• Published 30th Dec 2022
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Changing Our Destinies - silent_user

Twilight managed to see glimpses of her future during her entrance exam. But instead of becoming Celestia’s protege, she steps off the path laid out for her and chooses to take matters into her own hooves. After all, Celestia won’t mind, right?

  • ...

Chapter 16 - Elements of Harmony?

“Dashie… I-I want to go home…." Twilight was shaking in confusion. Everything felt surreal.

There is no home anymore.

“I want to go back to my parents… I want to go back to my brother…." She didn’t even have a chance to contact them while they were in Canterlot.

They are dead.

I know they are dead. We killed them just like we killed mine, and I must tell you they are dead so that you finally stop contemplating going back…

T-This isn’t what you need to hear right now, though. I-I don’t want to see you cry.

“Shh, it’s ok, Twi. I am here for you. Trust me, your parents aren’t mad at you for leaving. They wouldn’t want you to put yourself in danger. Please believe me when I say they are happy knowing you are safe,” Rainbow tried to cheer her up.

“I-I don’t know where we are…

“I don’t know when we are…

“I don’t know who we are…,” Twilight mumbled.

“…Is this real? Are we real? Am I dreaming? Is this your doing, Luna?”

Seeing Twilight like this was introducing Rainbow to a whole new world of pain. The purple filly was behaving like a helpless foal, barely able to keep up with the rest of the group.

At least they won’t hear us, thanks to the distance between us.

“I am real, Twi. This is real. You are not dreaming,” Rainbow assured her.

“I don’t know what’s happening, Dashie… It’s all becoming so mushy.” She could feel Twilight patting her down as if the alicorn was trying to determine if she really was not just an illusion.

This is bad…

This is really, really bad.

“It’s the fake future. It’s trying to become real. You need to let go… and if you forget what has happened as a result, then you forget it. We will be able to succeed without your knowledge. I promise, Twi. I promise.” Yet Rainbow had a feeling that it wouldn’t be that easy.

Whatever it was that has taken over you… it did this.

It brought us together… only to suffer?

“Dashie… Hold me, please,” Twilight begged her.

“I will, Twi… I will.” Rainbow wrapped her wing around her, making sure to envelop Spike as well.

What are we doing to you, Spike? There is no way this won't affect you negatively.

"Our love was never meant to be- "

Not this again.

"So what? We didn't fall in love, and the future sucked," Rainbow quickly shot her down.

"You were- "

"I doubt it. You didn't describe a me that would have been happy." She had tried to avoid thinking too much about it, too much, but it was clear. "Twi… joining the military? I… I simply don't want that, and I fear the events that led to me changing my mind. Future me must have become part of this terrible system… I doubt she could have been happy. I certainly wouldn't be."

Horns and wings.

Both received her attention.

Carefully she caressed the purple wings while she gave Twilight a kiss on her horn.

"Oooh, Dashie," the filly moaned, shivering.

That was a bit weird…

Then again, weird has become the new normal.

"Twi… I hate those in power." The alicorn's face fell. The attention to her horn hadn't been given for the reasons she thought.

"I hated the princess even before I met her for creating this stupid society… this stupid country that made me so unhappy." Rainbow kicked a rock in front of her.

"I hated my teachers for always disparaging me." Another rock was kicked with even more energy.

"I hated the nobility for having it better than me…." This time Twilight looked hurt.

Only now did she realize that Rainbow was talking about her.

She was part of the nobility as well as those in power.

Yet no rock was kicked this time. Instead, Rainbow returned to working on her wings. "I hated them all until a stupid purple filly came and wormed her way into my heart, hiding that she had more power than all of them combined…."

Because you may have tried to deny it, but deep down, you already knew that it was all wrong.

Why else did you hide it?

Twilight's heart was melting, yet the blue filly wasn't finished. "And now I will never be able to hate her.

"Now, she will forever be the only one in power I don't hate.

"I love you, princess." Rainbow gave her another deep kiss on her horn.

"Dashie! I love you, too!" For a moment, Twilight jerked before all her energy left her, causing her to fully lean onto her fillyfriend.

That horn of yours seems to be-

Wait! Are you feeling the same thing with your horn, we feel with our wings!

Embarrassment washed over her.

But only for a moment.

Meh. Who cares? You are happy, and I am happy. That's all that matters.

"You don't need to hate them anymore… all that power is yours to take," Twilight whispered into her ear. "You can crush them with one word."

Y-You… If I was part of the system, then how was our relationship really? Even if I became part of the system… What if I still hated those in power?

You held power…

Did I deceive you?

I need to know more about our initial meeting.

Kicking Twilight into that puddle had suddenly become far more sinister in her mind.

"You know what, Dashie? The more I see, the more I think you are right." There was no doubt that this Rainbow seemed livelier. "You are nothing like her… There are so many things I see differently than future me."

And if I deceived you… what would be the implications? Would you hate me for future me doing so?

After all, you only started to look for me… because of that fake love?

Wouldn't it mean that all this is built on lies?

"Dashie… you are better than her. I don't want you to become her." Twilight spoke as if she knew what Rainbow was thinking. "I love you, not her."

I love you too.

The real you.

Just like you have fallen for the real me.

