• Published 27th Oct 2022
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All Hail Cozy Glow - CrackedInkWell

What would have happened if Cozy Glow in Season 8 had taken over Equestria?

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Rise of a Tyrant

You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension. A dimension of sound. A dimension of sight. A dimension of mind. You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You have just crossed over into… The Twilight Zone.

It’s like waking up from one dream and into another. But what a dream this one is! Looking down from a balcony with a crown on my head, I can see the eyes of ponies that are desperate for answers. It’s easy to spot – the fear, desperation, the need to be assured that everything is going to be okay now that it looks like the whole world is collapsing. In a way, it’s both funny and ironic that the one that caused all this is the one everypony is turning to. I can see in them that with everything going out of control, they need someone to hold back the chaos. Someone that would put stability back in place. A strong leader in a time when all the others… aren’t around anymore.

“Now, now, everypony!” I call out to them, trying to get their attention. “I know things are scary now. And I’m with you, it is frightening with all that’s been going on. First Twilight and her friends disappear, then all magic in Equestria has all gone poof, and now the Princesses are simply nowhere to be seen. Yes, I know things are falling apart, but you know what? It will be okay. Because as ponies, we’ve dealt with bad, nasty things before. And each time that happens, we always come out stronger than ever! We just needed to stick together. If still have each other, there’s hardly anything that we can’t do once we put our minds to it!”

There was murmuring among the crowd that sounded uncertain. It wasn’t hard to see why, all anyone had to do was look up. Overhead in the sky, it’s constantly at dusk – neither day nor night. No one has seen the sun or the moon for hours. The great city of Canterlot has been getting overcrowded as ponies near and far are uncertain of a possible upcoming attack. Really, I think it’s because they’re feeling vulnerable.

“We’ve gone through tough times before and we still come on top anyhow. We just need to keep a level head and do our best to adapt.”

“But what about the Princesses?” I heard someone ask.

“I’m sure they’re safe.” I lied.

Come to think of it… I don’t really know what happened to them ever since they too were trapped in that magic bubble, along with Starlight and those other creatures that would have ruined everything. But thankfully, no one questioned it when they were pushed in. And thankfully those thousand-year-old princesses were gullible enough to get sucked in before they were all thrown away in that hole that goes who-knows-where.

Just as long they’re out of the picture.

“Besides,” I continued, “you’re right. We needed to have someone to look over while they’re away so… Maybe I could step in temporarily.”

There were confused faces in the crowd. “But you’re just a kid.” Someone said.

“Well, I know. But it won’t be just me – I have a council to help out. Get together the best and brightest so we can still keep things going. A council with ponies from all sorts of backgrounds to put make sure that things are still in tip-top shape. And since I’m a student from the School of Friendship, and being taught by Princess Twilight herself, I’m sure I could lend a hoof in deciding how to tackle these things.”

“You sure you know what you’re doing?”

What a ridiculous question! “It only will be just for a tansy little while. How hard can it be? But don’t you worry, I will be the best I can be to help all of you out! At least, until any of the Princesses come back. And I promise that as soon as any of them do, the council and I will step aside and let everything go back to normal.”

More murmuring, but this time sounding more agreeable.

“So don’t you worry, everything is all under control.”

With that, I stepped away from the balcony. After closing the glass doors, I turned around to my grand prize. Inside the throne room with its gorgeous stained-glass windows was the one thing I had sought out for a long time.

The throne.

There were a few guards around, of course, but none of them could stop me from going up to it. None of them raised a hoof or a word as I sat my flank down on its big, pillowy seat. No one to question me that I, Cozy Glow, am now Defacto Leader of Equestria.

Yes, everything is all under my control.

What you are about to witness is a nightmare. Her name is Cozy Glow. She is a genius manipulator, strategist, and child actress who has conned herself into the most significant role of all. She will be our guide into a world where “truth” and “lie” no longer have meaning. Where the darkest Machiavellian instincts are given free rein; and tolerance has become a thing of the past. With no one to balance out her newfound power, Cozy Glow can shape Equestria in any way she pleases, by whatever means necessary. Yet, this young tyrant will have to deal with the fallout of her own making. She will have no outside help within her borders… of The Twilight Zone.

