• Published 5th Sep 2022
  • 1,201 Views, 22 Comments

Opaline - WhiteSails

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Opaline Chapter 15

Argyle walked forward along the dirt trail. He could feel the gentle breeze of the afternoon. The trees of the forest soon gave way to the large open plains and grassy fields of the Maretime bay area. Argyle's hooves met a stone path that led to the town he called home. The Stallion had had his mind fixated on the night before and his morning with the strange alicorn the entire walk. He could feel the books the pony had given him rubbing up against his side in the saddlebag. Argyle then walked forward with a stride in his step excited to see just what the books might contain. Ponies all around him began opening their shops and carts ready for another day of work as Argyle arrived in the small bay town. A few foals rushed by him clearly on their way to school. He chuckled to himself and gently shook his head happily from the scene. As he trekked further on, he could feel that he was getting looks from other ponies around him. It would always happen every time he’d come back from adventuring. Ponies in the bay saw him as a rather interesting fellow for his habits. He would stay up till the early hours of the morning while all the other ponies in the bay slept. He would disappear for days at a time without any notice. and everypony there knew of his interest in Equestrias past.

He had built up somewhat of a reputation in the town as the weirdo history hermit. ponies would move from his path as he walked, and mothers would grab their fillies and colts and leave afraid that the stallion would feed the young ones with knowledge and lessons about Unicorns and Pegisi. ponies here were afraid of what they didn't know. And because he knew that there was a much bigger world outside the bay, they were afraid of him. That even if he was an Earth pony everypony still treated him as an outsider. As he walked a mare approached him.

“Well Look who's back,” she said loud enough so everypony around her could hear.

Argyle cringed and looked around seeing all the looks he was receiving for his return.

“Good afternoon, Phyllis,” Argyle said back to the mare Cleary uninterested and a bit annoyed.

“Why Argyle I'm just wondering how you are. Is it that much of a crime for a pony to try to be friendly?” Phyllis asked.

“No Phyllis,” Argyle replied still uninterested.

“Say Argyle, where do you disappear off to? Aren't you afraid a Pegasus might come and snatch you up? Or a Unicorn might zap your brain?”

“Phylis the only brain I'd be concerned about is yours,” Argyle responded.

“What?!” Phylis responded insulted by the stallion's comment.

Argyle stopped walking. He took a deep breath before looking over at the mare. “Look Phyllis I'm not interested in buying one of your earth pony protector whatchamacallits, nor am Interested in selling you the land to the lighthouse.”

“Oh, but Argyle,” Phyllis replied. “I'm just trying to make sure you stay safe in this world of unknown horrors. And besides what's a lone stallion like you need with that lighthouse? You don’t have a family and that space could easily be used for something more important.” Phyllis then wrapped her hoof around Argyle.

“You should know more than any pony here how dangerous those unicorns and pegasi can be. This town needs some kind of defense if they ever decide to invade here and that-”

Argyle cut the mare off removing himself from her grasp. “Like I said. I'm not interested. You can go build an armaments factory or whatever somewhere else.” Argyle then trotted away from the mare. Phyllis stood there mumbling to herself before walking off insulted.

Argyle made his way up the hill and up the steps leading to the Lighthouse. He lifted the doormat and retrieved the keys before unlocking the door and letting himself in. Argyle closed the door behind him and took a moment before setting down his things. He had purchased the lighthouse from an old salt of a pony for a rather inexpensive cost. It was large and secluded, perfect for his research and his privacy. Ever since his younger years, Argyle had been seen as somepony who never fit in. And he had always found that studying the ways in which ponies made friends was much more interesting than actually making them. he paused for a moment as much as he hated to admit it Phyllis was right he had no family, no true friends. he was alone. Argyle made his way into the kitchen and made himself a cup of tea. He then made his way up the stairs of the lighthouse and out onto its balcony where he then sat down. He opened one of the many books Opaline had given him and took a sip from the mug before reading. Argyle read the text as he sat on the lighthouse balcony, the sounds of crashing waves and seagulls made for a relaxing ambiance. The pony yawned before taking another sip of tea and flipping through the book's pages. He would spend the rest of the day sitting in the warm glow of the sun reading through all the books he had taken from Opaline. After a significant amount of time had passed Argyle closed the last book, he yawned and looked up, seeing the sky beginning to fade to the red of the setting sun.

