• Published 30th Dec 2022
  • 2,617 Views, 245 Comments

Changing Our Destinies - silent_user

Twilight managed to see glimpses of her future during her entrance exam. But instead of becoming Celestia’s protege, she steps off the path laid out for her and chooses to take matters into her own hooves. After all, Celestia won’t mind, right?

  • ...

Chapter 8 - The Badlands Part 3

Eventually, Twilight fell asleep.

Poor Twilight. I just hope she will feel better once she wakes up.

Carefully Rainbow removed Twilight's grip on her and crawled out of the bathtub.

Ok, what now?

She grabbed a towel and dried herself before looking at Twilight. There was still dust on Twilight's dishevelled mane or practically everywhere where the water hadn’t gotten yet, for that matter.

Do I…. clean her?

Rainbow's eyes were now fixated on Twilight. She couldn't come up with a clear answer to the question.

Would she want me to wash her? Do I have the right to do so without her consent?

…Even if I didn't wash her, I would still have to dry her off. I can’t just leave her in the bathtub.

Sweet Celestia. Why did Chrysalis think this was a good idea?

Rainbow grabbed the bottle of shampoo.

It's going to be fine. If I have to dry her off anyway, then I might as well wash her too. And knowing Twilight, she wouldn’t be overthinking this anyhow. Just like with the shower we had.

Once again, Rainbow massaged shampoo into Twilight's mane, this time being extra careful. It looked like she feared that one wrong move would lead to Twilight breaking into a thousand pieces.

She looks so peaceful. I bet she could easily get the role of Sleeping Beauty if she ever wanted to.

Slowly she washed the shampoo out of Twilight's mane before grabbing a cup that had been lying around. Rainbow filled the cup and gently let the water trickle down on Twilight to remove the last bit of dust while making sure it wouldn't get into Twilight's eyes or mouth.

There, now that is the Twilight I know. No piece of dust will be allowed to tarnish you under my watch.

It was then that she noticed that her thought process had gone in a very uncharacteristic direction for her.

That was weird.

Ahh, well, not like anypony knows about what just happened. Besides, so what if I think Twilight looks beautiful? Only a fool would disagree.

She grabbed the plug and let the water out. It was time to dry Twilight.

I wonder what she was hallucinating about for her to call me rainbow angel? What could have possibly caused her to drag me into the bathtub, nuzzle me and say that I should never leave her?

Maybe she can tell me about it once she has recovered.

Drying Twilight was a bit harder than it sounded, which caused her to only do a rudimentary job while still making sure Twilight was dry enough so that she wouldn’t get ill or soak the bed.

Now, how do I get you out of here?

That was a good question. Maybe Rainbow would be able to somehow get Twilight out of the bathtub and transport her to the bed.

But what if she wakes up? Or if I drop her?

I can’t take that risk!

Luckily there was someling that would probably be able to help, waiting outside.

Rainbow checked that Twilight was ok before looking for the changeling that Chrysalis should have stationed before their room.

Indeed, there was one immediately walking towards her.

“Hi, sorry for bothering you, but I need some help transporting my friend into the bed. Could you lend me a hoof, please?” she asked.

The changeling looked offended, “What? You already forgot my name?” Green flames engulfed the changeling, and suddenly Isabella was standing in front of her. “Are you suggesting that all changelings look the same?”

“Umm, no?” a flabbergasted Rainbow responded.

“Relax, I am just messing with you,” Isabella chuckled. “We are supposed to look the same. It helps confuse the enemy when trying to hunt down a specific ling and also makes for quite an intimidating show of force when we attack in numbers. Without the hive mind, even I wouldn't have any hope of recognizing my brothers and sisters. Now, let’s go fetch your friend.”

Rainbow pointed towards the bathroom, and Isabella walked inside it, enveloping Twilight in magic, levitating her towards the bed. Apparently, the changelings had cleaned it while they were gone.

“Thank you so much, Isabella-“

In what was another presentation that she had no concept of personal space, Isabella grabbed Rainbow and whispered inside her ear, ”I thought she was going to read the letter as soon as she was alone. I didn’t account for this. You need to make sure that she reads it the moment she wakes up because Spike's life depends on it. His constant sleeping… he is very ill. If you want him to survive, you must convince mother to let you leave the hive.” Isabella turned around, leaving a stunned Rainbow.

Spike is ill? But he seemed so cheerful with Twilight!

Rainbow's eyes wandered towards the basket. Just as expected, Spike was sleeping. Only now, it filled her with concern instead of ease.

Maybe I should take a look at this letter?

No! It is for Twilight! I will just have to be patient and wait for her to tell me what’s in it.

What now?

Rainbow wasn’t tired at all, but she couldn’t leave either. Somepony had to look after Twilight and Spike in the state they were in, and she would be dammed if that somepony wasn’t her.

There has to be something I can do to pass the time.

She made her way to the bookshelf. To her surprise, the books weren't dusty at all.

