• Published 23rd Aug 2018
  • 8,567 Views, 266 Comments

I Am (No) God - Animatorsnake

The small town of Ponyville is a source of strange things, but the stallion who lives at the edge of town is a mystery on his own. What does he hide in such a small shack like that? Why is he so empty? ...Where did he come from and who is he really?

  • ...

The Plan Behind the Plan

One Day Later – Ponyville, Ponyville Train Station; 7:00am

Once Eclipse and company got back to Las Pegasus, they immediately left for Ponyville which took them the rest of the day. They soon arrived back in town by morning and the group went their separate ways, the guards heading back to the barracks while Eclipse and Pristine went back to his place.

Once arriving at the guard barracks, both Orion and Ves wished to listen to each of their reports on what they witnessed and know, but after done listening Fang and Heart Beat’s reports, they awaited Clear Sight’s report as she was precise and detailed when it came to her reports. After finished hearing from Heart Beat, Clear Sight soon entered Orion’s office with her personal journal to show to her superiors.

Sitting down, Orion sat there for some time until he spoke. “So, having heard Fang and Heart’s reports, is there anything else that they may have forgotten to mention?” asked Orion, awaiting Sight’s answer.

Everything I’ve witnessed is in this journal – on the thirty-fifth page to be exact – but to clarify the main points of our journey at arriving at Las Pegasus to the San Palomino Desert. Throughout the train ride from Ponyville to Las Pegasus, we have encountered no problems, during our time in Las Pegasus, no suspicious activity happened either, though during out time there it has been a bit fuzzy, but I’ll write down what I can remember.

During the start of our trip through the desert, we had some water troubles, encountered with local wildlife – a tatzlwurm – which Eclipse Light dealt with swiftly; the most alarming incident was when we arrived at a known oasis where a notorious mercenary group mostly known in the Griffon Kingdom called the Iron Lions was kidnapping Equestrian citizens and any locals further south, they also caught a few border guard, but Eclipse was the one to find something suspicious about them and fought off their leader. We were unable to capture any as those we fought were dealt with or ran away.

After that, we finally reached the area that Eclipse was trying to find, once making camp, Specialist Fang scouted ahead within the cave system we camped near when a sudden earthquake occurred; he quickly flew back to warn us but during the chaos, we became separated from Eclipse Light. We and the mare that came with Eclipse, Pristine Snow, traversed through the cave system with what supplies that managed to survive.

We found an ancient necropolis buried underneath, encountering several traps left by the previous denizens. After traveling further within the necropolis, we encountered insectoid predators that swarmed toward our position, but after some time defending our position, Eclipse appeared whilst fighting another tatzlwurm. Dealing with both the creature and insects, Eclipse had found the artifact while separated from us, we escaped using the tunnels that tatzlwurm dug already, reaching the surface on top one of the mountains near the San Palomino Desert.

Reaching the top…

“Reaching the top...” Here Sight seemed to have a troubled look, but after some time Ves coughed to catch her time.

“Is something the matter staff sergeant, what happened once you reached the surface?” asked Ves.

“...Well, all of us became unconscious other than Eclipse, saying we were poisoned and sent us into a somewhat unconscious state. During that time he called a rescue airship to our location, which we spent within for few hours until arriving back at Las Pegasus. Soon, we immediately went to the train station came back to Ponyville – again with no problems – and that’s the end of my report.”

Orion contemplated this until asking one more question. “That’s everything you remember, nothing else occurred or seemed out of the ordinary?”

“No sir, my memory is clear as it was, the only times I had trouble remembering was during Las Pegasus and escaping the necropolis, but the only ones who were still conscious and mentally capable was Eclipse. I’m not certain where he was during Las Pegasus, but he was with us the entire time as we left together at the necropolis and he was the one who called for help, none of us were capable of doing so, even Pristine fallen ill by the poison.”

Thinking about what he’s heard, Orion shook his head and told Sight to return his equipment back to the armory and that he and the those that came with her could take a break until tomorrow. Once Sight left, Orion leaned on his seat while Ves gave him a look.

“So, found anything out of place,” said Ves.