It wasn’t hard to put together a council. I had a pony that represented the major cities and towns throughout Equestria. Namely from Canterlot, Rainbow Falls, Starlight’s village, Manehattan, Hollow Shades, Fillydelphia, Baltimare, Dodge City, Appleloosa, Los Pegasus, Applewood, Vanhoover, Cloudsdale, and of course – Ponyville. Thirteen in all. Five Unicorns, four Earth Ponies, and Four Pegasi.

These ponies weren’t chosen by me but from the cities themselves – after all, I had to give them the illusion of control – and they were immediately sent to Canterlot. From the very start, once all of them were gathered, we started to have meetings in the throne room where there would be a big round table that had fourteen chairs… well, thirteen wooden chairs and one throne. Celestia’s old throne came off the platform thingy to be placed at the head of the table. As a way to remind ponies who’s in charge.

I recognized a few of these ponies or at least heard some of them before. The one from Canterlot named Fancy Pants, a yellow pony named Braeburn that represented Appleloosa, Spitfire was there too representing Cloudsdale, there was also Mayor Mare from Ponyville. The rest… I don’t think I recognized them. They ranged from a few Earth ponies that were – to put it politely – hicks. Pegasi had an unchanging grim expression on their faces. And the unicorns that I couldn’t care less about.

Yet, it is these four ponies: Fancy, Braeburn, Spitfire, and Mayor Mare that I remember the most from these meetings.

Take for instance the first meeting.

Clearing my throat to get everyone’s attention, they ceased their chatter and turned to me. “Thank you everypony for coming on such short notice. I do hope it wasn’t an inconvenience to anyone here.”

They shook their heads.

“Now I know things aren’t the most ideal,” I began, “and I know that things are quite tough. Since none of the Princesses can be found, I figured that we all should carry out ruling Equestria a little differently.”

Fancy raised his hoof, “What do you mean by that, young lady?”

“Well,” Getting off the throne, I climbed up on the big round table and walked to each member saying, “you see, I’ve been giving this a lot of thought. There’s only so much that any of us can do. The problem with carrying out these adult government things is that usually it’s done behind closed doors and those on the outside have no idea what’s going on or what’s being decided on their behalf. Sometimes, decisions are made when the public hasn’t been given much input in real-time.”

“Where are you going with this?” Mayor Mare tilted her head.

“You see, to make things easier,” I waved at the guards, “I thought we start by getting a few more ponies involved.”

As if on cue, the double doors were opened, and in came my secret weapon.

“Who are they?” Spitfire asked as dozens upon dozens of ponies – at least a hundred or more – came flooding into the throne room.

“This is how we’re going to be running things.” I explained, “These are the average ponies from off the street. All chosen at random who will be with us for these government meetings to… assist us with running this.”

In reality, this was half true. Yes, I may be a kid, but I’m not stupid. I’m not aware that those from Equestria’s city would send over ponies that they trust to help run things. I would expect there would be plenty of ponies who would try to tell me what to do and what not to do. It’s much easier to have a lot of ponies that don’t know or aren’t fully aware of what’s going on to make my decisions for me.

“After all,” I added, “it just wouldn’t be fair if we didn’t let the public know what’s going on.”

When most of the ponies entered the throne room, I stood in the center of the table as though it was a small stage and addressed them. “Let’s be honest, things have gotten pretty rough out there, have they?” They nodded, “Here we are, leaderless with none of the princesses to be found. Most of the time we rely on them to make all this bad stuff go away. But as it’s been made clear, we don’t know where they are. I’m afraid we can’t rely on leaders who aren’t there anymore. And I can see it on your faces too. It’s upsetting, it’s almost a betrayal that we’re left all alone with this mess.”

Many heads nodded, “But as bleak as things are, I can see in all of you a golden opportunity. Yes, we would need to pick up the pieces again, but think of what we can all do now. More than repair, we can create. More than rebuilding, we could improve. Such an opportunity doesn’t come lightly to everyone. For once, we can write up new rules. A new way of making a society that could bring about a great good where there are hardly any restrictions. But to get there, we must stick together. We must have unity when times get dark. And I expect that while things will get dark, we can see to it that instead of an impending apocalypse, we could push onto a new golden age. I ask all of you, will you help us with that.”

Of course, they agreed, they cheered at me giving them hope.

And now, for the masterstroke.

