• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 11,175 Views, 1,881 Comments

The One True King - JDPrime22

Can Equestria’s greatest heroes coexist with these mythical and majestic beasts… or will they have to accept that their rule has come to an end? For the rule of the one true king, Godzilla, has returned.

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Chapter 6 – The Temple of the Moth

Chapter 6

“Then from the smoke came locusts on the earth, and they were given power like the power of scorpions over the earth. They were told not to harm the grass or any green growth or any tree, but only those of mankind.”

Book of Revelation

Forbidden Jungle

Daring Do knew seeing the expression on Dr. Caballeron’s face was going to be priceless, especially when she proved her discovery to him. Especially when he and his goons saw it all with their own eyes.

An early retirement to focus on a career of writing his adventures seemed to be the calling Dr. Caballeron wanted in his life. But the call to adventure itself always echoed louder, always filled him with vigorous will and spirit unlike any other. The desire to gain riches for risking his life, beating the competition, and to acquire the ancient relics of the past was something Caballeron could not let go of just yet. Maybe he needed one more adventure to write about. Maybe he needed another bestseller.

Or maybe he just couldn’t resist the possibility of an undiscovered temple outside of Tenochtitlan Basin. So many ancient relics within its holds. So much to unearth and so much more to sell to the highest bidders.

Unfortunately, when Dr. Caballeron and his labor crew consisting of various thugs and goons arrived to the location Daring Do pointed out in her letter, the grounds were already occupied with various more ponies. Ponies who were digging around the site, studying the strange rock formations which led into the deeper caverns beneath the jungle floor. Ponies with armor, swords, black suits and darker helmets showing their fighting experience. Ones who appeared far more menacing, far more equipped, and far more willing to back up Daring Do of all ponies. The smug grin she wore on her face when Caballeron stumbled upon them was enough to make him sick.

Regardless—and knowing he and his goons were outmatched—Caballeron retained the peace he had forged with Daring, even if he had initially arrived for other purposes. After approaching Daring Do and analyzing the ancient pillars of stone she had found, Caballeron demanded a rundown of her excavation. She explained that she and her T.I.T.A.N. agents were already hard at work investigating the temple grounds inside and out. The reason she called Dr. Caballeron was so that he and his goons could assist in the unearthing of the temple door, and perhaps give him another adventure or discovery to write about in his novels. And maybe gloat a bit on discovering the temple before him. Caballeron tried to point out that her letter only referred to him, and nopony else.

She retorted by saying she expected him not to come alone.

Though still agitated by Daring Do always remaining one step ahead of him, Dr. Caballeron would rather not start a conflict amidst so many other of her so-called “T.I.T.A.N. agents”. Besides, the discovery itself was worth it, Caballeron deducing that the rubble and stone pillars could very well be hundreds, if not thousands of years old. He and Daring analyzed the pillars together while the doctor’s goons assisted in following the agents down into the temple’s depths. He wanted desperately to travel into the temple as well, but Daring denied his offer, offering instead one claim that still radiated in his head.

She was waiting for some more friends to help them.

It was nearly an hour of scouring the jungle grounds and staring at the pillars and engravings before Dr. Caballeron ever received a reward for his patience. Daring’s claim provided its fruit, as the various trees around them quivered and the air above washed forth and cried. Caballeron, a few of his ponies, the many other T.I.T.A.N. agents, and Daring Do all gazed skyward to witness the massive airship breaking the clouds and unveiling the light of the sun. Daring smiled after immediately recognizing the airship. She recognized the insignia upon its gargantuan balloon.

The rising sun above the world of Equus.

It had been far too long since Daring Do had seen the T.I.T.A.N. logo.

It had been even longer since she had seen Princess Celestia’s personal airship, the Radiance.

Trees had been removed via the T.I.T.A.N. crew and Caballeron’s labor force, creating a big enough area for the Radiance to descend and land. The massive engines died down and the trees settled once the airship pressed out its landing gear and landed upon the jungle floor. The bridge was just as large as Daring remembered, steam shooting off from various positions on the ship. Steel, wood, and fire combined to create arguably the most impressive machine in T.I.T.A.N.’s arsenal. Even though she had hardly ridden it in her early years serving the princess with T.I.T.A.N., it was still a nostalgic sight to behold nonetheless.

