• Published 14th Jan 2024
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Pokemon Turquoise Advanced Generation - foxmaster

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Introduction To Pokeblock and Contests

Today our heroes arrived in a small town where they were walking about. As they were walking Turquoise noticed a flier for a pokemon contest that was tomorrow.

“All right, my first contest in Hoenn,” Turquoise said.

“I’m sorry but what’s a pokemon contest? “Aqua asked.

“It’s a competition where you demonstrate the skill and love of a pokemon in a flashy and entertaining way,” Turquoise explained.

“And you're entering with what you have so far?” Fluttershy asked.

“Of course since I have a feeling the rules here are different from Kanto and Johto,” Turquoise said.

“I don’t get it,” Aqua said.

“I think you will if you just watch me and Espeon in action,” Turquoise said.

“What about Sprigatito and that promise you made to it back on Candina Island?” Fluttershy asked.

“I will keep my promise, I plan to enter her in the next one,” Turquoise said. Soon the three of them approached the contest hall.

Inside the hall was a woman who obviously looked like Isabelle but in a fancy dress with her hair styled differently.

“Yes I would like to enter the contest,” Isabelle said.

“Sure miss, just need to see your Contest pass,” The receptionist said.

“Here you go,” Isabelle said before handing her a pass. Unfortunately the pass was no good.

“I’m sorry miss but it seems your pass is no good, if you like i can issue a new one,” The receptionist said.

“Sure do that,” Isabelle said.

“Ok one moment,” the receptionist said. A few seconds later the new pass was printed. “There you go you are all set Belladonna.

“Thank you, “Isabelle said before leaving. Soon the girls arrived and luckily for Turquoise there were some spots left.

“I would like to enter the contest please,” Turquoise said.

“Certainly, just show me your contest pass,” The receptionist said.

“Here's the thing, I have a Johto one. Do I need to renew it?” Turquoise asked.

“You do but luckily I can take care of that right now,” The receptionist said as she did. Once Turquoise had her new pass and entered she was all set. The girls had time before the contest which meant they could break for lunch.

“Tell me Turquoise what is the goal of contests?” Aqua asked quite curious.

“The goal is to win ribbons, when you acquire five of them you qualify for the Grand Festival,” Turquoise explained.

“Seems simple enough,” Aqua said.

“There is more to it than that, my last contest circuit was a bit rocky and I was up against fierce coordinators who had me beat for a while,” Turquoise said. Suddenly a passerby stopped the moment Turquoise mentioned contests.

“You girls in the contest too?” he asked.

“Just me,” Turquoise said.

“Starting out or seasoned?” He asked.

“Very seasoned, I won both the Kanto and Johto Grand Festivals,” Turquoise said.

“Impressive,” he said before introducing himself. “I’m Maxwell.

“Nice to meet you Maxwell, I'm Turquoise,” Turquoise said.

“I’m Fluttershy,” Fluttershy said.

“And I'm Aqua, “Aqua said.

“Anyway here's a little tip on how contests here in Hoenn work, you're only allowed to use one pokemon so make sure they are capable of doing both appeals and battle,” Maxwell said.

“Are you in this contest too?” Turquoise asked.

“My contest days are behind me so I'm not entering,” Maxwell said before speaking again. “Oh one more thing, Are you familiar with Pokeblock?

“I vaguely know about it, i believe it's a treat given to pokemon,” Turquoise said.

“Sure is and it can help improve your pokemon’s stats in contests, " Maxwell said. “I can teach you how to make it if you girls are interested.

“Sure I'm in,” Turquoise said.

“Count me in too,” Fluttershy said.

“Me three,” Aqua said. Maxwell had them follow him to his home and as soon as they entered a little dog-like pokemon that looked like living dough covered in yellow frosting began barking at them happily as if it was welcoming them.

“Aw what kind of pokemon is that?” Aqua asked.

“This is Fidough, He can be quite friendly with everyone, " Maxwell said.

“So that’s a Fidough,” Turquoise said while pulling out her pokedex.

“Fidough, The Puppy Pokemon. This Pokémon is smooth and moist to the touch. Yeast in Fidough's breath induces fermentation in the Pokémon's vicinity,” The Pokedex said. Aqua began playing with Fidough like the puppy it was. Turquoise noticed a lot of ribbons and photos on the wall.

“I see you were a coordinator as well,” Turquoise said.

“I was,” Maxwell said before bringing out a device that looked like a blender of some kind. “Now let’s get to making pokeblock. What you want to do is select the berries you want to use and blend them. Maxwell demonstrated by putting some oran berries in the berry blender and started it. A few seconds later some blue cubes came out the dispenser at the bottom.

“That’s impressive,” Fluttershy said.

“Now before you try it, let me show you my garden,” Maxwell said before showing the girls the back of his house which had a huge field of berry trees.

