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Shell in a Cell/ Visitors from the Calor-Zone

*Nyriel’s POV*

Aki, Mist and I were heading towards a stadium to meet up with the four ninja turtles.

A dark tabby cat Beastman ran past the girls and I.

"Hmm? Who're you?" I asked.

The cat beastman spoke "No time to explain! Just RUN!!! DuBois is trying to kill all beastmen!"

*Sigh* That crazy animal control cop. I brought out my phone and called my adopted grandmother.

Danyelle asks "*voice only* What's up Nyriel?"

"We got a psycho animal cop on the loose." I informed.

Danyelle growls "DuBois again.... I thought Alex and his friends stopped her 225 years ago. And ninjas or not, the Turtles can't stop her."

"Then what about a certain silver wolf?" I smirked.

Danyelle spoke "You might be onto something sweetie, I'll give him a howl right now."

Danyelle howls loud, getting Shirou's attention.

Shirou asks "*Voice only* What is it?"

Danyelle spoke "*voice only* Dubois is causing trouble in New York."

Shirou groans "Ugh... Her again?"

Danyelle growls "Afraid so Shirou, that woman is nothing but trouble. I've yet to contact Alex."

Shirou spoke "Wouldn’t be surprised if that circus is still traveling worldwide."

Sonic had teleported to where Alex was before explaining everything he had overheard from Danyelle.

Alex groans "Sheesh, she just won't quit."

Sonic spoke "That bitch was last spotted in New York though."

Alex spoke "Oh come on!"

Meanwhile, Shirou was heading to New York right now.

Sonic spoke "My grandfather's on his way to New York now."

Shirou appeared in New York, via Warp Ring.

Michiru and Nazuna followed Shirou.

Nazuna spoke "Thought you'd need some help."

Shirou spoke "Just watch out for her darts."

Michiru spoke "Good grief Shirou, don't be an Ein...."

Nazuna spoke "Let’s go."

Michiru spoke "*sniffing the air* She's close by... I can smell her stink. And it would be hilarious if she got turned into a bloodhound Beastman."

Nazuna snickers "She'd give Danyelle and Shirou a run for their money!"

Shirou spoke "Don’t jinx it, you two."

Nazuna snickers "You're one to talk Shirou, I heard from Redux Danyelle that your counterpart has 4 kids."

Shirou growled before he got DuBois’ scent.

Nazuna's ears were flattened.

Michiru growls "You might as well come out DuBois, we have your scent!"

Dubois spoke "*evil giggle* What a hunt this will be."

Danyelle and Twilight soon arrive via warp ring before they both roar loud at Dubois.

DuBois only smirked before aiming a gun at them.

Danyelle whistles loud, calling in Alex and the rest of Circus Afro.

DuBois only grinned further.

Danyelle, Twilight and the trio of Beastmen were soon pulled up by the circus performers right as DuBois pulled the trigger.

Danyelle spoke "Good timing Alex!"

Alex spoke "Come on, Dany. The circus sticks together."

Twilight was a bit weirded out by the trio of horse Mobians.

Danyelle asks "Really, Twi?"

Twilight spoke "Oh shut up Danyelle."

A rather powerful shadow ball hits DuBois, sending her flying.

A Mew unlike any other glares at DuBois.

"Now that's taken care of, shall we, girls?" I asked Aki and Mist.

Aki spoke "Uh girls, DuBois' not going to give up that easily!"

Mist asks "You do realize who she's up against, don't ya?"

Aki spoke "She won't care Mist!"

“Ladies! Worrying about stuff won’t make them better. Now come on, we’re gonna be late to watch the match.” I said.

Mist, Aki and I were soon tranquilized.

Aki spoke "*sleepy* Oh no...."

*Raph’s POV!*

Oh man! I’m gonna be late! I’m jumpin’ across rooftops here! But then I noticed a woman hit Mist, Aki and Nyriel with tranq darts! “Aw hell nah! It’s one thing to keep me from watchin’ Ghost Bear’s 200th win, but NOBODY messes with my girl!”

I jumped off the roof and activated my power punch jutsu while diving right for the lady. “Hot… SOUP!!!”

BAM! I punched the lady right in the kisser, sendin’ her flyin’ real far before a portal opened as Chameleo came out of it.