It was even more nostalgic to see the ponies stepping off the descending ramp on the right side of the ship. Daring smirked and trotted over to the ramp’s end, Caballeron and many others trailing behind her. As for the doctor and his goons, they were a tad apprehensive when they noticed the ponies stepping off the airship. Considering their past crimes and such, to be worried was an understandable response.

When they steadily approached the Princess of Friendship and the former princesses of Equestria, it made sense as to why Caballeron and his cronies were nervous.

They were not alone by the looks of it. Leading the pack was Celestia and Luna, with Princess Twilight trailing behind the two sisters. Behind Twilight were the remaining Council of Friendship, such as Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Spike. Daring Do sent a smirk and a nod Rainbow’s way, who smiled with giddy enthusiasm to be in the presence of her favorite author and adventuress once again. Dr. Caballeron actually had a relieved smile grace his features when it was the same yellow Pegasus as before who stepped out of the airship. Fluttershy, was it? He recognized her, and that was all he needed to know. There was at least one friendly face within the crowd.

But stepping off of the Radiance last was somepony Daring Do did not expect to see that day. She scoffed, her smile growing even wider when she saw the old but familiar and friendly face of Special Agent Sweetie Drops. Out of retirement and back in the frying pan, just like Daring in a way.

She led the approach herself, gently bowing her head to the royalty. Whether that be to Twilight, or to the sisters. Celestia and Luna bowed their heads back as a showing of gratitude and respect to their agent. Their reunion was certainly a long time coming, especially for the discovery mentioned in Daring’s letter. A world they thought was gone long ago, and a Titan with it.

“Your Majesties,” Daring greeted aloud. The various other T.I.T.A.N. agents with her all bowed in tandem. Even Dr. Caballeron and his few remaining cronies bowed as well, Caballeron clearing his throat awkwardly and dropping his head.

After lifting her head and smiling to the many other familiar ponies with the princesses—Spike included—Daring’s smirk only grew when her eyes snuck in-between the bodies and landed on the tan Earth pony within the crowd. Her cobalt blue mane with pink stripes made her distinguishable among the others, making her stand out even more when Daring announced, “Well, I’ll be…”

Every eye followed Daring’s. Every eye turned to her. Bon Bon sighed, forced a smile and stepped forth. Off of the ramp and onto the damp jungle grass. Coming face to face with the pony, Bon Bon lifted her eyes and offered the mare a smirk in return. Though she had hoped for better circumstances, it was still nice to see Daring Do again.

She addressed her as such. “Agent Daring Do.”

“Special Agent Sweetie Drops,” the adventuress said, raising her left hoof. Sweetie Drops did the same. She slapped her hoof against Sweetie’s, bringing the mare in for a quick and clean hug. She heard her chuckle. “It’s been too long.”

Breaking off the hug and dropping her hoof, Sweetie Drops smiled with a quick nod. “That it has. And I go by Bon Bon now.”

Daring understood. The need for security. To lay low. She herself was no different. Nodding, Daring smiled and said, “Of course.”

“Have the agents of T.I.T.A.N. secured the area?” Luna asked, bringing focus back to the conversation.

“That we have,” Daring replied. She waved them along, spinning accordingly and trotting off towards the ancient pillars within the vines. “Come on. We can take you to the chamber I discovered.”

Daring was sure to send a smirk Caballeron’s way, who only snorted and faced away from her. He still followed her, though. Everypony did. From the former rulers to the current princess, to the Council of Friendship and to the agents of T.I.T.A.N., from Dr. Caballeron and his mindless goons. They all trotted or flew behind the adventuress Daring Do.

“Sorry about the smaller numbers, Your Highness,” the Pegasus stated, Twilight flinching but realizing quickly that Daring was referring to Celestia. Holding out her hoof to the many other T.I.T.A.N. agents left behind to study the pillars and outer temple grounds, Daring Do explained, “Since T.I.T.A.N.’s scrubbing, all I really had to rely on was the skeleton crew you sent me. Them, and a few old agents and old friends coming out of retirement to face this threat head-on. A threat… that’ll hopefully be the last one.”

These are smaller numbers?!” Dr. Caballeron questioned, hoof outstretched to the many ponies confirmed to be secret agents of the organization Daring Do was apparently a part of. The fact that she was not only A. K. Yearling but also a secret agent working for Celestia still boggled the stallion’s mind. Everything about that day was just out of control, and the amount of security he had seen backing Daring was considered to be a small number just didn’t make any more sense than everything else.

