• Member Since 7th Jan, 2024
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Story writer (Good one I hope), and obsessed with metal slimes

Comments ( 50 )

What a great beginning! I'm adding this to the tracking list.

pre-read first impression based of title and description: hmmm, interesting. i shall try
post-read impression: good writing style, flows nicely and quite an interesting story, i look forward to following the journey of this fic

Okay okay, good first impressions, think I'll be keeping my eye on this one

Thanks for the nice words! Glad to know both the cover and the story can catch your attention!

Thanks! Here's to (hopefully) a good reading journey!

Off to a fantastic start! If you ever need any proofreaders or quality control, shoot me a message! I'd love to lend a hoof! :D

I might just take you up on that whenever chapter 2 is almost finished.

And thanks!

Very nice, i can't wait to see what happens.

Thanks, hopefully I'll be able to deliver

Very interesting. A Plague Doctor Story that doesn't have the main character be evil. Very nice. Can't wait for more

I love how you skipped the whole thing about human being confused about his new environment and instead you jumped right in to the meat of the story, very good start hope to see more ♥

Yeah, I decided that would be too easy to simply write him as the stereotypical plague doctors media portrays them as, since in real life plague doctors weren't evil either.

Honestly, I considered starting the story with his arrival but figured stuff like that can be explained through flashbacks and situations that bring it up, especially since Hollow will be traveling Equestria again anyway, so he'll go down that memory lane naturally rather than me fist feed it at chapter 1

Yeah. Don't know when they got that bad rep. But glad to see this story changes it up

They typically got a bad rep simply for the fact that 99% of the time they were really bad at their job, most plague "doctors" were not trained physicians even for the time. Most were hack doctors or scammers and mostly did statistical work and moving of the dead rather than actually work on patients they were typically seen as a bad omen a signal of death. so typically that's why they have such a bad rep.

didn't help a solid amount of them had like zero training whatsoever and saw the job as easy money back then


I love this premise, and a great first chapter! I will add this to my tracking list - keep it up!

"Either way, I'm thankful for your help. And once we get the crowns support you can use your share to help your family get out of that run their in." Hollow said, thinking back to what the Princess had said to him in the throne room.

Isn't the word rut?

It is, and the correction is greatly appreciated

Now that I'm looking at it again, it should also be they're not their.

Finally! A plague doctor not hellbent on “curing” free will!

While I'm glad you enjoy a Plague doctor genuinely doing their job, now you have me curious as that example seems quite specific. Is there a story on the site about that or is that just what you've happened to see usually when it comes to Plague Doctors?

Look up SCP 049. You'll understand much better that way than I could explain myself.*

Just did...and after glossing it's definition over I see your point

This is an interesting start. I look forward to how this goes.

Combining two of my most favorite things, MLP, and plague doctors. I really look forward to what you have in stock for us to read. Make sure to take your time, it would suck if you stressed yourself too much and made writing this story not enjoyable.

Yeah I'm making sure to take it nice and easy with writing. I really like this story and have a whole script for it and everything, it just has to be translated to chapters...which can be hard depending on if I like what I type sometimes lol

Princess Luna does not control the Stars just the Moon

I mean, was that ever really stated in the series that she can't? As far as I'm concerned, she's the princess of the night, not just princess of the moon.

If it really bothers ya, just remember there's a Alt universe tag on this story and simply perceive it as the Luna in my story being able to do so.

Yeah it just feels like it makes her overpowered

I can see that being a problem with people. personally I always feel like the 2 were underpowered in the show but in the end it won't matter too much in this story, as she won't be a main character who's shown too often.

In canon Luna rearranges the night sky very often as she holds domain over the night, it doesn't necessarily increase her power but more her potential magic wise.

Honestly, part of me wonders if she actually moves actual stars or if it's a sort of illusion magic she uses to simply make her night more beautiful...questions left unanswered for us fic writers to fill in I guess.

I do need to go back and watch some more of the episodes Luna is in. Even though I don't like writing her that much I like her character a lot so it couldn't hurt.

I’m really enjoying this story! I WANT MOAR!:pinkiehappy:

I am such a sucker for characters from outside the ring of Equestrias influence call out behaviors that are normally intrusive. Like Luna dream diving. Hooked for sure

"What better laboratory than the blood-soaked battlefield?" Of crazy town, I swear he will be overworked the second he gets to the hamlet.

Yeah being sent to Ponyville of all places when he wants to travel the world and help people probably isn't the best case scenario for the Doctor. Oh well, at least he won't have to worry about not having work to do

A nice chapter once again, though my ocd brain noticed what I believe to be a small mistake.

The same guard that had come to the his bedroom door

I look forward to the next chapter.

I love this story a lot im very excited for the next chapter! Cant wait for his interactions with the others!

Thanks for the catch, that is indeed a mistake! Blesseth thy OCD for it has helped.

Looks like someone just jinxed himself there:trollestia:

The moment I'm sure most of yall have been waiting for.

Can't have a Plague Doctor without an actual epidemic.

God knows I am the last person to ask if something is spelled right! However, I found these for you. Keep up the good work.
I was to me deployed to Ponyville [be]
My and the Seargents number [sergeants]

So he learned under Mage Meadowbrook for a time...

Nice catches, thanks! Anything helps

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