• Published 19th Jun 2017
  • 5,168 Views, 110 Comments

The Most Chaotic Date Ever!!! - Azure129

It's been years since Celestia and Discord's first Grand Galloping Gala together after the chaos master's reform (and his confession of love). Their friendship has blossomed. But now Celestia has something to confess. How will Discord respond?

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Chapter 7: Homecoming

Even after a very exciting day and a very late night, Celestia still felt wakefulness wash over her just before dawn. Her eyes opened in the dim room—she saw the faint moon still lingering in the bluish sky outside. Celestia chose to spend her final moments before the time for sunrise savoring the warmth of her blankets and gazing over at Discord’s sleeping form, letting her mind wander…

Last night he had held her and kissed her and played with her—he’d told her he loved her. And now here he was sprawled out on his bed with the blankets twisted up in his mismatched limbs while he snored lightly—like a little foal who had passed out after having too much fun. Celestia’s smile grew; she wouldn’t wake him for her sunrise today. After all, just because she had an internal clock always set for dawn didn’t mean other creatures weren’t entitled to sleep in after an evening of romantic escapades. Besides, she liked seeing him so peaceful: smiling in his slumber, his tail twitching beneath the covers, and the occasional chaotic string of words leaving his lips.

His lips. She liked those lips. She wanted more times like last night where his mouth found hers for moments on end, fang brushing her own lips in a thrilling way. And he would chuckle or whisper her name or even make that pleased little growling sound she’d only gotten from him just before she’d nipped his ear. And his hands would grasp her.

Celestia felt rather flushed all of a sudden and let out a deep breath. Was this what falling in love felt like? In that case, she decided perhaps it was better she’d never had the full experience until now; she doubted a younger her ruling over a much less stable Equestria would have known what to do next. She was amazed, for a moment, at the notion that Cadence had handled this emotion to easily as barely more than a teenager with Shining Armor.

Thinking about Cadance made Celestia think about Twilight and Luna back home, and the other girls too. She sighed, feeling less flushed and more peaceful.

Discord made a little shift in his bed that put him closer to her. Celestia smiled more. Then finally she turned onto her back and inhaled deeply—she could almost smell dawn in the air. Quietly, the sun princess stood and walked over to the balcony. She powered her horn and raised the sun.

All of that lovely, brimming, heart-racing magic flowed through her, and her wings rose.

The magic aura of her horn faded as she saw the orange lip of the sun peek over the treetops in the distance. With a smile, Celestia closed the curtain part way and walked over to the far side of the room by Discord’s thinking tree. Before memories overwhelmed her, she used her magic to make a cookbook appear. As long as Discord was sleeping, she decided to use her time to think of a lovely breakfast for them. If their date only had a few hours left, she wanted them to be as satisfying as possible. She made a mug of hot cider appear for herself to sip as she worked (and snuck occasional glances at Discord with a hazed smile).

After finishing up Luna’s work, Twilight and Cadance had decided to share a simple breakfast together still in the tower. A little more time alone to talk and to ease back into their normal, comfortable relationship was just what they needed. And when they finally descended the observatory steps, the two princesses were best-sisters-in-law-friends-forever once again.

As the two pony princesses reached the closed ballroom doors to join whatever preparations Luna and the others had underway, they paused and glanced at each other.

“What do you think Luna and the girls have come up with?” Cadance asked with an eyebrow raised.

Twilight smiled a little. “I’m not sure—but it’s probably such an obvious solution to our problem about whether to welcome back Discord and Celestia with love or friendship that we’ll both feel pretty silly once we see it. And it has to be something that’s much easier on Shining Armor and Spike.”

The love princess smiled. “Let’s just agree that whatever they’re doing in there, we’ll be supportive and helpful.”

Twilight nodded. “For Discord and Celestia.”

Cadance nodded in return.

The two mares pushed open the ballroom doors together and entered.

Everyone in the room turned to them with smiles. Spike dashed over to Twilight (Owliscious following) as Shining Armor dashed over to Cadance with Flurry Heart in one foreleg.

“Cadance!” Shining Armor nuzzled his wife then pulled back. “You look so much better! Things are better, right?” His smile turned sheepish. “Also, Flurry missed you.”

Flurry Heart gurgled and flew into her mother’s mane to hug it tightly.

Cadance put a foreleg around the foal and nuzzled her. “And I missed her too.” She glanced back at Shining Armor. “And yes, Shining, everything’s better. And I’m sorry for yesterday—making you set up all of those things for Celestia and Discord.”

Shining Armor smiled in relief and shrugged. “It’s okay. You get creative about love sometimes, and I’m happy to help.”

Spike grinned up at Twilight. “So…Luna banished you to the observatory, huh?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “‘Banished’ is a strong word, Spike. But she did do the right thing by sending Cadance and I up there.” She frowned a little. “I’m sorry for how much pressure I put on you yesterday to help me decorate, Spike. And you too, Owliscious.”

“Eh, it’s okay.” Spike shrugged. “I’m used to you getting a little obsessed with things sometimes. I’m just glad you’re feeling better and that you and Cadance seem happy together again.” Owliscious hooted before flying into the rafters.

“Thank you, Spike.” Twilight hugged him with her foreleg then released him.

Now Twilight and Cadance finally took in the sight of the room.

The décor was simple and had a personal, homemade quality. There were two large tables filled with delicious snacks as well as bowls of cider. Several colors of streamers hung around the room and balloons floated just below the ceiling. And of course Pinkie Pie had a party canon off to the side ready to go.

It didn’t seem to be a party about celebrating love or friendship—it was just about celebrating. And the girls (minus Fluttershy) were putting various finishing touches on everything.

They turned now and waved Twilight, Cadance, and the rest of their group over.

“Awesome, Twilight and Cadance are here!”

“Yeah! It wouldn’t be a party without princesses!”

“I reckon they’re just as excited about Celestia and Discord’s return as we are.”

“And I’m sure you’ll both want to add some of your own décor to the room though, darlings.”

“I think you guys have done a wonderful job already,” Twilight remarked with a smile.

Cadance nodded. “But if there’s anything you’d like help with, let us know.”

“Actually,” Spike started, “the only thing left is the banner, and Luna and Fluttershy are finishing that up together.” Spike gestured over to the corner of the ballroom.

Sure enough, the moon princess and element of kindness were putting some markings on a long banner. Fluttershy finally released the pink marker from her mouth as Luna’s magic released the blue one. The two mares turned to the rest of their party.

“Yes,” Luna turned to Twilight and Cadance, “you’re just in time to see the banner hung.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I hope you both like it. Luna and I came up with the idea.” She grabbed the center of the banner in her mouth and flew up and over the tables. Luna approached and used her horn to create two pillars on either side of the tables and to secure the ends of the banner. Fluttershy landed, and the whole party gazed up at the banner with a simple message writing in dark blue letters with a pink outline: “Welcome Home!”

“It’s perfect,” Twilight and Cadance said at once, smiling.

Fluttershy blushed and smiled more. “I thought it would make Discord think of being welcomed back after his time in stone.”

Luna nodded. “And I thought it would make my sister think of how she welcomed me back after my banishment.”

“It’s wonderful, Luna, Fluttershy,” Twilight replied.

