• Published 5th Jul 2023
  • 457 Views, 35 Comments

Star Wars Episode V, Phantoms Of The Past - FourShadow

As the Rebels work to build their forces, the shadows of the Empire start to loom over them once more...

  • ...

A Luster Of Memories

Author's Note:

Thanks again to Scholars for proof-reading this chapter!

And either way, we are back! Thanks for all of your patience, and hope you're still enjoying it :scootangel:

Lightning surged above the barren lands surrounding the fortress Midnight resided. Despite the intensity in the skies that was dangerous to ships smaller than a snubfighter, it didn't strike at the ground unless a metallic rod directed its path.

Inside the castle was just as protected as the Star Destroyers that hovered above the atmosphere. Lightning echoed, with very few tremors that shook; only creating mild annoyances to the officers working. It especially wasn't annoying for the teen who entered a large empty room, shrouded in a cloak. A few white lights turned on, making the darkness showcase many metal plating reinforcing the floors and walls.

The teen stood silent, slowly breathing in and out. Inhale and exhale, as her master had instructed many times before. Quiet filled the room as she calmed her mind, listening carefully.


She moved her head to the side, facing a barren wall. Just then, a pair of metal feet slammed onto the ground behind her. And another. And another. And another. All four pairs of feet moved around her, before the hands of the guards began twirling their batons around, each of them sparking purple electricity from their ends. The droids were all repurposed IG-100 Magnaguards, warriors from the Clone War long ago. Once they fought for the Separatists before they were turned to the Storm Empire, now they served as training droids for the teen in this fortress.

The first one twirled his staff around at the student's head, forcing her to duck and roll to the side, igniting a simple red plasma blade. She brought up the blade in a defensive position, just as the second guard swung his electrostaff down, blocking it. Once he was locked on target, she pushed back with her strength before lifting up her hand, throwing the guard across the room into a metallic spike that was protruding out of the wall.

The third Magnaguard swung from behind, making her quickly turn around to defensive position, locked in a battle between one force of strength versus another. The first guard was about to attack just as she was vulnerable, but the student let herself go with enough strength to allow the guard to swing, and straight at her third opponent. The attack was short, allowing the apprentice time to charge forward and slash the first guard's head clean off, and make a strike through the red glowing eye in the chest, ensuring it wouldn't come back online.

Stepping to the side as the fourth guard charged forward, the second one was coming towards her once again. Changing tactics, the student waited as it got closer before holding her blade like a dagger, pushing it straight into the chest of the oncoming guard, making sparks fizzle and a series of malfunctioning beeps emit from the voicebox.

Now all that remained was herself, and the fourth guard. She stood up, turning around to face the fourth. It turned into a standoff, one against one. Her eyes tensed as she quickly became attentive towards her foe, who was taking several steps forward to begin a running charge. Twirling the staff around, the Magnaguard got ready for one final blow; but the apprentice made no step nor change in her stance.

The Magnaguard was getting closer and was about to lunge at her, until it was locked in the air by an unseen force. It kicked and struggled to charge, but an energy prevented it from striking. The apprentice looked forward, a pair of golden eyes glowing sinisterly as it focused on the droid. Both hands lifted up, palms open before slowly closing with clenching muscles.

Sparks began to burst all around the droid's body, his head looking with fear as parts and pieces were flying off his structure. Plates were falling apart, and bolts bounced on the floor. Just then, some of the plates started to crush from within, breaking as if someone were denting them with a blunt object, and the eyes turned to shattered glass. All of the pieces that began to break were being forced against their joints, twisting and turning into a metal pretzel before being crushed into a sphere of garbage, no longer resembling the droid that once stood.

A soft breath emitted from the student as she calmed herself down, having used much of her energy to try and destroy it. The only thing left on her mind was whether or not she had done well today.

The doors opened up. The figure standing outside the room marched into the room, artificial breathing echoing to kill the silence. Midnight herself looked at the damage done to the Magnaguards, disarmed and defeated with no means of rising back up right away. She looked to her student, her breathig still echoing.

"Well done, my student. You have passed another test."

The hood came down, revealing a pink-skinned girl with golden curled hair, a chipper smile on her face.

"Thank you, Master. You really think I passed?"