"Twi… I know you have a lot on your plate, but…" She didn't want to burden her fillyfriend with this. However, she was also afraid of what would happen if they ignored it for too long. "We need to talk about what happened before you teleported us here."

“Right. Did I really bring us here?” Twilight looked around once more. “Are we going to visit Pinkie?”

Who the buck is Pinkie?

“The last thing I remember was trying to convince Celestia to act more in line with the virtues she always propagates…” the alicorn recalled. “They do seem to be the same as the Elements of Harmony now that I think about it. Funny how she knows them yet ignores them… you know, like ordering the death of two bearers."

"Yes, that happened," Rainbow confirmed. "However, suddenly something took over you. It claimed that it did you a favour by giving you these visions. Actually, it referred to itself in the plural form.”

“The elements…” Twilight realized what had happened.

"I assume those were the powerful artefacts we were meant to wield?" Rainbow inquired.

Funny. Now they wield us instead.

“Yes.” Suddenly it all made sense. “So, they brought us here in an attempt to safe us.”

If only it was that simple.

“Twi, they were really unhappy with Princess Celestia. They argued with her… they threatened her-“

“Honestly, that shouldn’t be surprising after what we learned.” Twilight shrugged. “Do they want us to turn against her?”

In a weird way, the princess was right… They are putting us on that path.

“I don’t know. I think they are still hoping that she realizes the error of her ways.” Although she severely doubted it would happen. “Twi… they also claimed that in the future she introduced you to dark magic, which would have killed you slowly from the inside… and she herself is already under its influ-“

“So that’s how it is, huh? Our benevolent princess is secretly breaking every single one of her own rules! I can’t believe she would knowingly ignore the dangers of dark magic! I can’t believe she would expose me to it! What a massive b-“

They are still affecting you. It’s not like you to talk about the princess like that.

“Calm down, Twi," Rainbow interrupted, not wanting to get the attention of the other fillies. “At least now we know what we are up against and what to look out for. Wasn’t dark magic part of your vision?”

"Maybe… Dark magic, in its beginning stages, affects you without you realizing it. And when you do realize it's already too late. That's part of why it is so dangerous… maybe it did affect me. Sometimes my decisions seemed weird." It was the last straw. Any illusions, as well as any goodwill she had left for Celestia, were gone.

Hearing that she was playing with dark magic like that, infecting her with it, was just too much.

Oh, Twi… You really believed in her…

If only you had been right… maybe, then we could lie together in the grass instead of walking around in this wasteland.

“Twi… what scares me is that they threatened you as well.” Rainbow received a look of bewilderment.

“T-They… But why! I am a bearer! They should-”

“They said that if you fall, they will find other ones… and that they would then restore harmony without you, just like they would without Celestia.” She had avoided saying it out loud, but it was clear what the elements had meant.

They will kill you.

“I understand… it would be better that way-”


“How did the elements react to you turning evil?” The blue filly had wanted to scream yet managed not to do so at the last moment.

“I don’t know. I can’t remember them doing anything at all about it.” But that didn’t seem like something the elements would do. “Maybe they did, and I just can't recall it right now?"

Rainbow wasn’t convinced. "Twi, what if the elements are our enemy?"

Just like everypony, apparently.

“I doubt it. You said that they would only act if I do indeed turn evil,” Twilight pushed back. She may not have been able to remember much. However, from what she did remember, the elements didn't seem like a malevolent force.

Can you even go against them? They are in your brain.

What if we are playing right into their cards?

Would that mean that they engineered our love for their benefit?

“A force that will put us down if we step out of line. Sounds like an enemy to me,” Rainbow argued.

Like I care if you fall. Like I wouldn’t jump after you.

“Dashie… they will put me down, not us… and yes, if you put it that way, then it does sound bad,” the purple alicorn admitted.

If they kill you, they will kill us all.


“Dashie, we are lucky that I think our goals align with the elements-”

“But what if you fall! What then!" It was a scenario they couldn’t rule out, no matter how much she wanted to.

“Would you even want me-”

“Yes!” Rainbow replied instantly.

To her infuriation, Twilight seemed surprised. “… you sure? I wouldn’t want you to suffer with-”

“If you turn evil, I will follow! Better evil together than good alone!”

Together forever…

That’s what love is about, Twi…

“But you could try to-”

“I don’t want to fight you! No version of you for any reason! Don’t pretend like you would behave any different!” She felt weak for admitting it, especially since Twilight apparently believed she would be stronger. Yet that was simply the way such a scenario would play out. She had no doubt about it.

“Dashie… I will always be there for you… I will do what you want… but if you fall, I will try to catch you.”

I get it. You are stronger than I am.

I am just… me.

Why do you even love me? A pony so weak…

“Do you… want me to go against the elements?” The young alicorn asked.

“No! I want you to do what’s best for you!” If only they knew what that was.

But they didn’t. “I… will have to think about it.”

“Please do, Twi. Please do.”


"I would like to apologize for Twilight's behaviour. She isn't usually like this."

“There is nothing to apologize for. Everything she said was the truth.

“Despite, I was the one who started the fight, unable to control my emotions, ignoring the help of the hivemind… waking up, finally facing everything that happened thanks to her was just too much.” In a few hours, she had lost everything.

