• Published 23rd Aug 2018
  • 8,567 Views, 266 Comments

I Am (No) God - Animatorsnake

The small town of Ponyville is a source of strange things, but the stallion who lives at the edge of town is a mystery on his own. What does he hide in such a small shack like that? Why is he so empty? ...Where did he come from and who is he really?

  • ...

Operation Broken Feather

Canterlot, Canterlot Castle, Throne Hall; 9:00pm

Celestia patiently sat on her throne while her sister paced back in forth to the right of the hall, even though it was evening now and was past her sleeping schedule. Hearing the recent news of griffon mercenaries camped within the abandoned mines and having a possible connection with a missing noble’s daughter was enough to keep the princess awake… that and several warm cups of coffee.

“When will they get here, it has been two hours since Captain Armor and Captain Nix left with two platoons of guards from both the Royal and Lunar Guard to root out these griffons!” shouted Luna.

“Well technically sister, they only left for an hour and a half,” said Celestia, sipping her tea afterwards.

“Does that matter! By now I expect those foul terror-birds to be caged and brought before me post-haste!”

Celestia understood why her sister was acting this way, to hear that one of their ponies was kidnapped due to some altercation that this mercenary group had with a small exploration group that involved said pony being kidnapped, a few of their guards, and the pony hired to make said exploration group. It didn’t help that this same mercenary group were also involved in the attempt kidnapping of several of their ponies, border guards, and other sapient beings nearby.

While my sister shows her frustration… mine is a bit more tempered than hers… though I too am furious at the outright bold actions these fiends are doing to our poor ponies.

At that exact moment after finishing her thought, an audible popping noise was heard and with it was the appearance of both captains of the Royal and Lunar Guard, as well as a third individual, a very familiar one to both princesses.

“I had my suspicions that something like this would attract you, but I never imagined them coming to fruition, now what brings you here, Sir Eclipse?” asked Celestia with a playful smile.

While both captains saluted toward their monarch leaders, Eclipse did an informal bow of his own – lowering his head slightly, while bringing his right forehoof to his chest. After finishing their greeting both captains advanced to Celestia and the now seated Luna beside her sister, removing their helmets and kneeling down, leaving Eclipse to stand behind and watch.

“Your majesties, Captain Armor of the Canterlot Royal Guard branch and Captain Nix of the Canterlot Lunar Guard branch has come to report on the successful mission to the Canterlot Mines. We came upon a group of mercenary griffons, the same group that was previously encountered at the San Palomino Desert some months prior.”

“Indeed, we also managed to confirm that they are indeed the ones responsible for the kidnapping of the daughter of Purity Snow, Pristine Snow. They have her locked up in an ancient abandoned Equestrian fort located in Unicorn Range, alongside her is the rest of their misbegotten kind. Permission to prepare and send troops to rescue her your majesties?”

At this, Luna glanced at her sister and with that simple look, the lunar princess stood up and with her hoof raised she gave her full support. “You have my permission captain, prepare the best available troops you can and bring these griffons to justice!”

“As do I, prep your forces and head to the train going to Tall Tale for deployment, I will send a letter to the captain stationed there, knowing of your arrival and purpose,” said Celestia. “May fortune and success come to you and your troops on this mission.”

With that, both captains saluted once more and placed their helmets back on, leaving to make preparations. As both captains left Eclipse watches them leave, but before he could depart too, he was soon stopped by the voice of Celestia.

“Hold Sir Eclipse, while our captains have reported what they can to us, we would like a more thorough report on what occurred down there,” said Celestia.

That same playful smile didn’t left the princess’s snout, for some odd reason this deeply reminded him of someone… and it annoyed him to who it reminded him of. “I don’t see why you can’t ask one of your own guards about the events that happened tonight,” said Eclipse. “They witnessed what I witnessed too.”

“True, but I believe hearing it from a third-party rather than our ponies won’t make what they say sound… embellished.”

“You don’t trust your own subjects’ words?”

“That’s not it, rather they sometimes try their best to impress us whenever the chance is given, you however… do not show that kind of feeling toward us.”

Not surprising, not many can tell what I’m feeling… for reasons…

Sighing in defeat, Eclipse accepted their odd invitation and with that, Celestia horn began to light up and soon both herself, Luna, and Eclipse are teleported away. They soon reappear within Celestia’s private quarters, both princesses sitting on some large cushions, while another large cushion is placed before Eclipse, unfazed by the sudden teleportation.

“We were certain you would had show some reaction to being teleported,” said Luna.

“Stranger things have occurred to me, being suddenly sent to an unknown location is the least strangest thing done to me,” said Eclipse, nonchalantly.

“While I would love to hear your experiences during your travels, I would like to know what occurred within the mines?” asked Celestia, a teacup floating within her magical grasp.

Eclipse decided to not withhold information relating to what happened to today, so he told – what he wanted to tell them – what occurred, this involved telling them of his use of his latest device, the ambush that happened near one of the locations they investigated of Pristine’s whereabouts, why the griffons would kidnap Pristine, and even what occurred during his travels through the San Palomino Desert with Pristine.

“So you mean to tell us that these mercenaries not only tried to kidnap our own citizens, but that somepony hired them to do it… this does not bode well… Sister, do you think it has anything to do with my return?” asked Luna, with a guilty look.

Celestia saw this and comforted her sister, wrapping her in one of her wings. “Doubtful, whatever reasons those griffons had to trying to take away our ponies, it had nothing to do with you… but this shows that other forces are out there trying to divide our nation apart, with whatever means they wish to use, regardless of the consequences.”

“Speaking of dividing the nation… Eclipse, what was… your experience like during my return?” asked Luna.

Here, Eclipse paused, albeit for a short second to not raise suspicion as he lowered his own teacup to answer. “My whereabouts was… blurry to say the least, but I know that I wasn’t present when Nightmare Moon appeared at the town hall, I was at the Everfree Forest to visit Zecora and see if she wished to come see the celebration. It was at that time something strange occurred and I saw the girls enter the forest, sadly I could not follow as a strange fog rolled up and I ended up lost until I managed to wander back to town, the whole situation having calmed down afterwards.”

