• Published 10th Oct 2020
  • 588 Views, 7 Comments

Bounty Hunter Anon II - Sunny Solaire

Mandalorians Anonymous and Sunset Shimmer make new friends, and help uncover a looming conspiracy in the galaxy.

  • ...

Homeward Bound

The hyperdrive shuts down and you come out of lightspeed over the planet Mandalore. The last time you saw this place, you had just activated the self-destruct on a doomed Republic ship that was crawling with rakghouls.

You glance at your robotic arm as you remember.

Sunset sighs softly. "Oh, there's no place like home."

You chuckle and lean back in your seat as she makes her approach.

Fluttershy quietly clears her throat behind you. "Uhm, Anon?"

You glance back at her. Unsurprisingly, she's very cautious around you.

"Uhm, when we get down there, the Mandalorians, they, uhm, they won't harass us or be mean to us at all, will they?"

You scoff slightly. "Only if you give them a reason to."

She looks down a little. "Oh..."

That probably wasn't the answer she was looking for.

As Sunset enters the planet's atmosphere, the capital city slowly comes into view. The comms flicker for a second before a gruff sounding voice comes on the other end.

"Ena'yida kak." <<"Identify yourself.">>

Sunset presses another button and looks over at you. "You talk to him. I'm busy keeping this ship in the air."

You nod and clear your throat as you press the comms button. "Ibic cuyir Anon, be ha'yr Ymous. Ti ni cuyir Sunset, be ha'yr Shimmer. Mhi cuyir ta'na gar cuun e'cursr." <<"This is Anon, of clan Ymous. With me is Sunset, of clan Shimmer. We're sending you our information.">>

You release the comms button and press another one next to it to send them your ship's ID code. They should have it on record, they just need to verify it.

"Woah." You look behind you to see Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow all looking at you in awe. "Mando'a sounds awesome." Rainbow says.

You chuckle at her. "Hey. If you want to make fast friends with a Mandalorian, go up to the next one you see and call him a 'Hut'uun'. He'll love you for it."

Sunset reaches over and smacks you hard on the shoulder. "Anon, stop it!"

You lean forward in your seat, laughing hard.

Rainbow chuckles a little. "Wh-why? What does hut'uun mean?"

You giggle a little more and sit up straight, still smiling. "It means 'coward'. Seriously, don't ever say it to a Mandalorian unless you've got a deathwish."

Rainbow's grin fades and she gives you a little scowl before sitting back in her seat and crossing her arms. "Ha ha. Very funny..."

You finish laughing and the comms come back on again a second later. "Gar cuyir utreyar at rusur o'r cupa ehn. Morutar yaim, vod." <<"You're clear to land in bay three. Welcome home, brother.">>

You shut off the comms and Sunset continues her approach towards Keldabe, the Mandalorian capital city.

It sat atop a large granite outcrop. It was almost completely surrounded by a large river, along with a dense jungle. This place was founded well before the Mandalorian Wars. It was not only the capital city of the planet, but it was also the center of government for all other systems in the Mandalorian Sector of the galaxy. The city covered the entire top of the basin. A few bridges had been constructed along the perimeter that led in and out of the jungle.

"It's beautiful." Twilight breathes.

You scoff. "From up here, maybe. That jungle is a nasty place to live."

Both her and Rainbow look at you. "You lived in the jungle?"

"Oh yeah." You nod. "I was born and raised there."

Twilight looks back outside at the ever-growing landscape.

"Where did you live? In trees or something?" Rainbow asks.

You look at her for a moment before looking back outside. "No. I lived in this little domed hut made of wood, vines, tree bark, and mud. My parents made it before I was born."

Rainbow scoffs and waves her hand. "Pfft! Whatever. That's not true."

Sunset speaks up. "It is true. They're called vheh'yaime. Lots of Mandalorians live in them."

"They're cozy, and they provide great camouflage to yourself and your family from dangers that exist in the jungle." You add.

Rainbow looks back and forth between you and Sunset for a moment. "Huh... What kinds of dangers were there?"

"What, you want a list? There are tons of them out there. I don't even know where to start." Her and Twilight both look back at you. "My mother and father raised me there because they knew full-well that the jungle could help transform children into the warriors that our clan needed." You chuckle a little. "And, oh, did that jungle work like a dream... If my parents were still alive today, I'm sure they would be proud."

Twilight looks down a little. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, Anon."

"Thanks Twilight, but you don't need to be." You smile. "They both died with honor. I'm proud to call myself their son. I only hope I die the same way, when my time comes."

She pauses for a moment before leaning back in her chair as well.

