• Published 19th Jun 2017
  • 5,148 Views, 110 Comments

The Most Chaotic Date Ever!!! - Azure129

It's been years since Celestia and Discord's first Grand Galloping Gala together after the chaos master's reform (and his confession of love). Their friendship has blossomed. But now Celestia has something to confess. How will Discord respond?

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Chapter 8: Love Carries On

A few months in the future…

Princess Celestia wore a large red sombrero decorated with flowers and black fringe on her head and a black and red mask around her eyes. She lay on a cloud under the night sky overlooking the bright lights of a festival below. Recently the princess of the day was transitioning her royal responsibilities to the soon-to-be-coronated Twilight. But there was no reason Celestia and her sister couldn’t take advantage of a few final perks of royalty—in this case a lovely diplomatic trip to Mexicolt for Dia De Los Muertos Caballos. Below in Mexicolt City she could see candles aglow, colorful decorations proudly displayed, and families enjoying time together—remembering their loved ones and making new memories.

Celestia herself had been reflecting lately on everything in her life to be grateful for. She was especially happy to have her new little family along on this trip: Luna and Discord. Her sister and the creature who Celestia…well, her suitor but more too. Not her consort—the time for royal titles in Celestia’s life was over, in her opinion. She supposed that the best term for him was lover. But she couldn’t say that word out loud to him—after all, only one of them had ever said ‘I love you’ in their relationship…so far. Celestia was very close to her sweet draconequus companion, and yet there were still realms of their new relationship they hadn’t explored.

Celestia shivered a little as she felt a movement beneath her cloud like a quick gust. But then she blushed as she realized the true source of sensation; Discord, who now floated up in front of her grinning. His face was painted like a big sugar skull doll in black and white, green decorations streamed from his wings, and a small black sombrero with red accents rested between his horns.

“Buenas noches, mi querida.” He grinned, his voice deep and charming. “How nice to run into a mysterious lady on this most enchanting of evenings. My name is El Discorde—and who might you be?”

Celestia held back a giggle and went along with the game. “You can call me...Soleada if you’d like. And how nice to meet a charming gentle creature such as yourself. How is your holiday going?”

“Better now that I have a beauty such as you by my side.” He flew over her in an arch then came almost nose to nose with her. “Tell me fate has been kind to me and that there’s no ‘Mr. Soleada’ waiting for you at home?”

Celestia blushed and smiled more as she shook her head. “No, I’m quite alone and in need of companionship.” She shifted to the side, her eyes hazed. “And tell me you don’t say lines like these to all the unattached ladies at night?”

“Never,” he practically purred as he tapped her nose. “You’re an exquisite exception to my normally lonely evenings, querida. So perhaps I can entice you to spend the rest of your Dia de los Muertos Caballos with me while the air is still thick with romance?”

Celestia glanced to the side, pretending to consider. “Well, I’m usually less impulsive. But in your very attractive case I’ll make an exception.” She winked.

Discord blushed, his eyes wide. But then he snorted through his nose, and so did Celestia. The two of them were quickly laughing as Discord finally settled onto the cloud alongside her.

“Ugh, and I suppose that’s another point to you, Celestia, for beating me out at flirting!” Discord wiped a tear from his eye and snapped up a chalkboard with an almost even number of tallies beneath Discord and Celestia’s names. He added one more to her side.

She shrugged. “You came very close. The Spanish almost got to me…” She blushed more.
Discord smirked as she snapped away the chalkboard. “Just wait until we visit Prance one of these days—I’ve been working on my Prench as well, Ma Cherie…” He raised her hoof and kissed it.

“Discord!” she whispered, turning utterly scarlet and giggling.

He released her hoof, snapped up the board again, and put a new tally beneath his name before snapping it away once more. “All’s fair in love and war.”

She swallowed then cleared her throat. “Where have you been? It certainly looks like you’ve had a festive evening.” She eyed his decor.

He released her hoof and shrugged. “Oh, off with Luna, partying and dancing and eating way too much sugar skull candy.” He gestured down below. “She’s nuts for this holiday, and I can’t blame her: really has a nighttime vibe going. But she wanted to visit some ancient temples by moonlight, and when I realized you weren’t still napping back at the Mexicolt Prime Minister’s palace anymore, I decided to come looking for you. And how have you been enjoying your evening? Love the hat, by the way.” He fondled one of the black fringes in his paw.

“Thank you.” Celestia stretched. “And I’ve just been mingling, trying some treats, but mostly observing.” She sighed and looked down again. “I love seeing ponies so happy.”

“That really is a favorite pastime of yours.” He put and arm over her shoulders and glanced down at the ponies as well. “Thanks for bringing me along on this trip. I know you and Luna won’t have many more chances to do royalty stuff as just the pony sisters, so I appreciate the inclusion.”

“Of course.” Celestia moved in closer alongside him and turned to Discord. “Luna and I knew you’d love it here. And since it’s one of our last royal excursions, we wanted to share it…with family.”

Discord beamed.

Celestia’s heart fluttered.

Then he blushed and added with an awkward grin, “But I guess for any future trips where the hosts will be supplying the accommodations we should be a little clearer about ‘us’ right off the bat.”

Celestia blushed too and cleared her throat. “Yes, well…I know the prime minister meant well, but you’re right—it was a little awkward finding out that he showed Luna to her bedroom and then planned to show us to ours instead of me to mine and you to yours…”

“Yeah…” Discord nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. “I really wish I could have gotten that straightened out for us before you found out.”

“That’s not why I was so flustered, Discord.” Celestia took a breath, her look more serious for a moment. “You didn’t need to try and fix this issue for us while I was off greeting the other delegates. And even if you had, I would have wanted to know what had happened.”

He frowned a little. “I just wanted to make things easier for you.”

“I know you want to protect me and help me.” She touched his hand with her hoof and smiled. “But I can handle things. Really. I want to be part of what goes on in our relationship, no matter what.”

He sighed, brow furrowed, but then nodded. “Okay. I’ll try to keep that in mind. Promise.” He squeezed her hoof.

Celestia smiled again.

Discord raised an eyebrow. “Sure you and Luna didn’t mind bunking together since all the other rooms were taken for the holiday? I really could just snap myself to and from my dimension so you could have your own room here.”

She shook her head. “Luna and I enjoy being together as much as possible these days. And I want you here.” She nuzzled her head against his neck and closed her eyes.

Discord hugged a little closer to her and drew his fingers through her mane. “Well, I want to be here, so that works out then.” He kissed her cheek. “Speaking of bedrooms though, darling, it really is late. Want me to snap you back to the palace? You seem like you’re ready to become sleepy Celestia.”

“Am not,” she challenged gently.

“You still haven’t opened your eyes.” He chuckled. “And you’re leaning against me like I’m your favorite pillow.”

“You’re just good at being supportive in many ways, Discord.” Celestia grinned, eyes still closed, as she leaned a little more against his side and then spread a wing over him.

Discord laughed. “Well then, let’s just stay up here for a bit, and I’ll send you to bed when you’re finally ready.”

“And let you have the rest of the night’s fun without me?” She opened one hazed eye. “Never. I’m just resting.”

“And I’m just playing with your hair and giving you the coziest spot in all of Mexicolt to rest yourself,” he replied innocently. His fingers twirled lazily through the strands of her mane, the feeling so peaceful to Celestia that she yawned.

Discord kept gently stroking her hair, and Celestia kept settling in more and more. She knew he wouldn’t stop touching and twirling the strands until she fell asleep. He did this during afternoon naps on dates or during overnight trips to her castle when storms would wake her up at night and she couldn’t fall back to sleep.

Celestia never wanted him to stop, ever. She never wanted him gone from her life, ever.

Over these last months it was like her heart had gradually filled drop by drop until it overflowed, and then she’d realized Discord was right—it wasn’t that a pony ‘just knew’ they had those feelings for another; a pony couldn’t help but know once the feelings were there.

Celestia was absolutely, chaotically, perfectly, eternally, undeniably in love with Discord.

But Discord had confessed his love to her in the middle of a grand date on a gondola in Veighnice Italy under the stars and followed it up with their first evening of embraces and kisses without hesitation. How could she ever equal that moment for him?

Maybe right here and now, with the stars above and ponies celebrating below?

“Discord,” she said softly.

“Yes, Tia?”

Celestia took a breath. She would open her eyes and look into his. She would say the words. And she wasn’t sure exactly what her chaos master would do, but it would probably involve several delightful reactions and then Discord sweeping her into his arms for one of those kisses he could give sometimes that left her heart pounding, her breaths short, her mane and tail pulsing at an even greater rate, and him with that gleam in his eyes. And then—

And then back to a strange palace for a few days with political representatives and no time alone to talk more about all of the everything between them.

No, not right now; maybe on a quieter evening, somewhere special and private. She wouldn’t say the words until she could be sure they would be said in the rightest way possible.

“Save me some sugar skull candy for tomorrow,” she murmured and stretched a little. “If I do indeed fall asleep, of course…”

“Always, my lady.” He kissed her ear, and she felt it gave a flick.

Celestia smiled a little then soon drifted into the land of dreams, safe in the knowledge that she would wake up in the morning in her bed beside Luna courtesy of Discord’s loving magic. Safe knowing he would be only one room away. Safe knowing she never wanted their lives to be farther apart than that—in fact, she wanted them to be much closer whenever possible.
Dia de los Muertos Caballos had been a good day.

It just wasn’t ‘the’ day to tell him.

But soon.

“Fly you fool!” Discord yelled before pushing Twilight away from the madness of the battle against Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow. Then he raced back over to support their rock shield against the trio.

