• Published 28th Jun 2022
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Star Wars: The Droid Chronicles - Stalin with Da Spoon

Shortly after General Kalani and his droid soldiers escaped from Agamar, the super tactical droid made the decision to try and re-build the separatist alliance, activating a large dormant droid army, and setting course for an unknown world...

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13. Negotiations

[Alpha Headquarters Control Room. 7:00 PM. 2 BBY, Galactic Sector D-6.]

The atmosphere of the room was tense enough to be cut with a holo knife, as General Kalani, Lieutenant-Colonel TF-3749, and Major OOM-5264 stood at one end of the hexagonal holo table, while Princess Celestia, Luna, and Twilight stood at the other. Twilight politefully smiled at the droids, trying to ease tensions, while Luna had a more stern look, and Celestia bore a more neutral face. To the princesses, these negotiations were unlike anything they had ever experienced, having only dealt with small kingdoms rather than an advanced space faring nation of droids, and the stakes felt higher than ever.

General Kalani meanwhile, was as cool as a cucumber, as the humans would say. He had participated in negotiations with large scale inter-planetary empires, militaristic conquerors, or wealthy and corrupt business men, he could handle some magical humanoid ponies. Lieutenant TF-3749 felt much the same way, as he had been present for several negotiations in his history of activity, allowing him to pick up on the nuances and strategies of negotiating. However, Major OOM- 5264 had absolutely zero idea what he was supposed to do or say, with him and his squad only ever appearing at the negotiating table once, and that was as security detail.

Twilight's friends meanwhile were busy watching the tense staring contest from afar, along with the rest of 5264's squad. Many of the droids in the room were also watching, as Pinkie could be heard slowly eating popcorn.

Deciding to break the ice, Princess Celestia decided to speak first in a neutral tone.

"So, you must be the famous General Kalani, yes?" Celestia said as the Droid General slowly nodded.

"Correct, I am the current commander of the Blade of Serenity and it's forces. Of course, I was originally a General within the Sepratist Alliance, before the transmission of the droid shutdown sequence. Due to my calculations, I predict I am also one of the few remaining high ranking commanders and members within the Confederacy of Independent Systems, so I suppose you could say that I currently lead the CIS as a whole, at this time at the very least. When a suitable canidate for leading the CIS has been found, I shall step down from power." Kalani said, speaking in his cold and emotionless tone while Celestia slowly nodded.

"I see... And this Confederacy is essentially an alliance of worlds and nations?"

"More or less, it was meant to allow worlds that wished for independence to break away from the Republic and work with their fellow independent worlds to create a new and just system, one free of the Galactic Republic's corrupt hold. I originally answered to a Sith Lord, known as Count Dooku, a member of the corrupt Separatist council who was secretly using me along with the other members of the CIS to further a sith plot to destroy the Jedi and create a new Galactic Empire. Luckily, me and my droid troops were present within a garrison on Agamar, and due to my intelligence, I assumed the signal sent out for all droids to shut down was a Republican trick, thus resulting in me refusing the shut down sequence to occur."

General Kalani finished speaking, as the Princesses took time to process what they had just heard. Soon, Celestia spoke again.

"So the Confederacy was meant to create a peaceful and harmonic galaxy free of tyranny and corruption, only to be used as a tool by dark forces to further the evil it sought to destroy..."

"Indeed, and while I wish I could have somehow stopped it, I now have the chance to potentially give the CIS a second chance so to speak. I wish to try and potentially recreate the Confederacy, this time one without Sith interloping and free of corrupt corporate influence, a confederacy that fulfills it's true purpose of creating freedom and prosperity. Those foolish corporations were the reason the CIS had been corrupted. That is why I have come here to present you with an offer."

"And what may this offer be?" Celestia said, before the Lieutenant Colonel spoke up.

"Our resources are currently limited in terms of fuel and manufacturing capability, restricting our ability to construct a force capable of fighting against the Empire. We also understand that you and your people face threats from several potential enemies on this world, and how you are limited by your primitive technology. Thus, the General has drafted an idea that would fix all of our problems."