Something about Eclipse’s words didn’t feel right, to Luna his words were true… and wrong at the same time, snippets of what he said appeared correct, but lies too. She would of further asked, when suddenly she got a sudden migraine, as if by just trying to remember the events of that night only made the migraine worse. Celestia too felt something was off, but had to forget it immediately as her sister hissed in pain, placing a hoof to her head.

“Luna, is something wrong?” asked Celestia, worried.

“Nothing, I’m just having a headache-” Luna hissed again as her migraine gotten worse, as if her head was being split apart. The more she tried remember, the worse it got… it was as if something was keeping her from memorizing.

Seeing that Luna wasn’t capable of attending night court tonight, Celestia decided her sister would rest with her until she felt better. “It appears we would need to stop our discussion Eclipse, I’ll have one of the guards escort you out.”

Before Celestia could do that, Eclipse raised his hoof to stop her. “Before you do that, would it be alright I join Shining Armor and Lilium Nix on their mission to save Pristine, I was the one hired by Purity Snow to save his daughter. It would seem wrong to keep me out of this when I promised to return his daughter to him safely, I will even aid your guards by letting borrow some of my newest inventions,” said Eclipse.

Celestia was surprised at the sudden generosity, but she knew like any entrepreneur, Eclipse wanted something in turn. “And what would you like in turn, Sir Eclipse?”

“Nothing much, but is it possible I can have one more ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala… there is a plus one I wish to invite.”

Hearing this was a surprise, Celestia wondered who it was, there was many possible candidates… three in particular however came to the forefront of her mind.

Maybe its Twilight, from my student’s letters the two have gotten quite close with her helping Eclipse with his experiments, but she has her own ticket. Maybe that Fluttershy mare, from what I read, she was the first pony to befriend him, but she got one during that incident with Twilight and that extra ticket I sent to her, resulting in her friends fighting over the ticket.

It could possibly be Pristine, while I don’t know for certain her true feelings toward Eclipse, I heard from Shining how he defended that mare during her father’s party. While I may not be Cadence, I have a keen eye on seeing a young pony in love.

“And who might I ask is the lucky mare, I doubt its a stallion… unless you swing that way,” said Celestia, giving a teasing tone.

Oddly Eclipse didn’t react which wasn’t a surprise, but what was a surprise was his next words. “It is a she… but one you don’t know… I wish to invite an old acquaintance… she has been a tad antsy as of late and I hope showing her some new sights will calm her down…”

The look she saw in his eyes is the same she gives to Luna when she’s amazed by something she’s seen in this era or to Twilight whenever she isn’t paying attention and deep in her studies.


It was a look and feeling she’s become deeply familiar with, seeing this in a stoic stallion like Eclipse was surprising. You would think nothing would faze him and he would continue to stand tall and firm like a mountain… to see this side to him was quite interesting.

With a genuine caring smile, she used her magic and summoned another ticket, levitating it to him. “I can see you truly care for this pony… though I hope you introduce her to me,” said Celestia.

“Doubtful, she’s shy to a fault and quite aggressive to strangers… imagine Fluttershy’s shyness with your sister’s aggressive approach to things,” said Eclipse, giving a description.

That’s quite a combination. “Well hopefully I won’t spook the poor dear too badly, well I think that ends our talk for today. I hope to see you at the gala with the girls,” said Celestia with a bow.

Eclipse returned one in turn, later a guard came in and escorted Eclipse to the exit, as she watched him leave, Celestia levitated her now tired sister after her headache had subsided for now.

“Sister, I’m fine, let me head to night court and-”

“Uh ah, none of that talk Lulu, I think you and I need some sisterly bonding, I’m not going to ignore you at your time of need.”

“But Tia, I’m fine!” Ignoring her complaints, Celestia levitated the sheets and placed them on top herself and Luna. Luna’s previous complaints stopped after snuggling against the soft sheets and her sister’s warmth. With a happy giggle, the two sisters slept cozily together, just like they did in their youth.

Elsewhere – Canterlot; 10:00pm

Eclipse trotted alone down the main street of Canterlot, heading to the train station to meet up with Shining Armor. Going on autopilot, Eclipse didn’t focus on what’s in front of him as he was deep in thought about what recently happened.

It appears the seal I place is fraying, though it won’t be long though, if I had my full power it would had been swift and clean… Still… they’ll find out sooner or later.

Eclipse soon arrived at the station to see several guards boarding the train and among them is Shining and Nix, the two conversing until Shining spots Eclipse. Leaving Nix to prep the troops, Shining approached Eclipse.

“Hello Eclipse, are you going to take the train to stop at Ponyville?”

“Yes, but it won’t be my final stop,” said Eclipse.

Shining raise a brow, but after getting informed by Eclipse about him joining them and giving some of his troops some inventions he made, Shining accepted the additional help. “I guess we’ll be making a temporary stop at Ponyville then, good excuse to see my sister,” said Shining, smiling.

With that, Eclipse entered with Shining just as the train was about to leave, as four platoons – two from the Royal Guard and two from the Lunar Guard – boarded and rode the train to their destination. On the train, Shining and Nix curiously ask Eclipse what exactly does he plan to give to their troops, while Nix also asks what’s the relationship between himself and the kidnapped pony their trying to rescue.

“You’ve seen the device I used against the griffons back in the mines in Canterlot, correct. I plan to give a few of these devices to some of your troops during the operation, of course I only have a small amount so only select guards will be able to use them,” said Eclipse.

“And the connection you have with this Pristine mare?” asked Nix.

“I met her before I met her father… our first encounter wasn’t close to our current one. She and I are at best acquaintances or business companions, she has helped me with the journey at the San Palomino Desert, I would continue to ask her for assistance from that day onward… that is if she wasn’t kidnapped.”

“Well I’m thankful for the further assistance you’ll give to us, but do you have any requests of which guards would take the devices you have, I can see who is available and under your specific necessities for this operation,” said Shining.