“...Other than what occurred in Las Pegasus and that necropolis… Eclipse was our only witness and I can’t be certain he’ll be honest with us, but I can tell even without doing a magical scan that none of them has been influenced in any way. Safe to say, the Church wasn’t involved with this request given to Eclipse and it was honestly just a noble who wanted a favor done from Eclipse.”

“Well with that business done, I believe we should promote those three, while this wasn’t guard business, they still stopped a kidnapping and probably in good terms with the daughter of a noble, especially a noble like Purity Snow,” said Ves.

Nodding in agreement, Orion gazed at the three written reports from all three of the guards who traveled with Eclipse; he would handle the promotions of both Fruit Basket and Clear Sight, while Ves would handle Fang’s promotion. They wouldn’t do anything serious, a simple promotion ceremony with only the guard, he didn’t want any of the townsfolk knowing about why they were promoted.

I also need to report this incident, while I’m certain the border guards have also sent one, I should send one from my guards perspective too to keep the princesses informed about the vulnerability of our southern border.

Meanwhile – Canterlot, Grand Cathedral of the Holy Sun, Grail’s Office; 7:45am

Grail was looking through several prayers and donations from followers all across Equestria, ever since the incident in Ponyville, the Church’s activities have taken a temporary hiatus until things cool down. While a majority of their forces stayed stationed within the Grand Cathedral in Canterlot or the various outposts across Equestria.

There are the few operations that’re still in progress in secret, the one in Manehattan however seems to be having problems though.

Grail heard a knock at his door, calling for whoever is knocking to enter, he found a surprising face entering; one of the Solar Inquisitors entered inside, they didn’t look different from any other member of the Church, but there was unique insignia located on their neck, a magically enchanted tattoo that created an illusion where only other members can see it and specific individuals.

Putting aside his belongings, the inquisitor bowed before awaiting for Grail to give him a signal to speak, raising his hoof at the inquisitor. “Is there something wrong?”

“Sir, roughly three days ago, an operation was sent out for ten Solar Inquisitors led by an earth pony stallion called Power Strike, to the San Palomino Desert. While I wouldn’t bring this up without reason, however, the reasons why this operation was made during our temporary abstaining of any future operations and the lack of information on those assigned to this operation. By chance… did you request this operation personally?”

Grail thought back about this development, it wasn’t surprising other members wouldn’t know about each other, only the Chief of the Inquisition knew the personal information of all members, he knew too but only enough for him to request operations under his command. Sometimes members from the Solar Inquisitors would create false identities to keep others – both members of the Church and outside – to not recognize them, they even went as far to use advanced illusion magic to change their bodies.

Hmmmmm, I don’t believe I gave any orders for any operations since the lockdown I commenced… This isn’t a first for us to use false information, though sometimes we fool ourselves with it to trick any who manage to sneak in and gather intelligence… luckily the information they gather and hear is things we want them to hear.

“I haven’t given any kind of orders for this operation, we are still in lockdown and that hasn’t changed, redact all information on this mission. As for the information on these individuals, remove them, for all we know they could be simply false information we accidentally mixed in with the important files,” said Grail.

Bowing without a word, the Solar Inquisitor leaves, mentioning how that the detail on these individuals was rather specific. Grail sighed that it was strange how for false ponies, they were so detailed, either their false information system was that good or he was getting old.

“For now, wipe everything on them, make them appear they never existed.”

As he’s left alone in his office, Grail goes back to his earlier business, but a strange niggling feeling in the back of his head seems to remain after hearing the news. Any faint or lingering memories of this “San Palomino Desert Operation” slowly fade and vanish into nothing.

Ponyville, Ponyville Park; 8:30am

Both Eclipse and Pristine trotted together to his place, Pristine was exhausted from the events of the trip, she couldn’t rest within the train so she was still tired. Pausing for a minute, Pristine glanced at the saddlebags that was holding the artifact, Eclipse decided he would hold it and give to Purity Snow tomorrow, but she was planning to head back to Canterlot.

“Hey Eclipse, why don’t I hold onto the artifact, I’m going to head back home after I’ve take a little vacation here in Ponyville,” said Pristine, stretching her sore muscles.

“You’ll be staying in Ponyville, how long?”