The question was, who was to blame?

“So, you really wanted to replace Rainbow?” Fluttershy tried her best not to judge the troubled mare.

“What I wanted doesn’t matter. We were going to do it,” Isabella argued.

Of course, it matters what you want!

She could sense Fluttershy’s dissatisfaction with her answer. “If you need to know, I was against it. What she has done is unforgivable, but so would have been replacing her.”

“See! There is no reason to take the blame then!” the yellow pegasus tried to convince her.

“You wouldn’t understand it…."

Isabella was right. She didn’t. “Why even consider replacing Rainbow?”

What could she have done to deserve being murdered?

“She was a threat to us. She sabotaged our plans. She is manipulating Twilight against us, even if she isn’t doing it with the purpose of hurting us, but to protect her.” Love. Ponies who felt it always were complicated.

Despite sensing emotions, they always had trouble reading those feeling the most valuable one.


“I don’t want to talk about it anymore, ok? What’s done is done.” And nothing could ever enable them to take it back.

But you can try to make up for it.

Normally she would have honoured the request, yet she needed to know more. “If you don't mind me asking, are you angry at Twilight?”

It wouldn’t be surprising after what she did to you.

“No. Twilight was and still is willing to fight for us. Like I said, it's us who are in the wrong, and we are lucky that she is still willing to stay by our side, regardless.” What a stupid plan it turned out to be, yet they were the hive. They always stood by their decisions as one.

Or did they?

It was time to stop cornering the poor mare about these things that were clearly causing pain for her. “Umm. This might sound weird, but may I ask… What species do you belong to? Or who you are, for that matter? You are female, right? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to!”

Maybe I should have asked these things first?

“You don’t care?” came the unexpected response.

“Excuse me?” Fluttershy didn’t understand what she meant by that.

“You don’t care that I look like a bug?” Isabella clarified.

“No? Why?” Instinctively she glanced over to Applejack and Rarity.

Scratch that. I know why you are asking.

“Twilight and Rainbow did when they first saw us," the changeling stated matter-of-factly.

Oh, Rainbow… You were always such a hothead. I hope you didn't hurt her.

“I am sure they were just surprised.” Fluttershy tried to play down whatever had transpired.

“They were. We are not holding it against them. But why aren’t you surprised? Your two friends over there are clearly holding apprehension for me. I can taste it.” She didn’t need to look to see who Isabella was pointing at.

“Well… I just don’t care? Why should it matter?” she reasoned.

“It… I guess it shouldn’t… I need to be alone for a moment. I need to think.” Once again, without waiting for an answer, the changeling sped up even more, increasing the distance between them.


“What are we going to do now?”

“We will do what the princess tells us to do,” Rarity mumbled.

As if. I am not a slave.

“Which one?” Applejack asked.

It was a good question. One Rarity didn’t have a definitive answer to. “I… the one that has the upper hoof at the time?”

“Which one is that right now?” To that, the earth pony already knew the response. There was only one princess breathing down their necks at the moment.

“Twilight,” Rarity answered dejectedly.

She is exactly like I imagined a princess to be.

Absolutely arrogant and obnoxious

“You think Celestia wants us dead?” Compared to the purple filly, the older alicorn looked kind of nice.

But now it seems even she didn’t stick to her promise... without me and no support from her, we won't keep the farm anyway, so what would be the point in playing nice with her daughter?

“I… it’s possible. Do you remember how the guards looked at us?” Rarity recalled their weird expressions before Twilight teleported them away.

They did seem pained.

“Maybe they wanted to separate us, killing us one by one?” The white unicorn suggested.

“Let’s assume Celestia wants us dead. You think Twilight is any different?” To Applejack, it was the biggest thing they had to worry about right now.

“Applejack… we must listen to her. We-“

“Why? Because she will buck us up if we don’t?” The display of the young alicorn was still fresh in their mind.

“Partly, yes,” Rarity admitted. “The other reason is that only a princess can protect us from another princess.”

That is true, I guess.

"Also, consider that it is our duty-"

Applejack didn't need to hear again what she had already been told hundreds of times. “So, we will just go with her and see what happens?” Anger rose up within her. Anger at being forced to do something she didn’t want to do.

Her new acquaintance just nodded. “That would be best.”

You are nice, but in the end, you are just a unicorn.

And if there was one thing she knew, it was that unicorns weren't their friends.

Or were they?

Trying to determine the answer, she phrased her next question as carefully as she could. “Do we… actually support her in whatever she wants?”

“We should.” Rarity hummed.

What kind of response is that!

“We should or we will?” Applejack pressed on, a bit less careful than before.

This time her implications weren’t lost to the white filly. “Applejack... we must! And I certainly will!”

I won't.


"So… did anyone else enter besides Dandelion?”

"Nope. It's just us three." Sprint replied. His eyes wandered towards the empty street. “You know… why don’t you just go home, Scribbling? There is no point in you two working alone. Should anyone else come, I will inform them that you are closed today.”

“That’s very kind of you, but it's ok. Somepony should be here if something comes up… I fear how many foals will need our help soon.” Up until now, they hadn't received a single request for help from the guard.

Which means we will receive them all at once.