Let’s see: History of the Crystal Empire, The Diarchy, A Beginners Guide to Magic…

Equestria: How a Nation Was Born

Rainbow was going to choose this book until another caught her eye.

Adventures of a Lonely Spy

She picked it up. The book was in meticulous condition. One had to not look too far to find the reason for that.

Skylar wrote this book?

She struggled with herself as to whether she should put the book back.

This is the only fiction book they have. I am sure that if Chrysalis didn't want us to read it, she would have taken it away.

Rainbow lay down next to Twilight and began reading.


"There you are, Sneak. I have already received a preliminary report.” Sneak had finally made his way to her tent. “Don’t worry about Fluttershy. I have cast a sleeping spell on her. I learned my lesson about that with Candy -" Celestia's eyes formed into a piercing glare “- I have also cast a spell on her that should inform me about any foreign presence. I hope you have tracked down whoever stole Spike?”

“My Princess, we managed to follow Rainbows and Twilights trail towards the beginning of the Badlands, where we not only lost it but also began encountering a severe issue.” Sneak showed her the position on the map. “This is where we lost the trail and where we are going to relocate our camp. From there, we will start sending search teams into the badlands. Water will be teleported into the camp by a second team located here in Dodge City."

“I see. What is the issue you mentioned?” Celestia inquired.

"There seems to be a local phenomenon preventing any use of magic. Even flying is impossible,” he stated.

“Very well. I will investigate that once we are there-"

“My Princess, absolutely not! There is no way we can ensure your security this far away from the border! We will only be able to take a minimal number of ponies with us due to the water-"

“Sneak, my decision is final. For one, I am perfectly capable of defending myself, and additionally, no one would dare to attack me anyway.” Celestia dared Sneak to question her decision. He stayed silent. "What about the thief?"

“We are still investigating. He or she must have had knowledge about the workings of the guard, have been a master of disguise and has probably teleported away since an immediate lockdown and subsequent search didn't lead to any results," Sneak listed their lacklustre progress.

“We must find them… I have made a mistake. The basket holds a very… it holds a letter that can not be allowed to reach the wrong hooves. Do you understand Sneak?” A look of desperation had invaded her face.

“Of course, Princess. I assume you want us to deal with the thief once found?” A quick, affirmative nod confirmed his suspicion. As always, there would be no evidence of her direct involvement.

With that, one last issue remained, "Sneak, as you know, my forces are in shambles. I can no longer deny that. I also have to admit that my recent actions have made the situation worse. Without a Minister of Interior, a Minister of Defense, and, unfortunately, no longer a pony in charge of the EBI, things are looking bleak. I want the ESS to work together with Raven, my Chancellor, the ministries and the EBI to find new candidates as quickly as possible. Candidates that I will get through parliament without any issues understood?"

“The ESS will ensure that only the best nobles-“

“No, Sneak. I want the best ponies for the job. Luna was right about that, and I should have never changed it back to the old system. Candy was proof of that." Thinking about Candy still filled her with an enormous amount of regret.

“I see… I will make sure that your wishes are fulfilled prices.” Sneak could live with that. Once the list was completed, he had no doubt that the princess would pick a noble for the job. After all, a commoner like Candy was a miracle that wouldn't happen again, right?


Sunbeams woke Twilight up. A new day had begun.

Who’s a sleepy head now, huh?

Rainbow lay next to her, holding a book in her wings.

That looks adorable. I didn’t know she liked to rea-

What happened?

Frantically her eyes darted around the room, looking for any hints. Not finding any, she got out of bed.

I hurt myself, didn’t I? The bookshelf, I caused it to collapse.

Twilight walked over to Spike, who was still sleeping peacefully.

Thank Celestia, he is fine!

Slowly the memories returned.

Chrysalis brought me to a bathtub.

I called Dashie my rainbow angel.

Twilight wanted to slap herself. Her thinking about Rainbow that way was supposed to stay a secret, at least until she figured out the reason why she felt that way.

Hopefully, Dashie thinks it was due to Chrysalis spell… which it kind of was anyway.

“Mmh, morning Twi,” Rainbow had woken up.

“Morning, Dashie. I see you have found yourself a book. Is that why you didn’t let me get to the bookshelf the first time? So that you could get the best book first?” Twilight jokingly accused her.

"Please forgive me, Lady Twilight-"

“Don’t call me that.” Twilight forcefully interrupted her.

I don’t deserve that title.

Rainbow was confused at the sudden outburst, "Why not? Aren't you a noble? I didn't mean to offend. It was just supposed to be a joke.”

“I don’t know. It wouldn't be too far-fetched that my title has been revoked by now,” a dejected Twilight explained.

“Who needs a stupid title anyway? Who cares if the princess has revoked yours? If you wish, you will always be Lady-“

"No, Dashie, you don’t get it!” she screamed.

I will have to give her more than that. She doesn’t seem to understand the significance of a noble title at all.