"I do. I saw your performance; moving swiftly without causing too much destruction, channeling your hatred into just your enemy and not the environment around you, and you have successfully defeated your enemy and ensured they won't rise back up right away. You're getting stronger with the Dark Side, Luster."

"Thank you, Master," Luster bowed.

"Now, have you gotten any breakfast?"

"... um... no," Luster hesitated.

Midnight's head tilted forward. "My apprentice, what have I told you?"

"... Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," Luster defeatedly said.

"You need your strength in battle, but you also can't start with an empty stomach," Midnight's hand softly rubbed her student's shoulders like a mother. "Now go get yourself something to eat, I will call the cleanup crew."

"Yes, master," Luster nodded before making her exit.

Shortly after she left the facility, she went back to her quarters to grab a few personal items. It didn't take long for her to find them, and soon she started to walk through the fortress halls. Stepping out of her wing, she entered a hall with a few guards posted at a few doors, and a few troopers standing by, awaiting orders from any superior officers. Luster took a deep breath before walking forward, past a few of them.

"Hey Luster," one of the Midnight troopers greeted.

Luster smiled adorably as she stopped in front of one of them. "Hey RC-2351."

"Ready for a rematch later today?"

"Of course, love to!" Luster squeaked.

"Sounds good to me. Getting breakfast?"

"Yeah, I kinda neglected to get some food," Luster blushed.

"Alright then, I'll let you go about your business," the trooper nodded.

"Bye!" Luster waved as she set off again. Turning left, she gave a small nod to two particular guards; clad in red armor and cloaks; black visors resembling the shape of Mandalorian warriors with more angular visors. The two of them didn't move from position, but did get a resounding nod to Luster as she went past them, recognizing the student of their employer.

Just around another bend, swinging past a small squad of soldiers were two officers; one Equestrian and a black human, talking to one another.

"I heard supposedly Lady Midnight herself has an interest in Dathomir," the Equestrian said, picking up where their conversation started.

"What can be so important down there? Isn't that place crawling with witches and voodoo?"

"No idea. Supposedly the Storm King led a raid down there back in the Clone Wars and wiped them out, but I wouldn't know, I wasn't there," the officer replied.

Luster stopped in her tracks, turning back around to step in briefly. "My master is interested in Dathomir?"


"Hey, don't get her hopes up, you'll just disappoint her," the other officer said, sternly but calm.

Luster shrugged off the remarks. "It's okay. I'll believe it when my teacher gives me the okay. See you two around."

The student finally made it to the front doors of the spotless cafeteria. While most of the Empire's resources for food was reliant on simple rations that provided the nutrients their soldier needed, the cafeteria on Midnight's castle was a little more special; the food provided had more substance and above all, flavoring, something the lowest of ranks could only dream of tasting.

Luster's first stop was the drink station, settling for a healthful dispense of blue milk in a medium-sized cup. Next came her actual meal. Freshly cooked stacks of griddle cakes steamed from the hot plates, with a variety of toppings including syrup, fruits, and small portions of butter. Last of all were her utensils, and soon she found a spot to sit down, not bothering any of her collaborates within the mess hall.

Most of the tables were open for anyone to come and sit, but the student chose to just sit by a table with some officers sitting around. They didn't mind her presence, it was rather refreshing seeing the bright and chipper student every now and again, especially in a dreary fortress such as this one. Besides, the Inquisitors never sat themselves among 'their kind', mostly because their ranks were higher.

Despite the company, the ones surrounding her today weren't very interested in talking to her, judging by the disinterested expressions as they averted their eyes. But in turn, Luster also put on a disinterested expression, focusing on her breakfast. But for the rest of the hour, Luster internally wondered if anyone would accompany her, or want to spark a conversation. Or if there was anyone here or outside of the Empire she could talk to...

Elsewhere in hyperspace, the freighter holding Sunset and her friends was moving at a steady speed. Despite hesitation from Fluttershy and Rarity, Sunset reassured the girls that K2-SO was more than capable to drive them despite being an Imperial droid. Realizing they still had hours ahead, Sunset led the girls out of the main cockpit down a hallway through the ship. The fiery-haired girl was desiring some much needed catching up time, and this trip was the perfect chance to have it. Besides, K2-S0 was in control, he could keep the ship stable while they were in hyperspace.