“We can’t let them down.” Yet he felt like they already did. “Why are you here, though? I mean… it's nice that you came, but it's not like we need security. Nothing against you. However, I never understood why they assigned you here.”

“I need to be here,” Sprint insisted. “They fear that government buildings might become targets of subversive individuals. If I didn’t come, they would have me brought before a military court. Not to mention that you might be at risk.”

“It’s that bad?” He could barely believe the implications his friend had made.

Surely nopony would let their anger out on us of all agencies!

“You have no idea.” Sprint clutched his weapons as tightly as he could.

They always shielded us from these kinds of things… and now they are happening right before our eyes…

Will things ever return to normal?

“Hey… could you lock up and come with me for a moment? I think we should check up on-“

“Summer! Why! Just why would you do it! Why didn’t you trust me! Tell me why, Summer!”


The pained screams caused them to rush towards her.

As a trained soldier, Sprint reached the office first. Yet the moment the earth pony entered, he was catapulted out of the room thanks to the mare that had jumped him.

Dear Celestia!

“Dandelion, what are you doing! You can’t attack a-“

“You have taken her away from me! You did it again! I won’t allow it to happen a third time!” She tried punching Sprint while also trying to wrangle his weapon out of his holster. A futile attempt that only wasn’t thwarted immediately since Sprint didn’t want to hurt her.

That was as long as she didn’t get his weapon.

If she accomplished that, one of them wouldn’t be able to go home today.

You will get yourself killed!

Scribbling kicked her off his friend before Sprint would be forced to do something he was bound to regret.

“We can’t let them get away with this! We need to stop this madness! Playing by her rules won’t protect us! It will only delay the inevitable!” She had picked herself up in record time, ready to charge again. "He is on her side! Today, he came for them! Tomorrow he will come for us!"

…That's right. For all I know, he was part of-

“You think I wanted this to happen! Do you have any idea what would have happened to me if I refused! I didn’t sign up with the intention of killing unarmed civilians! I can still see their faces!” He halted for a moment. “…I don’t think I will ever forget them.”

No! No! No! What are we doing!

“Have you lost your minds! You can't say these things!” Scribbling looked up and down the hallways, checking if they were still alone. “They will come for us as well,” he added as quietly as he could.

“Dandelion… I am not your enemy. Nopony has seen what happened here. Don’t force me to do something neither of us want.” Sprint slowly closed the distance between them.

I have seen what happened…

And protocol stated that he would have to inform his superiors about this.

I would have… Until yesterday I would have…

Until yesterday I didn't think that reporting you would have been your death sentence.

Scribbling, too, approached her.

“After they took Acacia, I quickly learned to be careful,” Dandelion wept. “I never figured out what they did to her! I tried and tried, yet everything was a dead end!” In fact, she had never stopped trying. It was one of the main reasons she joined the EFPS. Hope that since Acacia had been taken out of one of their orphanages, they would have records of what happened to her.

Yet they didn’t.

You! It was you that made those inquiries! You send the ESS on our tails! They were looking for you!

“I even tried signing up for the ESS and EBI, yet they wouldn't accept me, as did all other security agencies! So…, I ended up here.” Scribbling was having trouble piecing the story together while Sprint motioned for the mare to stop self-incriminating.

If you tried looking for her before, they must have known your real intentions… but then why didn't they take you, making this big investigation instead?

However, Dandelion wouldn't stop. After all those years, she could no longer keep it all to herself. The burden was just too big, and there was no other pony anymore that would have been able to help. "I just didn’t want it to happen again! It took me so long to find another pony that I could open up to like I could open up to her! We were young, but we were destined to be best friends for life!"

I… never thought that you had it that bad…

You always walked around with a smile, not showing any signs of the pain you must have been feeling.

Since she didn’t pick up on his motions, Sprint tried to speak up. “I must strongly recommend-“

“But it was all for nought! My attempts to protect us only resulted in her mistrusting me! Why else wouldn’t she have told me about starting a fight with the ESS!” That was the worst part. Knowing that Sumer didn’t trust her. That she didn’t ask for her opinion. That she didn’t ask for her help.

Now the ESS had received her complaint, and they had acted on it.

She did what! Did she have a death wish!

“Maybe she wanted to tell you but wasn’t able to in time?” Sprint suggested.

“No… I messed up. I destroyed everything for nothing." The story was finished. The only thing left for her to do was to cry her eyes out, hoping that somehow it would fix what couldn't be fixed. "At l-least, she d-died happy doing what she l-loved most,” she managed to choke out between sobs. “I-If o-only I could h-have been that s-strong as well.”

The three ponies remained in the hallway for what felt like an eternity, two of them unsure how they would continue from here.

One of them, however, did know.

Like she had told them, a pony she had considered to be a lifelong friend had been taken away from her again.

There would be no third time.

This time there would be revenge.


A golden shield had protected the young bat pony from the barrage of spells that had been hurled at her.

“You are not to use lethal force without my authorization! Don't you know what arrest means! Get out, you morons!” Magic hurled her guards out of her throne room. “We will talk about this!”

You saved her…

You didn’t have me kill her…

I knew you had a heart, no matter what they always muttered behind your back.

“What have you done to her!” Amaya glared at Celestia.