“You grew all of these?” Fluttershy said quite impressed.

“I have lots of time on my hands so berry growing is my second passion,” Maxwell said. The girls went to it picking their berries. Fluttershy picked some Pecha berries, Aqua picked some Rawst berries, and Turquoise very eagerly picked a good assortment of different ones. “Whoa Turquoise, that is a lot of different berries you picked.

“More to experiment with to see what my Sprigatito and Treecko like,” Turquoise said.

“I see you are catching on, different pokemon do have different tastes, " Maxwell said. Before they began blending Turquoise called out her pokemon and Aqua and Fluttershy did the same. Fidough looked very excited that it ended up fermenting them. “Calm down Fidough.

“Right let's do this,” Aqua said before putting her berries in the blender and starting it. A few seconds later aqua now had some green cubes. Maxwell judged it and was impressed.

“It has a good feel to it and a nice bitter taste,” Maxwell said.

“Thanks, “Aqua said. Fluttershy took her turn and a few seconds later she had some pink cubes that were also judged by Maxwell.

“Perfect feel and sweetness,” Maxwell said.

“Thank you,” Fluttershy said.

“Ok my turn,” Turquoise said before putting four different berries in the blender. A few seconds later some blue cubes with green, red, and yellow chunks in them came out. Maxwell tried one and the look on his face was one of distaste.

“The flavors are too strong and not to mention clash with each other, " Maxwell said.

“Sorry about that,” Turquoise said.

“Not to worry that was only your first try, I do suggest focusing on a single flavor. Some berries do have multiple flavors, but the key is to focus on a single one,” Maxwell said. Turquoise tried again with different berries and this time made some blue cubes with pink chunks poking out. Maxwell tried it and gave his critique.

“Now this is what I call Pokeblock, the dry and sweet flavors complement each other nicely, “Maxwell said. Turquoise’s pokemon were also in agreement on that. With the course on making Pokeblock now concluded it was time for the girls to head to the pokemon center for the night. “Before you go Turquoise here is a little gift for you. Maxwell gave her a medium-sized kit of some kind. “That is a pokeblock kit, it's for storing and making Pokeblock. The girls returned to the pokemon center for the night.

The next day Turquoise was now in the back with the other coordinators wearing a dress with a white bodice, black suspender skirt with blue frills and matching bows and gloves. Turquoise noticed that the other coordinators were not dressed up for this contest.

“Am I overdressed for this contest?” Turquoise asked.

“I’m guessing this is your first contest here in Hoenn?” One of the other coordinators asked.

“It is,” Turquoise said.

“Well, here is your first lesson, contests here in Hoenn don’t have a flashy dress code so you don’t need to dress like some idol,” The coordinator said.

“Darn, still it would be a waste not to wear this after how hard my mom worked to make it for me,” Turquoise said.

“Suit yourself but it won't score you any extra points with the judges,” The Coordinator said before everyone focused on the monitor. Suddenly a woman with the same curly orange hair as the other three MCs Turquoise met but wearing a fuschia dress appeared and spoke.

“Welcome everyone to the first contest of the season here in the ever so quiet Ironvale Town, for those of you who don’t know me, I am Vivian, the MC for contests here in Hoenn and now let's introduce the panel of judges, first up from the Pokemon activities Committee Mr.Contesta,” Vivian said before shifting everyone's focus to the man in question.

“A pleasure to be here,” Mr. Contesta said.

“Next up is the head of the Pokemon Fan Club Mr. Sukizo,” Julian said.

“Remarkable as always,” Sukizo said.

“And Finally, Ironvale Town’s own Nurse Joy,” Julian said while pointing at Nurse Joy.

“Always great to be here,” Nurse Joy said.

“And now let the contest begin,” Vivian said. Aqua and Fluttershy were watching and up first was Turquoise “our first coordinator all the way from Pallet Town in Kanto, Give it up for Turquoise. Turquoise walked onto the stage like she would any other contest and took her position.

“Espeon, Let’s dazzle them,” Turquoise said as she threw her pokeball which popped open and unleashed a bunch of multicolored stars with Espeon in the center of them. The crowd loved the entrance and so did Aqua.

“How did she do that?” Aqua asked Fluttershy.

“With a ball capsule, it’s best to let Turquoise explain,” Fluttershy said.

“Espeon let’s start things off with Swift. Espeon unleashed a vortex of swift going upwards. With Espeon in the center of it. “Now jump. Espeon leaped high through the vortex before soon being above it. “Now finish it with Psybeam. Espeon fired her psybeam through the vortex which caused the stars to explode with Espeon's coat absorbing the sparkles and as soon as she landed, she looked quite shiny. The judges gave their scores which were 9.6, 9.5 and 10. Soon the point total appeared on the jumbotron. “And Turquoise just set the bar with a total of 29.1. Vivian approached Nurse Joy who gave Turquoise a perfect 10 and asked for comments.

