• Published 18th Oct 2020
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Changing Expectations - KKSlider

What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world.

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89- Ouranos

Luna sighed when she realized that Twilight Sparkle was dreaming of her current situation in the waking world; nose deep in a book on her desk, snoring away.

‘She ought to take proper care of her circadian rhythm. If she did, she wouldn’t be dreaming of being asleep… The time Phasma and I spend together doesn’t count. That’s snuggling.’

Luna stopped arguing with herself to reach over and nudge Twilight. With a snort, Twilight jerked away and quickly looked around her.

“Huh? What? No, no cheese, please…”

Twilight smacked her lips loudly as her eyes slowly opened. When she saw the Princess standing next to her, they widened completely and she jolted out of her chair.

“Luna! I– Oh my stars, I wasn’t expecting royalty!”

‘Finally, results.’

“Are you choosing expletives to use to further endear me to you?” Luna asked before crouching down to Twilight’s eye level. “Because if so, it is working. Good evening, Twilight.”

Twilight ran a hoof through her mane, trying to get some semblance of straightness out of her bedhead, “No, I… uh… What time is it? No wait, why are you here? I mean, may I know why you’re here, Your Highness?”

Luna sighed, “For every step forward, a half step back. Twilight, what did I say about titles?”

“To use yours only in professional fashion, that it is better to include all titles or none at all save for Princess, that it is expected to bow during– oh!”

Twilight started to bow when Luna stopped her with a hoof.

“Twilight, please! I had said to not use them between us. Do you not recall?”

“Well yes, but I… I’m sorry Princess, I’ll try to remember next time.”

Luna refrained from facehooving. Instead, she corrected Twilight, “I’m sorry, Luna. It brings me pain to hear one of my heroines holding me to such a high degree.”

“You’re a princess of Equestria!”

“You are an Element of Harmony! As far as I am concerned, there is no higher title in the land. Especially when one considers the fact that I owe my life and continued existence to you and your friends. However, I did not come here to speak of titles and formal procedures.”

Twilight blinked, “What did you mean to speak of? Was it about the dream I just had? I swear, it was the strangest thing. I was at Donut Joe’s, and they kept putting cheese on my donuts! It was completely nonsensical!”

“Twilight… you are dreaming right now.”

Twilight blinked, “Right now? Like, right now right now?”


“Right here, right now, right as of this moment?”

“... I came here to discuss my proposition. Have you given it thought?”

Twilight grimaced and turned away. She rested a hoof on her desk, tapping it quietly as she thought. She sighed heavily and nodded slowly.

“I did. I also spoke with my friends, just as you suggested. They all had important things to say, and important viewpoints, but it was Applejack’s that convinced me.”

Luna hummed quietly and visibly relaxed when she realized that Twilight said yes.

“Applejack. The Element of Honesty. Before we go further, I must sate my curiosity. What was it that convinced you?”

Twilight sat on her chair and tapped her forehooves together.

“She…. She told me about the farm. About how the rationing system has eaten so much into their profits that they are going to have to take several loans from the Crown just to meet ends… meet? Is that correct? Make ends meet, that’s it… Equestria has not suffered a food shortage in over nine hundred years, and our current supply was supposed to be able to exceed demands. Why was there a need to demand foodstuffs to supply soldiers? Doesn’t the government already cover the needs of the E.U.P.?”

It was Luna’s turn to be surprised, “It does. I have not heard of hair nor hide of a need to acquire more food supplies. This rationing is new. What does it extend to?”

“Apples, lumber, most crystals used for enchanting, quills, paper, coal, free thinking… Applejack might have been sarcastic with that last one.”

“Daybreaker is putting artificial restrictions on these goods? That is… concerning. As far as I am aware– and as a ruler of Equestria, I am aware of far more than anypony else– there is no shortage of anything within the Kingdom.”


“A rebranding effort to distance ourselves further from the title of kings and queens. Or rather, to distance Celestia further. In my time, it was the Kingdom of Equestria. You have brought our conversation offtrack; I was telling you how there was no shortage of anything but goodwill. I suspect this is a targeted attack against the Element of Honesty.”

“You think Daybreaker is intentionally putting the Apples into debt?”

“Quite possible. Disrupting the Elements is key to her own survival, and so any attempts at degrading your morale is a step towards severing your connections to the Elements themselves. It would be of no surprise to learn that this ban on spirits and wine is a directed attack against the Element of Laughter.”

“Pinkie is not an alcoholic.”

“Not visibly, I am sure.”

