• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 475 Views, 11 Comments

Winter Slack Up - PonyPixel

It’s time for winter to go but the yaks refuse to have it go that way.

  • ...

Snow Problem

The winter season has been staying here in Equestria, especially in Ponyville, for a while now. The snow still blankets the roofs of the houses of Ponyville, the grassy yards, the high hilltops, and the smooth rocky pavements; the little fillies still playing snowball fights, making snow angels, and building snowcolts; and the wind still blows its freezing temperature in the air. In the School of Friendship, not all of the students there were enjoying the cold weather, the yaks were having a wonderful time in the snow, which made them feel like they’re back at home. Well, it’s about to end. The icy cold wind whistled as Garry and Genna flew back to the school as fast they could. It’s very intense and their winter clothing was slowing them down a bit. They might think that they couldn’t make it.

"Gah, stupid weather," Geena grumbled. “How come these clothes weren’t even that effective towards the cold.”

"Hold on, I think I can see the school," Garry said. He pointed to the location to which he and Geena made a beeline for. They made it quickly towards the school’s entrance, went inside, and shook off the bits of snow that clung to them. As they do that, Sunshine, who was also wearing his winter wear, was walking past and could see Garry and Geena dusting off the snow.

“Garry, Geena, are you okay?” the hippogriff asked.

“Oh, just fine,” Geena said sarcastically. “We were only just caked in from the snow freezing our paws off.”

Sunshine just gave a sheepish smile before he walked away. As he went out towards the school’s fountain square and closed the door behind him, he found Kelpie and Silverstream standing on one of the bridges that went across towards the fountain, talking to each other about something. Feeling puzzled about what’s going on, he escorted himself towards them.

“Hey there, Kelpie, Silverstream,” he greeted, and both hippogriffs turned to see Sunshine standing beside them.

“Oh, hi there, Sunshine,” Silverstream greeted him back.

“Hello,” Kelpie did the same as Silverstream did.

“What are you guys doing here in the middle of the cold?”

“Silverstream and I were just discussing what happens to other creatures when we use our pearl necklaces on them,” Kelpie answered. “I do remember when that… that… what’s the name of that mishmash creature thing?”

“Discord,” Silverstream replied.

“Yeah, Discord. When he got his broken claw with his magic leaking and turned this building into a funhouse, I recalled that the floor is flooded with chocolate milk, and I and Gleaming Pearl used it to turn ourselves into seaponies, especially Sandbar, Yona became a walrus, and the dragons became different types of sharks.”

“We do all know that ponies turn into seaponies,” Silverstream noted, “Though they’re a bit different in design and color. We really wanted to try it out, but everyone gave us the same answer.”

“Let me guess. Too cold?” Sunshine questioned. Both hippogriffs nodded in confirmation. “Yeah, you’re not the only ones who seem to be tired of the snow. The griffons have their own complaints, especially Gus.”

“Tell us about it,” Kelpie said. “Coral has complained a lot that she has to keep her clothing everywhere with her. I thought that she liked clothing.”

“Usually ones that have formed over function,” Silverstream reminded. “The changelings aren’t liking this either. They don’t have any feathers or fur, unless they can shapeshift, because, well duh, changelings. I also think the dragons have a similar problem.”

“At least they have fire breath to warm themselves up,” spoke a voice. Pate came walking towards them wearing one of the school jerseys. “I have to keep clothes like this on and I often end up staining them.”

“I think it’s safe to say we all had enough of winter,” Sunshine commented.

“Well, almost everyone,” Silverstream noted.

Nearby the school, Yona, Sandbar, Ravi, and Terry were hiding behind a snow wall they had built. They’re having a snowball fight, together with Gale, Moss, Rusty Wrench, and Trud as their opposing team. “So, this is what yaks and ponies do with snow?” Ravi asked.

“Mostly yes. It’s the most fun activity we had,” Sandbar noted. Yona shushed him as she heard something. Looking around the snow-covered area and could make out a black beak getting close to their base.

“Sneak attack!” the yak cried. She began hurling snowballs at Gale, who blended into the snow quite well. The griffon narrowly dodged Yona’s attack and threw down the snowballs he was carrying in response. Yona’s team scattered before the snowballs could hit them. They quickly started making their own snowballs and chucked them at Gale, who dodged them without much struggle.

Sandbar made a run for it before he was decked in the face with a snowball. Rusty, who was the one who had thrown it, quickly regretted it. “Oh, gosh,” he gasped, “Sorry Sandbar.”

“I’m okay,” the earth pony groaned. “I’m just... Going to rest here.” Rusty’s shame distracted him from the snowball that Ravi tossed at him. Due to his lack of experience with snowball fights, the buffalo missed the unicorn. Rusty quickly got back into the game and tossed some snowball back in defense, to which the buffalo nearly dodged them. Terry and Yona both hid behind the corner of the school building as they started making some more snowballs.

“Okay, we’ve lost Sandbar,” the minotaur commented. “It’s three to four now.”

“Terry not panic,” Yona spoke. “Yaks don’t give up. Fight smarter, not harder.”

“You’re right.” His eyes widened as he could see some snow being stepped on. It was from above them and he quickly pulled Yona forward before some snow could land on either of them.

“Darn it!” Moss groaned. “I had it.” Before he could fly off, Yona chucked a snowball at him, right into the side of his torso.

“Now teams even,” Yona chuckled.

“There he is!” Terry pointed out. Gale was coming in for a landing to get more snowball and was doing it as fast as he could. While he was distracted, Terry and Yona used this chance to throw their snowballs, hitting Gale multiple times. The defeated griffon groaned in annoyance.

Back with Rusty and Ravi, the two kept throwing snow at each other, missing each time. The unicorn had prepared another ball to throw before he was hit in the chest with one that the buffalo had thrown. “Yeah!” Ravi cheered. This wouldn’t all be in his favor though. The hit had caused Rusty to toss his ball into the air and while Ravi tried to find his teammates, the ball smacked him on the head. “Did I lose?”

“Only if you were the last,” Rusty explained. He brushed the snow off of his chest and walked over to the buffalo. The two then found Yona and Terry making some more snowball. “Hey, guys, we’re out.”

“So, Yona’s team win?” the yak asked.

“Not yet,” Terry said. “We still have to get Trud. Now, where...”

“Yak smash!” screamed a voice. The teens looked over to the hill to see an enormous snowball rolling towards them. Rusty and Ravi managed to run out of the way, but the minotaur and yak weren’t so lucky as the ball smacked into them, breaking into smaller bits of snow in the process.

The two teams ran over to them and helped dig Yona and Terry out of the snow. “Where did this come from?” Sandbar questioned. Gale and Moss just grinned as they both pointed to the yak of the hill. There, they could see Trud stomping in victory. “Really, then.”

“Okay, can we talk about this over cocoa?” Terry asked. “I’m starting to freeze my tail off.”

