• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 1,922 Views, 25 Comments

Wrath - Chemtest

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I put my feet up on my desk, a cigar burning in the corner of my mouth. I have two of my hands behind my head, and another two flipping through a book. An entire new dimension means a lot of new books. However, it seems all the books in Tartarus are absolute gibberish talking about some type of magic. I don’t understand anything but the theory. It’s obvious that magic is more present and easily accessible in this world than back on Earth. Only the higher demons and angels had magic imbued within their weapons.

However, the magic described here is distinctly different. Able to just be bended by anyone, but also weaker. It seems frightening, but also not that much. The magic here is nothing compared to the magic used by any of the Lords. Like the magic within Bahl’s Whips, or even Verhella‘s twin swords. And from what the book says, the highest feats of magic are not even comparable. The ability to raise the Sun? Worthless, can’t be used in battle, can’t even move the Sun outside it’s normal path. No, it is nothing compared to the words of Lord Satan. His very words can make storms strong enough to tear apart the land, infernos that burn bright as the Great Lake of Fire. With a single sentence, he can change the fates against people, cause endless night, and create earthquakes strong enough to tear the land asunder. I only wish I’d have been able to hear one of his spells.

I’m knocked out of my daydreaming by Blue slamming open my door, “We’re under attack!”

I instantly stand from my spot, my goat hooves striking the ground with force, “Then let us go see what these fuckers want.”

I stride out of my town hall, and see demons running to set up defenses. Two hundred demons of different kinds, helping their friends to their homes, and grabbing their gear. I can see one of the Pain demons reach his hand up as the machine on his back produces a crooked bronze sword, which he grabs. All of the strange Minotaur demons, apparently called Minolka, grab heavy iron armor and shields, serving as a spear wall should this come to blows. Imps float about in the air, snapping their fingers and creating tiny little balls of flame, ready to throw. One Incubus wears leather armor, and carries a bronze axe. The Succubi all equip themselves with bows and arrows. The single goblin, who is an alchemist, wears a loose cloak with vials wrapped around him, and a sharp iron dagger in his hands.

I walk up our wall, now coated in bronze and stone. Succubi stand ready on the wall, bows notched, and imps float around them, hands full of fire.

I look over the battlefield, and see about a hundred demons. Mostly goblins with dull knives and little to no armor. But the one in the front is different. It is pitch black, with only two glowing dots for eyes. The only color on him is the coat of mail he wears, but even that can barely be seen. His smile carries cold with it, and his eyes speak of a deep need. A greater demon, just like Thazzor, but of Corruption. He sees me, and immediately starts laughing, “There you are!”

I don’t listen to his words, “I am Wavok of Wrath, leave before I shove my boot up your ass!”

The demon smiles, “I am Gothce of Corruption!” He loses his smile instantly, “You aren’t from around here. Your corruption is darker, yet not there as much as everyone else. You disgust me with your presence. Come and face me, alone, and we shall spare the others from our fight. If I win, I get the town, if you win, then I free the goblins from my control, and they will probably join you.”

I slowly let the nine whips wind themselves out of my hands, and jump off the wall in front of him. The whips rise into the air behind me, before falling to the ground with a crack. I hold out my hand, and wrap the whips around it. I smile, “A fight? Could always use some entertainment. What better entertainment is there than killing a dumb motherfucker?”

He draws a nice iron sword from a sheathe in his armor, and he points it towards me, “To the death. En garde!”

He lunges forward with a stab, and I move to the side. I allow his sword to go right past me, and his head to go right in front of me. I crack one of my knuckles, before slamming the side of his head with a fist. He is knocked over by the blow. I look at my fist with new appreciation, “Guess his soul improved me. Guess the chances just got worse, fucker.”

Gothce might be a greater demon, but he is of Corruption. I am from Wrath, and thus am designed to fight. Just like with Thazzor, the reason I’m winning is because their demon type isn’t made to fight like a Wrath.

He rolls over on the ground, and rises with his sword pointed at me once more. I decide to flick out my hand, and send the whips flying. He tries to parry them with his blade, but only ends up getting his arm wrapped up with the whips.

Sharp barbs bite into his skin, making red blood stain his black visage. I pull back with all my strength, and he is sent flying towards me. I ready up one of my lower arms as he gets closer. I let loose a devastating punch as the momentum gets him closer. Right to his balls.

I can hear something definitely pop as he screams with a voice sounding like it’s right out a soprano’s mouth. He collapses on the ground, somehow landing on his knees.

I flip behind him, and wrap all four of my hands around his head. I slowly twist, and pull up, like taking a cap off a water bottle. He screams in pain, until his screams suddenly stop with a crack. I pull his decapitated head off of his body, and throw it on the ground. I raise my hoof up, and stomp on it, smashing it into pieces. Meanwhile, his body’s neck spurts blood like a geyser, and it falls over onto the ground. Just another stain of blood on Tartarus’s floor.

I hold out my hand, and sigh in satisfaction as I feel his soul be absorbed into me. His power is great, and I can feel power rush through me after I’m done.

The goblin army all lose the blackness in their eyes, and start to look around confused.

I jump over the walls of our town, and find Blue with the other Succubi, “Offer help to the goblins.” I smile as I twirl Gothce’s sword in my hand, “I have a trophy to hang. To always remind people not to be stupid motherfuckers, or rude cunts.”