• Published 3rd Dec 2018
  • 13,276 Views, 547 Comments

Admin Abuse - blackhotmetal

What do you do if you are the Admin of a world of ponies? Use your power on a whim obviously, or don't I guess.

  • ...

Chapter 10

Silent Wind nearly jumped out of his skin. Out of nowhere the odd looking thing being escorted to the castle, from earlier, fell from the sky. It landed static on its hind legs; there was no flex in the landing form whatsoever. The Lunar Guard shivered at the impact that was surely excruciating, but on further observation it seemed not to even acknowledge the fall. Instead, it put a limb in the air and shouted back up to where, the bat pony assumed, it had fallen.

"OKAY, SEE YOU LATER," It hollered. It subsequently turned southeast and ran away. Silent Wind found himself at a loss for words.

Moments later, he noticed his coworker Sweet Fang giving chase to the thing. Silent Wind shook off his daze, refocused, unfurled his wings, and followed her lead. Despite how unbalanced it looked, the strange animal was quick on its feet; However, He estimated he would reach Sweet Fang midair, before she reached their target.

Sweet Fang saw Silent Wind approaching her, fast. She saw the alarm in his eyes and stopped her pursuit to meet with him.

"Stand down, He isn't a target," Sweet Fang said, gesturing to the distancing creature.

"So, what are you doing then? 'Cause it looks like he's your target," he shot.

"Ugh," she rolled her eyes. "The Princess put me on this stupid mission."

"And that is," Silent Wind motioned for her to continue.

"I have to follow this guy around all the time and watch him now, I guess," she complained. "You should probably go guard the Princess, since, you know," she didn't look happy at all.

"Roger that," he responded. "You good?"

"Yeah," her smile returned, if small. "It should be easy, he said he was going to sleep."

With that she turned and launched after Dante once more. He had gotten surprisingly far during the brief exchange she had with Silent Wind, and He almost back to town already. He showed no signs of slowing. Sweet fang estimated her trajectory would have them intercepting within a minute.

Dante relished the wind running through his hair. Despite running at a full sprint, there wasn't a lick of exhaustion in him. The stone bridge into the town up ahead was his next landmark back to the forest. From behind, it seemed, there was the sound of flapping approaching. Oh good God, just leave me alone. He turned his head to see- nothing, it was dark outside. A light bulb went off in his head. He planted a foot into the ground, halting his charge immediately, and opened his console.

The world halted the march of time once more. All of the singing insects and distant bullfrogs stopped, leaving a cold silence hanging in the air. In the darkness, Dante noticed that the white bordered command line, and the flashing cursor were in fact emitting a soft white glow. Some night vision should do the trick. At this rate i should reach the forest in... fifteen minutes, he mentally calculated. He typed: /effect NotDustYet minecraft:night_vision 900, and slapped the enter key.

As sound came back, light flooded Dante's eyes as well as a small night vision status icon in the top left corner of his vision. He shut them out of surprise, but he found that he could see the backs of his eyelids clear as day. "What the hell," He exclaimed to no one in particular. He opened his eyes again and turned his head once more to the flapping. It was Sweet Fang, and she was gaining fast. Oh lawd, she comin', he thought and returned to his sprint. He had made it to the central plaza near the town hall before his "supervision" had caught up.

"Sup," he greeted the guard she pulled up on his left.

"What," she asked back, keeping his pace with him in the air.

"What's up, how are you," Dante articulated.

"Fine, I suppose," She waived. "You know you're a lot quicker than you look." She took another look at him to see he was staring back. "What is wrong with your eyes, they weren't doing that before?"

"What do you mean," he responded, "Doing what?"

"They are glowing, like cat's eyes," she answered. A thought struck her, "Can you see in the dark?"

"Yeah, plain as day," he said nonchalantly. "And you?"

"Thestrals are typically nocturnal, so yeah," she pointed out.

"Thestral," He mimicked, "Is that what you are?" she nodded.

"Earlier, you said you flew into town," she said, "so, why aren't you flying now?"

"Does it matter," Dante deflected effectively shutting down conversation.

"Sheesh, I was just asking," Sweet Fang mumbled under her breath as she lagged behind.

As they neared the edge of the forest Dante stopped at the treeline. Sweet fang landed nearby. Dante had no problem seeing into the forest with his night vision, but he noticed the status icon flashing. "Not bad timing at all," he verbally patted himself on the back.

"Timing for what," the pony cocked her head. Dante's night vision wore off and the world returned to relative darkness. The meadows had a pleasant dim glow from the moon, but under the forest canopy was pitch black. The dense foliage blocked all traces of moonlight from the ground. "Your eyes," she noted, "They aren't glowing anymore. Is that what you meant?"

"Yeah kinda," he said dismissively. "There is no way I'm stumbling through the dark in there. I need some daylight."

"You do remember that the sun just set twenty minutes ago," she gave Dante another look, "Right?" He just shook his head to her further confusion. She then noticed his arms quickly raise. She opened her mouth to repeat, "Rig-"

The world froze around Dante. He glanced to to his new acquaintance. Her face, stopped mid sentence, made him chuckle. His hands moved with thousands of hours of muscle memory: /time set 0. He entered he command. The world bloomed with color, and the sky lit up. The sun appeared just above the horizon, and the moon had fallen out of sight in an instant.