The pupils met up in the lounge with each one of them enjoying a nice mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows on top. “Welp, I guess you’re right about yaks being best,” Moss said to Trud, continuing drinking the sweet warm refreshment. The yak was still beaming in victory.

“Listen, Trud, I’m happy that you are having fun,” Terry said, with his sore head from that giant boulder-sized snowball. “But I’m not sure that the teachers nor the headmare would be happy that you’re using snowballs the size of boulders. That stuff hits a lot harder than you think.”

“Yona can approve,” Yona muttered. Her head and horns both felt quite sore.

“Well, we still won, though,” Gale said. “So, you know the deal we’ve talked about.”

“Fine, we’ll help you with your schoolwork,” Terry muttered. “I really feel like we should set a few more ground rules next time.”

“Probably a good idea,” Rusty agreed. “Also, you two should go to the clinic later. You don’t want to make your booboos worse.”

“You got me,” Sandbar said to Rusty. “I was about to say that to them as well.” He was up for this too as he sipped his cocoa. He was then being tapped on his shoulder and turned back to see Grace, Gleaming Pearl, and Peridot standing beside him. “Oh, hi there, Grace.”

“Hey, Sandbar,” Grace said. “The girls here and I are looking for you, and we do have a question we wanna ask. Just a quick one.”

“Go ahead,” the colt said, setting down his cocoa.

“We’ve been asking the ponies here the same question,” Peridot started. “Many of them are feeling very hyped today, talking so much about this event called Winter Wrap Up. Can you tell us what that is in your own definition?” Sandbar and Rusty Wrench were a little surprised by this.

“Hold on, did you say Winter Wrap Up?” Emerald nodded.

“They’re doing it already?” Rusty questioned. “I almost forgot about that.”

“I’m with the girls,” Ravi said, “What really is Winter Wrap Up?”

“It’s Ponyville’s annual tradition,” Sandbar explained. “This place was established by a group of earth ponies long ago. When it was time for Spring to arrive, they didn’t have magic like the unicorns or flying abilities like the pegasi to just clear up the weather. So, every year, we clear up the snow, planting crops, and moving clouds as they did in the old days. That’s my definition.”

“Oh, I see. So that’s what that sign-up sheet was for,” Pearl spoke.

“What sheet?” Yona asked.

“The sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside. Come.” The girls were kind enough to bring them over to the bulletin board. As they finally reached the board, there were three sheets of paper pinned under some text reading “Winter Wrap Up Sign-Ups.” There were three sheets that had labels on them; “Weather, Animals, and Plants.” And in each sign-up sheet, there are already names of the participants, who’re willing to join, written in each blank cell.

“Boy,” Gale commented. “This looks like a lot of work.”

“Yeah, it sure does,” Sandbar agreed. “From making nests, waking the animals up from hibernation, cutting ice from frozen lakes, that’s a lot of tasks. And also, Gale, I almost forgot to tell you all, it has to be on schedule as well, we don’t want to go across the line, or everyone will be wasting time, and spring wouldn’t arrive.”

“You’re right,” Rusty added. “There are few incidents that nearly messed up the tradition.”

“Really?” Grace exclaimed. “That’s really rough.”

“I know. And we do not want that to happen again.”

Sandbar nodded, and look back at the sign-up sheets on the bulletin board. “I wonder which team I should go on.”

“What does each team do?” Yona asked. Despite her being in Ponyville for about two years, the fact she had participated in this event gave her limited knowledge.

“Hmm. Well, most members of the weather team are pegasi,” Rusty commented.

“And Still, some other ponies help out in that part,” Sandbar noted. “The earth ponies and unicorns, and most pegasi usually help with the ice melting. Maybe I should be in the animal team.”

“Then what does the plant team do?” Ravi asked.

“Mostly farming and plowing off the snow.”

“Yak could do that,” Yona declared.

“Hmm, maybe I should ask the professors about this,” Terry pondered. “Ravi, what about you?”

“I think I should do that same thing,” the buffalo said. “I can’t really decide.”

“So do I,” Pearl added. “I’m hoping to get more info on that.”

“Me too,” Peridot said.

“You think that it is for extra credit?” Moss said to Gale.

“If it does, then it might get me to sign up,” Gale replied. “I should get back, I don’t want my cocoa to be cold.” He flew away back to the lounge to finish his cocoa with many of his friends following behind. Sandbar and Yona stuck around the board for a little bit longer. Both of them signed up to help with Winter Wrap Up before they walked away.

Trud was left by himself as he looked at the board. He then looked at a nearby window that had a good view of the snow. The yak felt quite upset about the situation. The snow did remind him of his home, Yakyakistan. Being a part of a group that didn’t mind the snow and now it was going to be taken away from him. He didn’t want that to happen and began thinking about how to keep the snow from taken away.

News had spread about Winter Wrap Up and many of the students wanted to get involved. There are non-pony students who were interested in learning about the ponies’ tradition while others were happy to have some extra credit while most of them were wanting to get the weather warmed up faster. The Young Six met up in the cafeteria to discuss their part in participating in Winter Wrap Up.

“So, you’re a part of the animal team as well?” Sandbar asked Ocellus.

“Yeah,” Ocellus confirmed, with excitement. “I’m hoping that I’ll be able to make nice nests for those cute little birds.”

“Yona going to help clear snow,” Yona spoke. “Yak always wanted to use snowplow.”

“What about you, Gallus,” Sandbar said to his blue-feathered friend.

“I’m in the weather team,” Gallus spoke. “I’m willing to go help get rid of those clouds.”

“I’m with you, Gallus,” Silverstream confirmed as well.

“Nice one, Silverstream. I can’t wait to get proper sunshine.”

“Did somebody call me?” the hippogriff with the same name asked.

“Nope, sorry, we’re just talking about what we’re doing tomorrow.”

“Okay. I thought that you called me just because you said ‘sunshine’.” He was about to fly away until Silverstream stopped him.

“Hold up, Sunny, I just wanna ask you, which team will you be in?” Silverstream asked.

“Hmm, I think I’ll be a part of the weather team. I think I can help move the clouds like Gallus.”

“Well, for me, I was going to go ice skating.”

“Same here,” Smolder spoke. “I have a good feeling that my fire breath will make things much faster.”

“But that not traditional,” Yona spoke.

“She’s right,” Sandbar noted. “Earth ponies didn’t really have a very safe way of using fire back then.”

“Oh, you’re no fun,” Smolder grumbled.

“I can’t wait to get started,” Silverstream squealed. “Though I am going to miss the snow.”

“So do I. But still, you’ll get to see what other creatures turn into once exposed to the pearl shards,” Sunshine added.

“Say what?” Smolder questioned.

“I’d brace yourself,” Gallus chuckled.

