• Published 19th Dec 2023
  • 239 Views, 104 Comments

Thomas and Friends: Christmas Adventures - The Blue EM2

A series of short adventures during the sweetest time of the year.

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It's Snow Joke!

It was wintertime in Falmouth, and the temperatures were some of the coldest of the year. Although it was hardly the warmest of times, most of the residents didn't mind. They loved seeing the festive trees and hearing the carolers sing, the lights that were strung up as far as you could see, and the smiles on most people's faces.

There were always lots of things to do. Christmastime is always a big strain on transportation infrastructure, and this meant that the engines of Falmouth and their drivers had lots to do. There were passengers to move, presents to shift, vans to deliver, and many other things that were associated with the holiday.

"It's a shame that Charles and Sophie aren't here!" Hitch said. "We could really do with the extra horsepower!"

"Ay, you're right lad," Salty smiled.

"I just don't understand where all this snow has come from," Porter said, as Izzy came around to light his fire. "Where does it all come from?"

"The sky, silly!" Izzy said.

"Apart from the obvious."

"Still," Salty said, "this time of year is one where being in good voice is very important. Carols aren't that different to a sea shanty, you know, as they tell a story and have harmony parts."

"That describes most songs, mate," Porter replied.

"If the weather stays like this we might have to bring out the snowblower," Sunny said.

"What's a snowblower?" Hitch asked.

"A snowblower," Sunny replied, "is a machine that uses a large rotating set of blades to push the snow out of the way and cut it up into smaller chunks for the work crews. They are convenient, but the one we have does get through a lot of coal."

"Why not rework it to run on cooking oil?" Izzy suggested. "There's a railway that runs an engine on cooking oil."

"Do we have any engines strong enough to push one?" Rebecca asked, and then glanced forward. "Oh. I appear to have answered my own question."

Hitch opened the cylinder cocks and moved Rebecca out into the yard. "Away we go!"

Posey was not enjoying Christmas at all. The waterfront was covered in snow, and the backstreets weren't much better. The streets were perilous enough at the best of times, but the terrain had turned into a terrifying landscape.

And worst of all were the children and adults who had taken leave of their senses and were throwing snowballs at each other! Posey just took to walking quickly through the madness.

"I moved here for a quieter life than in Exeter!" she said to herself. "And this town is full of crazy people!"

As she approached the station, she saw what she regarded as a figure of sanity in this ocean of madness. She began to make her way towards the station- before a badly timed blob of snow flew her way and slammed into her face.

She stopped, moved her glove, and then removed the snow, looking rather annoyed. "That's it!" she said. She stomped over to the station, where Hitch was prepping Rebecca to depart. "Hitch!" she shouted.

"Hello Posey," Hitch said. "How can I help you?"

"The snowball fights and general chaos around here are out of control!" Posey snapped. "Somebody is going to get seriously hurt if something isn't done about it!"

Hitch nodded. "It is pretty frantic, I will admit. Truth be told it's been a lot to get used to. Is there something you needed?"

"I need to be taken away from here. A beach house, a treehouse, I don't care! Just somewhere away from this madness!"

"So you prefer a quieter Christmas," Hitch said. "I can agree to that. I'll give you a cab ride up to Perranwell. They're doing some quiet Christmas things up there."

Just then a workman arrived, and handed Hitch a note. "Ah. We'll need to fit Rebecca with a snowplough before we depart. This snowfall is only getting worse."

Posey huffed. "I thought the planet was getting hotter, not colder!"

The snowplough was a big, heavy, awkward thing, and took half an hour to fit properly. But eventually they were ready to go, and set off up the line, Posey sitting in the fireman's seat as they rattled up the line.

Hitch tried to strike up some conversation as they made their way towards Perranwell. "So, any particular reason you don't like the snowball stuff?"

Posey shrugged. "I never saw the point. That and, as you know, I'm asthmatic. It's why I'm wearing so many layers to keep warm, as cold weather can irritate my bronchial tubes."

"Your what?"

"They're in the lungs."

"Oh." Hitch nodded. "Still, that was interesting to know. And snowmen?"