It seemed to make perfect sense for Celestia though, the Alicorn nodding gently to her explanation. “It will be enough for now,” she replied.

The rest of the trip was mainly quiet, save for a few hushed whispers and mumbles from the crowd of ponies. Pinkie’s obvious wonderment creating soft sighs and gasps escaping the mare when she saw the pillars of stone erected from the jungle floor. It only got more and more interesting once that floor had broken, Daring Do leading the pack into the depths beneath the vines, beneath the grass, and beneath the earth itself into an underground cavern of sorts. That was when Pinkie was truly left breathless. Fluttershy as well.

Lanterns and torches lit the way, makeshift in design and added recently by the agents already far ahead of them. The cavern was spacious and cold, cobwebs crowding the corners while cracks infected the ceiling, walls, and floors they stepped upon. Nearly everypony was taken aback by the discovery, perhaps Dr. Caballeron most of all. He was especially intrigued by the relics left behind, small vases and plates scattered across the dusty and dirty floors. He wondered how much they would be worth. The not-so-gentle shove on his back by a T.I.T.A.N. agent brought Caballeron back to the group, much to his dismay.

While Caballeron was imagining how much he could smuggle out of the temple without being seen, everypony else was fixated on the engravings and carvings on the walls. Rarity was once disgusted by the dirt and webs and dust all around her, but soon lost interest when her eyes quickly faced the left wall. Her jaw fell, eyes widening alongside Applejack, Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Spike, and even Bon Bon. Rainbow Dash flew above them, her own crimson irises washing across the walls and the ceiling and capturing even more of the legend forever engraved upon their surroundings. The story the images could tell, the legacies left behind for the future of ponykind to discover and learn.

What Twilight and her friends had witnessed, what Bon Bon could see, all of it reflected back and focused onto the image of the great moth. Its majestic wings, artistically stunning and spreading from one end of the wall to the next, presented what could have very well been a deity to the ancient ponies who were shown bowing to the beast. Worshipping it. The rays from its wings shined down upon them all, upon all of the great moth’s followers.

While Twilight was simply breathless to what she was witnessing, Celestia and Luna seemed less curious with the engravings and more so anticipating with what lied ahead. Bon Bon herself had heard of the legends, had known the stories told again and again when she still worked for T.I.T.A.N. If what Daring Do had discovered was true, if what the temple carvings displayed were accurate… then what they would find would prove the legends.

Bon Bon gazed to the former princesses. They held no awestruck expression, gazed maybe once or twice to the walls and ceilings surrounding them. Their eyes were hardened, expressions even more so as they soldiered on ahead. Almost as if they were fully expecting to see something at the end of the tunnel.

And so, they did.

Once Daring Do had led the group to the end of the tunnel, blocking their path was a massive door. At least, everypony believed it to be a door, what with the many stallions pushing and shoving the stone aside. Engraved on the stone was another stunning image of the great moth, perfectly intact and visible even after remaining hidden and gathering dust and age. The Pegasi beat their wings furiously to aid the Earth ponies below, the unicorns doing the same with their magic. With their combined strength, the agents of T.I.T.A.N. and labor force of Dr. Caballeron succeeded in muscling the several hundred-pound door out of their way.

Twilight lit up her horn. Rarity followed. Celestia and Luna did the same.

With the door moved at long last, the ponies either trailed behind or picked up a torch to further explore the dark chamber that rested on the other side. Daring Do picked up a torch and continued to lead them onward, though not knowing what remained within the unexplored darkness. Dr. Caballeron explored with her, Daring handing him a torch and approaching the only other source of light, that being the small fireflies hovering several meters away. Daring Do instantly recognized the insects. They shimmered the same turquoise glow and danced above the heart of the chamber. The unicorns and Alicorns illuminated the area in their own unique hues. The Pegasi grabbed torches and spread the light to every corner of the room. With that, their sight was given.

And they paid witness to one of the most stunning discoveries any of them had ever seen.

What they had stumbled upon was not simply another cavern in the ancient temple ruins. The glowing fireflies descended and made their rest upon a large object resting in the center of the room. Daring Do studied the object further, her eyes narrowing and widening when that same turquoise light from the fireflies infused with the object itself. The glow it created sent a pulse of light throughout the room, nearly blotting out every torch, every magical light from the unicorns. Until everything, every corner, every space… was consumed in a heavenly green and blue.