As they talked about what they’d do, on the other side meanwhile, Trud was looking down at his meal, feeling distressed, while his friends are discussing their roles in Winter Wrap Up. Rusty Wrench then looked up to him and saw his expression. He was confused about Trud’s feelings, and he tapped his side to get his attention.

“Is there something wrong, Trud?” Rusty asked.

“Yak just not too hungry,” Trud fibbed.

“Right,” Moss commented. “Anyways, what are you guys gonna do for this… winter clear-up thing? I’ve already thought about my role.”

“For me, I’m going to be a part of the weather team, moving those clouds out of the way, or brushing the snow off the trees,” Gale spoke and then turned to Terry. “What about you, Terry?”

“I’ll be a part of the planting team,” Terry said. “I really wanna try to gain more experiences. I think farming will be handy back at home.”

“Smart idea,” Rusty commented. “I’m going to help with the animals.”

“I’m with Terry, I’ll be a part of farming too,” Moss spoke. "Changelings have taken gardening as their new hobby. Myself included."

The group of friends then looked towards Ravi, who quickly went quiet. "I'm honestly not sure what I'll be doing," the buffalo admitted. "I don't know that much about Ponyville, so I'm a little in the dark."

"Don’t worry, Ravi. I'm sure that you'll find something to do," Rusty reassured. "Trud, what about you?" The yak looked at his friends to only give a shrug. "I think the professors could let you try all the teams out." This helped make Ravi feel better. Trud just stood up from the table and walked away.

"Trud, you can try the same strategy as well," he yelled.

The yak didn’t respond and just walked down towards the school’s hall. “Okay… that’s awkward,” Ravi commented. “Anyways, Rusty, did you say that your uncle works with trains?”

“Oh, yes, he does…”

The evening soon rolled around and most of the students had gone to bed early with some exceptions. Trud was one of them. He was roaming around the corridors as he kept thinking about what was going to happen tomorrow for the annual clean-up event. He looked outside one of the windows to see Frida and Dotta sitting outside along with another yak that was much smaller and younger than them. He walked outside to surprise the three yaks. The little yak had beige wool that looked to be shaggy with black horns and hooves. He wore an indigo shawl on his back and he was one of the few yaks that didn’t have wool in front of his eyes which were blue.

“Hi, Dotta, Frida, Orri,” Trud spoke sadly.

“Yak feeling sad too?” Frida asked.

“Yeah. Trud doesn’t want to get rid of snow.”

“No yak does,” Dotta spoke. “Yaks loves snow much. Reminds them of Yakyakistan.”

“Orri keeping snow,” Orri spoke. “School fridge can keep snow cold.”

“But school fridge’s so small, and cannot make much snow. Yaks need tons of snow to feel at home.”

“Then yaks going to keep winter!” Trud declared. The other three were quite surprised.

“What yak mean?” Frida asked.

“Yaks going to keep winter in Ponyville. It’ll be away from Ponyville so they have spring while yaks have winter. Best plan?”

“Best plan!” the yaks cheered. “Yaks best!” They each stomped in victory before they ran off to find the rest of the yaks who’re still awake. Dotta was about to go for Yona, but she was already asleep. So, they went to find all the other yaks as she, Orri, Frida, and Trud explained what they were going to do in the morning.

Morning arrived on the next day, and all of the students got up early and raced towards Ponyville’s town square. It was finally time for the students to experience the town’s long-lived tradition for the first time.

“Winter Wrap Up is here!” Silverstream cheered, as Gallus flew beside her.

“Yes! Can’t wait to turn up the heat,” Gallus exclaimed. “The last one to the square is a rotten egg.” He then sped up towards the square.

“Hey! Wait for me!” Silverstream then sped up as well to catch up with Gallus.

Ocellus and Smolder were also racing towards the square, together with Emerald and Peridot on their side. “I’m very excited to be part of the clean-up,” Peridot exclaimed.

“Me too,” Emerald added. “I was hoping I can make a good story about our first experience in Winter Wrap Up on the papers.”

“C’mon girls,” Smolder called. “Hurry! We don’t wanna miss it.” Both twins heard her and gave themselves a rush, almost surpassing both Smolder and Ocellus. They all joined up with the rest of the ponies in Ponyville, who’re already wearing their vests, as Mayor Mare was about to start her speech in front of them.

“Wow,” Pate exclaimed, “I’ve never expected a whole population of Ponyville to be here.”

“Exactly,” Shimmy Shake said, “everypony is expected to be here. The more the merrier.”

“Good morning, Ponyville,” she spoke. “Thank you once again for being early. I’m happy that Winter Wrap Up is here again for another year. And another time to bring back spring,” Everypony cheered, including the students. “Before we begin, as you can see right behind you, we have all the students from Princess Twilight’s school who’ll be helping out this year. It’ll be very nice to see how they can contribute, especially for those non-pony students who will be gaining their experience on Winter Wrap Up for the first time. Now, you can see the three captains of each team to help wrap up the winter and bring spring.”

The group looked over to Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Fluttershy, who each had a different colored vest on along with matching bands on their arms. Along with them were some carts, which had a couple of more vests that matched theirs. Blue for the weather, green for the plants, and tan for the animals.

“To the students there, just put on the vest of the team you’d like to help with,” Mayor Mare explained. “The captains there will explain what you’ll need to do. Just remember to work together so we can bring the next seasons tomorrow. Alright then, get to your team leaders, and let’s get galloping” The creatures did what they were told and walked over to the captains.

Fluttershy helped pass out some of the tan-colored vests for her team to Ocellus and Sandbar. “I’m so happy that you’re finally a part of this tradition,” Fluttershy said.

“So are we,” Ocellus said. She quickly placed on her vest as Sandbar, who already put on his vest, looked towards Yona, who was putting on her green vest for the plant team. She had a special vest that was made to fit a very large creature such as a yak or a buffalo.

“Yak going to be best at clearing snow!” the young yak declared.

“Love your enthusiasm, Yona” Applejack said. Ravi walked over to the farm pony and was given one of the vests. “So, Ravy, you’re starting with farming?”

“It’ll be good,” the buffalo admitted. “I mean... I saw your cousins and other ponies in Appleloosa working on their orchards before.”

“I see, but I’m glad you’re trying something new.”

Silverstream, Smolder, and Gallus had placed their blue vests on and stood with the rest of the team. Most of them were winged-creatures, not just pegasi but also dragons, griffons, and hippogriffs. “Ready to bring that weather back?” Gus asked with excitement.

“You know it, Gus,” Gallus confirmed. The two griffons shared a fist bump.

“Dibs on the clouds!” Garry enthusiastically called. As he prepared himself to clear up the clouds this early, Rainbow Dash came by to halt them for now.

“Woah there, Garry, take it easy,” Rainbow Dash said. “We’ve got to keep things in the schedule. I know you’re not used to me saying this, but things can easily go off the rails with something like this. So, be patient.”