Argyle pulled a small timepiece out of his pocket. The stallion then collected his things before making his way back down the stairs of the lighthouse. He placed the books on the kitchen counter. before walking over to the coat rack and grabbing the lighthouse keys. He then walked toward his saddle bag and retrieved it. He had decided he was going to go back to Opaline as aside from studying he had nothing else to do. As he was about to step out the door, he realized that he didn’t want to come back to her castle empty-hooved. It would seem a bit disrespectful for him to not have anything to show his gratitude with, especially with how nicely Opaline had treated him. He looked around the lighthouse. Before setting his gaze on something. a small golden pocket mirror, it almost felt as though it was calling to him. He went up to it and picked it up Raising it to his face. It had been something he had found in the ruins of Canterlot. It had stayed surprisingly intact like it had been placed there or had just recently been lost as it looked too neat for an object that was supposedly centuries old. Argyle opened the small mirror looking at his reflection for a moment. He then closed it and looked at the alicorn design that decorated its exterior case. It seemed fitting, he had no use for a pocket mirror, and it was a bit of a Plesant coincidence for it to have something to do with an alicorn. Argyle then tucked the mirror into his saddle bag before leaving the lighthouse completely.

As the darkness began to surround him, Argyle made his way to Opaline’s castle, Trekking forward through the unknown. He once again made his way through thick forests and steep hills before eventually once again he could see the spires and towers of the castle off in the distance. And in a moment's time, Argyle was at the entrance of the castle. He pushed the door open its creeks echoed.

“Opaline?” he called out, his voice echoing off the castle walls. But there was no response nor the appearance of Opaline.
Argyle was confused. He looked around briefly before walking in further. Opaline's castle was Quiet not a pony insight. Argyle then assumed she must be in some other part of the castle, most likely unaware of his sudden appearance. After all, he did arrive without notice. He made his way to the castle library, where he put back the books that he had read. He took some time looking through the many shelves before picking a few new books that piqued his interest. Opaline had still not appeared, only making Argyle believe that she was indeed not in that part of the castle. After grabbing the books Argyle began to wonder about the many hallways of the castle. He had never seen so many rooms in one place before. It made him wonder why a castle seemingly made to house so many ponies only contained one. As he walked through the hall he then stopped. Argyle noticed that up ahead of him was a door that was partially swung open. An orange glow slipped through the opening crack. He walked up cautiously to the door before slowly pushing it open. He was looking into a parlor like room. A single candle was lit and had evidently been the source of the light he saw. The candle stood on a small table, next to it was a chessboard with two seats. Argyle walked fully into the room. The candle and room were arranged almost as though it was set up with the idea of gaining his attention meaning somepony knew he was coming. As Argyle looked at the table a pair of eyes opened in the darkness behind him.

“Hello, Argyle.” The voice said.

Argyle jumped not expecting any other pony to be in the room with him. He turned around and watched as Opaline's figure stepped out of the dark corner of the room.

“I wasn’t expecting you back so soon Argyle.” Said Opaline moving closer.

“Well, I read through what you gave me, and I thought I would come back for more.” Argyle chuckled nervously as the alicorn continued to walk toward him her stride unimpeded.

Argyle backed up as Opaline got closer. He felt a tingle of anxiety from Opaline’s emotionless walk toward him. He quickly felt himself bump into the wall behind him. Opaline then stopped inches away from his face.

“Hmmm” Muttered Opaline. Argyle watched as she looked at him, her expression blank and empty. He took a breath and held it.

