• Published 18th Jul 2021
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Fate of the Lostbelt Kingdoms - ElementBrigade

What if the lostbelt of the rejected human history were given a second chance at life in equestria

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Chapter Nine: The Lostbelts

Fate of The Lostbelt Kingdoms

Chapter Nine

The Lostbelts

A few hours had passed as Ivan and Anastasia explained everything. Where they came from, what they are, the throne of heroes, servants, etc. The former Tsar of Russia explained his part of the story without sparing any detail. He informed the ponies of Equestria about how Russia’s harsh winter forced him along with the citizens to take up the forms of demonic beasts through the help of magic, the bloodshed that was spilled by the yagas and himself, how he ruled this tundra, and how he was killed by both the last humans of Chaldea. Once he was finished with his part of his story, Anastasia explained her side of the story. The Crypters and how they were ordered to keep in charge of their respective lostbelt, the fantasy tree, the alien god, and how she became the king of the lostbelt after Ivan fell. To say that Twilight and her friends were shocked upon hearing this was an understatement. Hearing that this entire country had gone through something like this was something that was never heard of. The planet cutting off sections of failed paths for humans was messed up, but given what both servants had said about this country is understandable. There was a moment of awkward silence within Anastasia’s home for a good few seconds until Twilight spoke.

“So...if I’m getting this right. You’re from a version of earth where magic is used on a daily basis, only different.” The purple alicorn asked as both servants nodded. “Now, because of how things turned out for Russia. The planet decided to wipe you all out from the face of existence?”

“It’s not because of that…well for the most part,” Anastasia said before using her magic to make an ice version of the earth for them to see. “It’s the timeline of Russia. You see, lostbelts are made because of the wrong actions that person or country had made. That action can cause a huge effect on whether or the timeline is not the right line for humans to be able to survive in. The blizzard that appeared in Russia after the asteroid collided into the earth, forced the people of Russia to merge with a demonic beast that could survive the harsh winters. So far it worked, but there was another problem.”

“Food shortages,” Celestia said as Ivan nodded his head.

“We may have solved the problem with surviving the blizzard, but not the food shortages. Most plants can survive in cold climates thanks to magic, but with the constant blizzard hitting us, it was nearly impossible to grow plants. Hunting for food was the next option, but even the strongest of warriors can’t last long out in the cold with demonic beasts hunting them down as well.” Ivan said as Patxi let out a sigh of disappointment before speaking.

“Because of this, things began to change for Russia. Instead of helping each other to survive, it was survival of the fittest. If you weren’t strong enough to survive, then you were either killed or eaten by the demonic beasts or the Yagas that were strong enough to survive.” He said which Twilight and her friends to gasp in horror.

“That’s horrible!” Rarity yelled before looking over at Ivan. “How can you let this happen to your subjects!? Aren’t you the king of this place?”

“Former king. I lost that title the moment I was killed by the last master and Anastasia. But even before then I wasn’t the best at ruling the kingdom of Russia.” Ivan said as he adjusted himself a bit. “When you’re ruler you will be faced with a lot of things. Assassination, uprising, invaders from another country. All this without help from people you can trust will lead the ruler to make bad decisions. I don’t think you have the right to judge me upon my actions seeing as how you never once ruled a kingdom.” He said before looking over at Celestia and Luna. “They on the other hand have every right to judge me on my actions seeing how they're rulers of a foreign land that Russia is in now.”

“We will not judge you for the path you’ve taken with your country, Tsar of Russia,” Luna said as she placed a hoof on his shoulder. “As I said before, you’re not the only one who has made mistakes in the past.”

“Indeed, though it may not be the same as yours, we do understand what it means to make mistakes as a ruler,” Celestia added as Anastasia spoke up.

“Because of this path that Russia has taken, the universe decided to prune this version of Russia from existence.”

“Is that even possible? I mean, I know the universe isn’t a living thing, but how can it just decide something like that?” Starlight asked.

“The universe that we come from is a machine. It determines what can be possible or impossible for a proper timeline for the human race.” The caster said as she used her magic to summon up a small demonstration of a giant tree with lots of branches on it “You see, think of the universe as a gardener. The tree that I made represents earth and its many timelines where humanity. They’re strong, sturdy, and can survive just about anything.”

“Is it weird that I’m getting what she’s saying?” Pinkie Pie asked as Rainbow Dash nodded before speaking.

“At least she does a better job at explaining things than Twilight. All she does is just say things and not show.” She said which caused Pinkie Pie to agree, but Twilight to deadpan at the two ponies.

“I’ll have you know that I do a rather good job at explaining things.”