“But, as much as we can hope for a brighter future (and we will get there) we also should be careful. We’re vulnerable now more than ever before. There would be those that will try to take advantage of what’s going on.” Circling around the table, I looked into the eyes of the council. “We should be careful of bad guys, both outside of Equestria, and from within. In trying to make a better world, I think there will be doubters out there. Doubters that won’t build up anything, and instead try their hardest to bring everypony down. How can you rebuild if you don’t believe it’s possible to do so?”

I turned back to the mob. “Let’s all move forward in complete unity, in times like these, we can’t afford to have anything or anyone from taking it all down.”

There was applause from the mob as I took my seat. “So? What shall we talk about?”

“When is magic coming back?” someone from the crowd asked, and they agreed.

“That’s what I wonder too.” Fancy Pants said, “Since magic was suddenly gone, and artifacts that have it are either stolen or destroyed – everything has gotten a lot more complicated.”

I tilted my head, “How much harder?”

“Well, us unicorns can’t use our horns, for one,” Fancy tapped his horn and the mob nodded. “On our end, we can barely pick anything up. We can’t cast any spells like teleportation, or levitation, use it to perform medical procedures, have lights stay on without the use of batteries, or keep food fresh, I could go on, but that’s only the tip of the iceberg.”

“Not only that,” Spitfire raised a hoof, “but since we can’t fly or move clouds, we’ve lost complete control of the weather. So from here on out, it’s all going to get pretty unpredictable. There might be storms and weather disasters that at best could ruin crops, and at worst, destroy entire towns.”

“Spreakin’ of crops,” Braeburn cleared his throat, “I don’t know about y’all, but us Earth Ponies don’t have our connection to the earth as we’ve used to. Not to mention that since it’s dusk now all the time, we’re hardly getting any sunlight anywhere. We’d be lucky if we’re able to grow anything – if at all.”

“Um…” Mayor Mare cleared her throat, “That might not be our only problem.”

Everyone turned to her.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

Adjusting her glasses, she looked behind at the crowd and said, “I’m not going to lie before we were alright with international affairs. We had avoided wars for a long, long time both from trade, and the fact we had an alicorn that controls the sun itself. But I’m concerned that with that safety net gone, it might give other nations the impression that we’re not just weak, but responsible for what has happened.”

“You’re not saying we might get attacked, are you?” Someone asked.

“As a certainty, I don’t know. As a possibility… it’s very likely.”

There was a mummer of fear from the mob, throwing questions like: What are we going to do? Who will protect us? And so on.

I stood up from the throne, “Now, now, everypony. This is exactly what I’m talking about. We’ve already got so many problems, both from the outside and the inside. This is why us sticking together is so important. But I say that for now, let’s try to deal with one thing at a time. Perhaps…” I looked around, noticing for the first time that most of them were unicorns. “We should figure out Fancy’s problem first and then work our way around from there.”

For a while, I thought I had everything all figured out. I had created a system where everything looked like the council was in control of everything when really it was just me using the mob to sway their opinion to make sure they don’t stray too far from what I had in mind. Besides one of the first things I did in that council was to have a law where if there was anyone who was a doubter, they would be thrown in prison. For a few days, it gave the desired effect to remove the more defiant council members.

While I would prefer to have them be all tossed out and let me rule instead, I figured it’s best to play the slow game. To gradually learn about how this power thing works, and every other day or so, get rid of one or two of them. Because otherwise, I knew that anyone with a brain could see that I was up to something if I did it all at once.

All the while, I prayed on the mob’s sympathies, their prejudices, their emotions most importantly of all. I figured out a long time ago from adults that emotion is much faster than reason or logic – and if you can play to their fears and hopes, you can get them to do anything if you charm them long enough. It was easy, simply tell them that you’re on their side, and they will follow you to the very edge of the world.

For the first couple of days, things were going according to plan.

But that’s when the troubles started.

All around Equestria, words of disasters were happening nearly all over. To the north, the Crystal Empire was frozen over. To the south, dust storms have plagued Appaloosa. To the East from Manehattan to Horseshoe Bay were slammed with one hurricane after another. In the west, tornados have leveled homes and tossed up whatever remaining farmlands there were. But even with these reports, I did my best to have the mob be optimistic as possible. Even when word of death in the hundreds a day was rolling in, I had to crack down hard on anyone who even breathed a negative outlook on things.

In a way, I was counting on this. With magic gone, I knew that it would make life harder. The harder the world is, the more desperate ponies would become for something, or someone to rally around to make their problems disappear. After all, nopony thinks clearly when they had their homes wrecked, their loved ones starving, their livelihood has thrown into chaos, and their very country unstable. In such times, they would need someone they could look up to. A hero like me.