“A week or two, I need to check new places than stay at home in Canterlot, besides, I heard you can get some nice apple cider here,” said Pristine, smiling.

Eclipse thought about this, while he did plan to immediately give the artifact to Snow, he did have plans that needed to be prepared for in the coming months. Deciding that giving it to Pristine wouldn’t be a problem, she would be in Ponyville so if anything happened he would know immediately.

Nodding in agreement, Eclipse gave her the artifact, she then said she needed to got rent a room at one of the local apartments, saying her goodbyes, Eclipse headed back home to see if anything new or different has happened while he was away.

Fifteen Days Later – Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 11:50am

Half a month goes by, not much happened during that time with the only notable event was when a swarm of bug-like critters called parasprites swarmed the town and started eating any food they could find. Twilight tried solving the problem with a spell, but it devolved to the critters eating the buildings instead, the problem was solved by Pinkie with the use of several instruments.

The only place that wasn’t effected is Eclipse’s as none of the parasprites flew near where he lives, there were some that did, but they quickly flew away, though seeing one of their own being eaten by a cub bear was enough to scare them off.

Eclipse went back to his experiments and tinkering with various devices of his, it was also around this time that the latest element orb Eclipse had been experimenting with – the Thunder Orb – was being sold during his return. Unlike the other orbs which were publicly sold, these ones required a permit to be used. The only ones who were interested in buying them has mostly been pegasi, they have also been bought by weather scientists and other tinkerers who were curious and wished to experiment with the orbs for their own uses.

With the widespread news of the Thunder Orb, it has peaked the interest of wide science community across Equestria, since then, Eclipse has received requests and invitations from different institutes. He has so far not accepted any yet and the only reason is he just recently returned from a trip, but would think about these invitations a later date.

Currently, he was lounging on his hammock, resting and listening to the ambient sounds of the wind and birds of this cloudy afternoon. As he drifted within his psyche, distant memories from the past arose, visions of a time long ago and forgotten by countless eons.

Location Unknown; Time Unknown

(Mood Music)

It all started with the near extinction of race and the ‘death’ of a realm, a war that would change everything. Dozens of world were created, dozens more were destroyed, a cycle of renewal and dust; wars waged across worlds, mountains turned to sand, forests into ash, seas boiled as bodies piled to the very heavens… and buried deep to the depths of hell.

I witness entire civilizations crumble at their pursuit for a power both unattainable and forbidden, countless souls wasted for a wish that will never satisfy. It all started with the clash of two forces – an army of unimaginable power and might, against unrelenting force of pure chaotic energy – and it will end like so.

I watched the pleas of so many… watching them die by their own hands, I became a symbol of hatred for those that knew me and yet they seem to forget… that I may be a higher being but I’m not their symbol of worship.

Before my creations, I’ve met several unlikely allies…

Standing to my right was a suited, mustached figure – a loyal servant and devoted to the end.

To my left was her, a girl branded with the death of her kind – marked with the symbol of the beast, a constant companion.

The man who stood in my shadow was a reflection of me – as I am a reflection of him.

The four that stood behind him to his left and right represented the four horseman of legend – they would conquer any soul, bring a dead calm to all wars, spread their poisonous famine, and bring order till the death of all.

My shadow smiled sadistically, it blemish stained upon my very being – it was both my taint and my burden.

I stood before those that defy me, the betrayer among their ranks, but the one leading them was a face that would forever stay permanently within my memories. Red as crimson flames, blue as the distant seas, wielding infinity in one hand, the elements in another, he kept a leash on his nightmares…

He was my mistake, but he became more than that… He became what died within me…

He was the hero, I was the ‘problem’ – he saw the monster that terrorized his world… I saw myself, more than I would look in a mirror.

We were standing at different sides, but we were still one, now two.

...It started with extinction and death… but it will end with the light being extinguished and the darkness being replaced with a different darkness… always, and forever.

Eclipse felt a presence near him, disturbed by his mental roaming, he slowly opened his eyes and felt the shadow of somebody above him. Once his vision became clear, he was staring at the green eyes of Applejack, her small smile growing seeing him awake.

“Howdy Eclipse, finally got your attention huh,” said Applejack.