“The way Turquoise and Espeon were in perfect sync was incredible especially with how Espeon knew exactly what Turquoise wanted without her specifying it,” Nurse Joy said. The other coordinators went on one by one but none of them came close to Turquoise’s score, that is until the last one stepped up.

“And now for our last coordinator, all the way from Celadon City is Belladonna,” Vivian said as Isabelle walked onto the stage.

“Dustox, Let’s go,” Isabelle said as she threw her pokeball which unleashed some pink hearts with Dustox in the middle of them. “Use poison sting on those hearts. Dustox demonstrated her sharp shooting by firing her poison needles at the hearts and causing all of them to burst. Now use Quiver Dance. Dustox spun around in place which caused all the smaller hearts to form a cyclone with Dustox in the center. “Now wrap this up with Bug Buzz. Dustox vibrated her wings which caused all the hearts around her to burst and create a shower of sparkles. The judges gave their scores which were all 9’8. The total score appeared on the jumbotron, and the amount took Turquoise by surprise.

“29.4, Belladonna takes the lead,” Vivian said as the crowd got excited. As for Turquoise this had her quite excited because she found some real competition. Isabelle returned backstage and noticed how awestruck Turquoise was.

“Well don’t get too excited kid, because I will destroy you in the second round,” Isabelle said.

“Not if I beat you first,” Turquoise said. Suddenly Vivian appeared on screen.

“And now here are the eight coordinators advancing to the next round,” Vivian said as Turquoise and Isabelle’s pictures appeared in the top two spots along with six random coordinators. After shuffling the profiles, the battle stage was about to begin. Turquoise and Isabelle thought through the battles one by one until it was down to just the two of them. “And now we are down to our final two coordinators, on my left is belladonna and on my right is Turquoise, five minutes on the clock, go.

“Espeon, Let’s dazzle them,” Turquoise said as she called out Espeon.

“Dustox, let’s go, “Isabelle said as she called out Dustox. Isabelle made the first move. “Dustox use Bug Buzz. Dustox began vibrating her wings which created a sound wave throughout the hall.

“Espeon jump and use Psybeam. Espeon leaped into the air and unleashed a powerful Psybeam from above which sent Dustox crashing to the ground and stay down which caused the judges to hit their buzzers.

“And it looks like Dustox is down, “Vivian said.

“Wait, we are not finished yet, “Isabelle objected only for nurse Joy to speak up.

“Yes you are, Part of a coordinator’s job is caring for their pokemon, and if you don’t get that, then you have no right to call yourself a pokemon trainer, let alone a coordinator,” Nurse Joy said in a somewhat angry tone. This had Isabelle storm out after recalling Dustox. Sometime later all the coordinators minus Isabelle gathered to see turquoise accept her ribbon.

“And now Mr. Contesta will award the Ironvale Ribbon to Turquoise,” Vivian said as contesta did so.

“A splendid battle, Turquoise,” Contesta said as he presented the ribbon to Turquoise.

“Thank you,” Turquoise said as she accepted the ribbon. Sometime later Turquoise was back in her regular clothes and the girls were back at the pokemon center. “So Aqua what do you think of contests?

“I will admit they look flashy and cool and i am leaning towards doing them, but let’s wait until we reach Rustboro City for me to make my decision,” Aqua said.

“That’s fair enough,” Turquoise said. The girls decided to call it a night. What awaits our heroes next? Stay tuned as the journey continues.


Author's Note:

Turquoise's team
Espeon ♀ LV: 61 Moves: Psychic/ Swift/ Morning Sun/ Psybeam
Sprigatito♀ LV:10 Moves: scratch/ Hone Claws/Leafage/Bite
Treecko♂ LV:6 Moves: Pound/leer/leafage/Quick Attack

Aqua's team
Mudkip ♀ LV:6 Moves: Tackle/ growl/ water gun/Rock smash
Zigzagoon ♂ Lv:5 Moves: Tackle/ growl/ sand attack

Fluttershy's Team
Cinderace ♂ LV: 45 Moves: Flame Charge/ Pyro Ball/ Headbutt/ Double Kick
Ursaring ♂ LV:30 Moves: Hammer Arm/ Focus Blast/Slash/ Metal Claw

Isabelle's Team
Mightyena ♂ LV:44 Moves: Assurance/ Howl/ Crunch/ Thunder Fang
Sandaconda ♂ Lv:44 Moves: Slam/ Mud Shot/ Bulldoze/ Brutal Swing
Dustox ♀ LV:45 Moves: Quiver Dance/ Bug Buzz/ Psybeam/ Poison sting

Turquoise: Badges:0 Ribbons:1

And now I'm officially caught up to where I was before starting from the beginning. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Turquoise's new contest dressed as based on this one.