• Published 12th Feb 2019
  • 10,713 Views, 448 Comments

SCP: Breakout - Happy2343

The SCP Foundation, an organization that has Existed for thousands of years, survived the near extinction of their species, but will one slip up end it all?

  • ...

(17) In the Thick of It

New Horseleans; a town on the water with amazing restaurants on Bubble street and parties every night. That was why Smolder had chosen it as her summers’ vacation destination. And seeing as she and her friends had recently turned twenty-one, the legal drinking age in Equestria, well, let’s just say she was going to have a fun time.

The only issue was that she was going out alone. No friends. No Ocellus, No Gallus, No Yona, Sandbar, and No Silverstream. Just Smolder. The fact that they haven’t been able to get together since graduation really hit Smolder hard. The dragons were alright, but they all still treated her like a child. With her friends, she was an equal.

Smolder had tried to get her and the ‘gang’ back together, but every creature was just too far away or they were too busy doing something else. She was in the Dragonlands working with Spike and her brother, constantly being trained to be a better Dragon, trying to gain respect; and then having to help Spike, who was gone half the time with Dragon Lord Ember. That only made things so much easier.

Ocellus was now the main advisor to King Thorax in the new Changling Hives. She was constantly under mountains and mountains of paperwork helping the King rule the nation. Not to mention help him deal with Changelings that want Chrysalis back in charge. Smolder Shivered at the thought, ‘They are so much better off now, who would want that?’

Gallus, who was training to become a member of the Royal Guard in Canterlot, was the only one she could really keep in contact with. They had sent letters to each other every few months, either talking about how the Dragon Lands are, how Gallus’s training was going, or if they could reunite everycreature for some sort of reunion.

Trying to reach Yona would’ve been impossible when she had returned to Yakyakistown. It was just too remote for anypony or anygriff, or anydragon to fly out there just to have a conversation. Smolder still didn’t know what Yona was up to.

Sandbar, after he graduated, stayed in Ponyville. From what he last told her the day after graduation, he wanted to give back and help other creatures in the School of Friendship. Smolder distinctly remembers laughing at him for saying that. She smiled at the memory of her friend.

Then finally, there was Silverstream, niece of Queen Novo. She was, to put it bluntly, everywhere. Smolder smiled as she recounted the ecstatic reunion of the two a year after graduation. Her speed and strength of hugging nearly rivaled Pinkie Pie. Silverstream said that she wanted to travel the world and see the sights of Griffonia and Equestria. ‘All she really wanted to do though was just get us all back together,’ Smolder frowned, ‘She traveled to see all of us instead.’

Smolder shook her head, the thoughts left her. ‘I’ll get back in touch with her later. Tonight, I party!’ A happy grin began to form on her face as the town came into view. ‘I still need to see where

Smolder began to glide as she came into view of the town, the moon beginning to crest the water as nighttime began to set in, “I wonder where I should go first,” She talked to herself aloud, as she flew over the city, “There’s Bubble House, Olde Crystal Cookery, Oceana…” She looked down at the beach below, “Maybe there are some good gems at Pier Six,” She thought, “Spike did say they sell gems.”

She looked down at the busy streets of the town, filled to the brim with ponies. She began her descent down toward the lights, music, and the smell of food. She closed her eyes and flew over

But, something caught her eye on the waterfront. “Is that a… pony?” Smolder asked aloud, She moved in to get a closer look, “They aren’t moving.” She tilted her wings and dipped right towards the beach.

The sand clung to her scales as she landed some feet away from the unmoving body. She looked up and down the beach. No creature was around. The entire beach was completely deserted. Smolder walked towards the sandy form.

‘It definitely is a Pony, or maybe even a Hippogriff,’ Smolder knelt down and began to brush away the sand, ‘Probably washed up tenish minutes ago.’ she thought. She brushed away some seaweed, covering much of the face.

Her eyes traveled down the body of the creature, there were two wings and claws with talons. There was something in their claws. ‘Don’t think about that,’ She focused, ‘Let’s get you some help.’

“Hey, are you okay,” She shook the pink shoulder of the definite Hippogriff. The Hippogriff stirred, ‘Wait…’ The Hippogriff began to mumble.


Her eyes widened, “Silverstream!” She pulled the Hippogriff out of the sand, “A-Are you okay? What happened?” Her friend’s eyes remained closed. Smolder grabbed the unconscious Hippogriff and took off. She placed Silverstream on her back and flew as steady as she could.

