• Published 18th Jul 2021
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Fate of the Lostbelt Kingdoms - ElementBrigade

What if the lostbelt of the rejected human history were given a second chance at life in equestria

  • ...

Chapter Six: Flying Elephant

Fate of The Lostbelt Kingdoms

Chapter Six

Flying Elephant

“Wow...I was not expecting him to be this badly injured.” Anastasia said as she and Luna were in the room where Ivan is currently in. “I’m surprised you would be willing to protect the yagas from the demonic boar.”

“They are my subjects after all. A country can’t flourish if it’s inhabitants are dead.”

“Right...anyway. Have you anyone thought of a way to get Ivan out of the room?”

“We’re still trying to figure out how to get him out without hurting him.” Luna said as she looked over at the two guard points with the previous idea, “Two of my subjects suggested that we coat him in butter and fire him out of a cannon.” she said, which caused the two guards to look away in embarrassment.

“....I mean I’m not against the idea of doing that.” Anastasia said which caused Ivan to clear his throat.

“I prefer not to be coated in butter or sent flying out of a cannon...which I doubt anyone can make to fit my size.” Ivan said as Luna spoke.

“If he was a bit smaller, then we could have the pegasi lift him out and we can carry him to Equestria. I would use my magic, but that tree next to your village is causing an interference with it.”

“You mean the tree of emptiness?” Anastasia asked as Luna turned her attention to her.

“You know what that tree is?” Luna asked as the caster nodded.

“It was created by the Alien god that saved this lostbelt. Long story short, this tree is what kept Russia from disappearing into nothingness.”

“....I would like to talk more about this, but I think we should focus more on how to get Ivan out of the room.”

“....I might have a solution for that...but it’s not going to be pleasant.” Anastasia said as an innocent smile appeared on her face. But behind that innocent smile, was something evil that only Ivan could sense as he noticed the caster looking at him. “Would everyone please leave the room?”

“...Is there a reason for that?”

“Trust me, I know how to get him out~” She said as that singsong tone sent shivers down Ivan’s spine.

“If you say so.” Luna turns her attention to the royal guards as she orders them to leave the house. As they left along with the alicorn, Anastasia looked over at Ivan with the same innocent expression on her face. But he knows that it was just a facade. Behind that innocent face, hides a devil. And that devil wanted revenge.

“....If you’re going to kill me, I’ll allow it. Just look after the yagas when I’m gone.”

“Oh, I’m not going to kill you dear. Much as I want to do that for the hell you put everyone in, the Yagas are giving you a second chance. And given what I’ve been hearing and seen from your injuries, you really want to turn over a new leaf in this world. But we all know that some of the Yagas still see you as a threat.”

“You mean the rebels…”

“Atalante and her rebels, not to mention some of the bandits. Much as I made my point that I’m not involved with the issue between the two groups. This issue needs to be resolved asap once you’re fully healed.”

“Because she will think I’m forming an alliance with the horses of Equestria and might attack them, and the bandits will end up attacking the village or invade the ponies' homeland due to the mindset of the strong eating the weak.” Ivan said as Anastasia nodded. “Given from what I’ve seen so far, the Equestrian seems to rely heavily on magic. Not that it’s a bad thing, but I get the feeling that they’ve never been in a war or fight for life or death before.”

“Seems like it, but that might be due to the fact that they have two immortal beings protecting them...You don’t think that they’re divine spirits of some kind, do you?”

“I thought that they were demonic beasts. But given how they can speak human language and have a military of sorts. Then that idea isn’t out of the realm of possibilities. How long have they been ruling over their country?”

“One-thousand years from what Luna had told me. But they don’t seem to be that powerful if they ruled for that long from what I can sense off of them, magic wise. This might be due to the Tree of Emptiness messing with their magic...might be messing with my senses as well and possibly yours too. This might be a problem for them later on if this continues to be an issue.”

“What would you suggest?”

“We can’t ask them to fight our own battles. We need to handle this without letting them get involved. We are going to give the bandits an option. Have them change their ways and join us in the change that’s going to happen, or we kill them and make sure they won’t cause trouble for us in the future..”

“That would be where the rebels will come in, if you can get them to help do that?” Ivan asked as the caster girl nodded.

“If I can convince them to help us deal with the bandits. If not, then I will take care of the bandits. This will be the last piece of cancer to be cut off before moving forward for everyone.”

“Wouldn’t it be wise to have me do the killing instead of you?”

“You’re the king of this lostbelt, someone has to be diplomatic around here.” She said as it caused Ivan to pause upon hearing her say that.

“...I know I died back on that other earth...but seeing how I died, wouldn’t that make you the king of this lostbelt?” He asked as it caused Anastasia to look at him with the same expression as before, only it hid her fury. “...I’m right, am I?”

“No.” Anastasia said as Ivan felt the temperature getting colder than usual in the room. The Tsar was about to say something, but soon felt the bed he was on buckle. He looked down to see the floor covered in ice as he looked up at her in fear...or what could be considered as fear if he had facial expressions. “You’re the King of Russia. I’m just the ex-wife of the king.” She said before sending him flying off into the air by a pillar of ice and was soon flying a good distance out of the village. “...Might’ve gone too far with that.”

“What in the name of Equestria just happened!?” Luna asked as she appeared next to the caster servant.

“I told you that I found a way to get him out of the room, right?” She said before pointing at Ivan soaring towards the entrance of the village. The moment she locked eyes with the entrance of the, she noticed a group of ponies and yagas standing in front of the entrance. “Hey, those ponies at the entrance wouldn’t be with you, would they?” Luna turns her attention at the entrance to see Princess Celestia, Cadence, the royal guards, and yagas at the entrance. The dark blue alicorn smiled upon seeing her sister, but that smile faded upon seeing where Ivan was going to land.

“Oh no.”

“What do you-” Before Anastasia could finish, she noticed where Ivan was going to land as a loud booming sound followed by the sounds of screaming could be heard. Both Luna and Anastasia’s eyes widen upon seeing this as they look at each other for a moment before back at the scene at the entrance. “...I take it the white pony with wings and a horn is your sister Celestia?”


“And Ivan crashed onto her and a yaga that she was carrying on her back.”


“...I’m in trouble, aren’t I?”

“Most likely...He also landed on my niece to make it worse.”

“Great. There goes our first impression.” Anastasia said as she covered her face with her hands due to embarrassment and slight shame.

“In fairness, you didn’t know that she would appear at the entrance like that, nor was I expecting my sister to bring herself along with the rest of the royal guards and yaga here...I’m going to assume that they might be the search party that was sent out by Ivan.”

“He did that?”

“Well given the poor state Russia is in, and the storm that was around it is no longer blocking the country. He decided to send out a party to see if there was anyone outside the country that could help us...which we might do the same seeing how Ivan crashed on top of three of them.”

“R-Right.” Luna said as she, Anastasia, and some of the royal guards quickly rushed over to the village entrance. “This day can’t get any worse. Can it?”