• Published 14th Jan 2024
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Pokemon Turquoise Advanced Generation - foxmaster

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Enter Team Ozone

Today the girls were exploring Rustboro City and Aqua was already in love with the place.

“There is so much to do here, “Aqua said.

“It feels good but remember we have to be at the harbor in a few hours to reach Dewford Island,” Turquoise said.

“We know and I know you need a pokenav so we can get a good map of Hoenn,” Fluttershy said. Soon the girls arrived at Devon Corp and unfortunately, they could not get in on account of the building being blocked off by the police.

“What’s going on here?” Turquoise asked before Officer Jenny approached them.

“What’s going on is you kids should not be here, this is police business, “Officer Jenny said before showing them away. The girls left and as they were walking, they ran into a well-dressed man with metal on his suit.

“So sorry sir,” Turquoise apologized.

“It’s ok, “the man said. “Say, were you kids visiting Devon Corp?

“We planned to, but Officer jenny has the place blocked off,” Aqua said.

“Darn it, those thugs must have stolen it, “The man said feeling slightly upset.

“Stolen what?” Fluttershy asked.

“Come to think of it, you look familiar,” Turquoise said before it hit her. “Your Steven Stone, the current Hoenn Champion.

“I am and as to what was stolen, you mind if we go somewhere more private to speak, it would be bad if my dad’s new invention was leaked to the public before it’s ready,” Steven said.

“Sure,” Turquoise said. Steven had the girls follow him through the back entrance of Devon Corp since being the CEO’s son gave him special access.

“What was stolen was my father’s latest invention which would allow us to control and manipulate weather patterns,” Steven said.

“So basically, it's a weather machine,” Turquoise said.

“Exactly, this invention could save many lives by bringing rain to areas suffering from droughts, bringing snow to places with blistering heat, and much more,” Steven said.

“This is definitely not good,” Turquoise said.

“How so, what kind of harm could someone do with a weather machine?” Aqua asked clearly ignorant to the destructive power of certain weather.

“Whoever these thieves are, they could create violent winds that create tornadoes, cause severe heat waves that could set the ground on fire, or worse, create firestorms,” Turquoise said, listing off a few examples.

“Let’s not forget about hurricanes and thunderstorms,” Fluttershy said.

“Exactly, but this project has been kept under wraps since just as your friend described, it also has the potential to cause great harm,” Steven said. Soon the girls were inside the lab where the machine was.

“Good news Steven sir, the thieves did not make off with everything,” One of the scientists said.

“Meaning?” Steven asked.

“They only took the machine, they failed to snatch the power supply,” The Scientist said while showing everyone a device that looked like a supe up battery.

“Do we know what the thief looks like?” Steven asked.

“Unfortunately, no,” the scientist said.

“Well, that’s a shame,” Steven said. “I might as well show you girls around since you're here. Steven showed the girls around devon Corp and what they saw really blew their minds. Meanwhile one of the scientists entered the lab and approached the battery. They then took it and exited the lab nonchalantly. Little did he know Steven and the girls saw him and tailed him.

“Any reason we are following him?” Aqua asked quietly.

“I know all the faces of our employees and that guy is not one of them, he could be the thief we are looking for,” Steven said. Soon aqua tripped which got his attention and caused him to book it. Steven and the girls chased him to the roof where he had nowhere to go. “All right you, the jig is up, return the battery. Suddenly the thief shed his disguise and was wearing a skin tight jumpsuit with a green O logo on it. The man then pulled a poke ball off his belt.

“Go Skarmory,” the man said as he called out a Skarmory. Aqua pulled out her Pokedex for info on it.

“Skarmory, The Armor Bird Pokémon, its sturdy, heavy-looking iron body is actually thin and light, so it can fly at speeds over 180 mph,” The Pokedex said.

“Skarmory use whirlwind. Skarmory flapped its steel wings and whipped up a whirlwind powerful enough to push the girls back but not Steven, who pulled out his own poke ball.

“Go Aggron, " Steven said as he called out his Aggron who shook the floor upon landing and was unaffected by the whirlwind. “Aggron use Hyper Beam. Aggron blasted Skarmory with a powerful hyper beam and while it did not ko the armor bird it did stall them enough for Officer Jenny to arrive.