Celestia glanced over her shoulder and watched as Twilight, tears in her eyes, fled the castle. The sun princess brushed the tears from her own eyes and turned her attention back to holding their position. But suddenly there was an explosion, and Celestia found herself hurled to the floor.

She sat up, coughing as the dust cleared. The rock was destroyed, her castle was in ruins, and Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow grinned as they closed in.

“Attack!” Spike yelled, and instantly he and the girls charged agains the villains. Celestia stood, a pained expression on her face as she felt the urge to protect her little ponies but remembered again that her magic was gone. Maybe she and Luna could be a distraction, for just enough time to get the girls out too. But no… they all needed to stay and fight so Twilight could have as much time as possible to get help. The girls knew what they were doing, and Celestia had to trust their power now. And besides, she would be most effective by focusing on her own attacks against the villains. Luna could hold her own too, of course. And Discord…

Celestia didn’t want to think much about Discord right now, and yet her heart tightened at the idea of him in any danger. But she knew he would manage too.

For now, the battle mattered most. And the sun princess may have lacked her magic, but she was still a strong, confident, capable mare. She could fight.

Celestia caught Cozy Glow’s eye and raced over to one of the stained glass windows. Cozy fired a shot at her and Celestia smirked—she would dodge just in time and the magic bolt would ricochet off the window and back at Cozy Glo— “Oh!”

Celestia hit the ground behind a pillar with something heavy on top of her. She opened her eyes, struggling, prepared to duel with her horn if necessary against whoever had attacked her from the flank.

“Whoa, Tia, relax—it’s me!” Discord was over her but quickly stepped back. “I didn’t mean to make you fall. But Cozy Glow was firing at you, and I had to do something. Are you okay?”

She stood up, scowling. "I can take care of myself. I don’t need you to step in to do it for me—you’re my coltfriend, not my caretaker. And besides, I’m not speaking to you right now.” She leaned in close. “Also, I wanted Cozy Glow to fire at me—so I could ricochet her shot off of the window and back at her. I know how to strategize in war, Discord, magic or no magic.”

His ears fell. “Oh… I… I’m sorry. I just wanted to help.”

Celestia glared. “Everyone needs help right now, Discord. You’ve unleashed monsters on Equestria!”

“I know… And that’s why you’re not speaking to me…” He frowned. “And you have every right. I—“

“I’m not speaking to you because you lied to me!

He blinked. “Wait, you’re not mad about the villains—you’re mad that I wanted this to be a surprise? Celestia, I told you, I had good intentions. I didn’t—“

“You didn’t tell me about any of this!” She stomped her hoof, tears in her eyes. “That’s lying, Discord. And now we all have to fix it!”

“I didn’t want to bother you!” He held out his arms, eyes wide. “You’re so busy with the coronation and training Twilight, and I thought giving her a rousing win would be a good thing for everyone. I couldn’t ask you to help: I didn’t want you near those three. It wasn’t safe!”

“No kidding! And I’ll decide for myself what’s safe, Discord!”

They were nose to nose now. And for the first time during a fight Celestia didn’t have the urge to suddenly pounce on him with a kiss and embrace. And Discord’s sad and frustrated face suggested he didn’t seem too inclined either.

And then a shadow fell over them. Both creatures turned to see Tirek standing there with a dark smile. “Well, well—two for the price of one!” The energy ball between his horns glowed, but just as the shot went off, Celestia and Discord were shoved off to the side. They blinked open their eyes to see their savior had been Luna.

She caught her breath. “I don’t know what you two were doing in such a tight and indefensible corner, but we need you out here! Now!” She turned and raced to Cozy Glow, knocking her out of the air with a jump.

Celestia nodded, her brow furrowed in determination, and looked to Discord. “Help the girls. I can take care of myself.” She didn’t let him answer and instead galloped to Tirek and bucked him in the side. A magic bolt from Cozy Glow nearly singed her wing but Celestia turned and whacked the little alicorn with her horn. She grinned: she hadn’t been in the field like this for a battle in centuries. Celestia glanced around: where was Chrysalis? She turned and spotted Discord engaging her—he was smirking, clearly cracking jokes to throw her off. Chrysalis hissed and charged him, but Discord dodged every advance and used his long body to trip her. He took a proud bow—but then she bit his tail with her fangs and he fell with a yelp. She spit out the tail and towered over him, grinning, pinning his arms. Her horn glowed and her mouth opened, and Discord’s eyes went very wide.

Celestia’s heart pounded as she galloped toward them at a full speed. Just as Chrysalis was leaning in to suck out Discord’s love Celestia barreled into the changeling and sent her flying. Celestia stood in front of Discord and turned, four hooves planted firmly in front of him and her eyes narrowed at the changeling. “You do not touch him.”

Chrysalis stood up and shook her head to clear it then glared back and approached Celestia. “You do not give me orders, princess. I am a queen—and now, almost a goddess!”

Discord scrambled up and got beside Celestia, holding out his arms to guard her. “Wait, be careful—“

“Help!” Fluttershy yelled from across there room.

Discord looked over to see her cowering in font of Tirek who was aiming his ball of magic at her. The centaur glanced at Discord and gave him a little wave. Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash were clinging to his flanks, trying to stop him, but Tirek barely noticed.

“Go help Fluttershy, Discord! She needs it right now—I don’t!” Celestia yelled, almost in her Royal Canterlot Voice.

Discord blinked but finally nodded and dashed over to his best friend.

Celestia and Chrysalis crossed horns and struggled. Celestia scowled. “You’re no queen! A queen, a princess—they’re leaders! You have no one to lead. And you’ve led yourself to nothing.”

“Foolish princess, I have everything now, including all of your magic!” Chrysalis laughed maniacally.

“You’ll never have true magic if you keep down this road!”

“Oh yes, I know—you mean ‘the magic friendship’!” Chrysalis rolled her eyes and struggled forward. “Please!”

Celestia struggled forward against her. “I won’t let you hurt Equestria!”

“We already have!” She laughed. “And we’ll pick off your little student and all your little friends one by one…and then your sister and you and that doddering old draconequus.”

Celestia huffed through her nose and thrust forward with even more energy.

Chrysalis’s horn glowed a little as she almost lost her balance. Then she blinked and smirked. “Yes…that explains it…why I could feel so much love coming from Discord and now from you too. You and he… Oh that is too rich!” She laughed and glanced over her shoulder. “Cozy Glow! Tirek! Apparently Discord and Celestia have become more than friends!”

Tirek, who currently had his backside shoved into a large vase courtesy of Discord’s rescue of Fluttershy, raised an eyebrow. “Best friends?”

“She means they’re dating—duh!” Cozy Glow flew by him.

Chrysalis turned her gaze back to Celestia. “And you were so angry because you didn’t want me to suck up any of his love for you. But I’ll do it one day…” she lowered her voice to a hissed whisper, “and I’ll suck up yours for him too.”

Celestia thrust her head to the side, sending Chrysalis flying into a column. The changeling hit hard but just laughed and laughed.

Tirek grabbed Discord by the tail before he could race over to reach Celestia. “How pathetic, Discord—you’ve gotten all emotional over a pony sister.” Discord opened his mouth to speak, but Tirek wrapped a chain around him and covered his mouth for good measure as Discord struggled.

“Ugh, talk about gross.” Cozy Glow lassoed the girls and Spike together into a magic ring.

“Tis you three who are gross!” Luna yelled as she charged the group, but Chrysalis jumped at her and knocked her down.

Everyone was trapped, and Celestia just looked at the scene with wide eyes. The villains sneered back at her. And then Chrysalis hissed and wrapped her and Luna together in the sticky strings of one of her cocoons.

The trio laughed.

Chrysalis grinned. “I know just the place to imprison these silly creatures. Let’s go.” Tirek and Cozy Glow nodded, and the three of them dragged their catch through the castle.

The girls and Spike huddled close in their little group.The pony sisters shared a tender look. And then Celestia’s eyes went to Discord who was just looking at the scene with so much sadness, the chains heavy around his body.

Celestia felt sad too. She always had hope, but this situation was very, very bad. And when was the last time that she’d told Twilight just how proud she was of her? Or Luna how much she loved her and treasured having her in her life again? Or told the girls and Spike how precious each of them was? And Discord…their last words had been a fight, and she’d never told him about all the love in her heart.

Celestia decided if—when—everything was better again she would make sure to relieve each of those potential regrets as soon as possible no matter what.

Somehow, even before the sunset of that very day, everything was better and Equestria was safe and nobody was hurt. All magic was returned to its rightful owners, and the three villains were trapped as stone courtesy of an unexpected idea from Discord. The suggestion couldn’t help but touch Celestia’s heart a little; she knew Discord valued what his time imprisoned had taught him though the method had been severe. She imagined he wanted to give those three the same chance, even after everything. Celestia would talk to Twilight though—a thousand years was a long time: perhaps friendship could be brought to the villains sooner.

By now Twilight and the girls were in Canterlot enjoying their time together, and the other creatures who had so kindly come to help them had headed back to their native lands. Luna, Celestia, and Discord were finally left alone with the villainous statue.

Luna raised an eyebrow at the object. “Shall we put it in the statue garden for Twilight, Celestia?”

“I don’t know, Luna.” Celestia stepped forward. “Maybe some place more secured…”

“No, definitely not in my statue garden!” Discord crossed his arms as Luna rolled her eyes—he’d gotten oddly possessive of the location over the years. “Celestia and I like to go there sometimes on dates, and the last thing we need is to be thinking about queenie sensing all the romance like she did back in the castle.” He blushed and glanced to the side as he jerked a thumb at the statue.