Eclipse paused to think until he came to a quick answer, facing Shining with his response. “I don’t have any specifics, but is it possible a small team is made for me during the operation. I think its best that during the operation, while the main force attacks the brunt of the mercenary forces, a small team is sent secretively to extract Pristine during the attack, a sort of black ops team.”

That might not be a bad idea. “This could work to our advantage, as we’re attacking the fort that the mercenaries are camped at, you’ll find another way to enter the fort in secret, find Pristine, and swiftly leave with her. This will require perfect timing, but once done it’ll allow both the Royal and Lunar Guard forces to focus on apprehending the mercenaries,” said Shining.

“We’ll make preparations for this squad once we arrive at Tall Tale, but first we need to make a quick stop at Ponyville for these ‘devices’,” said Nix.

Nodding, Shining sat and waited for the train to stop at Ponyville; due to the sudden movement order of guard forces, many of the guards took a quick nap during the train ride, while some did some idle chatter or wait until the train arrived at its destination.

Eclipse watched from his own spot in the train, his gaze watched over the passing landscape moving by, the starry night sky, expansive fields, and forests were lit up by the lunar light of the moon. A sense of calm and familiarity came to Eclipse, a lot of this current situation reminding him a lot of another scenario he went through before.

Shining noticed Eclipse’s absent gaze, as he coughed to get his attention before speaking. “Is something the matter Eclipse?”

“...Nothing, just some fond old memories…” Eclipse continued to stare off at the starry sky, his eyes reflecting the light of the moon, hiding the sudden flash of color deep within his irises. “Nothing, but old memories…”

Some time later – Ponyville, Ponyville Train Station; 6:30am

Due to the day just beginning, many of the inhabitants of Ponyville were still asleep with the only ones up early this hour being Applejack’s family, Twilight, and Pinkie. At the station, the train slowly begins to make its stop, the doors of the train open, as four platoons worth of guards from both the Royal and Lunar Guard step out.

With them is both captains of the Canterlot branch of both guard organizations – Captains Shining Armor and Lilium Nix – alongside them is Eclipse Light. Once all guards get off the train they settle down and stretch their bodies for a short time to await the train that’ll take that to Tall Tale; while this happened, Eclipse took both captains back to his home property so he could show them the items in question he wishes to bring with him during the operation.

Heading to his property, they encounter a guard patrol, the guard patrol involved Clear Sight and Heart Beat. Both guards recognize Eclipse and while they don’t recognize the ponies with him, they do notice the rank insignia on the armor where the withers would be.

“Captains! What brings the two of you here, sir, mam!” shouted Sight, saluting with Beat following her movements.

“At ease you two, we’re here for an important mission from Canterlot, continue with your patrol, we’re here to simply see something that Sir Eclipse wishes to show us,” said Nix.

Deciding to not question what this mission is or what Eclipse wanted to show them, both mares saluted again and went on back to patrolling the town. After that short distraction, they continued on back to their route to Eclipse’s place, once arriving, Eclipse brings them to his storage building.

Inside they see the same pile of crates and other stuff that was later organized with the help of the girls, among the piles of stuff, Eclipse pulls out one particular crate that’s smaller than the others. Opening the crate, inside he shows it off to both Shining and Nix, who see the same device Eclipse used without the crystal that he placed inside them, leaving these devices a hollow space inside.

“Here are the devices, they’re called Elemental Grenades and they work by placing these crystals inside them. How they work is that imagine the grenade as a vessel to hold the crystal, then depending on the type of crystal a different effect will occur.”

Fire crystals will cause flames to spew forth, creating flames much hotter than your common fire. Light crystals while causing no harm, are capable of blinding and deafening any within a five meter radius, the closer you are to the explosion the longer the effects will last. Ice crystals will encase anyone in ice and leave a frost effect similar to most tundra environments. Wind crystals will release a blast of air, these are best used to send a powerful concussive force to destabilize a large group or knock a larger creature off it’s feet. Thunder crystals as you’ve seen before, unleash a torrent of electricity, capable of stunning, paralyzing, and scorching those in reach.

“I haven’t tested out the other five elemental crystals yet, so you’ll be limited to only using these five types, though since we’re going somewhere high in the mountains, with little to no flammable objects, the fire crystal won’t be of much use. So that leaves the ice and thunder types to be use for offensive situations and the light and wind types for any other situation, though I be very mindful of your surroundings when using the thunder type, as this one is more capable of friendly-fire if not thrown correctly or if thrown near friendlies.”

“Understood and from seeing the device closely, its capable of allowing the user to take the crystal out to exchange for a different one,” said Nix, holding one of the grenades.

“Yes, I’ll let a single squad to hold on to six grenades, which consists of two pairs of thunder and ice crystals, and single light and wind crystal, totaling to six crystals to use for each squad. How many ponies do you have within a squad?” asked Eclipse.

“At least ten guards are within a squad and since we have four platoons, we have a company consisting of one-hundred-and-sixty guards. Since each squad will hold on to six of these grenades, there are approximately sixteen squads, totaling to all the squads having access to ninety-six grenades.”

“If you include the guards that’ll join me in rescuing pristine and my own, we’ll be bringing one-hundred-and-eight grenades.”

Shining’s eyes widen at the sheer amount they would bring for this single operation and seeing how effective they were, he would think it would cost a lot of bits just to pay back to Eclipse of his devices.

“How much would it cost if we were to buy all the available grenades you have?” asked Shining, worried.

“Well, the process just to make a crystal is lengthy, the materials to get for the grenade itself aren’t cheap and to have them mass-produced after this operation for future use… roughly 100,000 bits which would cover only two-hundred grenades.”

100,000 BITS! That’s enough bits to buy one of the smaller mansions in Canterlot or your own private airship!

“Is there a way we can get a discount?”

“Unlikely… how about this, rather than equipping each squad grenades, equip each platoon with double that a squad would get. This will reduce the ninety-six grenades to roughly, forty-eight grenades and the addition to mine, that’s sixty grenades now. Don’t worry about the ones to be used by me or the guards that’ll come with me, this will reduce your payment to only 24,000 bits, less if you have any spare grenades after the operation.”

