• Published 13th Oct 2015
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Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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As Verlaxion Is My Witness...

Rainbow quietly shuffled past an open warehouse door where several employees were loading crates full of dredge coal into the backs of wagons. She tipped her cap forward and stealthily snuck through the crowd. Once she was well out of earshot of the group, she cleared her throat and spoke into the air:

"Okay, Fluttershy. Where are they at?"

The ghostly pegasus phased through her, pointing northeast. "In that direction. About three blocks." She nervously looked at Rainbow. "They're slightly elevated... almost as if they're on the second floor of a building."

"Rarity?" Rainbow murmured aside as she avoided other workers crossing the paved streets. "Got a read on what kind of building it is?"

"Uhm..." Rarity fidgeted.

"Come on, Rarity. I need you to be sharp here."

"It's... not exactly a warehouse, darling," Rarity said. "But rather a structure containing dangling catwalks and..." She rubbed her horn, squinting. "...a thick mesh of pipeworks."

"She's onto something," Twilight Sparkle said. "I'm sensing several enchanted thermal regulators. If there's a lot of pipework there, then I imagine there are lots of steam tanks. I think it's the source of all of Steamfall's hot water distribution."

"No wonder this place feels so toasty!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Alright." Rainbow nodded, taking a sharp right and marching along the north end of a warehouse. "Now we've got something to go on."

"But Rainbow Dash..." Rarity bit her lip. "Do think carefully about this. And I emphasize the word 'think.'"

"What's to think about?"

"Plenty!" Rarity exclaimed, teeth showing. "Rainbow, we... I mean you don't have much luxury to do anything but flee at the moment! Especially now that Fluttershy has sensed the Talon arriving..."

"Yeah, and?"

"It's... it's just so much to deal with," Rarity gnashed her teeth. "I mean, isn't it enough that we have to head west now?! The Desperadoes have you tasked with acquiring a blasted locomotive, for Celestia's sake."

"Yeah!" Pinkie nodded, blinking wide. "Just how are we gonna do that with the grumpy griffons on our tail?"

"Perhaps if we made straightway for the railyard, we could manage an escape unnoticed," Rarity said. "But now—?"

"Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash looked behind. "You said the three stallions aren't doing so hot, right?"

Fluttershy gulped and managed a nod. "Their life signs are stable... but faint. I think they've suffered some horrible... horrible injuries..."

"No doubt inflicted by the unicorn who attacked Rainbow," Twilight grumbled. "I think it's rather obvious by now. Sarda sent them to negotiate, and instead she beat them up for information."

"And I sympathize for them!" Rarity exclaimed. "I really do!"

"Buttttttt?" Pinkie squinted aside.

Rarity sighed. "I just... wonder if maybe Rainbow doesn't have her priorities straight." She swallowed a lump down her throat. "Are we not on this journey to salvage Applejack? And then to venture towards the dark side to lend aid to this terminal world of ours?"

"These three stallions got hurt because of us, Rarity," Fluttershy said. "If we weren't here, they'd never have been sent to Steamfall to begin with."

"I'm not denying that!" Rarity exclaimed. "But what are three ponies' well-being worth in the face of getting Rainbow Dash to where she needs to be? Doesn't the whole world depend on Rainbow's success?"

"I think Rares is telling us not to forget the big picture!" Pinkie said.

"You mean like how Verlax is obsessed with the big picture?" Twilight droned.

"Ew..." Pinkie's ears drooped. "...well, when you put it that way."

"Twilight, don't be so hard on Rarity," Rainbow muttered.

"But I wasn't—"

"Rarity, I dig what you're saying," Rainbow said, trying her casual best to avoid the Consortium employees. "And the me who destroyed the Reed back in the Quade would totally agree with you."

"I don't think it's heartless of me to put your interests in the forefront, darling." Rarity sighed. "I just... don't understand how you expect to be able to do this."

"Do what, Rarity?" Pinkie asked.

"To save everypony that crosses her path!" Rarity exclaimed. "And yet somehow still have the strength and energy to complete the whole journey unimpeded!"

"Y'know, the Jurists I flew with felt the same way," Rainbow remarked. "Even if some of them didn't have the guts to say it out loud."

"Well, we are ghosts attached to you, Rainbow," Twilight said with a nervous smile.

