• Published 16th Aug 2018
  • 18,281 Views, 569 Comments

Exile - Nighlocktheawesome00

Twilight, feeling betrayed, joins the Storm King to get revenge on her former friends.

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Chapter 3: Break Up and Search

Interrogation Room

Back at the interrogation room, Grubber and Twilight waited for Tempest to finish up. Twilight looked like a mess from flinching while Grubber still casually checked his watch. Eventually the sounds stopped and Grubber casually opened the door.

"You done?" he asked Tempest, whose nostrils were flaring with rage as she calmed herself down.

"Yes," she replied.

Twilight grabbed a nearby fire extinguisher and started trying to put out the flames. Grubber casually checked his watch one more time before casually looking up.

"I'll go tell the captain we need another interrogathion room," he said, leaving.

Twilight continued trying to put out the fire. Tempest rolled her eyes.

"Why don't you just use the aqua spell?" Tempest asked nonchalantly.

As if responding to her, the sprinkler system activated, putting out the fire.

"Fuck you too, Karma!" Tempest shouted up at the sprinklers.

Back in Canterlot.

Cadence had just used her own Alicorn strength to break free from her bindings. She trotted over to Spike and the Mane 5.

"Tell me she's lying..." Cadence growled in rage. "Tell me she's lying... Tell me... That you six didn't abandon her..."

"To be fair, Princess, we thought she just trying to ruin the fun for us," Pinkie replied.

"And you, Spike?" Cadence asked the little dragon.

"I thought if I didn't go with them, they'd ban me from coming to the wedding too," Spike confessed.

"Next time, you need to think for yourself, Spike," Cadence said calmly.

She then turned to Shining Armor. Tears and rage in her eyes.

"Tell me it's not true, Shining," she said. "Tell me she's lying. Tell me you didn't do it."

Shining Armor didn't answer. When all she got from him was silence, she backed up in absolute horror. As her rage built up, Ash turned to his comrades.

"We all might wanna back up now," he told them.

They backed up so they were not so close to the full power of the blast. Chrysalis smirked in glee, knowing she had already won. Finally Cadence's rage built up enough energy, she basically became a shockwave bomb. She unleashed her full energy in one big blast that sent the Changelings, minus Engelina, Thorax, and Pharynx, flying. As they were sent flying, Chrysalis laughed in victory.

Elsewhere, on Tempest's airship.

Grubber walked up to Tempest and Twilight. The two were silent at the moment, not saying a word to each other.

"Hey, Tempetht, I told the big guy we were on our way with thomeone he would want to meet," Grubber said. "He called, and told me to tell you he'll be waiting. I wath jutht on my way to the interrothion room to inform you."

"Thank you, Grubber," Tempest replied nonchalantly.

"Anything elthe?" Grubber asked.

"No," Tempest replied, walking back to her quarters.

Back in Canterlot, Lyra walked up to Moon Dancer's door. It had been three days since the wedding ad been put on hold. Cadence had ordered everypony to help try to find Twilight. Lyra knocked on Moon Dancer's door. Moon Dancer hadn't come out in days.

"Coming!" a voice called out.

Lyra heard hoof steps coming down the stairs. When the door opened, what Lyra saw shocked her.

Moon Dancer's mane was an even bigger mess than it used to be. Her glasses were crooked, and she looked like she had been crying her eyes out judging by the redness.

"Oh, it's you, Lyra," Moon Dancer said. "What do you want?"

"By order of Princess Mi Amora Cadenza, every creature in Canterlot is to aid in the search of Twilight Sparkle," Lyra replied.

"Too late," Moon Dancer said glumly. "She's already skipped Equestria."

Moon Dancer let that sink in for a few minutes.

"What?" Lyra asked in disblief.

Moon Dancer gave her the note that came with the picture. As Lyra read, her eyes widened in shock.

"The Princess is not going to like this," Lyra said.

Elsewhere in Canterlot.

Cadence was ordering ponies to look for Twilight, searching even under the mountain. Bao had talked to the Dwarf ghosts, who had confirmed she wasn't there.

"Cadence?" Celestia said.

"Not now, aunt Celestia," Cadence said, clearly trying to avoid her.

The CMC were about to reveal what they knew, but Cadence's angered mood made them too terrified to even speak.

"Cadence, could you please talk to us?" Shining asked.

"Not now, Shining Armor!" Cadence shouted.

"Princess Cadence!" Lyra called out. "Moon Dancer has given me an update on the whereabouts of Twilight."

Cadence nodded at Moon Dancer, wanting to hear what she knew.

"She's not in Equestria," Moon Dancer replied. She then pulled out the note Twilight made and handed it to Cadence. "Here's the proof."

Cadence took the note and read it. As she read, her eyes got wider with rage. Eventually she threw the note to the ground.

"Great, now we have no chance of finding her!" Cadence shouted. She turned to Twilight's loved ones, using her magic to put Spike by Lyra and Moon Dancer. "And it's all your faults!"

Ash and Bao made a break for it, knowing what was coming.

"Because of you, Twilight left Equestria, and now we'll never find her!" Cadence said through angry tears.

"Never say never, Princess," Pinkie said.

Cadence got up in her face, and suddenly Pinkie's happy go-lucky face melted into one of fear as her mane deflated.

"Clearly you haven't done your research then!" Cadence shouted. "Equus is a big place, with remote areas still yet to be explored, Twilight could be anywhere in the world by now!"

"At least she's looking on the positive side of things, Princess!" Rainbow Dash argued. "All you're doing is just yelling at everypony!"

"There is no room to even be positive right now, Rainbow Dash!" Cadence shouted, actually making Rainbow and Applejack flinch.

"She went through the Badlands," Sweetie Belle spoke up.

Cadence turned to the CMC in confusion.

"She what?" Cadence asked.

"Cadence," Shining Armor said.

"This is all your fault!!! If you all had just listened to Twilight last night, none of this would, none of this would've happened in the first place! I hope you're happy with what you've done! And Shining Armor... good luck on finding somepony else. You wanna know why? BECAUSE WE'RE DONE!!!"

With that, she stormed off. Shining Armor slumped to the ground, heartbroken. Celestia stared off after her neice.

"What... Have I done?" she said to herself.