“Yes.” Cadance shrugged sheepishly. “I’m just sorry we were so wrapped up in our own ideas about what was best for Discord and Celestia that we really couldn’t help.”

“Nonsense.” Luna smiled. “You both helped by inspiring me to ask for more help from others. You two had a valid point—Celestia and Discord’s welcome after their first official date should be a special occasion. It must be a balance between friendship and love, just like the balance you both finally achieved together.”

Twilight and Cadance smiled again.

Luna went on. “Of course, if you do want something to do, I may have had the kitchen staff save Cadance’s giant chocolate heart sculpture and Twilight’s ‘Friends Forever’ cake—good desserts shouldn’t go to waste after all. And I didn’t think either of those efforts came on too strongly.”

Twilight and Cadance both nodded with determined smiles then trotted out of the room to assist with their new duties.

The girls shared smiles and got back to work, Spike and Shining Armor joining in while Flurry Heart played on a pillow on the floor, cooing.

Luna looked to Fluttershy. “I do believe my sister and your dear friend will appreciate this welcome very much.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Yes, after four days of thinking about friendship and love I’m sure they’d like a nice break where we just appreciate having both of them in our lives.”

Luna’s smile grew. “But then later of course is when the true fun begins—I plan to have a delightful sleepover with my sister tonight where we will gossip about all the experiences that she’s willing to share. Do you intend to speak to Discord frankly later in a similar fashion?”

“Oh my—if he wanted to, then of course. I just don’t want him to feel pressured.” Fluttershy blushed and shrugged. “But…I was thinking of asking him over for tea soon just in case he does want to share.”

“I’m sure he will appreciate the opportunity.” Luna giggled slightly. “Come, let us survey the final preparations of our festivities. Who knows how little time we have until Celestia and Discord show up?”

Fluttershy joined Luna flying around the room to adjust streamers and balloons as the girls, Spike, and Shining Armor worked. Twilight and Cadance quickly returned with the chocolate heart and friendship cake. The final touches of the party were well underway to being completed.

Discord woke up happy.

He couldn’t remember anything specific at first about why he should be so happy. He just knew, as soon as his mind left the land of dreams, that he was in a comfortable bed in a room that felt new but right, and that warm sunlight was on his blankets and good smells of food were in the air. Wherever he was, he was safe and in a home beyond home—not his chaos cottage or even Fluttershy’s house but something equally as welcoming.

And, he realized, he must have been smiling in his sleep because he was smiling right now.

The chaos master blinked open his eyes and remembered where he was.

Through the balcony window of the two sisters castle he had a view of the Everfree Forest, sunshine starting to coat all the leaves like honey on spinach. Honey on spinach—hmm, chaotic, yes, but would the flavors work? Discord made a mental note to try it out later. Maybe he would run the notion by Tia first…


Discord turned in his bed, smiling even more and raised an eyebrow at the sight he found. Celestia was up and she had made a whole kitchen setting appear on the far side of the room—a stove and a counter and sink and a table set for two. She was busy at work on breakfast now, puffs of flour in her mane. She hummed lightly to herself. He regretted missing her sunrise, but he was more than grateful for the sight of her now, so happy and at ease. The last time he had seen her like this…

The last time. Last time… The last time he had seen her was last night before bed…when they had…

Discord’s eyes widened enough to take up most of his face and he buried himself under the covers for a moment. He blushed hotly as each and every part of their evening together came back to him. The nuzzling, the kissing, the giggles, that one time when she had nipped his ear… the fact that he’d told her ‘I love you’. His breathing picked up, and the chaos master swallowed. Surely some of those memories had been a dream. Their whole date during the day seemed real enough. Maybe he could even buy that the gondola confession had been real. But everything afterward felt like a lovely haze. Different from his usual dreams of her, but still, clearly too good to be true. Because if it all was real then… But it just couldn’t be. Right?

Discord decided to play this moment very carefully.

The chaos master sat up in bed, took a deep breath, and put on his calmest smile as he floated over to the kitchen area. “Good morning, Celestia.” He snapped to put a chef’s hat on himself. “Need a kitchen helper?” He kept a couple feet between them and kept his tone as free from flirting as possible. He needed an unbiased response.

Celestia’s eyes widened as she finished pouring two glasses of orange juice. Then her smile warmed as she glanced to Discord. “Good morning to you too, Discord. I appreciate the offer, but all that’s left is…” the oven dinged, “taking the muffins out of the oven. You can just have a seat. I’ve got everything taken care of.”

Discord nodded and took his seat at the table as he snapped away the chef’s hat. He twiddled his thumbs together while Celestia used her magic to remove the pan from the oven. “Sorry I slept through your sunrise.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t wake you.” Celestia glanced back at him sheepishly. “You were just sleeping so soundly. And besides, I know creatures need their rest after a long night.” She blushed and smiled a little more as she used her magic to bring the muffins to the table along with jam and a stack of pancakes and some hay hash. “Speaking of long nights, I might have made too much food, but I’m very hungry this morning and I thought you might be too.” She seated herself.

Discord bit his lip and nodded with a small but cagey smile. “Yes, well…all those activities we did yesterday: the rodeo and the city and my dimension and the carnival. It really was a full day. Almost feels like a dream…”

Celestia watched him closely, then a little glint came to her eye. “I know. And then everything afterward… I suppose that’s part of why I let you sleep in this morning—you were smiling so much, I imagined you were having some lovely dreams.”

Discord hesitated then sunk a little in his chair, blushing a lot. “Yes, well… But, wait, everything after?” He blinked. “So, for example…the gondola thing wasn’t a dream, right?”

Celestia nodded as she poured them both juice. “It was real.”

“That means the ‘I love you’ thing was real too, huh?”

“Very.” She giggled.

Discord couldn’t help cracking a small smile again. “Oh, that’s…that’s great. That’s superb actually. I didn’t think I could manage another confession right now after how real that one felt.” He served himself a muffin.

“Hmm…” Celestia served herself pancakes, “you thought the gondola might be a dream. So just what did you end up dreaming about last night, Discord?” Her hazed eyes met his.

Discord blinked and tried to wave her off with a grin. “Oh, you know… you mostly. Being here with you.”

“Funny—I ‘dreamed’ about the same thing.”

Discord lowered his cup and raised an eyebrow, but Celestia just sipped her juice. When she finished he took a deep breath and crossed his arms. “Some of what happened after the gondola thing wasn’t a dream, was it?”

“How could I know?” Celestia ate a bite of pancake. “I don’t know what you dreamed, so I can’t compare.”

Discord squirmed a little in his seat. Images and feelings flashed through his mind again: sitting close under the stars, hours spent nuzzling and touching and learning, and the feel beneath his claw and paw of that curve where her hips met her wings. Her sweet mouth opening in just a little surprise underneath his thinking tree, and how he’d kissed her then…

Discord took a deep breath, barely glancing at her. “Maybe I…share some things with you, and you tell me if they really happened?”

“Oh, that sounds fun!” Celestia’s eyes hazed. “But you’d better hurry so you can eat—I don’t want your breakfast getting cold. And we are due home at some point today.”

Discord nodded. The sooner he got this over with the less embarrassing it would probably be for everyone anyway. “So, um… us coming back here and me explaining my confession to you after the gondola?”