Twilight frowned, “I think I would know if a friend of mine is a heavy drinker.”

“Did you notice my sister’s habits?”

Twilight blinked. Then blinked again. She started to speak, but then stopped herself. Eventually, she managed to get her thought out, “Huh?”

“That would be a no.”

“Princess Celestia… drinks? No, that simply is not possible.”

“It is not only possible, it was one of her favorite pastimes. Verily, I can recall many occasions where she attended functions while having a bottle hidden on her pony. I have yet to learn how she can make an entire bottle of wine vanish into her mane… Yes, it is not only true that Tia drinks, she does so with unmatched gusto. In fact, that also lends credence to the notion that Daybreaker is twisting things upon Celestia. Guilt over her own vices, projected outward onto our subjects…”

Luna realized that Twilight was rapidly taking notes. At her silence, Twilight looked up from her pad and sheepishly smiled.

“You are still in a dream, young Twilight. Your notes shall not be here when you wake.”

“What? But this is important history! No document, history book, or even trashy romance novel said that Princess Celestia drinks alcohol!”

Luna laughed, “And I am sure they would also support the idea that she does not defecate at all! The things our subjects believe…” Luna sighed, “I must rebuke myself for wandering away from the topic at hoof. It is so pleasant to be in your company that I forget myself and the duties I carry. The Elements of Harmony. You have finally agreed to use them against Daybreaker?”

Twilight slowly put the notepad down on her desk.

“Yes. Everypony’s hurting, and it all connects back to Daybreaker…”

“You are hurting, too.”

“What? No I’m not! I am perfectly fit as a fiddle!”

“You are asleep at your workstation, and not in your bed.”

Twilight waved a hoof, “I’ve fallen asleep at my desk a hundred times.”

“Reading an enjoyable book?”

“Of course! Spike tells me I lack any semblance of self discipline, but if I wasn’t supposed to stay up all night reading, then authors should stop writing so many good books! Uh, no wait, they shouldn’t do that…”

“What was the book you fell asleep reading?”

Twilight looked down at the desk.

“... Paper Cut’s Ninth Treatise on Magical Fields.”

“An enjoyable read?”

“... No.”

“Why are you reading it, then?’

“... Daybreaker wanted me to research the changeling anti-magic shield.”

“When was the last time you leisurely spent your time with a book you wanted to read, unrelated to what Daybreaker desired?”

“... A month ago.”

“Has Celestia ever worked you thusly?”

Twilight rubbed her forelegs with her hooves and brought them close to her chest, “No. She always stressed the need to balance work life and personal leisure. I kinda ignored that alot, but she never gave up trying to teach it to me. I… I miss her, Luna. I miss Princess Celestia. She always cared for me, trying to help me reach higher and higher heights. Daybreaker gives me tasks but they’re for her, not for me. I’m no longer a student, I’m a resource…”

“Your own health has suffered, just as I said.”

“My friends are all hurt by this, too. Rarity has been worn ragged by the stresses of even trying to understand what’s going on in Canterlot, to say nothing about how she hasn’t gotten a single clothing order in four weeks. Rainbow has to do the entirety of Ponyville’s weather since the rest of the pegasi on the team were pretty much press ganged by the E.U.P.. Pinkie has been on edge since Canterlot, and if you’re right, her sobriety since the start of the Prohibition is hitting her like a ton of bricks. I think it’s more likely that she’s just stressing out about all the unhappy ponies in Ponyville, but maybe it’s both. Fluttershy…. Exists. I dunno, we don’t exactly hang out much. I know I should fix that, but I’ve just been so busy. I… does that make me a terrible friend?”

“The fact that you ask that question proves otherwise. We all must work to maintain friendships and relationships. This is a lesson denied to you by your reclusive habits. Simply apologize for your absence, and start working to bridge the gaps. Without effort, your friends will drift apart. Hold them tightly and hold them close, lest they forever slip for your grip.”

Twilight smiled, “I will do all of that. Thank you, Luna. Uh… When are we, you know…? Bringing Princess Celestia back?”

Luna stood up straight, “We need to bait Daybreaker into bringing the Elements of Harmony out into the open. She loves to gloat and show off trophies, so we need to do so during a very public event. As it just so happens, there is the biggest event of the entire year coming up next month…”

Twilight’s eyes lit up, “The Grand Galloping Gala!”

After poking the active fireplace several times using an iron poker, I confirmed that fire was indeed hot.