Ponies flinched back, but not Daring Do. Not the princesses. Certainly not Bon Bon. Daring Do placed her torch on the stone stand next to her, her expression frozen. Her breath seemingly ceased. Her eyes could not widen any further. The large object resting before them continued to glow and shimmer. It continued to pulse with what appeared to be veins across its surface. From that light the object radiated, something was stirring inside. The pulse Daring Do could hear and now… feel… was not some magical energy spike.

It was a heartbeat.

Daring Do gasped. Her smile grew.

The room they were in was not some random cavern. It was a nesting chamber. A birthing chamber. The object that sat in the center of that nest and towered over everypony else was not some random anomaly. It was an egg. And it was alive.

While everypony was fixated and lost on the glow of the egg, Daring approached the nearest agent she could find. She leaned towards him and said, “Get the other agents and scientists… Tell them to bring the equipment to our location.”

The stallion nodded with a firm, “Yes, ma’am.”

As the pony trotted out of the nesting chamber, an atmosphere of silence settled over the masses. An atmosphere of silence and tranquility under the heavenly glow. Dr. Caballeron was simply at a loss for words. If he thought mere vases from a bygone era could be worth a lot, he could only imagine what the egg before him would be worth. Whatever the egg held, whatever undiscovered creature was inside it, would undoubtedly be worth millions in gold. Perhaps more. Not like he could take it with the authorities of Equestria breathing down his neck, but it was satisfying to think about nonetheless. As for the others, their reactions were more than suitable.

The Council of Friendship crowded together, each one of their gazes lost to the beauty and majesty of the light reflecting from the egg’s surface. With each pulsating heartbeat, they could somehow feel it within themselves, that pulse of energy filling them and connecting with them on a level that was not yet of their understanding. Perhaps trying to study them as they studied it, hopeful in searching for that potential bond that went deeper than mere physical means. They did not reject it, however. They explored it, allowed that energy and magic to embrace them. Daring Do and Bon Bon shared similar expressions, each mare unable to fathom what they were witnessing. The engravings were evidence enough, but what they saw was more than that. It was far, far more.

What they were witnessing was a living, breathing legend.

“Celestia… Luna… is this the Titan you told us about?” Twilight asked, turning to them for a hopeful shred of confirmation.

Their smiles merely grew. That was all Twilight needed.

“This is… This is unbelievable!” Twilight gasped under a tight whisper, almost worrisome that her voice could possibly frighten the creature within the egg. “The fact that we are actually gazing upon an ancient Titan species for the first time… Oh, my… this is… this is… wow.”

“Well, golly… ain’t it a sight…” Applejack pondered, pulling her hat back so her eyes didn’t miss a second of what she was witnessing.

“Is it…?” Rainbow Dash questioned, hovering forward a mere inch closer. “Is it ready to hatch?”

“Oh, yeah, Dash,” Daring Do responded, looking nowhere else but onto the trembling egg. Her slick, awestruck grin continued to shine. “She definitely wants to be born.”

While the others sat back and watched the birth unfold, Fluttershy broke away from the crowd and approached what she had been dearly needing to understand. She couldn’t wait a second more. She simply needed to know. The stone flooring welcomed her approach, the steps leading up to the nest awaiting the presence of another.

Twilight shot out her hoof. “Wait, Fluttershy, maybe—!”

Celestia rested her own upon the mare’s shoulder, easing the young Alicorn with a comforting nod and a motherly smile. Soon enough, Twilight fell into that comfort, seeing and understanding just as her former teacher did. This was Fluttershy’s trial to face, to overcome. This was her moment to shine.

This was Fluttershy’s time to listen.

Standing now upon the edges of the nest, Fluttershy gazed into the light the egg was constantly pulsating. The warmth she felt, the light filling her heart and her being gave her the assurance that the animal was not dangerous. Not in the slightest. Not to somepony like her. Cautiously and carefully, Fluttershy laid her trembling hoof on the egg and breathed out. It certainly took her by surprise at first contact. The veins. The slick surface that was quivering and bubbling and almost ready to pop. It was more like an egg sac if anything, the shell having degraded and the last stage of the creature’s birth ready to commence. Hearing the pulses, feeling the soft cooing of the creature within the egg, Fluttershy breathed steadily and closed her eyes. She listened for several more silent seconds.

Everypony behind her did.

Until, finally, Fluttershy said, “She…”

The crowd held their breath. The Pegasus gently opened her eyes.