“Can we make an agreement?” Sunset proposed as she led the girls down the hall to the living area on the freighter.

“Sure,” everyone agreed, following her.

“One; I want us to become friends again like we used to be, and for us to find ourselves and bond with each other whenever our free time permits us. Can we agree to that?”

“Yeah,” the girls agreed, not having any complaints about that request.

“Two; I want us to watch each other’s backs, as well as those of our allies and people we may not understand. We’re in this war together, and we should help each other. Can we agree to that?”

“Okay,” everyone answered, still on board with her terms.

“Three; I want us to be completely open and honest with each other, so we can clear any drama amongst ourselves, and keep our heads focused where they should be, and not have any animosity towards each other. I also want you guys to make friends with people within the Rebellion, even if it might be shocking and painful.”

Sunset poured the last of the blue milk into the cups and slowly pulled the tray over to the booth. Pinkie and Rainbow pushed chairs from the small control station built into the wall and sat across from the four girls who sat in the cushiony booth.

“Okay, now that we have that out of the way… I honestly don’t know where to start, I'm still too happy to see you guys,” Sunset squeaked, getting a giggle from her friends. It was adorable seeing her so happy.

“What have you guys been up to all this time?” Rainbow asked, leaning back in her chair.

“Yes, please, tell us!” Sunset insisted.

“Pinkie, why don’t you start us off,” Rarity offered.

“Okay!” Pinkie chirped. “Wellll, I kinda went off to the edge of the universe for about five minutes, I got really bored. I bounced over to Daiyu, but I couldn’t find work there, I didn’t want to make money in spice. I tried working on Ord Mantell, but no business opportunities for me; at least, not for someone who used to be associated with… the Republic,” Pinkie emphasized sadly. “Buuuut I did manage to settle down on a nice spot over on Carpenthia! The people there are really nice to me... and, well, someone else I haven't had time to mention."

“Funny you say that, we actually have a few Carpenthians in the Rebellion,” Sunset forewarned. “I’ll admit, I did find them a bit creepy when I first met them. I know that’s their natural skin, but they look so rotting and decaying, I was honestly wondering if I needed to call a doctor,” she shivered.

“Eh, it’s not new to me,” Pinkie shrugged off, taking a sip of her milk. “It did take some time to get used to not fighting anymore. Especially when the Empire rose up.”

“Yeahh…” everyone sighed.

“What about you, Fluttershy?” Applejack interjected, wanting to pick up the conversation.

“I stayed on Kashyyyk. The Wookiees took me and gave me a home,” Fluttershy replied. “They even gave me this armor to welcome me into their kind,” she said, gesturing to the shoulder and chest armor. “But when the Empire started to attack Kashyyyk I had to run. I tried to fight back, but they just kept coming. Even after escaping, I tried to do what I could to help free them from prison camps, but I can’t do any of it on my own. So, after that… I was just on my own.”

“In a troop carrier?” Sunset asked. “That’s not exactly something I’d imagine you driving in.”

“I went down to Equestria to hide again. All the animals I took care for managed to bring me to safety, and I wanted to keep them safe as well. So, they showed me an abandoned troop carrier on a landing pad. It basically became my house, and so I just kept flying around, trying to find a home. Until I got your signal.”

“Uh-huh,” Sunset said, understanding.

“What about you, Rarity? Where’d you go?”

“I tried to find an apartment on Naboo, but the prices inflated to an absurd degree, and the Empire inflicted its will on everyone, I had to get out! I thought about going back home to Equestria and going back to Ponyville, but the Empire went there too!” Rarity complained. “And I hope she’s okay but, I… I…”

And everyone braced themselves for another freakout, knowing how much Rarity over-exaggerated. This however was definitely not going to be an exaggeration.

“MY HOUSE WAS RUINNNNNNEEEEDDDDDD!!!!” Rarity wailed, hitting her face against the table. “My entire house, burned to the ground! I was HOMELESSSSSSSSSS!”

Pinkie softly patted Rarity’s back, frowning.

“Wait, if you were homeless, where’d you go?” Applejack asked, wanting to know more. "And what about Sweetie Belle?"

