• Published 12th Feb 2019
  • 10,712 Views, 448 Comments

SCP: Breakout - Happy2343

The SCP Foundation, an organization that has Existed for thousands of years, survived the near extinction of their species, but will one slip up end it all?

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(6 Part two) Interrogation

She had kept her eyes shut tight ever since she had started walking, not like it made much difference, she really just didn’t want to see that thing again. She shuddered as her hooves hot against the floor. Calling it a floor, however, might be giving it too much, it felt like she was walking on eggshells. ‘And I always thought I’d hate those metal hoof-shoes,’ She thought for every step, That was, she had them shut until the floor gave out from under her and she fell. “AAAHHHHH!” When she found the floor, her right forehoof found it first, followed shortly by her left and then her head and horn. To say she was in pain would be an understatement. Then, something fell on top of her, sending her to black… again.

The first thing Flurry heard when a constant buzzing, followed by a 4 metallic whirls. She opened her eyes, a constant bright light over her, *Thump, thump* She tried to bring her hoof to her head, *Thump, thump* but something stopped it, *Thump, thump* bringing it back down, hard. She began to raise her head. She felt she was on something much softer than what she fell on, “Uuuhhh, what’s g-” *Thump, thu-* Something pricked her neck, she felt better, the thumping in her head stopped.

“Use of 427 has been approved by Adminis-...”

“Is agent Ulgrin still un-?”

“You think they’ll finally do something about…?”

“What do you think they’re going to do with-?”

“Yes, she should be awake within the hour, sir, yes, everything’s been prepared.”

“MIA? What do you mean… oh … is not going to like this.”

“Ya’ know, she’s one of those Alicorn’s.”

“Another day, another breach…”

“Ugh… this is so stupid, we should be ruling over…”

“Ya man… I can’t wait to see how th-”

“Ulgrin is being moved to his quarters, his wounds are healed…”

Flurry still felt tired when she came to, her eyes felt heavy and weighed down along with the rest of her body. When she opened her eyes she was in what resembled the castle infirmary, she moved her hoof to rub her head. *Clink* “Hm?” she brought her head up and looked at her right hoof.

The first thing she noticed was that the bandage Ulgrin had placed on her hoof had been replaced with what looked like several wraps of… something white. ‘Medical tape maybe?’ There was a small appendage in the tape, sticking out of where she had been bleeding earlier. The second thing she noticed, was that there was a cuff around her hoof. She pulled on it, sending another jolt of metal into her hoof, though a lot less painful.

She looked over to her other hoof, same, her forehooves also cuffed to the bedframe. The metallic bedframe. She dared to try her wings, but she already knew that wouldn't do any good. While her eyes were roaming, she looked at her chest, a tan band going across her entire midsection, most likely holding her wings down in place. In vain she tried to use her magic, which only gave her more headache than she could handle.

Her head fell back to the pillow below her. She soon became aware of a mechanical clicking sound, seemingly, only existing to annoy her. She looked to the left, nothing, ‘I know that thing is near me, it…’ She looked right, ‘sounds like it’s right on top of me,’ She looked up, she saw the offender. She recognized it as a clock, but much less grand than the ones the castle housed.

She looked back up, a white cloth was walling her in. She could see the outlines of other humans on the other side. Their shadows perfectly outlined in the light. “H-hello?” She asked tentatively.

“Oh, look who’s up?” She heard something ask in a sarcastic tone, “I’ll radio the Admin.”

“Hey, wh-who’re you?” She asked back. She couldn't see their actual forms, “H-hello?” She asked again, no response. “P-please answer me…” Nothing. Her ears pinned against her head.

*Thump* ‘Is my head thumping again?’ *Thump, thump* Her ears twitched, *Thump, thump*, ‘No,’ her eyes opened, ‘Something’s coming.’ She brought her head up, *Schhhhiiiicckk*, the white screen was cast aside. Someone, cast it aside.

They were wearing a white lab coat and black pants that were similar to Ulgrin’s. The guards that were on the other side both walked off. The man pulled up a chair and sat down next to her bed. He grabbed a clipboard off the table next to her.

Flurry tried to simultaneously keep eye contact and not at the same time. He flipped through papers on the clipboard, nodding every once in a while. ‘He’s trying to scare me!’ She came out of the covers. “Who are you?” She asked.

He took a pen from his pocket and wrote something. “I was wondering how long it would take you to come out,” He said, his tone “Now if you wil-”

“C-can you st-stop trying to scare me,” Flurry said. The man in the chair blinked, “It’s not working.” She tried to sit upright in the bed, “A-and can yo-”

“You are in a bad position to be making demands Princess,” He interrupted, “And I’m not trying to scare you if I wanted to do that I would’ve…” He trailed off, “Anyway, as I was saying,” He flipped through the clipboard, “Will you answer a few questions?” He said, his pen tapping the side of his keyboard.

“How do you know I’m a-”

“I am asking the questions, and one more interruption and I will have you muzzled,” He looked her in the eyes. Flurry nearly opened her mouth to retort, but her fear won out. She looked down and nodded, “Good, now I assume you will answer the questions?” He asked again, his voice carrying a stressed tone.

