• Published 10th Oct 2020
  • 588 Views, 7 Comments

Bounty Hunter Anon II - Sunny Solaire

Mandalorians Anonymous and Sunset Shimmer make new friends, and help uncover a looming conspiracy in the galaxy.

  • ...

The Prison

The Ottega system was most notable as the system that housed the planet Ithor, the homeworld of the Ithorians. The Republic had built a space station prison around its star a few decades ago. You were waiting on Imrooso, the planet closest to the sun, and had managed to intercept a transmission from an incoming transport ship on its way to the prison.

Sunset takes off and quickly makes her way toward the ship as it approaches the station. Once she closes in a bit more, you head back into the main hold and make your way to the airlock.

Sunset speaks to you through your comms. "Anon, you all set?"

"Yeah, I'm ready." You reply.

You're dressed in your EVA armor. It's pressurized, and isn't made entirely out of beskar, like your regular armor is, but it's about as bulky. It won't slow you down at all once you're inside.

The plan is, once Sunset is close enough to the transport ship, you're going to head out into space and grab onto its hull. You'll hide there until you get aboard the station. Hopefully, you'll manage to find Ahuizotl, take him captive, and fly one of these transports out of here so you can rendezvous with Sunset.

That's the best-case scenario though, so that probably won't be what happens. Either way, you're going to be alone for this one. Hopefully, you won't need it, but you grab and equip your jetpack that's waiting by the airlock, just in case. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

You climb the ladder up to the airlock and head inside. Once there, the door beneath you hisses shut and the section you're in depressurizes. A moment later, the door above you hisses open and everything around you goes completely silent. You're outside.

The sounds of your breathing and steady heartbeat behind your ears are all you can hear. Every direction you look, you see an endless void of nothing but stars. The light from Ottega's proximity is polluting most of your view, but you can still see an unbelievable amount of stars no matter where you look.

You climb onto the ship's hull and carefully step toward the front of the ship, just above the cockpit.

"You outside?" Sunset asks on your comms.

"Sure am." You crouch down and knock on the top of the cockpit's viewport window at Sunset and Pinkie.

They both look at you and smile. Pinkie starts waving at you ecstatically. "Hi Anon!"

You wave back before looking ahead at the transport ship. The intense light from Ottega nearly blinds you, but your helmet automatically adjusts your view. The transport is about 100 meters away, and Sunset is carefully closing in behind it.

"Let me know when you're going to accelerate, Sunset." You say.

You'll use that acceleration, and a quick boost from your jetpack to float onto the transport's hull.

"I'm going to hit the throttle for half a second at around 50 meters, Anon. That's the closest I get and have enough time to slow down without crashing." She says.

"It will be enough." You crouch down and prepare to jump.

"90 meters..." Sunset says. "80... 70... 60... Now!"

The ship lurches forward and you leap off the hull, propelling yourself through the vacuum of space toward the transport.

Sunset's acceleration could not have been more perfect. You float toward the transport and reach out to grab one of the notches in the hull, your robotic hand immediately clamping down to hold you in place. You grunt a little as your momentum tries to keep you moving forward, but your grip does not falter. You bring your legs back in and awkwardly set them on the hull.

"You good, Anon?" She asks.

You grunt a little. "Yep... Yeah, I'm good. I'm secure."

You grab onto the hull with your other hand and look back at your ship as Sunset breaks off and flies away.

"Alright, we'll be on standby, if you need us. Keep me updated on your status." She says.

You nod. "I will. Thanks, Sunset."

You watch her as she flies further and further away for a few more moments before climbing up the transport's hull and making your way onto the roof. Just ahead, you make out the shape of the prison just in front of Ottega as the transport quickly approaches.

On your left is the ship's emergency airlock. Being out in the emptiness of space is unnerving. You'd like to be inside, but the crew would probably get an alert if the airlock was opened now.

You'll wait until you've landed inside the station.

Your comms intercept their radio chatter and you listen in. "We have you on our scope. Please identify."

