• Published 5th Sep 2022
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Opaline - WhiteSails

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Opaline Chapter 3

"Are you alright?" That seemed like a really hard fall. Are you lost?" the figure said in a concerned tone.

Opaline screamed with excitement, "YOU'RE! YOU'RE!" Opaline found herself unable to speak in a cohesive manner. "YOU'RE TWILIGHT SPARKLE!"

Twilight looked down at the young filly with slight confusion. "Yes, I am," she spoke in a calm and polite tone.

Just then, around a dozen guards filled the hallway.

"Your highness, we apologize for the inability to catch th-"

Twilight motioned to them with her hoof, silencing the guard. "I believe there's no threat here. Thank you, "

The guards then saluted before walking away. Twilight used her magic and began picking up things that had spilled out from the saddlebag Opaline was carrying. As she was picking up the small objects, she paused and looked at the large depiction of her cutie mark sewn onto the bag and then at the piece of canvas laying on the palace floor.

She picked it up and brought it closer to her face. She looked at it puzzled. It was a depiction of herself in the center and her five longtime friends surrounding her. She looked back down, seeing a large grin on the face of the young purple pony in front of her. She let out a small smile. Just then, a Pegasus and an Earth pony entered the hallway.

"TWILIGHT!" Rainbow Dash screamed as she came flying in, trailing behind a bright rainbow.

"We heard that crash! Are you alright, sugar cube?!" Applejack yelled with concern.

They then stopped looking down at the filly on the floor and then at Twilight.

"Everything is fine." Twilight said, "This filly accidentally ran into me."

"How in the blazing saddles did she get in here?" questioned Applejack.

"I don't know," replied Twilight. She then lowered her head and asked once again, "Are you lost?"

Opaline couldn’t believe it. Three of her heroes were addressing her directly. She must be the luckiest pony in the world.

"No," she responded.

Twilight then turned her head in confusion. "Then why are you here?"

"Because I wanted to see you! I'm- you’re, YOU'RE MY HERO!"

Twilight let out a small nervous chuckle as Rainbowdash and Applejack looked at each other.

"You all are!" Opaline blared out. "I've read everything about you all!"

"Is that so?" said Twilight, not sure of what to make of the situation.

Rainbowdash flew over, nudging Twilight with her elbow. "Looks like we've got a pretty big fan of yours here, Twilight!" She said, smirking,

Twilight carefully used her magic, then rolled up the painting and floated it over to Opaline, holding it in the air in front of her before Opaline quickly snatched it and put it back in her saddlebag. Twilight then walked over.

"I can understand your excitement, young filly, but the idea of meeting your heroes shouldn’t lead you to trespass on palace property. "Come, let me get you where you need to be." Twilight then wrapped her wing around the small unicorn.

"What is your name?" she asked in a tender voice.

"Opa-Opa-" Opaline found it increasingly hard to talk. It was hard to get words out of her mouth. Her mind was racing, focused on the ponies around her.

"Opaline," "my name is Opaline," she said sheepishly.

"That's a wonderful name," Twilight replied.

They both began to walk through the palace halls. "Could this be real?" "Am I asleep?" Opaline thought to herself. They then walked into the courtyard, the very same courtyard that Opaline had been in only a few moments before.

It had worked. Her plan had worked. Opaline was now with her hero. She remembered all the times all the foals made fun of her when she said her dream was to meet Twilight Sparkle. But look at her now. She had been right; she would meet her, and it felt good to be right. As they walked, a guard came up to the princess.

"Your highness, a filly has been reported missing. Should we start a search party?"

"Oh, there's no need. "I believe the problem is already under control." Replied Twilight.

But that was it; the one thing that Opaline hadn't really put too much thought into was the repercussions of running off. They reached the gates of the castle walls, and there stood the head mare of the foals' home.
Opaline had never really seen any emotions besides annoyance with the head mare but this was the first time she ever saw her panicked. She had been talking with a guard stationed at the gate before turning to see Opaline.

When she first saw Opaline, her worried face quickly turned to anger before quickly switching to shock when she saw who Opaline was with. She ran to them quickly, dropping her body down in a bow.


Twilight placed her hoof on the shoulder of the head mare "There's no need for that. Just make sure you keep a closer eye on her. " Twilight said, radiating an understanding, warm smile.

The head mare quickly picked herself back up and motioned to Opaline. Opaline looked at her then back to Twilight. Twilight nodded her head down before Opaline slowly and reluctantly walked to the head mare.

"And Opaline," Twilight said, walking over before placing her hoof on her shoulder. "Next time you don’t need to sneak in, my door is always open." She then softly smiled at the filly, causing Opalines' eyes to sparkle once again and emit a happy grin.