Luna snorted with laughter. Celestia blushed considerably and cleared her throat. “Er…then where would you suggest, Discord?”

He glanced at her hesitantly and smiled when he realized she was smiling back at him. Celestia lowered her eyes, remembering their disagreement earlier and everything they’d been through since then. Discord sighed. “I was thinking the catacombs under the castle, in one of the cells. Those rocks would cancel out their magic if they ever found a way to break free. And it would be kind of ironic to stow them where they had imprisoned all of us.”

Luna nodded. “I think your decision is quite wise, Discord.” Luna used her magic to teleport the statue away.

Celestia glanced up to see Discord smile a little. “Thanks, Luna.” Then he cleared his throat and approached her. “Luna, I’m so sorry I let this happen and didn’t tell you about it. I’m going to apologize to each of the girls individually, but I figure I should start here.”

Luna sighed. “You made things right in the end, Discord. And if you’ve learned to never again engage such dangerous forces without help, even with good intentions, then of course I forgive you.” Luna smiled and held out her hoof.

Discord dove forward and scooped her up in a big hug, giving her head a noogie. “Thanks, Luna! You’re the best almost sister a guy could ask for!”

Luna struggled but smiled more. “Yes, yes, all right.” She gave him a quick hug then got out of his grasp. “Now then, shall we return to the castle and see what repairs need to be made?”

“Actually,” Discord held up a finger, “could you give me a few minutes with Celestia? I’d, uh…like to continue my plan for individual apologies.”

Luna’s gaze softened. “Of course. I’ll see you both in a few minutes then.”

“Luna, wait…” Celestia stepped forward. “it’s almost time for sunset, and I…I would like more than a few minutes. I have something to talk to Discord about as well.” Out of the corner of her eye Celestia saw Discord raise an eyebrow. Celestia turned her attention back to Luna. “We can concern ourselves with the repairs tomorrow. The throne room and main entrance were destroyed, but the guards still have their barracks and the staff have their quarters. I think we should stay at our old castle in the Everfree Forest tonight—it’s practically all fixed up now.” She cleared her throat. “I’m planning to turn in early though, right after sunset.” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Discord frown and hang his head—probably at the idea that she would dismiss him so suddenly after whatever talk she wanted to have.

Luna tilted her head slightly but nodded. “I understand.” She stepped back. “I think I shall refrain from returning to the castle until after the moonrise—I would like to assign guards to the catacombs to guard the statue and inform Twilight and her friends of its location.”

“Thank you, sister.” Celestia put a foreleg over Luna and they shared a brief hug then pulled back with smiles. Luna teleported herself away.

Celestia took a deep breath and turned back to Discord. Before she could even open her mouth he floated close to her and got down on one knee, holding her hoof.

Celestia eyes widened: he could still do and say things sometimes that strongly suggested he was about to ask her to marry him, like right now. And everything inside of her felt beyond magical in those moments, though she still couldn’t envision herself giving a reply.

“I am so sorry.” Discord clutched her hoof. “Believe me—no schtick, no jokes, no blaming everything else. I act proud but not with you, not when it really matters, like now. You were right: I hurt you, I left you out, I lied. And by trying to protect you, I put you in more danger than ever.” His ears drooped even more. “I had good intentions, but it doesn’t change that I did something wrong. Can you forgive me?”

Celestia sat and placed her other front hoof over his hands. “You can’t keep doing things without asking me because you want to protect me, Discord. I know you care about me. But I’m not fragile. I don’t want to be taken care of; I want us to care for each other. And I don’t want you to ever end up in a bad situation like this again—for your sake.”

“Of course. I…” He shook his head. “I just love you, and you know how naturally impulsive my judgment is, especially when it comes to you or to Fluttershy…”

“You and I are different than you and Fluttershy,” Celestia said gently, looking into his eyes. “We have a romantic relationship—and I want a partner who listens to me. A partner who doesn’t keep secrets. Okay?”

He nodded.

Celestia came forward and gave him a gentle hug. “I do forgive you, Discord. And I’m proud of how you helped everyone today.” She pulled back with a small smile and got one in return from Discord.

She swallowed. “Discord, it’s about time for me to lower the sun. Will you come to the Everfree Forest castle with me for that? And then I’d like to talk.”

His smile fell again but he nodded. “Yes, of course.” Usually he’d playfully asked if she wanted
to share her sunset with him, especially lately since Twilight would be taking over that duty soon. But he didn’t say a word now.

Celestia sighed and walked past him. “All right then. Let’s go.” She powered her horn and teleported them away.

They arrived on the castle roof—a place where they liked to picnic sometimes or to land after taking rides on Discord’s vespa (Celestia was getting very good at driving it…usually while Discord held onto her from behind, his tail double wrapped around her waist as a safety belt). This was a place of laughter for them and good times. But right now Discord remained quiet as Celestia looked out at the forest and used her magic to lower the sun. Twilight really would be in charge soon, but Celestia suspected that if she asked in the future to lower and raise it sometimes for old times sake, Twilight would agree. Still, it wouldn’t be quite the same. Her days as the princess were numbered—it was time for a new part of her life. And after today, Celestia was even more sure about what she wanted for that new part.

Eventually she led Discord back inside to the throne room of the castle. Its windows overlooked the surrounding forest. Celestia and Luna had transported many items from the Canterlot castle here for storage (since Silver Shoals couldn’t hold the collection from so many centuries)—tapestries and sculptures and paintings. And they still had many items here from the old days in this castle as well. It was a place with much memory, a place from the start of Celestia’s life: a special place where she could make a memory with Discord.

Discord stood before her with his hands clasped and eyes a little wide. He spoke first. “What do we need to talk about, Celestia?”

“Us,” Celestia blurted out with a crack to her voice. She quickly cleared her throat. “We need something else to change with us.”

“Oh.” He hesitated. “Are, um…are you sure we should talk now though? Maybe you’d like to get some rest and let our heads clear and then we could…”

“I don’t want to wait anymore—it’s been on my mind for a while,” Celestia quickly explained. “And after today, I…I have to, Discord.”

His ears fell, but he nodded. “All right…” He held the end of his tail in his hands. “Whatever you need to say, it’s okay. I want to listen, like you said. I want to be there for you, however you need me.” He almost smiled a little again. “I just like being part of your life.”

“I love you.”


Discord glanced around then at himself then back to Celestia. “i’m sorry, can you repeat—“
Celestia came forward and caught his slightly agape mouth in a very deep kiss. She pulled back, blushing, her eyes bright and wide. “I love you. I’ve been trying for months to think of a way to tell you that would even come close to the beautiful way you told me, but I think deep down I was just nervous. But I had so many little regrets when we were captured by those three, and the biggest one was not telling you. So I’m telling you now. I am in love with you, Discord.”

His mouth stayed open and his cheeks almost glowed. Then he let out a deep breath and put a hand to his forehead. “Celestia! Sheesh, don’t scare me like that! You were so angry with me before, and you were talking so seriously now—I was terrified you were going to break up with me! Or…my ego was wondering if you were going to propose maybe…” He shook his head. “You need to give a guy more warning before you tell him that you love…you love…you love…” He blinked a few times, and Celestia saw his eyes widen, tears at the corners. “You…love me?”

She smiled and wiped a tear from her own eye. “Of course! How could I help falling in love, Discord? Every moment we’ve spent together has made me care more and more until I cared too much for it not to be love. Even when we fight I still love you, you dramatic chaos master—Oh!”

Discord put his hands around her, set her forelegs over his shoulder so that she was upright, then he turned, dipped her back, and looked down into her eyes with a fiery grin. “Oh Tia!”
Celestia’s mouth was open in surprise, and he took full advantage to give her a deep kiss of his own, sending Celestia’s wings straight back. He finished the kiss, undipped her, and spun them back around. “Say it again, hmm?”

She giggled. “I love you, Discord. And all it took was a major attack by three nearly immortal villains to get to me finally stop worrying and just tell you!”

He laughed and hugged her close. “Oh darling! I love you too!” He released her to all fours again and snuggled up right alongside her. He played with a few locks of her hair, his look dreamy. “Why don’t you and I go celebrate in your parlor, hmm? We could have a tickle fight and reminisce about the first time we tried the necking option…” He chuckled low and started to kiss her neck.

Celestia closed her eyes. “My Discord…” she whispered at the familiar feeling…knowing from experience that if she let this go on, his kisses would turn to gentle nibbles. But then she blinked twice, cleared her throat, and gently moved his face for his eyes to meet hers. “Discord, that’s a very lovely idea but I think we’ve both had a long day and have a lot to think about now.”

He sighed but nodded. “Oh I suppose so.” He chuckled. “But really, Celestia loves Discord. It has such a nice ring to it. I’ll write it in chaos across the nation.”

“I think the nation has been altered enough for one day.” Celestia chuckled too. Then she raised an eyebrow. “Discord… did you really think I was going to break up with you?”

Discord shrugged and smiled sheepishly. “Well, you were building things up so much and…it worried me. I’m afraid I’d be quite lonely without you, you know.” He swallowed. “Plus I know how much I upset you—even if it wasn’t a break up, I thought maybe you just wanted a break. And if you needed that…how could I deny you? I want you to be happy even if it means I have to be sad for a little while.” He blinked. “But I would have explained all of that to you of course because no more big secrets between us, just like I promised.”

Celestia smiled and nuzzled him then pulled back. “Did you also really think I might propose to you?”

Discord grinned bashfully. “Well, since it seemed like you were springing something on me, I figured there was a chance…and I liked that idea better than the break-up one, of course. But I didn’t think it was too likely, so out of the blue. But a break-up is something you really can’t help springing on someone…”

Celestia looked into his eyes. “Then let me put your mind at ease—I’d prefer to never break up with you, Discord. I couldn’t imagine my life loving anyone but you, and I couldn’t imagine you not in my life as my suitor…my lover.”