“Just stay with me Silverstream,” Smolder mostly told herself, “You’re going to be fine.”

‘Smold...*Cough*...er?” Silverstream wheezed out, “Where… is… San...d-”

“Hey, save your strength,” Smolder commanded. She looked forward and saw the giant red cross of the Hospital, “We’re almost there.”

Smolder’s mind was racing with thoughts, but the only coherent one she could make out was, ‘Things sure went sour really fast.’

The Baltimare hospital was abuzz with activity. Everypony was expecting to receive a few transfers or airlifts from the New Horseleans emergency center. Especially on a Friday night. Things happen at wild parties, there are drinks had and craziness done.

Nopony, thought, was expecting Princess Twilight herself to show up for one of the patients. And much less expecting that patient being the niece of the Hippogriff Queen.

Suffice to say, Gallus could tell everypony was on edge. The doctors, the nurses, and his friends.

With the exception of Smolder, Smolder, who was there since she found Silverstream, passed out from exhaustion.

‘Lucky,’ he thought, ‘She’ll get to wake up when the doctor comes out, we all have to wait.’ He wished he could be sleeping right now, he was tired. When he received the letter, he bolted, still in his golden armor, and hadn’t stopped until he hit the hospital, literally.

Some of the paramedics thought that he would need to be hospitalized for slamming into the concrete at such a speed. He stretched his wings and continued his pacing about the waiting room. ‘I’m not the one who needs help,’ he told himself, ‘We’re here for Silverstream, she needs help.’

Gallus stopped his pacing and looked around at everycreature in the room. Everycreature who Gallus knew was in various states of distress.

Yona, who had somehow, inexplicably gotten to the hospital before Gallus, was twiddling her hooves as she was sitting. Completely silent. He considered going over there to comfort her, but, ‘I’ll probably just end up doing the same thing.’ He landed on it, so he continued to look around the room.

A quick glance at Smolder showed that she was still passed out on one of the more comfortable hospital waiting benches. Snoring away, sometimes breathing out smoke, or bits of fire.

Ocellus, who arrived just after Gallus, was next to Princess Twilight. They were speaking with the nurse about Silverstream and her condition. The nurse was probably not supposed to be talking to visitors, but Princess Twilight is a visitor.

The others, as Twilight had told him, had caught a train from Ponyville. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy, were all on their way and will probably arrive within the hour.

That just left Sandbar. The sole pony of their little friend group. One question kept swimming in the back of Gallus’s mind; where was he? ‘He should be here!’

It was the early morning by the time Silverstream had awoken, and it was only barely. Gallus was the only one still up, Twilight and her friends had reserved rooms in a nearby hotel and they went to meet with Silverstream’s parents.

He could only imagine how they must feel, having their daughter in such a rough condition. It was probably twice as worse for them as it was for him. ‘What did you do to get yourself in such a condition?’ He gazed longingly at her face, losing himself in his own thoughts and mind.

He moved his gaze slightly downward toward her neck, her signature necklace was gone. The pearl that allowed her to transform into a seapony. It was probably removed when she had been admitted.

He moved her light blue hair away from her eyes, hoping that she would stir and wake up. Or just to feel her again. It had been a long time since they had seen each other. And this was not the reunion he was planning on. He wanted him and her and all their friends to be there, hopefully sometime after he would’ve become a royal guard.

‘Huh, friends.’

Ocellus, after the doctor and nurse had informed the group that visitors couldn’t stay the night, had begrudgingly left to the hotel. Yona, on the other claw, had fought tooth and talon before security had threatened her with being expelled. Smolder flew off soon after, probably to stop the Yak from charging back into the hospital.

There was no doubt they’d be back for him soon. Probably any minute now.

‘Some friends we are,’ Gallus’s mind roared, ‘We used to break every rule just to stay together, but now,’ He looked around the empty examination room. ‘Now we’re…’ He turned back at Silverstream. ‘Tartarus, Sandbar never even showed up!

The pink Hippogriff’s chest rose and fell as she breathed in and out. The doctor had told them that she was dehydrated, exhausted, and on the verge of starving when they had brought her over to Baltimare.

He felt a light tap on his shoulder. Gallus turned around and saw a nurse. He heard the spiel multiple times, he just nodded.

He moved toward Silverstream, “Don’t you quit on us now,” He spoke to the unconscious Hippogriff in a hushed tone, “You’ve never given up on anycreature, don’t you dare start now,” He looked at her again, then turned away.


