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Helluva Party!/ Quadruple Surprise!

*Pumpkin’s POV*

Well, we were ready to head for the party. Heehee! To think my brother, parents and I would learn some tricks from Sumarda while staying at her Chuddle Hotel for a long while.

Belladonna asks "Okay, is everyone ready?"

Annabelle spoke "I'm gonna stay behind. Most angels and demons don't get along."

Belladonna spoke "Yeah, good choice. Besides, Lucifer’s a fallen Angel."

Annabelle spoke "Lucifer and I were once good friends but after his fall from grace, I lost contact with him. Hmm, maybe I should come."

Belladonna asks "Uh, I dunno. You remember Cletus, Collin and Keenie, former members of C.H.E.R.U.B.?"

Annabelle spoke "Belladonna... Don't make me drop a giant pile of snow on you."

Belladonna spoke "No no, I’m glad Sumarda offered those three a home in her dimension. But you’re my cousin, so of course I’d be worried about you if you head down there."

Danydonna glares at Belladonna.

Danydonna spoke "Don't make me tell Firebrand on you Belladonna."

Belladonna spoke "*Blushing madly* Okay, probably."

Firestar laughs "Sounds like some hellhound's gonna need some herbs for that burn!"

Annabelle spoke "*Smirk* Nah, I think Belladonna’s getting hungry for Firebrand."

Danydonna spoke "At least I ain't no loud-beak Breegull!"

A Breegull scoffs "*Ahem!* Really, Dany?"

A familiar bear spoke "She's not wrong Kazooie, you never seem to shut up."

Kazooie pouts "Banjo!"

Banjo chuckles.

Danydonna snickers "You want some cheese with that whine, you stupid Breegull?"

Belladonna asks "*Giggle* Okay. So anyone else gonna unexpectedly show up?"

A yelp was heard before an alicorn mare crashed into a tree.

Sally spoke "Son of a... OW!"

Sonic asks "Sally?"

Sally had her head stuck in the tree.

Sally spoke "*voice was muffled* Hey Sonic."

Danyelle used her magic to turn Sonic's wings invisible since Sally was unaware that Sonic had become part alicorn.

Sonic spoke "*Helps Sally get out of a tree* It’s been a long time since I saw you, Sal."

Sally spoke "Yeah but I'm not the only one! Hey Ferret Face! Get the others over here!"

A male spoke "*French Accent* Ugh! I told you, Sally, I hate that nickname!"

Danyelle and the others laugh.

Tails laughs "She's not wrong Antoine, it's what Roll used to call you back when Danyelle was human!"

A female rabbit who's legs and arm were robotic spoke "Now none o' y'all talk like that about mah husband!"

Sonic chuckles "But ya have to admit Bunnie, it was funny when Danyelle said it."

Bluestar laughs "Sounds like that coyote's gonna need some herbs for that burn!"

Bunnie giggles "*Smirk* But Ah got the herbs fer that, don't I, sweetie?"

Antoine chuckles "But of course, mon amour."

Estelle was in half Pegasus form when she saw Sally and the other Freedom Fighters before flying off to get her mom.

Estelle spoke "MOM!!!!"

Sonic spoke "That voice you heard just now was Estelle, she's the only daughter of Queen Amy Rose."

Sally asks "Queen Amy? What happened while we were gone?"

Danyelle spoke "As it turns out.... Sonic, Manic and Sonia are one third wolf beastman one third alicorn since their dad is half alicorn half wolf beastman. Oh, hey Shirou!"

Roll spoke "It's been 224 years since I saw you last Ferret Face."

Antoine asks "Quoi?"

Bunnie spoke "Ah don't understand."

Danyelle giggles "Don't mind Roll, she likes to be annoying at times. Oi Vince, get over here!"

A boom was heard before Megaman skids to a stop.

Megaman asks "You called sis?"

To the shock of the trio, Megaman looked a lot like Sonic minus the wolf tail.

A male asks "Whoa, what'd I miss?"

Roll spoke "224 years worth of things though Rotor."

Rotor asks "That long?"

Luna then showed up.

Sonic spoke "Hey grandma Luna."

Ears flattening, Danyelle spoke "Freak out in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Sally, Antoine, Bunnie and Rotor scream "WWWHHHAAAAAATTT?!?"

Several non-Mobian birds got scared off.

Amy soon arrives.