He smiled a lot. “Me too—but about you.”

They rested their foreheads against each other. Celestia sighed. “You’re right, I’m not ready to talk about marriage…and I wouldn’t surprise you with it on a day like today. But for now…I just love you, Discord.”

“And that is more than enough,” he replied gently.

Celestia’s smile grew as she pulled back. She blushed lightly. “Discord, would you spend the night here? I’d rather be near you than apart after everything today.” Her eyes and smile fell. “Some parts of today were…bad. And difficult for me.”

“Of course.” He lowered his head to meet her gaze, smiling a little. “Besides, I don’t want to be apart from you either. I rarely do, you know.”

Her smile returned. “Thank you.” Her horn glowed, and she teleported them to her parlor.

Discord blinked as they appeared there. “We’re not taking the booby traps to get here tonight?”

“I’ve had enough excitement for today.”

“Then would you like to continue to conserve your energy? I can snap up our usual beds myself?” He held up his fingers.

“Actually, Discord, I’d like to show you something.” Celestia turned and headed over to a door they never used. “It’s my old bedroom—Luna and I have been fixing ours up. We’d like to stay here sometimes for old time’s sake. It’s a much bigger room, but I’ve put a lot of little things in there now—items with sentimental value. It’s cozier than it used to be.” She pushed open the door and entered with Discord following behind her. “Luna and I did arrange a room at the retirement home but…we had a feeling we might eventually be more comfortable here, in our first home together. We’ve been arranging everything in our free time ever since Twilight started taking on more responsibilities.”

“Wow…” He looked up, eyes wide. The style reminded him of the tree roots lining the top of Twilight’s Ponyville Castle throne room. There were all sorts of items on the walls from floor to ceiling: paintings and books and souvenirs from trips. And above it all hanging in netting from the ceiling were flowers—all the flowers he had given her over their time together, Discord realized. Discord’s eyes came down to the ground level to observe a large balcony and lots of cozy pieces of furniture as well as a large bed with many pillows and a vanity with a mirror that had pictures of all their friends pinned around the edges. And of course on her nightstand there was the vase of rainbow flowers he had given her after Tirek’s first defeat. “It’s very you—I like it.” He smiled at Celestia.

Celestia grinned. “Thank you. It took a while, but I like it too.” She used her magic to light a fire in the fire place. “I thought maybe we could spend the night in here.”

“Say no more. And there’s plenty of room for our beds.” Discord held up his fingers to snap again.

Celestia turned to him and placed her hoof over his fingers. “Discord, we can share the bed that’s already in here…if you’d like.”

Discord’s mouth opened but no words came out. For the first time in his life he was genuinely speechless.

Celestia gave him a moment to respond but then cleared her throat and explained gently. “There’s room for us both. And we already fall asleep together on dates sometimes—in fields or on clouds and quite a few times on the floor in my study. It wouldn’t be so different…unless you’re not comfortable.”

Discord’s mouth moved a little again, but still without sound. Then he lowered his hand. “No…” he finally replied with hesitation.

Celestia swallowed and raised an eyebrow. “No, you’d rather not? Or no you wouldn’t be uncomfortable…”

“Yes—I’m mean, no. I mean…Not uncomfortable—just surprised.” He blinked and shrugged.

Celestia nodded, blushing more. “Couples in love share beds. I thought it might be time. And I really would like to stay close to you, Discord, after everything today. But if you’re not ready, it’s all right.”

“I’m ready.” The words came out sort of quickly, and he blushed. But then Discord swallowed and looked into her eyes. “I mean, me not being ready is really not the case.” He raised an eyebrow. “Does it really feel right for you? Just because you finally told me you love me too doesn’t mean we—“

“Resting near you makes me feel peaceful, Discord,” Celestia replied softly. “I want you here with me like that.”

“Oh.” He took a breath. “I sort of want that too,” he replied with a blush.

Celestia’s smile grew. “Good. I’m glad we agree.” She walked past him, glancing over her shoulder. “I’m going to use the bathroom. I’ll be back soon.”

“Sure—sounds like a good idea. Those catacombs were filthy anyway, heh.” He snapped to make his traveling washtub appear and gave her a wave.

She waved back and then departed.

Discord waited a moment to be sure she was gone. Then he let out a deep sigh and sunk low in the tub, blushing. He thought very deeply, his brow furrowed.

A few minutes later he snapped himself away.

Discord appeared in Fluttershy’s living room. Normally he did the polite, friendly thing and knocked before coming in, but this was an emergency. Fluttershy entered the living room with a tray on her back bearing a kettle and teacup. “Oh, Discord!” She blinked at the sight of him, and the tray slipped.

Discord quickly snapped the tray onto the table and Fluttershy onto the sofa with him. “I’m sorry, dear Fluttershy, I know you’ve had a long day but—“ Angel Bunny suddenly hopped up on the sofa, snuggling Fluttershy and glaring at Discord.

Discord sighed. “Angel, yes, I get that this is ‘you and Fluttershy’ time as per our understood agreement but this is an emergency. Please—I need privacy. I only have a few minutes anyway.”

Angel hesitated but finally rolled his eyes and hopped into the other room. Fluttershy glanced at Discord. “Is everything okay?”

“Everything’s different.” Discord slumped onto the sofa.

Fluttershy smiled a little. “Tell me what happened…”

He swallowed. “Celestia and I had a little fight about my fib that caused those three villains to get everyone’s magic…”

“And you’re upset about it?”

“No, we made up. And then, um…she told me she’s in love with me.”

“Oh, how wonderful! And…were you maybe a little overwhelmed and didn’t say the right thing back to her?”

“No, I responded very romantically and I was thrilled and she was thrilled. But then, um…she asked me to spend the night at her castle in the Everfree Forest?”

“You two do like to go there for dates some weekends. Did you…say no because you need some time to yourself but now you’re worried you hurt her feelings?”

“No, I always give an enthusiastic yes to any time we can spend together there.” He smiled a little. “That castle is where we had our first real date. And I like when we bunk near each other—we talk before bed. and sometimes I help her if she has a bad dream or can’t sleep.”

Fluttershy tilted her head. “So then, erm…what is it, Discord?”

Discord took a deep breath. “Celestia wants to sleep in the same bed.” He glanced over at Fluttershy hesitantly.

Her eyes were a little wide at first and she was blushing. But then a smile broke onto her features. “That sounds like a nice way to celebrate both of you being in love, Discord.”

Discord blushed a lot. “But, I…this is different. And now I’m in love with someone who loves me too. What if I do something wrong? What if there’s something right I’m supposed to do that I don’t do? What if this is too much for both of us? And what if I can’t sleep all night because I’m looking at her and she’s lying right there and loves me and has the face of a pale angel and hair like a chaotic rainbow sea and always smiles in her sleep like she’s got a beautiful secret she’s waiting to tell you?” He blushed a lot and blinked as he slouched more on the sofa. “Please forget I said any of that last part. I’m a nervous wreck.”

Fluttershy giggled gently and touched Discord’s shoulder. “You’ll do fine, Discord. I promise. Just take deep breaths and talk to her and try to enjoy yourself. I think after the first night you won’t mind being close to her like this again and again and again.”

He nodded and took a deep breath. “I’ll try, Fluttershy.“ He glanced at her, “I know this is absolutely the most awkward thing I’ve ever come to you with regarding Celestia, so thank you, truly.”

“No problem, Discord.” Fluttershy gave him a hug and pulled back.

There was a thumping sound, and Discord and Fluttershy turned and saw Angel now in the doorway tapping his foot.

Discord grinned and shook his head. “Yes, yes, Angel, I’m going now. You have your mommy all to yourself.” He waved. “Until next time, you two.” And then with a snap Discord disappeared back to Celestia’s room for a relaxing hot bath while he awaited her return.

Meanwhile, Celestia had chosen again to forgo the booby traps of her castle in favor of teleportation. But on the way to the bathroom she made sure to trot by Luna’s room. She gave a gentle knock on the door. “Luna? Are you back yet?”


Celestia jumped and turned at the sound of Luna’s voice as she came around the corner in the hall. “Yes, I am here, Celestia—in fact I was just about to see if you still wanted to turn in early. I was curious if you’d like to participate in any fun family activities tonight if you are up to it. And if Discord would like to as well…” She frowned a little. “Unless you two are having a fight?”

Celestia shook her head. “We did, but that was earlier. We made up. And he’s still here: everything today reminded me how important it is to be with the creatures I care for and to share my feelings with them. For example,” Celestia came forward and hugged Luna, “I haven’t told you lately how grateful I am to have you in my life again, little sister, how proud I am of you for all you’ve accomplished, and how I’m happiest about retiring because I get to retire with you, Lulu.” Celestia pulled back to see tears in Luna’s wide eyes.

The moon princess quickly wiped them away. “Oh Celie…” She came forward and hugged her in return. “I am grateful every day for you too. And I love that we’ll have this time together in this new part of our lives.”

She pulled back, and now Celestia had some tears in her eyes too that she wiped away. “Yes, well, in keeping with telling others how much I care for them, I…I finally told Discord I love him.”

Luna’s eyes brightened; she beamed and pranced in place. “You did it! Huzzah! Was it as romantic as you wanted?”

Celestia’s gaze warmed. “I realized that anyplace would be romantic as long as I told him the truth. But I did it in our throne room, surrounded by all the trinkets of our lives and with the windows overlooking the Everfree Forest. He was very happy.”