Don’t do something stupid!

Don’t be like me!

“Watch your mouth! She just killed five of my guards! They probably had family, you know!”

Amaya shrunk back.

“What's your name! What are you doing here! Now, wait, don't answer! Candy!” Princess Celestia glared at the unicorn.

“Her name is Amaya. I brought her here for… intelligence gathering.” She tried to fight the spell controlling her.

Yet, Celestia had noticed the pause.

“Don’t hide information from me!” she demanded.


The princess felt a new wave of rage. The once so loyal Candy was now resisting her even under the influence of strong mind magic. “Tell me all the reasons why-”

Before she could finish the order, Candy answered. “Because I wanted to. Originally it was only for intelligence and pity. Then I found out she was treated like I was. I didn't want to stand for it. So, I planned to make sure to give her the treatment she deserves.

“And just like I did with my demons, I planned to kill all of hers.”

Had Candy always been like this? Celestia wondered why she never noticed if that was the case.

Now she could only hope that the spell was still strong enough to at least ensure that the unicorn was answering truthfully.

“I see… Amaya isn’t ours to keep, though,” she contemplated.

Though, the moments the words had left her mouth, Candy’s breathing became heavier, with her body beginning to twitch. “Stop fighting it. All you will accomplish is me applying an even stronger spell. That is if I don’t decide to finish you off right here.”

You had so many chances. You simply aren't going to make good on those words.

"Candy!” Celestia screamed. “Her life will depend on your actions from now on.”

The unicorn didn't stop twitching.

Magic enveloped the young bat pony, making it impossible for the filly to protest. “Any last word for Amaya?”

You wouldn’t!

At least she finally had permission to speak again. "Who cares! If you send her back, it will have the same result!”

You know I am right!

The filly was released once more. "Amaya, please leave!”

“My Princess-”

“I am not your Princess!” In one swift motion, the bat pony was thrown out of a window.

…Y-You shouldn’t have done that! Why throw her out the window!

The unicorn had stopped twitching. Staring at her with a neutral expression.

Yet Celestia could sense the horror she felt.

“Candy… this is your last chance.” Carefully the princess approached her, beginning to remove the spell that was controlling her. "I will take this spell off you, and if you attack again… then your story will end here.”

Celestia would be forced to face reality.

She had no other choice.

She needed to protect everypony. That included her guards.

Silently she prayed that it wouldn’t come to it.

“My story should have ended a long time ago," Candy said with a cocky grin.

I didn’t mean to say that out loud!

“You are right. All of them died, except for you. Only you managed to see the end of the experiment,” Celestia agreed.

…So much death… so much misery…

So many chose the easy way out…

Candy was in control again. “Celestia… All I wanted was a fair chance… why did you do this to me? I know you are kind. Why hurt me so much?”

“You don’t know me, Candy. Only the fake image they created-”

“So, you didn’t read me books when you came to oversee my progress?” the unicorn reminded her.

“I did,” the princess conceded.

“The others only lasted a few months. Instead of recruiting new ones, you wanted them to perfect their methods on me first.” Candy wandered around, checking if there were any remains of the spell on her. “That’s what they did from then on. They studied me, trying to find the best methods to create the perfect loyal soldier.”

“Correct.” Celestia tried to figure out where she was going with this.

“At first, you only visited rarely, but every time you did, you took time for me. You listened to me, you took the time to teach me a few things yourself, sparred with me, and you always read me a bedtime story.” Those visits had made it all worth it.

“Tyrants are ponies, too,” Celestia shrugged.

T-Tyrant? You aren't a tyrant!

“Each time, your visits got longer, and the time between them got shorter. You-”

“I know. I practically raised you. Yet another issue as to why-”

“You are an immortal being. You raised all of us. You saw all of us grow up,” Candy argued.

An argument that fell on deaf ears. “Not like that, though.” The princess hesitated for a second. “Candy… If I mean anything to you, you will never tell Twilight about me raising you, ok?”

Because she means more to you…

“If that’s what you want…," she managed to force herself to say.

“Look… Candy, you have to realize that I never even insinuated the possibility of a relationship between-”

Instantly her fury was back. “But I did! Again and again! How could you not see it, you blind cow!”

Why do you continue to do this to me!

“I am sure they wrote reports stating that!” she followed up.

“Bold of you to assume I read them,” Celestia admitted.

“What do you mean you didn’t read them!” Never could she have imagined that the princess was not reading them.

“Do you know how much paperwork I receive every day that I am supposed to go through in addition to all my other duties? I don’t have time for all of it. Priorities have to be set, and what doesn't have priority will collect dust until it is inevitably moved to the archives.” The days had been long gone when her government had to fear actual oversight from her directly.

You really are just a pony like me…

“I didn’t have priority…" Candy mumbled, deeply hurt.

“You did.” Celestia corrected her. “The reports about you didn’t. I didn’t care for their newest experiments on you.”

“What? You wouldn’t have been able to eat your cake if you heard about them?” The unicorn was still processing the revelation.

“You know what? Yes. I wouldn’t have been able to do that.” Princess Celestia walked back onto her throne. “Candy, let's have an honest conversation, ok? Not between princess and subject, but between you and me.” The unicorn was levitated on her lap. “Since when have I known you? Since when have you known me?”