I sighed and looked at the door. Every night around this hour, I would wait for Luna. Increasingly rarely, she would walk through the door and we would spend the night together. Now, like a lost dog, I sit here waiting for her.

‘Sucks that I can’t read or anything. Despite how nice it sounds, being in a dream is boring without something to do.’

I dropped the metal tool and laid down on the couch nearby. After staring at the ceiling for two whole minutes, I got up and moved over to the balcony. Deciding to experiment, I replaced the urban landscape of Canterlot with the sea. Now Canterlot Castle rose above the azure ocean waves, the waves themselves lapping at a small cliff face beneath the castle. I dangled my forelegs over the railing as I sat down and rested my head on it. The cold stone surface was comfortable enough thanks to my chitin. That was always a strange fact. Normally, sitting on stone would be uncomfortable, cold, and even more uncomfortable.

But with chitin, I now had the ability to nap anywhere. It was a superpower many would kill for.

My ears swiveled to face behind me.

“Phasma? Where– ah.”

The door to the parlour had opened and Luna called out from the doorway. I then heard the soft clip clop of her hooves on the stone floor as she passed through the room and out onto the balcony.

“An interesting adaptation. Reminds me of a fort in Unicornia.”

“Unicornia?” I asked.

“Before Equestria, the ponies lived in segmented societies,” Luna said as she joined me by the railing. I smiled as I looked over at her. She was scanning the sea and the horizon beyond, the sea breeze slowly whipping her blue starry mane behind her. I sat up straight as I admired her.

“I can not recall the fort’s name. The unicorns were using it to secure an integral shipping lane to… Ah, it does not matter.” She met my gaze and smiled back, “Good evening, Phasma.”

“Hey Luna.”

“I have news. Good news.”

“Good news?”

She grabbed one of my hooves, “It’s happening!”

“... What is?”

“Twilight Sparkle has finally agreed to move against Daybreaker!”

“That is good news! Her days are numbered, then?”

Luna nodded, “I have picked out when and where the Elements shall be used against her. This must be how Celestia felt when the Summer Solstice was approaching! Reunion, once again!”

Luna let go of me and started doing a little hop on her front hooves.

“It’s the Grand Galloping Gala. Next month, things will finally be set right! Celestia will be back, the war can come to an end, and then you and I…. We can finally be together!”

I leaned in close and she met me halfway, nuzzling me.

“Be careful Luna, don’t count your chickens before they–”

“I know, I know. This is just.... Exhilarating! A thousand years of counting rocks and making line drawings in the moondust, and I have jumped right back into all this! Are you ready? Can things be resolved from your end of this war?”

My smile couldn’t widen any further when I noticed that Luna’s tail was slowly rippling back and forth behind her.

“Hmmm… I’m still dead, as far as the rest of the changelings are concerned. I am getting into contact with more and more survivors who have been scattered across Equestria, though. There is one big problem, though.”

“Which is?”


Luna’s tail stopped moving, “Oh. Them. I have not received any messages from Cadence. I shall visit her dream after tonight and see how she is doing.”

“Thanks. I appreciate any help.”

“Thank me not, I enjoy my visits to my niece. Any excuse to visit is welcome. Now you know what I have been up to, I would like to know what you have been up to.”

“I’ve been working on finding changelings and building up a business.”

“A business?

“Yeah. Something to bring in the bits to help support me and the exiled changelings. It’s making quite a profit already.”

“What business is this? I would not have imagined that you would be skilled in economics, given your background. I also imagine that it has something to do with your previous life?”

“Yeah…. It… Yeah. I’m using that knowledge to expand into markets that I know will be profitable.”

“Quite an opportunity. I do wonder, are you inventing technology and ideas from your world?” I nodded slowly. “You have not parted with any details about your previous existence, save for that it was advanced in the art of war. When may I hear about it?”

I broke eye contact, instead gazing out over the sea.

“When it stops hurting to talk about.”

“That day might never come. I would like to share our burdens, Phasma. It will feel better if you share what is weighing you down, I know this. Please, listen to me.” I reluctantly refocused my attention back to Luna. Even though I could not sense emotions in the Dreamscape, her eyes visibly expressed sadness regardless. “I hold my emotions and pains close before my banishment. That was what led to the Nightmare possessing me. Do you trust me?”


“Then I ask you to tell me.”

She smiled as she held out a hoof. Reluctantly, I grabbed it with one of my own. She put her other hoof on top of mine and said, “No pony– that is, no person, is an island.”

I sighed heavily, “Okay. I suppose I should start from the beginning…”

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