“Shall we celebrate?” Luna laughed. “Perhaps we could all go into Canterlot for some cider tonight!”

“Actually, Discord and I are both planning to turn in early now. We’ve all been through so much.” She blushed. “I was just going to wash up from our ordeal today.” She took a breath and tried to act casual. “We’re going to stay in my old room—but in my new bed.”

When she glanced up Luna was almost nose to nose with her, eyes wide, a smile upturning the corners of her mouth. Then her eyes hazed playfully. “I shall give you privacy then straight through the morning and beyond.”

Celestia blushed utterly and stepped to the side. “Luna…”

“Nights are unpredictable, and so is love. Just giving you all opportunities you need to make good memories.” Luna smirked a little.

“I just want to be near him…” Celestia’s smile fell for a moment, her gaze a little far away, “I felt like I almost lost him today, Luna. Those three were going to make an example out of him…in the caves.” Celestia closed her eyes and her head fell. The image of Discord being dragged across the floor in chains was still fresh.

Luna came forward and placed a hoof on her sister’s shoulder—much like she’d had to do back in those caves at the sight of Discord chained and at the villains’ mercy. “Go enjoy your draconequus, Celie. He can help you feel better. I am most certain he is what you need for the night. And tomorrow we will all be together again.”

Celestia’s eyes opened and she smiled a little once more. “I think I absolutely terrified him with this suggestion.”

Luna snorted. “He is curious as you are. You’ll find a balance together.”

Celestia nodded. “I think you’re right, Lulu.”

“The moon has risen, so I’d best be.” She smiled more and winked.

Celestia’s smile grew too. “I’ll just head to the bathroom and then back to my room.”

“I shall prepare breakfast in the morning for us,” Luna added.

“Thank you.” Celestia bowed her head. “Have a good evening, sister.”

“You as well, sister.” Luna bowed hers as well.

Celestia headed around the corner as Luna slipped into her room.

When Celestia returned to her room, she found Discord hanging upside down from this thinking tree with his head wrapped up in a towel while his portable washroom stood off to the side.

He blinked at the sight of her but managed a small smile. “Ah, welcome back, Tia.” He snapped away the towel and the washroom and the tree. “You look very refreshed,” he added awkwardly.

Celestia smiled a little too. After a quick bath she hadn’t bothered to put on her regalia again. She would just end up taking it off anyway in a few minutes when they got into bed.

“So…” Discord floated up and near the bed—not over it and not touching it, “which side would you like?”

Celestia turned her gaze in that direction. “Actually, I know that creatures usually pick one side or the other as their own. But, if you wouldn’t mind, no matter where we sleep, I’d prefer to always have the side nearest a window.” She walked over to the far side of the bed by the balcony. “Even if I won’t be making the sun rise and set anymore soon, I’d still like to watch them happen.”

“Okay.” Discord’s smile grew as he flew above the other side of the bed. “I like that idea actually—switching things up. It’s very chaotic.”

Her smile grew too. “Thank you.” She paused by her side.

Discord still floated in the air over his.

No one moved.

Then Discord chuckled.

Celestia raised an eyebrow.

He explained. “Remember that first dinner we had together after you confessed that you wanted to be more than friends? How we sat down at the table, said hello, then didn’t eat or say anything for a long time? Like we were strangers? I’m getting a little bit of deja vous.”

Celestia smiled again. “I know what you mean. I…think we broke the tension that time with a nice food fight.”

He rolled his eyes. “Celestia, you know I’m usually up for one of those at any time, but I think we’re both a little tired. Also I’d prefer not to spend an hour cleaning cotton candy out of my mane.”

She laughed. Then Celestia got onto the bed and sat on the covers. “Discord? Will you sit with me?”

He swallowed but nodded and sat down on his side.

She brushed her mane behind her ear and glanced at all the memories around her room for a moment and then back to him. “I love you. And now that I’m retiring, I want our relationship to be a deeper part of my life. I want us to keep growing closer, Discord. And I’d like to do more than just dream about sleeping beside you in the moonlight.”

He blushed pink. “I was hoping that you retiring might mean we could go on more dates and trips. And I always hoped one day you’d fall in love with me too. And I’ve always liked waking up to the sight of you near me—the closer the better, I say.”

Both of their smiles grew.

Then Celestia slipped under the covers on her side to lie down as Discord slipped under his and did the same. They shared a smile.

“Do you want to start doing this all the time when we spend the night somewhere, Tia?”

She nodded. “To start…then I thought maybe we could turn this into a more permanent arrangement. Maybe…you could spend a few nights here each week and I could spend a few nights at your cottage?”

Discord’s eyes lit up a little. “I’d like that.” He cleared his throat. “Erm…I may have told Fluttershy we were doing this. I got a little nervous before when you were out of the room.”

“I see.” Her eyes hazed. “This new development doesn’t have to be a secret, Discord. And relationships progress all the time, after all. I told Luna about tonight too.” She rolled her eyes. “She was very cheeky about it. Maybe we should start a food fight at breakfast—us versus her.”

“I adore the way you think, darling.” He chuckled. Then he gently reached out and set his paw on her hoof above the covers. “How does that feel?”

“Good.” She sighed happily and settled against her pillow which brought her a little closer to him.

Discord settled against his own pillow which brought him a little closer to her as well. “Say it one more time…please?”

Celestia raised an eyebrow at first but then realized what he meant and almost laughed. “I love you, Discord.” Her eyes drifted closed. “Goodnight.”

His eyes closed too. “I love you, Celestia. Goodnight.”

The fire crackled in the dim room. And after their harrowing day the couple fell asleep peacefully in each other’s presence.

Discord woke up at some point when the sky was dark and the fire burned low. He wasn’t sure where he was for a moment until he realized a sudden shift in the bed was what had woken him. Then he remembered that he was here with Celestia in her room. He glanced at Celestia, but she facing away from him, breathing quietly: she must have just tossed in her sleep for a moment. The chaos master turned and tried to fall back asleep but couldn’t. His own dreams had been a little difficult to process after today—there were too many quick images of the girls in trouble and Fluttershy calling out for help and all of them being dragged to the catacombs. He decided to get up and splash some water on his face and maybe get a snack.

Discord snapped himself to the bathroom and turned on the warm water. He washed his face then took a deep breath and turned to lean back against the sink. He glanced around the bathroom of yellows and blues and crystal that Celestia and Luna shared. He really was part of their lives now. They were a little family. He felt happy and couldn’t imagine what would have happened if things today had turned out differently. He shook his head and decided that along with no more secrets from Celestia he wouldn’t keep secrets from their friends either—not Fluttershy or Luna or Twilight or the rest of the girls. They could take care of themselves; they didn’t need a handsome safety net anymore. Besides, no more secrets meant he could devote energy to other things…like his growing relationship with Celestia.


Discord jumped at the sound of Luna’s urgent voice from out in the hall. He opened the door. “Luna?” Her eyes were wide, and he raised an eyebrow. “What happened? Is it Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow?”

“Not in reality.” Luna frowned. “Discord, Celestia is dreaming about them.”

“Oh—“ He sighed in relief, “Okay—I know how to help her with bad dreams. She usually wakes up and then I—“

“It’s worse than a bad dream—she’s having a nightmare about them…and you.” Luna pulled him out into the hall, closer to her. “Those three singled you out when we were captured. I was with Celestia as we watched them drag you forward in the catacombs in chains. It was…upsetting to her.” She wiped a tear from her eyes at the memory.

Discord’s smile fell. “I didn’t realize. I… Okay… then you should help her. You can, right?”

“I’ll try, but she needs you too right now. She needs to see you in bed beside her when she wakes up so that she doesn’t think even for a moment that our victory was the dream and her nightmare the truth.”

“Of course. I should have known—I thought her moving in the bed was what woke me up.” Discord looked in Luna’s eyes and put his hands on her shoulders. “Luna, you’re brilliant at dreams, and I’m getting pretty brilliant at Celestia. We’ll help her together.” They shared a nod, and Discord snapped to disappear.

He appeared back in Celestia’s room, and his ears fell—Celestia was tossing back and forth in the bed, her eyes tightly shut, her breaths shallow. Discord crawled onto his side of the bed and whispered. “Shh, shh, it’s okay, it’s okay… Luna’s going to help you, and I’m here. I’m always going to be here. Shh…”

She moved less, though her eyes were still shut tight. But then with a gasp they finally opened. Celestia sat up, eyes darting around. When her eyes fell on Discord he saw tears in them. “Discord? I…”

“I know: a nightmare—about today. Luna told me.” He put his hands on her shoulders and hugged her. “It’s okay. Today was bad, I know. And I’m sorry again I let it get so bad.” He pulled back. “But we’re safe and we’re here and we’re together. And I’ll stay up with you for as long as you need.”

Celestia blinked and then clung against him in a tight hug that sent Discord back against the pillows on his side. Her breaths slowed as she rested against his chest. “Those three were going to make an example out of you! They tied you up in those chains and dragged you out. It was going to be bad. And they could have used my magic to hurt you while I watched. And what if you got trapped somewhere for a thousand years and I never told you I loved you? It was bad enough, everything with the girls. But I already lost a member of my family once—when Luna fell to Nightmare Moon. Discord, I can’t go through that again!”

Discord felt warm tears against his chest.

He put his arms around her and stroked her hair. “I don’t know what we’re getting into with this new Equestria. But I do know that I don’t want to go anywhere without you, and Luna doesn’t either. I can’t imagine…” Her quiet tears increased. “Hey, shh, it’s okay… I’ve got you.” He kissed her forehead. “We’ve got each other. It’s never going to get that bad again. No matter the setbacks, we’ve all managed to move forward to something better. We’re here for each other. I’m here for you…”

Eventually the tears tapered off and Celestia was still as she rested against him. She let out a breath and Discord did too, still lightly stroking her mane.

