• Member Since 20th Aug, 2019
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30 year old man from California who likes to fight with swords. Author of Successor, Love Mark, and Daybreaker at Canterlot Wedding Verses.


This story is a sequel to Goodbye My Child

Twilight's daughter Nyx tells the story of her mother to a student of her own. As Nyx's time draws to a close and she prepares to be reunited with her mother and their friends at last, Nyx tasks another Alicorn with training her student who might one day become an alicorn and guardian of the dream realm.

Nyx is an original character by the legendary Pen Stroke credit goes to him for her creation.

Edit: This story was featured Jan 11th!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 49 )

Beautiful. A fitting sequel.

Beautiful. A fitting end for all those characters.

Beautiful great work

I’m coming mother

I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself from posting this.

I knew it. You do have a killing alicorn fetish. By old age or not. Might be the only time I've seen someone kill Nyx.

I dont hate alicorns, I just want them to reunite with their friends or be with them even in death. Immortality is a worse fate to me.

She is an alicorn Time can't kill her

That's debated. It's never been confirmed that Alicorns are immortal or have very long lives. I say a forum on the fandom wiki stating they aren't but a trading card game stated Celestia and Luna are. For my headcanon, their immortality or longevity comes from their power over the sun and moon. We saw Cadence aged normally from when she was Twilights foalsitter so I'm convinced it's not being an alicorn that gives that.

I counter that argument that you never ever saw Celestia become an emtional wreck about lost friends People seem to blatently ignore that fact it seems.

Luna was gone for 1000 years, so who knows where she stands. And then there's Cadance and Flurry. Both alicorns, and yet no one seems to show them in the same boat as Twilight.

Because the three of them would be. All of the above makes any argument to the contrary mute to me personally.

True we never see her become an emotional wreck. But for all I know she kept it buried or hidden well. I've seen fics where Twilight is focusing on the positive rather mourning after her friends are gone, so Celestia could have done that I suppose. But we dont know for sure. You have your beliefs and I have mine.

Or they reach an age and stop growing. The sisters have been around 1000 plus years. At minimum they won't die of old age.

Frankly I do see Celestia pushing alicorns so she wouldn't be alone again.

Not for a long time at least if it is indeed being an alicorn. You dont have any real proof that they are full immortal besides lasting for thousands of years. This all just theories from the fandom. Yours aren't any less valid than mine, we cant fully prove them but we can choose to believe them. I've heard someone else say the sisters possess immense magic power which caused 50 years to be equal to one for them. Now Twilight has their powers since they gave those to her when they fused the crowns according to Jim Miller, that's why she doesnt look aged like her friends. But you believe what you want.

I jsut go On why have two different kinds of alicorns. another big issue is you are usign Past sins as a reference for this story and Nyx beign Luna's clone would be like her at minimum.

One problem there, we already know there are at least two different kinds of alicorns. Cadence and Twilight both ascended from Pegasus and Unicorn, Flurry Heart was born naturally. So there could alicorns that have normal lifespans as well. Its all our imagination and how we choose to interpret it. For this story and its prequel I went with the alicorns are not immortal but live longer lives theory, which isn't my main one. As for Nyx being Luna's clone and "minimum" as you say, who's to say Nyx couldn't become very powerful when she grows up? Her power may have been taken away at the end of Past Sins but that originally belonged to Luna as Nightmare Moon, so she can develop her own power. At least that's the way I see it.

To be fair to the other side of the discussion Twilight could have a perfectly normal and happy life if she outlives her friends. I've seen such fics written for years. My point of view on the subject is "Wouldn't it be nice after her task is done she's able to retire to the afterlife after all the eons she's lived? To be able to see her friends again after all her time serving as Equestria's protector?"

I have nothing against the other side of the fandom who likes the idea of immortal Twiggy. If that's what you prefer there is no shortage of your side of the argument, especially after the series finale. 90% of the fandom agrees with you.

If you're not a fan of our point of view well we'll just have to disagree on that point. I mean is this group really harming anything? Besides we have far more "Twilight's friends become immortal" fics than "passes on with them".