Discord went on. “Us, um…sitting together, talking about the stars and Luna and stuff? “ Celestia nodded. “You suggesting that we…you know.” Celestia giggled—Discord’s heart raced. “Me kissing your hoof, then your leg, then dipping you back? You pinning me to a pillar?” Celestia’s eyes hazed more as she nodded. “And then hours of…the necking option.” His blushing burned, but she only nodded again. Then the sun princess stood, gazing at him, walking closer. Discord’s heart pounded in his ears, but he just kept talking, “I made shapes with your hair, and you tried to catch my tail. Then we played ‘the princess and the villain’ around my tree…”

“You were the princess…” Celestia whispered, very close now. And she used her magic to make all of the kitchen set-up except their table disappear: behind everything was Discord’s thinking tree.

He noticed and took a deep breath, their eyes locked. “Then pillow tartarus. Then a good night kiss but special…?”

Celestia glanced down modestly for a moment though they were almost nose to nose now. “And we can do that again some time….” she whispered before her eyes came back to his again.

Discord took one more breath. “So then…everything really happened. And we’re really…”

She caught her lips against his then pulled back and nodded. “I do believe we’re courting in every possible sense of the word, chaos master. Apparently we work together very very well… in a relationship.” Celestia laughed softly.

Discord just remained perfectly still, eyes wide.

“Discord?” Celestia raised an eyebrow. She had a sense of deja vous from back at her castle when she’d kissed Discord to confess and had asked him out only to be met with petrified silence. “Dis—Oh!”

She heard the snap of fingers. And when the magical smoke cleared the room was different.

Beneath the thinking tree Discord had erected his old chaos throne tall and proud. In that throne now sat Discord, and in Discord’s arms lay Celestia. And she was gazing up at the smarmiest chaos master she had ever encountered.

He grinned down at her, holding her close. “You and I are together. TOGETHER together!” His chuckle was low and deep with just a hint of a growl to it.

Celestia blushed considerably as she absorbed her current position and that look of adoration and satisfaction on his features. “Yes…” She raised an eyebrow with a curious half smile. “Discord, your throne…?”

“The most fitting seat for my lady. But since there’s only room for one on here, I figured this position would let us share.” He cradled her a little more snugly in his arms. “Tia..." he blushed a little, twirling the lock of hair that always framed her face, “say it again please? That we’re….you know….”

She smiled a little more. “We’re together. We’re courting. We’re in a relationship. Because you are more to me than just my friend, Discord— in a way you always have been. And because I know I’m more than a friend to you.”

He leaned in a little closer, eyes hazed, grin full. His hand that had been twirling her lock of hair came to cup her cheek. “I’d turn the universe inside out for you, you know,.”

Celestia blushed and smiled more. “I don’t need all that. Just help me relax whenever I’m not having enough fun and smile at me when we see each other.” She swallowed. “I’d share the magic of the sun with you every day, you know.”

He gave a bashful shrug. “Quite generous, but you don’t have to go to such lengths. Just come play with me sometimes when I’m bored and continue to encourage my unique sense of humor, darling Celestia.”

She laughed softly, opened her mouth, then hesitated.

He raised an eyebrow.

She explained. “You call me a lot of nice names, Discord. I feel like I should have one for you.”

“Hmm…have any crossed that gorgeous and brilliant mind of yours?”

The sun princess rolled her eyes, considered, then laughed again. “Luna has one when she talks about you to me—she calls you ‘my draconequus’. Celestia, your draconequus has spread chaos in the gardens again; Celestia your draconequus has set statues of himself at the school entrance again; Celestia, your draconequus awaits you in your study again. But I like the sound of your name—Discord.” She blushed a lot and whispered, “My Discord.”

He swallowed, almost bashful. “I’ve wanted to be your Discord for sometime now, so I’m okay with that.”

They shared a tender look.

Then Celestia smirked a little. “I suppose when we get home you’ll want to try this position on my throne.”

A little gleam came to his eyes. “Of course not. On your throne you get to be the one holding me. Like so.” He snapped.

Celestia found herself seated on Discord’s throne, and Discord’s long body was draped around her back and her shoulders. “See, we're cozy either way.” He placed a surprise peck on her lips then snapped them back to their former position, and they laughed together.

Celestia let out a breath and settled against Discord’s chest. Discord held her a little more closely. They closed their eyes.

Discord sighed. “Breakfast is going to get cold. Sorry, I almost forgot.”

“It’ll be fine.” Celestia shook her head. “A little solar magic will help. Besides, this is nice…”

“Oh, I’m glad you think so too. Cuddling in the morning is just as nice as at night.”

“And nuzzling too,” Celestia whispered before she nuzzled his chest.

Discord stroked her shoulder and down her wing. “Yes. And touching too.”

The moment was perfect.

They were both vaguely aware when a scroll appeared in the air.

They both sighed, eyes still unopened.

“It’s probably from home,” Discord murmured.

“Probably about everything that’s been going on at the castle.” Celestia added softly.

“Hmm…do you think it can wait?”

“We should probably at least read it to make sure it’s not an emergency.”

“Okay. Let’s see who it’s addressed to.”

The two opened their eyes: the outside of the scroll read ‘Celestia and Discord'.

Celestia levitated the scroll in her magic and Discord snapped to unfurl it. They read, alternating as they went.

Discord started.

“Dear sister and Discord,

I hope this letter finds you at the start of a particularly enjoyable morning for you both. I imagine four days of romantic escapades have left you absolutely inseparable.”

“She’s not wrong,” Discord added, still cuddling Celestia close. Celestia picked up reading now.

“Before your arrival home, I want you to know that all issues regarding Twilight and Cadance’s recent challenges have been resolved. You will be returning to a happy household as well as a group of friends very eager to see you.

I am looking forward to seeing you very much as well, sister. Though we have only been apart four days I confess I’ve been a little lonely ruling by myself.”

Discord read again.

“And Discord, Fluttershy misses you greatly as well. She is eager to see you happy and home again. I’m afraid she’s a better sisterly companion than I am in this situation: Fluttershy is delighted by the notion of whatever path the relationship between you and my sister takes while I cannot help but feel a twinge of jealousy at seeing her devotion to you. But I am happy as well for your special bond.”

Celestia finished.

“Enjoy the rest of your morning together, but please do try to return home soon if you can. Your friends await you eagerly, and I await a nap. Twilight and Cadence have kept me up to no end the last few days.”

With all the love in their world to you both,


“Your sister is jealous of me?” Discord raised an eyebrow.

Celestia smiled a little. “I imagine she feels like someone is taking her place by my side even if deep down she knows that’s not true.”

“Of course not.” Discord shrugged with a smile. “You and Luna are a package deal just like Fluttershy and I are.” He twirled his beard in thought. “I think I’ll make sure your sister knows that for sure once we get back.”

“I can’t blame her for a twinge of jealousy at least,” Celestia had to admit as she rolled up the scroll. “I’ve spent so much time lately thinking about you and talking about you and wanting to be near you.” She wrapped her forelegs a little more around his shoulders.

Discord slouched to cradle her more and twisted his tail through hers. “What a coincidence, I’ve felt the same way about you.” He tapped her chest with his finger above her heart.

Their eyes and smiles met.

But then they both sighed and glanced back at the levitated letter before looking to each other once more.