Okay, that amount is more manageable for our budget.

“How many crystals will each platoon will have?” asked Nix.

“Well, they’ll have four thunder, four ice, two light, and two wind crystals, basically eight offensive and four supportive type grenades will be used for each platoon. I’ll let both you decide which ponies hold which grenades, though I suggest the unicorns to use them as they can either levitate or teleport the grenades to where they want them to go, just remember to place the crystal in and push the button on top to activate it.”

After sending a quick scroll by magic to his guards to get the grenades in this crate at Eclipse’s property, the three leave, but as they leave the storage building, standing outside with a surprised look is Twilight.

“Shining!? What are you doing here?” asked Twilight.

“Twily, its good to see you sis,” said Shining, hugging her little sister. “I’m here to talk with Eclipse about some business.”

“What kind of business?”

“The kind I can’t tell you, guard-related.”

Rather than continuing to question her brother, Twilight looks to Eclipse, at that same moment, four ponies arrive which they’re directed by Nix to carry two crates – one holding the grenades, the other holding the crystals – back to the train. Once they’re busy with transporting the items in question, Twilight tries to gather answers from the only pony who knows what’s going on right now.

“Eclipse, what’s going on, why is my brother trying to buy things from you?”

“I can’t say, but that it involves me being hired by a noble to find his daughter and no I cannot give you details who it is,; this joint-operation with the guard is strictly a need-to-know basis with as little individuals to know what’s occurring right now.”

“But what if you get in trouble, let me and the girls come and help, I’ll quickly gather them and meet up at the train, then we can-” Twilight stopped speaking as Eclipse placed a hoof to her lips, until he dropped them down so he could speak.

“Twilight, this isn’t like the missions Celestia sends you and your friends off to do, this is a military authorized operation with someone’s life in the line. This has nothing to do with a friendship lesson or trying to solve a problem with diplomacy or something that you and the girls can solve… there will be those who will get hurt… maybe worse.”

Twilight’s ears folded down, Shining watched this, but he knew he agreed with Eclipse that this isn’t something her sister or friends should get involved in. Eclipse sighed, placing his hoof on her withers, comforting her as best he could.

“Look I rather not worry the girls with this, its best you don’t tell them about it… I’ll be away again, mind watching my place, check on a few things for me… Can you do this for me?”

For a short while Twilight stayed quiet, but after some time passed she released a breath and looked up at Eclipse. “Sure, I Pinkie Promise,” said Twilight, giving a weak smile.

With this, Eclipse said his farewells as Twilight watched him and her brother leave Eclipse’s property, waving goodbye to both of them. Both stallions and entourage arrived back at the train station to see their guards boarding the next train heading to Tall Tale.

Once getting on board, one of the messenger guards received another scroll from Celestia, stating that she had the Wonderbolts to scout Unicorn Range and to meet back with Shining and Nix’s forces at Tall Tale after the reconnaissance mission.

During the train ride, both captains informed their four platoons of the new objects to be used and how they worked based off Eclipse’s explanation, while this happened Nix introduced four ponies to join Eclipse’s squad to infiltrate and rescue Pristine while the main force attacks and distracts the mercenaries from discovering Eclipse’s team.

Several hours later – Equestria, Unicorn Range; 5:30pm

The train ride from Ponyville to Tall Tale took the majority of the day, but once they reached the city and met up with the Wonderbolts, most of the force still had to travel by hoof to the fort occupied by the mercenaries within Unicorn Range. The mountainous terrain took much longer than the train ride, but with the Wonderbolts scouting the terrain and updated maps, they managed to reach an outcropping overlooking the valley with several ancient outpost towers built alongside the path to the fort.

In the distance was the fort, while the main force stayed behind, five teams made up of Lunar Guards were sent to disable the mercenaries stationed at the outposts. One of these teams was led by Eclipse, with him were four guards, a pair from each guard group.

Eclipse’s team consisted of himself, who was equipped with two dual swords of his, four grenades of light, ice, wind, and thunder crystals. The guards with him are a unicorn and thestral from the Lunar Guard, and a unicorn and pegasus from the Royal Guard; their names are Sergeant First Class Blade Wing, a thestral equipped with a steel variation of her namesake.

Alongside her is Sergeant Flare, a mare who’s proficient with enchantments, equipping herself with a crossbow she enchanted herself. Selected from the Royal Guard are Corporals Stormcall and Light Show, Stormcall being a pegasus equipped himself with an iron sword, while Light Show is a unicorn skilled in using a bo-staff and is proficient in using illusion magic.

Currently, while the other teams were making a safe and easy path for the main force to follow to the fort by disabling the outposts, Eclipse’s team goes around the valley through the mountains. Right now, they were watching the fort from a distance through a mobile telescope; the five were prone on the ground just three-hundred meters from the fort.

“So how we going to approach this, while the other teams are dealing with the outposts, we’re suppose to infiltrate this fort, find the hostage and get out?” asked Stormcall, putting the telescope down.

“Well we actually don’t start infiltrating until the main force strikes the fort, while their fighting up above, we infiltrate the fort through the dozens of tunnels underneath the fort. For now we should get to position before the main force arrives,” said Light Show, responding back to Storm.

“Quit your lollygagging, we need to move,” said Flare, levitating her crossbow off her back.

As the three get ready to leave, Eclipse gazes at the fort with Blade laying beside him. “I know you’re in charge, but don’t forget that if anything gets too drastic, I’m immediately pulling out myself and the others, we can’t save Pristine if we get ourselves in too much danger. Got it?”

Eclipse didn’t respond at first, but looked at Blade with a neutral gaze. “Do what you believe is right, I’m here to make sure Pristine is safely escorted out.”