Chameleo spoke "*Notices darts* DuBois."

But DuBois was too quick on her feet and dodged all of my attacks.

But then DuBois suddenly made a goofy face before fallin’ flat on her face, out cold, revealing a tranq dart on the back of her head before I saw something appearing outta thin air, like a chameleon. After the being showed himself, I saw… Another Chameleo responsible for throwing the dart? But then the Chameleo that noticed the darts suddenly vanished in a puff of smoke.

Chameleo spoke "If ya wanna make a sneak attack, then don’t scream like a banshee."

Danyelle spoke "It was funnier when she got a tranq dart to the ass."

Chameleo spoke "Hehe, yeah. Hey, Champ-sensei. You can come out now."

Something came out of the portal, which was I think what Nyriel called it a Machamp, on a wheelchair with his right leg in a cast.

The male spoke "Hiya there, kiddo and lady. I am Might Champ. *Pearly whites give a shine*"

Danyelle spoke "I'm Danyelle Hikari, co-leader of the first generation of the Mobian Guard."

Twilight snaps DuBois' neck with magic, killing the female.

Danyelle spoke "*sweatdrop* And that's Twilight Sparkle, leader of the first generation Pony Guard."

Chameleo spoke "Huh, I've heard dying in your sleep, but that takes it to a new level."

Danyelle spoke "Don't remind me... Redux Twilight went savage twice..."

Danyelle asked her Ancient Mew to use Wake-Up Slap on the trio of females, causing them to jolt awake.

Mist, Nyriel and Aki spoke "I'm awake!"

Chameleo spoke "Oh, I was gonna ask Champ-sensei to use that, but I guess you and your friend beat me to it."

Danyelle spoke "It takes a lot of trust to even train an Ancient Mew since they don't like humans that well. But since I'm a friend to all Legendary Pokémon, it took me time to gain an Ancient Mew's trust."

Chameleo spoke "Welp, 'til next time."

Chameleo and Might Champ left through the portal before it closed.

*Mist's POV*

Man, that was close.

Danyelle spoke "Jeeze Mist, you nearly gave your mother a heart attack when she found out what happened."

Raph spoke "Now come on! We’re gonna be late!"

Twilight incinerated DuBois' body.

Marty asks "Could we tag along?"

"Ya sure? 'Cause me, Aki, Nyriel and the turtles are gonna be watching from above." I explained.

Alex spoke "You lot saved our hides from that crazy woman and behalf of Circus Afro, we're giving you front row seats to our next performance."

Raph spoke "Wow! Nice! Now come on!"

We then headed to the stadium. Later, the bell rang with crowd cheering as there were three wrestlers with two of them knocking the other out of the ring and crashing into a table as Jessica Jaclyn, the commentator, grabbed a spinning mic.

Jessica Jaclyn asks "Ooh, nasty team-up! But last one in the ring wins the championship! Who will it be, fans? The undefeated Ghostbeat, or the invincible Annihilation?"

Those were definitely some tough wrestlers down there.

The two started grappling while me, Nyriel, Aki and the turtles were watching from on top of the rafter while the rest of our friends were watching from the seats and bleachers as Raph and Leo were wrestling while my boyfriend had a Ghostbear win streak shirt.

Raph spoke "Go, Ghostbear! *Rips off shirt saying 199-0, revealing another shirt saying 200-0* He’s the greatest ever. He’s gonna win number 200 tonight."

Leo asks "*Jumps onto Raph* Buddy, come on. You know wrestling is bogus. They always pull their punches. Even I could beat Ghostbear. *Spits onto his hands before slapping Raph on the head* I call this one the Three Star Hurricane. You think Ghostbear could match these moves?"

Donnie spoke "Oh, here we go."

Mikey spoke "Every time."

Raph spoke "*As Leo blew a raspberry at him* You take that back, Leo! No one beats Ghostbear."

Nyriel and I couldn’t help but sigh at our boyfriends.

Nyriel spoke "I bet Midnight could trump Ghostbear easily."

To the surprise of the Turtles, Midnight had entered the ring with all eleven of his tails taped together.

Midnight exclaims "Who here thinks they could face off against the second MOST fiercest of the Second Generation Pony Guard?"

The battle continued with Midnight joining in as Donnie was about to grab the last slice of pizza before Mikey swiped and ate it.