“We really have to get back to them soon. It sounds like they’re waiting for us.” Celestia touched her hoof to Discord’s paw.

Discord squeezed her hoof. “Yes. And I have to get back to lesson planning and cluttering up my cottage. And I really want to properly catch up with Fluttershy.”

“Well…” Celestia shrugged, “the nice thing about being in a relationship is that we can always go on another date again soon.”

“And perhaps another trip again soon?” His eyes lit up. “In two months there’s a phoenix migration over the northern boarder of Equestria that I’d love to take some snapshots of…three months after that the greatest serpents of the oceans are gathering for a conference a hundred miles east of Horseshoe bay that should be just fascinating to watch… and then after Hearthswarming I thought I’d pop over to the North Pole and hunt for Windigoes.” He was gesturing with his free hand now, brimming with excitement.

Celestia’s eyes glowed with warmth at the sound of the adventures. “Wonderful. And if you don’t mind something a little closer to home, next month dignitaries from Saddle Arabia will be making their annual visit and I’d love for you to help me with the entertainment and greeting them. In the fall, Luna will host her first Nightmare Night festival in Canterlot and she could use a helping hoof. And you and I could always spend Hearthswarming Eve together again before the Windego trip. And then in the spring, of course, is the school of magic’s prom. We could go together as usual but…with that change I mentioned making at the start of all of this.” She blushed, smiling more.

Discord chuckled. Then his eyes gleamed and his voice lowered. “And you know, just before prom, Maredi Gras is happening in New Orleans. Come with me.” His voice was eager, almost pleading. “I’ve always wanted to ask you to go but I was worried the trip would seem too romanic. We’ll disguise ourselves and dance the night away. We’ll twirl and laugh and fly and sing all surrounded by the chaos of the festivity. And I’ll charm you as thoroughly as I’m sure you’ll enchant me, and we’ll pretend for one glorious evening that all that matters in the world is how much I care for you and how much you care for me. And at midnight we’ll kiss, and after sunrise we’ll collapse in each other’s arms, and everything will be perfect and disordered all at once.” He had her dipped back a little over the arm of his throne.

Celestia blushed, her heart fluttering pleasantly. “You’ve certainly had time to daydream quite a few details of that trip, haven’t you?” She swallowed. “I’d be happy to go with you, Discord. But for now, maybe our next date should be a little simpler.”

Discord unzipped her and nodded. “How about lunch in Ponyville next weekend? I can meet you at the castle Saturday afternoon and we’ll fly there together—you know, the scenic route.

Celestia’s eyes lit up a little as she nodded. “It’s a date, Discord.”

Their foreheads met and they nuzzled.

When they pulled back Discord considered for a moment then smiled. “Hey Tia, as long as we have to head home, why don’t we make a trip of it? The final part of our date. We can pack up breakfast and maybe have a little picnic on the roof, enjoy the view one more time, and then we’ll start our journey. I’ll drive.”

“That sounds great, Discord.” Celestia blinked. “Wait—drive?”

Discord snapped.

When the smoke disappeared Celestia found herself in an unusual position and quickly realized that Discord was seated at the front of some sort of motor scooter contraption and she was on the seat behind him with a picnic basket behind her. She and Discord were both wearing helmets, and an engine thrummed in the scooter.

Discord glanced at her over his shoulder. “It’s my vespa. I use it when I want to make an exit in style or when I want to take the scenic route and look very flashy while doing it. You up for a ride, princess?”

Celestia took another moment to absorb everything then nodded eagerly and clapped her hooves together. “Yes!” She grinned. “But only if on one of our dates you’ll teach me how to drive this thing.”

Discord revved the engine. “I promise.”

Celestia nodded then glanced around. “Er, Discord, you have the handlebars to hold onto, but how am I supposed to stay in the seat?”

Discord glanced away innocently. “Well, normally the passenger comes up close behind the driver and holds onto them for balance…”

Celestia brought her chest flush with Discord’s back and wrapped her forelegs around his middle. “Like this?” Her eyes hazed as she spoke near his ear, her chin on his shoulder

Eyes wide, the chaos master blushed and nodded with a big grin. “Absolutely.” He revved the engine again. “All right, let’s get going! First stop: the roof!”

He snapped his tail—a silver portal appeared and (after a wheelie and a joyful scream from Celestia) the couple disappeared through it on the vespa.

Later, in the ballroom of Canterlot castle, friendship and love reigned in an almost magical harmony as early afternoon came. Modest but beautiful decorations of all colors filled a small area along with the banner and snacks. The girls, Spike, Shining Armor chatted in various groups, and Twilight and Cadence stuck close to each other.

The only one missing from the conversations was Luna, who had curled up on a cushion and claimed to just be ‘resting her eyes’ twenty minutes ago. Now she lightly snored while Flurry Heart snuggled against her mane, giggling at the twinkling stars.

The ballroom seemed a happy place.

From atop a cotton candy cloud above the castle, Celestia and Discord looked down on the scene through a window in the ballroom and sighed. They were resting on their stomachs, Celestia with a wing over Discord’s back, and Discord with an arm around Celestia’s shoulders.

“Even though I’ll miss our big first date, it’s nice to come home to all of them,” Discord mused, his fingers playing with a few locks of Celestia’s hair.

Celestia nodded, shifting her tail to swirl into his. “They’re more than friends—they’re all family in a way. I love that we all ended up together.”

“Yes. And we should probably grace them with our presence soon. Luna has officially passed out from watching the children in our place. She deserves a reprieve.” Discord chuckled.

Celestia laughed softly as well. “For children, they all seem so grown up.” She gazed at the sight of Princess Twilight and her capable court, Cadence and her husband and child…

“That is because we did an excellent job raising them. Well, alright, you mostly raised them, I sort of slipped in at the end for a little fine-tuning. And Luna did too—she’s a good Aunt. But the point is Equestria has a whole new set of capable leaders now thanks to us. Which means you and I are free to kick back and take some time to ourselves…for ourselves…” He raised her hoof and kissed it.

Celestia blushed then glanced around before looking back at Discord. “We really are invisible up here, Discord, right?”

“Of course.” He shrugged. “One of my favorite tricks—invisible disembodied spying and monologuing. Want to pop into the ballroom sight unseen and surprise everyone with a booming vocal greeting?”

She shook her head. “Actually, as long as we’re invisible and as long as we have one more moment together on our date, I’d like to do this.” And then she slowly but firmly nudged him onto his back and came to rest her chest on his, snuggling her head under his neck, listening to his heart beat. Her wings wrapped around them like a cocoon.

She felt Discord stiffen for a moment and then melt against the cloud and her. He sighed and held both of her shoulders in his hands. “It drives me crazy when you’re impulsive, Celestia,” he whispered then chuckled gently.

Celestia blushed but laughed too. “I like being near you. I’m comfortable.” She listened to the chaotic music of his heartbeat and smiled more as she added very softly, “My Discord.”

“I could stay like this for a thousand years, so I’m afraid you’ll have to be the one to decide when we go inside, darling.”

“In just a few minutes.” She nestled more against him. “And let’s keep our entrance subtle, Discord. It looks like a very low key party after all.”

Discord nodded, fingers pressing and playing against the back of her neck. “Do you want to tell them or should I?”

“Together, please… Something simple.”