Taking a moment to collect himself, Eclipse continued to stare at her with his hooves still behind his head. “Hello Applejack, is there a reason you came to visit me at this hour, thought you be still at your apple stand at the market?”

The apple farmer stepped back and sat, giving Eclipse space to step out of his hammock and stretch a little. “Big Mac is handling the stand, said I should take a breather, was originally going head back to the farm to do something chores… but I remembered that I wanted to speak to you, if you weren’t busy...”

Seeing that something was indeed bothering her, Eclipse led AJ to the docks, the two sitting at the edge with their legs dangling above the clear lake water. It wasn’t too cloudy, but there were enough clouds to block some of the sunlight; Eclipse gazed at the passing clouds and at his periphery vision, he could see Applejack her eyeing her own reflection, deep in thought.

“How was your trip?” asked Applejack, suddenly.

While the question popped out, Eclipse wasn’t unprepared to answer, taking a few seconds before speaking back. “We encountered some obstacles, but nothing we couldn’t handle, we found what we came for and came right back home,” said Eclipse.

Applejack had a skeptical look to her, she could tell that Eclipse was hiding something and seeing how his answer wasn’t acceptable enough for her, he sighed. “Come on Eclipse, what’s bothering you this much, usually you can be really detailed when you talk.”

“Hmmmm,,, I’m not certain if you should know this or not, but during our journey we encounter mercenary group capturing ponies and other races.”

The surprise on her face was visible, as it morphed to anger at the thought that another race would go so low to enslave another. The act of slavery is rare with the only signs of it continuing is further south or parts unknown. Sure there was some sense of government and order outside of Equestria, but not close to the level of peace and harmony – on the surface – in Equestria.

“Handling them wasn’t an issue, but it brought some memories I never thought would come back again,” said Eclipse.

Applejack was curious about Eclipse’s past, but she didn’t want to bring any bad memories up to know. Before she could respond, Eclipse already start talking, keeping silent she listened to his tale.

“The moment you have your choice taken from you without warning… is the moment your freedom becomes nothing, but an empty wish. The situation itself reminded me about another choice I had to make… one that’s changed so much about me. Life brings out a version of you that you never expect to exist, its either to take or to sacrifice – you take what you can or you give up something for another…”

She wasn’t sure whether to take his words literal or not, but she had vague understanding that she had to give up some things for her family and friends. Sighing, Eclipse glanced at Applejack, giving her a strange look.

“But you aren’t here for my ramblings… something’s bothering you as well? Why did you want to come visit me today?”

Lying wasn’t Applejack’s forte, heck, she wasn’t much of a conversation suave as Rarity when talking to pompous ponies from Canterlot or her fashion business, she wasn’t bold and cocky like Rainbow that can easily back up her conversations with sheer ego. She wasn’t Twilight who uses facts and logic, Pinkie with her outrageous personality or Fluttershy while quiet can talk her way out of some unexpected situations when necessary.

She’s honest yes, but that’s it, she couldn’t for the life of her tell a fib without making a face… sure she once was capable of lying, but that was moment in her life she rather not remember or repeat. “Nothing avoids your eye huh… Yeah, I’ve been a bit… stressed lately. I’m not the only one either, some of the other townsfolk feel the same or similar as I do. Ever since the Church came to Ponyville, we’re worried another incident like that will happen again, sure Celestia and Luna wouldn’t allow them to make a move… but...”

Applejack shook at the thought, it deeply made her worried at the thought of another attack by the Church, sure it shouldn’t had this much an effect. Eclipse would had further asked about why was Applejack so worried about the Church, but he knew what she needed wasn’t more questions, but something to ease her worries.

“...Hey, I’m going to tell you something I’ve been planning on and I’m hoping you could keep this to yourself. When I first came to this town, it reminded me a lot about… my old life… but, after seeing different places here in Equestria, visiting the varying cultural lifestyles and ponies from Las Pegasus to Canterlot to and so on, there was a singular think that never changed wherever I went.”

“For the last several centuries, there hasn’t been a shred of progress made, sure a few notable things had changed within this continent, but not much has changed. There is so many problems, albeit small, if they’re not properly fixed, the country itself will collapse. Your fears are correct, sure the Church are a problem, but the biggest issues this land faces doesn’t compare to them; what I see isn’t some attack or religious crusade by them, no.”