But the words only blurred out as Opaline was only focused on the thought of what had just happened. They walked up the wooden steps to the train and the group of colts and fillies standing next to it.

"Sorry everyone, I just needed to make sure everyone was here," the head mare said angrily through her teeth.

The other foals turned their heads toward Opaline, who quickly became embarrassed by all the attention.

"Alright everyone, now that our trip has concluded, it's time to go back home."

The group started to get on the train. As Opaline was getting on, a few foals came up to her. "Why did you run away?" they said in a tone clearly meant to mock her.

"I saw Twilight Sparkle," she muttered, looking down at the train station floor. "She talked to me."

"That's it?" They all looked at her. "Is that so?" Well, she talks to everypony all the time. " One colt said to her,

"But she talked to just me..."

"Yeah, well, I hope you know that her talk to you wasn’t very special; she comes and socializes with ponies all the time."

Opaline continued to look down, "but this was special."

"No, it wasn't," they quickly replied. "She meets with so many ponies all the time that there is no real special element there." "She just happens to be a pony with a crown."

The few foals then walked onto the train, bumping Opaline out of their way. Opaline slowly walked onto the train and took a seat. The train then jolted before slowly moving along the tracks. She once again looked out the window next to her.

"One day," she said to herself, "I'll be just like Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight stood motionless, looking over the rails of the balcony overlooking Canterlot. Applejack slowly approached her.

"You all right, Twilight?" Twilight snapped out of her thought.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking."

"About that filly?" Applejack replied,

"Yeah," Twilight said, looking down at the ground. "She didn't bump into me as much as I bumped into her."

"What do you mean?" questioned Applejack.

"Well, she snuck into the palace."

"I guessed that," Applejack responded in a firm tone of voice.

"It's just, well, you saw how she looked at us." She was enthralled by all of us and. "

"And what?"

"And it kind of reminded me of how I was with Celestia,"

Applejack began to giggle. "That's what you were thinking!"

Twilight looked back, confused.

"Twi, that filly was a near copy of you! The bag full of items, the eagerness to achieve a goal, the thrill of seeing someone they admired—don't think I never picked up on that sort of thing with you." Applejack said, grinning well waving her hoof in the air.

"Well, I guess I did have a close relationship with Celestia," Twilight replied, slightly embarrassed.

Applejack began to cackle. "You think!"

They both began to laugh.

"Well, when you put it that way," Twilight said, behind an embarrassed smile.

She then wrapped her wing over Applejack's back, hugging her. Twilight then noticed how small Applejack seemed. Her growth as an alicorn had surprised her, as it seemed like only yesterday she had gained wings and the title "princess of friendship."

As their laughter slowly subsided, Twilight quickly remembered what else she had been thinking before Applejack appeared.
"Applejack?" she said in a more serious tone.

"Yes, sugar cube?"

"Did you notice that she didn't use any magic?"

Applejack pulled away from Twilight and looked at her with a puzzled expression.

Opaline sat on her bed, reading a book placed on her blanket. She didn't really have much to do for the time being, as she had been grounded for the rest of the month. But to be fair, it wasn’t really like she did much of anything anyway. Usually, when she wasn’t reading her books or sorting her mane 6 memorabilia, she would be outside trying to catch grasshoppers in the grass that grew all around the foal's home. But for now, she wasn’t allowed to leave her room for anything other than food and bathroom breaks. She laid the rest of her body down on the bed, focusing intently on the book she was reading. The head mare had taken away most of her books, but this one she found had fallen behind her dresser. It was a book about the founding of Equestria. How the three pony tribes had been divided, but then, with the power of friendship, they were able to beat the evil wendigos and unite all ponies. She paused.

"That must have been some magic," she said to herself. She then continued reading,

"Ever since that day Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth Ponies have lived together in harmony."

"The End."

She closed the book. A small amount of dust was thrown up from its pages.

She thought to "herself, Had there really been a time in pony history where they were separated by their races?" If so, how long had it been since they came together? Twilight never seemed to mind that her friends were from different tribes, but how easy could it be to cause disharmony between them?

As she was thinking to herself, an envelope slid under her door. She peered over the bedframe, surprised. She then got up and picked up the envelope. The front was marked only with "for Opaline." She turned it around. Her surprise and confusion quickly turned into contentment. On the back of the envelope was the royal seal, marked with a six-pointed star. It was Twilight's cutie mark, and that meant only one thing. It had to be from her; it just had to be. Without any hesitation, she ripped open the envelope, exposing the letter. She began to read it.