You didn’t do that for so long…

I missed this. I missed feeling you… the attention you gave me…

Attention towards me and not towards the head of the EBI.

“I will never forget the day! They got me out of the orphanage! I was so scared and only got more frightened when they brought me into this weird facility! Then I saw you! You-”

“Six, Candy. The answer is six.” Celestia looked exasperated. “Don’t you see any issues with that?”

I understand what you are getting at, but you are creating problems where there are none.

The princess continued to reason with her. “Candy, I was actively involved in your upbringing. I personally oversaw your training. When I visited, I treated your injuries. I read books to you. We chatted…

“If anything, you should view me as a mother figure.”

You are not my mother.

Candy’s look hardened. “You were the only pony there to show me kindness. You taught me anything I know. Anything I have today, I have thanks to you. Every second I spend with you is a second I enjoy. I love you, Celestia. I yearn for us to go back to the old days. Yes, they were torture, but the torture was worth it since I got to see the real you in return.”

There was a hole in reasoning, though. “Are we glancing over the fact that I ordered them to torture you?”

We are. Everypony makes mistakes.

Mistakes you deeply regret.

“I was jealous. I, too, wanted to have subjects that were as dedicated to me as the bat ponies are to Nightmare Moon. What she did to them is way more effective than the system of nobility I stuck to. That was my pitiful reasoning for doing this to you.” How she hated herself for thinking that it was a good idea.

“We love you!” Candy insisted. “You have created a land of dreams for us! You made me the happiest pony on the planet!”

“Do you really, though? The ponies out there… the normal ponies, what do they think of me?” Instinctively she hugged Candy as tightly as she could.

Up until now, she had always been content with receiving the official surveys.

The prospect of them not being true was a fear she had always avoided facing.

They are stupid.

“They love you!” The unicorn in her wings was trying to convince her.

“All of them?" For a moment, hope filled the princess.

“Almost all of them!" And just like that, it was gone again. The truth was becoming apparent.

“What percentage are we talking about? What percentage of the population do you think approves of me? Genuinely approves of me. Pretending does not count, just as just going along doesn’t count or being indifferent.” This time Candy was forced to answer truthfully.

You don’t want me to answer that.

But Candy didn't want to crush her. So she didn't answer at all. "Since when have numbers been important!”

The words were damming. “Am I a monster, Candy?”

What has happened? First, you called yourself a tyrant, and now you're calling yourself a monster.

“Celestia… we owe everything to you! We-”

“Your name isn’t even Candy…."

Why would you say that… I love that name...

“It is! You gave it to me! You are here for me, unlike my parents! The name you gave me will forever be more valuable than my old one!” Nopony had the right to take that name away from her. Not even the one that gave it to her.

Sad and tired eyes stared at her. “Who gets to name a pony, Candy?”

You trapped me.

“A princess does!” she said with her most compelling voice, trying to convince not only Celestia but also herself.

“Really?” Celestia glared at her.

I won't take it back.

“Naming me doesn’t make you my mother!” Once again, their conversation had circled back to that point.

A point Candy quickly grew to despise.

“You taught me! Like a teacher! Ponies can fall in love with their teachers, even if it is a bit weird! I am grown up now! Nothing is stopping us! We-”

Celestia had stopped listening. “Why was I more like a mother to you than I was to my actual daughter…

“How did all of this happen…

“When did I lose control…

“I mean, that's what's going on here, right? Somehow your love got twisted because all you should really feel for me is the love one feels for their princess…." Candy didn't think it was possible, but Celestia tightened her hug again, almost threatening to crush her.

And yet you hug me like one would hug the love of their life…

And yet you are trusting me with your own magic…

And yet you are here telling me your fears…

They stayed like this for hours.

For them, however, it only felt like a brief moment.


With armour, I wouldn't be covered in cuts and bruises right now.

Amaya was looking up towards the windows she had been thrown out of.

A throw that only didn't result in serious injuries thanks to her wings.

No matter how much I despise it, flying up there again probably wouldn’t accomplish anything…

Please be ok, Candy.

“Are you all right?” a gardener asked her. “This is the first time anypony has been thrown out of there… you aren’t a criminal, are you?”

“Did I hit a nerve, terrorist?”

I probably am.

“No… But I think I angered the princess,” she admitted.

The guards that had rushed over gave her a death glare.

Ok! How about you are a bit more careful with that mouth of yours! Candy won’t be able to get you out of this one!

“You will show me and my charge the respect we deserve, or I will make you show it!”

“But the princess is probably regretting it by now. After all, I am the charge of Candy." Amaya hoped it would do the trick.

“Hmmm. That’s weird. It isn’t like Princess Celestia to go against Director Candy." The guards obviously didn't believe her, but the mere possibility was enough for them not to outright attack her. "It's best if you come with us until we have determined the situation."

It’s not like I have another choice.

Without putting up a fight, she followed them.


Twilight had asked Rainbow to stay behind with Spike.

“Twi, what if the elements are our enemy?"

They weren’t, but the bearers were.

They were my enemies… just like you were, Dashie.

A future she needed to prevent from happening.

