• Published 3rd Dec 2018
  • 13,260 Views, 547 Comments

Admin Abuse - blackhotmetal

What do you do if you are the Admin of a world of ponies? Use your power on a whim obviously, or don't I guess.

  • ...

Chapter Six (Edited)

Dante stirred in his sleep. He turned his head trying to find a more comfortable position. A skull-splitting headache made itself known as his consciousness returned. He groaned weakly at the pain and attempted turning his head again. Unable to find a suitable position, he cracked his eyelids open. A bright light fixture shone on his face from the ceiling, aggravating his headache even more, and forcing him to squeeze his eyes shut again. He moved an arm over his eyes to block the offending light from shining through his eyelids. Quiet footsteps entered the room and Dante heard a door close.

"What is that?" a high pitched voice asked.

"Ah'm not sure, Ah've never seen anythin' quite like it," another young sounding voice responded. "Maybe we ought ta go. Applejack said to stay out of he-" Dante groaned as his headache flared up due to the not so quiet voices.

"SHH! It looks like it's waking up," the first voice failed to quietly whisper.

Dante mumbled, "Ugh my head. Turn out the lights." He heard the sound of shuffling and a sharp click. The light suddenly stopped assaulting his senses. He let his hand fall back to his chest and sighed, "Thanks."

"No problem," a third voice responded.

Dante rested for a few seconds and let the throbbing pain in his head die down. He brought up both of his hands up again and rubbed his eyes. He cracked his eyes open again to get his bearings. A light fixture and a white ceiling were directly overhead. He moved to sit up and the headache came back. He moved his hand to the spot on the side of his head where the pain was radiating from and gave it a tentative touch. There was a soft cloth over the spot. He winced in pain as he touched the spot under the dressing wrapped around his head.

"Are you OK?" one of the voices asked. "It looks like you hit your head on something."

Hit my head on something? Dante thought. What was I doing that I could have hit my head on something? He mentally retraced his steps. I was lying in bed last night. I woke up in a road. I talked to a horse. I was- His thoughts halted and his eyes shot open. "Where am I?" Dante asked in a slight panic. "The last thing I remember is falling out of an apple tree," he said as he looked around. His eyes landed on three tiny ponies eying him curiously from the opposite side of the room he was in. There was an orange one with pink hair, a yellow one with red hair, and a white one with purple hair and a horn. They aren't going to shoot me with lasers are they? "Hi there?" he said apprehensively as he sat upright on the small bed he was lying on.

The yellow one with red hair and a pink bow stepped a bit closer. "Hi, Ah'm Apple Bloom, and you're in the guest room in mah house," she said. Daww, something that cute could never shoot death lasers, Dante thought. "What's your name?" the cute little pony asked.

"I'm Dante," he responded. "Where did the orange pony go?" Apple Bloom cocked her head. "The one that made me fall out of the tree?" Dante asked.

"Ya mean Applejack? She ran off in a hurry. She said she was going to go find Rarity and Rainbow Dash. She also said for me an' the girls to stay out of here," Apple Bloom said, looking guilty. "We didn't mean to bother you none, we just wanted to see what Applejack was so worried about," she apologized.

"No no, don't worry about it. You didn't bother me," Dante said, heart melting at the sad look on her adorable face. "You said you live here, does that mean that the orchard is yours too?" Dante asked.

"Mhm," she nodded, "Here at Sweet Apple Acres we grow the best apples in all of Equestria!" she said, beaming with pride. Dawwww. "Oh! Ah almost forgot to introduce my friends, Sweetie Belle," she said gesturing to the white unicorn.

"Hi!" Sweetie said.

"And Scootaloo!" Apple Bloom said gesturing to the orange one. Scootaloo nodded and flared out her tiny wings. Oh, a pegasus! I didn't see the wings before. They all took a deep breath.

"AND WE'RE THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!" all three of them yelled in unison. They were saying something else at the end of it, but Dante was to busy covering his ears with his hands and in too much pain to care.

When it got quiet again, he let his hands down and Apple Bloom sheepishly smiled and said, "Sorry."

