• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,097 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Red Barge Is Death, Life

Slowly, Swab's eyes fluttered open. He blinked, squinting curiously at his surroundings.

The brig loomed around the colt. The walls and ceiling still shook from the distant thuds of the fight. Across the debris-riddled floor, Swab spotted Croche. The filly was craning her neck, peering deep into Rainbow's cell.

Swab stirred. Wincing, he stood up, teetered slightly, then hobbled his way closer to the bars. As he approached the cell, Rainbow's raspy voice gradually came into focus.

“Are you doing okay, Flutters?” A pause. “I know... I know. I... I'd be lying if I told you it'll get better. The only thing violence is good for is getting more violent.” Another pause. “No. That... that doesn't mean that I've changed my mind about... mmmrff... you know...”

More thuds. Swab had gone far beyond flinching. He stood besides Croche. She glanced at him, gulped, then resumed staring into the cell.

A petite pegasus stood in the shadows, huddled, staring into empty space.

“I know this is different. Doesn't make things any... less terrible. Then or now. But darn it... can't you get them to open their eyes? Even now?” She hugged herself, shivering suddenly. Her muzzle clenched, and ultimately she squeaked forth: “Don't you see, girls? I know you're there... somewhere. I know you can hear me. All of this? All of this horrible crud? We can stop it! I have the power! We have the power! If you would j-just... come out. Let me see and feel beyond these walls... I... I can make a difference. I can get it all to stop. Yes it will be violent. Messy even. But when does it all end? It won't finish itself! That's where the Austraeoh—... ... ...that's where I come in. It's not an easy truth... or a fun one. But it's an awesome one. And if there's something you girls never got the chance to figure out about me, it's that... th-that being awesome isn't always about fun or winning. Sometimes... sometimes you gotta lose awesomely too. And I've lost... I-I've lost so much, girls. That's why I am who I am now, but this new me needs you still. This whole stinkin' world needs you... here and there... and beyond.

She buried her face in her hooves, shuddering.

“Please. If you won't listen to me, then listen to Fluttershy. Hear her crying. You're as much a part of that as... as I am. As all of this is... please... we can't hide from it any longer. Stop. Stop h-hiding from me. Please... please... oh Goddess please...”

Slowly, one limping hoof after another, Quint and Whony climbed over a soot-stained bulkhead. An inordinate amount of blood stained their coats, as well as the foals gathering tightly behind him. The orphans collectively stared at the lengths of Red Barge—cluttered with bodies, blood, and limbs.

Off in the distance, the pirates were regrouping. They picked up weapons, blades, and polearms—all glistening in a brilliant plume of fire.

Quint turned, squinting at the northwest horizon.

“What happened to the slaver's ships?” Whony wheezed.

Quint shuddered. “...I think they happened all over the seven seas from that last blast.”

“That's it,” a colt whimpered. “We're done for.”

“Quiet...” Quint exhaled.

“They'll drag us to mudtop, skin us, and use us for manure bags—”

“I said shut up!” Quint snarled. He pointed. “Fight's not over.”

“But Quint,” Whony remarked. “Looks like Skagra's got all the dredgers gathered in the center. Shouldn't we join them?”

Quint exhaled heavily. “Not gonna make much of a friggin' difference.”

“Huh? Why not?”

“Because once those ships open fire again,” Quint said, gesturing at the three pirate ships bearing down on the unprotected western struts of Red Barge. “...we're done for.”

“Ah jeez...” Whony winced. “See them turning broadside?”

“It's now or ever,” Quint said, ice blue eyes darting about. “All on Skagra.”

“Uhhhh...” Nixkit gulped, pointing at the northwest horizon. “...boss?”

Skagra stood up on a pile of crates, narrowing his uneven eyes on the burning horizon. Digiff and several other bloodsoaked dredgers shuffled up, gazing alongside him.

The pirate ships pivoted into position. All of their cannons extended from their starboard sides—doubly-loaded and directly facing the Barge.

“They're gonna douse us with the rest of Chandler's generosity,” Skagra slurred. “Then scurry in and peel the Rainbow Rogue's flesh from the bulkheads if they have to.”

“Shit on a fish stick...” Digiff exhaled.

Keris took a deep breath. He glanced behind at the huddled, sobbing families all gathered along the central platform. “Move them southeast. Position them behind the central towers and smokestacks.” He looked at Skagra. “Your office and the building supporting it are the most secure structures above sea level. They'll hold.”

“No...” Skagra muttered.

Keris' beak rattled. “No?!”

“If we're going to win this battle, then every dredger on board must witness what we stand to lose, otherwise the fight dwindles.”

“Spoken like a true psychopath!” Keris hollered.

“No.” Skagra shook his scarred head. “Spoken like the truest psychopath.” He turned to glare sideways at the griffon. “This ain't a sanctuary to your goddess, birdie. You gotta make love to chaos to run it.” Schiiing! Producing a dagger, he started trotting towards the company of pirates two struts away. “And I'm the loverboy this damn Barge needs.” His nostrils flared. “It's as simple as it bloats out here in the seven seas. Cruelty is my most loyal mistress, and I'll be damned if I let her retire.”

“You have mares and foals to protect!” Keris shouted. He gestured at the towers above them. “You have the resources—!”

“Dredgers of Red Barge...” Nixkit somberly picked up a spare polearm and marched right after Skagra. “...we have a battle to win.”

Digiff and several others marched along with him, advancing forward—facing the pirates and the three ships beyond.

“Stop! Will you please stop and think for yourselves for once?!” Keris stumbled after them. In desperation, he perched high on a stack of crates and shouted: “For the Goddess' sake!” He pointed at Skagra. “I know this monster has scarred your bodies and your children's bodies for life!” He sneered. “But do not let him scar your soul! There has to be a better way! A smarter way!”

