• Published 5th Jul 2023
  • 455 Views, 34 Comments

Star Wars Episode V, Phantoms Of The Past - FourShadow

As the Rebels work to build their forces, the shadows of the Empire start to loom over them once more...

  • ...

Reunions Of The Familiar Kind

On board the Mon-Calamari cruiser, the Vigilant, the crews and troopers began to settle in for the journey back to home base. While most of the troopers who were exhausted from the fight went to go rest up, or go to the mess halls for some needed grub, Sunset Shimmer along with Applejack and Rainbow Dash stayed out in the hangar bay where the technicians and engineers worked on repairing starcraft. Parked on one of the spaces was the new additions of the troop carrier, and the Naboo starfighter. Even the Sweetie Drop was taking a rest inside the hangar bay area.

Sunset was too busy giving Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie a huge hug to be bothered by the fact she was covered in dust and scrapes from the fight.

“I missed you girls so much…” Sunset whispered with joy in her voice.

“We missed you, too,” Fluttershy squeaked, still embracing the hug.

Eventually Rainbow Dash and Applejack joined in for another longer hug, not wanting to let them go again.

“Oh it’s so good to see you all again,” Rarity cooed, trying not to cry from joy. “I can’t tell you how many days went by and I just wanted to call you.”

“I know,” Sunset wiped a happy tear from her face. “But I’m glad you all are back, I’m guessing you got my message?”

“Mmmhmm,” Pinkie appeared out of nowhere, now dressed in more casual clothes; a tank top with a Jedi-like skirt hanging above her pants and blue boots. Her hands were holding onto a tray filled with some small glasses of delicious looking ice cream, which everyone accepted, except for Sunset who raised a hand to say ‘no thanks’. “After we got your message, we’ve been trying to find each other for the past few months, and well, here we are.”

“Either way, I’m glad to have you gals back. I missed fighting you all,” Rainbow smiled, enjoying her ice cream.

“I must say, Rainbow Dash, that new arm looks wonderful,” Rarity observed. “It looks better than when we first got your replacement.”

Rainbow flexed her arm around. “Thanks. Though I think we kinda need to bring up the elephant in the room here… did you change species?”

Everyone looked back at Rarity again. No one spoke up on it, but all eyes were locked onto the Togruta tendrils she had hanging down her head.

“Oh-pftt, Rainbow Dash, honestly, I think even you would know that would be impossible to do,” Rarity poised. She lifted the headpiece off, showing a hairnet firmly placed down on her head. Untying the back, her hair poofed up before behaving back into the normal style that everyone remembered her having, curls and all. Although there was one visible gray stripe now streaked on one of her curls. “Having a disguise is helpful when trying to hide from the Empire, especially any unsavory customers in the galaxy…”

"Yeah, but there's one other thing that's bugging me right now. What happened to um... your, uh..?" Applejack hesitated.

The girls looked back, and all jaws slacked on the floor. Rarity reached back and brushed her hair a bit before her hand met her left ear, feeling a sizable chip no longer present.

"Oh, you mean my ear?"

Everyone nodded without making a sound.

"Oh, that's nothing, darlings, I'm alright. I can still hear you all perfectly," Rarity reassured.

“… know what, fair enough, I can’t argue with that,” Rainbow shrugged. She sat her ice cream down on the seat next to her (at least what was part of the seat since she was using an old crate), and felt a soft nudge at her feet. She looked down, and she stifled a gasp. Her eyes teared up, and she was trying hard not to freak out. “N… No way…”

Fluttershy picked up the animal on the floor, lifting it up so Rainbow Dash could see him fully; an old tortoise looking at her with the sweetest, warmest smile a tortoise ever had.


Fluttershy giggled as she carefully gave the animal to Rainbow Dash who immediately hugged him like a plushie. “I missed you so much buddy, I’m so glad you’re ok! W-Where did you find him?”

“I may have taken a stop down at Equestria and picked up a few of my animals,” Fluttershy shrugged. Almost immediately, a bird flew down and sat on her head. And then another bird perched on the small wooden rod that was prodding from one of her shoulder armors. “Ok, maybe more than a few,” she tittered.

Just then, their eyes watched as Spike rolled around the corner, with R2-D2 tailing close behind. Almost immediately, Pinkie yanked Spike up and gave him the biggest hug, somehow having the strength to lift him up.