"This is prisoner transport shuttle Shihor 7. Requesting clearance to land on section 5."

"Copy, Shihor 7. Standby for clearance."

The transport continues its approach toward the prison. You're able to make out a few more details.

The prison is made up of seven spherical sections. Six of them surround the larger one in the center, like a nucleus. Each outer section looks like it's connected to the central section by a large, metal beam. It's probably a corridor. You'd wager that there's a train or something that allows personnel to move between them and the central section.

"Clearance granted, Shihor 7. You're free to land at docking bay 34."

"Copy, control. Beginning final approach."

The transport flies past one of the outer sections and towards the center. You see a large amount of docking bays lining the side of the prison. This place is not quite as big as you were expecting it to be, but it's still pretty spacious. Finding Ahuizotl won't be easy.

You hunker down as close as you can to the transport as it decelerates and heads into the hangar bay. As you pass through the energy barrier, you feel the artificial gravity, the environment pressurize, and sound returns to you once again.

Finally, you're inside. you cut off your suit's oxygen flow and breathe the station's air. It smells like dirty metal.

The transport slowly proceeds through the hangar bay. The sounds of workers, machinery, and commotion is all around. From your position, you can't see much. Especially directly beneath the ship. You aren't sure who or what you might be dealing with.

A low hanging rafter just ahead of you catches your attention. The transport will pass directly beneath it. With the hangar bay's lights surrounding it, it would be dark enough for you to hide in plain sight and come up with a better plan.

As the transport passes beneath it, you stand and leap into the air to grab it. It's barely within your reach. Your right hand slips, but the servos in your left hand grip it tightly. You reach back up with your right hand and pull yourself up into the rafters. Grunting a bit, you get yourself in a better position and watch the transport you rode on continue to its destination.

The activity inside the hangar is nothing out of the ordinary. Mostly cargo vessels and supply craft going in and out of the prison on an errand. What you need to find is the prison's control room. Only problem is, from up here, you can't see any windows or signs directing you to its location.

Flying down there in the middle of everything would likely notify security. You're a sitting duck up here.

"This is why I hate improvising..." You curse under your breath and activate your comms. "Sunset, I'm inside."

"Good." She replies. "Where are you now?"

"I'm in one of the hangars, hiding up in the rafters. I need to get to the control room, but I can't really tell where anything is from up here."

You hear Pinkie's voice come on. "Look around for air vents, Anon! I use those all the time when I break in to stuff!"

"Air vents..." This is a big prison. The size of those vents would have to be huge, especially in the hangar. "That's actually a good idea, Pinkie. Thanks."

You look around the ceiling and along the topmost parts of the walls for anything.

Sunset comes on again. "How are you going to get out after you kill Ahuizotl?"

"Well, off the top of my head, I think I'll steal the clearance codes from the control room's computer. Then I'll hijack a transport shuttle full of prisoners and meet up with you outside."

"What about the prisoners?" She asks.

"They'll be potential targets for future hunts."

Sunset laughs. "Good plan."

You chuckle as well. "No, this plan sucks. I wish we had more time to get a layout of this place, at least." A few meters away, you spot a vent on the ceiling. "Alright, I found one. I'm making my way there now."

"Keep in touch." Sunset says.

"Bye Anon!" Pinkie adds.

You shut off your comms and start planning on how you're going to get over there. The support beam you're standing on is one of many that are all parallel to each other along the ceiling. On either side of you, a few other beams run perpendicular to the main ones, making a regular crisscross pattern that extends far and wide.

You carefully move toward the beam on your right, holding onto the one you're currently on to keep yourself from falling. Your jetpack would be able to save you, but you're worried that it would also generate too much noise. This hangar isn't exactly silent, but this is still a maximum security prison. You don't want to take the risk.

Once you reach the perpendicular beam, you grab onto it and slowly work your way to the crossbeam that's nearest to the air vent. You take a look at it every so often to make sure it's still where you remember it. After a couple minutes, you reach the crossbeam and head toward the vent. It's within arm's reach once you get there. It's a pretty big air vent. About a meter wide.