And now we are lovers…

Now you won’t turn against me…

The only thing that remains is ensuring they won’t as well.

Finally, she had caught up with Fluttershy.

“Twilight… How are you feeling?” The yellow pegasus eyed her with an unreadable expression.

It's too early… we don't know each other enough…

But I can’t wait with this. I need to know they are on my side this time.

“Not good. Not good at all.” She needed to convince Fluttershy to side with her, yet she had just performed a bunch of stunts that would make such a scenario unlikely.

"Do you want us to take a break?" the yellow filly suggested.

I want you.

Your undying loyalty.

…Sweet Celestia, I really am thinking like a supervillain.

But in her mind, it was justified. After all, her life was at risk, but more importantly, Rainbow's and Spike's were as well. “Fluttershy… I didn’t mean to do all that. I… this wasn’t me! This wasn’t who I want to be!”

“Twilight… I am not the pony you need to apologize to. You-“

“I know! And I will talk to her after I have talked to you! But right now, you are more important!” Twilight insisted.

“Umm, ok?” The yellow filly had no idea what was happening.

“Fluttershy… All of this happened because I had a vision of the future," Twilight revealed. "You can't tell anypony about this, ok?”

“Oh my… I won’t! I promise!” Suddenly a few things she hadn’t understood became clear.

Yet a bunch of questions remained unanswered.


We are moving in the right direction.

“As you can imagine, it led to me seeking out Rainbow, something I am eternally grateful for. However, the downside is that sometimes I have these flashbacks that lead to me behaving like my future self. I… I don't want that to happen… I don't want that future to become real… It was terrible, Fluttershy! I need your help!” she pleaded.

Everything I said is real… why does it feel like I am tricking you?

“I-I will help! I didn’t know that this is why-“

“Fluttershy! You don’t understand! I became a tyrant! We were supposed to wield powerful artefacts together to protect this planet, yet we turned against each other, ruining it all!” Twilight wailed.

Ok… that wasn’t entirely true, but I don’t want to scare you away.

“We… turned against each other?” The yellow filly could barely believe she would do such a thing.

"Yes. But this time, we won't!" the young alicorn insisted. "This time, we will stick together till the end! This time we will make sure things don’t go south!” Twilight halted for a moment. “Can I count on your help, Fluttershy?”

“Of course!” Fluttershy replied immediately.

You didn’t mean it yet, but the idea is planted.

"Thanks… you are a good friend Flutters." Twilight hugged her. "I know, Dashie, and I have not treated you like you deserved, but that doesn't mean that you aren’t important to us.”

That was low.

Fluttershy hugged her back. “I-I forgive you. I know this must be hard for you. I know how much Rainbow is hurting.

“I am grateful for you being my friend.”

You shouldn’t be.

Not when I am a devil in disguise.

Twilight wasn’t finished. “Fluttershy… you were the one who set Rainbow on the right path… We owe everything to you.

“You are the best friend one can wish for you. To both of us.” The words had made the yellow filly unbelievably happy.

Just as she had intended.

“Fluttershy… Celestia is after you… if she catches you, I don't know what she will do to you." If she failed this part, it wouldn't be too bad.

By now, Twilight was convinced that it was only a matter of time until she had Fluttershy fully behind her.

Remember Twilight. You may not have good intentions right now, but that doesn’t mean that she isn’t your friend…

It doesn’t mean that you don’t want her to be happy.

“This isn’t your fault-“

“That’s debatable. What matters, though, is that you must make a choice now.” She let go of Fluttershy. “You can either try to navigate through this without me and Rainbow, or you can try to help us on our quest to solve these mysteries.

“However, if you go with us, we expect you to have our back no matter what, just like we would have your back.” As expected, the yellow pegasus seemed taken aback. “No matter what others may tell you, you need to stay strong. We have many enemies that would want to try and twist you against us. Whatever happens, you can’t fall for their tricks.”

“I understand.” Fluttershy nodded. “I won’t allow that to happen.”

That’s admirable but not enough.

"There is another issue… to protect the future, we might have to do things you won’t agree with. Naturally, we will talk about all of our plans with you. However, if we decide to move forward with one you disagree with, you will have to live with that. Not participate but accept it.” Twilight was pushing it, yet she needed to get assurances that Fluttershy wouldn’t be likely to turn against them if they fell.

What you say today won't matter if it comes to it, but it is the first step.

From this point on, I will have to slowly get you used to us until you will never be willing to go against us.

“Ummm… I mean… I trust that you wouldn’t make these decisions lightly.” Fluttershys brain was running overtime, trying to come up with the correct answer. “I trust you, Twilight, and I trust Rainbow. You said that the future depends on us and that you need me.

“I won’t let you down, Twilight.” She had made her decision.

I know…

This time you won’t.

Twilight threw herself around Fluttershy’s neck. “You have no idea how happy I am to hear that. Together we will make this world a better place for everypony. I promise.”

“You don’t have to thank me, Twilight. I am only doing what everypony would do,” an embarrassed Fluttershy told her, gently removing Twilight.

That’s not true. Not everypony would be willing to do this.

Maybe you wouldn’t as well if you knew all the facts.