“So I shouldn’t teleport us in there like this with you half on top of me?”

Celestia laughed and shook her head. “No. This is one of the private things from our date, if you don’t mind.”

“Works for me, sweet Celestia…” He kissed her ear, and Celestia shyly nuzzled his neck.

For their last moments of privacy, the two just lay still together, breathing softly as their hearts beat against each other.

Even without Discord and Celestia’s presence yet, everyone was still enjoying the party. Twilight and the girls were chatting and dancing, Spike was sneaking snacks, and Shining Armor and Cadence were playing with Flurry Heart now. Luna, meanwhile, was still sleeping soundly in the warmth of a patch of sunlight.

The festivities ceased for a moment though when all guests (except Luna) paused at the sound of two very familiar voices coming from just outside the ballroom doors.

“How odd,” Discord announced, hamming it up just a little, “we’re back, and yet we haven’t been greeted by any of our friends.”

“Oh, I’m sure they’re around,” Celestia added (stifling a giggle). “It is a big castle after all.”

“We haven’t checked the ballroom yet. Let’s try there before we declare a state of emergency or anything.”

Everypony looked at each other and then they all hid behind various pillars and the snack tables and decorations.

The door handle moved and then the door opened. “Ladies first…”

“And gentle colts second…”

There were the sound of hoof-falls and footsteps, then Celestia and Discord entered the room.

“SURPRISE!” Pinkie Pie screamed, quite a bit more loudly than her fellow party guests, as she set off her party canon.

“AH!” Luna’s eyes shot open and she flew up, crashing into a gathering of balloons that quickly scattered along the ceiling. “What in the name of the constellations! I—“ Her look went dry. “Oh, I was sleeping and now I am awake.” But then her eyes shot open wide again with a bright smile. “SISTER!” She landed and clapped her front hooves together. “Surprise!”

Celestia and Discord stood there with big smiles.

“Well, what’s all this? A party for us, perhaps?” Discord asked with a grin.

“Of course!” Fluttershy said in the closest volume she could come to a shout. Then she smiled sheepishly and added in her normal, soft tone, “I mean, of course. We’re all so happy to see you, after all.”

“Hey Discord.” Spike came forward with a casual grin and gave the chaos master a hoof bump.

“Hi, Auntie Celestia!” Cadance said with her pupils almost dilated in excitement.

Twilight laughed and nudged Cadance as she looked to Discord and Celestia. “We just wanted to welcome you both back home. Discord, you were gone for so long already during the summer. And, Celestia, you left so suddenly with him. We missed you both.”

Cadence finally snapped out of her giddy daze enough to add, “We wanted to celebrate having both of you being here with us. So we decided to throw a little welcome home party.” She smiled sheepishly. “The theme was Luna’s idea.”

Twilight nodded sheepishly in agreement.

Shining Armor came up beside Luna and put his hoof on her shoulder. “Yeah, Luna was great at keeping us organized and reminding us what’s important: just being together with the ponies we care about.”

Luna blinked then rubbed the back of her neck. “Well, I was happy to help. But the princesses of love and friendship would have found their way eventually.”

In the background, the girls nodded and shared a few words of agreement.

And then everyone paused again. Celestia and Discord were still watching them with smiles but something was different now. It only took a moment for them to realize: Celestia had her hoof in Discord’s paw.

The couple walked forward, casual as could be.

“Well now, it looks like you all went to a lot of trouble—I appreciate the appreciation.” Discord grinned.

Celestia giggled. “And the food looks delicious. And since we’re in the ballroom, we can dance at this party too.”

Discord glanced at her. “You would keep me locked up in here to dance with you on two hooves at your beck and call, wouldn’t you, your majesty?”

“Like you would turn down any chance to show off, lord of chaos.”

They shared a laugh and then glanced back at their friends who were all in various states of speechlessness: Celestia’s hoof remained in Discord’s hand.

“What?” Discord asked with a shrug. “Is something different?”

Cadance pranced in place on her feet, Twilight looked at them with her eyes hazed and a knowing smile, Fluttershy was blushing and beaming. Luna gave them a dry look and a half grin. “Sister, your new situation is obvious, but I think everyone would still benefit from an official announcement.”

Celestia blushed and looked out at the room and then to Discord who winked at her. She stifled a giggle as she shook her head and nestled her hoof more in his paw. “Well, after some time together…”

“And the chance to get a lot closer…” Discord added.

“We’ve decided…” Celestia continued.

The couple spoke at the same time. “We’re courting.”

There was a moment of silence. Then instantly the girls all burst into congratulatory chatter, crowding Celestia and Discord.

After a few moments, Twilight and Cadance came close and turned to the rest of the partygoers, creating a small barrier between them and the happy couple. “Whoa, whoa, let’s give them space to breathe, please.” Cadance smiled and held up a hoof.

Twilight nodded. “Besides they’ll be able to hear us much better if we go one at a time.”

“Bllttttthhh…” Flurry Heart gurgled and teleported herself right in front of Celestia and Discord.

Celestia and Discord smirked at each other then turned all attention back to Flurry Heart.

“Hello, Flurry Heart! Say hi to ‘Uncle’ Discord!”

“Flurry, you’re such a bright girl—you know who I am, right? Say ‘Auntie; Celestia…

Uncle Discord!” Discord snapped to make a bottle of chocolate milk appear.

Auntie Celestia!” Celestia made a rattle appear and shook it.

Flurry watched them both with a big smile then suddenly flung herself off to the side and attached herself to Luna’s mane. “Woona!” She gurgled with a laugh.

Luna’s eyes widened and a shine came to them. “Did thou just say…”

“Woona!” Flurry Heart blew a raspberry at her.

Luna held her head high with a proud grin as Flurry cheered. “Let it be known that the young princess has recognized her Auntie Woona!”

“Oh, Flurry Heart!” Cadance dashed forward, beaming. “That’s the first name you’ve ever said.”

“That’s my girl.” Shining Armor ruffled her mane.

Flurry giggled and continued to cuddle Luna as she came to rest on her back.

Celestia and Discord burst into laughter and collapsed against each other.

“Okay, alright,” Discord finally wiped a tear from his eye and flew up, “we’ve absorbed the fact that Flurry Heart clearly thinks Luna is best princess and that Tia and I are an item. Now, let’s really get this party started!” With a snap, he doubled the size of the snack tables, added some plaid balloons, and created some instruments that started to play themselves. “Everyone, rock this place like it’s Gala night!”

The girls, Cadance, Shining Armor, and Spike cheered, and Pinkie shot off her party canon again.

Though she was smiling, Luna couldn’t hold back a yawn. “I'll leave all of you to it then—I could use a nap in my nice, quiet, dark room…”

“I call Luna as dance partner first!”

“What?” Luna, eyes wide, suddenly found herself pulled to the center of the room by Discord.

“Everybody else, mix and mingle!” Discord finished.

“Conga line!" Pinkie Pie yelled as she scooped up Rarity, Apple Jack, and Rainbow Dash who quickly found themselves being enthusiastically led around the ballroom as the others watched and laughed and even began to join in.

As Discord set himself up in front of Luna, he gave a quick glance to Celestia and winked at her. She raised an eyebrow with a curious smile.

