• Published 18th Oct 2020
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Changing Expectations - KKSlider

What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world.

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63- Galunlati

I sat down on the invisible platform, admiring my own work. The quasar in front of me was truly beautiful.

It was like a black hole on fire; the disk– accretion disk?– was a dark red at the outer edge, brightening up to an orange in the middle, and ending in a white at the center, where the stellar object itself sat. It was hidden by the bright light. There were also the two opposing streams of light ejecting out from the quasar, at a perpendicular point to the disk’s plane.

All around the star was a reddish nebulae, swirling above and around the disk like an aurora borealis.

‘Wait, is it a star? Or is it like an alternative to black holes? Damn, I could really use Google right about now.’

I resisted the urge to summon a tub of popcorn to eat while watching the sped-up phenomenon. Eating while in a dream, while especially useless to me, was apparently prone to confusing your body. Luna had a lot more experience than me, so I accepted any warnings and advice she would offer me.

“What… is… that?”

I craned my neck around to see Luna slowly walking up to me, eyes and jaw wide. She never stopped staring at the quasar.

“A quasar. Or at least, what we think they look like.”

“What is a quasar?”

“The brightest object in existence. I… I don’t know if there is more known about them. I can’t exactly check anymore.”

“Where is it?”

“It’s… I want to say at the center of each galaxy. Or some galaxies? You get the idea.”

“I’m afraid I don’t.”

“It’s one of the reasons why every galaxy is bright at the center. These and supermassive black holes.”

“A galaxy... I believe I have heard that term in reference once. Something about beyond our solar system, correct?”

“You’re joking, right?”

She shook her head slowly, still admiring the fiery disk in front of us.

“... Right. We’ll get back to this point, then.”

‘Equestria may be a long way away from having actual simulations, but in here I’ve got the next best thing.’

I changed our scenery. We went from floating in space to the usual sitting room in Canterlot Castle. I walked over to the bay doors that led to the balcony and opened them. Luna followed close behind. Walking over to the edge of the balcony, I put my forelegs up on the railing and lifted myself up. I looked up at the starry night sky.

“Tell me what you know about stars.”

Luna joined me by the railing, hopping up in a similar way and brushing against my side with a smile.

“The night sky is a painting of a million stars. In aeons past, I would create a spectacle unrivaled in beauty for all to see. During my absence, the night sky was left… neglected. Celestia did not possess my ability to rearrange the night sky, so she left my last work untouched. Over the centuries, ponies sought to find hidden beauty within my work, creating patterns, stories, and deeper meanings where before there were none. I recall a conversation with Twilight over this one day. She cited a belief named ‘Death of the author.’ I did not know she was into such macabre subjects.

“As it turned out, it is an idea that says each viewer of a work of art, be it paint on canvas or ink on paper, views it in their own way. The creator has no input in how the work should be viewed, despite having created it themself… It is… I wish I had seen even a fraction of that dedication and appreciation before my fall. Not that there was nopony who appreciated my work, but instead that I was blind to seeing their existence.”

“... I’d love to hear the story in full of what happened before Nightmare’s arrival, but let’s go over that later. Right now, let’s talk about the stars. You claim to… arrange the night sky?”

“That is right. It is one of our favorite duties.”

“Last I checked, the night sky is still the same.”

“We… So much culture and appreciation has accumulated around its current form that We can not bring ourselves– I can not bring myself to tear it down to rebuild the sky. Instead, I keep the structure of the sky the same, instead choosing for a more subtle approach. Meteor showers, twinkling stars, auroras, and so forth.”

I shook my head, “Audacious claims of moving stars aside, what do you know about astronomy?”

‘This is also a great chance to hear about Equestria’s progress on that subject.’

“That is… not astrology. In my time, astrology was the appreciation of the night sky and each of its iterations. Ponies would dedicate themselves to recording each night’s beauty, selling paintings of their unique form. After our banishment, it shifted to the study of the stars’ patterns and their meaning. I was told that recently, it has fallen out of favor and has been replaced by astronomy. Ponies now look at my sky with telescopes, trying to view the sky up close. Whereas astrology was the study of patterns and meanings, astronomy is the study of the material of the heavens themselves.”

“That sounds pretty caught up. Does Equestria have any large telescopes?”

“You mean the ones the size of buildings? There is an observatory at Canterhorn’s summit. I have been meaning to visit it and its staff, but the work of rebuilding has kept me at bay.”

“I see. There’s no…”

‘No telescopes in space. They don’t have space travel or rocketry, so they are limited to telescopes hindered by the atmosphere. Which means they never discovered other galaxies.’

I pointed up at the bright band of stars that dominated the center of the sky.

“What is that?”