“The biggest problems is stagnation and need to adapt, too many depend on one way of living and I’m not just referring to the three tribes, every race included have stayed living a single way of thinking… I mean, your land speaks about harmony and unity, yet not only do you have internal issues with the Church and other problems, but from what I’ve seen and experienced not many ponies are accepting of other races, heck if those that are closely related to ponies appear to be just as ostracized too. The only times this isn’t the case is those who had close encounters with other races.”

“While I can’t fix all of these problems… I’m hoping to push forward one of them – stagnation – I plan to sell my wares and inventions in the coming years and hopefully… ‘inspire’ others to make change in Equestria. Sure there might be some bumps here and there, but I believe this is the best outcome, if not this, then some outside group will manipulate things that will only benefit them… I know you don’t notice it, but I do, I’m sure you have received news from relatives you have from Manehattan, how there’s some serious business going on there even though news of what’s happening in the city is pretty vague.”

Applejack nodded, at first many ponies thought there was some sort of small pandemic or wild creature loose in the city, but those who have family and friends outside the city – this includes her and the entire Apple Family – have a somewhat better understanding of the situation. While the residents in Manehattan have little idea what is going on, various rumors, sightings, and speculations that some sort of crazed being is going around attacking ponies.

The details were limited for lots of reasons, but it isn’t pretty going on in that city, Applejack nodded along with Eclipse, continuing to listen.

“That’s just the smaller problems, what I sense is very similar to… other situations I’ve seen further beyond Equestria’s known reach. If certain situations occur – small killings, riots, outside groups taking advantage of the situation, collapse of entire kingdom – it can lead to something I am deeply familiar with, a chaos that will get worse if not handled from its roots.”

“I have a vague idea on who may be responsible for some of these problems, but… even so… I can feel that won’t even fix the problem forever… which is why rather than trying to fix a problem until everything goes back to normal, instead, improve upon it. Make certain changes and lead certain individuals which will lead to an outcome that will not only improve Equestria, but hopefully begin another era of progress.”

“Equestria has been stuck within a single path… time to open it to others routes, sure things might not go the way I may plan or change might already be happening without my intervention,” said Eclipse, sighing.

Lifting one of his hooves to Applejack’s withers, he pats her there while looking at her. “However, its better to have tried something than nothing… and I am stubborn when it comes to these things.”

Before she could respond, the two are interrupted when four small hoof-steps are heard on the dock behind them. Turning around, they spot Applebloom approaching them, nearing Applejack, stopping right before her sister.

“Applejack, Big Mac sent me to get ya, he needs your help at the barn with lifting one of the hay bales up the ramp to the loft of the barn,” said Applebloom, turning to Eclipse. “What were you two talking about?”

Applejack chuckles, messing up Applebloom mane as she slowly stands up. “Now that’s not for you to know, tell Big Mac I’ll be there in a sec.”

Turning to look at Eclipse with a skeptical look, the filly turns around slowly – Applejack shushes her away seeing her not leave quickly – until running off, back to Sweet Apple Acres. Once she’s gone, Applejack faces Eclipse, her worry while not vanishing has lessened to some degree.

“While I’m not sure about Equestria being stagnated and needing to change… but I can understand what you mean – kinda – that we can’t be dependent on things like the guard, princesses, and somepony else. If I’m worried that the Church or some beasty from the Everfree wanders over to Ponyville, I need to stand on my own four hooves… well… without my friends of course,” said Applejack, smiling.

(Mood Music)

Eclipse gave a thin smile, watching Applejack leave, waving goodbye until she disappeared within the trees across from his place. Now alone, he turns to look at his reflection… but what’s looking back at him isn’t him… looking at him is sickness that has cursed him as long as he could remember.

The ‘reflection’ smiles with a crazed grin, sharpened teeth and black ichor oozing from that thing’s mouth, eyes, nose, and ears. Eclipse gaze turns cold as if he’s staring the ‘reflection’ with abhorrent hate, hate so deep, any given the gaze would wish death upon themselves.

“I haven’t lied to her if that’s what you think, I do plan to bring change… but I’m not going to need any necessary sacrifices for what I wish to occur.”

