• Published 18th Apr 2021
  • 1,120 Views, 42 Comments

Got Your Six - Revel Montaro

Tempest Shadow has returned to Canterlot to serve as Twilight Sparkle's new Captain of the Guard, but not everyone is happy about it. Now she must fight a new battle to prove she belongs.

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Chapter 16

Twilight walked along the sidewalk with her friendship council and best friends by her sides. Ahead and at a discreet distance were a mix squad of Canterlot and Crystal Empire guards. While her knife wound from a week ago was healed with only a tiny scar to remind her it was there it still hurt to move. Poisons were difficult to predict the long term side effects. Magical ones even more so. The doctor had recommended regular walks to help the healed muscles get used to kinetic motion again as well as he theorized it might help flush any lingering poison from her system that could be trapped in the tissue.

Once things had settled and Purity had been thoroughly interrogated, the remaining Mage's Bane poison had been confiscated and analyzed. Twilight had written a letter to Celestia regarding the substance, describing everything it had done to her as well as Raven, Tempest, and Flash. Twilight’s magic had returned after less than a day to full strength. Raven and Tempest took a bit longer, but as far as they could tell they had each regained their full power. Flash Sentry however was a different matter.

As Twilight understood it, the doctor said that Flash was lucky to be alive since the bolt nicked his heart, however by a miracle, had found a small pocket in his chest just below his aorta, avoiding any irreversible, life threatening organ damage. The poison however had been intended to rob a unicorn of their magic. No one was quite sure what it would do to a pegasus. While it was still early and they had only conducted a few tests, Flash Sentry still could not generate enough lift to get off the ground for more than a few seconds. Even though he claimed to be fit for service the doctor had ordered Flash to stay in the hospital longer for observation and additional test. Reluctantly, Tempest agreed.

“Ah still can’t believe so many of the guards were on the take,” said Applejack, shaking her head.

“Sour Sweet says that according to the confiscated records that her agents reviewed from Purity Brilliance and Gilded Brand's estates that it was just under fifty percent of the Canterlot guard on varying degrees of amount. It is going to take months if not longer to bolster the ranks again after all the trials and firings are done with, but Tempest said she was confident that the guard would be better than ever for it.”

“Well if she needs a hoof whipping them into shape I’m sure I can spare the time. Might even be fun! I can practice my Spitfire impersonation,” said Rainbow Dash, floating above the group and doing a small loop nearby.

“I believe I speak for all of us when I say I have complete confidence in Captain Tempest to handle the job, darling.” Rarity paused to let out a small giggle. “And to look so stunning doing it! Her new dress uniform is absolutely fantastic! So eye catching it just screams 'I am in charge!'”

“Speeeeeaking of Miss Stunning!” Pinkie added, bouncing ahead of the group to wrap herself around Tempest Shadow who stood like a stone faced statue while the pink pony squeezed and nuzzled her much taller, mulberry friend. After a moment of trying to hold it in Tempest smirked and wrapped a armored leg around Pinkie Pie and returned the affection.

“Princess, councilors,” Tempest said with a polite bow. Vector had arrived the day after the attempted coup and had briefly considered turning tail and running, but armed with a letter signed by the princess and Tempest’s vouching for the brawny old minotaur he stayed. He had immediately gotten to work cleaning and repairing Tempest’s old armor, doing his best to rid it of the smell of burnt pony hair. Afterwards, it had taken him only three days to pound out the design of the new dress armor.

At first, Tempest found the entire thing too outrageous from the sheer amount of gold worked into the design. However, with Rarity’s assistance they had buffed down some of the patina at her request and worked in some of the natural black ferronite metal with a minimal of purple trim to stay in theme with the colors for the guard under Twilight’s banner. Rarity had also suggested some gems to give the armor some unique character since it was for the Captain of the Guard. The designer and armorer ended up double teaming Tempest to press forward their concepts. Vector had finally convinced Tempest when he explained that they could enchant the gems to help regulate her excess power leakage into a subtle magical defense matrix. Between the stored energy and the ferronite’s natural resistance to magical attacks it would take the power of an angry god to penetrate the final product. Still, on most days Tempest chose to wear her old black armor. However, today was special.