Silverstream was one of the creatures who had to contain their excitement, which was a bit hard for them. She was distracted as she looked at a confused-looking Gale. “Is there something wrong, Gale?” the hippogriff questioned.

“I’m just a little puzzled,” Gale admitted. “I haven’t seen Trud since we all left the school. Have you seen him?”

“Um, I don’t think so. Aren’t you guys roommates?”

“We are. That’s why I’m confused why he wasn’t in bed.”

“Maybe he just got up earlier than you.”

“Yeah. Could be. Anyways, let’s just get this started. I don’t want to be in the cold anymore.” The three teams were now formed and were explained what they needed to do. While that happened, the yaks were in the Everfree Forest, where they had met at the Treehouse of Friendship.

“Third-years meet here?” Orri questioned.

“Cheersquad visit here before,” Dotta explained. “Dotta like being here.”

“But what yaks do?” Frida asked. “We need somewhere to place snow?”

Trud then had an idea. “Maybe yaks move clouds to make snow,” Trud suggested.

“How? Only flying creatures can move clouds.”

“Yak thought of solution. Orri, jump on yak back.” The smaller yak did as he was told and hopped onto their team leader’s back. “If yaks stack, highest yak can grab clouds.” The yaks were pleased with this idea. Soon, they started testing this idea out by standing on each other’s back until they could get high enough to reach the clouds. However, this placed a lot of strain on the yak at the bottom, i.e. Trud. The other issue was that the tower of young yaks had bad balance and could topple over if there was one wrong move. Still, they kept trying as they felt like they mastered the act. Once done, they got off each other’s backs and headed towards Ponyville to get their plan done.

Geena and Garry were slowly moving some of the clouds to the side. Smolder, who’s standing on the ground, guiding them where they can put it. “A little more to the right,” Smolder called, And Garry and Geena shifted the cloud to the specific direction. “That’s better.”

“Smolder, what do they want us to do with these?” Geena asked her loudly, as she and Garry were 5 feet above.

“Just leave them there, so the team can make one big wind tunnel!” the dragoness explained. The two griffons gave a thumbs-up as they went to get the rest of the clouds. While they did that, Silverstream raced over to her.

“Hey, Smolder, we’re just about to go ice skating, so the lakes will melt easier,” the hippogriff explained, “Wanna join us? Last chance to ice skate.”

“Sweet, I’ll check with professor Dash to see if I can.”

“Don’t take too long, because we’ll start soon.”

“Got it.” The two friends both raced off just as the yaks showed up.

“Okay, Orri,” Trud said to the young one. “Yak know what to do.” He nodded. They put their plan into action and stacked it on top of each other until they could reach clouds that the griffons had placed aside. Orri, who carefully climbed up and stood up to balance himself, bit down on some of the clouds and helped push it down for the rest of the yaks. However, Frida, who’s in the middle, was having a hard time moving the clouds and placing them lower for the other yaks to collect. The result caused the totem pole of yaks to topple over with several loud thuds. This caught the attention of Smolder and Emerald.

“What was that?” Emerald said to Smolder.

“I don’t know. Whatever it is, let’s check it out.” The two dragons then ran towards where the crash came from. The yaks quickly took the clouds they gathered and ran back swiftly to the treehouse just as the dragons arrived. They looked up at the batch of clouds which appeared to be much smaller.

“Wait, what happened to the clouds?”

“I thought you said that Garry and Geena had placed the clouds here,” Emerald commented.

“They did,” Smolder stated. “There was way more there.”

“Well, if there are fewer clouds, that means there’s less to block the sun. Hopefully, that’ll make getting rid of the snow faster.”

“Something fishy’s going on here.”

Speaking of which, Sunshine and Gregoria were helping to brush the snow off of the trees where they landed them into the carts. Tarsi and Lighthoof were both hooked up onto the carts and watched the snow land into their carts. “Okay, you’re good to go,” Gregoria called. The mare and changeling walked off as Gus came by with another cart.

He parked it under one of the trees that were fully covered and then flew up to brush it off himself. “Hey, Gus, don’t you need some help with that?” Sunshine questioned.

“Nah, no need. I’ve got this,” the griffon said.

Gregoria looked down at the cart, to which Gus was jumping and the snow fell missing his target. It was covering the wheel and was starting to bury the cart. “I think this is a two-creature job,” the blonde griffon spoke. She pointed out the snow landing beside the cart instead of in it, much to Gus’s annoyance.

“Darn it.”

“Why didn’t you get someone else to help you?”

“You don’t think I tried? Everyone else is either clearing the sky or ice skating. There’s an odd number of creatures helping with this job so I had to manage.”

“Settle down,” Gregoria shouted. “Gus, just hook yourself back up to the cart and we’ll help you out.” Gregoria and Sunshine flew over to Gus’s tree and helped clear up the mess. As they did this, this left their other trees unattended. Gale came back with an empty cart and could see what they were doing.

“Hey, guys,” he called, “What should I do with this cart here?”

“Just leave it there under that tree,” Sunshine said, pointing to another snow-covered tree next to them. “We’re right now a bit busy at the moment.”

Gale didn’t complain and parked the cart beneath a vacant tree. He then flew off to find a place to rest, leaving his cart behind. Meanwhile, Orri came by and could see what Gus, Gregoria, and Sunshine were doing. He then saw the unoccupied cart waiting to be filled up. He quickly raced towards the tree and rammed straight into it. The sudden force caused the snow to fall, most of it landing in the cart, while the rest landed around the tree.

Sunshine, Gregoria, and Gus heard it and looked at the fallen snow. They were surprised. “Wait. How did that happen?” Gus questioned.

“No idea,” Gregoria admitted. “But it’s probably going to make things harder. Now we have to find shovels to dig all that stuff into the cart instead of just dropping it.”

“Welp, Gale isn’t going to like that. I’ll go tell him to take care of that cart, while you two go tell the professors.” Before either hippogriff or griffon could ask why they had to do it, Gus raced off to dump his load.

“Welp, we should get started,” Sunshine sighed. “I hope Professor Applejack has spare shovels.”

“You lead the way.” He and Gregoria then flew away to find Professor Applejack as Orri pulled himself out of the snow. Knowing that they would be back soon, he quickly grabbed the cart full of snow and raced back to the treehouse.

“Yak going to build snow pony,” the little young yak chuckled with joy.

Meanwhile, Yona was already hard at work clearing the snow with one of the snowplows that had been provided. The snow was no trouble to her. Compared to Yakyakistan’s snow, Ponyville’s snow was like warm butter and she cut through it with ease. The helpful yak stopped for a minute when she had Applejack call her over.

“How yak doing?” Yona asked.