Donnie spoke "Whoa-ah. Oh, you know what? That’s fine, you have it. I’ll have the next last slice of pizza.

Mikey spoke "Thanks, D!

The Annihilation was knocked out of the ring as Midnight was now against Ghostbear, who accepted the challenge.

Raph spoke "*Picks up Leo* Ha, face it, Leo! Midnight can’t beat Ghostbear!

Leo spoke "Whatever. Ghostbear’s just a chump in a costume. *As Raph threw him with Leo jumped and flipping backward* I could beat him. I could beat Midnight. I could beat both of them.

Leo accidentally flipped off the rafter, much to our worry.

Raph spoke "Leo!

Leo spoke "*Falling* Avenge me!"

Right when Ghostbear and Midnight were about to wrestle, Leo crashed with his shell on Ghostbear’s head while Midnight, sending the wrestler down the ring with him as there was only the commentator and Midnight left with the crowd giving a gasp.

Mikey spoke "*As we were definitely worried about Leo now* People are gonna see him!"

Donnie asks "Well, I hope Leo gets home okay. *Gets up* You guys ready to go?"

Jessica Jaclyn spoke "*Raises Midnight’s right foreleg* And the mystery wrestler of the hour, erasing Ghostbear’s flawless record, your new champion… Uh, this guy!"

The commentator then put the champion’s belt on a confused Midnight as there was silence before there were thunderous cheers as the paparazzi came in and took pictures of Midnight.

Midnight asks "*Pulling Leo up before stuffing him into his tails* Uh… okay?

Jessica Jaclyn spoke "*As Ghostbear was carried away on a stretcher* Wave good-bye to Ghostbear, fans. We’ll be right back with more wrestling."

Those of us on the rafter followed Jessica, Midnight and Leo in the shadows as they went into a hallway.

Jessica asks "I don’t know who you are, but in my league, *Shakes Midnight’s paw as Leo popped out* we turn disaster into stone cold cash. I’m Jessica Jaclyn. What do you and your friend go by, kid?"

Midnight spoke "Midnight Storm."

Leo spoke "*Ahem!* Neon Leon."

Jessica spoke "Those’re terrible. We’re calling you Imp Foxcat and your friend Primetime now. Let’s talk costumes."

Leo spoke "Okay."

Jessica spoke "How married are you both to this whole beast and turtle situation? *Changes champion room name to Imp Foxcat* Remember, you’re the champ now. Anything you need, it’s yours. And get ready, I’m putting you in the next match to defend the belt. *Kicks the door open before pushing Midnight and Leo into the room and laughed* Imp Foxcat and Primetime in primetime!"

Jessica closed the door as she walked away.

Raph angrily spoke "This is not happening! Leo doesn’t even like wrestling."

Donnie spoke "Oh, no way, the Liberty League.

We saw a trio of wrestlers as Donnie came down.

Donnie spoke "Hey, hey, fellas. Give it up."

Donnie was about to high-five one of them before Mikey did the high-five before Donnie as he came down.

Mikey spoke "For your biggest fan!"

Liberty Bill spoke "Thanks, kid. *As he and his teammates walked away* Nothing like my first high-five of the day."

Donnie groans "First my pizza, now my high-five?"

Raph, Aki, Nyriel and I came down as the turtle kicked the door open, show Midnight and Leo in the room with the big guy on a throne while wearing the belt.

Leo spoke "Oh, dudes, this wrestling thing is out of control. *Throws shades away* You got to get on the team and get the trickle downs."

Donnie spoke "Dibs on-"

Mikey spoke "Dibs on hype man!"

Midnight spoke "None of the costumes would even fit a big guy like me since I'm nearly as big as my dad is."

Raph spoke "You and Midnight give Ghostbear’s belt back, Leo. You’re not a real wrestler, you’re not a real champion, and Midnight didn’t even touch Ghostbear."

Leo spoke "*Slides onto table with the belt* Uh, correct me if I’m wrong on this, but Ghostbear was your champion, okay? Who Midnight and I just beat, mm-hmm. So that makes us your new champions. You may now kiss the belt."

Raph spoke "*Punches table, sending Leo flipping into a chair* Not funny, Leo."