“I DON'T KNOW!!!! I tried to find her, but she wasn't there! I hope Sweetie Belle is still okay, but I couldn't find her, or my mum and dad. I had no choice, so... I went to Daiyu! I had to get a small apartment filled with rats, and I couldn’t even fall back on making clothes! All the major clothing factories in the galaxy weren’t opening, and I was a wanted criminal! I had to go for a.. less than classy line of profession,” Rarity shivered.

The girls didn’t like the sound of what she was implying.

I had to make spiceeeeeeeeee!!!!” Rarity wailed some more.

“… okay, that’s not at all what I thought you were going to say,” Rainbow winced.

“Honestly, Rainbow—” Rarity went in a complete 180 to suddenly calm and uptight like this was a daily occurrence. “—I am much more classy than to put myself through debauchery. I could never dream of it!” She said, sticking her head up in a rather snooty behavior. And two seconds later after taking a sip of her drink she went back to wailing like a child. “—But I still had to make spice! Do you know how hard it is to make something that makes you sneeze and crazy?”

She slammed her fist against the table. “I could have made so many unique dresses, vests, pants, outfits to help people blend in and stay hidden from the Empire and protect them from predators! And the only job available was spice! Can you even imagine!? Not making food, clothes, furniture, fixing spaceships. All of these possible openings, and all of these things people need and like… And they like CRACK!!!”

The sound of squeaking wheels rolled into the room as Spike pushed a small ramp from the corner towards the table. And he slowly rolled to the top of it, finally meeting at everyone’s eye levels.

“Sorry, just wanted to make sure K2 still kept on course. What are we talking about?” Spike asked, his little claws holding each other.

“Pinkie's caught up with the Carpenthians, Fluttershy's living in a troop carrier, and Rarity became a crack dealer,” Sunset bluntly answered, not beating around the bush.

The response was enough to make Applejack spit-take across the wall, hacking and coughing.

“… I think I need context, but I’m not going to ask right now,” Spike rubbed the side of his dome.

“But we are catchin’ up, at least tryin’ to,” Applejack quickly wiped away the milk that was spat against the wall. But when she sat back down, she remembered something. “Say, we never really heard what you’ve done since we’ve gotten back together.”

“Yeah, what gives Spike? Come on, what have you been doing since the end of… well?”

“Girls, I’m not sure he’s comfortable going into that detail,” Sunset feared.

“But if you want to, we are more than willing to listen darling,” Rarity reassured.

“No, it’s… it’s okay,” Spike said. “Sunset knows, but I can tell you myself.” The astromech sighed for a moment, sounding a bit sad to be telling this story. “After the war ended, I kinda lost myself. I stayed with Flash since Sunset went off to Ord Mantell with R2. For a while, I tried to make myself useful in more peaceful work, but I just couldn’t. Some months passed, and Flash and I agreed to try and help Jedi who were still out there and in hiding.”

A hologram projected in front of them, showcasing several wanted pictures of Jedi who had survived Order 66. The girls only recognized some of them; Ahsoka Tano, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Mystery Mint, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, to name a few.

“But with each rescue we attempted. With each passing Jedi we found and tried to help… it always ended the same.”

New photos displayed, showing profile shots of select Jedi from the Equestrian Jedi Temple; Watermelody, Velvet Sky, Tennis Match, Indigo Wreath, Brawly Beats, Sandalwood, and even Micro Chips. All of their posters marked with big X’s over their pictures.

“They died. Captured. Executed publicly. We were always too late, or one step behind the Empire.”

The pictures continued to flash, showing more friends that had died throughout the years. Friends that the girls couldn’t have imagined getting killed, or even the Empire having the chance to wipe them out. And the list of names didn’t help either.

Spike turned off the holoprojector and sat quietly for a second. “After a while, I just… I couldn’t. I couldn’t bring myself to hope or think we’d have somewhat of a chance to help anyone. So I just… went offline.”

There was a solemn silence around the table. Sunset understood this well, but everyone else? No one had any idea what had gone on.


“You… went offline?”

“Oh Spike…”

Spike sighed. “I just, I didn’t know what else to do! I couldn’t help anyone, all I did was make things worse, and every time I did try to help, something horrible went wrong, and it only furthered why everything just wasn’t worth it. And don’t tell me that wasn’t the answer, because what else was I supposed to do!?”