Flurry again nodded, ner neck began to strain from the pressure of keeping her head up so long. “Well then, good, now…” He reached down and pressed something at his waist that Flurry couldn’t see, “Can you state your name?”

“F-Flurry Heart,” She responded almost mechanically.

She turned her head to the man sitting next to her. He, in turn, looked back to her, “And can you describe your… position?” He began to write down things on the clipboard. She gritted her teeth as she soon became very aware of the sounds in the sterile room, that being primarily the clock’s constant ticking and the writing of the pen against the paper.

“I...I’m a Princess… of the Crystal Empire…” She replied. *tick* Her eye twitched, something that the man failed to notice. *tok*

“...Can you state your age?” He asked again, looking at her, she nearly gave out, unlike her head, which fell to the bed’s pillow.

“I’m… *Tick*...I’m twelve,” The man nodded, “*Tok*...My Birthday was… yesterday… I think,” She got up, “A-are you going to-” He shook his head. *Tick*

“You get to ask questions… later,” He said, *Tok* “Now concerning your status, can you explain your lineage?” He looked at her and studied her face.

“L-lineage?” *Tick* Her eye twitched, “I… my parents…” She stuttered, *Tok* She looked at him with pleading eyes, ‘Do t-they want to hurt my f-family too?’ She thought, “I *Tick*...I.” *Tok* She gulped, *Tick* ‘N-no, th-they can’t mean th-that.’ She breathed out, calming herself, *Tok* “My parents… or my mom is a princess, m-my dad is the brother of another one.” *Tick*

He nodded and began to write on the clipboard, this time, keeping an eye on her, “I’m pretty sure *Tock*, that this is a given, but, *Tick* have you heard of us, our organization, or any of our items before?”

*Tock*‘They did say something about a 990, right?’*Tick* She blinked, ‘I… can’t just give them away like that…’*Tock* She looked to the man, who raised an eyebrow in turn, “N-no,” She replied to the question, *Tick* “H-how would I have?” She asked.

He nodded and wrote on the clipboard, *Tock* “Can you… describe the events of two nights ago?” He asked. Flurry timidly nodded, “I thought so…” He trailed off,*Tick* He reached down again, another mechanical click sounded, but it wasn’t the clock. He looked back up, “I’ve paused the recorder,” He said, “Now… I won’t… force you.... to recount that. It’s always hard dealing with it, every guard here has gotten blind to SCP-106 and its dangers.” He sighed.

“C-can I go home?” She asked, “O-or a-at least g-get out of he-here?” She asked hopefully, “I-I’m sure my p-parents a-are worried s-sick.”

He shook his head, “Unfortunately for you, you can’t, the 05 want to speak with you-”

“Oh-5?” She asked, “W-what’s t-that?”

“They’re the equivalent of your parents, but for us.” He replied, “They… won’t go soft on you just because of your young age… trust me…” He again trailed off… “Do you have any questions?”

‘I can’t go home, my family doesn’t know where I am, and I’m stuck in an evil place…’ she paused, ‘Evil Place…’ Her mind wrapped back around to the other human, the one who got her out. She nodded and asked, “Where’s Ulgrin?”

Twilight breathed in hard and her eyes fluttered as she came to. “Wh-what happened?” She said. Everything was pitch black, she felt with her eyelashes as they came up and down, that there was a blindfold on her. There was a terrible pounding on her head, making it hard for her to think.

“Princess,” A voice said, “Are you okay?” Twilight attempted to move her forehooves out from behind her back, but they were bound together, same with her back hooves. ‘Need to get out of these,’ she thought but continued to struggle.

“Be quiet, your friends’ one hit away from going to the great beyond.” The female voice said again, her tone not matching her words that came off her tongue. It was much more… sarcastic. Twilight could barely tell if she was being serious or not.

Twilight's eyes widened, not that it did her much good. She began to struggle harder against her bonds again, This time much stronger and faster. ‘Come on Twilight, I can get out of this, I just need to…’ She lit her horn.

“Ah, ah, ah,” She heard someone else, another female said in a tone one would say to a foal, a click was heard, “Wouldn’t want one of the poor bat-guards here to lose a wing… or two.” Her horn promptly went dark. She gritted her teeth together.

“What do you want?” She asked her captor, still unable to see. She looked around for all the good it did her. ‘What’s Ross’s game?’ She attempted to get up, only to fall out of whatever chair she was sitting on.

“Whoa there,” The female voice said again. She heard heavy hoofsteps walking toward her. Something wrapped around her midsection. “Can’t have you doing that now, can we?”

“You won’t get-” She felt herself leave the cold stone ground,”-Hey! Put me down!” she began flailing about.

“Very poor choice of words,” The female said, “Dontcha think?” Despite the blindfold, Twilight’s eyes went wide, she fell. She fell straight on her muzzle, ‘Ow…’ She thought to herself. She shook her head again, which had begun to spin from all the hits it was taking. The blindfold came off as she was handled back up.