You hold onto the beam and reach up to the vent with your mechanical arm. It locks in place and you gradually pry the vent off the shaft's opening. A couple seconds of straining later, the vent creaks and pops open on one corner. You move to the other corner and pop it free as well. You swing the vent back and set it down on the beam next to your feet. Hopefully, it doesn't fall until you're long gone.

Once it's as secure as it can be, you grab the edge of the air duct and pull yourself inside. Grunting, you press your legs and back against opposite sides of the duct and hold yourself in place as you shimmy upwards, heading deeper into the prison's ventilation shaft. The air is blowing against you at a consistent rate. Not enough to hinder you too much though.

After a little bit of distance upwards, the air duct becomes larger and horizontal. You pull yourself up and over the edge, resting on the bottom of the ventilation shaft for a moment. That was a strenuous climb. You're lucky you didn't fall.

This section of the ventilation shaft is about two meters wide. About the size of a womp rat, now that you think of it.

It's also extremely noisy in here. These ducts are made of an extremely thin metal, so it creaks and clangs loudly with even the slightest move. You'd be worried about breaking them and falling through if these vents didn't go into the ceiling itself.

On top of the sounds of clanging metal bouncing off every surface, the air in here blowing very hard, constantly whipping it all around you. With all this noise, you'll probably be able to move pretty easily without drawing attention.

You stand up and head down the air duct, moving against the wind. Hopefully, you manage to reach the central air duct so you can find your way to the control room. These ducts are long, but they aren't too narrow, so you have a bit of wiggle room.

You come to other vents in the floor that lead down to the hangar. They're hardly an obstacle. You pass a few turns and passageways that head in different directions, but you proceed against the blowing air.

As you continue on, the air blows much harder. It almost feels like you'd blow away if you weren't in your armor.

You're eventually forced to slow down a bit as you fight the wind. It's getting stronger. There has to be a fan somewhere up ahead.

Sure enough, once you round a corner, you're met with an industrial-sized fan, blowing a significant flow of air against you. In the wall directly next to the fan is a maintenance access tunnel. There's a terminal beside it that most likely deactivates the fan. You move toward the tunnel and head inside. You'll come back here later if you need to.

As you move out of the flow of air, it immediately gets much quieter and easier to walk. "Oh, that's better."

You exhale and proceed down the narrow corridor until you reach a closed door. You're not sure what or who is behind here, so you take out your blaster pistol and get ready for anything.

Twisting the door's locking mechanism, you slowly crack it open and look into the next room. It's dark. There's likely no one inside.

You open the door completely and raise your blaster, scanning for any personnel, but the room is empty, just like you thought. You close the door behind you and sigh. The air vents are muffled and you can actually hear your own thoughts again.

You turn on your helmet's night vision and look around for a terminal or something. This appears to be a maintenance room. There are a few tools stacked neatly on the shelves against the wall to your right, and a couple of datapads on a nearby desk, next to an inactive terminal. You walk over to it and turn it on. It warms up for a few seconds before the screen illuminates the room and asks for a password.

You curse under your breath and look around the desk for a card key or something. Anything that can help. Seems your luck is running out though, because your search turns up nothing.


Looks like you're going to have to find the control room the old-fashioned way. You shut off the terminal and grab your blaster again once you head toward the door. This could get hairy.

You press a button on the terminal beside the door grip your blaster tight.

The door doesn't open.

You press the button again. It's locked.


You're locked in here.

You can't help but laugh. Loudly.

"This is ridiculous."

It feels like this is your first hunt. You are way off your game.

You activate your comms. Damn it all, you need help.

"How's it going in there?" Sunset asks.

You laugh again. "Could be better."

"Have they found you? Need help?"