“Surrender team Ozone, you have nowhere to run, “Officer Jenny said.

“You're wrong about that copper,” the guy from Team Ozone said before activating his jetpack and blasting off. Unfortunately, Aggron could not use any more moves since he needed to recharge after using hyper beam. Suddenly Officer Jenny pulled out a walkie talkie.

“All units, I want a perimeter around the whole city, the suspect is a member of Team Ozone, “Officer Jenny said.

“Whose Team Ozone?” Turquoise asked.

“An evil syndicate that popped up after the disbandment of Team Aqua and Team Magma who used to be two other evil syndicates that terrorized the Hoenn region. After their plots to awaken and control Groudon and Kyogre failed the leaders Maxie and Archie willingly surrendered and disbanded their teams. They are currently still serving their sentence,” Officer Jenny said.

“And what does this Team Ozone plan to do?” Turquoise asked.

“Currently their main objective is unknown, in fact they only began acting a few months ago as if someone drew them out of hiding,” Officer Jenny said. Turquoise had a pretty good hunch who that someone was and the thought really made her cringe.

“Are you alright Turquoise?” Fluttershy asked.

“I’m ok, just the thought of who this someone might be makes me cringe considering how awful they are,” Turquoise said.

“Who are they?” Officer Jenny asked.

“I can’t be a hundred percent certain it’s them, but my hunch is Team Supernova,” Turquoise said.

“You mean that evil organization masterminded by ex-team rocket members jessie and James?” Steven asked.

“The very same,” Turquoise said.

“Let’s worry about them later, right now we have a crook to capture, “Officer Jenny said as she took off with the others following her.

Meanwhile on the outskirts of the city, the Ozone grunt managed to rendezvous with one of his team members with the battery.

“Excellent work, now time to return to base,” the other grunt said as the two called out their Skarmory and took off. Before the grunts left, the one that stole the battery set off some explosives which caused a giant pothole to form on the outskirts of the city thus preventing anyone from following them.

“Just a little insurance policy in case the cops try to continue the pursuit,” The grunt said as they flew into the distance. By the time the officers arrived it was too late. They reported the crater to Officer Jenny, and she called off the pursuit since the grunt was now far beyond her department’s jurisdiction.

“All units return to the station, the perp got away,” Officer Jenny said.

“Sorry we could not be of more help,” Turquoise said.

“Hey, you kids tried and for that I am grateful,” Officer Jenny said. Officer Jenny left, and Steven decided now was a good time to chat as they walked back inside the building.

“I meant to ask, what were you girls doing at Devon Corp?” Steven asked.

“We are on a journey, “Aqua said.

“We came to see about getting a Pokenav since we need a map of the region,” Turquoise said.

“I see, well you girls came at a perfect time, “Steven said. “That weather machine was not our only focus, we also completed development on the Pokenav Delta which not only features a map of Hoenn but all the other regions too, it can even recommend hot spots, fun things to do, and many other things about the places you visit or want to visit.

“Sounds awesome,” Aqua said. Steven then gave Turquoise a white device with the devon Corp logo.

“Consider it a gift for helping to try and get our invention back,” Steven said.

“Thank you,” Turquoise said before trying it out and looking up Dewford Island. The Pokenav mentioned who the gym leader was, and it took Turquoise by surprise.

“You look excited,” Aqua said.

“The next gym leader is someone I've been waiting to battle since we first met,” Turquoise said.

“You know them already?” Fluttershy asked.

“Sure, do but let’s save the introductions for when we meet him, “Turquoise said before the girls decided to head to the harbor. As soon as they left, Steven spoke to himself.

“Something tells me that grunt was just the beginning and whatever Team Ozone is plotting will be massive and catastrophic,” Steven said.

Meanwhile in a completely different area the two grunts were standing before a man dressed in a trench coat.

“We got the device and the battery for it,” The first grunt said.

“And the authorities?” The man asked.

“Already took care of it,” The second grunt said.

“Good, mistress Sky will be pleased, “the man said before dismissing them.