She turned her head to let her eyes meet his. Hers were still teary. “I know I act calm during crises, but afterwards I can get a little upset thinking about everything at stake. I usually don’t let other creatures know except Luna.” She almost laughed. “You should have seen me when I left Twilight alone to handle Nightmare Moon. She needed to do it on her own by making friends so I hid myself out here in this castle so she wouldn’t be able to come to me to fix everything… and so I wouldn’t be tempted to help her. I didn’t sleep for a day and a half, and I ate four cakes by myself.”

Discord snorted, and she laughed. She took another breath and went on. “Anyway, if we’re going to spend nights so close from no on and so frequently, you might experience me like this sometimes. But only for very major threats to Equestria, I promise.”

Discord grinned. “Sometimes I make chaos in my sleep. I’ll turn a certain way and my fingers brush together, and then in the morning I’ve got a whole mini carnival of nonsense in my bedroom. It hasn’t happened yet any nights we’ve been away together but it could at some point. Just so you’re prepared.”

“Sounds like fun.” They laughed again and she nuzzled his neck before pulling back once more to look at him. “Thank you for being here tonight—it helps.”

“Always, darling.” He stroked through her hair once more.

Celestia’s gaze hazed and she kissed his mouth gently.

Discord smiled more and blushed and kissed her mouth gently back.

The room was dim as the fire crackled. And Discord and Celestia were together and alone in this comfortable bed. And they were in love and safe and close.

Their eyes met, their smiles were hesitant for a moment. But then they leaned closer and kissed again, slowly but deeply, holding each other. And another kiss, and another kiss… And then Celestia’s eyes closed as Discord’s lips moved to her ear, her cheek, her neck. His hands came around her waist beneath the covers, and Celestia rested more over him. She gave his ear a soft nip and felt his chest rise up against hers and his tail swish across the bed. Her wings slowly relaxed, gradually spreading beneath the covers. His kisses and hands began to roam, and Celestia drifted one of her hooves along the side of his strong body.

Discord growled at the back of his throat. She moaned faintly in a breath, unable to help herself.

For once, neither of them was merely dreaming…

Celestia finally spoke, her voice a faint whisper. “Discord…we have a whole hour to ourselves until sunrise.”

His kisses had begun to turn into nibbles and the fingertips of his paw had reached down to graze the ends of her cutie mark on one side. After a moment though his lips pulled back from her coat. “Only an hour?” He whispered near her ear.

Celestia felt like she was blushing all over as she nodded, her neck against his.”Yes… One hour, six minutes, and forty three seconds to be exact.”

He sighed, his lips smiling against her neck. But then his hand near her cutie mark came back up to hold around her waist near her wings. He shifted his head so he could look into her eyes. He was blushing darkly. “Would you mind then if we saved this moment for another night…an earlier one?” When she raised an eyebrow he added, “Remember what I said to you after our first gala? You asked what I would have done if you’d returned my affections, and I said I would have snapped us to our valley in the statue garden for the rest of the evening…because I’d need at least a whole night to express my feelings for you?”

Celestia’s heart raced. and she felt like she had melted against him in warmth. She nodded. “I understand. I understand very much.” She rested her hoof against his chest.

He smiled. “I knew you would.”

Celestia moved off alongside of him in the bed, her breaths shallow.

Discord snapped himself up an ice cold glass of chocolate milk and drank half the liquid (and half the glass) in one shot. He brought the glass away from his mouth with a refreshed sigh.
Celestia sat up a little, still very flushed. “Erm…can I have one too? A double, please.”

Discord snapped it up for her—than raised an eyebrow as she drained the entire large glass in a few gulps. When she was done she made the glass disappear and collapsed back against the pillows, her breaths heavy.

“One more—a single this time please, Discord.”

Discord snapped up her request. She drank about half of before placing it on the nightstand as he finished the rest of his own chocolate milk (and the glass), eyeing her.

Celestia settled back against her pillows and Discord did too. They looked forward and realized they were staring into Celestia’s mirror across the room.

Discord gave an awkward smile. “Cute couple.”

Celestia smiled more. “Yes, they seem very cozy.”

“Hmm…but I have to wonder how the awkward one with the beard got such a cute chick.”

“Funny, I was wondering how that prim mare attracted such a roguish male companion.”

They laughed together.

Celestia swallowed and glanced at him. “Do you think we could manage to hold each other at least until it’s time for dawn?”

He nodded. “I’d be more than fine with that every night. Not to turn us into some kind of ‘old married couple’ but I’m pretty committed to being yours, Tia…for now and forever.” He blushed completely and looked into her eyes.

Celestia blushed too, her eyes wide, understanding his meaning—what he was proposing without ‘proposing’, and for real this time rather than just as a meaning she was reading into a gesture. She brought a foreleg over his body and cuddled in alongside him. Discord rested on his back with one arm around her shoulders and his other hand holding her hoof. Their eyelids grew heavy.

“Tia? Maybe after the coronation you and I could go away for a few days sometime? We could finally take that Horseshoe Bay trip we’ve talked about—break in our little beach bungalow…and get used to some new things in our relationship…” Discord suggested softly.

Celestia flushed a little again but nodded. “Yes…i think that would help.” She let her ear rest against his heart. “I’m looking forward to it, my Discord.”

“Good—me too, darling Celestia.” Discord gently stroked her back once.

With smiles their eyes closed and they drifted into a gentle, restful half sleep.

The time for sunrise came soon. Celestia and Discord were wrapped up together. She gently nudged him. Discord blinked open his eyes then raised an eyebrow with a small smile. She set their foreheads together then powered her horn for sunrise and let her magic run into Discord. His eyes widened and he blushed very much, holding her close throughout the process. She blushed too. And when it was over and soft light filled the room she pulled back to look into his eyes. They were wide with wonder.

Celestia came forward, hugging tight to him for a deep kiss that Discord quickly returned.
Then the sun princess and chaos master pulled back, flushed and breathless but somehow peaceful. They blushed and smiled awkwardly, gazes hazed in love. Eventually their eyes drifted closed to let them find some sleep before breakfast.

Breakfast was fun.

Discord and Celestia came down to find Luna already seated at the table with several platters of pancakes, a pitcher of orange juice, a basket of pastries, and an intrigued smirk on her face.
Celestia and Discord played things very casually as they sat and said morning greetings.

When Luna playfully asked if she ought to contact Cadance and let her know there would be a wedding soon, Celestia threw the first pastry and a very pleasant food fight began that ended when Discord had both pony sisters tied up in his tail and was giving Luna another noogie to the head. After cleaning up breakfast, the trio decided to head into Canterlot to finally see about the castle repairs from yesterday’s battle and to plan a new date for the coronation.

They were officially a little family facing the future together.

A few months later, Twilight’s coronation had taken place. And afterwards Celestia and Discord had indeed taken their extended trip to Horseshoe Bay—during early spring, before the tourists arrived. Celestia no longer had to worry about royal duties or taking care of the School of Magic thanks to Twilight, and Discord had left Pinkie Pie in charge of his lessons at the school for now. The happy couple swam and hiked and read books in their bungalow’s library and ate out under the stars. One night they even invited Luna to join them for s’mores and ghost stories around a bonfire. Most evenings Celestia and Discord were having so much fun that they got to bed late…but they tried spend at least a little time alone exploring ‘the necking option’ to new depths as two creatures in love now. But they hadn’t yet found the opportunity—or readiness—for a full night together.

This evening marked the end of their last day at Horseshoe Bay before heading home. They reclined on lounge chairs on the beach watching the sunset—Discord wearing yellow swim trunks with blue apples on them and Celestia wearing a pink wrap around her waist and a pink bathing suit over the top of her body and a straw hat atop her head.

Celestia smiled a little as the sun dipped too low, halted, came up a bit, then descended normally again—all causing the colors in the sky to shift a bit dramatically. “Twilight’s getting better.”

“The moon hasn’t randomly flown up into oblivion tonight, so I have to agree with you.” Discord chuckled, and the two beings clinked lemonade glasses.

“I hope Twilight’s less self-conscious about doing the sunsets and sunrises,” Celestia added with a sheepish smile. “I’m sure imagining that I’m watching them isn’t helping.”

Discord shook his head. “She’s not the same unsure Twilight she was not too long ago. Something finally clicked. I knew she was ready once I saw how she handled that last Summer Sun Celebration. She’s not trying to convince herself that she’s ready anymore: she just is ready. That confidence in her magic was a good magical shift to feel.”

Celestia nodded as the sun finally dipped below the horizon, changing the pinks and yellows of sunset to the purples and blues of evening as the moon (a bit wobbly) slowly rose. “I knew she was truly ready from how well she handled the coronation debacle.”

“I laughed for days after that…” Discord rubbed his temple and tried not to smirk too much. “But I was very good and didn’t tease her about it.”

“I was very good and didn’t immediately offer to console her—she didn’t need to be consoled. She was okay. And now everything’s going to be okay for a while.” Celestia slipped her hoof into Discord’s paw. Discord squeezed it.

Discord glanced down a little then hesitantly over to her. “I know it’s our last night but…do you want to stay for a few more days? If you think we could use some more private time, I mean…” He cleared his throat, blushing slightly. “Pinkie doesn’t mind covering my classes for me. And besides, it’s been nice here, taking things slow—almost like having a little life together.” A little smile came to his lips.

Celestia blushed a little too. She turned toward him. “A little life together…like we were married?”