“Red Barge is life. Red Barge is death. There is nothing beyond,” Skagra said. “Your holy Talon believes this as much as we do, birdie. Now either give it up or join us. I promise...” He used the dagger to toss his bangs aside—they only drooped back. “...it's gonna get really juicy.”

“They're about to light up!” Digiff shouted, eyes on the centralmost ship and its cannons.

“Dredgers...!” Nixkit hollered.

The pirates came charging towards them, galloping and leaping over the bulkheads.

Skagra's muzzle half-smirked. “...time to turn the muck red.”

But just as the dredgers began their return charge—

POWWWW! The centermost pirate ship exploded... but not with its own cannonfire. The bulkheads of the Barge glistened yet again as the vessel and its contents were blown sky-high in a brilliant red plume of flame.

The chargings pirates stopped in their tracks, turning around.

Skagra, Nixkit, and Digiff stumbled, gaping.

Even Keris was left breathless.

In the far distance...

...a massive metal shape plowed through the smoldering remains of its sister ship. Monket's vessel was viciously battle-scarred, with savage chunks of its hull missing from its port side. Nevertheless, the steamship chugged tenaciously forward. Even at a wicked lean, the slaver managed to bring the craft around so that its starboard side cannons faced the opposition.

The stallion in question gripped the rudder wheel himself. Burnt and blood-stained, he nevertheless sported a haunting grin. The ends of his dreadlocks sputtered with sparks and ashes as he hollered over his shoulder, “Are the cannons reloaded?!”

The few remaining crew members who were not dead or maimed complied. “Armed and ready!”

“Aim for the rear hold!” Monket pointed over the splashing waves at the northernmost pirate ship. “That's where its ordinance is! Hit it fast! Hit it deep!”

“On your mark, master!”

Monkert spat: “Fire!



Burning hot projectiles sailed into the pirate ship... and then there was no pirate ship. The thing blew apart into three pieces, tossing splinters and meaty scraps of once-privateers high into the air. The debris was burning even as it sank underwater. Monket's ship rolled through it, curving northeast as it came about to aim at the last remaining pirate vessel.

As for the skiff in question, the crew members on board were floundering about. With panicked shrieks, they formed a hasty retreat, sailing off torwards the northwest as fast as their ship could carry them.

“They're trying to escape sir!” One of the servants hollered, reloading the cannons with a final payload. “If we bring her about, we just might be able to graze them—”

“No.” Monket exhaled. He turned about, leaning with a slumped sigh against the rudder-wheel. “Let them go.” His bruised face bore a pale grin. “Let them return to speak of their defeat. I want Mudtop to know all that's happened today... so that when I return there...” His pale red eyes narrowed. “...they'll treat Skagra like a king... and myself like a god.”

“They're retreating!” Digiff hollered. “You see that! Hah! That octopus-headed bastard bucked them over big time!”

“Mother of muck...” Nixkit exhaled. He leaned against his grip of a polearm. “...he actually came through.”

“Just goes to show...” Skagra stifled a yawn while several of the dredgers and families behind them broke into hysterical cheering. “A Monket in the hoof is worth two really big, smelly ones in the sea.”

Meanwhile, the pirates still left on board the Barge began to stammer and yelp in panic. Several of them waved wildly at the retreating vessel, screaming at the skiff to turn back. There was no response, of course, and soon the invaders found themselves stranded in the middle of a floating sea of metal and rust. One by one, they shivered... trotting... then running... then full-force galloping towards the westernmost struts where most of the damage was. Any of the pirate pegasi still left in the sky sped off for random horizons, ditching the battle altogether.

“Look at them...” Digiff snorted. “What are they going to do? Swim back to Mudtop?”

“Why don't you let them reach Mudbottom?” Skagra pointed forward with is dagger. “'Pirates' are on the menu, boys!”

“You heard the boss!” Nixkit grinned wickedly, galloping forward. “Show no mercy!”

“Yaaaaaaaugh!” Digiff joined him.

In swift order, the forces of Red Barge galloped westward, chasing the pirates—overtaking them and slicing and dicing the pleading attackers to bloody bits.

All the while, Keris hollered, shrieked: “No! Don't! Can't you see?! They've given up! You don't have to do this!” He sneered through his beak. “Please! You don't have to live this way! There's no need for any more violence! The battle is over! The battle is won! Blessed Verlaxion! Isn't this Barge painted red enough?!

“Ohhhhh birdie birdie birdie...” Skagra paced leisurely behind the squawking griffon. He picked up a loose length of pipe, then swung it hard. “...how I sicken of your insufferable parrot shrieks.”

Keris was too slow to dodge—CLANG! “Ooomf!” The Lieutenant stumbled over. His expert muscles kicked in, and he nearly stood himself back up—only to receive a second blow to the spine. WHACK! “Unnngh!” he fell hard to his chest, wincing.

“Hrmmmfff... takes a licking and keeps on pissing me off...” Cl-Clack! Skagra dropped the pipe and trotted around. His body briefly blocked the bloodbath way ahead of Keris as he knelt to stare into the griffon's eyes. “Looks like you've outlived your usefulness. Back into the birdhouse with you, buddy boy.” He motioned towards a pair of dredgers, and they dragged Keris' numb body away. “Time for me to get back to work.”

“Mrmmff... please...” Keris hissed, his vision swimming. Magenta hawkeyes darted left and right, catching the sobbing faces of families and the thousand-mile-stare of orphans. “...somepony... stop... st-stop...” And he was out like a light, his dazed mind flashing through a million violent memories before finally surrendering to unconsciousness.

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