But for that to happen, a hero would need some enemies.

And in a world thrown into chaos, it wasn’t hard to find a few.

At the last meeting that Spitfire was in, she came in looking absolutely miserable. No… miserable wasn’t the right word. When she walked in one day, her hooves dragged across the floor, she had this thousand-mile-long stare in her eyes. In a way, she seemed so broken.

Her expression didn’t go unnoticed either. As soon as the meeting started one of the council members asked what was going on with her.

“Oh don’t mind me, just found out that Cloudsdale has completely fallen apart.” She said. “No, worse than that. I’ve spent all night looking into what was going on with Pegasi in general. And… I’m at loss for words.”

“What happened?” Mayor Mare placed a concerned hoof on her back.

“Not only are a good chunk of them homeless as there’s no way of getting to the clouds, but so… so many have died from falling so high up. There were so many that it’s only now I’ve found out how many bodies there are that just… splat against the ground.”

“But it can’t be all that bad,” I started to say but Spitfire, whose head turned so fast that I thought her neck had snapped, looked at me with daggers in her eyes.

“Not that bad?” She stood up from the table, “Not that bad! There were foals that died! Infants, fathers, mothers, grandparents, friends – ponies that I know are dead! And the ones that weren’t in the sky when it all happened are under a lot of stress and trauma that I can’t begin to imagine! Nearly everyone that I read about now has post-traumatic stress since they saw their friends, neighbors, even their entire family fall from the sky and there was not a thing they could do about it!”

“Spitfire, calm down-”

“My mother was one of them you heartless brat!” She climbed onto the table; anger fueled determination that I thought I was gonna get hit. "What gives you the right to even be here!? You’re a kid for crying out loud! I don’t think you have any clue what you’re doing when everything is falling apart! You think you know so much, but you don’t have any experience at all with dealing with ponies that are experiencing tragedy on a monumental scale! You don’t have any leadership at all except bullying everyone into what you want!”

“Excuse you!?” I stood up from my throne. “Not what I want! Not what I want!” I gestured a hoof at the mob. “What they want! And I’m just doing for what’s for the greater good.”

“The only thing you’re good at is wreaking everything you touch!” Spitfire unexpectedly leaped out at me, knocking me, and tipping the thrown over backward.

“Help! Help! She’s crazy!” Thankfully, before a wrathful Spitfire could throw a punch at me, someone from the mob grabbed her and pried her off away from me.

Getting back on my hooves, I pointed at her. “You see! See! This is why we need unity! This is why we can’t tolerate any doubters! Because this is what doubters become – just plain crazy!”

“Don’t listen to her-”

“No!” I shouted at her, “You did enough! Take her to prison!”

Something interesting happened while Spitfire was being dragged away. With the throne being pushed back upright, I overheard someone say quietly, “Maybe we should have a law that should control these featherbrains.

An inspiring idea, I had proposed a new law where anypony who is clearly showing signs of insanity should be left behind to fend for themselves.

Given what had happened, it was widely accepted.

After the meeting was concluded, and the mob had gone away, everyone except for one of the representatives stayed behind. Mayor Mare came up to me asking if she could speak to me in private. It was odd as none of the other representatives had ever tried to appeal to me before. But I allowed it.

We moved over to what I think was Princess Celestia’s study, along the way there I tried to read her face to get any hints of what was to come. There was a sense of quiet determination behind the scowl on her face, maybe I offended her somehow. But even if that wasn’t the case, I decided to have her arrested regardless of what she was going to say.

Once we were out of earshot of everyone and the doors were closed, the Mayor said to me, “Cozy, I think you need to step down.”

“Me? Step down?” I asked innocently. “But what for? I’m doing my best for Equestria.”

“Are you?” Mayor Mare raised an eyebrow. “You know, I have seen you a few times before. Just a filly that was learning at the School of Friendship as I recalled. And now here you are being the leading voice for an entire country.”

“Yeah? So?”

“That is what concerns me. Be honest with me, Cozy, had you ever taken any sort of leadership role at all before all this?”

“Well… no.”

“Have you ever tried to compromise with anyone before?”


“Are you aware of how to balance-”

“You know if I didn’t know any better,” I narrowed my gaze at her, “I would say that you’re sounding like a doubter.”

