• Published 4th Apr 2024
  • 226 Views, 1 Comments

Change can bring forth turmoil and harmony - coolpony01

Times in Equestria are chagning the ideals of unicorn supremacy as well as supremacy to the ponies as well as the ideas of the matriachy are falling

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The great unicorn of much courage, wisdom and virtue felt great pains for he had lost his dear wife Princess Di Amore Cadenza to a deadly parasite known as alicornzious. It very fortunately only affects alicorns and very unfortunately has no known cure. As well as the fact that Princess Di Amore Cadenza had only been an alicorn for eleven winters when this happened and since her body couldn’t fight it off she succumbed to its effects. And so it was clear this parasite of death would bring an end to the princess of great love and companionship. To the joys and faith of her husband now Prince Shining Armor the former captain of the guard of Equestria the disease was only serious enough to effect his wife and not the alicorn child she was to give birth to was safely removed before the disease could affect the child and so the alicorn may be given the love, nurture, and mentorship of any child. Shining Armor named her Flurry Heart in honor of his wife. His daughter will be filled with much love, virtue, and wisdom. These are the traits needed to become a princess of Equestria after all which now included the crystal empire.

When the city of much goodness, wisdom of old, and fairness returned it was decided that Princess Cadance of Equestria would become the leader amongst the people since the land was now technically a part of Equestria. Due to ancient political decisions of the land becoming a part of Equestrian territory. Due to the belief of the land being destroyed by the evil tyrant king Sombra. And so since the people of the ancient empire of crystals had returned Princess Cadenza was seen as the best political figure for the ponies of crystal. Because of the fact that she was a person of much wisdom, fairness, and chastity. As well as the fact that of her being a mare since old Equestrian traditions have long existed to have had mares often of noble birth or of great intellect and virtue to be the leader. And so it was the perfect choice for such an honorable role.

However since she passed and Princess Flurry Heart is not old enough to rule until she gains the skills.. Shining Armor will have to rule over the crystal ponies to properly transition them into Equestrian life. He was chosen as ruler by the crystal ponies due to them trusting him and honoring him due to his impressive role in preventing the shadow king from once again taking power. They also were around before the idea of mares as rulers became common in Equestrian life. They cared about people’s skills, intellect, and virtue as well as trustworthiness. See during the times long passed those whom were foreigners or another sapient species of intellect were often not granted much high status or respect. Fortunately, this is no longer the case at least not nearly as bad during ancient times. The cases now are mostly the nobility of Equestria. They do not show much liking towards with non equine sentimental species believing them to be untrustworthy. As well as those who had more barbaric uncouth traits. It is a great pain of the matriarchy that formed in Equestria. Before Prince Shining Armor the last male leaders were the son of Princess Celestia prince Solaris and the son of Princess Luna Prince Nightshade. But it was a thousand years ago and so Prince Shining Armor will likely face discrimination from those of nobility. Especially Lady Platinum. When Princess Celestia chose Twilight Sparkle to be her student due to her great potential and skill. The mare of nobility had quite the fit for her daughter not becoming the student of the solar diarch. Due to Twilight Sparkle not being of noble birth. However the now Prince Shining Armor does not care about such things and will endure the discrimination for he knows he will make an excellent prince of Equestria due to his wisdom and fairness and so he will focus on what he has become blessed with.