Comment posted by Griffonheart2012 deleted Jan 12th, 2020

Tl;Dr: Not sure why it's a big deal that some of us want Twilight to hang onto her friends.

Yeah, I guess Twilight could continue to be happy if she finds a new purpose in life after her friends are gone. But I've been raised on the immortality is a curse philosophy, I cant see her being alone as a happy thing. She is the princess of friendship, she needs her friends. Maybe she could make new ones until her time comes after thousands of years, or by some other means?

I could probably cope with the loss, but my beliefs are too hard core at the moment. I would want to pass on regardless.


I will agree that Twilight being alone isn't a happy ending at all. Though, this also depends by what do you mean by "alone"?

Whenever I hear someone mention this about someone that's immortal, this usually means they are alone. That is, the only living being left, which would obviously suck. But, I can't help but get the feeling that the context of Twilight being alone here may be "alone" as in "without Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Spike". Not quite "alone" in this case. Not to mention, the first friendship lesson Twilight taught Starlight (that Starlight listened to) was to make new friends if those you have must leave for one reason or another. I can't help but feel like I would be underestimating Twilight's character to think that she couldn't do it too.

Still, it would come down to how you see her though; some fans seem to think she could like I do. But others, not so much, but I can see why. I will also note that this is assuming Twilight isn't immortal, but simply has a longer life span as an alicorn, effectively making her out-live her friends, but not immortal.

On a related note, I remember once reading a story that used Twilight's assumed longer life-span as an alicorn in a different light. instead of it being a bad thing for her, because she would out-live her friends, that story used it to help Spike not be alone after the rest of the mane 6's time came. The rest of the mane 6 were gone, but Twilight was still there for a full-grown Spike.

You do have a point. She did tell Starlight to make new friends, which could apply to an immortal life as well. But I'm not sure if she would view it that way. If your new friends will die too I dont see much of a point, and time would pass on a lot as well. Twiligbt could be seen not as a friend but a ruler by everyone except Spike.

To me it's the opposite, I view accepting death as stronger than carrying on. I can see strength in carrying on after loss but wisdom to me is rejecting immortality. True it may have its benefits but I just can't see them as outweighing the consequences. I've always been a bit of a loner, sometimes I feel like a hollow shell.

We will likely never know whether she does outlive them since the series has ended unless they address it in the comics but we can make our own endings and I'm grateful for that. It could also be a source of conflict for Twilight, having to choose between passing with her pony friends or staying with Spike.

She absolutely could, she does have a much better support structure not just Spike and other Alicorns bht also Discord, Ember, Thorax and Pharynx who will probably live for a while longer than the average changeling, Smolder possibly Scorpan etc... Maybe Luster Dawn as well if the fandom headcanon of her being a potential Alicorn is true.

It really comes down to personal feelings I guess. Seems to be a bummer ending to such a great cast of characters. I mean if Cozy Glow can randomly become an Alicorn via a frigging bell of all things and Cadence via a magical rock.... What's preventing say Shining Armor ascending using the Crystal Heart or say another powerful magical artifact doing so for Twilight's friends?

I guess it all comes down to how you view that particular scenario.

Yeah. Well I'm gonna try and make a fic where she makes her friends and family alicorns or live longer.

Only if you want to Sam. Write whatever makes yo happy. ;)

If I had all my loved ones with me I'd be good with immortality.

“And Luster became an alicorn after defeating Grogar correct?” Evening asked.

Real or discord disguise lol (I know u mean real just joking)

Roughly, how long was the gap between Twilight's passing and Nyx's passing

A decade, maybe a little more I guess. Dont think I really established that.

This really...moved me.

Goodness, it's amazing to see so much lore packed into such a simple 2,000 words. I tip my hat to you, Sam.

Thank you. Are you in the group I just joined? At least someone likes my stuff.i got a couple dislikes just a while ago so that caused me to delete a forum. Apologies for any misspelled words here, my phone is acting up.

Indeed, I seem to be in the new group. Could do with some help on my lacking comment and/or somewhat similiar dislike situation, but I feel mines a bit more complicated.