Discord blinked. “Heh, you said it, I didn’t…” he mumbled, almost turning pink as he shifted to face her too.

She laughed softly then sighed. “Discord, do you really want to marry me that much?”

He gave a small nod.

“Why? I already know you love me, we’re already together…”

“I know. But it’s different I guess.” He moved his fingers over her hoof and sighed deeply, eyes down. “Getting married is like a celebration of love between two creatures. Believe me, if there was a similar celebration of friendship between two creatures I would have done that with Fluttershy ages ago. But there isn’t. But there is for love.” His blush spread. “Besides, at the end of the day, that’s something I’d like to have done with my life—being your partner and letting everyone know.”

Celestia was smiling very much. With her free hoof she wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. Then she moved forward and kissed Discord’s mouth deeply, tilting her head, feeling him melt back against the lounge chair in surprise. She came over him more, let her free hoof drift down his side, felt how his muscles tensed then relaxed under her touch, and she let their hearts brush against each other.

She pulled back after a few moments, breaths shallow, and Discord blinked open his eyes, chest rising and falling. She smiled more and whispered to him. “There have already been a lot of changes lately that we’re all getting used to. But one day when things have settled down for us…I might be very inclined, chaos master.”

He just nodded, pink all over, as she removed herself back into her lounge chair and sat up. “This doesn’t count as a proposal,” he announced, sitting up as well. “Whether I’m the one delivering it or answering it, you can expect a lot more flair from me as soon as I’m prepared.”

“I have no doubt, Discord.” Celestia winked then pushed her hair behind her ear and made her beach garb disappear. “Discord, instead of staying on a few more days…maybe we could turn in early tonight? Appreciate what’s left of our time together on this trip…”

He made his trunks disappear and raised an eyebrow. “You mean like go inside now and play some games or sing some songs or something—staying up late like usual?”

She shook her head. “I meant go to bed early.” Her eyes hazed.

Discord’s eyes widened. But then they narrowed a little, his smile shy. “Yes. I’d like that very much.”

Celestia stood up from her lounge chair but Discord hesitated. He swallowed. “It’s, um…it’s been ages since I…”

“Me too.” Celestia quickly whispered, moving closer. “Then we’re both a bit rusty…remember?””

He tilted his head at first but then his wide eyes met hers. “You mean like our first kiss under your tree all those years ago?”

“Exactly.” She nodded, blushing darkly. “So no pressure. And we’ll figure it out together?” She held out her hoof.

Discord nodded, and his smile returned. He stood and reached out his hand to hold hers.

Her heart was racing. “I love you, Discord.”

He took a deep breath. “Oh, I love you too, Celestia.”

They rested their foreheads together for a moment. Then Celestia used her magic to teleport as Discord snapped himself away.

The dim light of a candle went on in one of the rooms in the bungalow, and the curtains closed as night fell.

The light stayed glowing through morning.

A few months later…

Celestia laid in Discord’s bed, gazing up at the ceiling. He knew she liked to have a window to watch the sunrises and sunsets, so he’d made her a special skylight here in his chaotic bedroom. Whenever she opened it, she could see into Equestria—specifically the horizon over Canterlot. Discord tended to sleep later than she did, so each night they spent at his house Celestia often found herself gazing up at her skylight in the mornings, learning to appreciate the sunrise in a new way.

She never felt lonely though, whether Discord was up for sunrise or not, since he was always quite close to her. For example, this morning he was sleeping snuggled on top of her body, his ear resting against her chest and his head under her chin. His hands held close around her, and there was a perfectly content smile on his face. He was like a child cuddling a big doll he liked. It was adorable.

Celestia sighed, savoring the peace and stillness of the moment as the sunrise progressed. She was tempted to doze off right here with him once it was done, but she felt too awake. She considered shifting out of the covers to feed the dust bunnies and set the table for breakfast, but leaving the bed at all seemed such a shame. Besides, even if she didn’t feel sleepy, she still felt like resting. Discord tended to keep her up during hours she’d rarely seen as princess of the day.

She observed him now, his breathing, and realized it was a little different than the rhythm of breath she’d felt from him upon first waking up. She smiled a little more and whispered near his ear. “You’re awake, aren’t you?”

Discord smiled a little more but didn’t open his eyes. “Guilty. But why get up? Dawn with you is prime nuzzling time.” He lined up his body a little more with her own and cuddled into her chest. “All of those centuries of solar magic have made you the warmest pony in existence. And your own feminine charms have made you the softest.”

She rolled her eyes. “Is that why you have me pinned to the bed?”

“Of course.” He opened one eye. “You’re my prisoner, ‘evil queen Celestia’. Unless you want to challenge ‘good princess Discord’ to another epic battle? Last night’s was a bit inconclusive if I remember—after we broke into that spirited pillow fight, I think we passed out. I woke up later and put us in bed. I love tucking you in.” His tail tuft came out of the covers to brush her cheek.

Celestia giggled. “Maybe not right now for a rematch—I’m a little tired. But I don’t want to go back to sleep either. But I’d like to stay in bed.” She blushed a little, her eyes hazed. “Is there anything else you’d like to do?”

Discord’s eyes narrowed a little. “Hmm…I’m not sure. Perhaps we could just finish watching the sunrise—together—and then something will occur to me.”

Celestia smirked a little with an eyebrow raised but nodded.

Discord gave a final hug of his body against hers then shifted up to rest his head on his pillow. He took her hoof into his hand and gazed up at the skylight. Celestia turned to look up as well as the final moments of sunrise.

But something was different now—wisps of clouds in tight patterns appeared across the sun and…the sun wasn’t dropping anymore. It was paused at a point where the sky was flooded in various shades of pink, casting light through the clouds just right to reveal…words? Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Twilight hasn’t had issues with the sun in months. And…is that skywriting?”

“Hmm…I think you might be right. Can you make it out?”

Celestia looked closer; the sun shifted a degree upward, then the light fell into place perfectly and the words became clear. “Marry me?” That’s what it said? How odd. She… Celestia’s eyes went wide. She turned to Discord who now had a small white box held in the tuft of his tail.

“Marry you?” he asked with a grin. “Well, why not? I’m game. And quite prepared.” He opened the box to reveal a small gold band set with a peach colored stone that glinted beautifully.

Celestia’s mouth opened. She looked back to the skylight—where the message hadn’t changed and the sun was still held in suspension, and the colors of the sky were some of her favorites—then back to Discord with the box. “How did…?”

He shrugged. “Twilight promised to control the sunset just right, Fluttershy offered to do the skywriting, Cadance told me exactly what colors we should go for in the sky, and Luna helped me pick the ring.” He glanced at the item shyly. “It’s a sun stone—she thought you’d like that for some reason.” He chuckled, and his eyes went back to hers. “The sunrise isn’t going to finish until you give me an answer. But if you need a few minutes, Twilight said it’d be all right. Actually, she said if Equestria could survive the first time she tried to raise the sun and lower the moon when she sent them ping ponging across the sky for twenty minutes until you and Luna helped her, then Equestria could handle one sunrise lingering for a little longer while you and I make a very important decision.” He hesitated, his smile smaller. “Are you ready, Tia?”

She continued to stare at him with wide eyes. Then Celestia powered her horn and a little black box appeared levitating in the air. It opened—inside was a simple ring made of three lines: one of gold, one of silver, and one of sapphire the color of poison joke, all woven together in a braid. Celestia managed to speak. “I was waiting for the right time to ask…just like when I was waiting for the right time to admit I loved you. And…Luna helped me pick mine too.”

Discord’s jaw fell. “How long ago?”

“Last month—after our dating anniversary.”

“Me too!”

The continued to stare in wonder at each other.

And then the couple burst into warm laughter, tears spilling from their eyes, rolling in the blankets with their respective rings resting on the covers.

Eventually they both looked up at the skylight, and then their eyes went wide as they realized the sunrise was still on hold and sat up.

“Tia, for the sake of our friends and Equestria, I take it this means we’re both in agreement and that the sunrise should go on, right?” Discord held up his fingers to snap.

“Yes!” She laughed more. “And tell Twilight I’m sorry for the delay, and thank her and the girls for everything.”

Discord snapped up a scroll, wrote a few lines on it, then snapped it away. “I let her and the others know.” Then he gently took up the white box and took out the ring. “May I?”

Celestia nodded and let him slip it over her horn. She held up the black box. “May I?”

He nodded. “But on the tail is going to be easier than the horns.” He held up the tuft of his tail and Celestia slipped the ring over it.” He beamed a little. “So, I know Princess Celestia would have to have a big royal wedding with announcements and formal parties…but what does retired Celestia want to do about all of this?”

She glanced up to see the sunrise finish then looked back to Discord. “I’d like to keep our new situation between our friends and family until after the ceremony. And I’d…sort of like to elope.”

Discord’s eyes widened and his smile grew. “You want to pick a day on a whim to chaotically run off and get hitched like two free spirits? Ugh, you have never been more attractive to me.”

She giggled. “And what would you like to do about all of this, Discord?”

He admired the little ring on his tail. “I do love surprises, so I’m very okay with keeping our little engagement on a need-to-know basis. And I do love the elopement idea too: as part of that I’d like Fluttershy as my best mare, of course.”

Celestia nodded, eyes bright. “I’d like Luna to be mine. And I’d like Cadance to perform the ceremony and Twilight to witness.”

“And we’ll snag the rest of the girls to be there too?”

“And I’d like Cupcake—Mrs. Cake—to make a small cake for us at some point. She told me once I’d make a beautiful bride.” She blushed a little.