Amy spoke "Hey Sally! It's been too long!"

Sally asks "Amy? That you, girl?"

Amy spoke "Yep! I haven't aged a day in 224 years, you can blame Sonic for that mess."

Sonic spoke "Shut up Amy! Don't make me get Thorax!"

Amy blushed madly at that.

Adagio and Sonata soon show up with Sonia, Kelly, Manic and Melody.

Sonia spoke "Hey Sally."

Sally asks "Sonia! Manic! It's great to see you two again! But who are they?"

Sonia spoke "The yellow siren is Adagio Dazzle, my wife."

Manic spoke "The pale blue is Sonata Dusk, one of my two wives."

Kelly spoke "I'm Kelly and the tacobrain's my cousin, Melody."

Melody whines "Kelly~!"

Kelly taunts "You want some cheese with that whine?"

The two hybrids were soon in a fight cloud.

Antoine felt a bit queasy with his head being a bit green at hearing that Sonia had a wife.

Adagio spoke "Oh don't give me that Ferret Face, it's because of the mare to stallion ratio. There's more mares than stallions and besides, that stupid tanuki's also a lesbian."

Belladonna asks "Okay okay okay, is everyone ready to head for the party?"

Various folks spoke "YEAH!!!!"

Belladonna spoke "Alright then, let's go!"

Belladonna opened a portal as she brought out a music box and started playing music with all of us jumping in.

Automatically, Sonic went into his werehog form while Megaman and Roll went into werebeast forms.

Sonic spoke "This is one thing I never wanted you to see though Sally..."

Sally asks "Why?"

Belladonna spoke "Oh, I forgot to mention, anyone who isn't dead and lives here usually take on demon disguises."

Danydonna spoke "Not counting those with forme changes."

Belladonna spoke "Yeah."

As Belladonna said, all of us that weren't dead and living in Hell were in demon disguises. But Goomeleon... OOF! He definitely look hot as Tartarus!

Danydonna spoke "My normal form and Danyterasu form are locked for now."

We soon found ourselves at a mansion.

A female spoke "Everyone!"

We saw Loona approach us with a smile.

Loona spoke "I’m so glad you guys could make it!"

Sonic spoke "*impressed whistle* That is one snazzy mansion!"

Charmy asks "Why does the glass look like bee honeycombs?"

Werelight spoke "No idea.... AND GAH! I'm a werepony!!!!"

Belladonna asks "*Bead of sweat* What part of “demon disguises” eluded you?"

Danydonna spoke "Belladonna..."

Pinkie spoke "Come on, Dany! It’s a party! No need to frown!"

Danydonna spoke "For the love of, don't scare me like that Pinkie!"

“Heehee! Auntie Pinkie’s right, Dany. It’s a party, so we should have fun.” I giggled in agreement with Auntie Pinkie.

Danydonna spoke "Shadow's not one for parties though."

Sonic spoke "Hehe, come on. Maria could’ve dragged him here."

Roll spoke "I feel so weird..."

Danydonna spoke "And don't get me started on that loud-beak Breegull."

Kazooie scoffs "Really, Dany?"

Danydonna spoke "Uh... Ein said it!"

Kazooie sighed at that.

Danydonna's fur bristled up when she heard a laugh that wasn't from her friends or fellow Smashers.

Danydonna growls "Gruntilda."

Kazooie spoke "Great, it’s the bonehead."

Danydonna spoke "Literally in this case."

Gruntilda snaps "Grr! How did you see through my disguise?! You shouldn’t be able to see through lies!"

Danydonna growls "I've hung around Applejack long enough to discern lies from the truth."

Banjo asks "Wait, isn’t she supposed to be at L.O.G.S.’ factory?"

Sonic spoke "I DON'T want to know!"

But then a strange cat lunged onto Gruntilda’s gravity pipe as she started running off.

Kazooie spoke "Huh, that cat has weird timing."

Pinkie asks "L.O.G.? What’s that stand for?"

Banjo spoke "I think it was Lord of Games? And that cat was Piddles."

Danydonna spoke "So says the stupid Breegull that has a crush on Banjo."

Kazooie stammers "S-Shut it, ya hairball!"

Danydonna grabs Kazooie by the neck and strangles the bird.

Banjo chuckles "Hehe, looks like no one changed."

Sonic spoke "Aside from the fact I'm part alicorn and part wolf beastman."