"It's fine," Dante responded, "But could you keep it down? I've got a huge headache." Oh wait, I can use the console. He livened up at the thought. He brought his hands up in front of him and the world froze. I don't know how what the status effect for headache is... Ah well, guess I'll have to deal. Dante remembered that he had been caught stealing and thought, I don't want to be labeled a thief. What could I give for the apple I took? Maybe not a giant bar of gold. OOH! He typed in /give NotDustYet golden_apple and hit enter. The world resumed, and in his hand, he had a very hefty weighing and ridiculously appealing looking apple that shone bright gold. It looks like it's asking to be eaten. "Hey Apple Bloom?"

"Yeah?" she answered.

"I'm sorry,” Dante apologised.

“For what?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I stole an apple while I was up in your tree. Here," he said, holding up the beautiful golden apple. "Have this. Since I took one of your apples, maybe you could take this as payment?" he asked, hoping that she would accept the offer.

"Woah," the trio said. They were all staring in wonder as they trotted up to get a closer look at the shiny fruit.

"What is it?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"It looks like an apple," Scootaloo said.

"It's amazin'," Apple Bloom droned, lost in her reflection on the apple.

"Scootaloo is right. This is an apple," Dante said matter-of-factly. Scootaloo raised a hoof. "Yes?" He looked at Scootaloo.

"Can you eat it?" she asked.

"Yes, it can be eaten, watch." Dante lifted up the apple to his face and, to the surprise of Apple Bloom, took a large bite out of it. Instantly Dante felt a bit revitalized and his headache died down. He munched down the rest of the apple, including the core and stem, which tasted like a sweet apple candy. "Mmm, it tastes like candy," Dante exaggeratedly rubbed his stomach. "And that's not all, look!" He took the gauze wrap off of his head and felt the spot that had been throbbing seconds before. He turned his head so the ponies could see.

"Wow, it looks like your head is all healed up!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"It is all healed up," Dante stated, "That is part of the apple's effects. The other effect actually makes you healthier than normal for a short period of time!" Dante was slowly catching the girls' infectious enthusiasm.

"How could you eat it? It looked like it was made from solid gold," Apple Bloom asked, sounding thoroughly confused.

"Well, it is made with almost thirty-eight thousand pounds of solid gold," Dante said, stifling a laugh.

"WHAAAAT?!" all three cried in unison.

"And you just ate it?!" Sweetie Belle cried incredulously.

"Never mind eatin' it, how'd ya even pick it up?!" Apple Bloom cried just like Sweetie Belle.

"Uh, well the apple doesn't actually weigh that much. It's maybe a bit heavier than a normal apple, but that’s really the only physical difference. It feels like a normal apple in your mouth and everything." Dante was chuckling under his breath at the girls' reactions. Glad trivia actually has its uses. He noticed that Apple Bloom suddenly deflated. "What's wrong, Apple Bloom? Was it something I said?"

"No, it's just that now the apple is gone, and Ah can't show it to Applejack to let her know you payed back for the apple you took," she said dejectedly. Dante's heart melted again.

"Aw, Apple Bloom, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I wouldn't have offered one to you and then eaten it if it was the only one, though," Dante said excitedly. He quickly opened up the console and gave himself another golden apple. When the world resumed he held it up for her to see. "See? Here." He handed the the apple out to Apple Bloom.

Her eyes brightened, and she grew a smile that was almost too big for her face. Dante could have sworn he saw stars in those huge adorable eyes of hers. She gasped and somehow took the apple from his hand with one of her hooves. You know what? Forget it, magic pony land. "THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!" she shouted, hopping around in circles holding the apple up for all the world to see. When she stopped, she placed the apple inside her mane, looked to the other two girls, and squealed, "C'mon Crusaders, we gotta go find Applejack!"

They all bolted out of the building and off into the distance screaming, "APPLEJAAA-!" God have mercy on those three's parents.

In the doorway to the room he saw a large red pony pass by. It then backed up, did a double take, faced forward again, and continued walking whilst saying, "Eynope."