“When the princess rose to power, she revoked the noble statuses of the current ruling elite, instead gifting it to the ponies she trusted most. From that day on, the nobility has only been expanded by the most loyal, most faithful subjects dedicating their life to the princess. You had to have done a truly outstanding feat for the crown or the country to even have a chance of being considered. This title was a badge of honour. A sign of my loyalty and dedication towards the princess. By betraying her and my country, I have forfeited the right to use it.” It felt good to finally make that revelation. To finally come to terms with it.

“I never realized that a title could be this important. Is that why you always defended the princess?” Rainbow tried to clarify.

“Dashie those titles… It feels so ridiculous to say that now… Growing up, I was quickly taught that they make you something special. They show the princess's trust in you. They grant you access to the highest circles. With them, you can accomplish anything. Parliament? All nobles and only nobles have the right to become part of it. The highest positions in government? You will never be considered for them without one. You want to get the princess's attention? You better have a title or get in line.

“In return for the princess giving us these privileges, for granting us her trust, we are expected to be by her side no matter what. We were supposed to support her in all matters. When the princess told us to jump, we were supposed to ask how high. A noble who gets a position in government has a duty to fulfil it with the best interests of the princess at heart. Do you understand?" she hoped her explanation was sufficient.

“I do, Twi. She bribed you. Bought your loyalty like it was nothing.” The anger Rainbow felt was unspeakable.

Twilight couldn’t believe her ears, “What? No! That isn’t-“

“Then what else was do you call it Twi! What else has made you qualify in the princess’s eyes other than the fact that she owns you like a whore!” Rainbow had resorted to screaming as well.

“It seems that I was stupid for believing that a low-life commoner could understand it!" Before Rainbow could retort, Twilight ran towards the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

Seeing the hurt she had caused, Rainbow's anger vaporized. Only guilt remained. Guilt for her careless choice of words and screaming.

She poured her heart out, and I called her a whore.

What kind of friend am I. How would I have felt when I had been given such a title and raised the same way, only to lose it all.

Another realization hit her like a runaway train.

She lost it because of me.

She lost it because I convinced her to leave instead of returning. If I hadn't done that, then maybe she would be sitting by the princess's side right now.

She has chosen me over her friends, family, and title… over her whole life.

Slowly she made her way towards the locked door.

“Twi, I am sorry. I didn’t mean it. Please open the door,” she begged.

“Go away, Dashie!” was the wailing response.

She tried again, “Twi, I was wrong-“

“No, you are right!” Twilight immediately interrupted with screaming that one could probably hear in the entire hive. “I did nothing to deserve that title! Just because a family member of mine did something in the far distant past, do I get to have special privileges now? That’s why I am a superior pony? More valuable than you? That’s why I am more trustworthy? Why I am more loyal? It’s stupid! You have only stated the obvious I refused to believe!”

What have I done?

She needed to stop Twilight's breakdown now. "Twi-“

“Like you said, I am just a whore! I sold my loyalty like it was nothing! I let myself get caught up in-“

“Twilight Sparkle!” Rainbow yelled with all her might. "You will open that door this instant, or I will break it down!"

A barely audible click signalled her compliance.

Immediately Rainbow rushed to Twilight, who had resorted to covering next to the door.

“Twi, I… Please look at me. This isn't your fault. I was stupid. Do you genuinely believe that I would have acted differently in your shoes?" Twilight didn’t react, choosing to continue covering her head in her hooves, staying silent.

“If you do, you are wrong. I have no doubt that I would have behaved far worse than you did. Not once have you given me any indication that you were a noble. If Chrysalis hadn't brought it up, I would have never known. Twi, you aren't a noble. They tried to make you one, but they failed miserably." Rainbow received a puzzled look.

It was the sign that she needed. The sign that she was getting through. “I know how nobles are supposed to be. They are supposed to look down on us common ponies. They think they are better than everypony else. They are stuck-up ponies with no idea how the real world works.”

Ok, maybe they succeeded in the real-world part.

“Have you ever behaved like that? Have you ever felt like you were superior? I know you said in our argument, but were those your beliefs, or was that what they told you to believe,” Rainbow wasn’t finished, “Twi, they used and abused you. They tried brainwashing you in despicable ways. I can only imagine the pony you would be if they succeeded. But you won. They didn’t get you, and if anything, that is proof of your strength. Proof of the strength of your character. You aren't the one to blame. The nobles are… and the princess that enables them. The princess who created a system that preyed on you and tried to groom a defenceless child. A child that had no way to protect itself."

“You still called me whore…." Twilight numbly stated.

I did, didn’t I?

“It was self-projection. I am the one who kissed you twice, with a desperate need for some actions. Have to say, I am impressed that you haven't fallen for my charm yet. Come Twi, what do I have to do to finally get you? This whore is really desperate-”

“Dashie, stop!” Twilight had stuffed her hoof into Rainbow's mouth, completely embarrassed by the words.