“Doing well,” Applejack commented. “But, would you mind slowing down a little bit? Some of the others are having a hard time keeping up.” She pointed to some ponies, including the students, that are already having a struggle pushing the plow, and Ravi was a part of this struggle. His lack of experience with snow was showing as he really had to put a lot of strength into his plow just to push through. Suddenly he lost his footing as he slipped around. He tripped and fell as he had hit a hidden patch of ice.

Yona and Applejack ran over to him to help him up.

“Ravi alright?” Yona said, gave him a helping hoof.

“I’m okay,” the young buffalo questioned. “What happened?”

“It looks like some ice slipped under your plow,” Applejack said. It did seem that Ravi was given a bad plow. The front end up looked to be a little worn out, and if it hit something too hard, it would likely break. “Looks like this needs a new replacement.”

“How much of this snow do we have to clear?”

“The farmland does have high priorities. We only have so many crops in storage and it’ll run out soon.”

“That why ponies have cart of seeds,” Yona spoke. She pointed over to a cart looked up with plenty of seeds waiting to be planted. Apples, corn, potatoes, carrots, and other fruits & vegetables.

“Good eye Yona. Once we’ve got some lines plowed out, we can get to planting.” The farm pony looked around confusing both of the students.

“Um, what are you looking for?” Ravi asked.

“Sorry, it’s just Yona’s the only yak I’ve seen all day.”

“Oh yeah. I do notice that I haven’t seen one yak aside from Yona participating.”

“Where yaks?” Yona asked.

“Beats me. I just hope they’re not getting into trouble.”

“Professor AJ!” Sunshine called. He and Gregoria flew over to the farm pony. “Professor AJ!”

“Sunshine, Gregoria, why are you here? Is there a problem?”

“Yes, there is.” Sunshine then started to explain the whole thing. “While me, Gregoria, and Gus were busy brushing the snow off the tree, this happened to another one that’s next to us. Gale’s cart was there as well, unoccupied. The snow there just collapsed itself on the cart and around the tree. And because of that, it’ll become harder for us to shove all of that snow.”

“Really? How could the snow just fall itself? That doesn’t make any sense. The trees here are sturdy.”

“That’s what we want to know,” Gregoria admitted. “Do you have any spare shovels we can use?”

“I think I do. There should be some in the barn. Follow me.” Applejack, Sunshine, and Gregoria then ran towards her barn to get those shovels, leaving Yona and Ravi by themselves.

“How fragile are those trees in Ponyville?” Ravi asked.

“Yona can confirm that trees are tough,” Yona spoke. “Snow shouldn’t just fall by itself.”

Suddenly, Silverstream and Gallus came flying in, looking worried and frustrated, respectively. “Ravi, Yona, have you seen a cart of ice skates? It has somehow gone missing,” the hippogriff asked.

“Um, no. Yona never seen it.”

“Then you probably haven’t seen any missing clouds, have you?” Gallus asked.

“Wait, isn’t having fewer clouds a good thing?” Ravi asked.

“That’s what I thought as well, but we need to find out who took the clouds before we just assume they dissipated.”

“Well, we’re missing half the ice skates,” Silverstream said. “We can’t cut the ice in the lake with the amount we have.”

“Why winter wrapping going wrong?” Yona questioned. “Yona going to investigate.”

“Are you sure about that?” Ravi asked.

“Yona ahead of schedule. Yona has spare time.” The yak raced off to find the reason for the problems leaving Ravi to help her confused and frustrated friends. He decided to take them to Applejack so they could explain the situation.

The yak looked around Ponyville, seeing many creatures hard at work to clean up the weather, despite the issues they were running in. Yona soon found Sandbar and Ocellus helping to wake up the hibernating animals. The changeling rang her bell and a few bunny rabbits hopped out.

“Ah, so cute,” Ocellus cooed.

“It does,” Sandbar agreed with his friends before he noticed Yona looking around. “Yona, what are you doing here?” he questioned.

“Things going wrong,” the yak explained. “Missing skates, missing clouds, snow falling without reason.”

“Really? Nothing happened to us here.”

“What about rest of team?”

“They should be making the bird nests by now,” Ocellus replied. “You can check with them.” Yona thanked her friends before she walked off.

Moss was busy helping Rarity and other creatures making the bird nests. “Are the ribbons really necessary for the birds nest, Professor Rarity?” he questioned.

“I think it makes them look nice, Moss,” Rarity admitted. “It adds a bit of color to them.” She showed him Timber Spark’s nest which made that had red and orange ribbons in it.

Moss rolled his eyes which made him grab his attention to an approaching Yona. “Yona, what’s up?”

“Have friends seen stuff disappear?” the yak questioned.

“Not really. Everything is going alright for us,” Rarity explained. “We’ve just been given a load of materials from those...” Rarity paused as she looked at a pair of carts. “That’s odd. There were three carts there a minute ago. Timber did you see anyone take them.” The kirin shook her head. Moss was just as clueless. “Moss, what about you?”


Yona investigated the missing cart and saw something lying on the ground. It looked to be an indigo shawl. “Yona found yak shawl,” she spoke. She picked it up and showed it to the others.

“So, a yak took it?” Moss questioned.

“Yona going to find out.” With that, Yona left to look for the owner of the shawl. This could explain where the yaks were at all this time. Everyone was busy in Ponyville so the chance none of them saw the yaks were pretty slim, they had to be hiding somewhere. She met up with Sandbar and Ocellus and explained the situation to them.

“There aren’t that many places in town where they could hide,” Sandbar commented.

“Yona thought yaks would be seen now. Yaks may be best at lots of things, but not stealth.”

“They haven’t lived at the school for that long,” Ocellus noted. “They haven’t ventured that far from it. Except for...”

“Treehouse,” Yona declared.

“Yeah. We took our cheer squad there for a hangout before.”

“You think they’ll be hiding there?” Sandbar asked.

“Could be.”

“Yona going to look,” Yona declared.

“You want us to go with you?” Sandbar asked.

“Friends keep working. Yona not going to cause problems for them.” The yak left her friends to continue work. Yona ventured into the Everfree Forest until she could see the Treehouse of Friendship, that wasn’t all she saw though. There some carts sitting nearby the stairs, one of them contained some extra sharp ice skates. There was snow piled all over the place, Yona thought they would’ve melted if it wasn’t for the clouds that were giving them shade from the sun.

Yona walked over to the entrance of the treehouse which was locked closed. She knocked on the door and heard a response. “Who there?” asked a voice.

“Yona Yak. What yaks doing in treehouse?”

“...Yaks not here,” fibbed a voice.

“Yona found a shawl lying on ground.”

“Orri lost shawl,” admitted a voice before there was a lot of shushing. Yona gave a low brow to no one in particular before the door opened to reveal Trud.

“What yak want?” he asked.

“Yona wants to know why yaks ruining winter wrapping.”