Right down the road

"As I was sayin', RD," Applejack shot a glare up at the interrupting pegasus, "the 'Admin' critter was in one o' mah Red Delicious trees eatin' mah apples. Ah said ‘hey’ to get its attention but Ah guess Ah scared 'em cause he fell right out o'-" Applejack was interrupted by a steadily growing noise. Her ears swiveled towards the source of the sound. "Y'all hear that?" she asked the rest of the group. "That almost sounds like App-"

"-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!" Apple Bloom came running over a hill followed by the other two Crusaders. Worrying for their safety, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash ran up to meet them.

"What's wrong? Are you OK? What happened?" Applejack barraged Apple Bloom with questions failing to notice the massive grin on her face. Rarity and Rainbow Dash did the same for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo respectively.

Apple Bloom responded for the trio, "We're fine, but we gotta tell ya something Applejack!"

"Well?" Applejack asked, one eyebrow raised.

"Promise to not get mad?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Come on, out with it," Rarity encouraged.

"Okay, so we went into the room that Applejack specifically said to not go into-" Scootaloo started, but was abruptly stopped by a yellow hoof in her mouth.

"What Scoots meant to say w-w-was..." Apple Bloom stuttered. Applejack raised her eyebrow a little more at the hesitation. Apple Bloom dropped her head in defeat. "Exactly what she said."

"Now hold on a minute, you went and did exactly what Ah said NOT tah do?" Applejack pronounced slowly.

"But it's OK," Apple Bloom retorted, "He woke up and talked with us!"

"He woke up?!" Applejack's pupils narrowed.

"No, no! It's okay, Dante was really nice," Sweetie Belle interjected.

"Is that his name, ‘Dante’?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah," Apple Bloom responded. "He also said he was sorry for stealing an apple."

"He stole an apple?" Rainbow Dash parroted. "Why, I oughta kick his flank." She moved to take off towards Sweet Apple Acres, but was stopped when Applejack caught her by her tail.

"Hold on a sec, RD, the girls got more to say," Applejack leveled.

"Yeah," Apple Bloom continued, "An’ he said he wanted to repay us for the apple and helping him even though he was stealing."

"Ah suppose we could use a little help around the farm, an' with him bein' so tall he'd be able to prune real easy," Applejack started to plan all of the chores Dante would have to do in order to repay for the theft.

Apple Bloom interrupted her daydreaming, "Applejack, he offered this as payment." She pulled the golden apple out of her mane and held it up for the three mares to see. "He said it was made with, uh... Sweetie Belle, you remember?"

"Yeah, he said it was made with almost thirty-eight thousand pounds of gold!" Sweetie Belle squeaked excitedly.

"Yeah, that," Apple Bloom continued. "An' when he ate one it healed his head where he fell down on it!"

"Ya don't say?" Applejack stared at the apple completely mesmerised by its perfect surface.

"He also said ‘not only does it heal you, it also makes you healthier than normal for a short period of time!’" Sweetie Belle added. Scootaloo nodded earnestly in agreement.

"So he's all better now?" Rarity asked, also entranced by the warm yellow glow of the apple in the sunlight.

"Yep," Scootaloo said.

"Why didn't you bring him with you then?" Rainbow Dash asked, trying to avoid staring at the splendor of the gilded fruit.

The trio of fillies looked at each other and shrugged. Scootaloo said, "I guess we forgot?"

Apple Bloom put the golden apple back into her mane, effectively breaking the three adults out of their trance. "Let's all go get him then!"

"YEAH!" the other two Crusaders yelled in unison. Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash rolled their eyes and followed the fillies that were running back to Sweet Apple Acres.

Author's Note:

The enchanted golden apple should weigh 340,393.73 pounds in gold! (according to the old crafting recipe) That’s more than 3/4ths the weight of the Statue of Liberty at 450,000 pounds!
‘Heh, nothin’ personal kid.’ *Drops apple on Dante’s head* *He explodes into viscera*

Sorry for the wait. Work got in the way and I had to rewrite the chapter like three times because it wouldn't write the way I wanted it to. Well, here it is. The long awaited Chapter Six!

Comments and criticisms are welcome!

Edited/proofread by: Doggyshakespeare