When Discord’s eyes came back to Luna, her own were hazed in sleepiness. “Discord,” she started quietly, “I appreciate your insistence that everyone celebrates, but I’m afraid I’m dozing off. Surely my sister shared my letters about the events that transpired here while you were gone.”

“She did. And I promise we can keep this short—but just one dance, please?” He held out his paw with an innocent smile.

Luna sighed but nodded and placed her hoof in his paw. “Very well. If for no other reason than the fact that I’m curious, yes, I’ll keep myself awake through one dance.”

“Excellent!” Discord kept their steps simple, and he kept his voice low too. “By the way, speaking of your letters… Tia and I read the final one together—the one that might have mentioned some slight ‘jealousy’.” He raised an eyebrow.

Luna blushed a little. “This is why I should not compose scrolls when I am sleepy—I let little things slip out that I would otherwise not include.” She shrugged. “As I said in the letter, it is really nothing serious. Celestia’s going to be spending more time with you now, and she has given you a very special place in her heart. I am happy for you both, I promise. After all, it’s not much different from how your friendship has been except going forward there will be some tender things that are really just for the two of you.”

“True.” Discord shrugged and gazed off to the side with a light blush. “Tia and I already had a talk about what we’ll share with others and what we’d prefer to keep private between ourselves.” His eyes went back to Luna. “But you and her have some private things too, I’m sure. You’re sisters—you’ve been together from the start. Nothing changes that.”

Luna nodded. "True as well. I suppose I just never thought about what it would be like for Celestia to have a lifelong companion besides myself, that’s all.” Her eyes went down

Discord blushed—considerably. And for a moment his easy manner wavered. “Lifetime? Do you…really think she’ll want me around like this for that long?”

Luna blinked, eyes wide, but then smiled again. “I cannot speak for her. But I think she would be inclined to have you for as long as you would be inclined to have her.”

Discord’s look went absolutely dreamy in a way Luna had never seen before. “Oh, I’d like that…”

Luna stifled a giggle.

Discord blinked and shook his head, glancing away sheepishly. “Anyway, we’re getting off topic.”

“The topic being?”

“The topic being why in the world would your first thought be that this new relationship means you’re losing a little bit of your sister? If anything, you’re gaining a little bit of a brother.” He got up right close to her face with a big grin. “And I get to have a little bit of a sister! Isn’t that just so much fun?” He hugged Luna close with one arm and gave her a noogie with his free hand.

“Hey!” Luna struggled in the awkward embrace and slipped out, fixing her mane. “Discord, what has gotten into you?” She tilted her head. “Wait…brother?”

Discord shrugged. “The relationship between Celestia and I is changing, so I think the relationship between you and I should change as well.” He glanced to the side sheepishly and added in a tender tone, “Instead of you and I just being very good friends…I thought we could think of each other more like family. I always kind of wanted to be part of one of those… if you want to too of course.”

Luna blinked twice and realized there were two tears in her eyes. She smiled again. “Family—you and I. You mean like how Cadance and Twilight are family?”

Discord blushed more. “Well, I mean, Cadence and Shining Armor are married so it’s a little different of course…”

“Not so very different…” Luna smirked.

“Very funny, Luna…” Discord managed with a shy swallow.

“Just teasing.” She laughed. “Tis what sisterly types do to brotherly types.” She winked.

Discord’s smile returned. “I don’t want to replace anything about what you mean to Tia, Luna. I couldn’t even if I tried. I just want to be there for her in a different way. And I’ll be there for you too.”

“I know. And I’ll be there for both of you. We shall make a nice family, I think. Thank you for talking with me, Discord.”

“Thank you for holding down the fort for four days so Tia and I could get to know each other better.” His eyes hazed a little again.

“You’re welcome. I wanted you two to have that chance.” Her smile was gentle. “I have never felt more happiness from her dreams than these last few nights spent away with you.”

Discord’s intense blushing returned. “Well, I…we just…I suppose when you’re with a very good more-than-friend any pony would feel…really?”

Luna nodded. “I’ll be heading to bed now. You should dance with her. She adores when you dance with her.” Luna gave her brother-ish draconequus a big, full, Alicorn-strength hug that lifted him up off of the floor, then released him, gave a brief bow, and headed away in the direction of her sister.

Discord caught his breath from the hug then floated up, pretending to play with a balloon (though his heart still pounded at the thought that Celestia really was so very happy near him even in the deepest corners of her slumbering mind).

Meanwhile, Celestia was enjoying watching Discord and Luna chat as they danced. The fact that Discord cared for and respected Luna so much made Celestia feel attracted to him all the more. He was a good friend for her sister to have.

Eventually, as long as she had a moment to herself, Celestia decided to turn her attention to Twilight and Cadance who were watching the party side-by-side.

With a grin, the princess of the sun moved behind the two mares and came to stand between them. “Twilight, Cadance, so nice to see you both.” She tried not to laugh as both princesses jumped and then looked to her with sheepish smiles.

“Oh, Auntie Celestia—hello!” Cadance put on a bright smile.

“Hi Celestia, it’s nice to see you too. I hope you had fun on your date.” Twilight cleared her throat and put on the smile of an eager student.

Celestia kept her extreme desire for laughter under control. “Oh, I did, very much. And I hope you two enjoyed spending some time here with Luna and each other.”

“Of course!” Twilight said a little too loudly, waving off Celestia in a gesture that was far too dramatic.

“We absolutely did.” Cadence quickly added. “There’s nothing like spending time with family.”

Twilight nodded far too enthusiastically. “Yup because we’re sister-in-law-best-friends-forever!”

Celestia’s eyes hazed all-knowingly. “Yes, Luna wrote me several letters about how well you two were getting along…” She looked them both in the eyes, not saying a word.

The princesses held up for about five seconds. Then they both bit their lips and said at the same time: “I’m sorry, I started it! What? No, it was my fault, not yours! Yes, it was!”

“Twilight!” Cadence called out as Twilight called in return, “Cadance!”

Celestia finally burst into laughter. “Ladies, it’s okay! Sometimes families fight, especially when they have opposing duties. But the point is you made up—and you managed not to embroil my castle in a small war. And your hearts were in the right place about Discord and I.” She came forward and gave each of them a hug then pulled back.

Twilight and Cadence smiled up at her, relieved.

“We realized we were being kind of selfish, comparing friendship and love when we should have just been celebrating them,” Cadance started.

Twilight continued. “Because what matters is that creatures get to have access to both feelings whenever they need them, whenever the time is right. And sometimes those two feelings can even mix and it’s wonderful.”

“Just like the two of us together.” Cadence hugged Twilight, and Twilight hugged her back.

“I’m very glad to hear that.” Celestia blushed slightly. “Because I know I’m going to need some advice on both matters going forward, and I like knowing the two masters of Friendship and love in harmony together.”

Twilight and Cadence glanced at each other then looked at Celestia with hazed eyes and smiles.

“You had a very good time with Discord, didn’t you?” Cadence giggled. “I could sense it even from here.”

“You bonded more than you ever have before—I could see it as soon as you both walked in,” Twilight added.

Celestia smiled to herself, her eyes down. “He is…exactly what I need and want in so many ways. And an excellent friend. And very good at being more than a friend too…”

Cadance’s eyes were glittering. “Does this mean you’ll finally go on a double date with Shining Armor and I?”