"But you gotta understand, Rarity, that the whole point of my journey isn't just to make it to the dark side. Otherwise, I'd totally be there by now." She took a moment to squint aside at the mare. "If I'm not taking every opportunity that I can to make this world a better place as I fly around it, then what's the point in saving the stupid chunk of Urohringr in the first place?"

Fluttershy gulped. "I'm all for doing the kind thing."

"I can't let self-importance get to my head." Rainbow bit her lip. "You all know what I'm capable of when I do."

Rarity sighed. "I... I just worry that one of these days, Rainbow, you're going to pull one stunt too many."

"And I feel ya, Rarity. And thanks for having my back." Rainbow smiled. "But there are three suffering stallions in this city and we're the only ones who know where they are. That's a super rotten thing to turn our flanks on."

"Of course, dear." Rarity nodded. "And you have my full assurance that I shall help you recover them with all the talents at my disposal."

"And don't be afraid of letting me know when you think that a plan of mine sucks," Rainbow remarked, crossing another street. She coughed briefly in the smoggy air and squinted ahead. "It ain't easy helping ponies along the way. But that's the challenge, I guess."

"Doesn't feel like a fun game to me, though, Dashie," Pinkie pouted.

"No, Pinkie. No, it doesn't." Rainbow paused at a street corner, taking a deep breath. "How much further, Fluttershy?"

"Just one more block, Rainbow."

"And the Talon?" Rainbow glanced back at her. "How close are they at this point?"

"Erm..." Fluttershy fidgeted. After a heavy gulp, she said, "It's probably best that you keep trotting..."

In central Steamfall, the majority of uniformed workers stopped what they were doing entirely. They stood on the sidewalks in droves, gazing with wide eyes as five heavily-armored griffons marched down the main street and approached a three-story office building.

Sarda glared left and right. Nervous employees shuddered from his glinting eyes, and they took a step or two away from the curb.

Keris glanced up at the rising columns of smoke. At the sound of clambering hoofsteps, his gaze fell upon the office building.

Seraphimus' cold charcoal eyes reflected a finely-suited stallion as he exited the building, flanked by a pair of nervous guards. The sentries whispered into his ear, all the while gazing worriedly at the Talon. Seraphimus came to a stop, and the executive stood before her, clearing his throat.

"Commander Seraphimus." He put on a plastic smile. "Welcome to Steamfall. My name is Dillon. Please..." The stallion gestured towards the structure behind him. "Won't you come in? You must be weary after flying all the way in from Frostknife! I have refreshments and—"

"No, thank you," Seraphimus spoke in a firm tone. "We do not require any of your luxury. And we didn't come straight from Frostknife. As a matter of fact, we were conducting a hunt for the Rainbow Rogue when a series of unfortunate circumstances stole our attention in the village of Braum."

"Erm... y-yes." Dillon nodded, adjusting his collar. "My guards told me. Something about an accidental fire?"

"Not accidental." Seraphimus' eyes narrowed. "Arson."

Dillon blinked. "I see..."

"A unicorn female of unknown origin attacked the Rainbow Rogue, inflicting much harm and damage on the local populace of Braum in the process."

"I-I do hope that nopony was hurt!"

"Ungh..." Sarda rolled his eyes. Keris rested a talon on his shoulder.

"No, but the Rainbow Rogue made a clean getaway, and we now have the unicorn assailant in our possession." Seraphimus took a few icy steps forward. "Considering the Consortium's plentiful resources here in Ivory Prefecture, I was hoping you could be of assistance to us in ascertaining exactly what is transpiring here."

"Well, from the looks of it, your Rainbow Rogue has been abducted," Dillon remarked. "There's a large bounty on her head, after all—"

"Yes. One that the Consortium is directly funding, if I'm not mistaken."

"Erm... well... uhh..."

"But the Rainbow Rogue is no longer our primary concern." Seraphimus stood before the executive, leering. "We come in search of information regarding three stallions."

"Uhhhh..." Dillon sweated, leaning back from the Commander and her imposing beak. "...stallions?"

"They were sent here yesterday by Mr. Sarda, the lead protector of Braum. They have not returned to the village since."

"Well, surely we can help you determine what happened to them."

"I have no doubt that you could. However, we seek a higher authority."


"Longaze," Sarda spat. "She's the head hauncho ever since she arrived by train the other day." He glared from the main group of griffons. "Let us talk to her."