Banjo spoke "Whoa! Nice!"

Loona spoke "Still, I’m glad you guys are here."

Sally asks "Wait, WAIT?!?"

Cuetzpalli showed up. “I know. Kind of loco, right?”

Loona spoke "Hey sweetie."

Cuetzpalli and Loona kissed each other on the lips at that.

Megaman spoke "If it's not one thing, it's another."

Loona spoke "A lot of our friends are here."

Cuetzpalli spoke "Hehe, my wife here is right, amigos."

Kazooie scoffs "That hag is no friend to Banjo and I."

Loona asks "Heh, you think we wouldn’t notice?"

Yugi was shaking in fear since he didn't like scary places.

Cuetzpalli spoke "Amigo, it’s nicer inside."

Danydonna spoke "Yugi's been a scaredy cat for the length of time I've known him."

Werebow Dash asks "Where’s Téa when ya need her?"

A pink ball was shaking since Téa had curled up.

Werebow spoke "Oh come on!"

Joey spoke "Jeeze, what gives? The place ain’t that scary."

Yugi stammers "R-remember that Pyramid of Light nonsense Joey?"

Joey asks "Yeah?"

Yugi spoke "I fear it could happen again..."

A dark laugh had sent Yugi curling up into a ball.

A Mobian jackal with ancient Egyptian clothing laughs "You lot can never stop me!"

But then the jackel was shot through his chest and head, before being wrapped up in mummy bandages.

A voice spoke "That’s enough outta you, jackass."

We then saw Ali as he threw Anubis into a sarcophagus before hands erupted from below and dragged the case down with Anubis.

Danydonna spoke "Uh... He's immortal... And he heals fast from his wounds..."

But Anubis broke free.

But then a portal opened, revealing Rei from the Redux-Verse as he pinned down Anubis.

Rei spoke "Some people just never learn. He’s just like Zamasu. *Puts hand in front of Anubis* Hakkai."

Anubis roared out in terrible agony and horror as he was completely erased and destroyed.

Tristan spoke "Holy shit...."

Joey spoke "Well that’s over with."

Redux-Verse Rei spoke "Yep. But I gotta head back home. Later."

Redux-Verse Rei opened a portal and headed back to his universe.

A female spoke "Well that happened."

We then noticed Via (Octavia of the Ars Goetia) here too.

“Hey Via. How’s Stolas?” Danydonna asked.

Via spoke "Oh, dad’s doing well now."

Yugi whimpers "Is it over?"

Danydonna spoke "Definitely."

Loona spoke "Heehee. Come on, let’s go."

Danydonna picked Téa up with magic since the she-cat was still curled up.

Darting over to the group, a male lion Mobian with ancient Egyptian clothing asks "Is everything okay?"

Yugi asks "Wait… Atem?"

Atem chuckles "Yep!"

Yugi asks "How did you get out of me?"

Atem spoke "I'm not a part of you anymore since I'm dead, been so since the Paradox dilemma."

Yugi spoke "Oh…"

Atem spoke "There were some things I had done that got me banished to this place..."

Danydonna asks "But bygones are now bygones, right?"

Danydonna's eyes flash white as her wings shot up on end.

Danydonna's tails wagged a bit since she saw an upcoming wedding.

Yugi asks "Téa, can I ask you something?"

Téa asks "Hmm? Yeah?"

holding a rose pink diamond wedding ring in his right hand, Yugi asks "Téa, w-will you... marry me?"

Danydonna and the others wait with baited breath.

Téa was definitely surprised with hands over her mouth before she cried happy tears as she hugged Yugi.

Téa happily spoke "Yes… Yes, Yugi!"

Danydonna and the other werebeasts howl in happiness.

Loona spoke "Nice! Now come on in here!"

We smiled as we came in.

Loona spoke "Hey everyone! Meet the new faces here!"

Loona and Ali howled, with the other Hellhound guests howling in response.

Via asks "Want any drinks?"

Danydonna spoke "Now THIS IS A PARTY!!!"

A male spoke "Hehe, just wait until the arrival of my wife, since she threw this party."

A male hellhound showed up.

Loona spoke "Vortex!"

Via spoke "Hehe, hey, Tex."

Yugi chuckles "It's never truly a party without Pinkie, Cheese and the Carnaval Duo!"

Nico asks "You called?"