“I take it no problems I should be made aware of?” Tempest said, addressing the guards.

They saluted crisply and in near unison said, “No, captain!”

“I just stopped in to check everyone before heading off to the ceremony.”

Twilight rolled her eyes with a smile. “We’re fine, thank you for checking. Now, you don’t want to be late to the promotion ceremony that you are supposed to be presiding over.”

Tempest waved her hoof back and forth nonchalantly. “Eh, this wasn’t even my idea. I just agreed because you and the councilors were right that after all the chaos and carnage that we needed good public image and something to celebrate, especially amongst the remaining guards and their families.”

“It is a good thing. The guard ranks have been devastated and the others need to see that the heroes get what they deserve and those that were lost are respected.”

“Probably would go over better with you there.”

“I understand, but like you, I am still digging my way out from all the other political minutia that was thrown on me because of this entire ordeal. New guards, new councilors, even more paperwork than I generally like and I LOVE paperwork! Thankfully, Duke Fancypants is out of the hospital now and will be able to help me smooth out some of that.”

Tempest nodded. “Tell him congratulations on his own promotion for me when you see him. I haven’t gotten a chance to do so.”

“Because you have been too busy visiting Flash in the hospital, ehhhh ehhh, am I riiiiiight?!” Tempest sighed, the blush clearly darkening her face from Pinkie’s insinuations.

“Right,” Tempest cleared her throat, “I’ll just be going. By the way, Luna got back to me and says she is supposed to arrive tonight or tomorrow to help with interviews for new members of the Night Guard. While scrying she agreed with me their numbers and role need to be expanded, but not at the expense of quality candidates. It will take a few years, but eventually I want them to take over for all of C company as well as any special operations that are needed.”

Twilight nodded her approval and smiled, placing her hoof on Tempest’s new armored shoulder guard. “Sounds like your have everything you need in hoof to move forward, captain.”

Tempest hesitated for a moment, but finally shrugged and reached down and gave Twilight a hug. The pair were quickly pressed into a group hug by Twilight’s five closest friends. Tempest rolled her eyes, but continued to smile. “I just… Thank you, Twilight. You know, for believing in me.”


Tempest arrived at the parade grounds at exactly the time she planned. Already on the small stage were several ponies in dress uniforms and one who was supposed to still be in the hospital. Gathered before the stage were other members of the guard and support staff who were not currently on duty as well as family and a few distinguished guests such as members of the nobility and Vector.

A unicorn guard private raised his bugle and played a small tune to settle the crowd, but also as a fitting signal to the start of the ceremony. Tempest had never participated in such an event in the Storm Guard and had to consult a few books, which Twilight was happy to find and provide, as well as Flash Sentry, Flanker, and Shining Armor on what should happen and how to keep from making a fool of herself.

Tempest stood front and center and eyed the gathered crowd with a critical eye. While it was highly unlikely someone would attempt to assassinate her at this point, she still felt the need to keep her senses sharp and on the defense. Her eyes briefly locked with Sour Sweet in the crowd who was wearing a sharp business professional top, her dark blue bowtie, and a plaid blouse. Sour smirked and winked at her. Tempest suppressed her grin, but only just barely. Twilight said she would handle properly rewarding the EIS director's dedication and service the best way she knew how. With a bigger budget and regular updates before the friendship council.

“Thank you all for coming to this event. I know from personal experience how important it is to share such accomplishments with friends and loved ones as well as honor those that gave the ultimate sacrifice for princess and country. When I was in the Storm Guard we fought with one another almost as much as we fought with our enemies. There was no sense of family, comradery, fraternity, or honor. We thought at the time that such attachments to one another only made us weak. We were sorely wrong.

“I have seen the power that friendship can wield, the strength that standing together for those you care for can bring. Equestria’s greatest defense is not measured in steel and iron or weapons of war. It is the relationships, the blood, sweat, and heart of each and every pony who stands up and says, ‘No, this is wrong’ to every would-be tyrant and invader, be they foreign or domestic.