"It was this visiting executive of the Consortium that Sarda's stallions sought to hold conference with," Seraphimus said. "We would very much appreciate it if you could arrange a visit between us and her."


Seraphimus' beak muscles tightened. "Do not assume that this is a request," she breathed. "The Right Talon of Verlaxion is conducting an investigation in your town, and as a citizen of Rohbredden you are sworn to assist us."

"Of c-course! You wish to see Longaze!" Dillon smiled, sweating. "And... and that is something that needs to happen! Absolutely! It's... uhm... it's just that—"

"Just what?"

Dillon winced, leaning back. "Well... you see, Commander... I don't... that is, we haven't—"

"Out with it."

The executive was trembling at this point. Dillon cleared his throat and eventually murmured, "We don't know where she is at the moment."

Seraphimus raised an eyecrest. "Excuse me?"

"She... is no longer in Steamfall," Dillon said. "At least not as far as I know. And, believe me, Commander, I've scrambled all over to locate her. I was in the process of sending messengers out to Dust and Lichen Prefectures when you showed up."

"How can you possibly lose track of somepony so important in your own company?"

Lieutenant Keris calmly trotted up, his hawkeyes locked on Dillon. He leaned in and whispered beneath Seraphimus' helmet. "Commander, look at his eyes. I do believe he is telling the truth."

After a sigh, Seraphimus whispered back, "I know he's telling the truth. But that doesn't make this situation make any more sense."

"There are a lot of ponies stationed here in Steamfall," Keris remarked. "That's plenty of eyes and muzzles to hide information in."

"True, true..."

With a nervous shuffle, Sarda trotted up to the two lead griffons. "What the Hell is going on here?"

"We are attempting to ascertain that, Mr. Sarda," Seraphimus said without looking back. "Whoever knows the truth about our mysterious, malevolent unicorn should hopefully know the whereabouts of your companion. I implore you to be patient."

Sarda huffed, folding his forelimbs with a frown aimed at Dillon.

Keris cleared his throat. "Mr. Dillon..."


"If you and any other pony at the top have no clue as to Ms. Longaze's current whereabouts..." He craned his feathered neck to the side. "Mayhaps you'll know another pony within your facility who might?"


"Would you kindly direct us to the last ponies—executives or otherwise—who did see her last?" Seraphimus asked.

"Awwwwwwww rats," Rainbow Dash grumbled.

"What?" Twilight Sparkle phased through the edge of a building to join her at streetside. "What is it?!"

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwww rats," Rainbow repeated, glaring across the street.

"Wowie!" Pinkie floated to a stop. "This place is a real steam party!"

"Oh my..." Rarity grimaced, staring at a veritable flood of ponies in the street ahead of them.

The final path between Rainbow Dash and her destination was filled with workers trotting back and forth, carrying supplies and drawing wagons. If that wasn't enough, a group of three dozen or so ponies in uniform stood on the sidelines, sharing a communal midday break as they chatted and rambled up a storm.

"Fluttershy?" Twilight Sparkle looked over Rainbow. "Are you sure this is the right place?"

Fluttershy nervously nodded. "Y-yes." She pointed forward. "See that large, three-story building there?"

"You mean across the big mosh pit of uniformed laborers?" Pinkie squeaked.

"Shhhh!" Twilight frowned. "Pinkie..."

"They're on the second story of that building," Fluttershy said. "And they're very weak."

"I'm sensing three sets of iron chains," Rarity said. "I... I do believe the stallions are tied up in some fashion. Manacled."

"Well, that's not our first big problem," Rainbow said.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow pointed through the crowd.

Her marefriends craned their necks to see four large muscular stallions standing before sliding metal doors of the large building. Their facial muscles were tight, frowning, and they looked considerably more tense than the rest of the ponies trotting to and fro across the paved street.

"Uhhhhhm..." Rarity gulped. "Perhaps they've crossed paths with the dastardly unicorn?"

"Probably her friggin' coltfriends," Rainbow grumbled. She sighed, looking across the crowd. "I was expecting one goon, maybe two... but not a bunch of marines keeping watch over a sweat convention."

"Well, it's only four of 'em, Dashie!" Pinkie grinned. "You've kicked harder flank before!"

"Somehow, I doubt these Consortium Clowns are gonna be a happy audience."

"Heehee!" Pinkie giggled. "'Consortium Clowns!' I like that! Mind if I steal it?"

