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Meeting Twilight

Ok now I've respawned back to where I landed and instead of trying to take down the wondervolts again, I just ran past them until I found my way out the forest triggering another cutscene. Now this one was unskippable so I had to watch.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy ventured out of the everfree forest and looked in awe around them. It was a decently sized town where ponies, pegasus, and earth ponies lived amongst eachother. "What is this place?" Sora asked in amazement. "And why is everyone here a...pony?"

A few pony passerbys started to give Sora a suspicious look, probably because of the keyblade he possesed. Goofy tapped Sora on the shoulder. "Uhh Sora, I think we should go somewhere more private. You know we don't want anyone thinking we're from somewhere else," he suggested. They started to walk away and settled on a more private area.

"So we turned into animals big deal. This isn't the first time," Donald said observing himself. "I don't suppose there is a keyhole we gotta seal right?"

"I think it's more than likely," Sora began to say until a terrified scream interrupted them causing Sora and gang to run in its direction to find out what would have caused such fear. They stopped in their tracks as they saw a female buttercream pegasus with pink mane being cornered by a solid black pony. It had no facial features and was covered in silver armor. It was slowly advancing on the pegasus aiming its spear at her. But that wasn't the only one. There were three more advancing towards her all threatening to attack.

"Help!" The pegasus cried out in fear. Sora immediatley knew what he had to do.

"Come on guys!" He, Donald, and Goofy went to confront the heartless engaging in a battle.
*End Cutscene*

My first instinct was to simply charge foward and whack these heartless with my keyblade but when I did that they simply blocked it. Not just one time either they waited until I finished my combo move and then did their own attack. Thank god they're not as fast and can't fly like wondervolts but that doesn't make them any much easier. One of them charged at me with it's spear damaging my HP while another one tried to do the same. I counterattacked that one with my combo and despite being really strong, this heartless doesn't have much HP. Now one was down and three more to go. But now they have a new attack. They sunk into the ground where I could only see there shadowy outline. They then moved quickly underneath the ground trying to get right underneath me. Of course I knew what was gonna happen if didn't move out of the way fast enough. They popped out and that's when I took my oppurtunity to take them down. Two more to go! This third one then went full rage mode on me and oh my god, I have never seen a heartless, regardless of type be so skilled in Close Quarter Combat. It literally took me down to the alarming stage and I was forced to use Hi-potion to avoid dying a second time. Everytime I try to counterattack this STUPID heartless always finds a way to avoid it and is too fast! With a clutch I killed the third one and now it's the last one. Just like the others it charged at me but I blocked it's attack at the last second, leaving it dazed. I took this oppurtunity to unleash my combo on effectivly beating it.

After the heartless were cleared out, another female pegasus flew by. This one had light blue fur and a rainbow mane. Sora also noticed on her flank was a cloud and lightning symbol. She turned to Sora and his friends and made an aggressive fighting stance. "You tryna hurt my friend huh?!"

Sora frantically shook his head. "No no! It's not like that! We promise!"

"Likely story!" The rainbow pegasus looked ready to attack but

"Rainbow they're not lying!" said a rather quiet voice. It was the buttercream pegasus Sora and his friends saved just a few minutes ago. "I was cornered by these evil creatures and they saved me!" she said pointing a hoof at Sora and gang. Rainbow's aggressive stare relaxed a little.

"Is that true, Fluttershy?"

"Oh my gosh! Fluttershy are you ok?!" Said a new voice. A purple alicorn ran up to Fluttershy and helped her up. She gave her a hug and looked at Sora. "Woah! ummm. I'm sorry who are you?"

"He saved me, Twilight!" Fluttershy said. "He saved me from those evil creatures!"

"Those are called the Heartless!" Goofy chimed in. Sora put down his keyblade so he wouldn't be percieved as a threat.

Twilight's expression grew serious. "So those are the creatures that have been attacking Equestria this past few days. This wasn't the first time, nor will it be the last. But thank you anyways for saving my friend."

"Hey don't mention it! It was a piece of cake!" Sora replied with a little pride.
*End Cutscene*

In game, a speech bubble appeared next to Twilight and read. "Here's a little token of gratitude. It's the least I can offer."

*Obtained Elemental Harmony Ring*
*Obtained Orichalcum*

I opened up my inventory and examined the Element Harmony ring. Raises max MP by 3 and increases resistance to all magic attacks by 30%. Okay. That's a pretty sweet deal. I equiped and and my MP went up. Also I can choose to either have Twilight in my party or not. Obviously I will have her in and replace Goofy. I just need all the advantages I can get for beating this world. I went over to Fluttershy to make the talk button appear and she told me I should probably go introduce myself to the two rulers of this world. After pointing me in the direction I took off with Goofy and Donald following.

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