To her horror, Rainbow began licking it, “Ahh! Dashie! You are unbelievable!” The previous sadness was forgotten. In a split second, Twilight was at the sink, desperately trying to clean her hoof.

Rainbow had severe trouble containing her laughter, “I will get you one day, Twi! You can’t escape my charm!”

I still need to apologize, though.

And so, she did, "But seriously, I am sorry for calling you that. It was not only completely uncalled for but also untrue. I directed the anger I felt for the actions of others at you, despite you being the victim.”

Twilight had returned from washing her hoof and slumped down next to Rainbow again. "It's fine, Dashie. I forgive you. We both said things we shouldn't have. And I am not entirely sure if you are right about the victim thing. How can a victim live a life in luxury?"

“Stop. Just stop. If I were to punch you and then give you a million bits, would that stop you from being a victim because you can live a life in luxury now? Twi, the luxuries they gave you were just for that purpose. To stop you from noticing what was happening. If you still can't see that you were the victim because of those amenities, then they have fulfilled their purpose,” Rainbow hugged her, “Do you want me to tell you a secret?”

“A secret? Sure?" Twilight responded uncertainly.

“I think if the princess genuinely took this path to ensure the loyalty of the ponies surrounding her, then she is not only a weak leader but also has no idea how loyalty works. Those nobles, dad said that they were always acting like bullies. If I know one thing about bullies, then it is that they always take and take, never giving anything in return. I bet most nobles the princess surrounds herself with are doing just that. At best, she has successfully surrounded herself with a bunch of yes-sayers. True loyalty has to be earned and can’t be bought. Do you want me to show you?” Rainbow looked at her expectantly.

"Show me how?" Rainbow's words held a wisdom Twilight would have thought to be impossible for that age.

Rainbow stood up and put a wing on her breast, proclaiming, "Twilight Sparkle, I, Rainbow Dash, hereby pledge that I will be by your side no matter what happens. I swear upon my wings that I will protect you and let no harm befall you. As long as I live, I will do everything in my power to serve you to the best of my abilities.

“See, that’s how it's done. Who needs fancy noble titles for loyalty? And just so you know, I meant every word. You choose to leave everything behind to go with me, remember? You wanted to return home. You probably could have returned to your awesome life, or rather what you regarded as an awesome life at the time. Yet, you chose me. For that, I will be forever in your debt,” Rainbow was glowing with conviction.

“Oh, Dashie, you are a moron. Those words should not be spoken lightly! You are way too young to make such a pledge. Especially towards a pony like me!" Twilight chastised her.

“What? You weren’t too young to essentially make such a pledge towards a manipulative dictator. Why can’t I make one towards a genuine good-hearted pony that has truly sacrificed everything she had to go out there into the unknown with me?” Rainbow asked.

Twilight's heart melted at hearing those words, “Fine! Two can play this game! I, Twilight Sparkle, hereby pledge my eternal loyalty towards you, Rainbow Dash. As long as I breathe, I will stay by your side and protect you so that no malevolent forces may befall my rainbow angel. I swear upon my horn that I will do everything in my power to serve you in any way possible.”

She said it again.

Rainbow angel.

With a smirk, Rainbow retorted, “So, I am a moron, huh? At least I didn’t pledge my loyalty just to retaliate.”

“I stand by what I said,” Twilight pouted.

It was the perfect opportunity for Rainbow's next question, “Even the rainbow angel part?”

“I… Uhm… I didn’t mean… What I meant was…” only incoherent stuttering came out of Twilight.

Sweet Celestia. Seems like I broke her.

“Fine! Who cares! You are my rainbow angel! There I said! Now take me to the asylum!” She put her hooves in front of Rainbow as if she was expecting her to cuff them.

You have no idea how much I would like to hear that story right now.

But it had to wait. She had already pushed Twilight too hard and feared the consequences of doing so again.

“Hey, if I were to do that, who would take care of Spike? By the way, Isabella told me that he…."

Oh dear, here I am, changing the subject from one touchy topic to another.

“You need to read the letter. He is apparently very ill. His sleeping seems to be a symptom of the illness. Isabella said that if we don’t get Chrysalis to let us leave, then he will die-”

"Spike!" Twilight screamed, rushing out of the bathroom towards the basket.

We really shouldn’t have wasted any time with this. I should have told her right away.

Twilight began shaking Spike, who didn’t show any reactions. His breathing was the only indication they had that he was still alive.

“Spike! Spike!” Twilight again screamed.

“Twi! You need to read the letter. Only then will we know what is wrong. I didn't read it because, well… it was for you. But once you have read it, we can march right over to Chrysalis and fix this!" Rainbow had fumbled the letter out of the basket and handed it to Twilight.

Wordlessly, Twilight grabbed it and placed Spike back into the basket. Then, she marched over to the bed, threw herself on it and began reading while Rainbow watched.


Dear Twilight,

You are probably never going to read this letter, for as soon as I am finished, I am more than likely going to burn it like all the others I have written in the past.