“Yaks don’t want winter to end! Yaks keeping winter in forest. Ponies get warmer weather we keep snow.” He then slammed the door in Yona’s face.

“Hey! This Yona and friends’ treehouse, not only Trud’s treehouse!”

Her anger faded a little bit when Orri opened the door. “Yona have shawl?” he asked. The outside yak nodded and handed it to the smaller one. “Thank you.” And then he slammed the door shut just like Trud. Yona knew this wasn’t the only way into the treehouse.

She quickly started running up the stairs to get in another way until to find that they had been blocked off too. Yona groaned before trying to ram the door down only to have the door get pushed back twice as hard. The force caused Yona to tumble down the stairs until she stopped at the bottom chest facing upwards. Thinking she was probably wasting her time, Yona looked over to the cart of ice skates. She hooked herself up to it and took it back to Ponyville. While muttering “Yak yak, yakety-yak,” under her breath.

At the frozen lake, Smolder and Silverstream were both arguing if they should’ve waited for more skates. “Can’t we just get started now?” the hippogriff asked.

“If we do, the junks are going to end up too big to melt in time,” Smolder stated. “I could use my fire breath, but no magic. Remember? It’s traditional.”

“I know. Maybe you could... Use your claws.”

Smolder was about to say why this would be a bad idea until they heard, “Yak back!” They looked over to Yona who pulled in the cart of the missing ice skates. The skaters were happy to have these back.

“Yona, where did you find these?” Smolder questioned.

“Treehouse,” the yak explained. “Yaks take it over and trying to keep winter for themselves.”

“Why would they do that?” Silverstream questioned. Yona could only shrug at this. She unhooked herself from the cart and left it to let them do their work.

She tried to find one of the captains to explain what was going on. That was until she found Fluttershy, who was helping Pate place up the nest in the trees as Yona walked over to them. “Those birds are really going to love these new nests, right Professor Fluttershy?” Pate said, placing those decorated nests onto each branch.

“They absolutely will,” Fluttershy replied, and then turned to see Yona standing behind her. “Yona, I thought you were helping with the farming team?” the mare asked.

The yak quickly explained the situation to the mare about what she found in the treehouse. “They did what? I can’t believe this. Pate, keep working, I’m going to find Pinkie Pie for now.” With that, Fluttershy flew away to find the pink pony.

Word quickly spread about what the yaks were doing and Yona led Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Starlight Glimmer to the treehouse. “I can’t believe they did this!” Rarity said with full disappointment. “Why would they do such a thing like this.”

“This is very bad,” Pinkie Pie said with the same tone as Rarity’s. “I mean, I know yaks love snow but there should be a reason. I’m glad Yona did the right thing to return those missing ice skates to my team.”

They finally arrived at the treehouse to see all of those missing stuff outside. “Pinkie Pie,” Starlight said to her, “since you and the yaks have a very friendly relationship with each other, you go ahead and call for their attention.”

“Sure thing, Starlight.” The pink pony reached towards the door and knocked on it. and the yaks poked their heads out the windows. “Well, looks like you are all having fun with the snow, huh? What are you doing with all of that stuff you stole? It’s for Winter Wrap Up only.” Pinkie questioned.

“Keeping snow for yaks,” Dotta declared.

“But you’re making things harder for the creatures who are trying to bring spring back,” Starlight stated, joining with her. “Why did you even take those ice skates?”

“Yaks not swimmers,” Trud answered. “Ice keeps yaks out of water.”

“But we need the water to,” Pinkie stated. “Plus, you know the snow here is going to melt.”

“That's why yaks bring clouds.” They looked up to see the clouds above them.

“How did they bring them here?” Rarity questioned.

“I might’ve used a spell so they could walk on clouds,” Starlight explained. The headmare quickly turned her attention back to the yaks. “Still, that doesn’t allow you just to interfere with Ponyville’s traditions.”

“Yaks not giving up winter,” Trud declared. “Ponies can have spring, yaks have winter.”

“In Yona and friends’ treehouse?” Yona questioned.

“That’s another thing,” Starlight said, “You’re keeping Yona out of her own treehouse.”

“Yaks not coming out!” Trud remarked.

“This ain’t good.” She then turned to Rarity and Pinkie. “Rarity, Pinkie Pie, go call the weather team. Tell them that they must bring these things back.” The two mares did so and ran back to Ponyville leaving Starlight and Yona with the yaks.

“Trud, one last chance,” Starlight sternly said. “Open this door, now!” There was no response. “Very well, looks like I have no other choice.”

With that, the headmare teleported herself into the treehouse where Yona could hear some stomping and crushing going on inside. She stepped back for caution as the doors burst open. Trud tried making a run for it but he didn’t make it very far before he was caught in Starlight’s levitation. The headmare walked out of the treehouse with the rest of the yaks in her grasp. “Yona, go ahead and return to your work,” she said, “I’ll take care of these troublemakers.” Yona nodded and Starlight was about to teleport away as Starlight looked at Trud.

“Yak regrets nothing,” he admitted, before she and the yaks completely disappeared.

Starlight had taken the yaks into her office. Many of them were starting to feel a little guilty except for Trud, who kept standing his ground. “In what way did you think that messing with Winter Wrap Up was a good idea?” Starlight questioned.

“Snow helps yaks feel at home,” Trud explained. “Yaks want to feel at home so they make Ponyville feel like home.”

“If you had asked before, we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now. I’m very disappointed in all of you. And I’m sorry, and I know you’re not gonna like this, but I’ll notify your parents about this.” There was a large wave of begs from the yaks not wanting their headmare to do this. “I’m sorry, you should’ve thought about this before you decided to make things harder for the other creatures. How would you feel if the ponies like me went to your home and ruined one of your traditions?”

Trud didn’t say anything to this, he simply stood up and walked out of the office. Starlight didn’t like this and quickly followed the stubborn student and teleported him back into the office. Trud tried leaving again and the same thing happened. This kept repeating each time making the headmare angrier.

“Headmare right,” Frida said, “yaks should’ve not done that.”

“Orri too.”

“Yaks should’ve thought twice…”

Meanwhile, at the treehouse, all of the teams were helping to recover the stolen items. Gale and Moss were also helping. “So, how long do you think this plan would’ve worked if they didn’t get caught?” the griffon asked.

“I’ll say, I’d give them a month,” Moss answered, “Best case scenario.” Both friends shared a laugh as Ravi was helping out loading the snow back into the carts.

“Come on guys,” Ravi said. “Maybe they were just feeling homesick.”

“I didn’t see you trying to bring sand into the school.”

“That’s because I know how much of a pain it is to get out. I live in a desert you know.”

“And I live in a dump,” Gale remarked. “Your point?”