Blade grunts and quickly moves out with the others, with Eclipse soon following; the five take formation with Eclipse taking lead, Blade to his left, Storm to his right, while both Flare and Light are to the rear. They made their way quickly and stealthily to the base of the mountain that the fort was built on top. Even though the mercenaries didn’t set up patrols around the fort, if they aren’t careful, they may leave tracks in the snow that could be visible from the fort’s walls.

Reaching the base of the mountain, they began their arduous climb up the side of the mountain and due to the griffons’ keen eyesight, it was best to cling to the side of the mountain by hoof rather than flying or teleporting, as they would easily see any of their flight-capable members, while the flashes of light from teleportation would be noticeable immediately.

It took a little longer than planned, but they still got to the cave that led to the cave system underneath the fort. After making sure the cave was empty of hostiles, Light quickly cast several light orbs for them to see. The first thing they came to see were several rusted weaponry and the bones of ancient ponies scattered on the ground of the cave.

“Well this isn’t what I expected when climbing up the side of a mountain into a cave,” said Storm, grumbling.

Blade knelt down to examine the bones and weapons, before glancing ahead of the dark cave. “These bones and weapons are centuries old, most likely these were caused by one of the several civil wars caused during the earlier days of Equestria’s founding. Not all members of the three tribes agreed to the idea of unity,” said Blade. “Come on, let’s get moving.

Changing formation, Blade was the one to take lead with Eclipse taking her position, as the group headed down the winding tunnels of the cave system. It was hard to tell how long they were in those tunnels, but what felt like minutes they soon came upon a slight abnormality with one of the walls of the cave.

This wall of the cave unlike the rest was patterned and smooth, while the cave’s walls were somewhat bumpy and no indentations on it. Bringing the light orbs that Light cast to glow by this wall, they soon discovered it was a wall of the fort.

“Welp we found our way inside, so now what?” asked Storm.

“Now… we wait,” said Flare. “Sir Eclipse, should we set up the explosives now?”

Eclipse nodded and while the guards got to work with placing the explosives to blow up the wall for them to enter inside, they would have to wait until the main force got to position to attacking the fort.

Meanwhile above ground – Equestria, Unicorn Range, Abandoned Fort; 7:00pm

While Eclipse’s team managed to infiltrate underneath the fort, above ground it was now evening, the sun was beginning to set as the moon could be seen just rising over the horizon. One of the mercenaries yawned, bored having to stand guard on the fort’s ramparts. Paying no attention but the valley below, his vision caught something in the corner of his eye, turning to see what it was, he sees several twinkles of light down below the valley.

Unsure what it is, the lights begin to multiply from their previous number, as more twinkling lights begin to appear. His tired and bored muddled mind was trying to process what he was witnessing, when he swore he could hear a whistling sound, when the lights started growing more in intensity and appear to getting closer.

At the last second, before the mercenary could yelp in surprise, an explosion of magical bolts blasted the side of the fort’s wall that the mercenary was just standing moments ago. This was enough to awake the rest of the mercenaries within the fort from their idleness, as the instant they heard and felt the explosions, they went into action.

(Mood Music)


Like a well oiled machine, the mercenaries leaned and positioned themselves on the tops of the walls, while at the remaining standing tower of the fort, was a cannon that the mercenaries managed to set up. Aiming their muskets and the cannon down below the valley, they could hear the roar of armored ponies in formation.

From the haze of snow and fog came forth a metal wall of ponies, standing in the front were earth ponies carrying heavy-duty shields in two rows, and behind them are unicorns who either cast barrier spells in front of their earth pony compatriots or fired magical bolts through the magical barriers.

Behind them were more earth ponies who appear to be pulling siege equipment, catapults with wooden barrels full of dust to blind those in the fort.

While the fortified defensive front of the ponies may appear impenetrable, they still need to climb up to the fort’s steep slope, thick with slippery ice and a narrow path to the gates of the fort. However, unbeknownst to the griffons, the ponies on the ground would be the least of their worries; soaring high above the clouds, a formation of the pegasi and thestrals that came to this operation gazed downward at the fort.

The plan is to await for the ground forces to reach a certain distance of the fort, in which the unicorns would cast a massive flare spell to blind the griffons, at that moment, the pegasi and thestral guards would swoop in from the sides of the fort and flank the griffons.

As the ground forces approached, led by Shining Armor wearing his full-suit of guard armor, they reached halfway up the slope of the fort, until he nodded to his second-in-command. With that nod, the lieutenant nodded in turn and faced the unicorn section of guards.


At that moment, all the unicorns stopped casting the barrier spells or firing any further magical shots, with the combined might of all the unicorns, they unleashed a massive flare spell toward the area above the fort.

The spell flew true and high, until reaching its apex, unleashed the magical light that both blinded the griffons and signaled their troops up above. Nix who led the aerial troops above spotted the signal and screamed out for her troops to dive. “THE SIGNAL, DIVE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF EQUESTRIA! FOR THE PRINCESSES AND FOR EQUESTRIA!” shouted Nix, diving forth.

At the sight of their captain diving down, the Lunar Guard thestrals and pegasi followed their leader while the Royal Guard pegasi moved forth. While Nix’s forces flew to the right side of the fort, the Royal Guard pegasi were led by another one of Shining’s lieutenants to strike the left side of the fort.

The griffons slowly regained their sight and hearing, until they heard the roaring of the ponies, but it became more audible and sounded as if it was coming from everywhere. That moment the few more aware and experienced griffons quickly start checking their surroundings, soon spotting the flock of pegasi and thestrals charging from up above from both sides of the fort.


Sadly, many of the mercenaries were still blinded, deaf, or too dazed to either fly upward or aim any of their muskets. Those that could however, were too panicked to whether aim their muskets or fly to the flock of enemies.

That single decisive moment wasn’t favorable for the griffons as the pegasi and thestrals crashed toward them like a tide hitting the wall of a cliff. Many griffons on the ramparts were slain immediately, but those stationed at the courtyard, who had more time to regroup, aimed their muskets and fired.

Some rounds missed, others grazed their targets, few got a good shot in, but while they were occupied by the enemies within the fort, they forgot those outside of it. “MOVE IN, BREAK DOWN THAT GATE WHILE THEY’RE DISTRACTED!” shouted Shining.