"No they haven't found me, but with the luck I've had so far, they probably will soon." You reply.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"We were so underprepared for this job, Sunset." You say. "I have no idea where I am, I'm locked in this maintenance room, and I'm supposed to sneak in and out of this place? I'm running out of optimism."

"Wait, you're locked in a room?" You can hear that she's smiling.

"Well, kind of..." You say. "I came in through the air ducts like Pinkie suggested, and there's a way to shut off the fan so I can head deeper in, but I can't get out the main doorway. It needs authorization."

Finally, she laughs. "Oh Anon, what's wrong? Are you sick?"

You laugh. "I sure hope not. I'm trying to be real sneaky here, but I'm off my game or something. This is embarrassing." You take another look at the door and sigh. "Ah, to hell with it..."

You grab your blaster and slam it down on the terminal, cracking the screen. After a few good smacks, you blast the terminal. It flickers and sparks, but the door slides open into a brightly-lit hallway.

"Alright, I hacked the door. It's open now."

Sunset laughs. "So I heard. I didn't know you needed to use your blaster to hack a door."

You smile. "I'll be in touch."

You shut off your comms and swing your blaster out the door, pointing it down the hallway. There's no one there, so you turn around to see if anyone is down the opposite side of the hallway. There isn't.

The coast looks clear, so you quickly head to the left. You keep your blaster raised at all times in case you see anyone.

Rounding a corner, you meet a pair of guards. They look at you curiously for a moment, but you blast them before they can say anything to you.

You step over their now lifeless bodies and search them for an I.D. card or something. One of the guards has a card on his hip. Finally, you're getting somewhere.

You take it and quickly press onwards. If anyone finds their bodies, hopefully they'll assume you went back into the maintenance room to escape through the vents. Either way, you need to hurry.

You continue down the hallway. You have no idea where you're going, but hopefully, it's the right way. The hallways lead to various mechanical and electrical systems' access rooms. It becomes apparent that you're on one of the maintenance levels.

Those guards you killed must have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time, because there's no one else here right now.

After a few minutes of running around, you stop and sigh. Each door you've come across has led you to a different maintenance room. Almost all of them have been locked. You head down another corridor and stop at its intersection. Going forward probably leads somewhere, but so could going either left or right as well.

You're getting irritated. You don't want to laugh at this anymore, now you're just angry.

"Ya look lost, stranger." A voice from the right says.

You whip around with your blaster at the ready and aim it down the hallway on your right. It's not a very long hallway, but it leads to an open service elevator door.

A small, frail old woman is seated at the controls in the center of the elevator. She's leaning out from her seat and looking at you with a tiny grin on her wrinkled face. She's an inmate here. Her light-green jumpsuit says that much. She didn't even flinch when you pointed your blaster at her. You're a bit surprised.

"Need a ride?" She asks.

You pause for a moment before lowering your blaster a little.

"I'm looking for someone." You reply. "A Bothan named Ahuizotl."

She hums and nods. "Ya plannin' to kill 'im, or break 'im out?"

You hesitate again. She's straight to the point, but acting awfully calm at the same time. What does she want?

"That's...really none of your business." You tell her.

She shrugs and puts her hands up, still grinning. "Hey, y'all bounty hunters gotta do whatcha gotta do. Makes no difference t'me."

She chuckles softly to herself and you step toward the elevator.

"Ahuizotl... Let's see here..." She rubs her chin and closes her eyes as she thinks to herself. "The name sounds familiar, but I can't quite remember which cell block he's on..."

Yeah, she wants a bribe.

You're about to retort when she speaks again. "I know where y'all can find out though. Up'n the visitor's level, there's a room with a central terminal there. It's got th'names of everybody 'n everyone in the prison. There's a few guards there too, but I don't think that'll be much of a problem for a Mandalorian like you."

Wow. That was...very straightforward.

"The visitor center, huh?"

She nods and grins again. "Yessir. Got signs 'n directions that tells ya every which way ya can go. I'm headin' up home to the psych ward, m'self. Visitor center's on the way there. Hop on."