Leo spoke "*As the belt landed back onto Midnight's snout* What’s funny is how easy wrestling is. Moment one, Midnight’s in the bleachers. Moment two, he’s champion of the world. The whole world!"

Mikey spoke "1-0! Greatest of all time! ~Hype man!~"

Midnight spoke "Okay, calm down, bud."

Raph spoke "This place has the stench of a phony."

Leo spoke "hat’s the champ’s muscle balm, and you will respect it. *Accidentally squirts muscle balm onto Raph’s head, making Mikey laugh* You’re hilarious."

Raph spoke "*Wipes balm off* Leo, Midnight, that belt’s going to your heads, man. *As Leo polished the belt* You’re flying too close to the bull, and you’re gonna get hurt. *Tries to grab the knob, but hands slipped off as he then struggled* Come on! *Yells as he ripped the door off its hinges and threw it to the ground* You’ll see. *Leaves*"

Leo spoke "Uh, dudes-"

Raph picked up the door and slammed it to the doorway as a costume rack fell.

Donnie spoke "No way! A genuine Einstein costume, and a-"

Mikey asks "*Swipes wig* A crazy wig! *Styles wig into a mohawk* How do I look, Donnie?"

Donnie spoke "*Eerily* Like a man who doesn’t know what’s coming his way."

Mikey asks "Wait, *Laughs* what?"

Midnight spoke "*grabbing the belt from Leo with magic* But Raph is right Leo, we're a pair of phonies. Ones that accidentally landed Ghostbear in the hospital."

Leo scoffs "Psh, he’ll walk it off. Besides, what’s one more match gonna do?"

Midnight growls "By my pony mother's mane, I'm going to set this mess RIGHT and you can't stop me Leo."

Taking the wrestling belt with him, Midinght leaves the room to find Jessica.

Midnight spoke "Excuse me miss, I think there's been a huge mistake."

Jessica spoke "Perfect, you and Primetime are up right now."

Midnight groans "That's NOT what I'm here for! the stupid turtle made a mistake and I want to fix it. And unless you want to invoke my dad's rage, I suggest you take the damn belt back!"

Jessica spoke "If ya think ya don't deserve it, then consider it your chance to really earn it."

Midnight spoke "But-"

Jessica spoke "*tries pushing Midnight* No time to chat, it's time to wrestle!"

Later, Jessica was in the center of the ring with spotlights on her. "Are you ready for the main event? Defending his belt with a tag-team member in a single pin fall, anything goes match, *Names appearing on a TV board* the newest superstars of the NYWA, *Smoke screen and fireworks as Midnight and Leo came out, standing on something covered* with their exotic entourage, One Love and Dynamite Don...

Mikey spoke "Whoo-hoo, yeah!"

The three turtles were in new outfits as Leo stomped his foot, uncovering that something, revealing to be a giant firework on a Wrestler Float before it blasted off and exploded, spelling Imp Foxcat and Primetime as Midnight and Leo landed.

Jessica spoke "Imp Foxcat and Primetime! *As Mikey and Donnie got next to the duo* Put your hands together for the challenger. *As the lights turned red* Powerhouse newcomer Red Reign.

A figure stomped, clearing the smoke as he jumped onto the ring, making Jessica, Leo, Mikey, Donnie and even Midnight bounce a little.

Mikey spoke "Don't sweat him, Champs."

Leo spoke "Yeah, this bozo's got nothing on us."

But then Red Reign grabbed his mask before crushing it, revealing himself to be Raph.

Leo asks "Okay, which one of you made Raph angry?"

Midnight spoke "We both did, ya fool. But mostly you. You handle him, I won't fight."

Raph spoke "*Into mic* Red Reign's bringing the pain!"

Donnie spoke "And Dynamite Donnie's *Into mic* with him! *Gently slaps the sunglasses off Mikey, making the crowd gasp*"

Mikey spoke "*Into mic* My eyes!"

Donnie spoke "*Into mic* I am tired of you taking all my stuff, One Love. I hereby betray you, Primetime and Imp Foxcat, and team up with Red Reign. *Brings out letter resignation* This betrayal is my formal resignation of my managerial position in your entourage."

Jessica: *Jumps onto ropes before tearing her suit off, revealing a referee outfit* Blip, blaow, time to wow!"

The bell dinged Raph aimed for Leo.