"I am no administrator droid, or politician, but our technology and army of droids at the ready could theoretically be put to use by someone that is just and fair. I observed many nations upon your world, and none were more fitting than your people, who advocate for peace, justice, prosperity, and more importantly, universal harmony. That is why I offer you and your kingdom the ability to take upon the mantle of leadership for the entire Confederacy of Independent Systems, granting you control over the technology and resources aboard the Blade of Serenity, as well as full authority over me and my forces. As for who would be the direct leader, I believe that you are the suitable canidate."

Celestia and her fellow princesses visibly recoiled from the offer. Control over an entire army of technologically advanced droids from beyond the stars? The ponies would have been happy to simply accept a form of alliance or friendship with the droids, but outright assuming command over them? Not only would they be gaining control of technology and resources far beyond their understanding, but they could potentially make themselves a target of potential enemies, both on their world and across the galaxy!

Twilight looked to Kalani as she spoke to him in a calm tone. "The princesses along with me and my friends would... Like to discuss this privately, if you don't mind." Kalani nodded, watching as Twilight, Luna, and Celestia excused themselves and walked over to speak with their friends. "Alright, what does everyone think about this? Personally, I'm not sure what to think..." Twilight said as Fluttershy quietly spoke.

"Well, they seem quite nice and friendly, even if they are... Machines of war... They did say they wanted to create freedom and prosperity, isn't that something we want? They need a place where they're safe from those meanies of the Empire, and I think it'd be nice for them to live here." Applejack nodded, before stating her own opinion.

"Honestly if you ask me, I say we work with 'em. They're fine folks, they wanna work with us, and they wanna grant us access to all of their advanced tech, so I say it's a win. Plus, they plan to fight this evil Empire they keep talkin' about, and I say we oughta help 'em do it!" When Applejack finished her enthusiastic statement, Rarity spoke up.

"In my humble opinion, these 'droids' seem... Hostile. Not in the evil or mean way, but more... As they say, blast first and ask questions later type of individuals. Though I assume that with their advanced command structure it can be controlled..." After Rarity finished her statement, Rainbow Dash decided to come forward with her own idea.

"Well, 5264 and his friends are pretty cool, so the rest of the droids are probably cool too, and I'd love to see what their neat technology can do! Bet it won't be as fast as me, but we'll see... Oh and yeah, we'd be giving them a place to crash with us." As Rainbow Dash gave a confirming nod, Twilight then turned to Starlight Glimmer who spoke with a kind tone.

"Well Twilight, when you helped me see the error of my ways and reform, I thought I was kinda beyond redemption honestly. But then you girls helped me get through it with friendship, and I think these droids need friendship and forgiveness as well. It doesn't matter who they fought for if they didn't have a choice, because now we can help them find peace and help protect Equestria together!" Starlight Glimmer triumphantly said as everypony clapped, before looking to Spike who just shrugged.

"I just think they're cool looking. I mean look at that Kalani dude, he looks swag." And as everypony looked back to the droid general, they had to agree, that paint scheme looked good on him. As they all looked back to each other, Celestia and Luna looked at each other as they spoke.

"Sister, I believe Twilight and her friends are right in this. Plus, with the ever growing threat of Chrysalis and her changelings, as well as other dark forces, we require all the help we can get." Princess Luna said as Celestia nodded. Soon, the three princesses finally made their decision, as Celestia slowly walked in front of General Kalani, matching his height as she spoke in a happy tone.

"After careful consideration, I believe I speak for all of ponykind when saying that we will happily take upon the responsibility of defending freedom and leading the CIS. You and your droids will have a safe home here in Equestria, Kalani, I promise." Celestia said, smiling as she stretched her hand out, which was shaken by Kalani's as all of the droids and ponies in the room began clapping and cheering.

"Excellent, I believe this is the start of a mutually beneficial relationship."

"WOOO YEAH, CIS IS BACK IN ACTION BABY!" 5264 cheered out.

Author's Note:

Hooooo boy, this took a long time to get out, and may be a bit rushed.

If ya see any errors or have some critiques, lemme know.