I made a mistake all those years ago.

I have made way too many mistakes in my life.

My past choices have led to today's events, and while I believe they are regrettable, I stand by the fact that those were the best choices I could have taken at the time.

You are the key to freeing my sister from the dark magic that has taken hold of her.

You have been given enormous gifts, which will lead to you one day wielding at least one powerful artefact that is key in protecting Equestria.

Your cutie mark is already evidence that at least magic has chosen you like it once chose me.

Little Twilight, I have read your letter. The pony you are looking for is a fellow bearer. One day she will be standing by your side, wielding the artefacts together with you.

That is why it is essential that you and her return. There are tons of dangers heading right for Equestria.

Dangers I am too scared to face.

Dangers only those artefacts with you as their bearers can overcome. Without them and without you, death and suffering will be inevitable.

There is no other possibility. Magic has chosen you, and the other bearers are connected to you. Only your death might change that.

I don’t want to lose you.

For the sake of my sister, my little ponies, I beg you to come back to me!

The dragon. My guards told me that you named him Spike. I have done my best to take care of him. You created him! You created perfect life! There never was a real egg to hatch!

Even I failed at that.

Such a practice has been outlawed, but I forgive you! What you have accomplished is so much greater than what any ordinary unicorn could ever hope to achieve in a lifetime.

Then again, you aren't an ordinary unicorn.

Spike doesn’t show an ounce of violent tendencies! You have created him without using dark magic! He has genuine feelings and real intelligence. You did this! You and nopony else! He isn’t part of a known dragon species. Rather I think you created him after what you believed a dragon should be like.

You even gave him magic.

Magic he desperately needs to survive.

Magic, I can’t give.

Twilight, he needs your magic to survive. I don't know if he will need it for all eternity, but he will at least need it until he has matured more.

He needs to be near you.

I hope that until that is the case again, my healing spells will be enough.

This letter has gone on for long enough. As we speak, everypony I have is out there, looking for you and Rainbow. Whether or not we find you or if you return by yourself, one thing is certain.

I am never going to let you go again.

I will ensure that whatever has caused you to leave will never happen again.

I will give you everything you could dream about.

Equestria will be yours to take.

One day you will become one of its rulers anyway.

I just wish that things could have been different.


Princess Celestia

Ruler of the Sun

Diarch of Equestria


Twilight stood up, went towards Rainbow and held the letter in front of her, “Read.”

Rainbow sat down and did just that. This time it was Twilight's turn to watch.

Once she, too, had finished, only one thought was on her mind, "This is bad, Twi. Really bad. The princess… she is desperate. Way more desperate than any sane pony should be. Twi, if that letter truly presents the state of her mind, then there might not be a place on this planet we will be safe from her. She might never stop looking for us.”

“Is that all you have to say?” Twilight was shocked.

“Well, there are tons of issues with that letter. Although I don’t understand the issue with Spike. We are near him now, aren’t we?” Rainbow tried again.

It still wasn’t the answer Twilight was looking for, “Equestria needs us! Don’t you hold any loyalty towards it?”

Please, Twi. I don’t want to have another argument with you.

“Twi, we both read the same letter, didn’t we? If we return, we will be lucky if the princess only locks us up until the day she needs us. Worst case scenario, she wipes our minds and brainwashes us into the loyal followers she wants. She already basically tried that with you-”

“But our friends! Our family!” Twilight insisted.

“You already said that you saw us fighting magical creatures in your vision? Why do we need her to do that? Is sacrificing ourselves really the only way? What prevents us from solving these mysteries ourselves? That’s what we wanted to do anyway,” Rainbow argued.

“…” She had utterly taken the wind out of Twilight. "You know what, Dashie? You are right. We already have a basic idea of what we are going to face, and we have years to prepare. Why would we need the help of a manipulative princess to save Equestria? We can do this on our own. And if we can’t, we can still return at a later point.”

Wow. This must be the first time she has ever directly insulted the princess.

Twilight went and placed Spike's basket back on her horn, "This place here suppresses my magic. More than likely, that is why Spike's condition isn't improving."

I nearly forgot about that! We need to get out of here!

“How can we convince Chrysalis to let us go, Twi? Surely, she will not just let us leave, right?” Rainbow rubbed her head.

Instead of responding, Twilight grabbed the letter and threw it into the fireplace before grabbing a match to ignite it.

Why would you do that! Our evidence!

Rainbow was outraged. Twilight, on the other hoof, simply walked straight to the door, “Indeed, Chrysalis seems nice enough, but we can’t count on that. Luckily, she expects a story. A story we have yet to give. A story that, for Spike's sake, we will make sure, will result in her letting us go."

“How?” Rainbow had no idea how they could manage to do that.

“We are going to lie, Dashie. We are going to lie so much that it will put my former teachers to shame. I already have the perfect story in mind that is bound to appeal to her. All you have to do is go along.” She walked into the corridor, not leaving any room for Rainbow to retort.

