• Published 28th Jun 2022
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Star Wars: The Droid Chronicles - Stalin with Da Spoon

Shortly after General Kalani and his droid soldiers escaped from Agamar, the super tactical droid made the decision to try and re-build the separatist alliance, activating a large dormant droid army, and setting course for an unknown world...

  • ...

4. First Contact

[Blade of Serenity, Bridge Section. 2 BBY, Galactic Sector D-6.]

General Kalani leaned forward as he studied the green holographic globe of the planet below. On the globe were several points marked red, indicating the positions of the camps for each scout team, as well as the positions of the probe droid scouts. Kalani used his hand to rotate the globe to the position of Alpha team, zooming in on their exact position, identified as the 'Everfree Forest' according to intel gathered from the locals.

This forest seemed to be an optimal place for a potential base to be constructed, as forest coverage would keep it concealed, while being in close proximity to multiple resource deposits, and being in close proximity to native civilization would allow for closer relations to be established. Of course, his forces couldn't just fly in and start construction, because not only would it be very difficult to slip in resources transports full of material and troops, but it would also likely cause much noise and arouse suspicion during construction.

As such, first contact had to be established before proper consolidation of forces could commence. As such, Kalani deemed it necessary to begin Phase 3 of his plan, first contact, as he pressed his finger on the red marker for Alpha team, and established a connection with the camp's communications relay.

[Everfree Forest, Alpha Camp, 6:30 AM.]

OOM-5264 was luckily already powered on when the communications device began to receive a signal, as he quickly activated the relay and was greeted with Kalani's hologram.

"Greetings, OOM-5264. I trust your team had a good night?"

"Affirmative, the rest are still asleep, but I woke up early."

"Excellent, now I wish to inform you of a slight change in plan. We are commencing phase three of the plan early, as I have deemed it necessary to establish first contact with the native 'Ponies' at the earliest convenience. As such, you and your team will be the ones to make contact with the nearby settlement and it's native inhabitants. It is recommended that you leave your weapons at your camp as to not potentially scare or threaten them. I leave you to commence your mission."

"Roger roger, sir." As the hologram vanished and the connection terminated, 5264 turned to his now activating comrades, as they slowly stood up and their antennas extended, before stretching their servos. "Alright boys, boss said we gotta make first contact today, so leave your blasters and ready up." 2197 reacted with surprise to this statement.

"Leave our blasters? But what if we get attacked?"

"If we get attacked, we do what we do best."

"Run like hell?" 5264 turned to 3956, snapping his mechanical fingers and pointing at him, indicating he was right.

"Yep, exactly. Now then, shake off your sleep mode laziness and let's roll."

"Sounds like a plan alright, even if it might go wrong." 7262 said as he rolled his head on his shoulders, getting out the last bit of weakness.

"I hope the natives are nice."

"I'm just hoping they don't attack us on sight like most people do."

And so, the team did a bit of servo stretching, before leaving their cave and setting out, as they saw Probe-Alpha emerge from the forest line.

[Greetings Alpha squad. I assume the General briefed you on today's new mission?]

"Roger roger, were moving out to the nearby settlement. What about you?"

[I have been ordered to escort you while remaining undetected, so should you be attacked, I shall be ready to assist.]

"Roger roger, sounds like a good plan to me." The probe droid nodded as it dropped to the ground and crawled into the woods, vanishing as the droid continued to walk along the path.

[Droch Landing Pod Drop Site, 6:30 AM]

Twilight and her friends were currently busy walking through the Everfree forest, as Twilight shielded her eyes from Celestia's sun as it rose higher into the sky. Earlier that morning, Twilight had received a letter from Celestia that something else had crashed down in the Everfree, and that she and the elements needed to investigate.

After reading the letter, Twilight had hastily thrown on her clothes, gathered together her friends, and set out into the Everfree. They could tell something was up by seeing how the animals seemed more tense than usual, and once they reached the end of the path, they saw why, as everyone's eyes went wide at the sight of something truly foreign to their land.

It towered over them with ease, as it looked capable of even dwarfing Celestia in size, with a strange bell shaped body, and four sharp spikes dug into the ground. The entirety of the unknown structure seemed to be comprised of an unknown alloy, it's metal surface shining in the sunlight. It's outer hull appeared slightly scorched, likely due to it having entered the atmosphere at a rapid rate.

The atmosphere became tense, as none of the girls felt brave enough to approach the strange structure, until Twilight swallowed her fear, and slowly stepped forward. As she stepped closer, she could feel her legs themselves resisting her, as if her entire body was screaming to not go any closer, but her natural curiosity overpowered her, as she soon was right below the strange structure, to notice it had a round hole in the center of it, large enough to fit her. She then turned to her friends, gesturing to them that it was safe to come over, as they slowly approached.

Twilight looked back up into the structure, to see a red light emanating from inside, as she took the initiative, and boosted herself up inside using her wings, grabbing onto the ledge and pulling herself up, soon followed by Rainbow dash and Fluttershy. As the girls looked around the interior, the found it was also metal, lightly illuminated by the glowing red light, showing the structure had six seats inside. It then became clear to Twilight what the purpose of this structure was, that being it was not a simple structure at all.

It was a landing ship.

Right as she reached her realization, Twilight overheard Applejack calling up to them from the ground.

"Yall find anythin' up there?"

Twilight, RD, and Fluttershy quickly dropped down the ground, using their wings to slow their fall.

"Girls, this thing isn't just some regular structure... I think it's a landing ship. There are six seats inside of it, and worst of all, they were empty..." Everyone slightly shivered at that last part, fearing whatever was inside this landing ship was now loose in Equestria.