“She feels very distressed,” Fluttershy finished. Everypony reacted differently to that revelation. Celestia and Luna turned to one another cautiously. Daring Do and Bon Bon gulped softly. The Council of Friendship watched on, silently encouraged and cheered for their friend to press on.

And she did. Fluttershy leaned closer, not enough to where she was touching, but close enough for even her whispers to be heard. She rubbed the egg softly, told the animal within, “It’s okay… You don’t have to be afraid. We’re not here to hurt you. Come on… Come on out…”

Her calls were met with a slight hesitation, but with an answer nonetheless. Her eyes widened, Fluttershy quickly backpedaling down the steps and across the stone pathway when she felt the tremor shake across the nest. From the egg itself. Her friends were quick to join her side, all of them gazing in awe and wonder as the top of the egg broke… and the creature within began to hatch.

Its first breath was a wind whistling through the chamber, the body of the creature splitting the sac and rising higher and higher as the seconds moved on. The following rumbles and gurgles that escaped the creature filled the birthing chamber with continuous tremors, but not of any dangerous kind. The ponies held their ground, feeling the creature’s sounds fill their bodies and tremble their bones. But it was calming. It was soothing. Like a song. Maybe even a lullaby.

The skin of the animal was wet and bioluminescent. Its glow only amplified as the egg sac fell from its hide and the creature rose up to full height. Turquoise light mixed with pulses of green and blue radiated within the expansive nesting chamber. Once all had settled, the towering behemoth of a larva turned in accordance to the many other life forms present within the chamber. It made a soft, curious sound, almost unable to identify whether or not the species before it was dangerous or not.

And then, Celestia herself took a step forward. The creature turned to her, to the closest, most familiar pony approaching. Then, a second pony approached, the larva turning to her and mumbling gently. Together, the light and dark, the two sisters, Celestia and Luna stopped before the great beast.

With that same smile, Celestia called out, “Hello again… old friend.”

It took several moments before the creature could properly identify the pony or understand her words. The voice was what caught the creature most of all, that tender and loving call she had heard once so long ago. Staring first at Celestia, and then turning to Luna, the larva cooed gently to them both. Finally, assuredly, recognizing and knowing them.

Luna sighed with relief, her eyes burning from the mere beauty of it all. She could still hardly believe who she was staring at, the legend made truth, the savior and benevolent beast of peace. The first Titan she had ever witnessed… returned to them after a thousand years.

Wiping her eye, Luna proudly announced, “Everypony… say hello to Titanus Mosura… or better known as—”

Mothra,” Bon Bon breathed.

Her name was spoken, and all absorbed the power of it. Breathed it in as Bon Bon had breathed it out. To some, they were witnessing a legend brought forth to the real world, brought forth and made to be definitive truth and reality. Daring Do and Bon Bon and several other T.I.T.A.N. agents present had only ever heard of her legend, but were never born to see her for themselves. Those like Celestia, like Luna, they had lived long enough to know her legend was real, and to know the stunning tranquility of her in the flesh once again.

To the others who had never heard nor believed in her legend, they were certainly made believers now. Dr. Caballeron and his followers were at a loss for words, no thoughts of treasure plaguing their minds, but her alone filling them with the heavenly images of her presence. The Council of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle and her friends, had only been told by the princesses of who she truly was. Now that they saw her with their own eyes, they could truly believe every word Celestia and Luna uttered. Because they were right. Mothra exemplified and defined every meaning of the ancient deities and what they were always meant to be, what the old generations and tribes worshipped them for: Beauty. Serenity. Peace. Love.


“Absolutely stunning…” Rarity gasped, her eyes shimmering the twinkles of turquoise reflecting off of Mothra’s slick, newborn skin. The larva leaned back, her glowing blue eyes staring to every single pony that stepped forth to observe her closer.

Wow…” Pinkie and Spike simultaneously whispered.

The Council of Friendship continued to step closer, and their actions only startled Mothra. She leaned further back, crying softly and hissing. Twilight instantly stepped back, tugging Rarity and Pinkie with her. Applejack shook her head—simultaneously breaking out of her daze—and caught Spike by his wings, the young dragon seemingly lost in a trance to Mothra’s beauty.

Rainbow Dash flinched back, chuckling nervously. “Whoa… guess we scared her, huh?”

Fluttershy turned to her friends, eyeing them shortly before turning to the subtle cries and worrisome gurgles of the great larva. Studying Mothra’s posture and trembles, Fluttershy understood the emotions she was feeling at the moment. She was still apprehensive to the others. Hardening her brow to her friends and those with them, she slowly moved forward to approach the creature a second time. And that time, nopony tried to stop her.