The astromech stopped himself before he yelled more. His friends didn’t deserve that, he didn’t need to go off on them.

“You’ve held that in for a long time, haven’t you?” Applejack frowned.

“I’ve had to live with this every day for the past sixteen years. All of you were gone, I barely knew Flash. I thought I was better off being a piece of junk rusting in a corner that didn’t hurt anyone than to be someone who just made things worse.”

A solemn bit of silence filled the room once more.

“W-Well, I mean… we’re back together now, right?” Pinkie asked, trying to find some way to spin this conversation into a positive direction. “And now that we are, we can definitely stop Darth Midnight for real this time.”

“Yeah… we could,” Spike said, unsure of what the outcome would be.

“Bwoop boop.”

R2-D2 rolled around the corner, wanting to be a part of the conversation.

“Oh, hey R2. Sorry, I didn’t mean to leave you back there,” Spike rubbed the back of his dome awkwardly. “I’ve uh… I needed to speak to them.”

“Beep. Beeep brrrt boop brrrt.”

“Thanks buddy. I appreciate it,” Spike acknowledged.

“R2, how much farther are we til we arrive?”

“Bweep boop brrrt booop,” R2 replied.

“Perfect!” Sunset climbed out of her seat (literally), throwing herself across the table and back on her feet just to run up to the cockpit. The girls were left a bit confused and disgusted by their food now splattered on the floor and the ground.

“You could have just asked us to get up!” Rainbow shouted as Sunset went to the cockpit. “Just saying!”

The ship jumped out of hyperspace, outside of their destination; the Mid-Rim world of Kijimi.

Kijimi was surrounded by mountainous landscapes. Weather conditions consistently cold and icy. Thick blankets of snow draped across the mountains and cities. Populations were limited to citizens looking for home away from Imperial regiments, and criminals looking for work regardless of the job. Thievery, villainy, and debauchery of all kind were present here; while not on par with Tatooine, it was still aplenty.

The transport landed softly outside of the main city, hidden behind the cover of some mountain rock. The door opened up, and the group walked out. The first to exit were the Jedi, all draped in hoods and ponchos to cover themselves; somehow even Rarity managed to get a hoodie for the Togruta headdress she applied before stepping out the ship. The group had no clue if anyone would recognize them or not, but the more conspicuous they were, the better. And right behind them was Spike, R2, and K2-S0.

“Well, here we are. Kijimi. Not the most popular place in the galaxy, but it’s a place,” Sunset said, adjusting her poncho.

“Who’s this contact you got here, anyway?” Applejack asked, adjusting her hat.

“Her name is Ackmena, she’s a good person to talk to. A bit sarcastic, but only if you ask her stupid questions. Now remember, we must blend in,” Sunset summarized. “You guys,” she said, looking at the droids, “stay with the ship.”

“I can blend in. I’m an Imperial droid, and this city has numerous Imperial occupants,” K2 suggested.

“Maybe so, but if you’re seen walking by, they might question what you’re doing and where you’re going with us, and frankly I didn’t have enough time to conjure up an alibi,” Sunset replied.

“We’ll be back soon, darlings!” Rarity cooed, waving to them, hiding her eyes behind a pair of glasses.

K2 just stood there awkwardly, looking back at Spike and R2. “I suspect Imperial occupations are going to find them before they even set one foot into that bar.”

R2 just blew a raspberry at K2, rolling back inside the ship.

“I’m capable of finding them on my own, thank you very much!”


Under the guise of cloaks, the Jedi Six walked into the cold, snowy, city. The wind blew harshly, making their faces sting as they trudged along the cobblestone steps and streets, despite some covering their eyes with goggles. Around them, they could see civilians minding their own business in winter wear just like them. Some of them were the usual races you’d see; human, Ithorian, Twi’lek, Rodians, etc. And to her surprise, she saw a few Talz species, and some Kyuzos.

And while the wind blew cold, the girls felt a few short bursts of warmth flow right past them. In the alleyway next to them where some garbage bins laid, they could see some people huddling near some burning canisters, presumably hobos or homeless people trying their best to make do with what little they had.