Here's a question that I really wished I'd asked earlier. But why did you bring Nyx into this? People seem to have a fetish for bringing an overrated OC into a lot of stories, none of which are really connected to Past Sins.

I don't know what Pen Stroke ever said about her use. But it's been bugging me for a while now.

Well I made the first story as a way to try and let go of my distaste for Twilight outliving her friends. Not entirely successful with that. I thought having Nyx would make things easier for her since she would at least have her daughter by her side throughout the long alicorn lifespan. She is one of my favorite ocs and I wanted to make a little tribute to her.

Pen Stroke said we could use her as long as we gave him credit.

Something you overlook though is that Celestia has never talked about immortality. So we dont know her ideals at all. That leaves it completely open to interpretation, Celestia may seem happy, but I've met a couple people that think she could have hidden her pain. Also, coming back to when I posted in the immortality forum and you talked about dishonor. I dont think you or anyone that makes a fic where twilight outlives her friends has a right to speak of honor. Meghan McCarthy said Twilight would not outlive her friends, therefore it is dishonorable to make Twilight outlive her friends in my eyes.

And before you say anything about so called canon lore of the show I point out that it's never been stated in the show how Celestia and Luna lived so long. With dragons its obvious they have longer lifespans but age spells exist, so that's another option. But you know what HAS been stated? That Celestia and Lunas powers over the sun and moon were how they remained young in the journal of the two sisters. Stated by writers is more canon than fan made ideas in my book. Jim Miller said they dont know how long everyone lives including twilight, he also said Celestia and Luna gave twilight their powers over the sun and moon. You just wait till the movie comes out heh heh. They said Twilight Sparkle would not return in Generation 5, I'll bet shes gonna get killed in the movie, its its supposedly gonna be more for adults so they could make it more intense.

Very good story, nice gentle hit to the feels while imparting a very good lesson. The lesson that Immortality is not the blessing many think it is. It's a Curse that makes you watch as all those around you leave for the next journey and leave you behind till finally you are left alone. So be glad that death comes for it isnt some monster or horible thing. Death is but a guide who waits for us to be ready to take its advice on where or journey must go.

Thanks, you might like my main headcanon story Luster Dawn New Days.

“There are many theories about us, Evening,” Nyx said. “We let every creature believe what they will. It has resulted in many popular folktales of us… though sadly many of them are tragic. Though in this one we sadly do have it tragic. The burden of having both a horn and wings, many ponies will be jealous of us. Perhaps that is why we are the victims of such tragic tales.”

Yeah I think that is a really interesting theory about how Alicorns work but again I'm not sure but as I said before in the other ones probably keeps saying about that if they transferred their magic to another alicorn they will lose the ability of immortality I mean they can live longer but the time will be coming soon it is sad but I guess that's how life is again it's the circle of life they call it

Ok wow again tearjerker so nyx time was coming soon as they expected especially how much times that she has I don't know how long she lived because she was created but I guess stranger things happens in a good way so she said her goodbyes to her students and her cousin and of closest friend that she only have in the world and now she is with her mom and her friends and everybody there as Charlie from All Dogs Go To Heaven says goodbye isn't always forever is just saying see you later and yeah it was something again good job on the story

Thank you for writing this.

You're welcome may ask why you are grateful?

This story was really good. But I think that part where you describe Discord was truly depressing. Because yeah, that would be the only way for Discord to die

In another story of mine (my main headcanon) he binds his, Twilights, and Spikes, lifeforces to the Mane 5 so the three of them don't outlive the others. That's just another way I thought of.

I love this story as much as I do the prequel and it makes me cry just as much. It is wonderful though to see mother and daughter reunited.

Thanks. I have another story that follows the Canon version without Nyx. Of course it's my secondary headcanon after Luster Dawn becomes Twilight’s successer. G5 is an au in my eyes.


Sounds interesting.

Everypony should have a signed copy of Twilights' friendship letters to Celestia on their bookshelf, and in every library. It should be required reading. It was groundbreaking.

Twilight and Nyx have many generations of friends to surround them.

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