“Fluttershy… there is one other thing…." She knew that the yellow filly was about to protest, but it was yet another thing she needed to take care of immediately. “Please don’t use the stare on me again, ok?”

“But you-“

“I know. I was doing something stupid, but… don't use it again, ok? I-“

“Are you afraid of me?” Fluttershy looked hurt.

“Yes,” Twilight admitted. “And I don't want to be. I don't want to see you as a threat, yet the stare… by all accounts and purposes, it is a danger to me, should you want to harm me.”


“You don't want to do that. Not right now. However, one day you might. Or you might do so by accident. Heck, maybe somepony else tricks you into using it against me. Can you promise me not to use it on me, Rainbow and Spike from now on?” she pressed on.

But Fluttershy wasn’t ready to commit to it yet.

“Fluttershy… I need you to promise me that. If not… then my future self might see you as a threat and hurt you…." Twilight let tears roll down from her eyes. "I don't want that to happen! I don't want to lose you to her!”

Finally, Fluttershy broke. “I-I-I promise.”

I already know that you will regret that…

You are simply too kind.

“You are the best friend one could ask for, Fluttershy.” She wiped away her fake tears. “I know this must have been hard for you… And I appreciate it. I really do.” She assured the yellow filly once more. “This time, I will make sure you end up on the winning team.”

“…Winning team?”

But Twilight was already on her way back to Rainbow.


“What was that about, Twi?”

It almost looked like you were confessing that you loved her.

“Nothing, Dashie.” Twilight tried to play down the events that had transpired. “You were the one who alerted me to the possibility of the elements being our enemies. The logical conclusion is that we must try to control as many bearers as possible, starting with the easiest ones.”

Y-You are trying to control Fluttershy?

“But, Twi! They could simply choose new ones,” Rainbow reminded her.

“Well… I can’t prevent them from doing so. I can only control known variables,” Twilight pondered. “And we can’t kill them, or we would make the same mistake Celestia made.”

You sound so… evil.

“Twi… Fluttershy is not something to be controlled. We can’t take advantage of her.” Rainbow felt the urge to slap her again.

"I know… I only want to ensure that she won't turn against us. Nothing more, nothing less." Her fillyfriend wasn’t happy. Twilight could tell that.

…I was the one who put you up to this.

I scared you, and now you are acting on these fears.

"Next time, talk to me first. Ok, Twi?" Rainbow almost demanded. “You knew that this was wrong, didn’t you? That is why you didn’t ask, isn’t it?”

“…Am I that easy to read?” Twilight shook her head.

It wasn’t rocket science.


“I was afraid… which is why I wanted to at least take one threat off the table as soon as possible…."

I am losing you…

I am losing you to her.

Twilight hung her head low. “I promise I will talk to you first, next time.”

We are already assuming that there will be a next time…

“I will leave you.”

“…” Twilights had frozen in shock.

“Remember who I love.

“Not Princess Twilight.

“Not future Twilight.

“I love Twilight.

“Are you still Twilight?” Rainbow looked her in the eyes.

I have no other lever to pull…

No other leaver but this bluff.

“I see… that wasn't something Twilight would have done, wasn't it?" the alicorn began moving again, returning to shaking her head in disappointment.

Disappointment in herself.

It isn’t…

Is it?

Do I really know you after such a short amount of time?

“Dashie… I swear I will get my head in order again… maybe I just need to sleep about it… sleep a bit to clear it from these nasty memories.” They could only hope it would fix things.


After how confused you were, that might indeed be the best thing to do.

“Get on my back.”


“I will carry both of you.” It sounded like an order. “Just try to find some room there, next to Spike.”


“We are ponies. We are built to carry things.” The blue filly was getting agitated. “I will force you, Twi,” she threatened.

Hopefully, I will actually be able to carry you all the way. Here on the ground, my magic won’t help.

And slowly hovering above it wouldn’t make much of a difference either.

“You are too good for me, my angel." She received a big kiss on her cheek before Twilight lay down on her back.

No matter how hard it will be… just for that, it will have been worth it.

The alicorn used a bit of magic to secure herself as well as Spike, carefully wrapping her hooves around him.

Pained, Rainbow began walking again.

I… can… do… this…

Yet the distance between herself and the other only grew.

Who cares! We are only going straight anyway.

Sweat began purring down.

They didn’t have anything to drink.

I will fail.

That realization was like a punch in her stomach.

And to her dismay, Twilight was already sleeping.

Honestly… I didn’t think my back was this comfortable.

Now she would have to wake her up again and admit her failure.

Only I don’t want to wake you up.

“Rainbow Mommy.” Spike seemed in distress.

Let’s be real… its only Rainbow.

Panting, she continued walking forward at a snail's pace.

A purple glow engulfed her.

“Rainbow Mommy help?” As if his work had been done, the little dragon gently cuddles against her again.

It was as if a stone had been taken off her back. Suddenly walking wasn't an issue anymore.

"Thank you, Spike…." Rainbow didn't really know what to say. She definitely hadn't expected him to help. She didn't even know it was possible.

Maybe it’s not too late to repent.

Maybe I am once again overthinking everything, interpreting too much into actions that didn't mean anything.

And maybe I can still truly become your Rainbow Mommy.

Hurriedly she tried to catch up with the rest of the group.