"Lack of coal for buttons. That and people were singing that certain song from Frozen ad nauseam for the last ten years."

Hitch smirked. "Do you want to build a snowman-"


Hitch nodded. "OK, I won't. You're more the chestnuts roasting on an open fire type then?"

"You know me so well," Posey answered. "I prefer to soak up the atmosphere and enjoy the lights and sounds. And don't forget the music. I always make sure to have Christmas music on at this time of year given it can only really be played for about 38 days a year if you include up to January 6th."

"True that," Hitch admitted. "Sunny always liked photographing steam locos in this weather. They produce so much more visible steam in cold weather."

"Sorry for the non sequitur, but I've always wanted to see the Northern Lights," Posey said suddenly. "They've always looked spectacular in the photos."

The train came to the top of a hill and began to go down the other side. As they descended, there was suddenly a loud bang, and a large metal object went flying past and into a nearby field.

"What was that?" Posey asked.

"The snowplough's gone!" Hitch shouted. He looked out and saw the wheels skidding. "And we've hit black ice! I'm not sure we'll be able to stop!"

The train rocketed forward like an uncontrollable toboggan. When it reached the bottom of the hill it was doing well over the speed limit. Hitch fought to get speed back under control, and got speed down to something sensible by the time they hit the platform, but a van had been left in the way!

"Oh no!" Rebecca cried, as she slammed into the van.

Hitch was thrown to one side and suffered quite a bang to the head. He was out cold, and an ambulance had to take him away to the hospital.

The guard came up. "Now the revellers will never get their food," he said sadly.

"Revellers?" Posey asked.

"This train is carrying the food for the Truro Christmas Feast. If we can't get it to them the feast will be cancelled and everybody will be sad."

Posey wasn't the biggest fan of the winter season, but at the same time she wasn't a grinch, contrary to what a lot of people believed. "I'll help get the train to Truro," she said. "Driving one of these things can't be that hard."

"Thanks for the help," the guard said. "Let's get back underway."

The train proved to be a little more challenging to get on the move than Posey had expected, but with some work and a careful focus on power over speed, the train made it over the final bank and arrived at Truro Station, where an enormous crowd had turned out to see the train arrive. They cheered.

"Hurrah!" said the mayor of Truro. "The feast shall go ahead as scheduled. We shall unload the passenger coaches and vans, and ensure all is put away." He walked to the cab. "Well done, both of you. What is your name?"

"Posey, sir," Posey replied, as she left the footplate and handed Rebecca over to a member of staff. "Truth be told it wasn't easy. But we got there in the end."

"Superb!" the mayor smiled. "Seeing as you saved the feast, you are hearby invited as our guest of honour!"

The feast was truly wonderful. There was roaring fires, and decorations, and candles, and more tinsel than you could imagine possible. The tables were decorated beautifully, and all the food was cooked to perfection.

And Posey wasn't the only guest of honour. Hitch had been released from hospital and was able to attend, and chose to sit at one end.

"Turkey approaching!" called a voice. "Mind your backs!"

Hitch glanced over to Posey. "So, this is the sort of thing you prefer?"

"Yep," Posey smiled. "My type of Christmas. Just a nice, relaxing period after all the chaos of the year."

"You did a great job out there," Hitch added. "Maybe you should join the regular engine driver roster."

"I don't think it's really my thing," Posey replied, but was happy regardless. After all, she was with friends and with things she enjoyed doing. What more could you want?

Author's Note:

Hello everybody, and welcome to my first Christmas compilation. To kick things off, we have a story all about snow. This story combines the basic plotlines of the Thomas and Friends episode It's Only Snow and the Tell your Tale short Snow Pun Intended.

The reference to cooking oil is an allusion to an actual operating practice done on some smaller lines; oil burning steam engines are rare in the United Kingdom, but of those that do exist, some have been adapted to run on old cooking oil.

The comments on snow partly reflect my feelings on it last year, which saw the Winter Wishday special effectively play out for real in southern Britain; it's often nice for a bit, until you have to travel in it, when it truly becomes the silly soft stuff.

And, of course, I dropped in an allusion to Frozen, seeing as that film turns a decade old this year.