Pedro spoke "We saw that portal and followed ya!"

The Tri-Pies tackle hug their honorary uncles.

We soon got drinks before we heard a voice.

A female laughs "Haha! How’re my dirty bitches doin’ tonight?!"

Several hellhound partygoers howled in excitement at that.

The female spoke "Ow-ow! Y’all ready to party with the Queen Bee of Gluttony? Come on!"

We heard cheers as we saw Sumarda with someone on a disco ball that had its plates shaped like honeycombs.

Sumarda spoke "That’s what we like to hear!"

The female spoke "Hell yeah! ‘Cause the honey is flowin’ tonight! And these two bitches are ‘bout to get F-ING! WILD!"

Sumarda and the female spoke spoke "LET’S GET IT STARTED!!!"

Sumarda: Cotton candy, cotton ca— candy
Candy, candy, candy, candy, candy, candy

The figure revealed herself.

Female "fox": Hey!
We’re whatchu need, We’re watchu want
We got it all, a carnivale

Sumarda: We'll bring you up, we'll take you down
We’re sticky sweet, stuck in your teeth like

Female "fox" and Sumarda (Chorus): Cotton Candy
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-ah)
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-oh)
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-ah)
We’re whatchu want, not watchu need (Ah-ah, ah-oh)

Female "fox": Hey, we don't know why,
We’re whatchu want, but it's the truth

Sumarda: I'm not your lie, let them eat cake, let them eat pie

Sumarda and Female "fox" (Chorus): Or better yet, let them eat cotton candy
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-ah)
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-oh)
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-ah)
We’re whatchu want, not watchu need

Cotton candy skies
Sweet as apple pie
We can't help but shine
Brighter than the starlight in the sky

Sumarda (Chorus): Cotton candy
Cotton candy (Yeah)
Cotton candy

Female "fox": We’re whatchu want, not whatchu need

Female "fox" and Sumarda: So, whatchu want?

“Hungry? Take a big bite!” Sumarda smiled as she enlarged a taco in a partygoer’s hand as he gulped it down before instantly looking like a thousand pounds.

“Get effed tonight!” The female say as she enlarged two drinks before chugging it down two partygoers’ throats, making them look totally drunk as Sumarda asked, “So, whatchu want?”

“Your Queen Bee brings the sweet stuff, so keep making me that sweet sugary honey!” The female smiled as she threw a male hellhound into an enlarged punch bowl as three other hellhounds went towards it. “Yeah, keep it comin’!”

The four were gaining weight while afloat in the punch bowl and doing water angels with big eyes and drooling mouths.

Sumarda (Chorus): Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-ah)
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-oh)
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-ah)

Sumarda and Female "fox" (Chorus): We’re whatchu want, not whatchu need

Cotton candy skies
Sweet as apple pie
We can't hеlp but shine
Brighter than the starlight

Cotton candy skiеs
Sweet as apple pie
We can't help but shine (Woo!)
Brighter than the starlight in the sky

Sumarda and the female made floating honey rivers, raining cotton candy and set off a huge confetti bomb as the partygoers cheered.

Roll lets off a screech as she cheered with the other werebeasts.

The female spoke "Ow-ow! Vortex! *Flies over to Vortex* The party is buzzin’ now! Wow! I feel like Suma and I went a little too hard with the confetti again though. I have like, a rainbow, inside me right now."

Sumarda spoke "Hehe, come on. We always go all-out at parties, Beelzebub."

Beelzebub then noticed all of us. “Hey, are those the sweet creatures you told me about? The girls are effing cuties! Where you all been hidin’ girls? And the guys sure look like great treats! Where were those guys?"

Werelight asks "Is something wrong?

Beelzebub spoke "Nah, I’m just really high on all this tasty energy right now! Suma says you guys don’t get trips to Hell much, let alone invited to a party here. I hope this itty-bitty get-together can serve as a fun first time."

Sonic spoke "Sorry but I'm a married hedgehog... Err, werehog when I look like this."

Megaman spoke "Human turned NetNavi-Mobian hybrid, also married."

Danydonna spoke "Human turned alpha-class Mobian, also married. Co-leader of the first generation Mobian Guard."

Werelight spoke "Married alicorn with a pair of tailed beasts in my soul, leader of the first generation Pony Guard."

Loona spoke "Don’t worry. Bee’s just being friendly."