Sunset continues toward the ground until you're able to make out more details. The city's buildings were no taller than a few stories. It was more of a town than it was a city, but it was spread out quite a bit. It made for easy flying. There was hardly any air traffic at all. She moves the ship toward landing pad three and slows down in the air before descending.

As soon as you touch down, she powers down the ship and walks with you, Twilight, and Rainbow into the main hold. Applejack, Big Mac, Fluttershy, Maud, and Pinkie are all sitting around the table in the center, and they watch you as you approach.

Applejack is glaring at you. She's clearly still angry about you killing Hoity Toity without telling the Republic about his crimes. Convincing her to trust or help you won't be easy, but convincing Shining Armor to trust you will be nearly impossible. Twilight seems like she's still willing to hear you out and talk purely because you saved her life.

You'll worry about all this later. First thing's first.

She sits down next to Applejack, and Rainbow stands beside the doorway to the exit ramp. Sunset stands beside you. You pause as you look at everyone.

You're thinking about just having them all wait in the ship for the time being. Especially Maud. Mandalorians aren't exactly welcoming when it comes to Jedi. Or any outsiders, really. However, Maud is a key source of information on the Sith's plans. She's done more digging than you have, as it turns out. If the clans are in danger, then Mandalore may want to speak with her.

You take a deep breath and grab your helmet off the table. "Alright everyone, listen up. Sunset and I will go inform Mandalore of the seriousness of this situation we're in. I need you all to wait here until we get back."

"We're avoiding a potential conflict here." Sunset adds. "Besides Rainbow and Pinkie, you're all part of the Republic. If that wasn't enough, we also have a Jedi Master on board this ship."

Everyone looks at Maud for a moment.

You continue. "We're here because your Republic needs us. Just like everyone else in the galaxy needs us."

"Sure you ain't just tryin' to get out of answerin' for what you did on Coruscant?" Applejack asks.

You look at Applejack. "Your courts and judges would have taken too long with their little investigation into the Senator. He would have bought his innocence through deception, lies, and bribery during that time. The Sith would have been closer to finishing their plans as well. I did you a favor."

Applejack exhales angrily through her nose and glares at you without saying another word.

Twilight stands up between you two. "Anon, Applejack, please. We don't have time for this now."

You both look at her for a moment before looking back at each other.

"Fine. We'll talk about this later then, I guess." Applejack says.

"Fine." You reply.

Twilight looks back and forth between you two. "Anon, you're right. We... We need help. The Republic is dangerously shorthanded right now, and I can't think of another way for us to get help. We need the Mandalorians to help us defeat the Sith this time. We can't do it on our own."

"Well..." Sunset crosses her arms slowly and looks at Maud. "The Jedi could certainly help the Republic against the Sith... You know, if they would..."

Maud continues her emotionless stare at you and Sunset. "I suggest we don't pull at that thread right now, Sunset. You just said yourself that you're trying to avoid a conflict."

Sunset keeps looking at her. Maud has a point.

You sigh. "She's right. This arguing is pointless. Let's just drop everything until after we talk to Mandalore."

Everyone nods in agreement, except for Applejack.

You look at her for a moment. If she's still bitter about the whole Hoity Toity fiasco you created, then she may try to do something stupid while you're away. Like, say, attempt to contact the Republic and give your location away to them.

You turn to Sunset and speak just above a whisper. "Narir ni a riye bal garsa daab likr b striilir bal buse'ihanr. Ltula etid yio dayn." <<"Do me a favor and shut down the ship's tracking and communications. Lock them all out.">>

Sunset nods and walks back into the cockpit.

"What did you say to her?" Applejack asks.

You take a quick glance at Applejack as you put your helmet back on. "I just told her to check on something real quick."

You head to the exit ramp when Rainbow stops you. "Anon, real quick. Can I come with you and Sunset?"

You look her up and down for a moment. "I really think you should stay here."

She clasps her hands together. "Come on, please? I want to see this place for myself. I'll be cool, I promise!"

You sigh at her. You don't have time to deal with this right now.

"I do the talking." You tell her. "You say nothing unless you're asked a direct question. Understood?"

She smiles and nods. "Got it!"

You give her a huff and Sunset joins you both. The three of you step off the exit ramp and onto the ground.

The planet's familiar humidity hits you as you walk into the open. The tops of the jungle trees can be seen all around you, just above the rooftops; a thick layer of fog blankets them in some areas. They faintly carry the sounds of creatures and beasts of all kinds that are just looking for a fight.

Home, sweet home.

Author's Note:


A Mandalorian vheh'yaime.