The first thing she noticed, was how dark it was, ‘I couldn’t have been out for more than a couple hours,’ She thought, ‘Hopefully somepony has realized I’m missing.’ She turned and looked at the two figures in the corner, both were obviously ponies and bat pegasi. One was cradling the other in her hooves.

She turned to the human female, “What did you do?!” She said, “If you-”

“She’ll be fine,” The human female said, slowly taking a step back to a chair, “Probably,” She added. ‘That’s not helping.’ Twilight’s face hardened.

“What do you think you’re doing?” She asked, trying to intimidate the human. She peered into its black and synthetic eyes, “The others will know something is wrong when a patrol hasn’t-”

“Yeah yeah, I already heard it all from Ross,” She pointed to the bat poney guard, “Her,” She pointed to the one that was passed out, Twilight moved her head a little and saw blood dripping off of her side under her wing, “And her,” She looked back at Twilight as she sat down. She took out a small version of the black stick and pointed it at the guard, “So don’t give me any of that, tough girl shit doesn’t work on me.”

The door opened and for a second, Twilight’s hopes rose, then she saw the figure, it was human. “Private,” it said. Her hopes only fell further as he uttered that word, “Ah I see you came to, good, looks like we can get this started.”

He looked down at the bat pony guard cradling the unconscious bleeding one and regarded her. “Private, give her your medkit.”


“Do it,” He turned to the ‘Private’, “Com’ on we’re not monsters,” He said. The ‘Private’ nodded and unzipped one of the many compartments on her uniform. The ‘Private’ reached in and pulled out a box that bore a red cross. ‘Did they steal that from us?’ Twilight thought slightly annoyed. The bat pony took and practically tore open the box, medical exploded all over the floor. The Private then sat back down.

Twilight blinked, ‘Wait a minute…’ She locked her eyes on the sitting soldier. “I saved you!” She yelled at her.

“Does that mean I owe you?” She turned to Ross, who had walked over and helped the bat pony guard and shook her head. She looked back at Twilight, “You must be crazy.”

Twilight sighed, ‘There’s gotta be something I can do,’ She looked at Ross, who stood up. She looked over at the bat pony guard on the ground, there were bandages all over her wings. He walked passed the princess, who was still on the ground. He reached down and picked her up by one of her forehooves.

The conscious bat pony guard immediately spoke up, “Unhoof her you-!”


Twilight went stiff, she looked at the Private. She was holding a small weapon, its end was smoking. Her eyes, along with Ross’s went over to the bat pony guard. There was a hold in the ground at her hooves. “I said, quiet,” She repeated, “Next time I won’t miss.” She put it back into a holster on her belt.

The bat pony guard nodded, “Good,” Ross said, “Now that we won’t be distracted again,” Ross turned back to Twilight, “Where are the items you took?” His voice made Twilight shiver, she could at least tell he was being serious.

“Y-you have them!” She squirmed in her ropes.

He shook his head, not breaking eye contact with her, “Not the damn gun or any of those,” He reached down and pulled the ‘gun.’ It had a shorter end than the one the Private, the human she saved, had. Ross reached to his belt and turned around. “I want to know, where the tape player is.” He looked like he was twisting something.

“I-i can’t!”

“Yes, you can,” The gun was longer now, “Now,” He reached behind her and took hold of her right-wing, “All you need to do is tell me where it is.”

“I… it’s in...”

“Com’ on princess…” Ross said, “How ‘bout this if you tell me where it is,” He got closer to her face. She had to look away, otherwise, their muzzles would’ve touched, “I’ll tell you a little secret.”

He moved back. She looked back, ready to retort, “I’ll never-!”

“Oh well,” he said in a sing-song voice, he looked back and motioned with his head, “Ya’ know, I hate resorting to tactics like this, but…” The Private got up and walked over to the bat pony. “You’ve forced my hand.”

“What are y-you-?”

The Private put the gun to bat pony on the floor. The bat pony's head. “N-STOP!” The other guard shrieked. The Private whacked her in response, sending her crashing down, clutching her head. Breathing Heavily.

“STOP!” Twilight yelled, “You can’t-”

“I can,” He stated, “And, I will, so, last time, where is it?”

Celestia walked in Flurry’s room. The room was torn up, say for a few items that escaped the skirmish. ‘I’m… sorry, Flurry…’ She thought, ‘I…’ She swallowed, hard, ‘I thought I-’

“For one who tells ponies to stop moping, you are quite mopy yourself.”

Celestia turned and smiled at her sister, “Hello, sister.”

“Good evening Celestia,” She walked in and looked around at the room, “Why are you still up?” Luna asked Celestia, “By my count, it’s nearly three.”

Celestia chuckled, “I was having nightmare’s,” She looked at her sister, “Ironic, don’t you think?”

She walked up to her sister, “Considering, I can easily disperse them? Yes, it very much is.” Luna nuzzled her sister, “Trust me, I’m sure I can help you with, we were all affected by what happened.”

Celestia’s stomach churned, “It’s… they’re not about… that.” She looked at Luna, “Sister, I need to tell you something.” Luna nodded.

“What is it?”

Author's Note:

Took me a while to write this one, hopefully, it'll be faster next time. :/

Also no, Flurry there will be no romance