Celestia swallowed and looked back up again. “I think Discord and I need privacy for now, but we’d be happy to come over and watch Flurry Heart for a night if you and Shining Armor wanted to go out.”

Cadence sighed. “Close enough.”

Twilight laughed. “And would you and Discord like to come over for tea to the castle? Spike and I would love to host both of you at once…you know, as a couple.” She rubbed the back of her neck.

“We’d like to see you, Twilight.” Celestia glanced to her. “But maybe Luna could come too? I want to include her in some of the more casual things Discord and I do so we can all get used to each other.”

“Of course! I’m turning the library balcony into a small observatory space—I’d love Luna’s opinion on it.”

“Speaking of Luna…” Celestia smiled as she saw her sister approach now, finally done dancing with Discord.

Luna yawned. “I’ll be heading to bed now. Farewell, Twilight and Cadance. And sister…” She hugged Celestia with her foreleg then pulled back, “enjoy your party—and your draconequus.” Celestia blushed and rolled her eyes as Luna laughed then teleported herself away.


Celestia’s eyes and smile brightened as Discord appeared before her now in a puff of magic smoke, blushing, almost looking shy. “Yes, Discord?”

He extended his paw, and his smile picked up on one side reminiscent of his usual confident grin. “Shall we?”

“Always…” Celestia put her hoof in his paw and walked out to the dance floor with him, where Discord promptly snapped himself so that she had him dipped back in one of her forelegs.

“Ooo, I see now why you enjoyed this position so much last night.” He smirked.

She blushed and smirked back at him. “Are you trying to tell me you’d like me to kiss you, Discord?”

The chaos master glanced away bashfully with an innocent shrug. “Maybe not how we kissed last night, but—“

She placed a lingering peck on his cheek.

They both blushed when they heard everyone else giggling around them.

Discord snapped so that he was standing up holding one of her hooves in his hand. “I never ended a date with a crowd before. But perhaps the next one can end in private.” He raised her hoof and kissed it.

More giggling from their guests. And more blushing from Discord and Celestia.

“I’d like that,” Celestia replied. “And for now maybe we should get to dancing and give all of our guests something else to look at,” she suggested with a playful smile.

“Love to.” Discord winked, pulled her close, and spun her around quickly.

The celebrations continued for quite some time until sundown when everyone was ready for a well-deserved night’s sleep (except for the princess of the night, of course, who was already well rested by then…).

As soon as Celestia entered her room after sunset, she removed her regalia, closed the door behind her and collapsed onto her bed with a deep sigh and a smile. Her confession to Discord had been a long time coming, their date to develop their relationship had been a thrilling experience, the party had been a wonderful celebration for all, but now she needed the peace of her room and the knowledge that everything was settled and simple.

A few moments alone did tell her one thing though—she sort of missed lying in a quiet room at night with Discord nearby. They didn’t even need to talk: just listening to his breathing, sensing his magic, hearing a few mumbled chaotic words was nice.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a light rap at her balcony window.

Celestia knew it was him even before she looked up; she blushed as she glanced to the window.

There her draconequus was, smiling innocently as he waved to her from beneath the night sky. Celestia walked over and opened the balcony door to step out into the cool air.

“Did you miss me, Discord?” She couldn’t resist the irony.

Discord smiled more then shrugged. “Honestly…yes.” He cleared his throat. “I mean, not ‘miss’ miss—it’s only been an hour since the party. I just went back home to settle in, but being alone after all our time together felt strange. I actually ended up asking Fluttershy to spend the night so I’d have someone to talk to and so we could catch up. But before I meet her back at my cottage, I at least had to say goodnight to you.”

Celestia moved closer, her gaze warm. “I’ll admit, I was just thinking about you too, Discord. I enjoyed our last few days together very much—not just everything we did but being close. I think saying goodnight will help.”

Discord nodded, his smile going from sheepish to relieved. “Well, then…goodnight, Tia.”

Celestia nodded too. “Goodnight, Discord. Goodnight, my Discord.”

There was a pause.

“Celestia, if this is just me, let me know but…as long as we’re alone again, are you thinking about a good night kiss?”

“I’m thinking about our first gala night when you flew back here with me, how you leaned in to take your flower from my hair and I thought you would kiss me…and I wasn’t sure if I’d pull away because I was curious. And how you turned pink when I kissed your cheek…” Her heart was beating very quickly now: Discord looked nice in moonlight, the many colors of his body silvered and his eyes glowing a little.

Those eyes widened. Then Discord stepped close to her, cupped her cheek in his hand, and leaned in.

Celestia put a foreleg around his shoulder and met his mouth with hers quickly. They were both soon holding onto each other as they kissed. Celestia felt good. Then Discord gently rubbed his fingers over one of her ears and Celestia felt better than good. She brushed her hoof against his body where his neck and chest fur met—she knew he was ticklish there. Discord chuckled in their kiss, his lips parting just slightly.

Celestia took advantage of the situation and kept those lips apart with a motion of her own. That forked tongue of his was too tempting…

At first he stiffened and held onto her like he was confused and a little lost. Then he melted and held onto her like she was the only thing keeping him steady on his feet.

Celestia smiled to herself.

Eventually they separated.

They both panted faintly in the moonlight. Discord looked down at Celestia with his eyes wide and a single eyebrow cocked high.

Celestia beamed. “I told you we could do that again sometime.” She blushed darkly. “Was it as good for you as it was for me?”

Discord blinked then snorted in laughter. He held her face in both hands, gazing down into her eyes. “Everything about you is good for me.”

She placed her hoof against his paw.

Then Celestia’s bedroom door opened and Luna busted in.

“Sister! I am fully rested and ready for a sisterly bonding sleepover with you including gossip all about your date and your draconequus!” She laughed. Then Luna blinked and trotted right over to Celestia and Discord. “Why, what is this? Sneaking boys up into your room, Celestia?”

The happy couple quickly separated with sheepish smiles and blushing.

“Just wishing your sister a good night, Luna,” Discord managed as confidently as he could.

“Yes,” Celestia nodded, “we didn’t get to say our goodbyes earlier, so we thought we’d do it now.”

“I see—very touching.” With a grin Luna got between them, facing Discord. “But I’m afraid your little after hours tryst will have to be cut short. You see, Discord, you had my sister for four glorious days and nights. Now I get her for myself for mare time and a sleepover! I made Twilight and Cadance do my work for tonight in advance, and I left the party to take a nap specifically to have energy for this moment!”

“Okay, okay,” Discord chuckled as her magic nudged him to the balcony railing, “you two have fun bonding. Tia, I’ll see you at the school. Luna, I’ll see you next time I’m on a madcap nightly adventure…that doesn’t involve a date with your sister.”

“Agreed! But also you must attend dinner here at the castle with my sister and I one evening—I insist,” Luna added. “It will be a formal recognition of you as part of our family, Discord.”

“Family?” Celestia raised an eyebrow and grinned.

Discord shrugged. “Long story. And okay, okay, I’ll come over for the obligatory ‘meeting the family’ dinner. Farewell, ladies.” He gave Luna a bow, gave Celestia a wink, then backflipped off the railing and was gone in a flash.

Luna was right in front of Celestia in an instant, eyes bright.

Celestia sighed, smiling. “You really want to talk with me about my date, don’t you?”