Was that really Twilight speaking?

Quickly she hurried after her.

Twilight was now walking in an elegant and refined manner she hadn't seen before.

She looks like she owns the place.

In a way, it reminded her of Isabella’s first appearance. Only that Twilight looked way more regal.

The changelings they passed by only gave them questioning looks but didn’t dare to stop them.

Without any incident they reached the corridor where the diner with Chrysalis had taken place.

How was Twi able to remember the way?

But Twilight didn’t stop. She walked past the room towards the end of the corridor.

For a moment, she looked lost but then quickly walked towards a bunch of changelings wearing armour, making her way past them until there were only two changelings left, guarding a hole in the wall.

“Move!” Twilight commanded.

It shouldn’t have worked, but the surprise was all they needed to slip past them.

"I see the shelf caused more damage than I thought. Why the sudden change in behaviour, Twilight Sparkle?" Chrysalis was sitting on her throne. Clearly, she had already expected them.

“You gave us your story. Now it is time for us to come out with the truth and tell ours.” Twilight stated and put the basket in front of her.

What is going on with her? Surely she realizes that we can't lie to the queen! If she finds out, we will be toast!

“You could have just asked one of my children instead of barging in like that. But very well. Let's go towards the meeting room, so you don't have to keep standing-“

“I assume you have heard of the sonic rainboom?” she disregarded Chrysalis entirely and began to tell her story. “The reason why the princess is after us is that she wants us dead."

What are you doing! You're putting on way too much! She will never believe that!

To her credit, Rainbow remained calm on the outside, unlike Chrysalis. “Bold claims! Bold claims! Tell me, Twilight, why would Celestia care about you that much?”

“Because one day I am destined to overthrow her.” She said in the most serious voice she could muster.

That’s it. We are finished.

Chrysalis, however, was intrigued. Sure, it was a lot to take in, but if there was even a tiny possibility about the words being true… “How?”

"You must understand that Rainbow and I had to carefully consider whether we should tell you about that. Now that we have heard your story, though, there is little doubt on our mind that you could help us," Twilight continued spinning her story with ease.

“When the sonic rainboom happened, I had a vision that one day I would become an alicorn. The princess must have somehow noticed that. She stopped the vision, which is also when she probably put a spell on me. She tried erasing all my knowledge about it, nearly succeeding. I can barely remember anything about the vision anymore.

"What she didn't account for was that I would remember enough pieces to realize what she has done and why. Before she could notice her mistake, I ran away to look for Rainbow. She was part of my vision, although I can’t recall why.

“You have seen the lengths to which Celestia is willing to go to retrieve us. I have no doubt that if she ever catches us, she will not make the same mistake twice,” Twilight finished.

"Do you have any evidence?" Chrysalis asked, sceptical.

"Put a lie-detecting spell on me. I have nothing to hide,” she confidently stated.

Twi! That’s way too dangerous!

But Rainbow had to play her part, “She is right. After I performed the sonic rainboom, they arrested me. Their plan was to bring me to the princess for judgment. Luckily, I escaped and met Twilight. The moment I did so, however, was the moment princess Celestia started to hunt me down as well, with the same ferocity she was hunting for Twilight."

Chrysalis didn’t acknowledge her. Twilight was the one who claimed to have the vision. Twilight was the one with the answers.

A green aura washing over her indicated that the spell had taken effect, "I, Twilight Sparkle, have encountered a vision that showed me becoming an alicorn.”

Please let that be enough!

The spell stayed green.

“Very well. Your story seems outrageous but not impossible. Not to mention that it would not only explain Celestia's actions but also lines up with the information I already have. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and grant you the protection of the hive.” Chrysalis walked over and extended her hoof.

Twi, you are a legend! You did it!

Twilight didn't take her hoof. "I am truly honoured by that. However, I have to decline,” she gestured towards the basket, “Spike here needs my magic to survive. It is a side effect. That’s why we have to leave.” Again, the spell stayed green.

Chrysalis dispelled it. “No. If what you said is true, then you two are the most important assets we could have ever wished for. Letting you leave would be betraying all my children."

We should have seen this coming.

And Twilight had indeed seen this response coming. It was time to activate her trump card, “So you would condemn my son to die? I would have thought that after losing a child yourself, you would understand the pains stemming from that."


Chrysalis, shoot up with hostility radiating. Twilight's accusation enraged her. She lighted her horn up, ready to pulverize her.

Twilight didn’t show any reaction. Merely staring her in the eyes.

Rainbow, however, wasn't so calm, tackling Twilight to protect her from what would inevitably follow.

But the spells never came.

When both of them looked up, Chrysalis had returned to sitting on her throne. “You are right. It would be hypocritical, especially when I can literally sense the feelings you have for him. We will need to come to an agreement.”

Rainbow and Twilight picked themselves up.

Carefully Twilight put her mane back in order and dusted herself off before responding, "What are your demands?"