“HI SPIKE!” Pinkie squeaked.

“Dah! Pinkie!” Spike yelped, his arms flailing.

And two seconds later he was dropped to the ground with a thud, as Pinkie immediately went to hug R2-D2 as well.

“Hi R2!”

“Bwoop boop!”

Spike pulled himself back up on his feet, and was given affectionate hugs from both Fluttershy and Rarity, this time more softly.

“Oh Spikey-Wikey, it’s so good to see you again!”

“Heh, it’s good to see you too, Rarity,” Spike replied, embracing her back.

“And to you as well, R2,” Fluttershy greeted.

“Bwoop bop. Brrt brrt brrrt, bweep bop,” R2 answered back.

"Oh, before I forget, there is someone else I want you all to meet. Well, a few," Sunset continued, looking at the Jedi and Mandalorian couple walking together.

A small squeeeeing sound came from Pinkie Pie as she saw her old friend.

"Hi Lyra! I missed you!" Pinkie scooped her up in a big hug, making her giggle.

"It's good to see you too, Pinkie," Lyra hugged her back.

"Oooh, and who is this lady?" Pinkie asked.

"Bon Bon, I'm her wife," Bon Bon introduced.

The three new arrivals were taken aback by this news.

"You're married?" Fluttershy asked.

"No, I just decided to spend my whole life with her cause I wanted someone to ba--yes I'm married," the Mandalorian deadpanned, getting a soft squeeze from her partner's hand. She looked back at Lyra with the cutest smile as she kissed her on the cheek. "And I don't regret one second of time with her."

"Aww, how romantic," Rarity cooed. "I'm glad you two found each other. And I'm especially glad to see you're still alive after all this time," she said, directing her eyes to Lyra.

"Not just us. You know Twilight's niece, Flurry Heart?"

"Y-Yes?" Fluttershy asked, worryingly.

"She's alive. She's with us, and well... she's our daughter," Lyra said, awkwardly.

"I thought she had perished a long time ago," Rarity asked.

"No, she's still alive. And more importantly, she's with us, and she's safe," Lyra confirmed, watching Flurry sit by the Sweetie Drop with some of the Team Six members. The group was having a few laughs, enjoying a few celebratory snacks for their victory, even if it was a hollow one. Lyra and Bon Bon's hands intertwined as they watched her, hearts warming at the sight of their daughter being so happy.

The rest of the Jedi looked back; Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie all taken aback from how different she looked. Now they all remembered her as an infant, but to see her on the cusp of turning eighteenf, and looking like a young fighter? This was a new sight for them to take in for sure. Still sporting the clone trooper arm guards, work pants covered in dust and mud, and wearing a casual tank top.

"I wouldn't recommend crowding her right now," Lyra advised. "And I especially don't want any of you mentioning... you-know-what."

"What do... ohhhhhhh righhhhhttt," Pinkie remembered. "Yeahhhhh I don't know about you, but she has to know at some point."

"... No," Lyra bluntly said.

"Lyra, I know it's scary to imagine how she will react or feel, but you know something? It might make things better for you if you told her the truth. And it might make her better too."

Lyra's eyes narrowed at Pinkie. "Pinkie. I like you. But ARE YOU INSANE!?"

"No," Pinkie shook her head innocently.

"I... no. As long as I'm alive, we're not telling her the truth, she will hate us forever!"

"She'll be more mad if she knows you've been lying to her all this time--"


Lyra and Pinkie's eyes moved back to Sunset who looked like she was ready to explode. "I do not know whether it will makes things better or worse if she finds out, but that isn't important, and the last thing we need is more drama, got it?" She grit her teeth on that last remark, making both warriors shut up.

"Yes ma'am," both Lyra and Pinkie squeaked with fear.

"Thank you."

Awkward silence beheld them, until Rarity cleared her throat to try and change the subject. “Perhaps it is time we get caught up. What exactly has the Empire been planning?” Rarity asked.

“That’s what we’re trying to find out. The past few months, we’ve just been delaying shipments of weapons, stopping invasions, rescuing people in need of help, that kind of thing. We got a tip from an inside source telling us they had some big plan going on, but they erased all the data before we could get more information on them,” Sunset paced back and forth.

“Hence why you were fighting on Terra,” Pinkie surmised.

“Exactly,” Sunset confirmed. “And since they erased all the data there, I need to go visit an old contact of mine to see if she’s picked up anything new.”

“Mind if we tag along? You could use the extra hand,” Applejack offered.

“I dunno, she’s kinda… well…” Sunset hesitated. “Kijimi’s not exactly fun nor welcome for us.”

“We’re wanted fugitives who just came out of hiding; we’re used to no longer being accepted by everyone,” Rarity rolled her eyes. “But more seriously darling, we should help you. Nothing wrong with extra numbers after all…”

“Well… I suppose having more hands would be nice,” Sunset considered.

“Come on, Sunset, we’re your friends, we’re back, let’s do a mission just like old times!” Pinkie pleaded. “Pleaseeeee????”

“Ohhhh alright,” Sunset playfully rolled her eyes. “You girls can come along.”

“Yay,” Fluttershy quietly cheered.

“But we need to get you three registered,” Sunset looked at the new additions, pointing at each of them. “It’s a safety thing; and it helps us keep track of how many of us there are.”

“And uh… maybe we can get lunch?” Rainbow Dash asked with a titter.

“… Didn’t I tell you to eat before we left?”

“Hey, you took the café seats, I was scouting with Applejack!”

Sunset raised a finger and then drooped. “Fair enough, I suppose lunch wouldn’t hurt. Besides, it’ll give you three a chance to get acquainted with the Rebels for a little bit.”

“Um, Sunset?” Fluttershy interrupted. “I hope you don’t mind that I brought all the animals with me?”

Sunset looked back at the open hangars of the troop carrier. The animals were all taking a nap, adorably sleeping in their own little nests and spots inside. Although the raptor was still freaky, it was nice to see it too, got along with the others without wanting to snack on any of them.

“I don’t think that’d be a problem. Although I’m not sure how many veterinarians we have in the Rebellion.”

“Actually, I was hoping they could work as a form of animal therapy. With how stressed out we all are with the war, I think it’d be a good idea for these animals to provide the stressfree care and affection we all need from time to time,” Fluttershy smiled warmly.

“That’s… actually not a bad idea,” Sunset grinned.

“I mean it’s working for Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy chuckled, seeing how happy Rainbow was snuggling Tank.

Soon after the cruiser arrived back to Yavin IV, everyone moved their stuff out and got ready to settle back in. Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy all got themselves registered and provided with passes to ensure the Rebellion could still mark them as allies just in case. Fluttershy moved her troop carrier to one of the hangar bays, in an empty space with plenty of room for her animals to hang out and chill without bothering anyone.

Eventually, Flurry Heart was properly introduced to the new arrival Jedi with plenty of warm welcomes from them all; especially from Pinkie Pie. Despite the fear of the assassin droid, no one hacked apart her family members of former Storm Army association. But the time for lunch was getting closer, with everyone's stomachs rumbling. The group was just about to move to the cafeteria, until Sunset stopped hearing a voice on her com device.

General Shimmer.”

“Yes Captain, what is it?” Sunset asked, hitting the answer button.

“I’m down by the tarmac, and I think you need to see this. Someone brought in an X-Wing, but it doesn’t belong to any of us. This looks… just come down here.”

“Oookay… on my way," Sunset replied, hesitantly.

Following her, the rest of the Jedi Six walked with her down to the tarmac again to check out the strange vehicle. Nearby, Lyra, Bon Bon, and Flurry were sitting next to the Sweetie Drop in lawn chairs, enjoying the chance to sit still for a little bit, all the while embracing the warm sunshine that reflected on their pastel-colored skin.

And indeed, they could see what the captain was talking around. Surrounded by a bunch of technicians, engineers, parked underneath some trees, was an X-Wing. But this X-Wing wasn’t like anything they had ever seen, no one made this model. The engines looked like it split into halves, it was cleaner and sleeker, like it had just gotten fresh off the assembly line. Colored in golden yellows and purple highlights, with various tattoos plastered on the wings.

“Does this X-Wing belong to any of you?” One of the technicians asked, looking at Sunset and the Jedi Six.

“No, it doesn’t. We don’t have this model, this looks new. I don’t remember sending any commissions for new X-Wings…” Sunset thought.

“Okay, well what about any of you?” He pressed on, still wanting a direct answer.

“I trashed my ship back on Terra,” Pinkie said with no shame or embarrassment.

“I took the troop carrier,” Fluttershy added.

“I flew here in an N1 Starfighter,” Rarity projected.

“Lyra and Bon Bon took the Sweetie Drop to get back,” Applejack added.

“Well, we checked with everyone in the database, this ship doesn’t belong to anyone, yet someone came here. We’ve been conducting searches for the pilot, but there hasn’t been any sign of ‘em,” he continued.

Sunset looked at the ship again, studying the detail some more to see if there was something she was missing. She did notice another graphic; a sigil of a treble clef crossing with a diamond. Something about it seemed… familiar. Somehow. But she didn’t know what it was.

“Keep searching. In the meantime, we better look for our guest as well. If this ship was manned by someone, they can’t be too far gone. Keep your coms intact, eyes and ears open. Don’t let anyone get a drop on you,” Sunset ordered. “We--”

Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh-ahhh

Sunset stopped. "Did anyone hear that?"

Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh-ahhh

“Okay, am I crazy, did that song sound familiar?” Sunset feared, pulling out her lightsaber without turning it on.

“I heard it too,” Pinkie whispered, trying to listen again.

Everyone looked around, trying to find the source of the sound, until all eyes slowly turned around, seeing a figure emerge from the forests. Slow heels marched along the tarmac towards them, as if the figure didn't have a care in the world. Their body shrouded in a dark cloak, covering any physical appearances, with a Phase I clone trooper helmet obscuring their eyes; the blue paint faded from time.

Not hesitating, all six Jedi pulled out their lightsabers, igniting them one by one. Fluttershy's blade was shaped like a spear, with a small blade extended at the end of the staff, a bright green hue. Rarity's weapon, shaped like an ancient katana, sparkled with diamonds as the blade extended with baby blue. Pinkie Pie's sabers were in the form of two axes; each of them lighting with blue and pink respectively. Applejack's more simple saber was pulled out in defensive position. Rainbow Dash's double-bladed saber twirled around as she got into a fighting stance. Last of all, Sunset Shimmer stood with her blade, in an upright and determined position as if to give a warning.

The figure kept marching towards them, humming their ominous song ever more. Just then, rows of Rebel personnel and soldiers charged out of the base, surrounding the X-Wing and the group of Jedi. Lyra, Bon Bon, Flurry, and a few members of Team Six joined them as they surrounded the mystery figure.

“Who are you?” Sunset growled. “Take off the helmet.”

The stranger didn’t speak, but complied with the order. Her hands grabbed the helmet, pulling it off slowly to let her auburn curly locks appear from the hard helmet. And when she took it off, the girls gasped in shock and awe. That same light gold skin and magenta eyes, giving them that same, familiar seductive grin she was known for, still somehow looking fabulous even with the massive claw marks that stretched across her face.

“Sunset Shimmer. We meet again,” she greeted.

Sunset and the Jedi next to her couldn’t believe their eyes. That face was all they needed to know who she was.

“General, do you know this woman?” Admiral Raddus asked, raising one of his eyes.

“Yes, I do. Sith apprentice, Adagio Dazzle,” Sunset said, introducing the intruder to the Rebels.

Formerly Sith, General. I’m just Adagio Dazzle now,” the Siren replied, nonchalantly. "I'm no longer aligned with them."

“I thought you were dead after the entire galaxy-wide Jedi purge,” Rainbow asked, putting her hands on her hips. “The Empire said you were dead.”

“Your reports of my death were greatly exaggerated, Rainbow Dash,” Adagio said, pulling off a black pilot glove to expose some metallic fingers wrapped around a black fingerless glove. “I escaped with some minor damage to the due, and now I am here. So lovely to meet all of you.”

Adagio looked at the temples her ship was so close to, taking in their structure. “I must say, I admire your choice for a base. This rustic, earth-meshing with technology, it’s a nice little place you have,” Adagio said with a confident smirk. And then over to Lyra and Bon Bon who stood by with Flurry, acting on protective instinct. “I take it she is yours?”

“If you go near my daughter, I will not hesitate to end your life,” Lyra growled.

“I don’t wish to harm her, I do not involve myself in hurting children. Besides, that's not why I'm here; I want to make a real friend, one that won’t stab me in the back,” Adagio said, still keeping that confident flair.

“Cut the crap. What’s the real reason you’re here?” Captain Sentry growled, speaking up.

“I know we’ve had our grievances in the past, and I’ve tried to inflict pain and misery upon you all during the Clone Wars. But as far as I know, the Clone Wars is over, and the Empire is the new threat. I believe the old saying goes ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’. So, I thought I would come to all of you in hopes to join your side,” Adagio said.

“Yeah, right,” Rainbow scoffed.

“I’d sooner let Jabba the Hutt join the Rebellion than a witch like you,” Applejack glared.

“I don’t give a womp rat’s behind what she has to say. What could she possibly offer that we would want anyway?” Sunset scoffed, turning her back on her.

“Derpy Hooves is alive.”

Sunset froze in place, like someone shot her in the back. Those words coming from Adagio Dazzle, she knew it had to be something to spite her and make her angry. She knew this former Sith too well. The fiery-haired girl gave her an evil glare with one eye. “Don’t even joke about that, that’s not even a little bit funny.”

“I am not joking. Derpy is alive, she survived Order 66, along with a few others.”

Sunset thought more and more. She still wasn’t sure if she should have believed her or not.

“If you have a punchline Adagio, just use it.”

Adagio still looked at her with a serious face, not breaking into laughter or smirks at all. “There is no punchline, Sunset Shimmer. Because it is not a joke.”

Now Sunset wasn’t sure what to believe anymore. Curious to hear where she was going to go with her words, she gave Adagio her full attention.

“You’re serious aren’t you? You’re saying Derpy is alive?”

Adagio nodded.

“And why should we believe you?”

Adagio waited for her to finish, and then looked at Flurry, feigning some somberness in her voice. “Look at you all. You all have a team. You have each other. I have nothing. I’ve lost everything. I have nothing more to lose. Nothing can hurt me anymore…”

“If you think I’m going to fall for that Adagio, you’re dead wrong. You’ve manipulated me before, it’s not going to—”

“She’s not dead you idiot!”

Adagio reached into her side, which made everyone cock their weapons.

“Will you relax, I’m getting my projector,” Adagio rolled her eyes, pulling out her handheld device. The holoprojection turned on, revealing a planet on the display. “Ajan Kloss. Not too far from this world. Jungle environment, best place other than Sorgan to find krill. Popular in the summertime, perfect vacation residence, and popular to Trandoshans for sport. But she is located here, and she’s not alone.”

“And how do you know she’s there?” Rainbow folded her arms.

“I took a stop there to buy some food from local farmers. But when I wandered about, I saw a very interesting structure made out of old Republic vehicles, along with a handful of clothes that I can imagine belong to her; especially since none of the villagers are close to her figure. And I believe the last time I checked, she was living with a handful of men.”

“And you’re telling all of this to get on our good side?”

“If you’re not willing to trust me, then I’m just going to have to earn your trust. I know none of you are stupid enough to just let me waltz on in, so I thought if I did everything I could to be supportive to your cause, maybe I might get a chance at redemption.”

Sunset and the girls looked at each other, each one silently shrugging or giving some expressions that showed clear distrust. Even Pinkie Pie didn't like the idea of bringing her on, but Sunset let out a sigh. Her friends may not have trusted her, and she herself didn't believe her either. But if she was telling the truth, even if it was on the tiniest chance of possibility, she'd have to.

“Okay Adagio. You want a chance to prove yourself? We’ll give you that chance,” Sunset agreed. Adagio smiled briefly, but stopped when she felt the metallic cuffs slapped on her wrists. She could move her wrists slightly to reach, but not that far. “… But until you do, I’m afraid you’re going to have to wear those for a little bit,” Sunset said, rather sternly. “Only as a precaution; don’t want you wandering around with a possibility you could be lying. We have a rather unfortunate history with letting Dark Siders being free.”

“I’d argue with you, but you are much more fair and forgiving than the Empire. I’ll agree. I must admit, it’s not my first time being in cuffs you know,” she said suggestively, giving a naughty wink.

“Yeah, let’s not delve into any of your personal private times, can we? We do have non-legals here, I’d rather not them hear what you like to do in your off time.”

“Oh, hush. I wouldn’t dream of it; not near the seventeen-year-old of course,” Adagio said, noting Flurry’s disturbed and confused face. “But to the other adults…” Adagio chuckled lightly. “Oh I can certainly turn a few heads.”

“Whatever,” Sunset rolled her eyes, stepping away from Adagio. “Lyra, Bon Bon?” The married couple looked at Sunset. “I know we just got back, but do either of you mind going on a quick search mission?”

Lyra shrugged and Bon Bon gave an affirming shrug as well.

“I’m okay with that. Need us to take the Siren here?” Lyra deadpanned.

“Yes please. And if you need to, please take some more numbers with her. She may have given herself to us to start anew, but I don’t trust her,” Sunset sighed.

“You were a Sith at one point, weren’t you?” Adagio called.

Apprentice. I chose to join the Jedi on my own free will,” Sunset explained.

"We'd be happy to investigate Sunset, no worries. We just a few more volunteers, and we'll be good to go," Lyra looked around.

The surrounding Rebels said nothing as they glared at Adagio. No one volunteered, or made a peep to the rest of the group. Winds whistled in awkward silence, accompanied by one person in the background coughing, and another blowing their nose.

"Oh come on, we can't go alone, pleaaaaaseeeeee?" Flurry begged like a six-year-old.

"Eh, I'll go, beats mop duty," Gallus shrugged, grabbing his weapons.

"I'll go as well," Smolder volunteered.

"... Begging like a child actually worked? Okay, that's not a good lesson to let me think will work, just saying," Flurry puzzled.

Several minutes later

Everyone awkwardly sat outside the tarmac, eating lunch. The conversation was lackluster, so to speak. Adagio Dazzle's prescence didn't help matters either, and even she kept her mouth shut except when enjoying some deliciously cooked meals. Sunset and the rest of the Jedi had daggers glaring right at the Siren, and Adagio just kept eating as if nothing was wrong. Despite the fact she was in cuffs, she had enough wrist movement to enjoy her food without it being a hassle or inconvience.

"Mmm. This is tasty," Adagio wiped her lips. "My compliments to your chefs."

No one responded.

"... Okay, this is really awkward, um. I'm just going to eat in the ship, let me know when you're all ready to go," Flurry deadpanned, getting away from the group.

Adagio Dazzle casually walked towards the Sweetie Drop with IG-11, Gallus, and Smolder marching behind her, adding extra security to make sure she didn't pull any fast ones. Everyone was expecting annoyance from the added precaution, but she still remained calm and casual as if none of this was bothering. Even her demeanor felt genuine, and not a facade.

Lyra and Bon Bon waited by the cockpit, flipping the switches to prepare for take off.

"All crew members in?" Lyra asked into the coms.

"Cheep, G-G, Eleven, Gallus, Smolder, Adagio, and I are all here and accounted for," Flurry replied back.

"Great. Now strap yourselves in, we're getting ready for take off," Bon Bon finished.

At the same time, Sunset Shimmer and the rest of the former Jedi Council were gathered and heading off into their own freighter for Sunset's mission. Spike and R2 followed behind them, moving into the vessel. Each of the Jedi strapped themselves in so they were safe, all the while Sunset and the droids moved to the main cockpit. A pilot was already sitting inside; a dark, tall, sleek droid with slender arms and legs that reached controls beyond most humans reach.

"I trust everyone will stay in their seats and won't move about when we prepare for liftoff?"

"Yes, K2. Everyone is safe."

"Would you like the probability of them completely disregarding safety?" K2 asked.

Sunset, R2, and Spike all slowly turned their heads to glare at him as he focused on the general.

"It's high."

"Let's just get going."

"It is very high."

The ship's engines rumbled and shook, making everyone a little jittery from the shakes. But eventually, the freighter pulled itself up into the air and took off for the skies, leaving a trail of dust behind it. The Sweetie Drop wasn't too far behind, both ships leaving together into Yavin IV's atmosphere before both moving in their own separate directions.

"We'll be in touch if something goes wrong," Sunset said into the coms. "Just be careful about Adagio. I want to give her a chance, but somethig still feels off about her."

"You're not the only one, Sunset. We're keeping the cuffs on her like you said. I just hope she wasn't lying about Derpy."

"You and me both. Let's just stay optimistic on this one. Over and out," Sunset smiled.

"See you in a day or two, Sunset. May the Force be with you."

Sunset pulled the lever, priming the hyperdrive engines. Light flashed outside of the ship and with a single jump, the freighter holding Sunset Shimmer and her friends left Yavin IV, now on their way to meet the contact. At the same time, the Sweetie Drop left a few minutes later, punching it into hyperspace as well, moving their way to Ajan Kloss, hoping their old friend was still alive after all this time.