You study her face for any sign of deception, but she just gives you the same, wrinkled grin she's had this whole time.

Eventually, you just shrug. Why not? If she does turn on you, well, she's old. She won't be able to do much.

"Alright..." You slowly holster your blaster and step onto the elevator.

Once you're on, she turns to her control panel and presses a button. The door closes behind you and the elevator begins it's ascent, creaking the whole way.

"Name I'm known by 'round here is Granny. Even got it stitched on my outfit. See?"

She twists around and shows you her back. Sure enough, the name 'Granny' is stitched into her jumpsuit.

"You'll keep all this to yourself, right Granny?" You ask.

She chuckles and faces you again. "Don't ya worry none, sugarcube. I ain't got no room in this heart o' mine for any love for this place, I tell ya what. These bosses 'n head honchos in charge o' this place don't care none for any o' us. Soon as we're in, they don't let us do nothin'. Doctors treat me good enough though, 'cause I'm one o' the lucky ones. I got me a couple grandkids in the Republic."

"They don't treat inmates well?" You ask.

Granny shakes her head. "Oh no. It's 'cause we're in here and not out there payin' 'em taxes. They treat us like bantha fodder 'cause they gotta spend that money on us instead o' on themselves... I hear they wanna just send this place straight into the sun, 'n kill all of us so they can keep their money. They're even gonna try to get a Chancellor in office to take over 'n kill us all. It's a conspiracy that goes up to the top, I tell ya what."

Yeah, this lady is nuts. No wonder she's going up to the psych ward.

Granny continues. "They all think I've gone kooky in the head, but I hear everythin'. Nothin' gets past little ol' me. I've heard all kinds o' stuff over the years that would make yer mama cry."

She's definitely got a few screws loose, but you're curious...

"Heard anything about the Draconequui? Discord? Anything like that?" You ask.

She squints her eyes and slowly nods. "Ooooh, the Draconequui... Bad apples, those'uns. Very bad..."

"I'm aware."

She nods again and looks back at you. "'Bout a year ago, we had one of 'em in here; a big guy, who said he just helped that Discord fella capture a few mean ol' Rancors from, uh, Dathomir. He said that they killed some o' the tribe girls there that tried to stop 'em. Nightsisters, they were called. 'e said they'd used some freaky magic to put a curse on 'im, but he wasn't worried... Well, they found 'im dead in his cell a couple days later, all covered in these, uh, warts or somethin'. They weren't there the day before."

You've heard of the Nightsisters' weird magic and curses before. Back on Mandalore. They kept to themselves though, so you didn't really care about them.

"Did this gang member say where he took these Rancors?"

She nods. "He said they was takin' 'em to this arena on, uh, Geonosis. Said there was this monster fight that they enter in every year, and that Discord wanted to train a few more of 'em, since lots of his creatures had been killed."


Rarity said she had skimmed that planet, but hadn't found much. You're curious why.

As you're thinking, the elevator stops abruptly.

The door behind you opens and Granny faces you again with a smile. "Here we are, stranger. The room y'all are lookin' for is just up the stairs, down the hall, and the second door on your left. If ya reach the vendin' machines, ya went too far."

"I appreciate the help, Granny."

"Ain't no thing, bounty hunter. Good luck to ya." She waves at you.

You nod at her and step off the elevator.

Once the door closes behind you, you grip your blaster in its holster and head up the stairs. You are making very good progress now.

You reach the top of the stairs and carefully peer around the corner. A few guards are walking on either side of the hallway, but you notice a couple of civilians as well. They're not inmates. You can tell by their outfits.

This is the level where the visitor center is. You just might be able to casually walk past the guards and have them not do anything. Hopefully, they won't ask about your blaster. You've got a feeling that weapons aren't allowed here.

You release your blaster and stroll out into the hallway. You pass by a guard and a visitor who are speaking to each other. The guard merely glances at you, but continues speaking to the visitor.

This is working. You'll get Ahuizotl in no time now.