Mothra was cautious herself, but eased slowly when the yellow Pegasus began to speak. That same soothing, calming voice that had spoken to her earlier. Knowing that, sensing that, believing that, Mothra lowered her head to closer examine the pony. She was gentle in her approach. Both of them were. When they met in the middle, it was Fluttershy who raised her hoof to meet her. Mothra stopped, stared at her hoof, then slowly pressed against it.

Fluttershy laid her hoof on the head of the majestic beast and simply… rested it there.

Smiling at last, Fluttershy turned back to her friends and waved them over. Slowly, she warned them silently, so as not to scare her. In a crowd of seven, Twilight Sparkle led them onwards to the face of the mighty larva. Pinkie and Spike stuck close together, Rarity and Applejack doing the same with Rainbow slow behind Twilight and Bon Bon. Celestia and Luna were the last ones to join the group, letting the mares and dragon take the necessary steps first.

“It’s all right… These are my friends…” Fluttershy assured the great beast.

Back and forth, Mothra’s sight shifted from the Pegasus and to the crowd of ponies approaching her. Though seeing the familiar Alicorn sisters also with the ponies made Mothra’s fears subside exponentially, calming her just enough for the crowd to reach Fluttershy.

And turning to them, Fluttershy gave a supportive smile and nodded them along. “Go ahead… she won’t hurt you,” she told them, her hoof still patting and rubbing Mothra’s head.

The Princess of Friendship herself was the first to raise her hoof, apprehensive at first, then seeing the nod of approval from Fluttershy, proceeded to take that brave step forward. Her hoof connected to Mothra’s skin, and Twilight sighed. Mothra seemed to sigh as well, her bioluminescence shimmering softer and softer by the second. Her pulses, her heartbeats, dropped slowly. Her breathing even more soft and slow. Calm and secure. Seeing that, the other mares took the chance to embrace the Titan for themselves.

Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Spike, and Rainbow Dash were the next brave souls, each mare and dragon laying their hoof and or claw upon Mothra’s soft hide and feeling the creature stir to their touch. Pinkie looked like a filly in a candy shop, pressing both of her hooves into Mothra’s skin and squishing it playfully, giggling to herself and whispering rapidly, “Squish, squish, squish!” Applejack smirked as her hoof grazed across the beast, backing off rather quickly after getting as much of a feel as she wanted. Spike was transfixed by Mothra’s glowing skin, the young dragon’s eyes as wide as can be as his claw gingerly traced her veins and followed her pulsating glow.

Rainbow’s hoof gingerly rubbed the larva’s slick skin, the Pegasus chuckling. “So cool… and kinda gross. But still really cool.”

After hearing that, Rarity tapped the tip of her hoof against the larva’s skin. Already shivering when she felt the cool slickness of it. She decided that was enough and backed away, clearing her throat with a forced smile and saying, “Oh, yes, she is certainly quite beauti—”

Mothra turned to the alabaster unicorn and blew hot air into her face. If the stench didn’t do it in for her, then the dampness of Mothra’s breath certainly made Rarity gag. She froze in place as the steam practically engulfed her face. Rarity coughed and wheezed, her mane a frazzled mess that stuck out behind her skull.

She gagged once more, forcing out a hoarse, “… beautiful.”

Mothra made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a soft giggle.

As for the last member of their small group of mares, Bon Bon took her sweet time simply staring at and studying the beast for any sudden movements. For any sort of threatening motions. Only she made none. Mothra was as curious about them as Twilight and her friends were about her. Finally giving in to her own curiosity, Bon Bon approached while the other mares backed away. Mothra turned to her and her alone. Bon Bon froze, already seeing the same blue tint that struck the heavens and tore apart the skies of the snowstorm. Hearing that horrific roar sting her ears one more time…

She closed her eyes.

She raised her shaking hoof.

And then released the pent-up anxiety growing inside of her in a long exhale when Mothra pressed herself against the pony’s touch. Bon Bon gazed up to the Titan in awe and… excitement. She even managed a real smile. Though her history with Titans was not the brightest, nor the friendliest, Bon Bon could at least mentally jot down her encounter with Titanus Mosura as certainly peaceful. Not all Titans were ferocious, bloodthirsty monsters. Bon Bon still needed to remind herself of that, because Mothra definitely wasn’t.