“I’m just saying that they must have some sort of pride related to the snow. Ponyville’s snow is a bit more fragile than Yakyakistan’s, so they can’t really use their full potential when it comes to what they do best. I haven’t found any wide-open spaces around here where I could have a good long run.” He could tell that he wouldn’t likely get anywhere with these two. Then, he saw Kelpie flying over to help with the clouds. Ravi flagged him down to talk with him. Kelpie heard him and landed in front of him.

“What’s up?” the hippogriff asked.

“Kelpie, how would you feel if you were forced to have something that makes you feel at home taken away? Not in any evil way but for a good reason, like... Help power a city or something like that.”

“I… I think that would kind of bite through. Though if it’s for a good reason, I would do it. Why do you ask.” Ravi quickly explained the yak situation. “Oh, I see. Maybe we should ask some others about this.”

Kelpie took one of the clouds and brought it back to where it belonged. He and Ravi met up with a couple of the other students about how they would act if they were in the yaks’ shoes. Some of them, mainly the ones that were picked to help clean up their mess, said they were just being greedy.

Others said that they understood how they were feeling, including Yona. “Yaks take great pride in snow,” Yona said. “Yona didn’t want it to go either.”

“What do you mean?” Ravi asked.

“Yona found that ponies were getting rid of winter for year, and Yona hated it.”

“You didn’t do anything dangerous like them, did you?”

“No, instead friends talked Yona out of it. Still, yaks stubborn and refuse to listen.”

“You think Trud’s acting like that, right now?” Yona just nodded as both of them, including Kelpie, began to worry. They soon heard some heavy footsteps approaching them.

“Trud, if you don’t stop now, I am going to suspend you,” Starlight called.

“Yak doesn’t even know that word,” Trud responded. Yona, Kelpie, and Ravi looked to see Trud walking away from an angry Starlight, who just judging by her face had a pretty bad headache. The yak didn’t respond and just kept walking. All three of them approached her.

“What happened?” the buffalo asked.

“Trud gave me a headache because I teleported him like thirty times into my office before I stopped,” Starlight explained.

“Like Yona said,” Yona spoke. “Yaks stubborn.”

“Clearly.” While they had stopped and chatted, Trud had made a run for it. The unicorn gave chase with the other two students following her behind, except for Kelpie.

“You two go ahead,” Kelpie yelled. “I’ll just go back to work.” Trud had a bit of a head start but Ponyville was being very crowded today. He narrowly avoided most of the creatures in his way or he either smashed right through the carts that were in his path.

“He’s not going to stay in the school after this, is he?” Ravi questioned.

“Probably not,” Yona guessed.

Soon, they were getting close to the farming team. Applejack was using the dodgy snowplow near the cliff edge as she had the most experience with it. She heard some snow being crunched as if someone was running across it. The farm pony looked back and saw Trud running away from Starlight, however, the yak wasn’t looking where he was going. When Trud looked forward he couldn’t stop himself from running into Applejack’s snowplow. The sudden jolt caused the plow to snap off and force the wheels to turn into the cliff edge with a hard thud.

The snow above was knocked loose from the crash and soon bits started to fall down on top of the creatures that were plowing the field, sending all of their hard work down the drain. Thankfully, Yona, Ravi, and other creatures that weren’t caught in the avalanche helped did the ones trapped underneath. When they got out, Starlight and Applejack stared daggers at Trud, who wasn’t feeling quite confident right now.

“Trud, it looks like you’ve crossed a line,” Applejack said firmly. “Not only have you put us behind schedule, but you’ve also endangered everyone who was caught up in this incident. What do you have to say for yourself?”

Trud was speechless at the moment and was honestly a little afraid. That was until Ravi stepped in to defend him. “Headmare Starlight,” Ravi said. “I think we understand why Trud and the yaks did this. I’m not saying they were right to do it though.”

“Explain please,” Starlight said. By the tone of her voice, her patience was dwindling.

“I feel like it might be a sense of being homesick. The yaks loved the snow because it represents their home.” Starlight and Applejack were a little surprised at this and looked at Trud who was looking guilty.

“Is this true? You’re just feeling homesick?”

“Y... Yes,” Trud sighed. “Yak barely got to smash with broken legs in Yakyakistan. Yaks help out but smashing just not the same. When legs did heal, Trud barely got time to do yak games before heading back to school.”

“This true,” Yona confirmed.

“So, you’re saying that you didn’t really get to enjoy your traditions?” Ravi questioned. Trud shook his head and he lied down on the ground. “Man, I could only imagine if I broke my legs and was forced to stay put.”

Starlight took a moment to process the information she had learned and sat beside Trud. “Listen, Trud, I’m still mad at what you and the other yaks have done, but I can sort of understand what you were trying to do,” she said. “Though, I am willing to forgive if you do something for me and the rest of the town.”

“What’s that?”

“You’re going to have to help with the hard work for Winter Wrap Up. I don’t want any of you slacking around. Understood?”

“Yes, headmare.”

“Good.” The unicorn and yak teleported back to the office while Yona and Ravi continued with their work.

“How well do you think they’re going to do?” Ravi asked.

“Yona don’t know,” Yona admitted.

The yaks were soon assigned to different teams to which Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Fluttershy kept an eye on them. Trud and the yaks did their best to make for what they had done, starting with returning the remaining items they had stolen. Once they were done with that, they were each assigned different jobs.

Some were sent to collect materials for the birds’ nests. Others were ordered to help with breaking the ice so it would melt easier. Trud was assigned to the farming team to help plow the snow away so they would have an easier time accessing the earth. Instead of pushing away the snow, Trud was being hooked up to one of the plows that dug into the ground allowing farmers to plant their seeds.

It was a little harder than he’d like to admit though he didn’t want to complain or he’d likely get into more trouble than he was already in. He simply followed Yona, who plowed away the snow while Terry followed behind planting the seeds. It was quite hard work but still, they pushed forward to get the job done.

Soon, the pegasi, griffons, and hippogriffs flew through the sky, clearing thousands of the clouds in the process. With nothing blocking the sun, the heat began to melt the cut ice in the various lakes, and the bits of plowed snow. With the seeds planted, Ravi, Trud, and various other creatures helped out pulling some carts with water, which was sprinkled on the ground where the seeds were planted.

All the animals were woken up from their hibernation and the birds were brought back to Ponyville. By this point, all of the snow had melted away. The participants of Winter Wrap Up stood back and were happy at their work. Yona and Ravi shared a hoof bump before they looked over to the yaks that had caused so much trouble. They looked quite ashamed of themselves.

“I’m proud to say that you all did a great job,” Mayor Mare said. “It’s one of the times that Winter has come on time. I’m sure that the founders of this lovely town would be very proud.” There were several cheers to be heard by all creatures, except for most of the yaks. They quietly walked back to the school while Yona watched.

“Why they leaving?” Yona questioned.

“Maybe they don’t want to be around other creatures because of what they did,” Ravi guessed. He looked around until he found Headmare Starlight, congratulating some of the students for their hard work. The buffalo walked over to her and tapped her shoulder. “Headmare Starlight, what’s going to happen the yaks?”