“All I’m saying is that I find it dangerous – very dangerous to have a child run a country that never had any experience or knowledge.”

“But I’m very smart for my age.”

“Intelligence has nothing to do with it.” She frowned, “I had been a mayor of Ponyville for many, many years. In all that time I’ve learned that it isn’t about having resources or exercising whatever power you may have – it’s about how to use it in service of others.”

“But isn’t that what I’m doing?”

She shook her head, “Young lady, I don’t think you have a clue what you’re doing, nor what you’re getting yourself into.”

That was suspicious, “What does that mean?”

After a long pause, Mayor Mare sat on her hunches, “Tell me Cozy, have you ever heard of Damocles?”


“I thought so,” she nodded. “Before I became mayor, there was a story that I have never forgotten. One that taught me a lot about how much responsibility there is when someone – anyone – has any power.

“The story went like this: A long time ago, back when the Pegasi had an Empire, there was one Emperor… Denoises II, I believe, who back then was the most powerful pony in the world. Although he was very powerful and wealthy, having armies to threaten his enemies, luxury to wow his guests, and all the uh… companionship of the most beautiful mares in the world, the emperor was constantly anxious. Nothing it seemed could change the grim look on his face.

“One day, a friend of the emperor, named Damocles, went up to him saying that he didn’t understand why he was so miserable all the time. To him, it didn’t make sense at all when, by all accounts, Denoises should be the happiest stallion in the world. The emperor grew impatient with Damocles who went on and on about oh-how-wonderful his life is since he has everything that anypony could only dream about. After all, he had mares, wealth, and an army; no luxury was out of his reach he would say. But the emperor, feeling irritated by Damocles’ arrogance, decided to teach him a lesson.

“He declared that they would switch places for a whole day. Damocles would be acting emperor while he takes the day off. His friend was excited at first, as he was convinced that this would be the happiest day of his life. However, Denoises did add two important conditions. The first is that his friend must remain seated on the throne for the whole day. And the second, right over his head would be a sword that dangled over by a single thread of hair.

“Throughout the day, Damocles was served a huge feast that served the most expensive and luxurious foods and drinks the empire could offer. But he didn’t touch the food, as he was too preoccupied with the sword over his head. Gorgeous mares from faraway lands danced in front of him, but he paid no attention to anyone, except for the sword. At one point a breeze blew through the palace and Damocles was terrified because he thought for sure that the sword would fall. But as much as he tried to get up from the throne, there were plenty of advisors and guards to keep him there. Although he was surrounded by the pleasantries and extravagance of royalty, all Damocles could think about throughout the entire day – was the sword.

“The next day, Denoises returned to reclaim his throne and Damocles was never happier to see him. He tossed himself at his hooves, hugging and kissing them to tell him that he never missed his friend so much. When asked how his day was, Damocles told him it was the worst experience of his entire life. That heavy-looking sword that dangled over him was driving him crazy.

“The emperor explained to him that whenever a new leader comes to power, an invisible sword is placed over his head that might fall at any time. Power brings countless enemies. Rival kingdoms may crave your land, no matter how good your army might be. Thieves and criminals would desire your wealth. And even those you trust to help rule with you may – at any moment – desire to plot against you and take your place. As many ponies would want your power, they never understand the true weight of the crown unless it’s put on their heads.”

I yawned, “That’s a neat little story, but what does that have anything to do with me?”

“The point is that no matter what kind of power you have – or how you got it – there is always a price you’ll have to pay. You may think that you’re untouchable or about to become it, but when the day comes that you die or be overthrown, history will see you for what you really are. Your actions and your endorsements of laws that will serve to hurt than protect will speak much louder than any speech you’ll give. But at this point, there is a way out for you.”

I glared at her, “Don’t you dare say it.”

She glared back. “Resign. Step down while you still can. You should walk away from something you have no idea how to handle than continue to make it much worse. You may think that having all this power will protect you like a suit of armor, but I can see that you’re not up to taking the responsibility that comes with it. And ponies are getting hurt out there, if you really want Equestria to survive in some form, you, little missy, need to step away.”

What an idiot.

One shouting for the guards later, they came in and I told them to arrest Mayor Mare for being a doubter.

I did ask her if there was anything else she would like to say before they take her away to prison.