Raph spoke "I'll teach you how easy wrestling is. *Readies to slingshot from ropes* For Ghostbear!"

Raph flew right past Leo, only making his hat spin.

Leo spoke "That was pretty easy."

But Raph bounced off the other side of ropes and tackled Leo before holding him in the air.

Leo spoke "*Kicking Raph* L-L-L-Lame. *Spits onto hands* Feel the sting of my Three Star Hurricane. *Slaps Raph rapidly* Okay. *Laughs*"

Raph only growled before he started dominating Leo.

Mikey spoke "How could you turn on your brothers, D? Wrestling's about the fans, the pageantry. The thick scent of sweat in the air. Not the violence."

Mikey and Donnie started wrestling each other as Raph had Leo pinned down.

Leo asks "Okay, I admit it, wrestling hurts. Now get off of me. What is that smell?

Raph spoke "That's my victory stink.

The bell dinged as the countdown began.

Jessica spoke "One, two, thre-

But then the lights suddenly went off, stopping the countdown in confusion as spotlights looked around before Twilight approached Midnight for a "pep talk".

And much to shock of everyone present, Twilight was in her kyubi form.

Twirama spoke "You've done and goofed up big time boy."

After taking the mic from Jessica, Nyriel spoke "What a total SHOCKER this is! The Nine Tailed Terror, once thought to be just a myth among Mobians is BACK IN ACTION!!"

Jessica brought out another mic before noticing something. "What? *As spotlights shined on Ghostbear in the crowd, who was perfectly okay* Another surprise twist!"

Ghostbear pressed the play button on a jukebox, playing rock music as he jumped onto the ring, causing those on the ring to bounce.

Raph spoke "Ghostbear? *Rolls towards him before standing up in awe* Ghostbear! I'm your number one fan, listen. I thought it was really unfair what my brother and friend did to you earlier. We good though, right? Can I get a selfie, an autograph, a toenail clipping? Perhaps a-*Grabbed by Ghostbear before being set aside as the wrestler walked forward* Grabbed by the Ghost. I'll never wash this face again."

Yep, my Raph's a die-hard fan.

Leo asks "I'm not usually a rules guy, but is this legal?"

Jessica spoke "I said anything goes. What I thought was gonna be a three-way match *Jumps onto rope* will now be a Quadruple-Trouble Chaos *Flips mic open before pressing a button with her thumb* in the Cage!"

A cage dropped, surrounding the ring on all sides.

Jessica spoke "Fighting his way back from Loserville to Championtown, Ghostbear!"

Ghostbear roared.

Twirama spoke "Hey! I didn't sign up for this!"

Raph spoke "Hey, Ghostbear, I got a few ideas on how you can win back your belt. If you want, we could team up, and, uh-"

Ghostbear: I don’t tag-team with tortugas!"

Ghostbear jumped and stomped the ground hard, bouncing Leo and Midnight into the air before he grabbed them and threw the two towards the ropes, stretching them back before landing behind the ropes and pulling them back farther, before firing the duo like a slingshot, making them crash against the cage as they hanged on while Midnight’s head made a bigger hole and was a bit stuck. But since this wasn’t a ringout match, those two are still in.

Raph spoke "About those ideas to win back your belt, I uh- *Ghostbear places his left hand on Raph’s right shoulder*

Ghostbear spoke "Hey, your brother and friend took my belt. Let me show you how I stole it in the first place. *Reaches behind his back before bringing it out and opens his right fist, revealing purple dust* Peek-a-boo!"

Ghostbear blew the dust right at Raph’s face, especially his eyes.

Raph spoke "*Backs up* Ah, hey, that’s cheating!"

Jessica spoke "I said anything goes."

Twirama springboards off a rope, bodyslamming Ghostbear to the ground hard.

Twirama pinned Ghostbear again and made sure he was pinned down. Due to Twirama's weight, Ghosbear couldn't get free no matter how hard he tried.

Midnight spoke "Mom, let us finish this."

Twirama saw the looked in Midnight’s eyes and decided to trust him. “Alright… then go get him.

Twirama jumped to the ceiling and held on as Ghostbear pulled the lobster off him.

Ghostbear spoke "Time for your final fall."

Raph and Midnight spoke "Think again, bozo. It’s Primetime.