Beelzebub spoke "I would have thrown a bigger one, but I couldn’t convince Belphegor to let me break into her stash of party drugs. So freaking lame. I mean I usually just steal them, but Belle changed the locks. *Summons beer bottle* She says I’m a total jackass for trying, but hey, I’m proud to be a total jackass."

Beelzebub drank the beer and threw the bottle away as Vortex chuckled before we introduced ourselves to her.

Vortex spoke "Yeah guys, this is my wife, Bee."

Beelzebub spoke "Nice to meetcha BITCHES!"

We were definitely surprised by how she looked like a hybrid.

Applejack spoke "Whoa nelly, this is… She’s hot."

Applejack placed a hand on her mouth at that.

Beelzebub laughs "Ha! Holy shit! Okay, Suma, you didn’t tell me some of them were hilarious. That’s so funny."

Applejack spoke "S-Sorry, that slipped out."

Beelzebub spoke "I love the fact that’s the first thing you say to me. You don’t give a shit how freaky any of you come off, and that’s freaking beautiful. You are now one of my favorite people."

Danydonna spoke "My friends and I had been on a LOT of bizarre adventures over the years. And heck, I'm also the reincarnation of Joseph Joestar."

Beelzebub spoke "Nice!"

Applejack asks "But am Ah really one o’ yer favorites?"

Beelzebub spoke "Yeah, bitch! No, really. Reminds me of the first time I saw Satan without a shirt on. I was like “OOF! Boy, you are hot as hell!” But then I wanted to die ‘cause it was so awkward ’cause he’s more like a brother to me, ya know but not actually my brother so… I guess, it was fine. I could hit that… ya know, Sumarda definitely helped me feel more in tune with Gluttony when she first came to my parties."

Zoey laughs "Reminds me of the one time my only daughter walked in on Geo when he had his shirt off!"

Anzu shouts "MOM!"

Beelzebub spoke "Well, see this lava lamp I have for a belly? Thanks to it, I can burn calories and never gain weight. But when Sumarda first came to one of my parties and heard about it, she challenged me to eat the food she summoned and try not to gain weight from it. I ate all of the food, which were delicious, and found myself totally obese, like a thousand pounds. That was the first time, but I kinda liked it, so Suma earned my respect as I try to invite her to my parties every now and then."

Anzu spoke "You were no better mom, you walked in on dad one time when he had his shirt off!"

Zoey was definitely a stammering mess.

Beelzebub spoke "Anyway, guys, you have a good time tonight. Get some sweets, get some eats. Drink it! Devour it! Eff it up! Whoo!"

Beelzebub started walking around to other partygoers. “Cheers, honey! Thank you for coming! You need anything? Are you having fun? Are you good? Are you drunk? Are you fat?”

Partygoers that were asked nodded at that.

Beelzebub spoke "Okay good. Okay great."

Man, Bee’s definitely a party animal!

Danydonna spoke "She's a bigger party animal than you Pinkie."

Pinkie spoke "Wow! This is awesome!"

Werebow spoke "Wonder what they got here!"

Soon, we were cheering Werebow as she gulped down an entire keg of beer as she was alright.

Werebow asks "Ha! That was nothing! When do I get a real challenge?"

Beelzebub showed up, looking bigger like a size increase spell as she had a chicken leg.

Beelzebub spoke "Oh yeah? You wanna drink with the big bitch, pony girl? I got a challenge for ya."

Werebow spoke "Bring it!"

Danydonna engulfs herself in fire as she switched to Danyterasu form.

Danyterasu spoke "I'll take a bite of that challenge!"

Female poodle hellhound spoke "Oh, they’re gonna die."

Vortex brought out three beehive-shaped kegs. “Alright, let’s do this! From Bee’s personal supply, the hardest shit there is! You two ready?”

Werebow spoke "Oh I was born ready!"

Clarity spoke "I'll take a bite of that challenge too! Get me a keg!"

Vortex brought out another keg.

Danyterasu spoke "Good to go!"

Beelzebub telekinetically lifted the kegs as they gained drinking hoses that went into Werebow’s hooves, Clarity’s paws and Danyterasu’s hands.

Beelzebub spoke "Alright, tough creatures, but there have been few who could beat me at MY own game. So you better bring the fire, baby!"

Werebow taunts "Oh, scared that any of us could beat you?"