"-ght?... Ahh!" Sweet Fang shrank in the sudden burst of light. "What is that bright light," she shouted. He laughed in response, totally not maniacally. Her eyes adjusted to the piercing rays of the morning sun. Dante stifled his chuckling and started into the woods, now dimly lit. Sweet Fang returned her focus to her POI.

"Hey, wait up," She called as she gave chase.

Later, deep in the forest, Sweet Fang had settled into a trot a good distance behind Dante. The dense foliage made it difficult to maneuver in the air. She had considered flying above the canopy but it was now daylight and steam had started to rise from the forest. The final decision was to spare herself the misery. Dante's larger profile made navigation relatively easy for the pony as he trampled the under story clearing a path.

Finally the pair came to a stop. Dante scanned his surroundings. They had arrived in a somewhat less densely growing and relatively flat area. He inhaled sharply to speak, "Okay, this is a nice spot. What do you think," he directed at his companion.

"It's okay I guess, we've been walking for a whole twenty minutes, and you haven't said a word except this. So... how far away do you live exactly?" Sweet Fang returned.

"I think we are here actually," Dante answered.

"The middle of the woods," she cocked her eyebrow, "you just stand outside in the unpredictable weather of the Everfree?"

"Yep, totally," He quipped, voice dripping with sarcasm. He smirked and turned to face his equestrian cohort, "Wanna see something cool?" He didn't give her a chance to respond before raising his arms once more, opening the console. with a few clicks on the mechanical keyboard, he entered: //wand. The console spit out some lines of various java arguments, but it quickly closed leaving Dante with a new tool in his right hand.

He took a step in the direction of Sweet Fang. She hadn't noticed him reaching for anything, but she immediately raised her guard on sight of the newly acquired improvised weapon. She was in a fighting stance ready for CqC; however, Dante walked right past her seemingly ignorant of her change in demeanor. He was clearly very focused on something. Her eyes returned to the sky. Her head was spinning with questions that Dante didn't seem keen to answer. She Decided to fly up to a tree to rest, it might be a better vantage point to watch this "cool thing" Dante had mentioned anyways.

Dante went to work walking back and forth with his axe. Sweet Fang could hear him ever so slightly counting under his breath as he passed multiple times seemingly counting something on the ground. Celestia's blazing sun rained down warmth throughout the clearing. One patch of sunbeams landed right on her back warming her wings. She yawned as her eyes got heavy, her circadian rhythm telling her that it was mid morning, way past her bedtime.

Celestia POV

The sun had set perfectly this evening. It was right on schedule and precisely executed,as always. Luna had been a few seconds late to begin, but why sweat the small details? The princess was proud of her sister regardless. Both had felt trouble stirring earlier today, and to Celestia's surprise, Luna was chomping at the bit to get into it. She was confident that Luna was more than capable. Her day of court was long. Aristocratic ponies pushing policies were swimming through her head. She removed her regalia and fetched her sleep mask. By her bedside, she let out an enormous sigh and flopped onto the sheets. As Celestia had many nights before, to the point of "muscle" memory, she lit her horn, donned her mask, and fixed the covers.

A thunder of hooves sounded in the hallway. Celestia moved a pillow over her face and pressed it tightly against her ears. She could swear a whole battalion of ponies were making their way in her direction. The closer they galloped, the deeper her stomach sank. Drowned out by both a pillow and the chaos coming her way, the princess let out a long groan of dread.

Celestia set her jaw, and steeled herself. It wasn't befit of a good ruler to avoid a crisis. She teleported herself to the bedroom door, additionally fetching her regalia. With a thought her horn ignited. The door swung inward to reveal a pile of castle guards struggling to untangle armored limbs.

As soon as the Princess made her appearance all of the guards began shouting at once.

"Princess! Are you okay," one cried.

"What happened, is everything okay, Princess?!" another demanded.

"Princess, Princess, what is going on-" another pony bellowed.

"-Please my ponies, one at a time," Celestia ordered. The guards immediately went silent. One Pegasus managed to pull herself free and popped out of the pile. She glided to the floor, in the doorway, before the princess and bowed.

"Your Majesty, the sun set just over an hour ago correct," The guard asked as she stared at the floor.

"You are correct, you may rise," Celestia returned. She cocked an eyebrow at the question, "Why do you ask me this, and what is with this commotion behind you," she asked.

The pony lifted her head, "Your majesty, the sun has begun to rise from the east, beginning approximately five minutes ago. These ponies, and myself, were concerned for your safety and well being," The Royal Guard reported.

Celestia's mind raced as she flexed her magic. She examined any trace of interference in the field connecting her to the stellar body. The report was impeccable, She knew in that moment where the sun should have been, but it was not there. She could feel exactly where it was; however, it was in a location nearly exactly opposite of what she had known.

"Thank you, your competence will be awarded. Please return to your post," Celestia replied. She was supremely confident that her magic wasn't wrong. The sun was up, and she couldn't tell why. She felt a pit slowly forming in her stomach.

With that said, Celestia closed her room door and retrieved a scroll of parchment from a shelf. She began scribbling, furiously. Many a parchment were covered in pristine, fine print over the next few minutes. The princess curling up hooffull after hooffull of parchment together, simultaneously binding and sealing them with red ribbons and gold wax. The thick rolls of paper, all combusting collectively, flooded the dark, curtained room with light. Which amplified by the white themed, gold trimmed accented, It probably would have looked really cool if someone were there to see it.

Author's Note:

Long time in the making, and hopefully not totally disappointing.


Jokes aside, love u <3