“Yay and verily.” Luna’s horn powered up and instantly both mares were in Celestia’s bed with a platter of cookies between them. “But for starters, what, pray tell, were you two doing on that balcony that left the chaos master looking like he was about to collapse into a pile of mismatched love?”

Celestia blushed and snorted as she laughed. “Just a kiss goodnight. Sometimes those can be a bit intense between us though apparently.”

Luna laughed too and sighed. “Did your time together really work out well then?” She hesitated her eyes searching.

“Yes.” Celestia settled more under the blankets. “It didn’t always go smoothly. Sometimes there were misunderstandings or awkward moments—and we even got into a silly fight once. But we learned a lot about each other. We got closer as more than friends. We let ourselves be connected. And now we’ll always be connected no matter what happens.” She nibbled a piece of cookie.

Luna breathed a relieved sigh. “He doesn’t ever want to be out of your life, Celestia. You’ve won his heart completely.”

Celestia only nodded, glancing at her cookie.

“And…” Luna went on softly, “he has won yours?”

Celestia swallowed. “I’m not in love with him, Luna. Not yet. But now…I think he’s the only I ever want to…” She took a deep breath. “This is going to be a very big adventure for us, Luna.”

Luna placed a hoof on her shoulder. “And I am here to help you both if you need it.”

Celestia’s eyes met hers and her smile eased again. “So, erm…what did Discord mean about family before?”

Luna smiled. “Back at the party he told me not to be jealous that I was losing time with my sister. Rather, he says, your relationship is a cause for celebration because he is slightly gaining a sister in me and apparently I am slightly gaining a brother in him. I agreed that we would all make a nice, happy extended family. Don’t you?”

Celestia brushed away a tear and nodded.

Luna hugged her then took a cookie. “Now then, tell me all the things you’d like to share about your date. Where did you go, what was the funnest thing you did, how often shall you be taking overnight trips with your draconequus in the future?”

Celestia laughed and continued to eat her cookie. “We went all over Equestria and his dimension too, and we’ll take a few more trips like that eventually though we’ll try not to be gone for so long. And I think the funnest thing we did was sit at the top of a ferris wheel at night while fireworks went off above a carnival. And we talked about bringing you and Fluttershy to a carnival one day. And we laughed and sat close…and other things…”

The two sisters enjoyed their evening of bonding together until eventually Celestia dozed off, Luna watching over her.

“There, Fluttershy, are you comfy?” Discord finished fluffing one of the dozen pillows he had surrounded Fluttershy with on his living room sofa.

Smiling she nodded then added hesitantly, “Yes, but I might prefer just a few less pillows. Two should be fine.”

Discord sighed but nodded. “Very well, as long as you’re sure you don’t need the extra support.” He snapped them away then snapped up a levitating hammock for himself and settled in with a few pillows of his own as well as his nightstand with his picture of Fluttershy…and now Celestia. “Thank you for staying over, Fluttershy. It’s been nice catching up. And somehow being alone after all that time spent with my summertime friends and all that time spent with Celestia and our party today just felt wrong.”

“I understand completely. I’m glad we get to be together too—I missed you all summer. I’m happy you enjoyed your adventures and making new friends though. And your time with Celestia too.” Fluttershy blushed a little.

Discord blushed too. He twiddled his thumbs in the hammock. “Hey, Fluttershy? If you’re not tired…”

“Oh no, not at all!” Fluttershy’s eyes brightened. “Is there anything you want to talk about, Discord?”

He nodded, eyes down shyly. “Celestia…maybe.”

“I’m listening.”

“I know I talk about her a lot sometimes—if you don’t want to hear me gush this time it’s really okay.”

“Discord, of course I want to hear whatever you have to say,” she assured. “We talk about our friendship just as much as anything else. And sometimes I talk to you a lot about my animal sanctuary or my problems with Zephyr Breeze or the things I’m scared of. So I’m happy to talk about Celestia too. I promise.”

He smiled, looking into her eyes. Then he bit his lip. “Fluttershy, she likes me so much—very, very much. But…she doesn’t love me yet.”

Fluttershy nodded. “And how does that make you feel?”

He squirmed in his pillows. “I didn’t expect her to fall in love on the first date. But still…I don’t know. It makes me feel like we’ve gotten to a wonderful place…but like there’s still a long road ahead. What if I mess something up?”

Fluttershy frowned. “Discord, if you only worry about what could go wrong, you’ll never get a chance to enjoy what could go right. You and Princess Celestia are happy now; it’s okay to let yourself have that. And you two only ended up this way by being yourselves and letting your relationship develop naturally. Just give it time, Discord. I think you’re closer to her loving you than you realize.”

Discord’s look of discomfort eased. His voice was quiet. “Fluttershy? Do you think…” he remembered back before their first gala when he’d asked Fluttershy about courting practices—where ponies went on dates and the type of gifts to give to mares like chocolates or flowers or rings for their horns— “Do you think that if I ever gave her a ring for her horn, she’d wear it? Or is that too crazy even for me?” He hid almost entirely under his blanket.

Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “But Discord, I think I told you once before—ponies only usually give other ponies rings for their horns if they’re propo—oh…” She blush and smiled again. “Discord,” she whispered, “I think we both know that’s a question you’d have to ask her but…it’s not crazy. If that’s what you want, I think it’s a beautiful dream.”

Discord nodded, only loosening his hold on the blankets a little. “I want her to be part of my life in all the ways there are.”

“I know.” Fluttershy nodded in return. “But it doesn’t all have to happen at once. You’ll figure out your relationship as you go, Discord. And I’ll be here for you through all of it.”

“That’s why you’re the best friend a guy could ask for.” Discord let his head out from the covers enough now to show her a smile. “Shall we start resuming Tuesday Tea again this week now that I’m back?”

“I’d love to. I’ve missed them very much. Can we have the first one here? I love how you cottage is different each time.” Fluttershy glanced around—half the furniture was on the ceiling and lightning bugs danced around it while the dust bunnies hopped around the floor.

“Absolutely, my dear Fluttershy.” Discord smiled more to himself. “And, if you don’t mind, I told Celestia I wanted to set up a tea party with the three of us. You know…one of my little ‘meeting the girlfriend’ tea parties but sooner than usual. I think I can make an exception with her.”

“I’d be happy to have you both over, Discord.” Fluttershy winked. “I’ll start making plans tomorrow…” A yawn escaped her.

“Thank you.” A yawn left Discord too, and they both settled into their beds. “Goodnight, dear Fluttershy—in the morning I’ll make us chocolate milk muffins.”

“Yay,” she yawned again and closed her eyes. “My favorite…”

As she dozed off, Discord did too.

In the land of dreams the chaos master and sun princess both had the same simple dream without knowing it. They each found their counterparts, shared a tender smile, and then dozed off beside each other curled on a cozy ether of clouds and dimness. Their dream experiences matched so well, it was almost like they were resting together for real.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this latest chapter :) There will probably be only two more chapters, and they'll be set more in the future, so I think I'd like to wait to see how some things play out in the series finale before writing/posting. Thank you all for your patience though! And in the meantime, I'll be updating "Endgame of Chaos" soon and maybe working on another sequel to "We're The Same!".

Take care, everyone, and please review if you can!
