• Member Since 29th Nov, 2020
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Joshua the Dragonslayer

"Love can be a memory that no one can steal but love can also be a pain that no one can heal"


After witnessing the legendary Masters Tournament, the self proclaimed - Prince Of Pokémon: Joshua Kiyoko takes to the World of Pokémon as he begins his journey with his trusted partner - Charmander. With the goal of wanting to become the World Champion, Joshua travels to the Equestria Region to meet up with the worldly known Pokémon Professor Celestia and to have a reunion with his mentor. The world better be ready because this Prince has unnatural strength and a few tricks up his sleeves. I mean it's not everyday you see the protege of the Sinnoh Champion Cynthia in action. Watch as Joshua takes on the best Pokémon trainers the world has to offer in order to achieve his goal in showing that he has what it takes to not only be the Prince Of Pokémon but also the World Champion!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

Amazing start my good friend!

Will this story have original moves and pokemon in it?

All the moves and Pokémon in this book are from the show and the games

I don't like what you did to Flash.

I know some people may not like what I did to Flash in this chapter but trust me he gets better later on

Yeah, well I'm not really crazy about this Joshua Kiyoko character either. He just comes off as an entitled brat at best, being a self-proclaimed "prince" seeking "revenge" on Ash, and a bully at worst. If we're supposed to like him this chapter didn't do a good job at it when all he did was beat and make fun of more likable characters instead of someone who actually deserves it.

Heck, it feels like you’re trying to make Joshua Kiyoko act like someone like Bel Daizora except not as good.

Well, that's what I was going for. I understand it's the first chapter, but there's still a lot to come. I made Joshua Kiyoko's character start like this for a reason. Is he an entitled brat because he thinks he's some "prince" and wants "revenge" and makes fun of people? Yes. Are you the readers supposed to like him right now? Absolutely not. I get that he's the main character and readers normally are supposed to like the main character but I wanted to change things up.

All I can really say and ask is that you continue to read the book and see what I have in store for whats to come

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