“That is Faust’s Light. It is one of the elements of the night sky that persisted throughout each iteration, actually. Like raising and lowering the moon, keeping its presence felt… right. Like the night sky was not whole without it.”

“And what did astrology– and I suppose mythology– say about it?”

“That it was the river that led to the afterlife. Faust would guide souls along its length as they traveled to the great beyond.”

“I take it Faust is your deity?”

“As you claim this Panar to be yours.”

“Gotcha. Now, what if I told you that I know what Faust’s Light actually was? And that we were all seeing it from the wrong angle?”

“You have had my attention this entire time, Phasma. I do not know what more you can capture.”

“Let’s start with your imagination. What you call Faust’s Light, we changelings called The Great Tapestry. Or at least, part of it. This is the String of Light, whose form Panarthropo let dangle loosely in The Great Tapestry, the world in its entirety. It was not woven taut like most other Strings.

“But this is wrong, too. A belief, an interesting one at that, but a belief. Faust’s Light, The String of Light, both have light in the name. Light is all it is, but it is so much light that one has to take a step back to truly see its form. Astronomy has called this phenomenon a galaxy. We are viewing this galaxy from the side, distorting our view. This is because we are in the galaxy.”

With a mental command, the balcony– and Equus entirely– zoomed away from beneath us. We were lifted into the night sky at speeds so quick it let me blur everything. I used the lack of focus to shift the dream so that it looked like we shot out of the galaxy, only to slow to a stop well outside of it.

“This is what our galaxy looks like. Or at least, what it could look like.”

It was modeled after the Milky Way, meaning it wasn’t their galaxy. It was close enough, I figured.

Luna was even more shocked than when she first saw the quasar. I leaned in towards her and she instinctively stretched out a wing around my back.

“Astronomy is finding our place in the world, and though I don’t practice or study astronomy myself, I have always been an admirer of… artists’ representations of the findings. Never been one to look through a telescope myself.”

“Changelings discovered all of this?”

“Not… really. I have seen more than any other changeling. It’s… hard to explain.”

She pulled me close with her wing, never taking her eyes off the galaxy.

“I think I shall acquire a telescope of my own tomorrow. Now, we have plenty of time. I would like to hear this mysterious origin story of yours.”

“You already know it. Evil queen, handsome and clever Prince, and painful dismemberment.”

She snorted.

“You possess more knowledge than your race does. You claim to hail from a place far from your own kingdom. You cannot deny that there is more to your story than what you let on.”

I nervously rubbed one foreleg with the other. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, I thought over my reply.

“I don’t want to talk about it. It… brings up bad memories.”

“Then let us make a deal. You tell me all of your origin, and I will tell you about my origin and fall.”

“What if I decide that I’d rather keep it secret and lose the chance to hear your story?”

She finally broke her staring contest with the inanimate object and gave me a sour look. It was a look of pain, like a starving child being denied dinner. Or an immortal, eons-old superbeing not hearing a story they wanted to hear.

“What if I say please?”

She pursed a lip as well. I couldn’t take it, I had to look away.

I huffed, “That’s a cheap trick.”

“What? I’m just asking nicely.”

“You– agh, nevermind.”

“... Please?”

‘I swear, if she figures out that she can push me past my comfort zones using only pouty expressions, I’m going to… do something! Something that both of us’ll regret!’

Damnable witch– Fine.” I paused, trying to calm myself down as well as thinking of how I wanted to phrase it. Luna meanwhile dropped the sad face and gave me all of her attention. “If you were to ask my age, you would get multiple answers. Three, in fact. None of them are any less correct than the others. The first is my first age. The second is my current age. The third and final answer is my collective age. Queen Chrysalis may be my mother– and Chamberlain Eucharis may have been my father– but they weren’t my first. I lived an entire life before hatching from an egg as a changeling royal.

“Chrysalis and Eucharis, they… they tried bringing a dead Princess back to life. Something went wrong and the ritual failed. Instead of Princess Procho being brought back to the world, my soul took its place. Chrysalis then put my soul in a vacant egg or something. Then I hatched. That was… eight months ago? Nine?”

“You would have me believe that you are only eight month old?”

“Accelerated growth period.”

“... That would explain your lack of strong emotional connection to your own mother.”

“Right. Strangely enough, we are kind of similar in ways. Makes me wonder if my soul was really picked at random…”

“I think I have gotten a good idea of Queen Chrysalis’s personality. You said your father is Chamberlain Eucharis? What is he like?”

“Oh he doesn’t do much these days. Heheheh…. Fuck. He was loyal to Chrysalis to a fault, he tried watching over me during my life, and now he’s dead. ‘Course he only revealed that he was my father after I had killed him, not before.”

“You killed him? When?”