He turned back. He thought he might’ve to hallucinate the voice from Silverstream, but it felt too real. A quick glance back saw her purple eyes open, but not looking at him, rather at the ceiling.

“Is that you?”

The voice was weak, she needed him.

“Ga-*hic*-llus? I-is th-that you?” She repeated the question

“Yeah, it is, Silver,” He said, in a cooing voice. He was ecstatic, she was alive, she’ll be fine, but she needs rest. “Go back to sleep.” He said softly, “I’ll be back in the morning.”

“I-i-i can’t,” She said, “I- Sand...bar… is he he-re?”

“No,” He replied.

Gallus turned back to the nurse, “Give me a minute, please.” the tired nurse, probably the same one who was here since the morning nodded.

The armor-clad Griffon walked towards the bed, “He’s on his way… I guarantee it.” He reassured her, “We’ve always been able to depend on him, you know.”

“He… got out?”

“Out? Silver?”

“Ter...ramar… we were l-looking,” She said, “W-we f-found s-something. U-under city. B-bad.”

“I-” Now his voice cracked. Thoughts raced through his mind. “Tell us when you’re better, okay?”

“O-okay…” Her eyes closed.

He left the room, quietly closing the door. He turned to the nurse, and tried his best to remain calm, “Did she have any possessions on her, I am going to her family, they might want them.”

“Oh, yes,” She walked to the opposite wall where there was a little silver cart with various drawers and she began to rummage about. “Here, they are. I’m surprised nocreature asked for them,” The pony nurse said. “One necklace with a purple gem,” She gave over the necklace, he made his way to leave, “And one strange box.”

She extended her hoof with it in it. “Are you sure this is hers?” He asked. ‘I’ve never seen this before,’ He said, ‘Maybe she found it.’

“Yep, she was holding onto it for dear life. Had to practically pry the thing out of her talons.”

He took it in his other claw. “Thanks, I’ll be going now.”

Twilight looked at the mortified parents of Silverstream and Terramar as they walked to their hotel room. Oceanflow, her mother was destroyed. Tears and mascara running down her cheeks, Sky Beak was worse off. Twilight had just learned that Terrmar was also missing. And with this recent event with Silverstream, it was putting a considerable amount of strain on them.

Fluttershy walked up to Twilight, “How are you Twilight?” she asked, “Are you feeling any better?”

“No,” Twilight replied, “I feel a lot worse actually. I can’t imagine what they are going through right now. Two kids, one missing, one in the hospital, it’s just...” Twilight couldn’t find words for the situation.

“Terrible,” Fluttershy finished, “And I was talking about your nightmare’s, are they any better?”

Twilight sighed, “Yeah, they’ve stopped for the past couple days,” Twilight said, “I just hope Princess Luna can keep helping me at night. The things I’m dreaming...” Twilight shivered, “They feel too real.”

“Well, at least you're fine talking about them now,” the yellow pegasus said, “We just want to help you, you know that right.” Twilight nodded, “Okay, then maybe we should meet back up in the morning. If you-”

“It’s okay Fluttershy, I’ll be fine, if anything happens, I’ll just read a book. I’ll be going up in a minute, just waiting for Gallus to get back.”

“Okay,” Fluttershy said, “Goodnight Twilight.” The yellow pegasus began to walk to the elevator.

Twilight continued to smile as Fluttershy walked out of view. She loved her friends, and they all supported her. Her smile wavered as her friend left her line of sight. Then it failed entirely as the princess turned around. ‘It must be that thing I keep seeing in my head!’ She told herself. ‘It’s not a coincidence that we are in this city. That everything is going wrong!’

Twilight moved to one of the couches in the hotel lobby and fell into it. ‘What are you doing to me?’ Her mind raced with thoughts, ‘It said that it thought it had warned them sufficiently…’ She rested her head back on the couch. ‘Is that what this is, a warning? I can’t see how one of my former students being hurt is a warning.’

“Princess Twilight.”

She opened her eyes.

The blue eyes of Gallus were looking back down at her. “Your majesty.”

“Gallus,” She brought her head back up and turned around, “You’re a friend, you don’t have to call me that. At least when we are not out in public.” She yawned and stretched her hooves, “I thought you’d never get back. At least we can finally go off to bed.” The purple princess got off the couch. “I’ll show you to your room. Follow me.”

