you were? You need to learn how to do that, and how to avoid having it done to you." Bon Bon rubbed at a sore rib. "You really are strong, but so's that bugbear. You have to be a better fighter if you want a chance."

Prickle brightened. "You'll show me?" She clopped her forehooves with excitement. "Please! I want to be better at not being a clumsy pony."

Bon Bon raised a brow. "If you're half as strong as I think you are, you're anything but clumsy for not bringing this building down already. How much can you lift."

Prickle had no idea, and said as much.

"What's the heaviest thing you ever lifted?"

Prickle frowned a moment, then bobbed her head. "The schoolhouse. That was kind of heavy."

Bon Bon blinked dumbly. "Do you mean a doll house for your toy fillies and colts?"

"What? No." Prickle stuck out her tongue. "The school house." She pointed towards school. "The one Miss Cheerilee teaches."

Bon Bon sank to her haunches. "You picked up the whole thing?" She muttered something under her breath, though it wasn't as quiet as she thought, "I'm lucky she didn't kill me."

Prickle paled, hearing. "I-I'm not a bad pony!"

Bon Bon shook her head quickly. "It would have been entirely my fault. We all make mistakes, asking you to come charging at me was mine." She flashed a smile. "My bruise is a reminder to not repeat it. You may get some of those yourself. Are you ready to learn some lessons?"

"Yes, teacher!" Prickle had snapped to attention and gave a sharp salute before relaxing. "What do I have to do?"

"Are you two done in there?" came Lyra's plaintive voice. "I wanna be part of the cool stuff too..."

Bon Bon rolled her eyes before she smiled. "If we don't let her watch at least, she'll be a constant distraction." She turned to the door and waved. "Come on in."

A muted cheer was heard before the door unlocked with a glow of magic and Lyra stepped inside. "I don't know why you bother locking me out. You know I can undo it whenever I want."

Bon Bon pointed at Lyra. "And I know you won't, because you love and respect me."

Lyra went red in the cheeks. "I... Well, yes. Devious earth pony, using my love against me." She stuck out her tongue a little. "So what's the deal?"

Bon Bon pointed at Lyra. "Subdue her, without hurting her."

"Wait, what?" was all Lyra got out before Prickle was on her.

The efforts to take down the unicorn were a bit meek, afraid of hurting Lyra, and Prickle was snatched in glowing magic, lifted into the air where her strength meant little at all. "Easy there, kiddo."

Bon Bon smiled as she trotted closer. "As you can see, if you have no leverage, your strength means nothing." She reached out and tapped Prickle on the snout. "How do you plan on escaping this predicament?"

Prickle gave the mightiest pout, her eyes glistening with new tears. Lyra took half a step back. "Bonnie, she's found my weakness! I can't stand seeing a filly cry! No no no no, stop that! It'll be alright!"

Bon Bon rolled her eyes. "Don't be a foal. Just hold her steady."

"But... look at her." Lyra's composure broke into pieces as she released Prickle and grabbed for the filly. "I'm sorry!"

Prickle nuzzled into the hug a moment before she grabbed for Lyra's hooves, snapping them together and she held them tight. Lyra let out a squeak as she fell over.

Bon Bon applied her hoof to her forehead. "I have to give that point to Pr... Tiny Titan. Lyra, really?"


Author's Note:

She's training to be the very best. The best there ever was.

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