“I pity you,” she shook her head, “because I can see what you are – a scared little filly that bullies her way to get what she wants. When you’re dead and buried, I don’t think there’ll be anyone to mourn for you.”

“Not without a cult of personality I wouldn’t be,” I said back to her before ordering the guards to take her away.

With Mayor Mare out of the way, things went well… for about a few weeks.

In Canterlot, day by day, the price of food had risen. One day it could be twelve bits for a loaf of bread, the next it was twenty-four, then forty-eight the next. There was no end in sight to the ever-increasing food prices, and one meeting started with the mob coming in demanding for lowering the cost of food.

They came in, bursting through the doors with signs. Saying they were angry that hardly anyone could eat because only the wealthiest ponies could afford anything in the markets. What they wanted was very clear, make food cheaper.

Among the shouting, Braeburn got up and gave a loud whistle to get their attention. “Would y’all be quiet fer one second?!”

“But we’re starving!” Someone shouted, “My family hasn’t eaten in days!”

“Ya don’t think Ah’m not aware of that?” Braeburn questioned, “Look, Ah’m with ya folks. Ah would love ta have farmers grow enough fer us. Ah would love ta have the price fer an apple ta get back ta normal. Ah would love it to not have the price double every day. But… have any of y’all ever asked why it’s like this?”

Oh, this ought to be good.

“The fact is, we can’t. And do ya know why we can’t?” He pointed at a window, “Ah don’t know if ya noticed, but there’s hardly any sun out. And crops need sunlight ta grow. We’re lucky ta get anything at all! But from what Ah’ve been gettin’, the trees down there are dyin’. Farms everywhere are dyin’. They’re barely makin’ enough ta even feed themselves. That’s why everythin’ is so high, not because they’re hoardin’ food, but there’s hardly any ta go around.”

I cleared my throat, “Now, now, Braeburn. Maybe we could just have everyone get a ration so that way, nopony goes hungry.”

He shook his head, “That ain’t gonna happen.”

“Why not?”

“Ah’ve already said, there’s hardly any ta go around. That’s the truth of things. Even if everyone gets a ration, the food supply isn’t gonna last very long. Maybe by another month or so until we completely run out.”

“I bet he’s lying!” Someone from the mob shouted, “I’d bet those mud ponies are hoarding all the food!”

“Excuse you?” Braeburn turned to them, defensively.

“How do we know there is a shortage and not just mud ponies being selfish?”

“Why you little-”

“Hey! Hey!” I got up from the throne. “Let’s not turn this into a fight. There must be some way we can solve this.”

“Oh yeah?” Someone else in the crowd questioned, “Like what?”

“Well…” I paused because I began to form a thought. In any circumstances, no one, not even this mob would ever agree to this idea. But when that said mob is starving… “Maybe we should get… practical.”

This got everyone’s attention.

“Practical?” Braeburn raised an eyebrow, “How?”

“Well think about it, you said so yourself, there’s barely enough to go around. Even if the food was rationed. But maybe… we can increase that food supply a good deal.”

“What are ya suggestin’?”

“Nothing much… just… maybe those who have been arrested shouldn’t be fed. Maybe we’re getting too many doubters in prison already so… There’s no need to take care of them too if they were… you know…” I gestured my hoof across my neck.

“You’re not askin’… executions, right?”

“Me asking? Oh no, I don’t wanna force anyone to make a law where if anyone is found a doubter, they should die. Perhaps, even the most minor of things should have the death penalty too. That way, the prisons aren’t full and there would be more food.”

“We should!” Someone called out. “Death to the Doubters!”

“They shouldn’t be eating all the food anyway!”

“They’re only criminals!”

Voice upon voice expressed the same thing. And the best part is I didn’t have to do a thing.

I held up a hoof to get their attention, “I mean… only if you really want to, we could have a law where anyone breaking the rules should be put to death. Is everyone okay with that?”

There was a roaring approval from the mob.

The council, including an intimidated Braeburn, voted for the new law.

Out on the front steps of the palace for all to see, an execution platform was put together. Something that would be quick but should be painless to those who were about to die. It didn’t take long for anyone to get the brilliant idea of dragging out a guillotine from the world history museum and having it put to use for the first time since the Prench Revolution.

In no time at all, the public saw beheadings on an industrial scale. Every couple of minutes the heavy blade would rise, somepony’s head would be put through the hole, and the blade would come down. Leather, rinse, repeat. While the public was horrified at first that they saw the actual deaths of ponies, it did help the price of food go down a bit.