“In fairness, Twilight. You tend to go too far to where it can be confusing.” Applejack added as the purple alicorn huffed in annoyance.

“If I may continue? The universe is a gardener for the tree.” She said as she made more branches appear. “Its job is to make sure that the tree is manageable.”

“So if the timeline isn’t good, then the universe cuts it off?” Starlight asked as Anastasia nodded.

“Correct, lostbelts are pretty much a dead end to where there is no possibility to advance?” She asked as she made some of the branches come off and disappear into dust. “Its job is to make sure that humanity follows a path of surviving. So If the universe sees a timeline that no longer has the possibility for humanity to survive in, then it simply cuts it off and lets it die off into nothingness.”

“That’s horrible!” Cadence said. “How can the universe do something like that? Doesn’t it care that it’s wiping out an entire civilization?”

“It doesn’t do this to be evil. It does this for the greater good. The universe that we come from has multiple timelines. Some good, some bad. But they all can continue to grow and survive. Russia sadly faced a dead end. There was no room or possibility for humanity to survive. If this version of Russia and other lostbelts were to exist in the universe, then it would throw the solar system into chaos and begin to break. I shudder to think what would happen if that were to come true.”

“You explain it like that does make sense,” Patxi said with an annoyed look on his face. “Still doesn’t mean that it sucks that we get the short end of the stick in all this.”

“I will agree with you on that. But I can’t be angry at the universe for doing its job.

“Is this the only lostbelt that had suffered the same fate?” Luna asked as Anastasia shook her head as she pulled up visual images of seven of the lost belts, but one of the images was blank.

“There are seven lostbelts that the Alien God had saved from being erased. The one you’re in is called Russia. Next to it, Scandinavia, China, India, Atlantis, Olympus, Britain, and the last lostbelt…I don’t have much information on it other than it’s in South America.”

“Interesting,” Twilight said as she looked over the six visible lostbelts. “Does each of the lostbelts have someone that rules over it?”

“Indeed, they are called the lostbelt kings,” Anastasia said before pulling up six images of the lostbelt kings. "The former King of Russia was Ivan the Terrible, but seeing how he died, that title belongs to me. Though I allow him to help out given his past mistakes."

“Kind of an appropriate name given what he told us.” Rainbow Dash said as Applejack elbowed her side. “Ow! What!? It’s true.”

“Next on the list is Scathach-Skadi. The only Norse god who survived the Twilight of Ragnarok. The end of the world for those who don’t know.”

“I read something about that in the human world,” said Twilight. “There was a battle between the gods of Norse mythology and the titans. Only a few of the gods manage to survive Ragnarok.”

“Yes, but in this lost belt, things took a turn for the worse when Surtr ate the wolf Fenrir and obtained his ability or ice. It took all of the gods to seal the ancient titan away within a pocket dimension which became the sun of that place. By sacrificing themselves to do it. Thus Skadi was the only true Norse god to remain within the lostbelt and became king of it.”

“So she’s just like the princesses?” Rarity asked.

“Motherly personality, yes. Level of magic, depending.” She said before looking at Luna and Celestia. “I can sense that you two are on the levels of a divine spirit, but over the years you must have been slacking in keeping up with your training due to ruling over your kingdom for one-thousand years. Which means you must have relied on Twilight and her friends to help take care of problems that you can’t do anymore?”

“...Well…yes,” Celestia said with a blush on her face. “Of course, we tried to help Twilight when she needed it…it’s just…I’m not the spring chicken as I used to be.”

“We told you eating too much cake would cause you problems, later on, ~,” Luna said as it caused Celestia to blush and glare at Luna. “You know it’s true.”

“The key difference between us and your princesses is that servants never age. We are recorded in the throne of heroes during our prime years. Mainly within the age of being young and able to fight. This applies to lostbelt servants as well, but I believe that we’re stronger than the servants of the proper human history.” Ivan said as Anastasia nodded as she pulled up another picture of the next lostbelt king.

“Next is Qin Shi Huang, The lostbelt King of China.” She said as it caused Rarity to let out a surprised gasp.

“Such regalia, such beauty! Those clothes are simply divine! I would love to learn more about this place called China and its culture in clothing!”

“I’m willing to give you the information on that from memory when I get the chance,” Anastasia said before focusing back onto Qin. “In this version of China, Qin discovered the remains of an artificial human body made by the Xian, Taiyi Zhenren from the historic ruins of the Yin dynasty, and by analyzing it, he acquired the technology to mechanize the flesh. Thus, the Qin Shi Huang who obtained his dearest wish, immortality, avoided an era of wars with his iron wall-like rule, and thanks to this, even before the Western Renaissance, China has accomplished an Industrial Revolution. Due to the overwhelming gap in technology, he managed to conquer the whole world.” She said before looking at Twilight. “I’m going to assume you know how this became a lostbelt.”