“I can’t believe there are still regions of the galaxy that have to deal with this kind of environment,” Rarity whimpered, looking at a poor little Twi’lek girl trying to stay warm next to her father. She stared for a moment, depressed by the sight. The others could see her looking back at them, but they nudged her to keep moving.

“I know you want to help them, but we can’t right now,” Sunset said, sadly. “We need to keep moving.”

“Yes, I… I suppose we should,” Rarity sighed, walking away.

"I promise when this war is over, and we get the New Republic in place, we're going to ensure things like that don't happen to anyone ever again," Sunset said, with a little seethe in her voice.

"Sounds like you've had experience," Fluttershy inquired.

“I know what it's like to be in poverty, hoping to find a home. Takobo, Tatooine, Lothal, Coruscant. It wasn’t until I made a mistake of going to Garel City, somewhere, I don’t remember the planet, but that’s where Tempest found me and took me in,” Sunset explained, looking around them.

The girls took another turn, walking into a path that could lead to four different ways. One up a flight of steps leading higher up the mountain city. Another just leading to another street. A third path that cut directly into a bar. And the last direction that just went further below the city which was where they just walked up.

Before they could think about making another turn, they froze in their tracks. All of them heard a very audible click of a blaster priming. Mainly at Sunset Shimmer, as she felt a barrel at the back of her head. Slowly she raised her hands up and turned her head to look at whoever was pointing the gun. It was not someone she knew, but Sunset knew straight away the mystery voice was armed. She was clad from the neck down in a burgundy jumpsuit with bronze straps and braces up and down her arms and legs. Over their head she wore a shimmering gold helmet with a black visor that obscured her face.

“It’s been a long time since a Jedi came waltzing into this cesspool,” said the woman behind the battered gold mask. “I thought, ‘hey, they’re not stupid enough to come back here’. Apparently I was wrong.”

“How do you even know I’m a Jedi?’ Sunset questioned.

“You’re doing a poor job of hiding your weapon,” she continued, gesturing to the glaringly obvious weapon on her belt. “And that goes for all of you.”

“What if we just happened to steal… those…” Rainbow and the others finally saw who was aiming the blaster at their friend. At first, she didn’t know what to think. But without restraint, she started to snicker. “Um… what are you wearing?”

And Pinkie was snickering as well.

“It’s a spacesuit,” she said, not showing any signs of laughter.

“You look like you’re auditioning for Coruscant’s Top Model!” Rainbow burst out laughing, with Pinkie cracking up as well.

And the masked woman replied by shooting a blast into the ground near her feet. “One more joke and I blast your brains into the snow. I don’t think that would be a pretty image.”

Pinkie giggled. “She was complimenting you, silly!”

“Is she always this stupid?”

“No I’m—hey!” Pinkie glared.

“She’s not dumb, she’s our friend. And who are you?” Fluttershy folded her arms.

“You won’t live long enough to find out. Now I have a question for you—” And when she clicked her blaster again, several more masked figures in similar style appeared out of nowhere to join her. “A few years ago, a Mandalorian did business with me. And I know she was with a minty green Jedi, something you ladies would know a lot about. Where are they?”

Silently, the Jedi exchanged glances. They knew who she meant. But it was not like they were going to flat out reveal who they were.

“Look, ma’am, I don’t know who you are,” Sunset began, lowering her arms. “I’m sorry that a Mandalorian did something lousy here, but I have no control of it. We’re looking for someone. Do you know where Ackmena’s bar is?”

“Even if I did know, I still wouldn’t tell you.” The woman’s head turned, hearing several communications a few blocks away. She looked over, seeing a few Imperials talking to each other, chatting about random things. “And you just bought my ticket off this planet…”

“Now, listen, let’s talk about this darling,” Rarity insisted, stepping forward. “We just want to discuss this—"


“--Oh well,” Rarity sighed.

Sunset swung her leg around, kicking the weapon out of the woman’s hand. And she made another swing when she was about to pull out a second gun. Rainbow Dash Force-slammed one of the gunmen against a brick wall, with a blanket of snow falling on his body. Rarity and Fluttershy yanked the weapons out of a few hitmen through the Force, and then waited as Pinkie and Applejack performed a few powerful punches to throw them to the ground.