She continued to look into his eyes. Opaline could feel the fear she was instilling in the Earth pony. Best not to scare him away she thought to herself. She then backed off and walked away from the pony. Argyle let out his breath as he felt relief fill his body.

Opaline walked over to the chair set by the table before taking a seat. “Do you know how to play chess Argyle?” she then asked.

Argyle backed away from the wall and moved closer. “Yes? Why is it that you ask?” he said curiously.
“How about a game?” Opaline responded.

Argyle paused and looked for a moment before walking over to the table. “Alright.” He then sat down looking up at Opaline. A fire was then suddenly lit behind them in a fireplace Argyle wasn’t even aware of.

Opaline, not waiting for Argyle to be ready moved one of her pawns forward starting the game. She then watched as Argyle placed a hoof on his chin and thought of his move. To her, Argyle had proven himself a bit more confident than other members of his race. She was curious to see just how smart he was compared to her. Argyle then made his move, moving up his pawn. Opaline smiled quickly moving another one of her pawns. Argyle then with the swift motion of his hoof moved one of his pieces.

“Checkmate!” He called out.

Opaline was unprepared to hear him call out those words so Quickly. She looked down ready to call his bluff. But to her surprise, she saw that having moved her pawn allowed Argyle to quickly find a path that directly led to her king. She saw that the pair of pawns she had moved allowed her king to be left open. And of a speed at which Argyle had noticed and acted on this she had never seen before. He had bested her before she was even ready to test him.

“I must say Argyle you are full of surprises,” Opaline stated relaxing back in her chair.

“Well, I saw an opportunity and I took it,” Argyle replied moving back the pieces to how they were before the game.
Opaline then picked up the queen and looked at it for a moment. “Every time we meet, I'm always surprised by your character. I must admit Argyle you have me impressed.”

“How so?” Argyle responded puzzled.

Opaline looked upon the chess piece for a moment. “That even I don’t know.” Opaline then placed it down. “Your continued tenacity and intelligence are something I'd never thought I'd see in another pony let alone an earth pony.”

Argyle got up from the seat and trotted over “I'm not that impressive Opaline. I'm just another earth pony. Another weirdo, I'm not much of anything other than strange!” he paused. “At least that’s how everypony else sees me.” Argyle then looked down quietly. “Truth be told I'm a nobody.”

Opaline cocked her head back surprised. “What do you mean by Everypony else sees me?”

“Well if I'm going to be honest Opaline every pony in the bay has always seen me as a bit of an outcast.” Argyle then walked over toward one of the windows of the castle. “Ponies don’t like what I research that’s for sure.”

Opaline walked over to him “You're seen as an outcast?” she asked curiously.

“Yeah...” he responded not looking back at her. “The reason I've come back so much is that nopony else understands me like you do.” Argyle turned from the window and then made his way to Opaline. “I know I've been taking up your time and using things that are yours. And I felt it was only right to return the favor.” Argyle reached into his saddlebag retrieving the small golden Mirror. “It's not much but I thought it would be good to show my appreciation.”

Opaline looked down at what Argyle was trying to give her. Instantly she knew what it was. She looked back at Argyle who gave her a smile. She then grabbed the mirror holding it in her hooves.

“Where-Where did you get this?” she asked confused and dumbfounded.

“The Canterlot ruins. Honestly, I'm surprised something like that hadn't been taken by now.” He stated.

Opaline bit her lip and was unable to express any words in response. She suddenly got up and turned away from Argyle to avoid seeing his face. She didn’t understand why he was just so nice to her. It was unnerving. He had proven to her that he wasn’t doing any of this for his own means but simply because it was in his nature. She had never met a pony that could put her at such ease. If anything, he was what she would have wanted from Twilight. Not some pony whom she felt she had to look up to. But one who was just like her. He was a reflection of herself and the happiness she once had. And she was afraid of losing it. She didn’t understand why she was still testing him as he had passed the first time they met.

“Thank you.” she sheepishly muttered.

“You're welcome,” Argyle responded.