The ground forces charged forth, while those carrying siege equipment aimed their payload toward the center of the fort where their allies were least likely to be. Barrels of dust were flung into the air, until falling downward in an arc.

The mercenaries in the courtyard were too occupied firing their muskets, until a few shadows suddenly loomed over them. Taking a glance up, they saw barrels falling down upon them, one barrel landed on a griffon, smashing its contents all over the poor bloke, the other two missed but still unleashed their payloads.

Dust spewed forth, blinding and making the griffons breathing in the irritating dust, making it hard to breath or see. Now unimpeded by the enemies in the courtyard, the pegasi and thestrals took the time to swiftly take out the enemies on the ramparts first.

Meanwhile below the fortEquestria, Unicorn Range, Abandoned Fort; 7:30pm

The rumbling from up above signaled that the battle above was getting louder with each passing minute, but after hearing the loud rhythmic thumping of the battering ram slamming against the fort’s gates, was their signal.

“They reached the gates, time to begin our side of the operation,” said Eclipse. “Everyone step back.”

Hearing this, they all took cover, one of the guards holding the trigger, hits it once everypony is within a safe distance. The explosives detonated, unleashing a blast of dust and stone opposite of them, leaving an opening once the dust clears.

Eclipse steps forth to check the now revealed corridor of the fort’s underground hallways, seeing to his right is a door while to his left is another pathway around a corner. “Clear, okay, this is where we’ll split up, Blade Wing and Light Show will stay here to guard our exit, you two are the best to handle CQC and multiple enemies with your choice of weaponry. Flare and Stormwing will follow me to find Pristine, I will lead with Storm watching our rear, Flare will stay in between us due to her ranged weapon. Does anyone think otherwise we should change any parts of my plan?”

Even though Blade is responsible in making sure herself and the guards are safe and to leave if things go south, she could see no fault in his plan, by leaving both herself and Light to defend is a smart decision, with her mastery of CQC, that and Light Show is an excellent illusionist, meaning his spells will save time for Eclipse’s group to search for Pristine. While she doesn’t know the fighting capability of Eclipse – only through word of mouth – she trusts both Storm’s and Flare’s abilities to balance out that risk.

“None, we’ll make sure the way is clear on your way back,” said Blade, opening her wings in a ready position.

With that, Eclipse soon sped off to the left side with Flare and Storm following behind; now alone with Light, the two prepped for any mercenaries to investigate the noise from their explosives.

Further deep within the fort – Equestria, Unicorn Range, Abandoned Fort; 7:35pm

Ferrous heard the sounds of battle above-ground some time ago, but earlier she thought she heard an explosion coming closer by rather than from above.

Are they planning to come for her? Ferrous gazed down at a chained Pristine, who was quiet and also paying attention to the sounds coming from above. Ferrous turned her gaze to the two black-armored griffons who were inside the cell with her.

“You two, stay here and guard her cell, nobody – griffon or pony – is to approach this cell until my return,” said Ferrous.

Both saluted, positioning themselves to guard the cell, standing side-by-side by the door, once done with Pristine, Ferrous soon left with an entourage of her remaining elite mercenaries following behind. “Let’s welcome our guests, shall we.”

While Ferrous and her elites climbed back to the surface, the mercenaries were slowly losing ground and the only place left for them to hold was the courtyard. The battle started off with the use of ranged weaponry, but now every griffon fought with their melee weapons, several one vs one battles taking place within the courtyard.

The gates of the fort had fell and laid fallen on the ground as the remainder of the guard force swarmed the courtyard, fighting off any griffons still standing or capture those surrendering and unconscious. Shining took down his fifth opponent, it looked like the ponies were winning when the tide of the battle changed once more.

Like an outstretching black claw, several black-armored griffons swooped from the fort’s innards, smashing the majority of guard forces with ease. Among them stood Ferrous Pride, wielding her black steel halberd, Harbinger, while her head was bare to the frigid mountain air, an aura of intimidation could still be felt by just looking at her.

(Mood Music)

“Lady Ferrous, I believe the unicorn that defeated some of our grunts is one of their captains, what you want us to do with him?”

Ferrous gazed at Shining, just as he gazed back at her, wielding his saber, Defender, he charged forth toward her. “Deal with him, my only interest is finding the one who slain Feather Blade, dead or alive,” said Ferrous flying toward a different area of the battle.

With their orders given, both mercenary elites charged toward Shining, one wielding a mace, the other wielding a two-handed battleaxe. The one with the battleaxe swung horizontally from Shining’s right, ducking to dodge, he had to quickly roll to the right to dodge the mace from the other elite.

Backing up swiftly, both his opponents circled him as Shining levitated his saber close to him, watching both his opponents and surroundings. While Ferrous busied herself as she swiftly took down a royal guard with ease, two of Shining’s lieutenants approached her, knowing that by taking down the leader the rest will fall.

“So, you wish to play with me, then don’t make a lady waiting,” said Ferrous, curling one of her claws into a ‘come hither’ motion.

Back below underground, Eclipse’s group swiftly took down several mercenary grunts who were still underground, though it was actually Flare and Storm who did most of the work, while Eclipse only dodged and directed an enemy’s attack for either of the two guards to take them down.

He hasn’t pulled out his swords once, what is he waiting for?!

Storm dodged a sudden musket shot, until Flare fired an enchanted stun bolt, electrifying and knocking the musket-wielding griffon to the ground, the griffon twitching every few seconds from the bolt embedded in their chest.

“HEY, PAY ATTENTION! If you haven’t noticed, we’re in a middle of a battle,” said Flare, reloading her crossbow.

“Sorry, but seriously are you going to help us deal with these guys or are you going to keep those swords of yours still sheathed?”

Storm got no response as Eclipse continued to lead the two, giving an annoyed grunt Storm followed with Flare beside him. The three head deeper into the fort until they come upon a hallway with only a cell door in the end, guarding the door is two black-armored griffons, both wielding swords.

“We found where they’re keeping Pristine,” said Eclipse. “These must be the elites so be careful-”

Before they could come up with a plan, Storm’s earlier annoyance of Eclipse having not done anything so far reached its peak. Deciding to charge forth than listen, Storm swiftly flew ahead of both Flare and Eclipse; the unicorn tried her best to tell Storm to get back here, but he ignored her. Storm charged one of the elite mercenaries, but his haste would be his downfall, raising his own sword, the elite easily parried his weapon and slashed his sword across his chest. After being dealt with a diagonal cut, the elite swiftly turned around and kicked him back, sending him sliding back to Eclipse and Flare.

Storm laid flat with a broken snout and the slash across his torso from the elite mercenary swiftly cutting him. Flare hung her crossbow over her back and ran to Storm, quickly casting a simple healing spell and lifting him up. “You idiot, these aren’t like the mercenaries we dealt with before,” said Flare, a tinge of worry in her voice.

Eclipse watched both the elites and guards, until a plan came to his mind, approaching Flare, she looked up to see Eclipse looking down at her. “Take him back to the others, I’ll deal with these two and get Pristine back to the extraction point.”

Flare wanted to say something, but staying here with a wounded companion would only slow Eclipse down and even if they managed to beat the two elites, they would have to drag back two potentially injured ponies back, both slowing them down and leaving them potentially in danger to ambushes. Sighing, Flare lifted Storm in her telekinesis, until she glanced back at Eclipse, but shook her head and ran back to where the others are at.

Now alone, Eclipse faced the two armed elites, slowly unsheathing both his swords and standing on his rear-legs, gaining a confused grunt from both elites.

“Shall we dance,” said Eclipse, pointing his right sword at the elites.

(Fight Music)

At the same time as Eclipse’s fight, Shining just defeated both of the mercenary elites sent by Ferrous, now standing before Ferrous herself, while she dealt with both of Shining’s lieutenants with ease. Shining’s removed his helmet earlier due to that piece of armor being dealt with a heavy blow, leaving it with a big dent in it.

Shining levitated his saber toward Ferrous, but he wouldn’t be facing her alone, landing beside him is Nix, who wielded her enchanted spear, Missa Fruit. Both captains of the Royal and Lunar Guard Canterlot branch stood up against one of the leaders of the Iron Lions; after what felt like several minutes, Ferrous charged with a feral grin, as Shining and Nix answered her charge with their own snarls.

Below the fort, both the elites and Eclipse did their own stare-off, until Eclipse made the first move. Both elites readied themselves, due to them being in a corridor, neither elite could fly, but their one advantage was the pristine black armor they wore.

Confident on their defense and fighting skills, both elites would swiftly deal a heavy blow on Eclipse… sadly they never fought anyone like him before, and it would be the last time they face somebody like him.

Eclipse swung his left sword down, but like an angry deity smiting a foolish mortal, the sword became shrouded in black light, cutting through the elite’s sword and armor like butter. The elite’s companion watched as his fellow burst to black flames, barely time for a death throe to be heard in time.

Terrified by the sudden strange attack, the elite tried to attack back, but as his sword made contact with Eclipse, his sword simply bounced off some sort of invisible armor; feeling the sudden vibration climbing up his limbs, he instinctively dropped his weapon and gazed fearfully up at Eclipse.

His eyes oozed of black flames as his weapons became engulfed in black flames, leaving his eyes a bright glowing white. “Face me with dread and fear, for what awaits you is emptiness and all-consuming nothingness.”

Elementa Ad Gladii Technique I; Ebony Flames!

With the ferocity of an unrelenting fire, Eclipse swung both swords in a cross-cut, shattering the elite’s armor and engulfing the hapless griffon consumed by ebony flames. After watching the corpse burn and turn into ash, Eclipse walked over both mounds of ash that was the remains of the elite mercenaries, sheathing both his weapons fluidly.

Approaching the heavy-duty cell door, Eclipse raised his right foreleg and smashed the door open, inside he saw a now conscious Pristine, who smiled back at him. “What took you so long?” asked Pristine, grinning weakly.

In the surface, both Shining and Nix were on equal-footing against Ferrous, but due to facing against their own fair share of opponents prior and that Ferrous just recently joined the battle, the two captains were starting to reach their limit. Blocking and pushing off an attack from Ferrous’ halberd, Nix thrust forth her spear which was blocked by the flat side of Ferrous’ halberd.

They were in a stalemate, but before anyone could make a move, one of Ferrous’ elites swiftly flew down and whispered something to her. Her eyes widen and she spoke back while keeping her eyes still on her opponents.

“They got the hostage!?” said Ferrous, a tinge of annoyance in her voice.

“When we checked, we only found a shattered door and two mounds of ash. What do you want us to do my lady?”

For a moment she stood there, thinking, taking a quick evaluation of the current situation, they were slowly losing troops and they had no more leverage. Sighing in aggravation, she lifted her halberd and thrust the pommel end to the ground, sending a blast of dust and snow everywhere.

“We regroup back to our fall-back position, spread the word… we’re done here.”

Nodding, the elite flew off, moments later a horn was heard and the remaining flight-capable griffons flew off. The sounds of ponies cheering was heard, Ferrous gazed back at both Shining and Nix with a mix of admiration and hidden battle-lust.

“If we ever meet again, know I won’t be making this choice again and will finish our fight, but for now, this is farewell,” said Ferrous, one powerful flap of her wings and she was seen soaring away with the rest of her troops.

Watching her and the other mercenaries leave, Shining soon met up with Eclipse’s team, along with them is Pristine. The medics swiftly healed the injured – both their own and the captured griffons – until a flying carriage arrived to pick up both the captains, Pristine, and Eclipse back to Canterlot.

Canterlot, Canterlot Castle; 12:00am

The flying carriage flew from the fort in Unicorn Range to Canterlot Castle took about four hours, during the flight, which Shining took advantage and got his needed rest, leaving Nix awake to write the report of the battle. Pristine finally took her well deserved rest after being in captivity, leaning against Eclipse, though he paid no attention to her as he busied himself by gazing outside, watching the slowly changing landscape down below.

Soon they approached Canterlot and rather than landing at the airship docks, they landed in the middle of the castle’s gardens. Once they slowed down and stopped on the somewhat bumpy landing, Shining awoke with a trail of saliva trailing down the side of his face.

Pristine was somewhat more elegant than him, but awoke with a snort and realizing she was leaning on Eclipse, coughed awkwardly. After the four got off with Eclipse last to leave, they soon spotted the princesses welcoming their successful return, alongside them is Twilight and her friends too.

The first to approach is Fluttershy who hugged Eclipse, which he returned calmly, the others soon joined, Twilight and Spike asking Shining what happened, while the rest of the girls mingled and spoke with either Nix or Pristine.

“Please my ponies, give the four some space, they been through some rough times during this operation,” said Celestia. The girls and Spike took a step back, but were no less than happy to see them all back and safe.

“Well down Captains Armor and Nix, we shall prepare a ceremony in the coming sunrise, for now, rest,” said Luna. “And you must be miss Pristine, your father dearly misses you back at his mansion.”

“I will see him some time later, but would it be alright your majesties if I were to stay here until I’m at my proper strength,” said Pristine, trying to bow.

“Please my little pony, do not strain yourself, we would allow you to stay in the castle’s medial ward until you are at peak health to leave,” said Celestia.

“Thank you your majesties.”

With that, the girls and Spike decided to do a late-night celebration and stay in the castle until returning home later in the afternoon. While everypony left, the only two remaining in the gardens is Eclipse who sat on one of the many benches that dotted the gardens, with Pristine joining him.

Eclipse pulled out one of his swords and brought out a whet stone, sharpening the blade. Pristine sat down beside him, with a tired groan she slumped against the back of the bench. The two stayed silent with the only sounds are the night noises of the critters of the gardens and Eclipse’s whet stone against the blade of his sword.

“...I’m thankful that you came to rescue me…” said Pristine.

“I was simply doing what your father hired me to do… When I learned of your disappearance, your father mentioned he never received the artifact. Do those mercenaries have it?”

“Sadly, they do, it was the only thing of my belongings they took, luckily they left my other personal belongings alone… I suppose this means that deal you made with my father won’t be happening.”

“Not quite,” said Eclipse, gazing at his sword under the moonlight. Pristine raised her brow, which Eclipse took as a response to keep talking. “I made another agreement with him to save you, which means your father still owes me. It may not be an artifact, but I’m certain the life of his daughter is of much greater value.”

Eclipse gave her a side-glance, this made her chuckle and sigh. “You are quite the shrewd sales-pony.”

“I do what I can… In all honesty, if the guard didn’t give their support to help… I would be forced to use my own, ‘resources’,” said Eclipse, cryptically.

At that Pristine’s curiosity peaked further, but before she could speak, Eclipse tapped her forehead with his left front hoof. This slight touch, spooked her, but she gave an annoyed grunt and snort.

“Now now, that isn’t for you to know and for me to handle…”

“And what exactly do these ‘resources’ of yours entail?”

Standing up from the bench, Eclipse sheathed his sword and placed his whet stone away in his saddlebags. Trotting away to the interior of the castle, the light of the moon beaming down to reveal his emerald eyes and mischievous grin.

“The what isn’t important, the why is that these mercenaries were impeding my plans and they were let on lightly, thanto be struck by something much more terrifying. Have a safe evening Miss Pristine, tell your father I’ll send a letter to him about our deal a different time… and, it was nice to see you once more.”

With that, Eclipse stepped into the darkness, leaving Pristine alone to gaze and wonder about what Eclipse said to her. What could be more terrifying than facing the fury of the princesses’ and their guard?

Elsewhere – Outside of Equestria; 12:30am

After regrouping with what remained of the Iron Lions, Ferrous gazed at several images of some particular individuals – these pictures involved Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Pristine, Twilight and her friends, Captain Shiningg Armor, Captain Lilium Nix, Blade Wing, Flare, Stormcall, Light Show, Heart Beat, Fang, and Clear Sight – all of them had some sort of connection with the one responsible for slaying Feather Blade and ruining their job in the San Palomino Desert and now their most recent incident.

When they captured Pristine in her own home, they sold the artifact they found on her to an anonymous buyer, so it wasn’t a total loss. While they were unable to ransom her, they did achieve another goal, during the battle, one of the grunts managed to see and recognize the one responsible for foiling the Palomino job.

A picture of a stallion with a dark colored mane and tail, also a dark colored coat, and piercing emerald eyes. This pony was unlike any pony she’d seen or met, it reminded her deeply of the guards under that moon princess’ command. A name was written on the photo, of the one she will get vengeance on once she got the rest of the Iron Lions and returned to Equestria to finish this annoyance of a pony.

“Eclipse Light, may we meet soon and once we do, you’ll regret crossing the Iron Lions,” said Ferrous, stabbing a knife into the photo of Eclipse.

Author's Note:

Wow this chapter took awhile, kept putting this chapter aside due to losing interest - not the story, just your usual writer's block - and boredom mixing together. This chapter is very action-packed, but again there's a limit to what I'll describe and such, but don't worry, the next two chapters will have more better detailed action scenes for you guys to enjoy.

Mission complete, Eclipse has returned Pristine safely back to Canterlot, with some much needed rest.

Next time: Ponyville is getting another wave of new guards coming, but its not just them visiting Ponyville as we get some foreign volunteers and what's this? Eclipse is getting guests from afar, now who could these be I wonder?

(Here we go again, another set of OC characters I made up on the spot for you to learn and probably never see again - unless I reuse them again for later:
Lunar Guard Sergeant First Class - Blade Wing
Lunar Guard Sergeant - Flare
Royal Guard Corporal - Stormcall
Royal Guard Corporal - Light Show)

Eclipse Light
Shining Armor
Ferrous Pride
Pristine Snow

Eclipse Light