“His corpse was the one in Celestia’ personal office. Not sure if that out-of-place body raised any questions, but that was him. That happened right before I went to fight Chrysalis. I tried to stop him, told him that he doesn’t have to side with Chrysalis, but the stubborn fool ignored me and tried to warn Chrysalis anyway. Apparently, those two had a deal where Eucharis reported my every move and in exchange Chrysalis wouldn’t actually hurt me. Kind of messed up that my father had to make that kind of deal, but the changeling hive has never been… familial. Loyalty to the hive is the bottom line. I’m the only changeling who actually knows who their parents are…”

“You are painting quite a bleak picture of your kingdom and early life.”

“Why do you think we invaded Equestria? We wanted a nice vacation spot in addition to not starving to death.”

“And your life before?”

I started to lean away but Luna’s wing held me close.

“... I don’t want to talk about that.”

“Why, if I may ask?”

“Because I never got to say goodbye. Please, can we move on?”

Luna sighed and nuzzled my neck. I wasn’t sure if the whole changelings can’t blush thing translated into my dreams, but I did feel my face heat up and heartbeat quicken at the close contact. After a few moments too short, she pulled back a bit.

“I am sorry Phasma. You have endured a lot of hardship. I understand if you can not speak of such subject so soon. Now, I suppose it is time for my end of the bargain. My sister and I were born far from here, in a small farming village without a name. Our early days were long, working in the fields to grow what we could with our parents. Nopony knows that we have such humble origins, and we intentionally have kept that information from prying ears. You never know what somepony can do with such knowledge.”

“My lips are sealed.”

“I appreciate that. Now, as we worked the fields, it was the unicorns who controlled the rise and fall of the sun and moon.”

“Oh boy, this again,” I interrupted with an eye roll.

“I beg your pardon?”

“Your… cult of personality. The whole ‘raising the sun and moon’ nonsense.” I made an air quotes motion with my hooves to emphasize my point.

“That is– you do not believe that we bring the dawn and the dusk?”

“I showed you what a galaxy is, Luna. Gravitational pull is a lot easier to understand than the sheer vastness of space, and the macrostructures that make up the universe.”

Luna shook her head, “We– I understand that you may have lived a life far from here before this one, so it is understandable to be incredulous. However, Celestia and I have raised and lowered the sun and moon for more than one millennia. Were we awake and in person, you would be able to witness our great duty personally.”

“You can’t expect me to believe someone as small as you can move an entire moon or sun. A great philosopher did say that they could move the world with a long enough lever and a well placed fulcrum, but last I checked you don’t exactly have a plank that stretches across the solar system.”

“We do not physically move them. It is our marks; we earned them when we moved them for the first time. In ages past, it was a conclave of unicorns that moved the heavens at great expense. For each ritual, every single caster would lose their magic. Then my sister and I came, forming a connection with the heavens, as Harmony ordained.”

“... If you really had enough magical power to move a celestial body then how did either of you ever lose a fight?”

“We can only access the full extent of our power when moving our sky. If either of us were to try to use any of either the sun or the moon’s innate magical reserves outside of expending them to move said sun or moon then… Poof! A new coat of paint on the walls, in royal viscera.”

“So you can only use that magic when you’re expending it as fast as you gain it?”

“Precisely. All the magic we access, we expend immediately. The exception to this are the Nightmares. When I was Nightmare Moon– or when Nightmare Moon was me, whichever is true– and right now as Celestia is Daybreaker, siphoning off a minute portion of the heavenly bodies’ strength is possible. How is beyond our reckoning, only that the Nightmares prevent our untimely demise via oversaturation of mana.”

“Okay, all that I can believe. What I can’t believe is the idea that there is a need at all to even nudge the sun or moon. Everything works fine when you don’t micromanage their movements.”

“This is not so. On several occasions, the day or night did not give way to the other. If there is nopony moving the heavens, then they do not move.”

“The only way that makes sense is if Equus is tidally locked; one side always faces the sun, and the other never faces it. But even then, if you were to ‘move the heavens,’ A.K.A. spin Equus, then you would only need to do it once. No planet, sun, or moon just stops out in space. A body in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an outside force!”

“This was supposed to be a story about our origin, yet we sit here arguing over something that can clearly be seen every morning and every night.”

“Alright, I apologize. I’ll withhold my pointing-of-plot-holes in your story till after you finish.”

“Ha! I am sure you will. Now, where was I?”

“The conclaves?”

“Ah yes. It was a cold fall night when there was a loud knocking on our hovel’s door. A unicorn and his three friends from the capital had traveled all the way to find us. Legends of alicorns had traveled far, as it happened. Now, back then all three tribes of ponies were at each other’s necks. War and strife were common companions for the everyday pony. The unicorn that had approached us, Star Swirl the Bearded, hopped that we were the key to ending the division that bestrode every walk of life in pony society…”

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