Back with Turquoise and her friends, they arrived just in time to catch the ferry to Dewford Island. Turquoise was standing on the bow of the ship looking at the open sea.

“Is Turquoise always like that?” Aqua asked Fluttershy.

“She likes to do that, it’s like she is looking at the sea of a new adventure,” Fluttershy said.

“By the way, how did the two of you meet?” Aqua asked.

“That is quite an interesting story,” Fluttershy said before getting into it. “My partner and I were gathering berries when a Vulpix suddenly came running towards us and collapsed from exhaustion. We brought her to our cabin and nursed it back to full health.

“Sorry to interrupt but How does this relate to Turquoise?” Aqua asked.

“I was about to get to that,” Fluttershy said before continuing. “A few minutes later a hear a knock on the door and outside was turquoise who was looking for her Vulpix.

“She had a Vulpix?” Aqua asked.

“Among other Pokémon back in her hometown but let me finish my story,” Fluttershy said.

“Sorry,” Aqua said.

“Anyway, she explained to me that an obnoxious trainer was pressuring her into giving her Vulpix to them which caused Vulpix to run away since she did not want to be their Pokémon since she grew to love Turquoise and Turquoise grew to love her,” Fluttershy said. After winning their rematch Vulpix chose to evolve into Ninetails before Turquoise continued on her way to her Vermillion City. I eventually caught up to her in Vermillion City before joining her and a few of my other friends and during the time we traveled together. I witnessed her do many things.

“Wow You two must have had a lot of adventures together, “Aqua said. Suddenly Turquoise decided to join them.

“What are you girls talking about?” Turquoise asked.

“Just the story of how we met,” Fluttershy said.

“I remember that, and I am very glad to have met you and all of your friends,” Turquoise said.

“Friends aside, how many Pokémon do you have back home?” Aqua asked.

“Let’s see,” Turquoise said before doing the math in her head. “I caught ten different Pokémon in Kanto and six in Johto but Sprigatito is currently with me. Soon Turquoise had her answer. “I have fifteen Pokémon back home.

“Cool, but why do you not have them with you? You could blow right through your gym battles in no time,” Aqua asked.

“I could, but where is the fun in that? Plus, the reason I chose Hoenn as the region for my next journey was to challenge myself per the request of someone who pointed me in this direction when I had no clue where to go next,” Turquoise said.

“Challenge yourself?” Aqua asked.

“You see, while I could use my other Pokémon as you pointed out I would not grow as a trainer, Even Ash Ketchum was not born a champion, he had to go on many journeys and started from square one on most of them,” Turquoise said.

“Meaning?” Aqua asked.

“When he would start a new adventure, he would always leave his other Pokémon at the lab and bring only his partner Pikachu, and every time he would learn new techniques and stuff, and eventually he put all of it to use to win the World Coordination series,” Turquoise said.

“Wow I did not know that” Aqua said.

“I tend to read up on famous trainers when I can,” Turquoise said. The ferry kept sailing as the girls kept talking. What awaits our heroes on Dewford Island? Stay tuned. As the journey Continues.


Author's Note:

Turquoise's team
Espeon ♀ LV: 61 Moves: Psychic/ Swift/ Morning Sun/ Psybeam
Sprigatito♀ LV:13 Moves: scratch/ Hone Claws/Magical leaf/Bite
Treecko♂ LV:6 Moves: Pound/leer/leafage/Quick Attack

Aqua's team
Mudkip ♀ LV:6 Moves: Tackle/ growl/ water gun/Rock smash
Zigzagoon ♂ Lv:5 Moves: Tackle/ growl/ sand attack

Fluttershy's Team
Cinderace ♂ LV: 45 Moves: Flame Charge/ Pyro Ball/ Headbutt/ Double Kick
Ursaring ♂ LV:30 Moves: Hammer Arm/ Focus Blast/Slash/ Metal Claw

Turquoise: Badges:1 Ribbons:1

Sorry for the long wait. Considering how this story's popularity is the lowest among my stories I thought no one would care. But none the less I decided to continue in hopes someone, anyone will at least comment on what they think so far.