The ‘reflection’ grin changes to a scowl, it begins mouthing something, no words are heard as the gentle breeze and swishing of the lake are the only noises heard. The ‘reflection’ give a cocky yet curious look, as if trying to decipher a code from simply staring at Eclipse’s face.

“Change is necessary for this world, if it were any other situation, if it were… a world untouched by the Void, I would of left with enough power to move on and find another world to recuperate… This world is flowing with the Void… so much of it that, my plans have… evolved.”

The ‘reflection’ gaze morphs to confusion to realization to fascination and then, psychotic glee. A silent laughter came from the ‘reflection’, if the sound that occurred could be heard, it would be as if death itself played an orchestra toward the lives of an entire galaxy.

Eclipse’s gaze moved toward the sky, it was past noon, close to being two in the afternoon; thoughts raged within his psyche, of a plan that was slowly being unraveled – the Church, Equestria, this realm, the abundance of Void energy, the Element Orbs, the mysterious incidents in Manehattan, the Elements of Harmony – it was all coming together, he could see how it may end… but… that was simply the beginning.

If his plan was truly going to work he needed to do three things, in a specific order, at a specific time, and… he would need to make certain it all occurs before he can return to his full might.

The Church is planning something that’s for certain… but from the information I’ve managed to gather, it appears somebody else or another group is behind the Church’s movements. I’d need to uncover this group, then, like a candle’s flame, end both them and the Church… but, the final thing that I need to do…

Is make certain that I’m not found before I am at my full strength… while I can handle whatever may come, there are many unknowns within this world… Let’s hope that no sudden twists occur in the next two years.

Eclipse looks down at the lake, his reflection is back to normal, with that done, he stands up and heads back inside to continue his work.

Elsewhere – Canterlot, Noble District; 9:30pm

Pristine spent most of her time after returning from her trip to be in Ponyville, she needed some time to relax and rather than spend in at home in Canterlot, she thought it be nice to get to know a bit more about the place Eclipse lives.

Sure it was somewhat surprising to get a party from the bouncy mare called Pinkie Pie and luckily there was a few familiar faces like, Fang, Twilight Sparkle, Heart Beat, and Clear Sight there. The party was also made to celebrate the three guards promotions – Pristine wasn’t certain what new ranks they made – and after spending the past fifteen days in that somewhat odd town, she came back home late in the evening.

Opening the door of her family mansion, she came inside to find the foyer pitch black with little candle light within the nearby halls. She wasn’t expecting anypony awake and didn’t wish to ring the bell to call the family butler, she wanted Tidy to be undisturbed at this hour – he spends his time reading in the library, when nopony else is awake.

Sighing to herself, Pristine took several steps forward, stretching her tired muscles from having to nap in the train seat’s. “Just going to bring this artifact to father and take a nice bubble bath… maybe check if there’s any ice tea in the fridge,” said Pristine.

Heading to her father’s study, Pristine knocks on the doors, but before she could she sees they are ajar; looking inside, she finds the room empty, not even the fireplace was on. Huh, he must be asleep, I’ll just leave the artifact on his desk.

Entering inside, the door suddenly slams shut and before she could react to the door slamming, from the shadows, a claw with a piece of cloth wraps around her muzzle, covering her snout and mouth. Pristine struggles, managing to slam a forehoof into her assailant, but they continue to hold her, even after an audible grunt from them.

Her struggling slowly changes to rough and ecstatic, to slow and weak, then with her final breath, Pristine falls unconscious as the claw holding the cloth from her muzzle, slowly lifts off. A claw checks her pulse, until a silent affirmative is heard from her assailant.

Two other shadowy figures approach their comrade who held Pristine, tying some ropes and putting a bag on her head. “Good, prep for her extract, we’re heading back to the rendezvous point. Send a message back, she will want to know that we got the target.”

One of the figures nods back, prepping a scroll, the figure that spoke looks down at Pristine’s face with an unknown expression, before a bag then covers her entire face.