"Dear Opaline, I have been unable to forget our first encounter. Though I don’t approve of your methods of meeting, I must admit your character has interested me. I have already paid for your tickets and spoken to your guardians, and I would like you to come to Canterlot once again for a more formal meeting. I'm sure you already know the locations you need to go to. Come on the 20th day of this month. I am rather curious about our next encounter. Yours truly, Princess Twilight Sparkle. " Next to the signature was another depiction of Twilight's cutie mark. But under the star was another message "P.S. Is it possible you could also bring with you that painting? Many thanks!"

Opaline slowly lowered the letter in front of her face.

"OH, MY CELESTIA!" she screamed as she jumped up and down in the air.

She could hardly believe it. Only a few days earlier, she had met her hero, and now her idol was writing letters to her! It was the most unbelievable thing to have ever happened to her. Somepony recognized her. Somepony saw who she was. All the things her bullies ever said to her were proven wrong. as she had gained the attention of her hero.

Opaline stood on the platform. Her excitement caused her to rock back and forth.

"BOARDING FOR CANTORLOT BEGINS NOW!" The conductor yelled out.

Opaline rushed onboard the train, quickly finding a seat. She sat down and once again peered out the window as the train slowly began to move on the tracks. Her mind raced with possibilities. What if Twilight had some kind of mission for her to do? What if Twilight wanted to enroll her in magic school? Or maybe she would take her on as a student! She could feel the tingling excitement building.

As the train slowly arrived at the station, Opaline saw something out of the corner of her eye. There was Twilight standing on the platform, flanked by two royal guards. Opaline hurriedly rushed off the train and to Twilight, hugging her. Her action somewhat startled the princess.

"OH, THANK YOU TWILIGHT!" she screamed in joy as she strengthened her embrace of the princess.

"It's nice to see you too, Opaline."

Opaline let go of her embrace, looking up at Twilight with a twinkle in her eyes.

"You remember me?"

"Of course I do," Twilight replied. "Now follow me; we have much to discuss."

All Opaline could do was let out a high-pitched squeal as she followed the princess. As they walked, Opaline took in the appearance of the princess. She gazed at her golden armor as it glowed in the sun. Her hair was flowing like water, emitting a light glow. Her large wings tucked in at her sides and the legendary 6-pointed star cutie mark on her flank she was more elegant than any form of media could describe. As they reached the front of the castle,

Twilight spoke. "Was your train ride okay?"

"Oh, yes, yes, it was fine," Opaline replied.

They continued trotting.

"Um, princess, why am I here?"

"You'll find out soon enough," replied Twilight, with a smile on her face.

As they stepped into the great halls of the palace, Twilight turned her face to Opaline,

"You are going to be staying here for a while. I want you to make yourself at home."

Opaline put her hooves to her face in surprise.

"REALLY!? She said agape.

"Really." Twilight smiled down at the unicorn.

Later that night, Opaline stood in the guestroom that had been given to her. She was admiring the architecture and other intricate designs that covered the room. Twilight, the ever-kind pony that she was, had let her friend Rarity try her hoof at designing some of the castle's additions during the extensive renovations she did in the years following her accession to power. Though Rarity had claimed that she wasn’t one for anything other than fashion, Opaline thought she did a good job. As Opaline sat there, a knock came from her door.

"You can come in," she said.

Twilight peeked in before properly walking through the door.

"Are you alright with everything?" she asked.

"Yes, I believe I am," Opaline said, back.

It was somewhat awkward for her. Only weeks before, she had dreamed of meeting Twilight, and now she was in Twilight's castle speaking to the princess herself, Twilight motioned with her hoof.

"Did you bring that painting?" she asked.

"Mmh," Opaline muttered back as she walked over to retrieve the painting.

She then handed it over to Twilight, who picked it up with her magic. She then intently gazed at the picture as Opaline sat there nervously awaiting what the princess might say.

"And you made this?" Twilight inquired, peering out from behind the canvas.

"Yes!" Opaline said, a little embarrassed.

Twilight moved her head back to the painting, looking at it before setting it down on the nightstand. She then spoke,

"I asked because I might need your help with a project I am working on."

"Ohhh," Opaline said back in surprise.

Twilight continued, "As part of a new building project, I was looking for somepony to design some murals for me." You know, like the ones lining the hall of the castle. "

Opaline nodded her head,

"And I believe, Opaline, you might be just the pony I am looking for," Twilight concluded her sentence.

"I don’t understand," Opaline said, pressing her hoof to her chest.

Twilight then walked over and sat down in front of her.

"It doesn't need to be too complex, just something that echoes what we have here." "Do you think you can do that?"

Opaline then looked down before looking back up again.