Discord shrugged sheepishly. “…Maybe she could make it for us if we have a slightly bigger affair later? Sort of a reception letting everyone know we’re together?” He bit his lip, smiling. “You know I love the chance to throw a good party, and a party for us—oh I could make it go down in Equestrian history! Seriously, if Twilight isn’t compelled to create a stained glass window chronicling it’s glory, then I’ve done my job wrong.”

Celestia laughed and considered. “A party later sounds fun. Can we have a floor full of chaos and dancing on two hooves and chocolate rain?”

He nodded. “And pink decorations and the girls knocking over everything and we’ll invite all the students and all the babies in our life just for fun and party all night long because I know how much Luna would love that.”

Celestia dove against him for a deep kiss, which Discord returned. They pulled apart, breaths shallow, blushing, happy.

Discord grinned at her. “Speaking of Luna, want to invite her over later to celebrate then attack her with pillows for leaving us both so in the dark and probably giggling behind our backs for the past month? I still can’t believe she helped both of us with rings and didn’t say a word.”

“I think she would expect nothing less, Discord.” Then Celestia shifted so she was alongside Discord with the two of them facing each other, bodies close. “But for now…there is still a little prime nuzzling time left.” She nuzzled his neck down toward his chest.

Discord sighed deeply, holding around her waist, pulling them closer. “Temptress. What have I gotten myself into with you?” He chuckled low.

“A lovely and unexpected happy ending,” she murmured, looking into his eyes, their foreheads touching. “You rogue…” she added playfully.

“Flattery will get you everywhere.” He ran his hands through her mane to rest on her shoulders and let his chest brush hers, their hearts meeting. “And so will the fact that I love you.”

Celestia’s wings gently extended behind her. She placed her hooves over Discord’s shoulders, brushing his wingtips. “I love you too.”

They settled for a moment into their pillows, just smiling and holding each other. Discord brought his tail tuft up to touch her horn so their rings could be together. Then their mouths met in a kiss, and whispers of love gave way to kisses gave way to every way they wanted to be together.

More light came in through the skylight overhead, and life was perfect and chaotic all at once as they enjoyed their morning.

“Do you, Celestia, take Discord to be you husband?” Cadance glanced at her aunt. Their little wedding party was tucked into the garden of the Crystal Empire Castle as sunset came on (and Twilight was holding her own making it controlled and beautiful).

“I do.” Celestia, a simple veil on her head and wearing crystal horseshoes nodded, her eyes gazing into Discord’s

“And do you, Discord, take this mare to be your wife?” Cadance smiled at Discord.

Discord, wearing a purple polkadot bowtie, glanced down shyly but then grinned at Celestia, holding her hoof. “Oh, you’d better believe I do.”

“Then by the power vested in my by the Crystal Empire and by being the princess of love, I hereby pronounce you married. You may kiss the bride.”

Celestia and Discord blushed slightly then shared a small peck.

The girls, Spike, Shining Armor and Flurry Heart, and Luna cheered.

Then Discord snapped his fingers, and a variety of cake slices began to rain down on the party, covering everything with delicious crumbs and frosting and sprinkles. Celestia and Discord each picked up a hunk of cake with their magic and moved like they were going to feed each other…but then smashed the cake into each other’s faces and laughed. Then Discord got Celestia on two hooves, twirled her, dipped her back, and kissed her passionately. Celestia blinked in surprise but then pulled him in close. They separated eventually and Discord let her go—both of them were flushed pink with faces full of cake.

Beaming, Celestia took her bouquet of crystal flowers and tossed them out into the crowd.
With a boost from Luna, Spike managed to catch the bouquet as Twilight let out a sigh of relief and finished the sunset and moonrise. The girls cheered more, happily eating. Flurry Heart teleported onto her mother’s back with a big piece of red velvet cake in her hooves.

Celestia and Discord held each other in respective hand and hoof and took a bow. Then they dashed forward to celebrate and eat with all of their friends.

They never stopped smiling throughout the night.

It was a warm afternoon in summer, and Celestia and Discord were reclined on their backs with their heads together, resting in their little valley in the statue garden at the Canterlot Castle. They had smiles on their faces, just taking in moment. They almost could have been sleeping.

Except Celestia finally sighed and spoke, though she kept her eyes closed. “We really have to go, Discord…”

“Hmm…” he moaned, snuggling himself more into the grass, “But I just finished grading my final exams for the year…and you just got back from that Mount Everhoof climb with Luna. And it’s so nice out here.”

“I know.” Celestia relaxed more against the grass too. “I could spend forever like this… But we don’t want to keep anyone waiting.”

“Say the word and I’ll snap my fingers and freeze time until we’re ready to go.”

“Could you really do that? And for that long?”

“Not sure—but as long as we could be together doing it, I’d be willing to give it a try. Time magic is rather tricky though. Could make for quite an adventure, Tia…”

“Maybe another day, Discord. Besides, today will be fun. And maybe tomorrow we can take a little trip for ourselves out to Horseshoe Bay to fall asleep in the sunshine there. I know it’s tourist season, but we could change into our disguised forms…maybe pretend to meet and fall in love all over again?” Her smile grew.

“Hmm,” he chuckled, “make it a long weekend, and you’ve got yourself a deal. But then after that I’m taking you and Luna on a family trip somewhere. We still haven’t hit up Las Pegasus yet… I think the three of us could turn that town upside down. She’s free for now, right?”

“I think so—she’s not taking her trip to visit Tirek’s homeland until next month,” Celestia replied.

Discord sighed. “Leave it to Luna to ‘retire’ then make herself an unofficial ambassador to foreign lands.”

“She didn’t get to rule for a long time when she was away—she enjoys the work.” Celestia smirked a little. “Plus when she has plans, you and I get to spend quality time together.”

“Married couples really should, Mrs. Discord.”

“And they should also get up and go to their reception parties, Mr. Celestia.”

With deep breaths they both finally opened their eyes to gaze at the clouds. Celestia shifted her hair, and the ring on her horn became visible and glinted in the sun. Discord brought up the end of his tail to show the ring below the tuft—it glinted as well.

“Tia, I will gladly leave our happy rest here and go to the party on one condition.”

“Oh dear…”

He turned over in the grass, smirking down at her. “I get to carry you. there.”

She blinked then laughed and shook her head as she turned over and sat up as well (with a few attempts at rolling and finally some help from Discord’s magic). “Carry me all the way from here to the courtyard? Discord, all the guards will stare at us. I still know all of them very well…” She blushed.

He grinned. “Compromise then? I’ll snap us to the castle then carry you to the courtyard.” He held out his paw.

Celestia placed her hoof into it. “Deal.”

With a snap of his fingers they were at the castle grounds entrance. Then he scooped her up in his arms and dashed to the garden, Celestia giggling the whole time. They made it to the entrance and were met with Luna standing before the trellis leading in. “There you two are! Sister!” Luna hugged Celestia then pulled back. “And brother!” She hugged Discord then pulled back.

Discord finally put down Celestia. “Yes, sorry to keep you waiting—we both lost track of the time.”

“Not at all, the cake just arrived!” Luna announced with a proud grin as she gestured back to the party where Mrs. Cake wheeled in a beautiful twelve layer cake of multiple colors on a cart. She waved.

“And the band was just getting ready to play,” Luna added, gesturing to a small stage where a quartet of ponies stood holding their instruments.

The rest of the party was visible to Celestia and Discord too. Tables and flowers and food and decorations and presents and all of their friends and many of Discord’s students and some of Celestia’s friends from abroad, and of course the Cake twins and Flurry Heart and many changeling grubs as well as a variety of friends from other lands. The all waved and smiled as Cadance flew up and hung a banner that read: “Celestia <3 Discord”.

“Discord!” Fluttershy ran forward and hugged her best friend. “You’re here! And Celestia and Luna—hello! I’m so happy we’re all together!” She wiped a tear from her eye, her smile big.

Discord gave her a big hug in return. “And I’m very happy to be here with my best friend and best mare.”

Fluttershy blushed. “Did you have a nice honeymoon?”

“Exquisite—Prance is lovely in the spring” Discord assured. “We took pictures—I’ll bring them to our next Tuesday Tea.”

Luna turned to the garden with a smile. “Attention guests! The couple is here, and the party may commence!” With a cheer form the guests, the music started, balloons were released, and eating began.

Luna and Fluttershy trotted into the party.

Celestia and Discord took a moment, paw in hoof, gazing at the sight of their reception. So much love in a little place just for them, and all of it set right between the castle where Celestia had reigned for a thousand years and the statue garden where Discord had been stone for a thousand years.

“Can we do a party like this every year? Maybe for our wedding anniversary?” Celestia asked, wiping a tear from her eye.

“Make a date every year to come back here and see all of our friends—just like how Twilight and the girls meet up every month? I think the notion is inspired, Tia.” Discord wiped away a little tear too.

They turned to each other and shared a kiss. And then Discord and Celestia went forward into the party, partners always in this new era of their lives.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, and Happy New Year! :trollestia:

Yes, this is the final main chapter of this story, BUT at the end of the week I will post a short epilogue (about 5000 words set during the series finale in the future) so there is just a little more to come :raritywink:

I just wanted to say I hope you all enjoyed how things played out in this final chapter. The opening scene was inspired by a wonderful movie called "The Book of Life" which everyone should watch (especially for a great couple--La Muerte and Xibalba--who are very reminiscent of Discord and Celestia). I wanted to explore their relationship and how it could grow, and I'm so happy I had the chance to with this fic.

Also, thank all of you for your support, your patience, and your reviews :heart: You're all wonderful, and I hope each of you is having a good new year so far, and if not I hope it improves soon. You guys are the best :yay:

See my blog post after the epilogue is posted for more info regarding future stories!