“Yeah, but um…” She gazed down to his claws, both were gripping something in his claws. The necklace that Silverstream wore was also stung around his neck. “I need to talk to you, about something Silver told me before I left.”

“She woke up?” Twilight sat back down on the couch, Gallus walked around and sat across from her. “What did she say?”

“She said… asked really, if Sandbar made it out.”

Twilight felt her gut drop, “Out?

“Yeah… I think he might be… trapped, somewhere. I don’t want to think about the alternative…” Gallus answered grimly.

“Did she say where Sandbar is?”

“No, something about being under the city.” Gallus said, “I don’t know though, she was found washed up on a beach, it could be any city.”

Twilight nodded, “I’m… sorry, Gallus, I’m sure we’ll find him.” Twilight found the thing in his claws again, “What’s that.”

Gallus looked down at the contraption, “The doctors took this thing out of her talons,” He took it and put it on the table in between the Cadet and the Princess. “I found out… it’s activated by magic.” He looked around the lobby, “It should be okay, there’s nopony here.” He took the necklace off of his neck and placed it next to the box.”

It crackled to life.

“This message is being broadcasted by the request of the president of the United States of America; Infected Persons have made their way up the coast, and an immediate evacuation order North has been ordered for the Following Cities: Richmond, Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, Washington D.C. The President has also declared that a mandatory evacuation order is in place in towns and cities from Baltimore, Maryland, to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.”

Twilight’s eyes widened, ‘No… They can’t be here.’

“Stay away from infected persons, anyone exhibiting: Fever, Dementia, Gangrene, Decreased Metabolism, Impaired Motor-Functions, Coughing Blood, Foaming or Blood at the Mouth, Unresponsive to Speech, Smell or Touch, or Attacking Individuals in a Slow and Sporadic Way Focused on Biting the Victim.”

Twilight fell back into the couch, her wings being scrunched up between her and the cloth of the cushion. ‘It can’t be here… It…’ She couldn’t come up with any other thought. An image of her previous nightmare about the Crystal Empire Exploding hit her. Ponies, Griffons, Changelings, with blood in their mouths. ‘No… I can’t let it happen.’

“If you believe that you or someone you know has been infected, the infection is 100 Percent lethal and ask that you quarantine said, individual. If the individual has begun to become unreceptive and attack healthy individuals, the only known method of Neutralizing fully-infected subjects requires significant cranial trauma.”

“God-Bless You and God Bless Humanity, Message Repeat. *ziiiiiip* This mes-”

Twilight felt sick, She felt numb, like she had not slept for weeks. She stumbled off the couch, “Twilight,” Gallus, she had finally unnoticed him, he was looking at her concerned, “Are you o-?” The image of Gallus talking froze in her mind.

Then she blinked and breathed in, “Twilight!” Gallus was standing over her, “Are you okay, do you need somepony?” She tried to shake her head. Twilight faintly sensed Gallus’s claws and talons dug under her. She closed her eyes for what felt like a split second.

The next thing she saw was Daylight beaming through one of the large windows. She looked at the table, both the necklace and box were gone. ‘Is this a dream?’ She thought as she groggily sat up. The Princess looked at the door, there was already a pony there trying to take pictures of Twilight, who shielded her face in return, “Unfortunately not.” She muttered.

Twilight walked down the hallway to her room and took the key out from under her wing.


She turned around and saw Applejack's room door.

The door opened.

And Rainbow Dash trotted out.

The pegasus mare stopped dead when she saw Twilight.



“... Heeeeeeeey Twilight.”

‘If I wasn’t a sleep-deprived Princess right now,’ She hid a smirked, “Morning Dash,” Twilight said as nonchalantly as possible. Twilight saw the blue mare sigh. She fully turned around, “What were you doing in AJ’s room?” She asked as innocently as possible. At the same time, the door shut and locked.

Dash’s cheeks turned red, “You DO NOT mention this to anypony, I don’t care that you’re a Princess.”

Now Twilight smirked, “Alright, I was just teasing,” She said, “Besides,” She yawned, “It’s too early for any fighting amongst friends, we have a long day ahead of us.”

Rainbow Dash’s blush faded, “You wanna get breakfast, I heard Mareiott has some good fruit salad and Prench Toast.”

“Sure Dash, sure.”

Author's Note:

We end on a good note for once! One step forward, two steps back sorta thing.

Anyway, if there are any errors, please tell me!

What is the average air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Tell me in the comments!
Stay happy Y'all!