You continue down the hallway. It curves to the left as you proceed forward. On your left, you take a note of the doorways you pass by. You head toward the second one and look around for any guards or other personnel.

As you reach for the guard's I.D. card on your belt, you also prepare a toxic dart in your dartcaster. You'll probably need it, if you want to stay silent.

Once you reach the doorway, you scan the card on the terminal and the door slides open. You step into a control room. There are four people monitoring computers and terminals on your right. Just in front of you are a pair of armed guards.

You all pause for a moment before one guard speaks. "Sir, are you lost?"

You discreetly close the door behind you. "No."

You aim your dartcaster at him and fire, delivering the poison into his neck. Before the other guard can act, you grab your blaster and shoot him in the face. From the ceiling, a small turret is in the process of descending. You quickly blast that as well. The technicians operating the terminals cry out in fear at the sudden noise.

"Nobody move!" You point your blaster toward them and they all raise their hands up in the air.

You stare them down before quickly blasting the door controls behind you, locking yourselves inside this room.

"Woah, hey! Hey! Take it easy!" One of the technicians shouts.

You point your blaster at them again. Sparks flicker from the destroyed turret above you.

"Up! All of you!" You command.

They all comply and get to their feet, their hands still in the air. You need to act fast.

You point your gauntlet at one of them and fire your whipcord, binding his arms to his sides. You do the same for the other three technicians, keeping your blaster on them as well before they can call for security.

Once they're all bound and on the floor, you head over to the nearest terminal and start searching the prison's database

"Please don't kill us! Wh- What do you want?!" Another one begs.

You ignore him. You just made a lot of noise, so you need to work quickly.

Your work is cut short though. The terminal on your left beeps a few times and a voice comes on. "What was that noise? What's going on there?"


You turn around and grab the nearest technician, standing him up. You glare at him and press the barrel of your blaster to his forehead.

"It was a weapons malfunction. Everything is fine." You growl.

He pants hard and stares back at you in terror as you press the microphone button for him.

He clears his throat. "We- We- We had a, uh, a-a slight weapons malfunction. The- The autoturret short-circuited and..."

You whisper to him. "And blasted the door controls."

He quickly glances to the door before returning his frightened stare to you. "...and blasted the door controls. Scared us half to death, but we- we're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you."

You nod at him and release the button. He gets to live.

"Alright, I'm sending a squad to your location." The voice on the terminal replies.

Damn. You won't be able to talk them out of this. You need a distraction. Immediately.

The autoturret behind you sparks and flickers. It gives you an idea. It's a bit wrong, both morally and legally, but it would certainly create the distraction you needed.

You grab the technician again. "The autoturrets. How do I control them?"

He stammers a little. "Wh-What?"

"The autoturrets!" You shout. "If there's one in here, there's more out there! How do I control them?!"

He starts to panic a little. "I- That's... Why?!"

He's not allowed to ask questions.

You pistol whip him across the face before pressing the barrel to his head again. "Because you'll die if you don't tell me!"

He winces in pain from the impact and looks back to you in terror. "You... You can't be serious!"

"I'm dead serious... You'll just be dead..."

He slowly shakes his head at you. "N-Never... I'm not going to!"

Oooh, that's never the right answer...

You're about to blast his brains all over the place, when you get another evil idea. The other three technicians are on their sides, all staring up at you in fear.

You look back at him. "Tell me how to control the turrets, or else he dies."

You remove your blaster from his forehead and point it to one of the technicians laying on the ground. The technician you're holding looks over at his comrade, a new wave of terror overtaking him again.

"N-No... Please..." He breathes.

You look over at the technician on the ground. "You have a family?"

He trembles and begins tearing up. "Y- Yes... Yes I do..."

"Tell me about them." You growl.

He sniffles and pants harder as he speaks. "I- I have a wife... And... And two b- beautiful children... Two girls... They're... They're going to have a new baby brother in three months..."

He's in tears as he tells you about his little family.