Author's Note:

It appears things may not go the way Eclipse wants it to after all; this chapter... is very weird when I wrote it. I knew what I wanted to write down, but once I got to the part with Eclipse and Applejack talking... I came up blank. Now out of all the characters I chose, Applejack was an interesting choice - now I could had picked any of the girls for this situation, I mean each of them have their own reasons to worry about the Church, but AJ was worried about something else, she's using the excuse of the Church as her main worry, but Eclipse can tell that's not why she came to see him.

Rainbow and Pinkie I see the least likely to worry as Pinkie is happiness eternal - sometimes - and Rainbow's ego would either keep any deep worry away or she be too cocky to care about any retaliation from the Church. Twilight and Rarity would put their faith within the princesses and the guard to worry about the Church, that and they have their own things to worry about. Fluttershy while would had been a good candidate, I think she wouldn't worry as Fluttershy would worry over a squirrel being sick or forgetting something to remember about the Church being a thing.

Applejack however... well, sure she has her family, the farm, and friends... I believe why she would be so paranoid about the Church is because, Applejack has nopony to talk to or way to distract herself of these kind of problems. She's stubborn and wouldn't outright talk to any of her friends or family and would possibly expect the same answer or similar ones... why she would go to Eclipse, sure he's a friend, but he's different from anypony else she would go to.

I always found Applejack and Eclipse's interactions both interesting and hard to write, why? One character is honest and straight-forward, while the other is very vague about what they talking about and when they aren't vague, it can be hidden over layers of information, that you would had to nitpick everything to get a clear picture about what they're talking about... Basically, the side that I would like to be and the side I'm always am at surface area.

This is a filler chapter, pretty much me adding random details and stuff that may not be remembered later on in the story, or doesn't have much importance until later on in the story. Two examples of this is - "Faith & Shadows" & "Delving Deeper" - those two chapters aren't really necessary, but instead of just going straight to the action or meaty parts, chapters like this which are slow, mundane, and just throws exposition whenever.

My reasons for adding these chapters than just going to the parts that would catch anyone's attention would be because, it widens what kind of world this story is taking place - before the Church was introduced, it was simply a character in Equestria, either displaced or what-not, who had a mysterious background; after the Church, the incidents in Manehattan, the small details on certain characters, this is my world-view on my story's version of Equestria:

Equestria is a harmonious, unified land, where the three races live peacefully together - on the surface - but, for centuries, there has been a lack of progress that has kept Equestria and those within a certain way of living. Unable to accept change or adapt, anything out-of-place or un-ordinary and unfamiliar to ponies is shunned by the masses. Violence is uncommon, yet isn't a rare occurrence with the occasional attack by monsters or the other wild races (Diamond Dogs, Dragons, & Griffons), or the attacks from within by the Church or other unpredictable individuals. Changes have occurred with the return of Princess Luna and the rise of Equestria's newest heroines - the Elements of Harmony - certain individuals wish to manipulate them to favor the outcome themselves.

Now imagine all that, but add in an unknown element - Eclipse Light - who's is pretty much a blank slate in Equestria and is slowly bringing a change that nopony is expecting.

Pretty much this chapter is prepping for the next chapter, the discussion between Applejack and Eclipse is that, one is worried about the Church or other things and to distract her from these thoughts, Eclipse talks about how he wants to bring something new and different to Equestria. Sure they're talk is random in this chapter/story, though they're relationship is weird too, technically speaking one of Eclipse's major traits as a character, is that he's a liar who dislikes lying. Weird I know, but it's funny that he 'lies' to Applejack in order to soothe her woes, even though she can catch someone lying from a glance... the question is, whether she rather take a lie upfront to bury away her personal crisis, or rather she not listen and have to bare her problems by herself.

To simplify everything, Applejack needed to talk to somepony, Eclipse Light was the type to not care about your problem but will listen still. Eclipse's solution to her problem was to talk about a subject that Applejack wouldn't be familiar with, yes it confused her, but she was happy that just talk to somepony else than speak about the subject she was worried about. Distractions are distractions... and maybe this entire rant I'm doing is a distraction... who knows... maybe I'm distracting myself...

Okay, let's not get too deep into the meta, time for preview!

Next time: Strange figures have caught Pristine, Eclipse continues his experiments, but with the help of Twilight... something goes terribly wrong and she becomes a witness to something no living being should ever experience.

Orion Grey
Eclipse Light

Clear Sight