• Published 11th Oct 2018
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Wrath - Chemtest

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I saunter through the town of Arkala, my army of three hundred demons behind me. The fifty Succubi within all carry bows, with arrows made from Mehell. Betrayal demons sit on the sides of the roads, staring at us with dejected gazes from within their cloaks. Buildings are all collapsed and left in ruins, a reminder of the used to be prosperous city. I turn to Blue as she walks next to me, “So, what’s the story of this place?”

She sighs as she looks around her, “Arkala used to be a prosperous trading city. Then came the Great Collapse. Celestia forced a pony leader to take charge, and enforced her anti male laws. The town endured for a while, until the last of the Great Empire collapsed, and they had no demons to trade with. One male trader led a group to kill the pony. They murdered the mare in her sleep, and took over. With that act, Stapus and the demons with him became the first demons of Betrayal. He took over the town, but couldn’t do anything. He, and every other demon in Tartarus, suffered from the Curse of Bipedalism layed upon us by Celestia. Cut to one thousand years later, and he still can’t do anything. It’s the same story all around Tartarus, everywhere collapsed after the deposition of Pony Satan and the Curse of Bipedalism.”

I nod as we reach the small castle in the middle of the town. The gate is left wide open, the guards that are supposed to guard it are long gone. We manage to march into the castle with ease. We continue through the stifling silence within the castle, kicking up long left behind dust. The only sound that echos all around is the stamp of boots and the shifting of metal, as we arrive to a huge door. I turn to face my army, “Alright, Succubi, follow after me!”

I kick open the door to the throne room, and the fifty Succubi follow behind me. I move in, and march up to a throne, within which a demon sits. He wears a cloak that covers every piece of his skin, and a purple glow resonates from inside. I can see his cloak move to look at me, and hear a sniffing noise, “Hmm, you seem... familiar. That smell about you, it reminds me of before the Collapse. Ah, yes, I remember now! You have the same scent as Abaleb!”

I recoil in shock from the mention of Lord Abaleb’s name, “How do you know that name!?”

He smiles, “So I was correct! Oh boy, this is the first time I’ll be able to slay an extraterrestrial.”

I steel myself, “I don’t care if you know Envy’s name. I am here to combat you, motherfucker!”

He stands from his throne, “A one-on-one challenge? From a measly lesser demon? Very well, prepare to die.”

The fight begins instantly, as he seemingly disappears from place. He appears right next to me, where he punches me to the side. He whips out some knives, and slashes me in the back of the knee as I stumble. This causes me to fall, and end up kneeling.

He appears in front of me, not paying attention to the Succubi preparing their arrows behind him. He smugly smiles down at me, “What line of thought must have led you down the path as to where you could dare challenge me? It would seem the path has betrayed you.” He notices the small smile on my face, “And you still smile? You utter-“ He is interrupted as an arrow finds itself imbedded into his spine. His face slowly turns to recognition as another arrow enters his knee.

I get up from the ground as he is shot full of arrows, making him look like a porcupine. His thin cloak does nothing to stop the barrage from cutting into him. He collapses onto his own knees, unknowingly forcing arrows all the way through his legs with this action. I stand tall in front of him, “You actually believed I wouldn’t do this? Your a stupid cunt then, more than I thought.”

I unwrap the whips, and he stares at them. He watches me slowly unravel them, and simply says one thing, “You betrayed the terms of agreement. How clever.”

I bring the whips around, smacking him in the head. With all the force put into it, his head is sent flying, the hood of his cloak traveling with it. I hold out my upper left arm, and absorb the Demon Lord’s soul into me. I can feel my power grow exponentially, as I am sent flying into the higher tier of Greater Demons. I feel my body stretch into being five feet tall, much taller than any demons present. My arms erupt in new muscles, and my entire body turns more red. My teeth change to become sharper, and my horns grow more. They almost have a curl in them, but aren’t long enough yet.

I turn to face my army, “Now, I have become Lord of Betrayal. Gather all demons within this worn down city, we’re going to bring them back to New Hell.”