• Published 4th Apr 2024
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Change can bring forth turmoil and harmony - coolpony01

Times in Equestria are chagning the ideals of unicorn supremacy as well as supremacy to the ponies as well as the ideas of the matriachy are falling

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Ch 3

Prince Shining Armor felt much joy and faith to learn of the courtship between his little sister Princess Twilight Sparkle to the stallion of the Blueblood household Sir Noble Star Blueblood. One of much etiquette, respect, admiration, and many wonders.

They hold quite the love and gratitude for each other and value many of the same traits. They value history, politics, science, magical studies, literature as well as the arts. Not to mention their virtue towards friendship and family as well as the elements of harmony. Generosity, laughter, kindness, honesty, and loyalty. And so it does not come as much of a surprise as to why Twilight Sparkle chose to wed the fair Noble Star. And through this Noble Star will finally earn his title of prince something he was most deserving of and his children will be granted that of the political and societal status as that of prince or princess. But that doesn’t matter because all that matters is for them to rule fairly and justly

And so the two feel much pleasantness at the thought that they may finally reveal their courtship to the public. For they know they will be of much joy to know that their princess and their noble hero have formed a deep love and commitment. The people of Equestria do have quite the respect and admiration towards those who have proper respect and admiration. And use this along with their skills and intellect for intellect for the good of the land of much greatness and of the wondrous people that live within it. The majority of the people hold much admiration for these two fair and just political figures would be the commoners. Those who do not have much wealth, nor that of societal status, nor a proper say or the respect of the nobility.‘

This is because of course of the ideology that only unicorns of proper blood should be granted certain luxuries such as power and of societal status. Of course such ideologies are not as popular belief among those who have been oppressed. However, many of the nobles do not believe that certain unicorns, nor that of other pony races, nor that of other intelligent species should be granted these rights. Because to them they are ones of barbaric bloodlines that do not possess the wisdom nor of the morals of those of proper bloodlines. And so the nobles, especially Noble Star’s Mother Noble Jem will be highly against their kin of noble blood wedding to a unicorn of common blood.

However, it simply is not up to them. The laws those of nobility wrote many many centuries ago stated those of noble birth are to only marry that of another one of noble birth or a royal. And so they simply can not deny the courtship of Princess Twilight Sparkle to sir Noble Star.

At the moment the soon to be wedded Princess Twilight Sparkle and soon to be wedded Prince Noble Star are at the moment celebrating their unity of love and commitment. With Prince Shining Armor, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna. For they deserve to live happily as people of love and commitment for they have many good traits. And have used this for much good if there are more stallions who become Equestrian royalty and if they are ones of much fairness and justice it will allow for harmony and prosperity to rise within the lands.

“When are you two love birds planning on setting up the wedding?” Prince Shining Armor asked, teasing his little sister.

“Oh we plan on having it on a lovely December evening. We do love the warmth of a winter’s fire of love as well as the beauties that come with the white snow.” Princess Twilight Sparkle spoke with much pleasantry and warmth.

“This is a grand idea. When I wedded Prince Night Warrior of the Nightshade noble household we chose a lovely forest of many wonders to be wedded. It was quite a beautiful wedding.” Princess Luna said feeling great care and love towards her deceased husband.

“Yes I have very fond memories of my sister’s wedding to that wonderful and courageous stallion.” Princess Celestia said with a warm smile.

“We will always hold honor towards our dear lover for he is worthy of this.” Princess Luna spoke with a passion towards her lover and a bit of guilt towards her actions as nightmare moon for they were of greed and envy and had separated her from her dear lover when he passed in ancient times.

The solar monarch then placed a hoof on her dear sister’s shoulder.

“It is alright dear sister you have learned from your mistakes to become a better person as we all do.” Princess Celestia said with sympathy and true love for her dear sister.

“Yes I am aware of this. And so at the least at the time it is best if we are to discuss something else we are here to discuss a wedding of much truth and love. And I personally have love and appreciation for such wonderful things. My dear fallen Night Warrior and I got married in the Maginato Forest most commonly known as the Forest of a Thousand Wonders. It is still in existence today due to my dear sister using her great alicorn magic to preserve the wondrous forests of much grandness. It is actually quite the wondrous place to be wedded; perhaps the wedding should take place there weddings are meant to be joyous after all.” Princess Luna said

“We were actually planning on requesting that but we wished to be polite.” Noble Star said with mannerism and politeness.

“Know why would I mind it would be quite rude to if I were to deny a royal Equestrian wedding within that wonderful wood.” Princess Luna said with much compassion and passion.

“And we would be quite delighted to provide aid in preparation for the wedding. It is a thing of wonder.” Princess Celestia said with much joy.

“Very true and it is proper for an older brother to help prepare a younger sister’s wedding after all.” Prince Shining Armor spoke with much charity and joy.

Twilight Sparkle smiled with warmth and gratitude by this. “Why yes it is a blessing to know y dear brother will provide my fiance and I with much care and preparations towards such a wonderful wedding thank you all.” Princess Twilight Sparkle spoke with clear gratitude.

“And why would we not? It is your wedding after all.” Prince Shining Armor spoke.

And so the people spent the time preparing for their wedding of much joy for they know that it would be a very memorable and long lasting occasion.