"Focus, girls," Twilight insisted. "Rarity, is there another entrance that Rainbow can take to get inside the building?"

"I'm trying to get a read on it," Rarity said, wincing slightly. "There's just... s-so much random clutter inside. The pipework is driving my senses crazy..."

"Uhm... I-I hate to make this more stressful," Fluttershy said. "But the Talon is getting closer."

"Yeesh! Do those catbirds have built-in radar or what?!" Pinkie barked.

"Just stay cool," Rainbow Dash droned, eyes locked on the four guards and the entrance. "Those four punks are the key. They wouldn't be here if it weren't for the fact that they're hiding the three stallions. If we can get them to... like... stop bouncin' for this friggin' building, then we'll be in the clear."

"Then maybe you should give them something better to bounce!" Pinkie chirped.

Rainbow blinked aside. "Huh?"

"You ever been to a professional wrestling event, Dashie? Miss Cheerilee used to tell me it's the bomb"!

"... ... ...the buck are you talking about, Pinkie?"

"Anyways, they always have these dudes in yellow shirts at those events who rush into the crowd and break things up when stuff gets rowdy!"

"Are you going somewhere with this, darling?" Rarity asked. "Because, if so, you know very well that none of us can accurately bounce to your rhythm."

Pinkie pointed at the crowd. "If there's a big fuss, then abandon their posts they must!" She winked. "I just now thought of that."

"Pinkie Pie..." Twilight sighed, shaking her head. "If you think for one moment that Rainbow Dash is actually going to bring more attention to herself by risking a spontaneous riot, then you've got another thing com—"

Rainbow Dash stepped towards a circle of workers standing on the street curb. She took a deep breath, squatted low, and belched in a deep voice: "Were your born that ugly? Or is your collar taking a huge crap?"

A stallion turned around. "H-huh?"

Whap! Rainobw bucked him hard in the rear.

"Ooomf!" He bumped into three other ponies in uniform.

"H-hey!" One spilled his canteen of water and frowned in the smoggy air. "Watch it!"

Meanwhile, Rainbow had slinked to the other side of the group. She cupped a pair of hooves around her muzzle: "Oh yeah?! You look like a manticore made love to a windigo!" And she bucked another pony in the rear.

"Ooof!" The worker stumbled forward, accidentally clipping another pony's jaw with her forelimb. "What the—?! Where did that—?!"

"Friggin' moron!" Another mare shoved her, frowning. "What's gotten into you?!"

Rainbow snuck through the crowd, which was growing louder and angrier. "You're the worst thing to happen to the Month of Thawing since midnighters burned a bunch of farms to the ground!" Sweeping her leg out, she tripped three ponies into one another. "Yeah, well, your mother clops to colonialist magazines!"

"That's a lie!" One stallion punched the ever-loving snot out of another worker. "My mother's a saint!"

"Rrrrgh! You stinkin' jerk!"



Soon, the crowd crunched together as flying hooves and bucking limbs were exchanged between rattling skulls. The hazy air filled with a tumult as the large fight grew even larger, consuming a good chunk of the street. Those who weren't fighting stopped what they were doing and turned to gawk at the furious melee.

Twilight Sparkle blinked. With a groan, she rolled her eyes then dipped her muzzle into a prolonged face-hoof.

"Hey! Lookie! Lookie, Twi!" Pinkie pointed.

"Mrmmmfffgh..." Twilight grumbled. "But what if I don't want to look?"

"Then look anyways, silly!" Pinkie stuck her tongue out.

Twilight finally gazed up with dull eyes.

The four guards craned their neck, observing the rowdy fight with concern. At last, they murmured to one another, nodded, and abandoned their post. Galloping across the street, they threw themselves into the free-for-all, using their large muscles to slowly break up the commotion.

"Smashing!" Rarity grinned with sudden enthusiasm. She looked aside. "Rainbow?"

"Don't need to tell me twice." Rainbow scampered across the street, keeping a low profile. At last, she reached the metal doors and took a cautious glance over her shoulder. Once she was certain that nopony in the crowd was looking, she pushed against the sliding entrance with all her might. "Rrnnnngh!"

"Other way, darling," Rarity said.

"Er, right..." Rainbow wheezed, switching positions. "I knew that." She shoved until the doors opened just a crack...

...and she slipped inside like a blue blur.

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