“The mirror world version of China wasn’t so technologically advanced to the point of being able to obtain immortality or be able to take over the world without the risk of a backlash from it.”

“Correct. Seeing how the entire world was taken over by one country and ruled with an iron grip, that was a dead-end for that version of China. Humans couldn’t grow, they were stunted with limited freedom to do whatever they want. Thus the universe cut this timeline off and it was made into a lostbelt.”

“It would make sense that this was a lostbelt,” Luna said as she shivers. “It would be the equivalent of if I were to let Nightmare Moon take control of me and rule over Equestria, had she won the fight with Celestia.” She said before noticing Anastasia pulling up another image of the next lostbelt king.

“The lostbelt king of India, God Arjuna.” He said which took the ponies of Equestria by surprise. “This version of Arjuna absorbed all the gods of the Hindu pantheon except for Karna and Ganesha. Because of this, he lost most of his humanity and became the last Indian god of the lostbelt. Thus he took it upon himself to make his world a place without evil, bloodshed, or violence. To exterminate evil, to make the world end, he wields and brings peace with his Noble Phantasm, Mahāpralaya: Revolving Sword that Adjudicates Reoccurring Destruction. With this ability, Dissolution, and rebirth... Destruction and reconstruction... Cataclysm and genesis are within his capability. To destroy and remake everything in the Indian Lostbelt, Arjuna Alter extracts the unified divine power from all Divinities inside him, and condenses them into a sword, using the tenth to control its execution.”

“So basically he can recreate the world that he rules and eliminate anything evil in his eyes.” Starlight said as it took everyone by surprise. “How is it possible that humans can obtain this much?”

“Because each lostbelt is from an era where gods existed,” said Ivan. “That where humans and gods were walking the same road as most would say. Like how it is with you and your subjects. You would be classified as a god given your divine properties and whatnot.” he said before noticing worried expressions on the ponies' faces. “Rest assured, I doubt this world will end up like the lostbelts seeing how it doesn’t have humans in it.”

“That may be true, but it’s scary to think something like this exists for the human race,” Twilight said. “It’s almost sad…in a way that these lostbelts have turned out to be…no offense.”

“None taken. You wouldn’t be the first to say that.” Ivan said as Anastasia pulled up another image.

“Next is Zeus. God of the Olympus and Atlantis lostbelt. From what I can remember from my master’s conversations with the other masters. In this version of Olympus, the gods of Olympus are a highly advanced alien race. Over the time they’ve been on earth, they soon manifested into humanoid-like terminals to interact with the natives. The humans granted them names and faith, and in return, the Machine Gods gave them fruits of civilization. But of course, just like with all ancient civilizations, there’s going to be conflict within it.” She said before showing them a picture of the white titan.

“The Lostbelt's history diverged in 12000 BC during the invasion of the Earth by Sefar, the white titan. In the Leukosmachia Unlike what occurred in the primary history, where the gods abided by the boundaries of their respective domains and subsequently had their true bodies destroyed, Zeus fused with the other Olympians against their consent, gaining their bodies and power which allowed him to stalemate and repel Sefar, at the cost of being ostracized by the other gods for his unilateral violation of their domains, even as he secured his position as their absolute leader. Because of this, The gods continued their rule, with their powers and technology eventually advancing to the point where they redefined the concept of Gods, with the use of powerful divine nanomachines known as Klironomia as their Authorities. Yet even with this, there was still conflict. The Olympians managed to defeat Sefar, but when Zeus decided to expand the Age of Gods to further their reign, Hephaestus, Hades, Athena, Apollo, Hestia, Ares opposed him and got destroyed in the resulting war. Zeus survived alongside Artemis, Poseidon, Demeter, Aphrodite, and Hera, and continued to rule the world. ”

“Wow, he must be really strong if he could do something like that.” Rainbow Dash said as she looked over at the caster servant. “What does Olympus place look like anyway?” She asked as Anastasia pulled up an image of Mount Olympus as hers along with the other ponies' eyes widened.

“Mother of Celestia! That place is bigger than Canterlot!” Rarity yelled.
“Canterlot, it’s bigger than the Crystal Empire!” Cadence added. “How is this even possible!?”

“That’s the lostbelt in a nutshell for you. What you consider impossible becomes possible.” Ivan said as he noticed Anastasia bringing up another picture.

“The last lostbelt King that I have information on is Morgan la Fay. Ruler of Great Britain and the kingdom of fairies. Her lostbelt along with the seventh lostbelt are known to be the most dangerous out of the others. Mainly because of the calamities within them. Don’t know much that’s going on within them, but out of all of the lostbelt kings, Morgan is the strongest out of them all.”