You look back to the technician in your grip. "Children, soon to be fatherless... An expectant mother, soon to become a widow... And it will all be your fault..." You charge up your blaster, keeping it pointed at the other technician. "So I'm going to ask you one final time... How do I control the autoturrets?"

The technician is hyperventilating. He doesn't know how to cope with this.

Finally, he shuts his eyes and lowers his head. You broke him. "The... The terminal in the middle... It... It can access the prison's automated security systems... I'll give you my passcode..."

You grin beneath your helmet. "Good boy."

You lower your blaster and bring him over to the middle terminal. The technician on the ground begins sobbing uncontrollably with relief.

You're honestly very relieved too. He doesn't deserve to die, and you really didn't want to kill him. Sure, you would have killed him if his friend hadn't cooperated, but you wouldn't have felt good about it. Not at all. Children need to have both a mother, and a father.

The technician inputs his passcode and turns over control of the security system to you. You drop him on the ground and glance at the screen. It gives you an overview of the entire prison complex, along with its variety of defense systems.

You locate the hallway just outside the room you're in and start up the autoturrets. It's time this little 'weapons malfunction' looked more like a computer virus.

A few seconds later, you hear the sounds of blasterfire coming from outside. Panicked screams follow soon after. You've got your distraction, Anon. Use your time wisely.

You move over to the other terminal and resume looking for Ahuizotl. His name starts with 'A', so it doesn't take too long to locate him. According to this, he's on cell block level 5. You're on level 6. That's fantastic news.

You're about to head there, when you suddenly hear a muffled explosion, followed by some rumbling.

"What the-?"

The lights in the room flicker a little before coming back on to full brightness.

What did you do?

You check the terminal again. There is a red alert flashing on the screen and you hear an alarm blaring just outside. There was an explosion on cell block level 5...

You investigate further. There's an option here that allows you to tap in to a live security camera feed. One of the cameras has been knocked out. You move to another one.

Cell block level 5 is in an uproar. The doors on all the cells are open and the inmates are all crowding into the common area. It's a riot. They're all fighting or charging forward into more open space. There are only a few guards on that level, that you can see. They're hopelessly outnumbered. One guard is practically torn to shreds by the crowd of inmates. The others have run offscreen.

Someone let them all out. You know it wasn't you.

You quickly go back to Ahuizotl's name. You can access a live audio/video feed from his cell. You click it and a live picture comes onscreen.

Ahuizotl is sitting on the edge of his bed and looking toward the door to his cell. He slowly stands up and backs away. On the bottom of the screen, you see someone dressed in very dark armor, carrying a pair of blaster pistols.

"Alright, hands where I can see them!"

It's a female. Her back is to you, so you can't see her face.

Ahuizotl growls, but continues backing up toward the wall. "I don't think so, bounty hunter! You'll have to kill me!"

"Nuh uh! You're worth tons more alive, I bet!"

Without saying another word, the bounty hunter blasts him in the leg.

He goes down to his knee, yelling in pain, before she takes a step toward him and does a backflip. Her leg clips his chin and his head flies back to slam against the wall as a result. She easily lands on her feet and stands up straight. Ahuizotl is out cold.

Who is this bounty hunter?

You activate your comms. You need clarification. "Sunset, neither you nor Pinkie are in the prison, right?"

The bounty hunter reaches down and grabs Ahuizotl.

"Uh, no?" Sunset replies. "We're both in the ship on Imrooso right now."

"Hi, Anon!"

Pinkie is there too. That confirms it.

Sunset continues. "Why? What's wrong?"

Onscreen, the bounty hunter grunts and slings Ahuizotl over her shoulder before turning around and leaving the cell. She's wearing a helmet that covers her entire head. Her eyes are two red circles of light. It's the only other color on her you can see.

"We've got company..."

Author's Note:

Prisoner transport shuttle concept.

Hallways of the space prison.

Granny Smith.

Automated ceiling turret.

Mysterious bounty hunter.