"Good," said Twilight.

Twilight then got back up, but before she could walk anywhere,

Opaline called out to her. "Is this why you brought me here?"

Twilight looked down at her. "No, I brought you here for something else." But we can go over that in the morning; for now, you need to go to sleep." She then smiled before walking out the door.

Opaline sat on the floor, dumbfounded. Now the princess was asking her to make a stained-glass mural. Opaline quickly got up and ran to the desk that stood in the corner of the room. She pulled out a piece of blank paper before thinking of what to draw. Soon, an idea popped into her head.

The next morning, Opaline walked into the massive dining hall of the castle. A loud echo sounded as the giant wooden doors closed behind her. There at the far end of the table was Twilight, evidently waiting for her.

"Good morning, Opaline!" She called out,

"good morning!" Opaline replied back before trotting over and taking the seat that was laid out for her next to the princess.

"I trust you slept well?" Twilight questioned.

"On no! "I stayed up all night!"

Twilight then spit back into her glass, choking, before wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"All night?" she questioned, setting down her napkin.

"Oh yes!" said Opaline. "I spent all night working on something!"

Twilight looked at her. "Working on what?" she asked.

"This!" Opaline shouted with excitement before reaching into her saddlebag.

She then pulled out a rolled-up piece of paper held together by a bow. Twilight picked it up with her magic and unraveled it. Her confused expression quickly turned into surprise. Sketched on the piece of paper was an image of three ponies. On the left, a unicorn; on the right, a pegasus in flight; and in the middle, an earth pony. All of the ponies' heads were pointed upward, looking at something. They were looking at a bright purple six-pointed star. Twilight instantly knew what it was. It was her cutie mark.

"Well? Well? " "Do you like it?" Opaline asked, rocking back and forth in joy.

"See, and look at the ponies!" Opaline placed her hoof on the part of the drawing with the three ponies. "The Pegasus and Unicorn both have their wings and horn highlighted in gold. It's meant to show that each pony from a different tribe is united! "And your cutie mark is the symbol representing friendship!"

Twilight gently placed the picture down on the table. A single tear then rolled down her face. Opaline backed up slightly, her happy expression quickly turning into a worried one. She quickly became afraid. Did she just upset her hero? Twilight turned her head before grabbing Opaline and hugging her.

She began to laugh. "Oh, thank you, Opaline! It's wonderful! "

Opaline then returned the embrace. only saying the words "thank you."

Later that evening, they walked through the halls of the palace. Opaline turned to the princess,

"So Princess Twilight, why did you bring me here?"

Twilight turned her head to Opaline, "I wanted you for something very special." "Ever since I became the leader of Equestria, I've been lacking something."

Opaline responded back. "What have you been lacking?"

Twilight stopped and turned to the unicorn, pointing her hoof out.

"Some pony like you, Opaline." "I think you have the potential to be very special." Twilight placed her hoof on her cheek. "You remind me of how I was with my mentor," she smiled. "And I want you to know that I'm willing to teach you if, of course, you are willing to learn."

Opaline then gave the princess an ear-to-ear smile.

"Yes, of course! I would love to! "

"Good," said Twilight.

"A pony's mind like yours should be encouraged to grow. And I want to be there every step of the way. Now hurry along to bed. "I want you to be well rested for tomorrow."

Opaline squealed with excitement, "Thank you, princess!" She screamed with joy as she quickly ran off to bed.

As Opaline got beneath the covers, she began to think to herself. She must be the most special pony in all of Equestria for Twilight to want her as a student! She closed her eyes. She was finally going to become some pony special. And maybe, just maybe, Twilight, and all her ultimate wisdom, could give her magic. She was, after all, the element of magic. Opaline slowly dozed off. The idea of being the student of her hero filled her head before she fell asleep.

Twilight peered into the room to see that Opaline was sound asleep. Twilight began to walk the halls, thinking to herself. She had been quite nervous about the idea of having a personal student again. But this wouldn’t be in the same vein as Starlight Glimmer. Instead of an already grown pony, she would be taking on a younger, less experienced pupil or some pony that had previously been a foe. She gazed up at the stained-glass mural of herself. She would be starting fresh, just as Celestia had done with her. But soon Twilight's mind raced to another thought. After spending some more time with Opaline, she noticed that she still failed to use her horn. Was she shy about using her magic around the princess? Or maybe she wasn’t very good at magic? Or maybe she didn't have a very good grip on her magic? It was odd to Twilight. When she was her age, she had used magic in almost every aspect of her daily life. It wouldn’t surprise Twilight if she was a late bloomer when it came to her magical abilities. But it still struck her as odd. Why was she not using her magic at all?