Danyterasu spoke "My flames burn brighter than any star!"

Werebow spoke "This'll be easy!"

Clarity spoke "Don’t blame us if you lose!"

Beelzebub spoke "Oho! Okay, let’s get it on, ya little bitches."

Vortex asks "Ready?"

Zoey yowls "SWILL!!"

The trio of females started downing the liquid as fast as they could.

Beelzebub was doing at at the same speed.

Werelight spoke "Come on! You can do it!"

The trio then grabbed the kegs and tore of the cap with the hose before lifting it up and downing down all at once, finishing the kegs.

Danyterasu let out a loud belch that had sent Beelzebub flying.

Clarity laughs "Who’s the queen(s) now?!"

The partygoers and us cheered as Beelzebub came back.

Beelzebub spoke "Not bad. Blitz, Ji, Tex, Suma and Cronile were the only ones who could beat me. I tip my crown to you three. Respect."

Beelzebub howled as the other hellhounds watching howled too.

Werelight, Sonic and Megaman howl as well.

Werebow smiled but then became dizzy as Fleetfoot and Soarin caught her while she kept smiling with droopy eyes.

Clarity spoke "Guess she couldn't handle the heat."

Sonic spoke "Definitely drunk."

Clarity spoke "It'll take more than that to make me drunk but to be honest, Rainbow Crash had that coming."

Rainbow spoke "Hehehe… Hey Soary-Roary… Come here… *hic!*"

Azure groans "Mom, you're drunk."

Beelzebub spoke "Come on, let her have her fun while she can before letting it out."

Clarity spoke "I challenged Rainbow and Applejack to a cider drinking competition one time and beat them both."

Beelzebub spoke "Not bad."

Whoo! We were having a blast! And I was having so much fun with the Tri-Pies as I asked, “Is this party fun or what, girls?”

Danyterasu laughs "Plus I trolled Celestia one time back when Twilight was just a unicorn."

Beelzebub spoke "Really? Tell me about it."

Raspberry spoke "Hay yeah!"

Blueberry spoke "Definitely!"

Cherry spoke "Awesome!"

Werelight spoke "Danyelle has the Dimension Scream, she can see things that have happened or have yet to happen. Not long after she and Nyx arrived in Ponyville due to Lillian's wish, Danyelle busted quite a few eardrums with her shout... There was this one time when Ben proposed, Danyelle caused a cake to explode. If Lillian hadn't made that wish, Danyelle wouldn't have come to Equestria in the first place. Things would have played out a lot differently if Danyelle wasn't around. Gilda, Discord, Nightfall, Chrysalis, Tirek, the Dazzlings, Starlight, Fizzlepop, Eggman and Cozy wouldn't have reformed. Asriel wouldn't have been revived and Sonic wouldn't have found out his origins."

Beelzebub spoke "Man, that’s a lot to take in."

Belladonna spoke "Not to mention, she scared the crap out of me one time."

Beelzebub found that funny as my brother, Goo, Silver Moon and Comet Skies showed up and approached me and the Tri-Pies.

Danyterasu spoke "Something tells me that four more proposals will happen."

Us four girls were confused before our respective boyfriends kneeled and each brought out a box and opened them, causing Raspberry, Cherry, Blueberry and I to gasp with hooves over our mouths. The armband that Goomeleon showed to me had an orange aventurine gemstone, while the one that Pound showed to Raspberry had a raspberry garnet gemstone, the one Silver Moon show to Blueberry had a blueberry azurite, and the one Cometfall showed to Cherry had a cherry quartz gemstone.

Goomeleon spoke "Pumpkin Cake…"

Pound Cake spoke "Raspberry Pie…

Silver Moon spoke "Blueberry Pie…

Comet Skies spoke "Cherry Pie…

Goomeleon, Pound Cake, Silver Moon and Comet Skies ask "Will you marry me?"

The… The Tri-Pies and I couldn’t believe what we were hearing. Our respective boyfriends proposed to us all at once. Us four mares couldn’t help by smile while sniffling happy tears before we hugged our respective boyfriends as the four of us said, “Yes!”

Danyterasu had reared up while howling thus setting off the other canids.

This… is… the best surprise… EVER!!!

Nazuna roars loud since she was in midform, halfway between siren and fox beastman forms.

Mom and Dad couldn’t help but smile.

The party kept going on all night.
