• Published 16th Aug 2018
  • 18,277 Views, 569 Comments

Exile - Nighlocktheawesome00

Twilight, feeling betrayed, joins the Storm King to get revenge on her former friends.

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Chapter 1: Invasions on Two Fronts

Moondancer's House

Moondancer returned home with a large stack of books. She opened the door and set many of the books off to one side while taking one with her.

Hard to believe that Sombra was actually a scholar before he took over the Crystal Empire, she thought to herself. And that he was studying the possibility of other universes.

As she went up to her room, she passed the picture that Twilight left for her. As soon as she reached the steps, she stopped and backed up to look at the picture. She remembered the day it was taken, but felt a little angered that Twilight chose studying over her. She was about to walk away again when she noticed the note right next to it. She adjusted her glasses with her hoof, set down the book, and picked up the note with her magic.

From me and Spike, Twilight's voice played in Moondancer's head. Sorry we didn't attend your party. Accept this picture as my apology for being a bad friend, because I'm leaving Equestria for good and never coming. Well, I may come back one day, but not now. I've decided the Friendship of Magic isn't real and must find a new path. And It breaks my own heart I couldn't give this to you personally. Your friend, Twilight Sparkle.

The stack of books fell over, but Moondancer didn't care. Tears began forming in her eyes as she felt both anger and sadness. Angry at herself for feeling like never forgiving Twilight and sad that Twilight made it very clear that she was never coming back to Equestria. The pressure became too much for her as she locked the door behind her, ran up to her room, locked it, feel on top of her bed, and began bawling her eyes out. She never even noticed that outside her window, a rock rolled to the side to reveal a cave.

A few minutes earlier, Ash, Bao, and Cadence were almost to the entrance of the caverns when Cadence's hand maidens (or whatever the hell they're called) appeared, green eyes and under mind control. Cadence was about to use the bouquet, but Ash held up his hoof.

"Watch and learn, Cadence," he said. He ignited Fire Breather (his blade) on fire, waved it around then slammed the bottom of the handle on the ground. Tiny flames appeared in the ponies' pupils, signifying he had their attention. He waved it around some more and pointed the blade to the left, sending embers in the left direction. The ponies' gaze followed the movements of the blade, clearly aweing them. He then waved it around some more and pointed the blade to the right, sending more embers in the right direction. The ponies' gaze followed the blade's movements as Ash continued waving it around. Ash then simply touched the ground with a light tap, sending small ripples of heat all around them. The ponies' normal eye colors returned, snapped out of the trance.

"What the hay just happened?" Lyra asked. "Princess, is that the real you?"

"Yes, it is," Cadence replied.

"Now let's go kick some Changeling ass!" Bao said, charging for the entrance, holding his axes above his head.

"You do realize Aunt Celestia and Aunt Luna aren't gonna e happy you let him use words like that right?" Cadence asked her cousin.

"Yes, yes I do," Ash replied.

They went up to the entrance. Ash pulled a lever, opening the entrance. He then turned to the others.

"Alright, Changelings feed off of the love of your loved ones," he said. "Meaning, Shining Armor's force field won't last long when the other Changelings arrive. So here's the plan. Cadence, you gotta get to that wedding and fast."

Cadence nodded.

"And you girls find cover," he said looking at the other three.

The ponies' saluted him as Cadence ran for the chapel while Ash and Bao ran to prepare for the fight of their lives.

Meanwhile, in the Badlands, Twilight had traveled all day and night to find a new place to call home. She eventually found a place called Klugetown. However, the place was being invaded by armored creatures wearing what Twilight believed to be skulls for helmets and had spears and shields. Twilight, exhausted from her journey fell down in her hiding spot. Before she blacked out, she saw what she believed to be a badger approaching her.

"Hey, Tempetht!" the voice called out. "Thith pony appearth to be alive! I think you thould come check it out!"

Twilight saw a tall dark figure approach her. Finally, from all the exhaustion, Twilight passed out.

A few minutes later, Twilight woke up. She saw she was in a bed, and felt her belly was full for some reason. A doctor walked in as Twilight heard explosions from outside.

"Oh, good, yer awake," he said. Twilight could tell by his appearance and his voice alone that he was old. "My name's Que. Doctor Que. Commander Tempest and her right hand, Grubber, brought you to me. They told me to let them know as soon as you woke up. They have questions for you."