"I see. You want me to reveal my cards again so that you can use them against me. Just like you did with Skylar," the changeling queen accused them.

“Then I will go first. We expect you to escort us to a safe place. A place where we are safe from Equestria and its allies and a place where Spike can survive. We would also appreciate your help in figuring out the mysteries surrounding us,” Twilight listed her demands. "Do you have anything to add, Rainbow?"

Is there anything else we would need?

Well, these are negotiations, so why not just try to get as much out of it as possible?

“The place you bring us to should have reasonable accommodations. Additionally, we will need money and basic necessities taken care of for us. I also want to take a book with me-“

“Which book?” Chrysalis immediately interrupted her.

“Adventures of a Lonely Spy,” Rainbow meekly said.

“I will have an additional copy made for you,” was the hissing response.

"As a matter of fact, I will be able to fulfil all those demands. My children will be able to escort you to the Forbidden Jungle, near the border to the Badlands. There you should be safe from Equestria and any allied nations. We will be able to build accommodations for you and tend to your basic needs. We will guard you so that no one will attack you. And we will help you in ascending,” Chrysalis accepted all their demands.

It was too good to be true, “In exchange for?” both Twilight and Rainbow asked.

“You know that we are planning an attack on Equestria. Previously I planned to take Celestia’s place by simply impersonating her. It would have been very risky, with a high chance of the ruse being discovered eventually. Now there is a better opportunity." Chrysalis eyed Twilight like she had found a treasure. "Not only will it be so much easier to defeat her with an alicorn by our side, but it will also unlock the ability to rewrite the narrative.”

Twilight was taken aback. She didn’t like where Chrysalis was leading to.

“Just as the sisters once took reign, overthrowing the at the time current leaders, you would be able to overthrow her. Once we have taken her out and taken over Canterlot, you could take reign and expose all the terrible things she has done. We could then use it to justify your rule. Not only that. We could spin the narrative that harmony has chosen you because Celestia has lost her mandate due to her actions." The possibilities Chrysalis was imagining right now were endless. After all this time of hiding, the Great Mother had finally acknowledged their prayers. “Needless to say, we would expect you to allow us to live in Equestria and grant us the same right as all other citizens. And you will make me the co-ruler, just like Luna once was Celestia’s.”

They would install Twi as the ruler?

Or, more than likely, a puppet ruler.

"I will not take part in or support any military action." Twilight flat-out refused.

"Those are my terms. And they are already extremely generous. Take it or leave it."

"If you believe you can get me to fight my friends and family, you are sorely mistaken,” she emphasized her position.

“Ah, so this is about your brother? Very well, how about this? You two can make a list of ponies, and we will ensure their safety during the attack. We will also ensure to hurt as few ponies as possible and cause as little damage as possible."


Twilight looked at Spike. He needed to get out of here, and this was probably the best deal they could get. “We accept under the condition that should a reasonable way present itself for you to be integrated without attacking, you will choose this one instead. Of course, we would still be there to help you along the way.”

“Deal.” Chrysalis and Twilight shook hooves, with Rainbow hesitantly joining them.

Suddenly Chrysalis pulled Twilight close to her and whispered only loud enough for her to hear, “If you fail to uphold your end of the bargain, there will be no place on Equus where I don’t find you.”

Quickly Rainbow pulled her back.

What was that about?

Chrysalis just rolled her eyes, “Grab your things and then hurry. My children are already preparing a chariot.”

Twilight picked the basket up and quickly went to pick up their bags.

I can’t believe we just did that.

I can’t believe she just did that.

As soon as they had gotten to their room, Rainbow grabbed her, “We have to talk about the letter, about the deal, about your sudden change in behaviour-“

“I know. Trust me, I know. But not now. Right now, we must get Spike to safety, or it will all have been for nought." With those words, Twilight freed herself, grabbed her bag and went back towards the door.


Rainbow too, grabbed her bag and went outside into the hallway.

Isabella was already waiting for them, “So once again, the fancy treatment for you? I didn't even know we had a chariot.”

“Just bring us to the chariot, please,” Twilight pleaded. They had no time for jokes or friendly chit-chat.

“Sure thing,” the earth around them disappeared, and the next moment, they were in front of the chariot Chrysalis was talking about.

While Isabella was used to teleporting, Rainbow and Twilight were not. Only through sheer will was Twilight able to not only ignore her stomach's demands to throw up but also to pull herself and Rainbow into the chariot.

“I see you didn’t like the express treatment.” It earned her deadpans from them.

Having my own humour used against me. Not fair.

Isabella put on her armour, and shortly after, the chariot took off.


“Status report, Twister.”

Establishing the camp was way easier than they thought.

Then again, it was a much smaller camp now.

“I want to become the new EBI Director,” it was not what Sneak had expected to hear.

“I will put you on the list,” he acknowledged.

As if I would help you get that position. Took me long enough to find a good assistant.