"Oh dear... I sure hope whoever used this thing is friendly..."

"Indeed, considering this is some advanced construction, and if Luna and Celestia are right, this thing came from space!"

"Just like that thing that flew over us last night!"

"Oh no, that must be why the animals have been so scared..."

Before anyone else could speak, a slight rustling was heard in the bushes behind Twilight, as she quickly turned towards said bushes, staring at them.


Only the sound of the whistling wind and rustling trees answered her. Other than that, there was complete silence. Pinkie pie then snuck in front of Twilight, and proceeded to do a series of unknown hand signals. Her friends made very confused expressions, before Pinkie put on her serious face and simply pointed at Twilight, then at the bush, as Twilight mouthed 'Me?' as she pointed at herself. Pinkie nodded, then pointed at the bush. Sighing and swallowing her fear once more,

Twilight stepped forth slowly towards the bush, her heart began beating rapidly, threatening to burst out from inside her chest, her nerves on the verge of exploding as she preemptively began to charge her horn with violet magic, until she reached the bush, and proceeded to part it open.

Only to see a tiny little squirrel. All of Twilight's fear dissipated, as her frightened expression turned into one of confusion.

"Whatcha lookin at?" A high pitched voice spoke in front of her. Assuming it was Pinkie, Twilight looked up...

Only to see a bipedal brown colored being, standing at roughly the same height as Twilight, and possessing thin arms and legs, made out of an unknown alloy, with it's head being similar to that of a bird, as it stared down at her with two black eyes.

Logically, Twilight did the only thing reasonable.

She screamed, and as she screamed, the droid screamed as well.



The droid was quickly silenced by a tackle from Rainbow dash, who put her hands over the unknown metallic creatures 'throat'.

"Hey, get your hands off me, you're crushing my power regulator!"

"Not until you say who you are, and why your here, bub!"

"Rainbow, get off of him!" Hearing Twilight's request, Rainbow hesitantly stepped off of the creature, before it stood up and lightly waved.

"Uhhh... Greetings, I am OOM-5264, and uhhhh... I am here with the rest of my team to greet you natives." As the droid gestured to the bushes behind him, three more droids emerged, as they lightly waved.




The girls proceeded to politely wave back, while Pinkie's eyes lit up like fireworks, as she was about to rush head first towards the unknown aliens, before being held back by Applejack.

"Woah now partner, calm yerself, we don't know if their dangerous..."

"I assure you, you have no reason to be afraid, we are totally unarmed." As 5264 said this, he spread his arms out, revealing no concealed weapons on him, while his compatriots did the same, before Twilight stepped forward, her fear and confusion turning to curiosity.

"Well, Mr... OOM-5264, I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, and it is a pleasure to meet you." Twilight said, as she extended he hand forward towards the droid, who proceeded to grasp it and shake it, as Twilight felt their cold metal hand.

"Pleasure to meet you as well. And... Well, sorry for scaring you."

"Eh, it's fine, ponies accidentally spook me all the time, it's normal!"

"I see... Well, I'm 5264, then there's B1-2197, 7262, and 3956." Each droid nodded as their names were called.

"Wait, your all named after numbers?"

"Well yes, the numbers are our model number and serial number. We're given them when we are built."

"W-wait, you were built?"

"Yep, I was built... Eh, it's not important, how about you tell us your names?"

"Well, my friends are named Rainbow dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie pie." At the mention of her name, Pinkie lept forward.

"Ohmygoshit'ssonicetomeetyoudoyouhaveabirthdayilovebirthdaysdoyouwannabefriendsohiggottathrowapartyforyou-" Pinkie was then pulled back before her rapid speaking gibberish could overload 5264's circuits.

"Calm down Pinkie, speak normally please."

"Yeah, I barely understood a word of that..."

"Oh, sorry, I just get excited when I meet new ponies, speaking of which, since your all new, I need to throw you guys a party!"

"Uhhh.. Thank you I suppose. Anyways, it was nice meeting you, but we really oughta get back to our camp, so uhhh... See you later, I guess?"

"I mean, I got like, so many different questions though! Like how you eat or sleep or breath or how you were built or what materials you're made of-" Twilight was cut off with a hand from Rarity.

"Darling, let's let the nice droids head back to their camp and ask your entire encyclopedia's worth of questions later, alright?" Rarity said as Twilight groaned.

"Fine, I guess it can wait..." Twilight shook her head and smiled. "I guess I'll wait, see you tommorow!" The droids waved goodbye, as they vanished into the forest while the ponies watched.

As soon as they were out of sight, Probe-Alpha emerged from the shadows and spoke to the droids.

[Well, that could've gone better.]

"Could've gone worse though."

[Fair enough, now get back to your camp, Kalani will be expecting a report.]

"Roger roger."

[Blade of Serenity, Bridge Section.]

Kalani watched as the hologram of 5264 appeared in front of him, as he faced the droid captain.

"Greetings Captain, I am assuming first contact went well?"

"Affirmative sir, it was awkward at first, but we have successfully engaged in first contact with the natives, and from what we can see, they are friendly."

"Excellent, tomorrow morning you are to pack up your camp and set out to the local settlement, from there you shall befriend the natives, and in time, reveal the presence of the Blade of Serenity. Until then, do your best to keep the ship a secret."

"Roger roger." As the hologram vanished, Kalani could not help but feel slightly calmed by the outcome of the first encounter with the planet's inhabitants.

Phase 3 has definitely gone smoothly.