“Why is that?”

“Because she destroyed the fantasy tree that’s supposed to keep the lostbelt from disappearing from what I’ve heard.” She said which took everyone by surprise. “That means that she must’ve some kind of means to keep her lostbelt from disappearing without the help of the Alien God.”

“U-Um, should we be worried that these lostbelt might come to this world? J-Just like the one we’re in right now?” Fluttershy asked as it caused the two servants to wonder that.

“Well…it is a possibility. But that would depend on if the last human master of Chaldea can deny the existence of the other lostbelts.” Ivan said as it caused Rainbow Dash to speak up.

“What do you mean by the last human master of Chaldea?”

“The alien god wiped out humanity to bring the lostbelts to the planet earth that we came from. Safe for a small band of humans from the proper human history that survived. To bring their humanity back, they would have to deny the existence of all seven lostbelts. Meaning that they would have to destroy the fantasy trees that reside within the lostbelts.” Patxi said as it took the equestrians by surprise. “A heavy burden to carry for anyone that wants their planet back. Especially in the human’s case seeing how she’s the one doing it.”

“Isn’t there a way where everypony can live together?” Fluttershy asked as Anastasia shook her head.

“As I said before, if there are timelines where there can’t be any possibility of growth or continuation, then the solar system, if not the universe will break. It’s a bum deal, but that’s how the universe works.” She said before making the images vanish. “Having the lostbelts exist in the proper human history will cause problems. And not in a good way.”

“War, chaos, mass genocide. I can go on, but you get what I mean?” Ivan said as he noticed the disgruntled expression on the pony's face. “But that’s beside the point. Russia is given a second chance to thrive in this new land, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes so that her people can live a happy life then.”

“I still have my doubts about your claim. Especially given the hell you put us through.” Patxi said before aiming his weapon at the former Tsar of Russia. “For now, I’ll watch. But should you ever go back to your old ways, I won’t hesitate on putting a bullet through your head.”

“Whoa, their partner. I get that what he did to your kin was wrong, but killing him isn’t going to help.” Applejack said as she walked over to him and used her hoof to lower his weapon.

“I have no problem with that.” He said which took the farm pony by surprise. “I’m no longer the Tsar of Russia, that title goes to Anastasia. She did obtain the title after I died,” he said as everyone looked over the caster servant. In return, she simply hunched down in her seat while taking a sip from her tea…though she blinked upon realizing that it tasted like hot chocolate. Looking down she noticed that her cup was a mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows in them.

“Wait, how did my cup get replaced with a mug of hot chocolate?” Anastasia asked before noticing the same mug with everyone’s cups. “Wait, what happened to my teacups?” She asked as everyone took notice of this, though the caster servant did notice Twilight looking over at Pinkie Pie, who was secretly giving Mr. Boar a large mug of hot chocolate out the window. The Pink party pony paused upon feeling a pair of eyes on her as she looked over at the group.

“Why am I not surprised by this?” Rarity said with an amused expression on her face.

“In my defense. Hot chocolate goes well in cold climates like this.” Pinkie said with a sheepish smile on her face, though the servants and Patxi would be dumbfounded by this. For Patxi, it was because he never tasted something like this before and it tasted real good. For the servants, it was mainly due to how quick Pinkie Pie was in replacing their cups and drinks with mugs and hot chocolate…was this pony secretly a pseudo servant of the assassin class? Though that question will have to wait for another date in time, mainly because they heard the sound of a primal roar echo throughout the small village they were in.

“What on earth was that?” Twilight asked as she noticed Ivan and Anastasia tensing up.

“Of all the servants of the lostbelt to be alive, it had to be him,” Ivan said as he quickly began to make his way outside along with Anastasia. The ponies and Patxi looked at each other for a moment as they quickly made their way outside. The moment they were outside, they noticed the Yaga running inside their homes and the royal guards quickly making their way over to Celestia and the others.

“Can someone explain to me what’s going on?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Why did all the yagas run inside their homes with their tails between their legs?”

“Not to mention that dreadful roar. Did a dragon end up in this place?” Rarity asked as Anastasia shook her head.

“The lostbelts are different bad ends of the proper human history. That also means as the bed of human history, there will be different versions of the servant of the proper human history. One of them is here, which I was hoping he wouldn’t be here.”

“Which one would that be?” Luna asked as her answer came with the sounds of monstrous footsteps. Looking over to her right, her eyes widened upon seeing who it was that made the roar and thunderous stomping noise.

“The legendary Monster of the Greek Lostbelt, Minotaur.”