Grubber popped his head in, but Twilight could clearly see a Unicorn in some kind of armor fighting a shark mutant wearing pants.

"Hey, Que, Tempetht wanted me to tell you the heard everything and will be here in a few minuteth, cauthe the dealing with a thark mutant that apparently came from another univerthe, but we already captured hith partner, I think the wath trying to hide her real identity with a mathk, but it didn't look very good, tho Tempetht ith very thure the's jutht wearing it to look fathionable," Grubber said.

"Thank you, Grubber," Que replied. Grubber left and Que turned back to Twilight. "Why don't ya lie down for now. I've heard that shark mutant has hard to penetrate skin and it's even a little more difficult to stun him."

Twilight obeyed without a word. Que left, knowing that after Tempest's fight, she would need some serious healing.

Back in Canterlot, the wedding had commenced. The real Cadence only had a few minutes before the I Do's.

"We are gathered here today to witness the joining of Captain Shining Armor and Princess Cadence-" Celestia began.

"You can call me Mi Amora Cadenza," the fake Cadence said coldly.

"We are gathered here today to witness the joining of Captain Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amora Cadenza," Celestia said. "Now, if there is anypony who objects to these two being wed, say so now, or forever hold your peace-"

"Stop the wedding!" the real Cadence said, bursting in through the doors.

Everypony had a confused look on their faces. Even the Mane 5 and Spike.

"What?!" the fake Cadence said. "How did you get past my hand maidens?!"

"My cousin burnt the mind control out of them," the real Cadence replied. "Maybe next time, you should make sure nopony lives under the mountain."

"Ah don't understand," Applejack said. "How are there two em?"

"She's a Changeling," the real Cadence replied. "She takes the form of somepony you love and feeds off of their love for you."

The fake Cadence laughed darkly.

"I guess I don't need this disguise anymore," she said.

Suddenly, the fake Cadence turned into the Changeling Queen, Queen Chrysalis. Chrysalis laughed evilly, knowing she had already won.

Back outside, Ash and Bao were standing in Town Square, looking overhead. Above them were at least a hundred or more Changelings. They began trying to break through the force field.

"Get ready, Bao," Ash said.

"Why can't Changelings just give hugs?" Bao asked.

"That's what happens when you've got a queen like Chrysalis," Ash replied.

Back at the wedding.

"Right you are, Princess," Chrysalis said. "And as Queen of the Changelings, it is up to me to find food for my subjects."

She turned to Celestia, who was circling her.

"I'm sure you understand, Princess," Chrysalis said menacingly. "Considering you have your own kingdom to feed."

Celestia snorted.

"Back on subject, Equestria has more love than any place I've ever encountered," Chrysalis continued. "My fellow Changelings, my children, will be able to devour so much of it that we will gain more power than we have ever dreamt of."

"They'll never get the chance!" Cadence said. "Shining Armor's protection spell will keep them ever even reaching us! And even if they do, my cousin and his comrade are brave and noble warriors! Ash is the Wielder of the Element of Fire! Why else would he have the Fire Breather Blade?"

Celestia stopped behind Chrysalis in shock that her own niece knew that. Chrysalis had a moment of pause, and a look of fear, before regaining herself. She laughed, remembering she had a surprise of her own.

"Oh, I doubt that," Chrysalis said pompously. "Isn't that right dear?"

"Mm-hmm," Shining Armor said droningly.

"And even if your cousin is the Wielder of the Element of Fire, one of my own sons was blessed by the gods and goddesses above (I doubt Harbinger did though) of being the Wielder of the Element of Energy," Chrysalis continued. "For he too, is a great warrior, and high ranking admiral of my army. And he will be joining the attack."

Seeing that Chrysalis had Shining Armor under his mind control, and the fact she dared insult her cousin, who wielded the most powerful of the Elements of Nature, enraged Cadence. It enraged her even more that she insulted his fighting prowess. Enraged her so much so that she charged at the Queen of the Changelings, only to be stopped dead in her tracks by her.

"Don't wanna go back to the caves, now do you?" Chrysalis asked tauntingly.

Back with Ash and Bao, the duo were watching anxiously as the Changelings continued chipping away at the force field.

"Bao, in case these are our final moments, let's just tell each other the kind of dinosaur we wanna come back as," Ash said.

"Ok, good idea," Bao said. "What do you wanna come back as."

"I wanna come back as a Triceratops," Ash said. "You?"

"I wanna come back as a Brachiosaurus," Bao replied. He looked at the camera. "What? They shouldn't have killed Brachy off that way in Fallen Kingdom."

"Good choice," Ash said.

Suddenly Ash sensed something. As one of the Wielders of the Elements of Nature, he had a heightened psychic sense. But this sense was something he knew only happened whenever another Wielder of the Elements of Nature were nearby, according to the books. He hadn't felt this beforehoof, so that meant the next Wielder of the Elements of Nature was among the Changeling Invasion Force.

The Changelings chipped away at the force field. Among them were Changelings named Thorax, Pharynx, and Engelina. Engelina was a general in Chrysalis' army. She was also the Wielder of the Element of Energy. Her weapon was the energy sword, Energy Saber. As she hacked at the force field, she stopped for a moment as she sensed something. She could sense the next Wielder of the Elements of Nature was just down below. As she hesitated, she wondered if she should even attack them.

Back in the chapel.

"Ever since I took your place, I've been feeding off of Shining Armor's love for you," Chrysalis explained. "Every moment he grows weaker and so does his spell. Even now, My Changelings are chipping away at it."

Outside, the Changelings, excluding Thorax, Engelina, and Pharynx, laughed evilly. Engelina looked over at Thorax and his brother. The trio had been plotting to leave Chrysalis for months now. And since another Wielder of the Elements of Nature was down there, she had no intention of fighting the ponies.

"And that's not the only thing," Chrysalis said. "You no longer have your only line of defense against me anymore."

"We can stop you!" Rainbow said boastfully. "We've done it before with Nightmare Moon and Discord!"

"But can you do it without your leader?" Chrysalis asked. "In all the time since the rehearsal yesterday, did any of you think to look for her?"

"What are you talking about?" Cadence demanded.

Chrysalis had mock surprise on her face. She turned to the Mane 5 and Spike, grinning sinisterly.

"Oh that's right," Chrysalis said. "She doesn't even know yet."

"Know what?!" Cadence demanded.

"I guess I'll just tell you, after the invasion," Chrysalis mocked.

"You'll tell no lies to her," Celestia said from behind her. "There is no truth to your words."

"Lying to your own family, Princess?" Chrysalis mocked. "I can see why you're sister started that rebellion years ago."

"That is classified information!" Celestia shouted.

"Gee, Princess, I wonder how many other secrets and lies you're hiding from your little ponies," Chrysalis mocked. Cadence recognized this tactic. Chrysalis was taunting Celestia into attacking her. And clearly it was working.

"You know nothing of that!" Celestia said angrily.

"I've been here for months, and you're saying I haven't even had time to study, Princess?" Chrysalis taunted some more.

Celestia's horn glowed, Chrysalis pleased to see her taunts were working.

"You see, Celestia, no matter what you do for Equestria, the more secrets and lies you hide from your own subjects, your own family, the more you damage your own nation," Chrysalis said.

This was the pushing factor. Celestia angrily fired a magic beam at her. Chrysalis countered, but Celestia appeared to be winning. Chrysalis pushed back, gaining the upperhoof. Eventually, the beam hit Celestia's horn and knocked her back, injuring her.

Everypony gasped in shock as Celestia's tiara skidded across the ground.

Back outside, as the Changelings almost broke through the force field, Ash looked down as he sensed his mother injured.

Back at the castle, the Mane 5 ran over to Celestia.

"Princess, are ya alright?!" Applejack asked.

"The Elements..." she said weakly. "Get them... The queen must not win..."

With that, Celestia passed out from her injuries. Back outside, the Changelings had finally managed to bust through.

"C'mon, y'all!" Applejack commanded. "Y'all heard the Princess. We gotta save Equestria!"

They began running to the castle, where the Elements were held. As the Changelings burst and began capturing ponies trying to escape while Chrysalis kept Cadence stuck to the ground, laughing.

Back outside, Ash and Bao are fighting against the Changelings. Off to the side, Engelina, Thorax, and Phraynx silently observe. Engelina could tell that just by his movements alone, they had been training for a long time. Engelina and her comrades walked up behind a nearby Changeling.

"Yes?" he asked.

Without warning, Engelina blasted him with a powerful energy blast. Ash turned to her and nodded. Engelina nodded back as the two fought back to back against the Changelings.