She took a step away to make room for the former princesses. Celestia and Luna both neared Mothra and raised their hooves in order to grace her once more. Mothra was more than willing for them, cooing affectionately when her head connected with their hooves. The scene was enough to make Fluttershy’s heart swell.

Celestia gasped, struggling to hold in her tears, but managed to say, “It has been far too long.”

“Indeed,” Luna added, patting the great larva lovingly.

Twilight and the others gazed to the reunion, knowing for sure it was a reunion. Meaning there was more story between the former rulers and the friendly Titan than Celestia and Luna were willingly to reveal. Meaning there was still more for Twilight to learn. Giddy at the thought, she nearly dismissed the sudden tremor quaking through Mothra’s body.

To their surprise, and to the surprise of everypony else present, Mothra slowly leaned back, chittering at a high-pitched moan. Her legs quivered in a showing of emotional distress. Though many looked about and asked to themselves what was wrong with her, it was Fluttershy who flew up to Mothra and pressed her hooves against her forehead once more. That seemed to calm the creature down, but only for a moment. Her breathing was rapid, her pulsating heartbeats far from normal. Fluttershy shushed her in a calming, motherly tone, stroking the newborn’s head and whispering words of comfort. The entire crowd watched in anxious anticipation.

“Why are you so afraid?” Fluttershy asked, feeling the trembling skin of the beast and feeling her own heart threatening to break. The little cries and whimpers Mothra made did not help her, either. But she was determined. She had helped nearly every animal and creature deemed too dangerous to save many a time. Such as the manticore when she first met Twilight.

All she needed to do was find Mothra’s thorn.

Soothing the creature, Fluttershy pressed her own forehead against hers and continued to shush her, assure her, peacefully speak to her in a way only the two of them could understand. Her next question came after a near-minute of silence, a near-minute of soothing.

With her eyes closed, Fluttershy whispered to the creature, “Can you speak to me?”

It was nearly a minute once more of silence. At least, everypony thought it was silence. There was no other sound heard in the room except for Mothra’s minimal whimpers and chitters. Her cooing grew rampant as the seconds pressed on, more turquoise pulses filling the nesting chamber with light and warmth. Finally, Fluttershy broke off from the larva, but still held her hoof to her. She opened her eyes.

“What’s she saying?” Daring Do asked.

“She…” Fluttershy replied, trying to recollect just what exactly Mothra had spoken to her. It was a difficult tongue, but it was an animal nonetheless. Fluttershy could understand her, maybe not be normal means… but by a way that felt natural. Not really her mind… but her heart. Her spirit. Her soul. That, for some reason, was the only way Mothra could speak to a pony with a talent like hers.

Pursing her lips, Fluttershy managed to translate, “She says her rebirth is occurring because…”

Mothra cooed to her.

“Because she has sensed a great imbalance soon to come… greater than… before?” she said, almost uttering it in a question. Fluttershy stared at Mothra, trying to understand if she uttered that correctly. Mothra cooed once more. “She was born again… and therefore must take action.”

Breaking her hoof away, she flew down to meet with her friends and the former princesses. “She says that she still needs time to rest and grow strong.”

Celestia stared to the majestic animal, nodding fiercely to that. “We can assure her that T.I.T.A.N. will keep her safe,” the Alicorn declared.

Mothra stared to them, singing what seemed to be a gentle response of comfort. Almost as if she understood what Celestia had said.

Bon Bon stared back at the creature, turning quickly to the yellow Pegasus and telling her, “Fluttershy, we need you to keep talking to her. Find out what we need to do to help, and what Mothra means by this… ‘great imbalance’ and what it entails.”

Fluttershy nodded to that, her mission set, her priorities laid out. As long as she got to stay with Mothra and keep her safe, then that was all that mattered. To her, anyway. As for the others, Bon Bon faced the Alicorn and properly addressed them as such. “Celestia, Luna…”

The many turned her way, not just the former rulers. That was good, because Bon Bon needed all of their attention. Especially the Council’s. Especially when she told the sisters, “I think now would be the best time if we told Twilight and the others everything they need to know… about everything they don’t know.”

Mothra gave off an astounding sound. A shriek. A roar of her own. One that made the entire temple quake and made everypony turn her way. One that made Bon Bon smile again. At least there was one Titan she could come to like.


Author's Note:

Artwork by Shrekzilla

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