Raph threw Leo to the ropes and flew past Ghostbear, making the wrestler laugh as Leo readied on another set of ropes.

Leo spoke "Three!"

Ghostbear still laughed before Raph and Midnight readied themselves on the ropes the turtle threw Leo at.

Raph and Midnight spoke "Star!"

The trio spoke "*Landing slap attacks* Hurricane!"

The three kept bouncing and slapping, catching Ghostbear in a hurricane of attacks.

Twirama spoke "You go, Midnight!"

“Hit ‘im hard, Raph!” I cheered.

Nyriel spoke "Slap Ghostbear to oblivion, Leo!"

Jessica: Feel the sting of the Three Star Hurricane!"

Ghostbear was starting to turn red from all the slaps.

Ghostbear spoke "Ay-yi-yi!"

Leo spoke "Oh, boy!"

Raph grabbed Leo by the ankles and spun him around like a baseball bat while Midnight spun around, readying a tail slap.

Raph spoke "Hot soup!"

Midnight "Tail Slap!"

The hand bat slap and the swinging tail slap hit Ghostbear on both buttcheeks hard, sending him flying and bouncing around all over in the cage before getting tangled up in ropes.

Twiama spoke "And here’s the finisher! Nine Star Comet!"

Twirama delivered a body slam on Ghostbear that hit him WAY harder, making him almost lose consciousness.

The trio spoke "Cowabunga!"

But then the cage rumbled.

Raph spoke "Uh-oh."

But the Nyriel used her magic to keep the cage from falling apart.

Twirama spoke "*looking at Jessica* The countdown, if you please."

Mikey spoke "Don’t worry, Twi, we got this. Give me a three count, D."

Donnie: One, two, three!"

Leo: These out-of-left-field twists make wrestling the best!"

Twirama spoke "*facepaw* But that was.... Woah!"

The 5000 pound alicorn-kyubi hybrid was suddenly lifted up.

Twirama spoke "Nyriel, let go of the cage!"

Nyriel spoke "Okay."

Nyriel did that as the cage fell apart on Raph, Midnight, Leo, Twirama and Ghostbear.

Ghostbear spoke "Ai!"

One pole hits the males, knocking them out cold.

Twirama was still standing despite the others being out.

Twirama spoke "Uh, whoops."

Twirama was looking directly at Jessica.

Jessica spoke "*Slaps the ring ground* One! Two! Three!"

Twirama spoke "And that's how you win a fair and honest match, without cheating your way to the top."

But then a portal opened in the air.

Twirama groans "I know that's you Sumarda."

Sumarda suddenly appeared. “Actually, someone from a different reality of this universe is coming for a visit. From the Calor-Zone.”

All of a suddenly, someone fell from the portal and belly-flopped before bouncing back up and landed on their feet. And who was saw was… a 1,000 pound obese anthro Pinkie wearing a pink, blue and yellow two piece female wrestler outfit.

Pinkie? asks "Hiya, so you’re Sumarda of this reality?"

Sumarda spoke "You bet, Calor-Pinkie."

Looking at the newcomer, Twirama spoke "I'm Twilight Sparkle, also known as Twirama."

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Wow, you look just like the Twilight back home, maybe even the same, despite being reality counterparts."

Twirama spoke "The same can be said about my Redux and Warrior-verse counterparts but unlike them, I have a nine-tailed beast and a two tailed beast sealed within me. My Redux counterpart has an alien sealed in her."

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Nine-tailed and two-tailed? Just like my Twilight."

Midnight groans in pain.

Midnight asks "Did anyone get the license plate of that truck that hit me?"

Nyriel spoke "*Nervous giggle* Sorry about that."

Midnight spoke "You're lucky I don't hit kids."

Nyriel spoke "I’m a teenager!"

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Anywho, looks like I might need to balance the scales."

Pinkie suddenly grew bigger and fatter with her outfit growing with her until she was as big and heavy as Twirama, weighing 5,000 pounds.

Midnight spoke "I'm 200 years older than you are."

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Anywho, I wanna challenge Twirama to a wrestling match, just for fun. Ya know, an exhibition match."

Twirama spoke "Just for fun huh? I'm in!"

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Ya sure about that? ‘Cause there’s a Super-Sized Beach in my Equuis. But hey, which one we go to is your choice."

Twirama rams into Calor-Pinkie, headbutting the pink mare hard.