"On that line I would like everyone to take a moment of silence so that we may all think about those we lost, their families, and what it means to serve. Know that they will never be forgotten. I have received approval from the crown to erect a monument here near the gatehouse honoring those that served loyally and perished in the line of duty."

It had been more difficult to ask what should be done to honor the guards, mostly thestrals, that stood against corruption and fought back against their brothers and sisters to protect the city and Princess Twilight than to secure funding for it. The chosen suggestion had come from Shining Armor. A simple black granite stone slab with all the names and ranks of those that died along with the date of the coup placed near the entrance of the compound so that any new soldier that entered the grounds could see what it may cost to serve and that no soldier who gave their all was ever forgotten. A monument to honor as well as mourning for the families that had one more empty chair at the table.

Tempest opened her eyes and raised her head. “Thank you. Join me now in bringing your hoofs together in honoring a few of the brave mares and stallions who said no to corruption and held the line even against their fellow guards.”

The crowd stomped their hooves and a few whistled and cheered. Tempest waited for what she felt was the appropriate applause time before easily levitating over a small wooded box that contained medals and rank epaulets. Though it was MUCH better than wearing a full helmet Tempest still felt silly wearing the circlet helm. However, she could not argue with the results of the craftmanship Vector had put into it and the suggestions Rarity had made. The armor delivered as promised and helped regulate her power giving her a level of control of her magic she had not felt since before her horn had been damaged by the ursa. Tempest admired the box floating in her telekinetic grasp for a moment longer before remembering where she was and what was to come next.

“Guardsmare Sugarcoat, step forward.” There was a whoop of cheer from the crowd that Tempest knew came from Sour Sweet even without looking, but did not let it distract her. “Guardsmare, for service to your princess and your fellow guards above and beyond the call of duty at the risk of your own life you have been awarded the Distinguished Service Star. For your loyal service and dedication to your fellow guards you are awarded the rank of sergeant with a pending promotion to lieutenant upon completion of your officer’s training.” Tempest skillfully pinned the medal to Sugarcoat’s dress jacket and lieutenant’s bars to her shoulders.

“Congratulations and thank you for your service.”

Sugarcoat smiled and saluted. “Thank you, captain.”

Tempest next stepped up to Flanker who had been standing like a statue. The thestral stallion had gotten extremely lucky according to the medics that the arrow in his leg joint had not hit an artery. Even still, he may walk with a limp for the rest of his life and his ear had been too badly mangled that magic was not able to repair the damage. Still, he wore his battle scars with staunch pride. Something Tempest could learn from.

“Guardspony Flanker, step forward.” Tempest levitated out another Distinguished Service Star and pinned it to his stout chest. Next, she removed two brand new epaulets that had just been created. “Thestrals have in the past primarily served Princess Luna as her personal escort and guards as she protects the dreams of Equestria. However, as we have entered a new era of rule, so must the guard evolve and adapt to the changing times. With that said the thestral Night Guard shall be rebuilt stronger than ever and work closer with their fellow Solar Guards to the betterment of all. With this new expanded role the thestrals themselves need a leader who not only coordinates their actions, but can operate as a commander in their own right. With that in mind I have, with the consent of Princess Twilight and Princess Luna, created the rank of Lieutenant Commander. You are second only to me in the guard structure and of course are subject to all the perks and responsibilities said rank entails. You and I will be working closely to make the guard better than it was. I hope you are up for it.”

Flanker snapped off a perfect salute. “Yes, captain!” The crowd clapped again, one pony in the front, a cream colored stallion with reddish brown mane and scruffy beard was especially jovial. Tempest caught the smile the two stallions shot one another before Flanker returned to his stoic demeanor.

In total there were seven ponies, mostly thestrals who were fit enough to stand on stage to receive awards. Lastly, Tempest came to Flash Sentry who smirked when his captain stood before him.

“And what am I supposed to do with you, lieutenant.”

“Well, as I understand it, I am also supposed to get one of those star medals.”