At least… for a while. Even when one prison was emptied, it was filled up again when food got more limited and there would be a riot at the market. Groceries and bakeries were raided, and the royal guard did their best to arrest them before immediately being taken to be beheaded. This would happen every other day to the point where I had to put in a new law where even the tiniest offense was worthy of death. And while it did work for a few days, the executions would ramp up once again.

Then one day would come the straw that broke Equestria’s back.

“We’ve got a problem.” Fancy Pants said, “A huge problem.”

“Don’t we always?” I carelessly asked.

Fancy’s gaze harden but didn’t respond right away. Instead, he held up a scroll. “I have here an official decoration of war.”

That I didn’t expect, “War? What are you talking about?”

“It says that since Equestria is severally weakened and has caused tremendous harm throughout the world in general, every nation with an army is now united against us and has begun to invade our borders.”

There was panic from the mob, “As in, right now?”

“I’m afraid so.” He nodded, “Braeburn, I’m afraid that I just got word that as of this moment, Appaloosa is under siege. That goes the same for Manehattan, Fillydelphia, Rainbow Falls, Vanhoover, Applewood, and Horseshoe Bay.”

“W-Well we should put an army together!” I suggested.

And where I would expect approval, everyone there, including the mob, looked at me coldly.

“What army?” Fancy questioned. “We barely have enough ponies to fight. Meanwhile, anyone that could is already fighting to protect their hometowns.”

“But we have to do this together!” I insisted, “We have to unite and-”

Braeburn’s hooves slammed on the table, “Oh give it a rest, will ya! Wake up! We’re not even functioning anymore! We can’t live like this anymore!”

“We need to stay togeth-”

Oh, shut up!” Fancy angrily shouted at me. “This has gone too far! Everything has gone from bad to worse to downright horrendous ever since you got here!”

The mob agreed with him.

I looked around nervously, “Now c’mon Fancy, you’re starting to sound like a Dou-”

He slapped me.


Hard enough to knock me to the floor.

And in my shock, the mob cheered!

What was going on!?

“What do you think you’re doing?!” A demanded. “Somepony arrest him!”

No one did. If anything, whatever remained of the council got up, and the mob took a step forward.

“You’re not foolin’ anyone, anymore.” Braeburn narrowed his gaze.

“No…” I quickly got up, “Stay back!”

“I have a suggestion,” Fancy said to the mob, “I’d say we send her to the guillotine. All in favor?”

There was a roaring approval from everyone.

“Get her!”

In a frenzied rush, I galloped as fast as my hooves would let me. I need to hide! I need to get out of here! Running out into the palace halls with an angry mob at my tail, I rushed over to the palace library, locked the door, and prayed that they would go away.

Get that podium!” Someone shouted from behind the door.

I quickly realized what they were going to do! They were going to ram the door open and get me! In a panic, I grabbed whatever furniture I could move and pushed it in front of the door. But it wasn’t long before I heard the thunderous Bang! Bang! Bang! With every hit, the door was splintering. It was a race of trying to slow them down and them trying to get me.

Go away!” I screamed but the murderous banging ignored me. When a wooden panel was sent flying to where I could see the raging mob trying to grab me, I was tearing up. “Stop it!

I looked around the library. The windows were too small and there was no other door. I was trapped! They’re going to come in and cut off my head! Everything is collapsing all around me and I can’t get out!

Then suddenly, the door shattered open, and I shut my eyes screaming as the mob was rushing in and…


My heart was in my mouth, and I was hyperventilating, but nothing happened.

Everything was quiet.

I wiped the tears from my eyes to see that the furious mob had frozen into place.

“No luck again,” I turned around and got the biggest shock of my life.

Twilight… Princess Twilight was there. I don’t know how, but there she was! She may be taller than I remember but it was her! She looked down at me, shaking her head, disappointed.

“H-How are you here?” I was purely surprised.

“You failed… again.” Twilight frowned.

“What are you talking about?” I asked getting back up, “What’s going on?”

“Your test, Cozy, you failed your test again.”

I blinked, “Test?”

“Yes,” She nodded, “All of this was a test.”

“You mean… none of this was real? And what test?”

She let out a heavy sigh, “I wanted to see if this year, you, Chrysalis, and Terek were ready for parole. I wanted to see if any of you had changed enough to maybe - maybe - be let out of your stone prison.”