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Ooh! Nice one, Twily!"

But then Calor-Pinkie puffed her chest and belly out, rebounding Twirama. Twirama managed to stop herself from flying and slid on the ground before stopping as Calor-Pinkie stomped the ground with her right hoof, that being her right foot, then her left hoof, that being her left foot, as she readied.

Calor-Pinkie spoke ""But if ya wanna take us to a bigger ring, your call, Twi."

But since Twirama had the Flame Body trait, Calor-Pinkie had gotten a burn.

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Okay, ya got me there, but it won't hurt much thanks to all this fat I have. *Slaps her own belly, making it jiggle*"

Twirama asks "So you have the Thick Fat ability?"

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Not exactly, but thanks to me being able to have restraint and unbound forms, my body's good getting at insulation."

Twirama growls "You're lucky I don't have Poison Point as my trait!"

Twirama launches herself at Calor-Pinkie while using Flame Wheel.

As Calor-Pinkie took the attack while grabbing Twirama, an anthro Cheese Sandwich as big and fat as Calor-Pinkie showed up and sat down with a large tub of popcorn while his clothes looked snug with all of his jelly belly revealed. Calor-Pinkie then threw Twirama down before jumping up and belly-flopped on her, dealing damage.

But all of a sudden, Twirama flew high into the sky while holding onto Calor-Pinkie as she pulled off a Seismic Toss thus slamming the earth pony on the ground hard and knocking her out cold.

Twirama then pinned down Calor-Pinkie, ready for the 3-count.

Jessica spoke "One! Two! Thr-"

But then Calor-Pinkie woke up and bounced Twirama off of her.

Calor-Cheese spoke "Go, Pinkie!"

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Since you showed a killer move, I’ll show you one of my own!"

Calor-Pinkie grabbed Twirama before throwing her to the ropes, slinging her back to the anthro pony.

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Cake… *Knocks Twirama into the air with a butt thrust before jumping after her* Pie… *Right above Twirama as they fell down, spinning, back onto the ring* Combo Piledriver!"

Calor-Pinkie then whammied Twirama with a belly smash.

Twirama teleported just before the attack connected.

Twirama chuckles "Hehe, as expected of any Pinkie, you are totally random."

Twirama elbow drops Calor-Pinkie, knocking her out again.

Twirama went on top of Calor-Pinkie while wrapping her tails around the obese mare to make sure she's pinned down.

Twirama spoke "Not many can escape the Nine Tailed Hold."

Calor-Pinkie started waking up as the 3-count started.

Jessica spoke "One! Two! Three!"

Calor-Pinkie bursted free right as the count was finished as the bell rang. “Oops, guess I was a teensy-bit late.

Midnight and the others cheered.

Midnight spoke "WAY TO GO MOM!!!"

Twirama spoke "I’ll admit, you made that a challenge, Calor-Pinkie."

Calor-Pinkie giggles "Good thing the outfit I had lets me move freely."

Twirama giggled. “Why am I not surprised about that part?

Twirama shook paw with Calor-Pinkie.

Calor-Cheese spoke "That was an awesome match, Pinkie!"

Calor-Cheese tackle-hugged Calor-Pinkie as they bounced a bit before the two chuckled and giggled.

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Thanks for cheering me on, Chubby-Hubby Cheesy."

Calor-Cheese spoke "Anything for my big pink cake of pie, Plumpy-Wifey Pinkie."

Twirama spoke "We should spar again sometime."

Calor-Pinkie asks "Wait, in your Sumarda’s dimension or the Calor-Zone?"

Twirama was about to answer when an explosion happened.

Twirama pulled Jessica and the other wrestlers underneath her body as a chunk of stone fell on top of the alicorn-kyubi.

Twirama spoke "*voice echoing due to the Royal Voice* This is not a drill, I repeat! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! Please evacuate immediately!"

Midnight asks "*As the spectators, wrestlers and commentators fled* Now what?!"

Twirama spoke "I don't know son but we need to call in the rest of the Alicorn Alliance, since our universe's Danyelle is part of the alliance."

Calor-Pinkie spoke "Cheese and I can help too!"

Danyelle spoke "It's as I feared! Team Galactic is making their comeback after 224 years! I need to send word out to all Pokemon trainers!"