“I’m still trying to figure out their punishment,” the unicorn explained. “Best case scenario, a week's worth of detention.”

“Yona doesn't want to know worst case,” Yona admitted.

“Whatever it’ll be, you can all do whatever you want to do now. Enjoy the spring.” Many of the students quickly left to take a look at new spring activities.

“You think that the lakes will be warm enough for us to swim?” Silverstream asked.

“I think you should probably wait until the sun warms them up,” Deep Sea said.

“What if we used fire breath to speed it up?” Sea just rolled his eyes as he flew away to do his thing as did most of the students.

The yaks had all gone to the lounge where it was deadly quiet. “What going to happen to yaks?” Orri asked.

“Trud thinks yak won’t have to go away from Yakyakistan,” Trud muttered.

“What yak mean?” Frida asked.

“Expel.” That was a word the yak knew and didn’t want to happen.

They suddenly heard the P.A. system activate. ”Would all the yaks please go to my office? Starlight requested. With their worries worse now, the yaks got up and took a walk of shame towards the office. When they got there, they could see Yona and Ravi were waiting there along with their headmare.

“Listen, Ravi, I know you’re trying to defend them, but... Oh, they’re here,” Starlight spoke. “Yona, Ravi, please leave so we can talk.”

“Yes, headmare,” both buffalo and yak responded. The two walked out of the office, leaving all the yaks with Starlight.

“Now, you all know why you’re here.” The yaks just nodded before they all found a seat. “Now, Ravi and Yona have said to me that you’ve likely been feeling homesick, that combined with the pride of your homeland might’ve struck a nerve with you. Still, preventing a Ponyville tradition isn’t going unpunished. With that, from Ravi and Yona’s defense, I completely changed my mind, I’m not going to notify your parents about this.”

This gave them a huge relief. “What headmare do?” Dotta asked.

“Instead, starting tomorrow, you’ll each be given a week of detention where you’ll be learning history about how Ponyville was worked in the old days. Understand?”

“Yes, Headmare Starlight,” the yaks responded.

“And listen, next time if you ever have an issue with something like this, try talking to me or Counselor Trixie, instead of doing something like what you did.” The yaks humbly agreed. “In the next Winter Wrap Up, I don’t want to see any of you doing this, okay?”

All the yaks nodded.

“Very well, you may all leave the office.” and were then excused to leave the office. They didn’t say very much until they met up with Yona and Ravi.

“So, how’d it go?” the buffalo asked.

“Yak honestly expected worse,” Trud admitted.

“Well, yaks should learn,” Yona said.

“Yeah,” Dotta admitted. “You think Dotta and Yona still have time for cheer practice for detention?” Yona gave an unsure shrug.

“Either way it works out, I think you should probably take this as learning the hard way,” Ravi spoke. The yaks had to agree with this. “Anyways, after you’re done with that, what are your plans for spring?”

“Yaks never really had spring,” Dotta explained. “Yak only knows seasons with snow.”

“Well, it’s always nice to learn about new things.”

“Yona agree,” Yona spoke. “Yona had no idea about other creature holidays.”

“Like Hearts Warming,” Frida spoke.

“Or Festival of Strength.”

“What’s that?” Ravi asked.

“Minotaur holiday.”

“You mean Terry celebrates that?”

“It like hippogriff’s Three Days of Freedom.”

“Yak curious,” Orri spoke.

“So am I,” Ravi spoke.

“Yona can find Terry and he could explain,” Yona said. She quickly ran off as the yak followed not too far behind. Ravi decided to go sit by a window in the lounge and looked outside to see the creatures enjoying the new warmth of the spring.

Comments ( 11 )

“I think it’s safe to say we all had enough of winter,” Sunshine commented.

Boy a lot of people says that a lot even my mom says it is well everybody's so sick of winter and it's not like it's never going to end lol

“You’re right,” Rusty added. “There are few incidents that nearly messed up the tradition.”

Oh I remember from the episode winter wrap up they were all kind of way behind but good thing Twilight helped out when they needed it's because they need to organize everything

Trud was left by himself as he looked at the board. He then looked at a nearby window that had a good view of the snow. The yak felt quite upset about the situation. The snow did remind him of his home, Yakyakistan. Being a part of a group that didn’t mind the snow and now it was going to be taken away from him. He didn’t want that to happen and began thinking about how to keep the snow from taken away.

Uh oh some Creature has a case of homesickness 😥

“Yeah. Could be. Anyways, let’s just get this started. I don’t want to be in the cold anymore.” The three teams were now formed and were explained what they needed to do. While that happened, the yaks were in the Everfree Forest, where they had met at the Treehouse of Friendship.

Hmm I guess Harmony is okay with anybody to enter the tree house as long as it's not a threat that's cool

Well it looks like winter wrap up finally arrived but before that it looks like yona and the others are playing snowball fight which it is pretty nice to play can be painful a little bit but after the game they went to get a hot cocoa but then they heard about the news about the winter wrap up it looks like most of the students are pretty excited for this well except for the yaks particularly Trud they really don't want to see winter go because it reminded them home so apparently the Yaks are getting home sick in a desperation they tried to steal the stuff the clouds the ice skates the carts and everything and it looks like Yona figure it out they're the one who are stealing them and preventing winter to end so she asked one of the teachers to talk with the Yaks but apparently they're pretty stubborn as Yona warn them about but it looks like thud one of the most stubborn one refuse to give up but after this disaster he finally gives in and it looks like he's going to get a lot of trouble including the other yaks bit ravi and yona explain to Starlight about why they're acting like that so they give them detention and did not getting their parents involved but they learned our lesson not to mess with tradition so with that they finally understand they never should never done that in the first place well this was a pretty good story keep up the good work

The yak didn't really have the good of a plan. Understandable, but not the best.

Yeah seriously when it comes to plans they don't really have a good one and they let their pride get the best of them

Meanwhile, at the treehouse, all of the teams were helping to recover the stolen items. Gale and Moss were also helping. “So, how long do you think this plan would’ve worked if they didn’t get caught?” the griffon asked.

“I’ll say, I’d give them a month,” Moss answered, “Best case scenario.” Both friends shared a laugh as Ravi was helping out loading the snow back into the carts.

“Come on guys,” Ravi said. “Maybe they were just feeling homesick.”

“I didn’t see you trying to bring sand into the school.”

“That’s because I know how much of a pain it is to get out. I live in a desert you know.”

“And I live in a dump,” Gale remarked. “You’re point?”

Oh come moss and gale you guys are friends with thud you two should be a little more sensitive about his feelings

I'm guessing they're a little ticked because they now have to do more work.

Yeah I guess that's a good point I'll be pretty upset if my friend does the same thing as well

Quite a fun story.

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