Stone prison… Chrysalis… Terek…

“N-No! You’re lying!”

“Am I?” She craned her neck down, “Tell me, what was the first thing you remember?”

“Easy, me coming to Canterlot and taking over.”

“And before that?”

“I was…” I blinked. Strange, I remember coming to Canterlot but… not getting here. I knew that I had won but… why can’t I remember doing it?

“All this is a dream of sorts,” Twilight explained. “It’s a simulation to see if any of you might have changed enough to be let out. Only…” She shook her head, “all of you have failed miserably.”

“Wait! Wait! I didn’t know this was a test! How could I have passed if-”

“You were given multiple times to step down.” She interrupted, “You could have passed the test any time. All you had to do was to let go of you being the leader of Equestria. That was it. You were told several times that you should step away. You were given several reasons why you should. But did you actually listen to anyone? No. You wanted conquest but never thought about concurring the hearts of others. You wanted unity but never tolerated anyone that disagreed with you. You wanted all the power in the world, but you didn't want to deal with the responsibility that comes with it. Even when ponies have turned on you, you still wouldn’t offer to let go of having power. You had to hold onto it, even when the world is collapsing all around you. But because you couldn’t let go, you failed the test. Again.”

“Again?” I asked but she turned around, a door that wasn’t there before appeared, and she used her magic to open it. “Wait, what do you mean again!?”

She gave me a grim look, “I hope you do better next year.” And walked through.

“Next year!? Wait, how long have I-”

The door was closed.

In the Royal Canterlot Gardens, Twilight looked up at the statue of Chrysalis, Terek, and Cozy Glow, shaking her head. For several minutes, she gazed at the three of them in silence until she heard footsteps approaching her. She didn’t have to turn around to know who it was.

“No one passed again?” Spike asked.

Twilight shook her head. “Same as last year… and the year before that.”

Her number one assistant and advisor walked up, stopping next to her to look up at the three of them, folding his arms. “I wonder why you still do this every year. They don’t want to change.”

“Call it naivety, but I still think that they’re still capable of becoming better.” She looked over at Spike, “This year I hoped that at least one of them would break the cycle.”

“Of what if they did get what they want?”

She nodded, “I wanted them to see that there are more wonderful things in life than just having power. That even if they did get it, even if they got total control, there is a heavy price to pay. I have faith that maybe, one day they will learn it.”

“It’s been over a hundred years since they’ve been imprisoned,” Spike pointed out. “How much longer do you want to keep doing this?”

“Until they learn…” Twilight got up and began to walk away, “Until they learn…”

A wise stallion once said, “Nearly all ponies can stand hardship, but if you want to test their character, give them power.” Cozy Glow, a filly who hungered for all the power in the world at any cost, has once again failed to learn there are responsibilities in having it. Of course, our forever young tyrant will get another chance at redemption – if she could let go of her prize… from The Twilight Zone.

Comments ( 11 )

Just reading the description but I'm old enough to remember watching The Twilight Zone on TV.

"It's A Good Life" (Jerome Bixby) S3 E8.

Yes, everything is all under my control.

The reason she never learns is that everything is looped over and over. Twilight is not even trying another way to make her understand, just using the same lesson, til the end of time. And the worst part is Cozy does not even remember it. Every living being learn from mistakes, and she cannot learn anything if Twi keeps erasing her mind

It's insanity to do the same thing over and over, expecting the results to change. If you want a different outcome, you need to modify conditions of experiment.

One would think that Twilight would know this as somepony with passion for science.


If I change how the very beginning and end start, would either of you be satisfied?

And if so, how?

don't need to change anything my friend, this is just my opinion
don't let a crtitize comment afect your story (unless its a Multi-chapter story)

Believe it or not, I’m not against changing it, just so long as there is there a good reason behind it and, more importantly, how to do it.

I'm only criticizing Twilight's in-story actions, not you for writing her doing those actions. Sorry for not being clear on that.

Comment posted by BigD deleted Oct 28th, 2022

Hmm, no mirror, but I can see some of the nods to that episode.

And for better or worse, Twilight's showing them more mercy than I would

Oooh, I liked the twist at the end. Rod Serling would be impressed indeed.derpicdn.net/img/view/2014/8/2/689199.png

(Also, appropriate related song.)

That was a interesting story.

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