• Published 21st Nov 2020
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The One True King - JDPrime22

Can Equestria’s greatest heroes coexist with these mythical and majestic beasts… or will they have to accept that their rule has come to an end? For the rule of the one true king, Godzilla, has returned.

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Chapter 27 – Long Live the King

Chapter 27

“Cry ‘Havoc!’ and let slip the dogs of war, that this foul deed shall smell above the earth with carrion men, groaning for burial.”

William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

Canterlot, Equestria

Canterlot burned.

In heaps of smoke and rising snow of flaming embers, the capitol city of Equestria had transformed into a blistering torch lighting up the night sky. First came the storm, then the rain, followed shortly by the clashing thunder and lightning that filled the ponies of Canterlot with fright. And then, the beast of a living fire broke through the clouds, unleashing his petrifying cry as his wings cast their shadows across the mountainous city and burnt it to its core.

Waves of dust and fire consumed the streets of Canterlot, killing anypony unfortunate enough to be wandering late outside, or stepped into the rain to understand where the sudden storm had come from. Whatever their predicament may have been before, they all shared the same fate one way or another. Ponies and carriages alike were ignited into pure flame once the beast flew over them. Buildings were torn to cinders as the tornado-like winds blasted through them with the power of a supernova. The strength and the heat alike.

Those that had survived, those who were caught outside the initial devastation all lifted their eyes and ears and mortified expressions to the storm to see the same beast swooping back for a second strike. Peril and panic infused themselves within the hearts and minds of the populace. Ponies everywhere returned to their homes to cower or fled through the streets to get as far from the creature as possible. All of their fates were shared once they fell under the shadow of the beast, be they inside or out, hiding or fleeing.

Soon, their scorched corpses filled the blistering wastes of Canterlot with a horrendous smell. Melting flesh mixed with the smoke and fires of a burning city. The Canterlot Royal Guards were finally deployed, garrisons filling the air and the streets and lifting their spears, their swords, and their shields to the shroud of fire washing overhead. They fared no better than any innocent civilian caught in the literal fire.

The rain did nothing to douse the flames, for it was a fire not so easily tamed. Fire forged from the heart of an awakened volcano, unleashed upon the earth to spread death and chaos wherever the embers struck. Terror filled the city as ponies screamed and cried, fled for their lives, while fury rained above them in a monsoon and the roars of the bright, flaming demon. Lightning clashed in the storm, and the beast was illuminated for every life to witness.

It was Rodan who committed the heinous crime, flapping his wings high above Canterlot and spreading his fire and magma to the feeble souls beneath him. He did not seek their torment for his own sick, twisted pleasure. He did not bring destruction merely to surrender to the lusts of his rage. No. He was called for a much higher purpose now, and burning down Canterlot was but a necessary step. The blood red flames consuming the city was all he desired to see from his destruction.

In reality—the only truth Rodan believed in now—he was merely settling the red velvet carpet for the arrival of his king.

And therefore, his king finally came.

He soared through the storm and flew high above the blistering city, the screaming ponies both old and young alike turning their heads, their confusion, and their terror to the much darker shadow washing over the storm. They witnessed the titanic wings flapping and lifting the gargantuan creature higher and higher, finally reaching the highest peak in the heart of Equestria.

The highest peak Ghidorah could find.

Striking Canterlot Mountain in his wounded state was no easy feat, but his wounds no longer consumed him. His pain was but a mild, passing thought. Turning accordingly and gripping the peak of the mountain, Ghidorah proceeded to settle his mind, body, and spirit for the next stage in his grand plan. The next step that was far more necessary now than ever before. For the King of the Monsters had fallen, and the usurper king tried to claim Ghidorah’s throne.

Yet now Ghidorah settled himself on the mightiest throne in all of Equestria, perhaps in all the world. The usurper king and his foolish subjects would see him now, as all the city and all the world would see him soon enough. But first and foremost, they would hear him. For Ghidorah never retreated out of cowardice. He just needed to build his storm.

He only needed to call forth his army.

Grasping the edges of the mountainside with his wings, Ghidorah proceeded to cry out as his left neck began to twist and turn in an unnatural, hellish fashion. It thrashed back and forth, breaking through the severed wound to unveil a clear sack of some kind. The ponies of Canterlot watched on as their city crumbled and burned, horror filling their agape expressions when they witnessed the two-headed dragon turn to the third limb.

Only to lose their breaths when the limb sprouted a skeletal head.

Ichi growled, flaring his teeth and biting down on the clear, fleshy skin. He pried it off and watched the skull break through the sprouting neck. The jaws broke apart, the veins and muscles consuming the skull to make way for the flesh, for the golden scales. A forked tongue flicked from the agape jaws of the newborn skull before slithering back into the mouth. A brain was reforged and a neural connection was reestablished with the center head. With the right head. Completing the trifecta of terror.

And with a satisfying growl, San took in his first, reborn breath and ignited his fiery gaze. Ichi and Ni turned aside with San following them, all three heads falling low before finally rising so very high.

He unfurled his wings from Canterlot Mountain. The tremendous limbs split apart and rose high enough to touch his storm. In doing so, Ghidorah unleashed a cackling roar so powerful, so otherworldly, so unrealistically earth-shattering that all the earth actually felt it. All three heads lifted their necks to scream to the heavens. All three mouths were agape, releasing his shriek to the fullest extent of his strength and reach.

All for one purpose. All for one truth.

The king had fallen, and Ghidorah had risen to take the throne.

At last.

Canterlot was horrified by the mere image of the beast. Fire scorched the night and turned the black into a terrible, orange hellfire. Golden lightning shredded the skies and illuminated the heavens, all to amplify the power of the one who stood above the world. Ponies proceeded to cry out and cover their ears, but even their miniscule cries were drowned out by the soul-shredding power of Ghidorah’s roar.

Covering their ears from the sheer power of the beast’s cry no longer protected them, for the scream only intensified louder and louder and never relented. Eardrums were popped. Ponies felt their ears bleed and their eyes shed tears of agony. They crouched forward, fell backwards, and all eventually collapsed beneath the shadow of the arisen Titan.

Their city burned and they all fell in a defeated, bowing state beneath his throne.

As for the arisen king, his cackle was much more than just a victorious cry. It was more than even Titanus Rodan could ever imagine, the Fire Demon circling the skies around Canterlot Mountain, and the beast howling in praise and submission to his ruler. It was more than a tool used for terror, for pain, for suffering, calling forth to all of Canterlot to show them who their true ruler was now. It was so much more than the old world rulers would ever know, for their rule had come to an end.

As for King Ghidorah, he roared for all the world to hear. To awaken. To follow him.

Author's Note:

Artwork by Shrekzilla

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