“Thank you, Sneak. I really appreciate that. Maybe you could even write a recommendation for me? I know I have made some mistakes, but I have always tried my best and-”

"Twister, of course, I will do that. I know working for me can be a bit hard at times, but I have seen your dedication and your potential. I will do everything I can to ensure you will get that promotion. You deserve it,” he assured her in his most sincere voice.

That should be enough of that.

“And you have no problem with me not being a noble?” she tried to confirm.

And so his assurances continued, "It will, of course, make it harder to plead the case, but your hard work, experience and dedication have shown that you would be more than qualified. Candy wasn’t a noble either, so that should definitely help your case. You know, I was never a fan of a commoner getting that position. Still, having seen your work firsthoof, I know that you would make a better EBI Director than Candy ever could have hoped to be.”

This is getting tiring. At least Candy genuinely worked to get that position, without seeking help. She should know her place.

And that place was and forever would be his assistant. At least until he found somepony better for the job, “The report, Twister?”

“Of course, Sneak. I am so happy to hear that you really think that way. I knew my hard work would convince you.” All the overtime, the insults, the abuse. Finally, it was going to pay off.

I knew there would be downsides to choosing an insecure pony for the job. This constant validation-seeking is really annoying.

“The report, Twister?” This time his annoyance was clearly audible.

“I am so sorry. We have successfully established camp, and the princess is currently personally investigating the phenomenon that prevents us from using magic,” Twister began.

"Back from headquarters, I have received confirmation that they are preparing the list with candidates the princess has requested while also vetting them simultaneously," she continued.

That’s good to know.

For a moment, Twister hesitated. Sneak was not going to like the last point, “Then there is also a major issue that has occurred.”

“There always is an issue.” He flatly said, motioning for her to continue.

“You ordered the altering of the memories of Rainbow Dash’s parents. While the agent was doing that, the second sonic rainboom happened. It caused the spell to go haywire. We accidentally deleted all their memories of their daughter.” Twister had resorted to holding the report protectively in front of her face to shield her from what was to come next.

“They have done what! Those idiots! Morons! Am I the only smart pony around here! Where are they now?” Sneak screamed at her.

This is simply unbelievable. Wiping the memories of innocent ponies. The parents of a bearer, no less.

“The agent in question has been pulled from fieldwork. Rainbow's parents are at the hospital. We have spun a story in which the crashed do to the sonic rainboom, causing them to lose their memories-”

“And how long until the doctors notice our lies? No, we need to handle this differently,” he interrupted.

“Do you want me to inform the princess?” Twister suggested.

“Absolutely not. I will not have my record tarnished by this," Sneak shoot her down.

If this gets out, somepony will have to take responsibility, and that won't be the princess.

The parents of a bearer….

Maybe the princess would see it as an accident. Maybe he could sacrifice a few of his employees.

Or maybe I will take the blame.

But what could he do? Those spells were made to be irreversible.

He couldn’t afford this to tarnish his career.

The bearers are the one area where we can't screw up, and I have done nothing but do just that in recent times.

“Sneak?” Twister tried to get attention.

“Shut up! I need to think!” he snapped at her.

Even if I resign now, it could still damage me in the long run.

I should have never ordered the memory-altering.

It was inevitable that all the blame would fall on him. That was the price for this position. High risk, high reward. Becoming head of the ESS meant an unbelievable amount of political power in exchange for always having a sword dangling above one’s head.

There was only one conclusion, “Deal with them, Twister.”

Twister was shocked, "As in…."

"Yes. Make it look like there were complications. Make it look like an accident. Or… I don't care. Just make sure that at the end, there will be no evidence or witnesses left behind. That includes any internal records and all agents that know about this. Understood?" Sneak's voice was ice cold. “Me ordering the altering of their memories never happened. They died due to unfortunate circumstances that nopony will ever be able to trace back to us.”

“I understand. It will be done as soon as possible.”


The chariot made its way through the sky.

It bored Rainbow to death.

I just wish Twilight would at least acknowledge my existence.

Instead, Twilight was only fixated on Spike.

If she continues this, she will hug him to death.

And quite possibly, Rainbow would get jealous.

“Dashie, look out of the window! We are crossing the border,” sparks of magic around her horn emphasized her statement. “Let’s hope it will help Spike recover.”

Just as Twilight finished her statement, the chariot started to lose height, slowly making its way down towards the beginning forest.

“We can only hope for the best, Twi. We did what we could,” she responded.

Isabella made her way to the window, “We are going to fly a bit further into the forest and then land at a clearing,” before disappearing again.

I wonder why she always resorts to her pony form.

Another question Rainbow added to her long list. "Hey, Twi. Now that Spike is safe, can we talk about-“


Rainbow couldn’t finish her sentence. Hissing sounds could be heard, followed by what they assumed was Isabela’s scream. The fact that barely a word was formed made it hard to tell. At the same time, Isabela's voice had stopped a sudden jerk had gone through the chariot.

For a few moments, nothing happened. Only ominous quietness reigned.