• Member Since 4th Apr, 2021
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


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(Noun) the fear of seeing, reading, or pronouncing big words.

Usage: The psychiatrist diagnosed her with hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.

And Rainbow Dash has it. Surely long words don't come about very often right?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 83 )

The story's word counter: "That still only counts as one!"

You had to use the full name of titin, haven't you? That thing is 3 pages long

*after reading the full name of titin*

Ah, great. You've just given me *looks at the title* hippomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.

I don't know if I should laugh, or if I should cry. Or maybe thank you. - Veronica, জননী জন্মভূমি

But that should have counted as one... Maybe the word counter got tired of counting it? :rainbowlaugh:

Hippo-poto-mostrosesquippedaliophobia. You're missing the "poto"

Enough already

Am I the only one who is now envisioning the psychologists snickering to themselves as they named the fear of long words with such a long word?

Maybe Dash needs to take shelter in another town, though I would suggest avoiding Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupok and Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch.

(Yes, those are actual place names.)

you also broke the word counter for stories, good job.

thing is proteins aren't really ever meant to have their IUPAC name used, its incredibly dumb

I think everybody has heard of Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch,
but where on Earth (Or any other planet) is Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupok?



My amazing country of New Zealand!

Fun fact: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicavolcanoconiosis is the longest officially recognised word in the English language!

I seriously believe that whoever named that phobia was being a troll.

"Doctor, I'm afraid of long words"
"Ah, so you have Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia"

I don't believe I did, since there are no spaces in the name, it should really only count as one word, which it is.

i'll be honest this was a weird one and I think the friends are just fucking with her, cause really you could use a sorts of shorter words to explain this. but they went for the most convoluted long words you could find.

Usage: No.

Sums that up nicely.

Isn't that a synonym for nihilism?
edit: nevermind. I hadn't yet read the...story when I made that reply. I must be thinking of the second-or-third longest word.

It probably goes without saying, but the fact that a single word constitutes 99% of this story's length is just the funniest goddamn thing in the universe to me right now. Thanks for making laugh in sheer astonishment!

For what it's worth, I can definitely envision Twilight bothering to read "protein-that-must-not-be-named" in its entirety at least once.

I didn't actually read this story, but I skimmed it, and I have to approve of everything you wrote.

yes, she's the one that would insist on using it because its the technically correct name, though the biochemist would probably quickly find something heavy to throw at her for using it

Probably. Aibohphobia is the fear of palindromes.

... Press and Hold Page Down for two seconds Okay, Twilight's got some really good memory to remember a word that long!

For the morbidly curious, that word consists of 189,819 letters, 44,479 of which are L, and 391 are D. The letters B, F, J, K, Q, W, X, and Z do not appear at all.
The story is 200,201 characters long in total, but only 10,382 without that word.

And she has serious lung power to be able to pronounce that word fully without passing out from lack of oxygen:rainbowlaugh:

Whoever named that protein was being a troll.

Well, always nice to learn something new every day.

For an extra spicy experience, turn on text-to-speech :pinkiecrazy: :pinkiecrazy: :pinkiecrazy:

If you can make it through the whole thing without skipping, you need to get a life. :rainbowwild:


Indeed - as I understand it (could be wrong here, but this is what I think is the case), they're not even considered proper words, but rather a sort of linguistic formula based their chemical makeup. So, technically, it shouldn't have triggered Rainbow's phobia since it isn't a long word.

In fact, why don't you tell her that, Twilight. I bet she'll take it well.:twilightsmile:


Er, yeah, I... honestly don't think you could argue they weren't either trolling or thinking they were far more clever than they are (or more likely both), cause hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliaphobia... doesn't actually make sense as a term if you look at how the word's constructed. Hippopotomonstro- is completely redundant, since both parts just mean big, which is covered by Sesquipedalia anyway, so if anything, it should be the fear of tautologies. And as for sesquipedalia... well, it kind of works, since does mean a long word... except if you look at the origin of the term (which you kind of have to do when properly naming a phobia), it comes from the latin phrase sesquipedalia verba - literally "words a foot and a half long". And since verba is the part that means words, on its own, sesquipedaliaphobia would just mean a fear of things that are a foot and a half long. Which may cause problems in certain sandwich shops, but doesn't seem all that useful to me. And that's to say nothing of appending a latin term onto a phobia, which is a greek word.

And yes, I know that every issue I listed there is almost certainly replicated and thus legitimized by hundred of other words and terms and that attempting to enforce any kind of logical order on the amorphous goop that is human language is an exercise in futility and possibly idiocy. I just think that hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliaphobia... is just trying way too hard to be clever and, in being so transparently forced, failing at it.

I tried to look up the name of the protein, and my browser and search engine both said “NO.”

I don’t know how to feel about that. :rainbowderp:

yes, IUPAC names are not proper words, they're a way of accurately describing a molecule, though they break down when it comes to complicated stuff obviously. the name for this protein was obviously the product of a computer not a human being as its incomprehensibly long and impossible to extract any useable information from it

sometimes even the proper names don't follow the rules though



I'm of two minds as to whether or not it should count, as while it is the real name of the disease, it was also specifically made to be the longest word n English. It could have been shorter had the scientists naming it not jumped at the opportunity.

I'm more inclined to keep recognizing "antidisestablishmentarianism" as the longest word, as it came about naturally rather than through deliberate effort.


I tried.
It didn't work.

are you sure you spelled it right i think there were a few pages you forgot to type in


i like the last word. Poor Dash xD

I googled the last word and it literally crashed my browser. I had to even restart my computer!

This must be what it feels like to be afraid if long words. :derpytongue2:

Great story. Solid ten seconds of laughter as im scrolling.

I have two things to say one that word is so long it broke the text to speech function on this website and maybe have to restart my browser and two that word is proof that somebody in the past had a long word fetish

Is... is it bad that I already knew about Titin, and winced the moment Twilight mentioned that word to Dash? :rainbowderp:

*Sees Title*

I got to read this now.

To those of you who don't want to scroll, and whose TTS Program crashed... here you go. Just hit play on this when the time is right.

And if you DO want to instantly scroll down to the bottom, double-click any part of the word, hold CTRL and SHIFT, then hit the down arrow.

As a biology and linguistics nerd, this made my day.

Just a heads up, in the description you are missing the 'n' before the stro in the word.

Nah, I knew that it was a protein and winched only when twilight decided to tell dash the oficial name, was brutally reminded that it is the name of the largest protein ever tough

I tried to paste that chemical name into a google doc... My gaming computer with over 20GB of ram started having lift off. Fans went from 0-70 in 2 seconds, and I think the doc crashed. What. The. Fuck. How did you come up with that name? and that usage description is accurate.
Edit/PS: that name is 50 gdoc pages long in 11 point font.

So, if one so schooled as myself is correct in my thinking, is that the equine known for variegation and bolt is inherently paralyzed by A predilection by the intelligentsia to engage in the manifestation of prolix exposition through a buzzword disposition form of communication notwithstanding the availability of more comprehensible, punctiliously applicable, diminutive alternatives?

Dude those aren't long words, they are just academic talk, which is not long words


The last 2 words were made by literal psychopathic nerds who wanted to feel superior then people because they could pronounce words that are long and difficult to say.
Also rainbow dash should never visited that one town in the UK.

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