And as the leader of the pack tried to get back up, she was met with a blue lightsaber blade ignited and pointed at her face.

“I’m going to try this again. Where is Ackmena’s bar?” Sunset tried again.

“You’re insane if you think I’m going to give you an answer,” the leader grunted.

“Maybe we shouldn’t do this out here,” Rarity said. “There are a few Imperial patrols coming our way, we don’t want to be seen.”

“So what do we do with her then?” Applejack asked, looking at the helmeted woman.


“Girls, this is a really bad idea!” Sunset stressed.

The group was now deep in the basement of this stranger’s home. All around, there was a bunch of spare parts and machines around; a droid workshop. Computers, wiring, all sorts of equipment integrated into the stone walls and floors. And as for the woman that tried to sic her gang on them? She was now tied to a chair, hands and legs all tied, and a blaster pointed at the back of her helmet to keep her aware that any sound she made would get her shot.

“Did we really need to tie her up?” Fluttershy questioned.

“She was going to call the Empire, wasn’t she?” Rainbow shrugged off, leaning against a metal shelf that thankfully did not rock or fall from her weight.

“Even then, I don’t think kidnapping was the best option,” Rarity frowned.

“Don’t worry, we aren’t going to be here that long,” Applejack replied. She looked to Sunset. “Wasn’t there something that you were looking for? Didn’t you have a plan?”

Sunset turned around to look at her friends, standing still in complete silence. She was quiet for a moment or two, thinking. Her friends were waiting for her to say something, anything.

“… I completely forgot why we came here.”

All of them collectively facepalmed.

“Wait, agh, sorry. Ackmena, we need to find Ackmena,” Sunset rubbed her temples. “Sorry, I kept thinking about where an Imperial might show up.”

“Well, we should be asking her questions,” Rainbow glared at the tied up woman.

Fluttershy pushed Applejack’s blaster away from the helmeted woman’s head. “Okay, we’re going to try this again. Please tell us where we can find Ackmena’s bar? … And do it in the next five minutes, we can’t stay,” Fluttershy pleaded with those beautiful blue eyes that anyone could get lost in.

And Pinkie extended a lightsaber, holding it out and pointing at her with a straight face. “You have the right to wear gold, so please tell us what we need to know!”

The woman groaned in exhaustion. “Fine. You need to go a couple of blocks up the stairs and make a left past the neon sign. Do not step into the building with the Xesh’s on them, that’s the strip club. You’ll find a bar a few stores past it, facing off into a frozen fountain.”

The girls looked at each other, nodding approvingly.

“Now was that so hard?” Applejack asked, putting her hands on her hips.

“It was,” she glared.

Pinkie walked behind her with her lightsaber still out, and the woman’s eyes closed, waiting to hear the slash. A slashing sound was heard, but it wasn’t against her body or her skin. Instead, she felt her hands no longer held together and coming loose. Slowly she pulled them out, gripping her strained wrists.

“Wait, what are you doing?”

“You’re free, silly,” Pinkie said, putting her weapon away.


“Well, why not? You helped us!” Pinkie replied.

“You’re not going to kill me, or rip my skin off my body, or… rip my skull out as a trophy?”

Now all of them were looking at her with disturbed faces.

“I don’t know what kind of people you hang out with, but that’s not what we do,” Applejack shook her head.

“Miss, you helped us with information we needed. We weren’t going to keep you locked up in here, we’re not Sith Lords,” Rarity said, waving her hand around. “Come, come, everyone. Let’s go find Ackmena.”

One by one, everyone walked up the stairs and left the woman as she got back on her feet. Rarity was first, then Rainbow Dash, then Fluttershy, and Applejack, then Pinkie Pie, and last of them all was Sunset Shimmer. But before she left, she looked back at the woman in the red jumpsuit.

“What’s your name, again?”

The woman was hesitant to speak, but after thinking momentarily, she spoke again. “Zorii. Zorii Bliss.”

“Thank you, Zorii Bliss. I hope whatever business you have here continues to run smoothly. May the Force be with you,” she smiled before leaving. And all the while the woman in the burgundy jumpsuit stood there, baffled by what just happened.

Why didn't they kill me? Why were they being nice to me? ... Kidnapping me still, but no hate? No anger?