Tempest held up the box for him to see that was now empty. She arched an eyebrow and pouted her lips in fake disappointment. “Awwww, it appears we ran out.” There was a small round of chuckles from the crowd. “I guess you don’t get one because you did not stay in the hospital where you are supposed to be.”

Flash just smiled and shrugged. “I heard there was a party. It was important to see how my fellow guards were doing. I felt too important to miss, ma’am.”

Tempest took a moment to straighten the buttons, honors, and creases on his uniform, her hoof lingering on his chest for perhaps a bit longer than it should have, but neither said anything. Their eyes remained locked for several heart beats.

“Well, I’m sure I can find something to give you later for your outstanding service to crown and country.”

“I look forward to it, captain.” Tempest stepped to the side and gestured to the ponies on stage and the crowd began to stomp their hooves once more.

After the formalities had concluded there had been time allotted for a small mixer with food and non-alcoholic drinks since many of those present would be heading to active duty later. The informality of it gave the press a chance to snap photos for the papers and for everyone to pass on their thanks and congratulations. The party planner, who was some pony she had never heard of, but was not Pinkie Pie, was also playing the part as DJ in case anyone was in the mood to dance. Much to Tempest’s surprise a number of ponies did head back on stage and casually show some moves. Cheese Sandwich turned up the volume a few notches and gladly provided.

“Care to dance?”

Tempest glanced to her left at Flash Sentry. She tried not to smile, but failed miserably. “I would love to, but not while you are still injured.”

“I feel fine. The physical wounds have long since healed to just few new scars. I still can’t fly yet, but the more rehab I do the stronger I get. The reality of it is that the doctors don't know what that poison did to me. It may take years to recover if I do at all. But I'm not going to let that stop me from doing what I love.”

Tempest nodded. She would not say she was sorry. She hated when others told her they were sorry when it came to her horn. He wanted to be treated as an equal despite his injuries and possible handicap and that was exactly what she would do. “Very well, lieutenant, if the DJ plays a slow song I will grant you the honor of one dance, because you do deserve something for all your hard work and service.”

Flash laughed and smiled genuinely, running a hoof through his hair. “Yeah, I have a feeling the hard work is still yet to come. And even though I’m not going to be your personal assistant anymore you can always ask me anything, anytime.”

Tempest nodded and made a decision, to Tartarus with protocol and public appearances. She placed a hoof on Flash’s cheek and turned his face towards hers, pressing her lips to his. They teased and tasted one another for several second before she finally broke the contact, her mulberry fur doing nothing to hide her burning blush.

“I will take you up on that, lieutenant. In fact, I do have one thing I would like to ask you.”

Flash's grin grew far wider and more dopey than ever before. “Yes?”

Tempest bit her lip like a filly and took a deep breath before whispering, “Would you like to go a date with me?”

Flash Sentry continued to grin ear to ear. “Yes, yes I would, captain.” The song changed and be it fate or the fact that a small butterball hedgehog creature that had showed up a few days ago asking for a job had just slipped the DJ a few bits, it was a slow dance song. Tempest narrowed her eyes at Grubber who quickly ratted out the culprits by pointing at Sour Sweet and Sugarcoat who took the stage with mischievous grins. Sour even went so far as to blow Tempest a kiss. They were joined by a few other couples and much to Tempest’s surprise Flanker and his husband, Spice Grinder.

Flash held out his hoof and Tempest took it as they found a small corner of the stage to stare into one another’s eyes and enjoy their first dance. The music started. They moved in perfect sync, sensing where each other wanted to go and how to react to any miscalculation or poor step. It was probably different than the way others were dancing, resembling training katas more than dance moves, but neither Flash nor Tempest cared, eyes only for each other.

After more than a minute of comfortable silence while flowing like water over rocks Tempest pulled Flash close enough to nuzzle along his neck and ear, reveling his delightful scent. With one last swallow of her fear and doubt she whispered into his ear, “One last thing though.”


“If you would, when it’s just us, please, call me Fizzy.”

Author's Note:
