• Published 18th Apr 2021
  • 1,119 Views, 42 Comments

Got Your Six - Revel Montaro

Tempest Shadow has returned to Canterlot to serve as Twilight Sparkle's new Captain of the Guard, but not everyone is happy about it. Now she must fight a new battle to prove she belongs.

  • ...

Chapter 11

Trigger Warning: Violent murder. The description is limited in order to maintain T rating, but different people have different levels they can handle. You have been warned.

Fools. Duke Gilded Brand said to himself. We had a near perfect system in place that practically ran itself and then they had to go complicate things. Granted, it had been easier under just Celestia, but we just needed a few minor adjustments just like we made when Luna made herself known. Everything would have run smoothly with the young princess as well. All they had to do was show a little patience.

The duke finished his wine and sighed. He did not want to head out, but the cover of night would serve well for this meeting. His son was likely already fast asleep. The pampered grown foal never missed his self proclaimed beauty sleep. Thankfully, he still had potential to be a proper leader otherwise he would have already taken steps to produce another heir with PeeBee.

Brand chuckled to himself. He still might while Purity was still young enough to be a mother and there were connection advantages to combining their houses to a new generation. In addition, the thought of him impregnating the beautiful mare while her husband sat there to the side helplessly watching brought a smile to his face. Top Notch was a weakling. He certainly knew his wife was cheating on him even if he was unaware of with whom and did nothing about it, accepting his place in the pecking order. Still, the minor noble had modest connections including to the Canterlot Gazette paper. Something they had all taken advantage of from time to time. More to consider on that front later.

Duke Brand pulled his favorite black velvet cloak about him and headed for the front door. A pegasus security guard who was stationed there was surprised to see his employer, but wisely did not question, only stiffening to attention to await directions.

“I’m heading out, hopefully not all night. Fly a sweep and make sure there are no nosey reporters out in the district trying to snap the latest tabloid shot.” The pegasus saluted and headed out first. A few minutes later Gilded Brand pulled his hood over and proceeded down the path he knew even blindfolded.

The walk had been brisk and without interruption. The duke strode up to the front door and knocked three times. A minute later one of the maids opened the door. When she met the duke’s eyes she bowed her head and stepped aside. Brand stepped in like he would his own home and did not spare her a second glance. He made his way directly to the private study and found it empty. With practiced ease he lit the mage light lanterns and waited. The servants would inform the master of the house of his arrival like they had numerous times before.

Less than five minutes later Lady Purity Brilliance entered her study and quietly shut the door behind her. Duke Brand had been standing by her desk, his face still sour despite the beautiful white mare's presence, covered in a sheer lilac colored evening gown.

“Gil, this is an unexpected surprise. You do realize Top is right upstairs.”

Duke Brand lit his horn and the room became encased in a privacy bubble. Once he knew the room was secured he snarled, “What in the pits of Tartarus were you thinking, PeeBee?! I told you exactly what we needed to place in the room for the setup and none of that involved a dead body!”

Purity did not flinch at the outburst. Instead she just smirked and let out a bored yawn even going so far as to bring her hoof to her mouth. She waited to see if he would speak again before saying with half lidded eyes, “Are you finished?”

“It was bad enough that the setup failed, but now we have to deal with more attention because you threw your dead courier in the mix.”

“He was a loose end and the 'good' captain admitted to us herself that she had killed before. It was all quite plausible. We just did not account for some nosey EIS agent with an eye for detail. Honestly, we should have had them on our payroll years ago. Celestia knows they are poorly paid enough that some of them would be interested in a kickback.”

Brand continued to scowl. “Not just an agent, their director. She answers directly to Lady Inkwell who I should not have to remind you is not bribable and would never turn on the princess. No doubt she has also been briefed on this entire debacle by now.”

Purity let out a scoffing bark of a laugh. “And here we go again. Always back around to that damn little upstart, Starlight Sparklebutt. Are you not tired of having to do this song and dance for a pony who has no business sitting her little purple plot on that throne?”

“She does not need to be an insurmountable obstacle. We worked around her brother, we can work around her as well. You just had to follow my lead and we would have found a suitable workaround.”

Purity came around the desk and withdrew a glass tumbler and bottle from a drawer and poured herself a small drink, gulping it down without hesitation. She shuddered with burning delight and turned her smoldering orange eyes to Brand. He always loved to look into those eyes. So much brighter than his long deceased wife's were. They reminded him of the heart of a fire. Dangerous yet beautiful, the perfect analogy for the pony before him.

“Tell me, Gil, since you came all this way out here in the middle of the night just to see little old me,” Purity said, leaning closer to the duke, “what would you say if we changed this old song and dance and instead played to our own tune? The dance where we lead.”

“Speak plainly, PeeBee.”

“Our houses are two of the oldest. Platinum and Sterling can both trace ancestors who once held the throne of the land we were before the two sisters. The sisters are now gone. They may still be immortal, but they have abandoned us and left their faithful with a pale imitation of the glory of what an alicorn can be. When gods fail us, it is once again the duty of those with birthright to take charge. I say we remove the princess, her thug of a captain, and her loyal servant Miss Inkwell and then we take back OUR throne.”

Brand’s jaw hung open as he took a few steps back from the grinning unicorn in the alluring sleepwear. Suddenly, she was not so appealing to him. “Are… Are you mad?!”

“No, I am quite in my right mind. We have just as much a claim if not more than the chosen of a broken, old sun goddess who has abandoned Equestria. I say we claim what is ours and lead once more!”

“This is treason, blasphemy! I always knew you sought money, influence, and power, but not to this level! You would go against the crown itself!”

“This was our land first! Our ancestors bent a knee to two immortals because they feared another eternal winter. It was not Celestia, or Luna, or Cadenza, or ohhhh sooo precious Twilight Sparke who saved us from the windigos it was US! The citizens! The commoners believed and we believed and we won while the princesses took the credit for uniting the tribes! I say no more! The gods have left and I will not bow to a lesser would be goddess of libraries! The only question that remains, are you going to join me or is Platinum going to be subservient to Sterling again?”

“I… I will not consent to this! I will not let you do this!”

Purity shrugged. “Hmm, pity.”

The white mare removed her night gown in her magic and twisted it to resembled a rope. In one smooth, whip movement she then willed it to wrap around the neck of Duke Gilded Brand. The duke gasped in surprise, but was far too slow to stop the enchanted cloth from wrapping tightly around his throat. The white stallion thrashed about the room, the privacy bubble spell shattered as books, glass trinkets, and various other items were tosses about and broken as he struggled to break free. Brand tried to relax and formulate a counter spell when Purity jumped on his back, forcing him to the ground and seized the cloth in her hooves pulling it tighter along with her telekinesis. Brand choked and sputtered as his face began to turn red and purple.

“Now, now, Gil. While I love a good, rough tumble, I think this will go smoother if you just give up and die. I would offer to stroke your cock right now, but my magic is a little busy as you can surmise. Too bad really, I think I remember reading that if you orgasm while strangling that the experience is quite magnificent.” Purity leaned in closer and nibbled on the duke’s ear, licking the lobe erotically.

“Can you feel it? The euphoria of bliss running, coursing through your body as you gasp for air. Yes, that’s it, just like that. Just fade away. Oh, and before you die, you should know that I will take care of your house. Blueblood will gladly take charge with my consent and I will allow your son to put a foal in me when I go into heat soon, cementing our alliance. We already had that plan in place prior to this current unfortunate business. One last thing before you go in case you are wondering, because, let’s be honest, all stallions wonder. Yes, your son is very good in bed and is bigger than you with excellent stamina. So, die a proud father of House Platinum.”

Brand foamed and thrashed a bit more just causing Purity to laugh louder, grinding herself against his backside for her own enjoyment. The door to the study was pushed open and Purity looked up to find her husband standing there, wide eyed and jaw hanging open.

“Purity! Wha- what are you doing?!”

“I’m killing a useless duke, what does it look like I’m doing, you pencil cocked moron! Instead of just standing there watching like you always do, go get Oat. I am in need of his services.”

Brand twitched a few more times, or it was just his final death throws, but his eyes which had gone completely bloodshot had already rolled up in his head. Purity sat back and tied the gown into a tight knot to ensure it would not come loose. She let out a satisfied sigh and then a bubbly giggle. Such a hard workout called for a relaxing drink. Without climbing off the dead duke, she used her telekinesis to pour another drink and brought it to her lips. A minute later the stoic butler entered the study. Purity was slightly disappointed that he shuddered at the sight, but made no comment on the mess or the departed.

“You called for me, my lady?”

“Yes, dear. I need you to draft letters to each of the council members as well as my other gold list colleagues that we are going to have an emergency meeting tomorrow night at the Platinum Estate. After that I need you to send a separate courier and letter to The Hollow Guard. They are holed up in the family supply barn at the country estate down near the valley. Simply tell them they are to go active tomorrow and permanently remove the Captain of the Guard of her position by any means they choose.”

“Y, You killed Duke Brand… and now you are… you are going to have the captain killed?” Purity rolled her eyes. She despised when her husband began to stutter and whimper. “Why? You would throw away everything we have and for what? The princess and the rest of the guard will find out and...”

“And what, dear? Are you forgetting that I own most of the guards? And as far as the 'princess'…” Purity giggled into her liquor glass as she took another satisfying sip. “Oat, I know I am already asking a lot, but I need you to draft one last letter to my cousin, research assistant Eve Radiance at CSGU. Tell her I need her here before lunch tomorrow with the results what we talked about a week ago.”

“Do you need all these letters sent tonight, my lady?”

“Hmm, best to wait until first thing in the morning before the dawn to send them so they blend with the morning deliveries. One might think we are up to no good making ponies work under the cover of darkness.”

“As you wish, my lady.”

Purity smiled and nodded as Oat dismissed himself. Top Notch remained frozen in place, still staring wide eyed at the most certainly dead duke lying on the study floor, his swollen tongue hanging out. She cleared her throat and he refocused on his wife who was still straddling the body in a provocative manner.

“Y, Yes?”

“Well, if you are done thinking I would like to get this trash out of my study. Go make yourself useful and have Marigold fetch a large sheet and fragrance in case he begins to smell.” Top Notch left with downcast eyes and his tail between his legs.


Tempest had already been awake despite the late night when a hoof knocked on her front door just before sunrise. Once all this nasty business was settled Tempest decided she was going to review her own lifestyle to attempt to fall into a more routine sleep pattern that coincided with Twilight’s. If the princess had to be up early to raise the sun then she needed to be up early to protect and serve her. Tempest eyed her cup. Coffee would become her life blood.


The door opened and a familiar thestral entered, removed her helmet and saluted with perfect soldier precision despite having been awake all night. Tempest peered around Sugarcoat.

“Problem, captain?”

“I told Sentry he did not need to be here until after breakfast, but I was half expecting Sour Sweet would be chomping at the bit to hear your report.”

“She’s currently sleeping, ma'am. I already briefed her on my findings.” Tempest arched an eyebrow and scowled. She did not appreciate playing second fiddle to a government agent especially when it involved her own subordinate. Sugarcoat, like she had last night, reached for her face as if to adjust glasses that were not there before coming to a sitting yet still ramrod straight position. “I would have briefed you first, but she was awake and waiting for me when I came home a little over an hour ago. I felt a need to shower before making my report to you, ma’am. Skulking makes me sweaty.”

“Why was the EIS agent inside your home?”

“It’s her home, actually. I usually stay at the barracks during the week when in Canterlot, but it had been a few months and I felt a need to visit my wife before getting back to work, ma’am. Hopefully, I do not need to give you the details of my insinuation.”

Tempest was caught flathoofed. “Your… okay, right, I didn't know. To each her own I guess.”

“I am aware that her mannerisms and quirks can be difficult to deal with when one does not know her well. Some have said the same about me when they thought I was not listening. I grew up with Sour, we went to school together, we even joined the guard together though she soon after transferred to government work, finding it more appealing and challenging. I followed my own path.

“Then, we met back up a few years later after I completed my thestral training and transformation. She almost didn’t recognize me from the change and the fact that I no longer needed my glasses. We fell back into each other rather quickly and have now been married for two years. I don’t usually divulge this much personal information, but I needed you to understand that while Sour asking for me was selfish I am a guard first then a wife. My loyalty to the princess and to my captain is absolute.”

Tempest nodded. “I believe you, corporal. Please report your findings.”

Sugarcoat flashed a small smile of appreciation before returning to complete professionalism. “I tracked the duke to the Sterling Estate. The current matriarch of the house is one Lady Purity Brilliance. Are you familiar with her?”

“We’ve met briefly. Her smile is fake.”

“All politician and nobles’ smiles are fake, ma’am. I’m sure you already know that.” Tempest gestured for her to continue. “I stayed on watch all night, only moving about when their patrols changed up their sweeps. Various lights were on and off at the estate all night, with signs of individuals moving about. If the duke left the Sterling Estate it was not through any of the door on the street level. It was not until two hours ago that the house showed any signs of outside activity when couriers arrived for outgoing correspondence that were passed over by one of the house servants. That is not unusual, but the number of letters that were passed out was exceptionally high. Whatever is going on it is big. Without the cover of darkness, I was unable to carefully track the couriers, though most appeared to be heading to other noble estates, which is again, not unusual. One, however, flew completely out of town.”

Tempest considered the information. It was not much to go on, but at least it added another name to the list of suspects. If Purity Brilliance and Duke Brand were plotting something that could mean something big. They had their hooves in numerous functions throughout the government as power players always did. Tempest was now wishing she had ordered Flash to arrive earlier. She knew what she wanted to do, but was not fully aware of her legal reach. Something the pegasus knew better than she did.

“Is there any way we can intercept those couriers or bring the lords in for questioning just to see if I can get one or two of them to slip?”

“Unlikely, ma’am. Not without harder evidence. I know you are more accustom to just charging head first into battle, but the nobility have an army of lawyers to shield them as well as they could complain directly to the princess that you are out to get them for personal gain. That would be bad for you given their connections and that you are new to your position.”

“So, there’s not a damn thing I can do yet?”

“Yet. Things are in motion, things we can prepare for or warn Princess Twilight to prepare for. Beyond that it’s a defensive game.” Sugarcoat smirked again. “Now you have a bit more appreciation of what Sour Sweet has been dealing with for the last few years. At least she has the captain on her side now. That should help.”

Tempest groaned, but let the frustration bleed away before it caused unwanted sparks. “You did well, corporal. Quietly report your findings and what I am having you do to Lieutenant Flanker just to keep him in the loop and then go get some rest. I’ll need you back on the case this evening.” Sugarcoat replaced her helmet and saluted. As she opened the door she caught Flash Sentry in her foreleg who stumbled over in mid-motion to knock. The thestral took note of the bag and smelled the fresh bread and toppings.

“Everything bagel with cream cheese. Excellent choice, lieutenant.” Sugarcoat leaned in a bit closer as she held onto the orange pegasus. “Good luck.”

Flash blinked as she released him, once again impressed by the thestral’s speed and strength. He looked back to Tempest who was standing in front of her desk with a contemplative look. Not stewing, but not happy either. He could work with that. “Guess I missed the debrief.”

“You didn’t miss much. Only one new name was of any use and apparently it’s ‘frowned upon’ to go crack skulls to get the answers I know are there when they can hide behind the shield of nobility. Bureaucratic nonsense.” Tempest let out a snorting huff before moving to her armor stand and got her despised captain’s armor secured. “Any news on Flag Staff?”

“The guard I had watching him said he stayed in quarters all day and night, mostly sulking.”

“And you trust this watch?”

Flash considered the question. If she had asked that a month ago he would have said yes without hesitation. But now? “I didn’t vet his loyalty if that’s what you are asking, but I gave him a simple order and explained that the lieutenant was suspended and under investigation. You should probably make that official as soon as possible in case he tries to pull rank on some of the others not in the loop.”

“I can already tell this is going to be a wonderful day.” Flash held up the bag and put on his best smoldering grin. Tempest could not force her own smile down. “Right, bright side... and thank you.”


Purity took another sip of her wine and vocalized her pleasure with a low ‘mmmmm’ of approval. She had always suspected that Duke Brand had stored the best bottles from his family’s vineyard in their cellar, but he never shared them with others. Even those who were supposed to be his closest friends and allies. Yet another reasons Purity was pleased he was dead, she thought.

Now Blueblood, he knew how to treat a lady. He was not afraid to bring out the best of the reserves for an honored guest. And why not? She had just made him the head of the most powerful noble house in Equestria and if he did not displease her, he would soon be by her side standing upon the throne room dais. That, of course, was still several steps down the road.

The first step had been to break the news to young Prince Blueblood that his father had suffered a catastrophic health issue in the overnight while discussing business with her. Duke Brand had whispered to her his dying wish for his son to take up the mantle of patriarch of House Platinum. A role, Purity reminded the young stallion, that he had been groomed for since birth.

Upon her wise council, they would be breaking the sad news to the rest of the upper echelons of the nobility and council together. Those deemed important enough all received invitations to the Platinum Estate for drinks and be a part of important business to be discussed. Truth be told, there would be no discussion at all, Purity thought.

Once she said her piece and outline what would come next there would be no going back. Those present would either back her play or they would find themselves on the wrong side of a spear and in the dungeons. The one thing they absolutely could not afford was a splintered front. The leaders had to lead or else they might as well ask Discord to take the keys of the nation because only chaos would ensue.

Oat had assured his master that the notes would burn to ash minutes after being open and read so that those pesky EIS agents could not quietly steal one and thus sneak one of their own into the exclusive closed door session. Nevertheless, Purity had the duke’s, now prince’s private security double checking all the arriving nobles for listening spells or any other enchantment devices. She herself was greeting them so that she could see each of their faces and recognize them all. The notes specifically stated that the discussion was of a sensitive matter of the utmost importance and that stand in note takers or aids would not be acceptable. Thus far, all had followed her directions.

After about half an hour for drinks to be passed around, consumed, and the required pleasantries and catching up Purity chimed a platinum bell so that all knew it was time to settle down.

“I know it must be unusual to find me leading the hosting duties outside my own home, but all will be made clear shortly. Now please follow me to the large dining room so that we may move onto business in secure privacy.” It was not an unusual request and all those present, heads or co-heads, of fifteen noble houses all followed along casually.

The large dining room, as one would have guessed, was capable of holding up to thirty guests comfortably while staff could move about and attend unhindered. With half that number and no staff currently present the different ponies sat where they pleased, mostly next to friends and allies. Purity took the spot usually reserved for Duke Brand, which caused a few to stir and murmurs. A moment later the doors were pulled secured by Prince Blueblood who then moved to stand next to Purity Brilliance, his face unreadable. She raised a hoof and the whispers ceased.

“Thank you all for coming on such short notice, but I assure you it will be worth your time and inconvenience. You are here now because you are considered the most important members of modern Equestrian society. It is not an exaggeration to say that our nation would cease to function as it should without us. That being said it is with a heavy heart that I inform you first of the passing of our beloved friend and fellow noble, Duke Gilded Brand.” The murmurs grew loud and the stallions and mares present squawked back and forth as expected. Blueblood, as he was instructed earlier, pounded on the table to regain control of the room.

“My father, who I loved dearly, passed last night while working hard side by side with Lady Purity. It was in his final moments that he conveyed his last wishes of me taking my seat at the House Platinum Table and that we listen fully to what he and Lady Purity have planned. After my family has had appropriate time to see to his remains and grieve will we answer more detailed questions. Know that he is at rest and once again with my mother.” Those present nodded and Purity took that as her cue to continue.

“Brand and I were of one mind on what Equestria’s future should be. All our houses have prospered greatly over the centuries under the rule of Celestia and even once again under the two sisters together. However, while the princesses may have served as centerpieces these last many years it is the nobility and the guilds that truly run and drive the economy and commerce of this nation. WE are the true seats of power.”

Purity paused to allow them to clap. Pandering and patting them on their bloated backs was easy. Throw a few compliments and sprinkle in ego stroking, but next came the true test. They needed to be on board for what came next, whether they liked it or not. Plans were already in motion and there was no going back now.

“We stand at the cusp of a new and changing era. The time of the two sisters has come to an end and while there are many that see this change as simple as the changing of the seasons I stand before you and say it is not.

“Celestia, our beloved Goddess of the Sun, has abandoned us. Whether it is to grieve her supposed lost daughter or that she simply no longer wishes to lead after more than a thousand years on the throne that WE the nobility instilled her upon, I cannot say. What I do know is that she and her sister have left Canterlot in the hooves of those who do not deserve positions of power.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle and her ‘Friendship Council’ have their place in Equestria. They have defended our nation with the power bestowed upon them by the fabled essence of Harmony, but their place is not at the head of the nation in the highest seats of power. No, they are tools. Useful tools in a time of crisis, but tools all the same and tools do NOT deserve the throne!”

Purity paused once again for dramatic effect, but also to read the room. It was clear that her closest allies such as Grey Coal and Jet Set were nodding their agreement. Many others maintained their careful neutrality, such as Fancy Pants. That simply would not do. What she was about to propose was treason of the highest order and they were about to be accomplices, willing or unwilling.

“Tomorrow morning, just after the sun has been raised, we and the rest of the guilds and lesser nobility will be in a special session meeting with Miss Sparkle taking place in the ballroom of the Canterhorn Hotel. It is there that I will present a document calling for the false ruler to abdicate the throne she has no business occupying. A document that all of you will be signing.”

That sparked several gasps and voices of outrage and protest. Purity lit her horn and it flashed, temporarily blinding those that were foolish enough to stare at it. she waited until they settled again.

“Twilight Sparkle is NOT of noble birth!” Purity continued with malice in her voice. “She cannot trace her lineage and house back to old Unicornia as many of us can, and yet she is given the highest title and honor that can be bestowed upon a pony, why? Because she is good at making friends?! Absurd! ‘Princess’ Twilight is a false ruler and has no business on the throne! I will not have it! She will leave willingly or she shall be removed!”

“Lady Brilliance!” pleaded the head of House Cobblestone, Lord Keys. “You cannot do this! This, this is too far! You would remove the princess by force?!”

“I would.” Purity stood a bit straighter, the former duke’s high back chair serving as a quasi throne in of itself. “The sisters have abandoned their titles and crowns that our ancient houses bestowed upon them. House Platinum was once the house of kings. My own house having take that honored position as well from time to time. It is my right and your right as the nobility of this nation to take back what is ours should we feel our leaders have failed us. And Celestia and Luna failed to ask us if we wanted Twilight Sparkle and her friends! I tell you this here and now I DO NOT WANT HER HERE!”

Purity cut off the next question before it could be asked. “You are thinking, but how can we remove her? First of all. Ask yourselves, who are the guard loyal to? A princess they hardly know, or the nobles that have ensured that they have had heavy purses week after week? Seen to their needs and made sure that they have been taken care of as well as their families. Secondly, I know you worry that Sparkle is a magical powerhouse. She has wings and a horn! How could we possibly remove her should she not wish to go?” Purity’s smirk turned sinister as she set a vial of some sort of dark green, viscous liquid on the table along with a crossbow bolt that had a black metal tip.

“And, dare I ask what that is?”

“The arrow is what the guards refer to as ‘cold iron’ though I’m told that may be a mislabel. As I was told it is forged from the same metal as the shields that those hideous Storm Guards used to reflect and block magical attacks. It can penetrate magical barriers. Even those of an alicorn. Now this, this is the combination of years of research and development. A magical paralyzing agent developed by my own cousin and her team. It is designed to help subdue rogue unicorn witches, warlocks, and necromancers as well as assist the guard in apprehending those who are a danger to themselves and others. In a concentrated dose it is believed it can even temporarily keep an alicorn from casting magic as well. She even believes that if one were to use too much it could possibly keep them from ever casting magic again. Possibly even kill them.” The room fell to dead silence.

Finally, Jet Set was the first to find his voice again. “Lady Brilliance, the new captain would never allow such a coup to take place, she stands with the princess, as does Lady inkwell. Surely some of the guard will side with her once we present a document for the removal of Miss Sparkle.”

Purity let out a giggle that would have been considered adorable if not for the hard narrow eyes that were piercing each individual sitting at the dining room table. “Oh, do not worry about her. By tomorrow morning, Captain Tempest Shadow will be nothing more than a bad memory.”

Author's Note:

Yep, power mad. Maaaaad I say!

I know those following along don't want to hear this, but sadly there will be no update next week because I have a family obligation I have to attend to and my father-in-law has no internet. I know, pretty scary, huh?

After that Chapter 12 is ready to go and 13 is still being worked on and may have to be split in two. Which is fine. The story will be wrapping up soon, somewhere around 15 or 16 chapters. We'll see.

Till next time. Questions? Comments?